[X] Plan I Survived Vietnam Solar Ruins
-[X] Elemental Concentration Trance (speeds up learning)
--[X] Eternal Mind Meditation (perfect memory)
-[X] Spirit Detecting Mirror Technique (sees intangible spirits) (super useful anti-Daemon/spirit/wizard's familiar spying on us technique)
--[X] Spirit Grounding Shout (forces intangible spirits to materialize)
--[X] Spirit Shredding Attack (badly harms and PERMAKILLS SPIRITS) (best anti-Daemon thing we've got)
-[X] Shaping Hand Style (we don't need no tools)
-[X] Second Craft Excellency - Essence Triumphant (adds 1 automatic success on relevant Craft roll per 2 motes of essence spent. Practically a requirement, I leave it to the QM to balance that in-quest)
[X] Plan I Survived Vietnam Solar Ruins v2 Bureaucrat Boogaloo
-[X] Elemental Concentration Trance (speeds up learning)
--[X] Eternal Mind Meditation (perfect memory)
-[X] Spirit Detecting Mirror Technique (sees intangible spirits) (super useful anti-Daemon/spirit/wizard's familiar spying on us technique)
--[X] Spirit Grounding Shout (forces intangible spirits to materialize)
--[X] Spirit Shredding Attack (badly harms and PERMAKILLS SPIRITS) (best anti-Daemon thing we've got)
-[X] Confluence of Savant Thought (SUPER-BUREAUCRAT, AWAAAAYYYY!) (as opposed to Shaping Hands Method)
-[X] Second Craft Excellency - Essence Triumphant (adds 1 automatic success on relevant Craft roll per 2 motes of essence spent. Practically a requirement, I leave it to the QM to balance that in-quest)