[X] [Answer] Of the Two Twenty Three, what does Focus distribution look like? (i.e. 11 Harmonials, 47 Menders, 75 Destroyers, 35 Protectors, and 55 assorted with less than 8 on any given Focus; an average circle has X, Y, and Z roles that are fit by so-and-so Foci.)
[X] Mentor: When Iris found her first friends in Aya and her sister Nei, you had been glad. You'd not expected that, most of a decade later, you'd be teaching one of those friends how to understand and use her Focus. But what Aya might be able to do, once she does know those things, would make the effort worth it regardless. That it lets her be near to those she cares for, well…that's just a happy side-effect.