[x] Plan: Preparation
-[x] To Harmonize
--[x] 2 AP
-[x] Lethal Ghosts
-[x] Fellow Guests
-[x] Echoes (Practical)
--[x] Let QM pick the Potential(s)
-[x] Practised Restraint
-[x] Underpinned
-[x] Talk with Kalilah about recent revelations, to help steady her soul.
-[x] Sharing a meal with the Adamant's command staff would let you listen to their concerns, and maybe learn from them too.
[X] Plan preparing for what comes next:
-[X] Matrix Webs
-[x] Lethal Ghosts
-[x] Fellow Guests
-[x] Underpinned
-[X] Echoes (Theoretical)
-[x] Practised Restraint
--[x] 2 AP
-[x] Talk with Kalilah about recent revelations, to help steady her soul.
-[X] Relax and train with your Heartcircle. Keeping your edge in combat sharp is more important now than it ever was. And it's good to share time together.
[X] Plan: Digging Inward
-[X] Exploration
--[X] Blazing a Trail - Locate and establish a Trailblazer-package outpost inside the current area of interest (an area roughly the size of a mid-sized ocean) on Origin Four-Fifteen. This will give you a safe location on the moon to shelter, store material or data, or even leave a research team behind when the Adamant moves on to investigate the Consolat homeworld.
--[X] Insight's Ways - Now that you're present above Four-Fifteen, Elil can try to find his way to the place that he felt on the planet. He doesn't know exactly where it is, but he's more than willing to try and isolate it. [Requires Elil]
--[X] Path of Peace - Investigate the point of interest Elil said was present on the moon using the connection that Mir almost formed with the place. If he did it once, accidentally, it should be possible to do it again. [Requires Mir]
-[X] Investigation
--[X] Fellow Guests - The Shiplord science vessel in orbit of the Origin is clearly here for a reason. It's unlikely that you'll be able to discover it from a distance, but looking at where its investigations are focused could be useful by itself. Making an effort to work out the capabilities of the ship would also make Jane more comfortable.
-[X] Research
--[X] Underpinned - With a solid proof now in hand of who created the Secrets, Mary wants to continue her work on understanding how the Consolat actually did it. This could well prove crucial in the weeks to come. [Research AP]
--[X] Echoes (Theoretical) - As the practical version of this option, but starting from a theoretical baseline. This will have slower progress, but will also have no possibility of triggering a Miracle that could potentially break your cover.
--[X] Visions in the Jump - You saw a glimpse of the place where you met Tahkel when jumping to the Fourth Sorrow, and it had two figures there, one of them who looked human. Try to work out how that happened, and how to reach back to that place without requiring another jump. [Requires Amanda]
-[X] Personal
--[X] Sharing a meal with the Adamant's command staff would let you listen to their concerns, and maybe learn from them too.
--[X] Relax and train with your Heartcircle. Keeping your edge in combat sharp is more important now than it ever was. And it's good to share time together.