[x] [MEETING] Challenge the shaman to show your power
-[X] Death of Obsidian Butterflies (Emerald Circle). Exalted, p. 217. Calls forth a cascade of obsidian butterflies over a football-field-sized area.
-[X] Emerald Countermagic (Emerald Circle). Exalted, p. 218. Counters or wards against a Emerald Circle or lower magic.
-[X] Calling the Gulls with Beaks of Steel (Emerald Circle). Outcaste, p. 94-95. Conjures up a horde of birds with steel beaks to attack the sorcerer's enemies. Good vs. sailing ships.
-[X] Summon Elemental (Emerald Circle). Exalted, p. 219. Summons an elemental for a single task or a month's service.