The realm of the Silver Talons is a quest about a space marine chapter getting cut off from the rest of the empire and the realm they found afterward. Votes will be by plan with dice representing the ability to govern combined with picking deployment for the military.
The creation of a space marine chapter is a process that takes several decades from the moment the first gene seed is implanted till the last of their ships are ready to fight. The Silver Talons are about halfway through this process and have just gotten their first cruiser and three hundred scouts have been promoted to tactical marines.
The Silver Talons are a successor chapter of the Ultramarines created to expand imperial control over the eastern fringes of the galaxy. Its chapter master is Justinian Maximus who captured a space hulk that contained a strike cruiser lost during the great crusade. It was decided that this ship would be the first ship of a new chapter of the Ultra marines and that Justinian would command the new chapter.
Below you is the feudal world of Grayston where you have spent the last year fighting the orcs but now they have been defeated you are joining the rest of the forces there on their voyage to the forge world of Konos to resupply.
Here they would never arrive as a warp storm erupted the moment they entered the warp and pushed them far of course. It was the will of the emperor that they survived but they arrived deep into the eastern fringes beyond the light of the astormicom and the navigators of the fleet did not survive the storm.
The leadership of the fleet met and decided to conquer the sector they had ended up in as its ships were too heavily damaged to survive the journey back to the Empire. It was decided that Justinian would rule as the closest repetitive of the emperor and the remaining commanders would become part of a senate inspired by the High Lords of Terra.
[Difficulty] Easy
The quest starts with several turns where the chapter and its fleet are trapped in a single system by a warp storm. There is a habitable world inhabited by about 500M and 1860s technology.
[Difficulty] Average
The quest starts in a system with a habitable world inhabited by about 400M and 1840s technology.
[Difficulty] Hard
The quest starts in a system with no habitable worlds, several ships unable to enter the warp and the fleet needs to find a suitable word to settle soon or it will run out of food.
The core of the fleet consists of the strike cruiser and two navy transports that are too badly damaged to enter warp again without major repairs. The navy transports six regiments from Grayston and the strike cruiser all of the chapter that was on Grayston chapter but what other forces were there?
You have five general points that can be spent anywhere
Navy: The strike cruiser is designed to house space marines, support them in their mission and launch drop pods that can deploy a single company at a time(3 points).
[navy] The strike cruiser is larger and has strike craft bays holding 24 fury fighters 1 point
The strike craft bays currently hold a single thunderhawk transport and four shuttles to return the chapter and its drop pods to orbit. Expanding it with 24 fighters will provide a flexible force to provide covering fire for the ground forces and escorts for any boarding party.
[navy] The strike cruiser has been designed as the flagship for a chapter 1 point
All cruisers built for the space marines have all facilities needed to support a company on a campaign. Yours is larger with additional workshops, medical bays, and storage for the chapter's relics(currently empty).
[navy] One of the escorting frigates survived the trip 1 point, can be taken twice
A sword class frigate makes a good escort and scout for our space forces.
[navy] The flagship of the escorting force, a dauntless cruiser survived 4 points
The dauntless class is one of the smaller classes of cruisers designed to serve as a scout and as flagship for smaller convoys.
[navy] Two of the transports are capable of warp travel 1 point
The transports are the weakest ships in the fleet and most are no longer capable of warp travel but two have been repaired to a point they can travel once more
Army: The core of the army is the newly raised Grayson regiments, six regiments of 10.000 men each loaded into two navy transport ships. But what other ground forces were part of the fleet(2 points)?
[army] 3 more Grayson regiments 1 point
30.000 poorly equipped troops raised from the feudal world of Grayson
[army] Fourth Pardus Armored regiment 1 point
50 tanks, 100 Chimera transports 2000 men
[army] 1st Grayson knights 1 point
4.000 mounted troops raised from the nobility on Grayston supported by 5.000 armed with las guns.
[army] Third Talasa mechanized infantry regiment 1 point
5.000 soldiers armed with las guns and transported in Chimera's
[army] 303rd imperial guard battery, 1 point
Forty Earthshaker Cannons and their crews
Chapter: As a successor chapter of the Ultramarines your fellow chapters have sent your supplies and a handful of specialists to get the chapter established(3 points).
[chapter] Transportation 1 point
You have gotten ten rhinos, a pair of razorbacks, and a pair of thunderhawk transports
[chapter] Heavy weapons 1 point
The silver Eagles send three devastator marines that you promoted to lead the first three devastator squads.
[chapter] Additional marines 1 point
Training the first batch of marines went better than expected and 30 more tactical marines were trained
[chapter] A thunderhawk gunship, 1 point, max twice
You were provided with a thunderhawk gunship and junior tech marine to fly and maintain it
Heroes: the empire is known for its heroes who can shape the course of events by their actions(2 points)
[Heroes] Tech priest Kelvin, 1 point
When the conservative candidate for the post of fabricator general won he replaced many radicals with fellow conservatives by assigning them to a new exploration initiative that got only minimal funding and supplies. Kelvin was provided a single shuttle and was told to go explore wherever the navy transport that he was assigned to was sent.
[Heroes] The Blood Raven librarian, 1 point
While you were fighting on Grayston you met a Blood Raven librarian and his honor guard that had followed his divinations that going there would allow him to do something that would greatly aid the empire.
[Heroes] Senior tech marine Damascus, 1 point
Was far more than you could hope for when you asked for a tech priest to serve as your master of the forge and specializes in the making and using of power blades.
[Heroes] Champion Valentinian, 1 point
First fought at your side while you were both scouts but as you moved up the ranks he spend all his time honing his skills with the blade. By now he is one of the best you have ever met and with Valentinian at your side, you can focus on the bigger picture.
The realm of the Silver Talons is a quest about a space marine chapter getting cut off from the rest of the empire and the realm they found afterward. Votes will be by plan with dice representing the ability to govern combined with picking deployment for the military.
In addition each turn you can make a personal vote that is tallied separately from the main plan vote where the more votes there are the larger the effect is and they will never have negative consequences.
Example vote, replace the E with an X in your plan:
[E][Difficulty] Easy
[E] Plan probably not a good idea
-[E] [navy] One of the escorting frigates survived the trip x3
-[E] [army] 3 more Grayson regiments x3
-[E] [army] 1st Grayson knights 1 point
-[E][chapter] Transportation 1 point x2
-[E][chapter] Additional marines 1 point x3
-[E][Heroes] Senior tech marine Damascus, 1 point
-[E][Heroes] Champion Valentinian
[E][personal] The Blood Raven librarian
Personal votes for options in the plan result in slightly stronger versions of the option(starts with better gear and or assistants) if it is not in the winning plan a weaker version is somewhere in the sector and can be found later on good rolls while exploring.
[X] Plan Tech Support
-[X][navy] The strike cruiser has been designed as the flagship for a chapter 1 point
-[X][navy] The strike cruiser is larger and has strike craft bays holding 24 fury fighters 1 point
-[X][navy] One of the escorting frigates survived the trip 1 point, can be taken twice x2
-[X][navy] Two of the transports are capable of warp travel 1 point
-[X][army] Third Talasa mechanized infantry regiment 1 point x2
-[X][army] 303rd imperial guard battery
-[X][army] 3 more Grayson regiments
-[X][chapter] A thunderhawk gunship, 1 point
-[X][chapter] Transportation 1 point
-[X][Heroes] Tech priest Kelvin, 1 point
-[X][Heroes] The Blood Raven librarian, 1 point
-[X][Heroes] Senior tech marine Damascus, 1 point
-[X][Heroes] Champion Valentinian
@sunrise is this Plan ok? And how does [Personal] work?
[X][Personal] The strike cruiser has been designed as the flagship for a chapter
[X] Foundations of an Empire
-[X][navy] The strike cruiser has been designed as the flagship for a chapter 1 point
-[X][navy] The strike cruiser is larger and has strike craft bays holding 24 fury fighters 1 point
-[X][navy] One of the escorting frigates survived the trip 1 point, can be taken twice x2
-[X][navy] Two of the transports are capable of warp travel 1 point
-[X][army] Third Talasa mechanized infantry regiment 1 point
-[X][army] 303rd imperial guard battery
-[X][chapter] Transportation 1 point
-[X][chapter] Heavy weapons 1 point
-[X][chapter] Additional marines 1 point x2
-[X][chapter] A thunderhawk gunship, 1 point, max twice
-[X][Heroes] Tech priest Kelvin, 1 point
-[X][Heroes] The Blood Raven librarian, 1 point
-[X][Heroes] Senior tech marine Damascus, 1 point
It seems like we need to prioritize Ships/Specialists/Geneseed. Assuming we start on the average difficulty we will need to upgrade out first planet to a civilized world quickly, and establish tithing for new brothers. To achieve that we will likely need to scout around for tech to salvage/buy/steal. Chapters are powerful so we might be able to subdue a more advanced world, but likely not without difficult to replace losses.
The plan looks fine,
When the vote closes there will be one winning plan and for each personal vote there will be something added to the fleet.
For example with two votes for "One of the escorting frigates survived the trip" and one for "Additional marines" one of the frigates starts with less damage from the warp storm and there is one more tactical marine.
At the main plan votes, this becomes simpler than its +1 per personal vote that an action gets. I will add some ways to improve how this works once i have an idea of how many voters there are.
[X][Difficulty] Easy
"the initial difficulty looks like it will only effect the early game so no point gimping ourselves at the start"
[X][navy] The strike cruiser is larger and has strike craft bays holding 24 fury fighters 1 point
[X][navy] The strike cruiser has been designed as the flagship for a chapter 1 point
"the Strick cruiser is our strongest and most flexible asset doubling down on it would be wise since will also function as the chapter's headquarters until the situation changes"
[X][navy] Two of the transports are capable of warp travel 1 point
"this should be critical for getting the most out of our attached troops while also easing the burden logistics later down the line"
[X][navy] One of the escorting frigates survived the trip 1 point, can be taken twice x2
"some frigates to screen of cruiser and escort our transports seems practical enough while doubling down on our strongest advantage void superiority"
[X][army] Fourth Pardus Armored regiment 1 point
[X][army] Third Talasa mechanized infantry regiment 1 point
[X][army] 303rd imperial guard battery, 1 point
"we already have 60,000 grunts , with these we will have some armor ,arty and mechanized forces plus the strike cruiser for air support means we have a combined arms force ready to go"
[X][chapter] Heavy weapons 1 point
[X][chapter] Transportation 1 point
[X][chapter] A thunderhawk gunship, 1 point
"we start with devastator marines already trained and equipped letting us deploy our heavies weapons from the set go , the transportation options means we have a fleet of armored transport for our land and air needs in addition to the tech marines to operate them and the extra thunderhawk means we start with a total of 3 fliers for rapid deployment uses"
[X][Heroes] Tech priest Kelvin, 1 point
"a radical tech priest means we gain access to R&D and reverse engineering options plus he can train new radical tech priests as well"
[X][Heroes] The Blood Raven librarian, 1 point
"we don't have librarians of our own and we will need someone to train our psykers when we do get them , the blood ravens come with strong and well established psyker traditions meaning when we do develop our librarians they will be an order of magnitude more able and flexible"
[X][Heroes] Senior tech marine Damascus, 1 point
"a senior tech marine means we have some one that knows his way around the most advanced of space marine exclusive gear and can make relics"
[X][Heroes] Champion Valentinian, 1 point
"from the description getting this guy will give us more actions or make our actions more effective"
[X][Difficulty] Easy
the initial difficulty looks like it will only effect the early game so no point gimping ourselves at the start
[X][navy] The strike cruiser is larger and has strike craft bays holding 24 fury fighters 1 point
[X][navy] The strike cruiser has been designed as the flagship for a chapter 1 point
the Strick cruiser is our strongest and most flexible asset doubling down on it would be wise since will also function as the chapter's headquarters until the situation changes
[X][navy] Two of the transports are capable of warp travel 1 point
this should be critical for getting the most out of our attached troops while also easing the burden logistics later down the line
[X][army] Fourth Pardus Armored regiment 1 point
[X][army] Third Talasa mechanized infantry regiment 1 point
we already have 60,000 grunts , with these we will have some armor and mechanized forces plus the strike cruiser for air support means we have a combined arms force ready to go
[X][chapter] Heavy weapons 1 point
[X][chapter] Transportation 1 point
[X][chapter] A thunderhawk gunship, 1 point
we start with devastator marines already trained and equipped letting us deploy our heavies weapons from the set go , the transportation options means we have a fleet of armored transport for our land and air needs in addition to the tech marines to operate them and the extra thunderhawk means we start with a total of 3 fliers for rapid deployment uses
[X][Heroes] Tech priest Kelvin, 1 point
a radical tech priest means we gain access to R&D and reverse engineering options plus he can train new radical tech priests as well
[X][Heroes] The Blood Raven librarian, 1 point
we don't librarians of our own and we will need someone to train our psykers when we do get them , the blood ravens come with strong and well established psyker traditions meaning when we do develop our librarians they will be an order of magnitude more able and flexible
ok, a few things i notice with your Plan
1. add a "-" before each of the sub points, else they clutter the tally.
2. you can use 5 more general points.
3. 60,000 grunts may sound much, but compared to 500M Population that is over 8000 to 1
we have several telling advantages , first our troops have technological superiority , second we have tactical superiority since I picked the options needed for combined arms warfare , third we have void superiority meaning we can glass any sort of army/fortification/city that comes against us from orbit as space marine strike cruisers are capable of both high accuracy and large scale orbital bombardment and forth we have space marines which means their is very little to stop us from lunching decapitating strikes on any target of opportunity we want like leadership figures or vital military and industrial infrastructure
The vote is still open and will be closed when I reach the point where I have written all parts of the next update that can be written without closing it.
I read the current vote as easy having 5 votes as mmgaballah included it in his plan and those voting for that plan did not include a difficulty option.
Adhoc vote count started by sunrise on May 27, 2022 at 3:30 AM, finished with 13 posts and 8 votes.
[X] Plan Tech Support
-[X][navy] The strike cruiser has been designed as the flagship for a chapter 1 point
-[X][navy] The strike cruiser is larger and has strike craft bays holding 24 fury fighters 1 point
-[X][navy] One of the escorting frigates survived the trip 1 point, can be taken twice x2
-[X][navy] Two of the transports are capable of warp travel 1 point
-[X][army] Third Talasa mechanized infantry regiment 1 point x2
-[X][army] 303rd imperial guard battery
-[X][army] 3 more Grayson regiments
-[X][chapter] A thunderhawk gunship, 1 point
-[X][chapter] Transportation 1 point
-[X][Heroes] Tech priest Kelvin, 1 point
-[X][Heroes] The Blood Raven librarian, 1 point
-[X][Heroes] Senior tech marine Damascus, 1 point
-[X][Heroes] Champion Valentinian
[X] Foundations of an Empire
-[X][navy] The strike cruiser has been designed as the flagship for a chapter 1 point
-[X][navy] The strike cruiser is larger and has strike craft bays holding 24 fury fighters 1 point
-[X][navy] One of the escorting frigates survived the trip 1 point, can be taken twice x2
-[X][navy] Two of the transports are capable of warp travel 1 point
-[X][army] Third Talasa mechanized infantry regiment 1 point
-[X][army] 303rd imperial guard battery
-[X][chapter] Transportation 1 point
-[X][chapter] Heavy weapons 1 point
-[X][chapter] Additional marines 1 point x2
-[X][chapter] A thunderhawk gunship, 1 point, max twice
-[X][Heroes] Tech priest Kelvin, 1 point
-[X][Heroes] The Blood Raven librarian, 1 point
-[X][Heroes] Senior tech marine Damascus, 1 point
[X] Plan Tech Support
-[X][navy] The strike cruiser has been designed as the flagship for a chapter 1 point
-[X][navy] The strike cruiser is larger and has strike craft bays holding 24 fury fighters 1 point
-[X][navy] One of the escorting frigates survived the trip 1 point, can be taken twice x2
-[X][navy] Two of the transports are capable of warp travel 1 point
-[X][army] Third Talasa mechanized infantry regiment 1 point x2
-[X][army] 303rd imperial guard battery
-[X][army] 3 more Grayson regiments
-[X][chapter] A thunderhawk gunship, 1 point
-[X][chapter] Transportation 1 point
-[X][Heroes] Tech priest Kelvin, 1 point
-[X][Heroes] The Blood Raven librarian, 1 point
-[X][Heroes] Senior tech marine Damascus, 1 point
-[X][Heroes] Champion Valentinian
[X] Foundations of an Empire
-[X][navy] The strike cruiser has been designed as the flagship for a chapter 1 point
-[X][navy] The strike cruiser is larger and has strike craft bays holding 24 fury fighters 1 point
-[X][navy] One of the escorting frigates survived the trip 1 point, can be taken twice x2
-[X][navy] Two of the transports are capable of warp travel 1 point
-[X][army] Third Talasa mechanized infantry regiment 1 point
-[X][army] 303rd imperial guard battery
-[X][chapter] Transportation 1 point
-[X][chapter] Heavy weapons 1 point
-[X][chapter] Additional marines 1 point x2
-[X][chapter] A thunderhawk gunship, 1 point, max twice
-[X][Heroes] Tech priest Kelvin, 1 point
-[X][Heroes] The Blood Raven librarian, 1 point
-[X][Heroes] Senior tech marine Damascus, 1 point
[X] a well rounded start
[X][Difficulty] Easy
[X][navy] The strike cruiser is larger and has strike craft bays holding 24 fury fighters 1 point
[X][navy] The strike cruiser has been designed as the flagship for a chapter 1 point
[X][navy] Two of the transports are capable of warp travel 1 point
[X][navy] One of the escorting frigates survived the trip 1 point, can be taken twice x2
[X][army] Fourth Pardus Armored regiment 1 point
[X][army] Third Talasa mechanized infantry regiment 1 point
[X][army] 303rd imperial guard battery, 1 point
[X][chapter] Heavy weapons 1 point
[X][chapter] Transportation 1 point
[X][chapter] A thunderhawk gunship, 1 point
[X][Heroes] Tech priest Kelvin, 1 point
[X][Heroes] The Blood Raven librarian, 1 point
[X][Heroes] Senior tech marine Damascus, 1 point
[X][Heroes] Champion Valentinian, 1 point
It has been three weeks since we first arrived in the Nova Britannica system and you have sent shuttles to collect the rulers of the world to the chapter's flagship. The rulers of the western half of the main continent have accepted that you represent the empire and are willing to follow your rule.
Kelvin had decided that the island kingdom of Albion is the best place to start with improving the local industry so they can supply the realm with the raw resources the techpriest require. As the are no oil deposits known at this time and producing a fusion plant with the available materials is asking for a meltdown.
State of the realm:
Transportation: unconnected railways and paddlewheeler ships
Steel: expensive small scale production
Coal: small scale production mostly used for heating homes
Industry: steam pumps at mines, water and wind powered elsewhere
Labor: limited supply as most are needed as farmers
Trained labor: very limited due to lack of education options besides apprenticeship
Stability 60/100
No additional information is available due lacking bureaucracy and communications
You have 100 resources, an income of 40 resources per turn, and two general dice that can be used anywhere.
Construction(1 die)
The construction department is responsible for all projects that can be done with a single good engineer leading a mostly untrained workforce
[]The northern railroad
The north of Albion is underdeveloped but has a coal deposit of good coal 100 kilometers away from the coast that is unused except by some local smiths as all transport out of it is done by horse drawn wagons.
0/80 15R per die, +transportation
[]Northern ports(phase 1 of 3)
The economy of northern Albion is limited by a lack of transportation one way to solve this is by expanding the existing fishing ports to handle larger ships
0/60 5R per die, +transportation
[]Improve roads(phase 1 of 10)
There are only a handful of roads that are more than tracks worn into the ground by wagons. This gives us a large list of options for improvement and once workers have been hired work can begin.
0/140 5R per die, +transportation
[]Expand coal mines(phase 1 of 4)
Coal is mostly mined for heating at this time and there are several mines where production can be increased by digging additional shafts
0/60 5R per die, +coal, -labor, -transportation
Industry(2 dice)
Under the command of the tech priest Kelvin, this department is responsible for the construction of the factories that will be the foundation of a modern economy.
[]Steam workshops
Our tech priest know how to build advanced engines but the materials needed for them are not available so its is time to create something we can mass produce.
0/60 10R per die, -trained labor
[]Londium Steelworks
The capital of Albion is the center of trade and all that is needed for a small scale steel production can be bought there. The steel here will supply our workshops for now but larger scale production is planned closer to the mines that will feed them.
0/120 10R per die -coal +steel
[]Gunmakers workshops
Inspired by the bolters of our marines the local gunsmiths have started work on an improved gun that fires a brass round filled with gunpowder as Kelvin has promised them that enough steel to produce a breach loading gun will be both available and cheaper than is currently the case.
0/120 15R per die -steel
[]New and improved Watermills
Water and wind mills are what powered the first industrial revolution and while steam and eclectic powered factories will replace them all in the coming decades building more watermills using more modern gearing systems will boost production for now.
0/40 5R per die +5R per turn
Advanced Tech(2 dice)
The Advanced Tech department is responsible for the items made by your tech priest and marines. It is under the command of Forge master Damascus
[]Build power swords(phase 1 of 4)
Damascus proposes to arm all captains, champions and sergeants with power swords. Due to the time it will take to produce the blades the production is done in phases with the captains getting equipped first.
0/200 10R per die, bonus to marine melee rolls
[]Precision tools
The creation of hundred sets of precision tools all using the metric system will allow local engineers to produce items with a greater degree of standardization and promote the use of the metric system.
0/50 5R per die, +trained labor
[]Vox sets
Ever since the warp storms have begun radio's have started to fail in strange ways and have been replaced with the vox systems. Having our tech priest build 6 long ranged sets would allow us to coordinate our efforts in Albion.
0/60 10R per die +communications
[]Upgrade frigate
With two operational frigates, Kelvin has requested that one of them is fitted with improved sensors
0/100 20R per die, one frigate gets +10 to all rolls related to exploration
Administrative(1 die)
The administrative department is responsible for dealing with local rules, setting laws and keeping track of the state of the realm
[]Promote Emperor Leopold IVX
One of the two candidates for planetary governor of Nova Britannica is Leopold IVX he rules large parts of the middle of the continent but does so by allowing his nobles great freedoms. There are only three things keeping this empire together: maintaining an army to protect against the slavers on its eastern border, the fact he seems to be related to most of the nobles, and his skill as a diplomat.
0/20 5R per dice +5 to Administrative rolls
[]Promote Queen Elisabeth the IV of Albion
The other candidate is Queen Elisabeth she rules a large island off the coast of the main continent where the first steam engines were built and the island is the home to more trained engineers than anywhere else in the world.
0/20 5R per dice +5 to Industry rolls
[]Abolish feudal laws
Abolishing the feudal laws and privileges that favor the nobility will increase trade and income for the realm but this will be unpopular
0/80 5R per die, +5R per turn -10 stability
[]Create a planetary]Parliament
Albion has a Parliament that advises its queen and takes care of creating and enforcing minor laws and taxes. Creating one for the entire sector would allow us to hear about potential issues sooner and have some of these fixed without us needing to act.
0/200 5R per die, +5 to administrative rolls, +5 stability, personal votes more give +3 progress.
[]Ask for more contributions
We can ask the locals to provide more resources to support our operations this will not be popular but will provide a good boost to our budget.
0/30 5R per die, +50R, -5 stability
[]Sell ship stores(phase 1 of 4)
Aboard the ships are resources that are irreplaceable and most cant be spared but some of the luxuries can be sold for large sums to the wealthy.
0/30 0R per die, +30R
[]Convince minor rulers(phase 1 of 5)
There are several minor rulers that do not support our government with supplies and troops. Once they do we can expand our operations into their lands.
0/100 10R per die, unlocks new actions
Services(2 dice)
[] Basic schools(Phase 1 of 3)
One way to get a better educated population is to start with the basics, reading, writing, and math. The number of schools we can create is limited by a lack of teachers and a lack of students who can afford to go.
0/200 5R per die
[] Engineering university
The other way is starting at the top, by training a handful of students by our military officers that had an education on one of the civilized worlds. We also think we can hire locally trained engineers to teach and create a useful library.
0/100 10R per die
[] Medical university
The other way is starting at the top, by training a handful of students by our military doctors and medics. The apothecary of the 2nd company has agreed to teach for two weeks once the first student has arrived.
0/100 10R per die
[]Establish a police force(phase 1 of 3)
By creating a modern police force we can reduce crime and increase our control over the population. The first step is training detectives trained in modern forensics.
0/100 5R per die, -trained labor
[]Soup kitchens
The realm of Ultimar has always treated its workers better than the rest of the imperium and this has resulted in fewer revolts, chaos cults, and higher productivity. Introducing these changes to Nova Britannica will take time and funding. The best place to start is by making sure all have food to eat even if it is soup every day
0/30 5R per die -5R per turn, +10 stability
Military(1 die)
The military department is under the command of Valentinian until a suitable replacement can be found(+10 bonus to all military rolls as long as Valentinian remains in command).
[] Disband 6th Grayson infantry
Disbanding one of the regiments will free up trained personnel that can be put to many uses. This goes from the regimental communications, and doctors to its officers and men.
0/30 5R per die +labor, +trained labor
[]Military reforms
The current structure of the army is one focused on limiting the damage that revolts and uprisings can cause by recruiting only one type of troop from each planet so in when they revolt they can be defeated more easily by a combined force from multiple worlds.
The first reform proposed is to split the guns of the 303rd imperial guard battery among the Grayson regiments.
0/30 5R per die
[]Asses forces
We know that even the weakest regiment we have is far superior to the local ones but lack understanding of how great this difference is. To solve this we need to inspect not only our troops and watch them on maneuvers but do the same to the local troops
0/60 5R per die, get stats for our troops.
[]Raise new regiment
Using locally produced weapons we can raise a new regiment to help fight our wars. Currently, any new troops will be armed with muskets with muzzle loading cannons.
0/30 5R per die, -5R per turn
[]Find a new commander
Valentinian is better used on the battlefield but that requires us to find a replacement for him to serve as the commander of all military forces.
0/80 5R per die, Valentinian can be deployed
[]Create a military academy
The education of our officers is limited to on the job training and what lessons the nobles learned from their parents. Writing down manuals of how an officer should do their job and creating a school to teach them would improve our army.
0/120 10R per die, +5 to military rolls
[]Create a planetary defense force
Each empire, kingdom and republic has its own army funded by the local rules by replacing this with a centrally managed army will increase our power compared to the local nobles.
0/150 5R per die, gain control over local troops
With a fleet of a cruiser and two frigates in orbit and five regiments available for duty armed with lassguns there are few problems big enough to require attention.
Available forces:
Strike cruiser
The strike cruiser assigned to help with any action providing 15 progress or on any of the deployment actions below.
Frigate one
Frigate two
[1st Grayson regiment]p
[2nd Grayson regiment]
[3th Grayson regiment]
[4th Grayson regiment]
[5th Grayson regiment]
The 6th Grayson regiment is been spread across the planet to reinforce garrisons and enforce our rule.
[1st company]
[2nd company]
[3rd company]t
The space marines are all ready for duty and each company has one squad of devastator marines and nine squads of tactical marines. The rhino's and razorbacks are assigned to the 3rd company
[303rd imperial guard battery]
Is the largest concentration of firepower that is available unless we employ ships for orbital bombardment but
The tanks and mechanized regiment are still in deep space on broken transports.
[]Training -write in forces used
While things are calm there is time to train and especially the Grayson regiments that only have been around for a few months can use the training
[]Scout the local star system -write in forces used
Send out one or more starships to explore the system, can be done four times
[]Tow transport into orbit(Fourth Pardus Armored regiment)-write in forces used
Before the regiment can be deployed the transport it is on needs to be pulled into orbit. Requires one ship and will always be successful.
[]Tow transport into orbit(Third Talasa mechanized infantry regiment)-write in forces used
Before the regiment can be deployed the transport it is on needs to be pulled into orbit. Requires one ship and will always be successful.
[]The lowlands revolt -write in forces used
The cities of the lowlands have been independent for centuries now and are refusing to pay taxes. Sending even a small force will convince them to start paying taxes.
[]The pirates of Sale -write in forces used
The pirate port of Sale survives mostly by being far away from anyone that has a navy capable of taking them out. As we have shuttles this is not an issue for our forces
[]invade the northern mountains -write in forces used
The population of the northern mountains has regressed to a point that most are now hunters and fishers. Total numbers are less than 20.000 spread over a region covering 400 km2
[]Conquer the Golden Horde -write in forces used
The golden horde rules the southern plains and the harbors on the seacoast there this made them the richest of all hordes and they put a lot of that wealth into their army. Their army consists of 60.000 men with a third armed with muskets and the rest with bows, spears, and other melee weapons.
Personal Vote:
Each player gets a single personal vote giving the action they vote for two progress so if there are ten personal votes spread over four actions 20 points of progress will be divided among those actions.
[personal] write in action
An example plan(but put way too much into some actions and deployments)
[E] Plan Example
-[E]Construction(1 die)
--[E] The northern railroad 1 die 15R
-[E]Industry(2 dice)
--[E] Gunmakers workshops 2 dice 30R
-[E] Advanced Tech(2 dice)
--[E] Upgrade frigate 1 die 20R
--[E] Build power swords 1 die 10R
-[E]Administrative(1 die)
-[E] Convince minor rulers 1 die 10R
-[E]Services(2 dice)
--[E] Soup kitchens 2 dice 10R
-[E]Military(1 die)
--[E] Raise new regiment 5R
--[E]Training: 1st Grayson regiment, 2nd Grayson regiment,3th Grayson regiment
--[E]Scout the local star system: Strike cruiser, Frigate one, Frigate two
--[E]The pirates of Sale: 4th Grayson regiment, 5th Grayson regiment,303rd imperial guard battery, 1st company,2nd company, 3rd company
-Administrative(1 die + 1 general die 15R)
--[X] Promote Queen Elisabeth the IV of Albion 1D 5R
--[X] Abolish feudal laws 1D 5R
-Services(2 dice 10R)
--[X] Establish a police force(phase 1 of 3) 1D 5R
--[X] Soup kitchens 1D 5R
-Military(1 die 5R)
--[X] Asses forces 1D 5R
--[X] Tow transport into orbit(Fourth Pardus Armored regiment) - Frigate one
--[X] Tow transport into orbit(Third Talasa mechanized infantry regiment) - Frigate two
--[X] The lowlands revolt - 1st Grayson regiment + 303rd imperial guard battery
--[X] The pirates of Sale - 2nd Grayson regiment + 3rd Grayson regiment + 4th Grayson regiment
--[X] Invade the northern mountains - 5th Grayson regiment
--[X] Conquer the Golden Horde - Strike cruiser + 1st company + 2nd company + 3rd company
For the military one I would rather go with
Asses forces
We know that even the weakest regiment we have is far superior to the local ones but lack understanding of how great this difference is. To solve this we need to inspect not only our troops and watch them on maneuvers but do the same to the local troops
0/60 5R per die, get stats for our troops.
Other then that great plan
For the military one I would rather go with
Asses forces
We know that even the weakest regiment we have is far superior to the local ones but lack understanding of how great this difference is. To solve this we need to inspect not only our troops and watch them on maneuvers but do the same to the local troops
0/60 5R per die, get stats for our troops.
Other then that great plan