The Second Calamity War (Supreme Commander/Gundam IBO)

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A war of Man, Machine, and those in-between.

A/N: Truth be told I...

Spktr Alpha

A somewhat insane Sci-Fi lover

A war of Man, Machine, and those in-between.

A/N: Truth be told I love Gundam and SupCom ... but the fact is that I am A) a shitty RTS Player (despite an RTS Fan :oops:) and B) I to my shame have only watched at most 75% of any Gundam.. because I didn't want so see the usually depressing endings :cry:. I've been a fan of both and after looking at Cpl_Facehugger 's Luv & Hate Quest as well as prometheus110 's new Titanomachy, which is a SupCom/Horizon: ZD quest based off of the former; so with that said I am (shamelessly) following the leader this time.

When Iok Kujan barged into the Martian Dig sit he revived the Nightmare of the Calamity War. The Mobile Armor Hashmal... was one of many. From the inert depths of Mars and the Deep Seas of Earth to the very edge of Sol itself they rose up.... and humanity was once again forced to survive against its greatest mistake. It was only two months ago that it had started .. and hundreds of thousands have already died. But in the Sands of Mars Tekkadan detects a strange power source one that the Mobile Armors for some reason are converging upon.

Without hesitation Orga sends a team to investigate... and what they find is a lone Mobile Suit ... standing in the middle of a graveyard of Mobile Armors. It was of unknown make and design but for what it was ... it was the turning point of the war.
[ ][Faction] UEF
First in, Last out. A UEF Commander is the best of the best and you held the damn line whether it was the Aeon or the Aliens. Your story isn't special, never has, never will. You signed up and then graduated the academy because you had a duty to fulfill. You and your men fought and died doing your duty. Nothing more, nothing less. You weren't pinnacle to the vicotry in the Decisive Battle; you were a little cog but you were the best damn cog possible.
+Jack of All Trades
-Maser of None

[ ][Faction] Aeon

When the last of the Seraphim died they whispered into your ancestor's ear a warning of the Heretics. A warning unheeded. A warning that many would soon learn to regret. The colony of Seraphim II were made of the last of those who believed that The Way was a thing to be shared for it meant peace, love, and understanding; traits twisted by the zealots both human and alien. When you joined the Warriors you, like your ancestors, fought to defend the Aeon, not to conquer in its name and such your record is always about your role in defensive actions. When the Heretics came the traitorous Order bowed to them as 'Gods' you were the first to side with the Princess, establishing the defenses and refuges for the loyalists. When the time came for the final battle you did what had to be done. End of story.
+Psychic Powers
-Psychic Powers

[ ][Faction] Cybran

You dreamed of freedom from your people. Free of tyranny, bigotry, and slavery. That was why you joined the Cybran Resistance even if you were as frail as a twig. You couldn't just hide in your Node like your brothers and sisters. It wasn't freedom. No. Never was. Never will. Only until every last Symbiont was free of the Loyalty Program and the UEF and Aeon had been pushed back would say that your job is done. But Black Sun happened and in the end you are forced to work with those who once despised you and what you stood for. In the end when other ACUs dropped around you you took up the burden; the strain of mentally commanding over tens of thousand units was going to kill you ... but it was necessary.
+You are a master multi-tasker, able to micro-manage tens of thousands of warmachines at once
+Cyber Warfare specialist

-Despite the Cybernetics you have poor health

[ ][Faction] Independent
There are those who refused to take a side in the Infinite War. Some were nothing more than Warlords or Petty Kingdoms carved out out of the galaxy but many also were those who fled the war wishing to live in peace. But when the Seraphim came they too were forced to join the Coalition. Armed with old/obsolete warmachines and converted civilian tech they were a ragtag militia that struggled .... but still persisted. Many looked down upon you but with the little you had you fought an unwinnable guerilla war and made the Xenos bleed for every inch in a last stand that kept the Aliens away from the Rift.
+You can fight on the run with limited resources
+Special Operations Coordinator

-Besides production and shields your forces are actually outclassed.

[ ][Faction] Seraphim

While the Order of the Illuminate considerd your people 'Gods' only you could theoretically be called one. You are a Psychic of unimaginable power ... and unimaginable volatility. The savages and abominations of your home realm fear your power as much as your people did. It was why you voluntarily let them seal you away. And why, when they were on the brink of defeat that they roused you from your slumber. But what you saw wasn't a noble people in dire need of help but rather blinded mad men. Reveling in slaughter rather than to prevent it, to use the impure Othuy as a weapon, and to corrupt The Way with their hate-filled arrogance... no. You did what must be done. Though your power was still limited and with hundreds of Othuy unleashed against you you helped the Humans do what must be done. You closed the Rift and used what remaining energy you had to make sure it was permanent.
+Practically the God Emperor of Seraphim-Kind
-Your powers are very, very weak due to battle damage and the Limiters
-You are obviously an Alien and people will be nervous around you
-You are VERY unfamiliar with human culture
-You are a BIG target regardlesof who you are

[ ][Third Cross] No Crossover
[ ][Third Cross] Other Gundam Timelines

There are other Colonies out there. Some who see the chaos as an opportunity.
[ ][Third Cross] Vers
The Vers are an isolated Martian Group. Not much is known about them other than the fact that they are very well armed and secretive.
[ ][Third Cross] BETA
You aren't sure where the hell they came from but they are all big, ugly, and want to eat everything.
[ ][Third Cross] OGT and Vers
[ ][Third Cross] Vers and BETA
[ ][Third Cross] OGT and BETA

[ ][Third Cross] All Three
[ ][Third Cross] Write-in
NOTE: Convince me first
Alright, the only Gundam I've ever seen was 00, so I have no idea what's going on or going to happen. Regardless, you have magnanimously given the choice of a unique faction, one I've never seen before. Because of that, my vote must be for it:

[X][Faction] Independent

I hope to find out just how well we can manage in a war we might very well be outclassed in again.

(The recent resource/project picking going on in Titanomachy might've also had something to do with finding "Fighting on the run with limited resources" very appealing all of a sudden).

Also, my crossover pick as of now:

[X][Third Cross] No Crossover
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[X][Faction] Independent

[X][Third Cross] All three PLUS THE TYRANNIDS from warhammer
What? I just wanna see the universe burn.
[x][Faction] UEF
[x][Third Cross] Other Gundam Timelines

[x][Faction] UEF

I disagree with the whole master of none thing though. UEF has the best base defence with the Ravager for example.
[-][Faction] Independent

Look, we know nothing about this techtree, so we get to see stuff we've got no experience with, and production and shields are a big deal in a long-term fight. Hell, our factories might be semi-mobile or particularly fast to build. If we have mobile resources, we have a huge advantage because we can pack up and leave when a force we can't beat comes by, losing next to nothing.

We can probably make up the tech disparity eventually, but we start this with nothing. Everything has to be set up on the spot, and we're in a war right off the bat. Being able to go hit and run all the way along, right from the start, with personal experience dealing with being considerably more outclassed than we are here, gives us plenty of opportunity to win.
[X][Faction] Seraphim
[X][Third Cross] No Crossover

No SV, you are the Kaworu. Also I love the whole alien learning human culture subplot.
Inserted tally

EDIT: Counting SB + SV says UEF & Other Gundam Timelines wins
Adhoc vote count started by Spktr Alpha on Jan 21, 2018 at 6:15 PM, finished with 18 posts and 14 votes.
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[x][Faction] Aeon
[x][Third Cross] Other Gundam Timelines

Bitches don't know that Newtypes are just babies.
I've decided to have two seperate stories since there is an overlap of players. So that said... FINAL TALLY:
Adhoc vote count started by Spktr Alpha on Jan 23, 2018 at 3:14 PM, finished with 21 posts and 15 votes.
The UEF Man
The UEF Man

A/N: I've decided to have two seperate stories since there is an overlap of players.
[-] UEF
[-] Other Gundam Timelines

You are still on Mars. you were here right before it all ended. Driving Order and Alien from their bases on the red planet. Preventing them from sending support to their colleagues near the rift. It should have killed you. And yet ... you are still here .... or at least still one Mars. You find yourself alone for some reason. Just you and your ACU in the middle of nowhere where not even a single Mech Marine wreck. Regular Comms aren't working and Quantum Comms give you nothing but static.

It was instinctive that a Commander builds. Whether they were stranded, under attack, or simply far from friendly territory the idea was the same: Build a God Damn Base.

A small clump of T1 Power Generators and Land Factories spring up. Then Point defense and finally the Radar. Strangely enough you get nothing on Radar. Just interference... like there was jamming. Immediately after the next Engineer rolls off a handful of T1 Snoop land scouts are quickly built and sent off in eight directions.

You see nothing but desert but only a few minutes in the connections for all of the scouts begin to die. One by one you lose the feed and then came the sound of distant explosions. Not good. The Engineers are set to work building up walls and guns and you send an armed scouting party of both Snoops and Mech Marines, both set to use Quantum. Your units manage to reach the wrecks of your first wave of scouts and find that they aren't alone. Around them T1 LABs emerged from the sand, Looking somewhat like Horseshoe crabs and armed with a pair of forward arm blades and railgun at its mouth. Immediately both sides start to exchange fire. The Crabs giving as much as they take. You look away as the last of the scout units are destroyed and set to work preparing your Base for battle.

Mass Extractors work overtime, pumping more material into the Protocrafters as more factories and turrets come online as on the horizon dozens more LABs were descending upon your location. Striker Tanks and Lobo Artillery roll out to meet with the swelling Mech Marine Ranks but enemy numbers are inceasing faster than you can add to yours. Mag rounds fly back and forth. The wrecks being to pile up as the Martian Red Desert begins to burn.

Your economy tanks but its necessary. You are limited and in danger. And it gets worse. A massive violet-pink beam swipes across the battlefield and the entire front line goes up. Experimental-level firepower. Its source from a bird-like machine. T3.5. Because it was too powerful to be T3 ... and too numerous to be T4.

You rush to T2, sacrificing ground to do so just so you can bring something heavier into the fight. Pillar Heavy Tanks. A pair of heavy Gauss Cannons and enough armor to weather the blast if only for a few more moments. Their twin cannons roar, slamming into the birds like a rain of sledgehammers. They stumble back, some even showing signs of faltering as the weight of the shells wears away their armor. Yet still they push.

You bring out more T2. Mongooses, Flapjacks, all of them holding the line but they are pushed back. The Bird Beam weapons simply to powerful and your machines simply not used to fighting CQC as the Crabs and Birds begin to descend into melee range. They come close and closer and eventually the Turrets come online. Heavy Gauss and Plasma shots join the barrage and yet again the line stops.

You are in the deep red and have no avenue of escape. So you harden yourself. Fight or Die. With the unknown bots held down for the moment your Engineers managed to get the T2 Fixed Guns online. The massive Klink Hammers activate and rather than line their barrels up they are aimed parallel, rarely have you used direct-fire but this was one of those times. The T2 Artillery roars, its shells through sheer impact and relative close proximity sends the Birds flying or sprawling on the ground before even the explosives go of. What remains is crippled and by the second or third time the last Bird falls; and oddly enough the Crabs shut down as well.

You breath a sigh of relief and move to begin cleanup but all of sudden a Bird reactivates, in a sudden burst of speed it appears in front of you and its spiked tail hits home on the ACU. Your bots and turrets react to slow and the T3.5's beam scythes through your small base. You curse, preparing to eject just as the Bird's feet stomps on your Mech, its talons sinking into crush you.

Then you hear an explosion and then another and another. In the corner of your eye you see a group of manned mechs, Operators. Railgun and Conventional Guns beat back the machine just as the lead, as a massive four-armed brown mech tackles the Bird....

...and pulls out a pair of giant scissors.

You blink. Wondering why the hell he/she has it and acknowledging its effectiveness as it crushes the center mass of the Bird in a display of strength.

With the deed done the Brown Machine helps your Mech up and he begins to speak ... something ... you honestly can't understand him.

You try to speak Earth Empire Standard English but you can hear the confusion in his tone.

[ ] Gesture them to Wait
-[ ] You want to finish reclaiming and repairing
-[ ] You try to go through an archive of old languages
[ ] Shake your head
-[ ] You are staying here and not following them
-[ ] You want to go your separate way.

You have woken up in a Martian Desert that shows no sign of the battle against Seraphim and Order forces. You built a base before suddenly getting attacked by unknown drones and despite your best efforts was nearly killed if not for an unknown group of mechs coming to rescue you. Unfortunately you don't know what your rescuers are saying.


[ ] Male
[ ] Female

[ ] Cold Killing Machine
[ ] Deadpan Troll
[ ] Hedonist Partier
[ ] Hotblooded Punk
[x] Gesture them to Wait
-[x] You try to go through an archive of old languages

[x] Female
[x] Hotblooded Punk
[x]Gesture them to Wait
-[x] You try to go through an archive of old languages

[x] Male

[X] Deadpan Troll