Vote tally - The Practice War [Complete]

Adhoc vote count started by Faraway-R on Sep 17, 2019 at 5:35 AM, finished with 115 posts and 23 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
The Practice War [Complete]
Post #15507
Post #15621


  • [X] Into the Deep: The Shiplords have brought…something with them. Elil believes it is not more ships, and you are inclined to believe him. But if not ships, what? And why would it be focused on the Unisonbound? You need answers, and there is only one way to get them. Dive into the Shiplord web, and seek the truth. A success will require a save vs Reaction Shock, but you will be rolling with a significant bonus.
    [X] From the Field: You are alone amidst the Shiplord fleet, with no safe place to find harbour. If there is an unknown threat coming, it is simple sanity to seek allies. Return to First Fleet, and only then seek the truth. This will allow the carriers to recover and rebuild a drone shell. Also carries the risk of alerting the Shiplords to your ability to see further into things than those not gifted with Practice should.
    -[X] Upon Wings of Fire: Of course, you could attempt to hide that awareness by engaging the carriers on your way. Assault the heavy carriers that you have been keeping at bay, aiming to remove as many of them from the battle as possible in a single firing pass. Will reduce the effectiveness of any reformed drone shell, and the chance that the Shiplords will recognise your actions as reactive.
    [X] Unbowed We Stand: You know something is coming. You know that it's coming for you. A final FTL capable FSN fleet remains unengaged, and the true breadth of the Two Twenty Three's capabilities remains unused. Let yourself be bait, and when the trap closes, spring your own. Means facing an unknown threat, without knowing any details of it, but will not risk them realising that you'd become aware of it until it is already engaged. If chosen, pick one of the following options as your offensive focus.
    -[X] Shattering Everest: Why waste time with carriers or escorts, when First Fleet is bleeding. Strike at the heart of the Shiplord formation, their heavy capital assets. Remove those, and First Fleet will be able to crush anything that remains.