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Welcome to the Oldest House. Welcome to Polaris. We are what keep the world safe. That make 'reality' reality.

You do not yet know what that means, but you will learn in time.

There are thousands of things that walk in the light and uncounted creatures in the dark.

You will find them, and neutralize them.

Some might be accepted, some will be banished, some must be destroyed.

Perhaps some lurk within our ranks? I am kidding of course.

It's a fact.

The Oldest House is filled with rot, be careful you do not succumb to it.

Remember Agent...

Nothing is Ordinary, Suits are Cool, Create the Truth.

-Director Morrison
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Agent, Enter.

Dream Logic

An offseason swallow
In transit
You have served Polaris for nine months. Long enough that your peers have begun to recognize you in the halls. Long enough that they know your name. Well the current one at least. No one knows your prior name. Company Policy.

Those who have viewed your record call it impressive. The ones who see the real thing don't comment on it. It can actually blank people's minds now. Incident in New Jersey. You've been told it happens quite often, but that doesn't make it any less embarrassing. Most of the record's in lock up have some good reason to be there. Suicidal compulsions, text that changes reality when read, proof that a time traveling monkey with a typewriter actually wrote Shakespeare's plays (not the sonnets though). Heck, one of the max security lockers contains an actual black hole captured within an unabridged copy of 'War and Peace'. Most items in the vault have a good story behind them or at least inspire a bit of fear in the new guys when they're told about it.

But no, your first item in the lock up is a bureaucratic error that became a mind leech.

Just another day in the life.

Nothing is Ordinary, Suits are Cool, Create the Truth.

Why that motto people always ask? Because it's true. True in a way that other things aren't.

If you don't understand that then you could never understand why Polaris was necessary.

Either way enough philosophy.

Break time is over and you're to report to your station.

This time the courier is anonymous. No name tag, facial features covered by standard gas/infomatics seal. Not too uncommon that a message is encrypted and carried by someone who both doesn't know it's contents and likely isn't aware they delivered it at all. Though you don't do that for an Agent. Especially not one on their first year.

You read the note once again. Standard introduction letter. The higher ups are just playing with you at this point aren't they?

Though you know better to question at this point. Either you will cooperate or you will find out that your actions were all according to plan anyways.

So come on...

[] Stein. Your name.
[] Red. Your codename
[] Agent. Your title.
[] Mr Brightside No. You are not going invoke a memetic hazard in the work place.

Just follow the nondescript humanoid and report to...

[] Janitor's Office.
[] Director Morrison's Office
[] Info-Hazards and Containment
This is an experiment of a sorts.

I'm writing something based on a game I barely know and want to build it into a thing. Let's see if I can succeed.

-The song, Take Control
-Poets of the fall // Old gods of Asgard are in this game, so it's probably connected to Alan Wake
-There is a town called Ordinary, it's (definitely) connected to Alan Wake
-It's an agency dealing with the supernatural
-Shit is fucked
-My friend compared it to the SCP organization, except also 'totally not'
-The Oldest House is important
-There is a mysterious motel that is also important
-The enemy are the Vek/Vik/Vess/Viss. Something like that.
-A Janitor hands you the mixtape with 'Take Control' so they're probably important.
-Suits are Cool.

-The Oldest House is your headquarters
-Unless the mysterious motel is.
-You probably work for the organization in question
-Supernatural is real and also scary as shit
-Reality is malleable
-Memetic hazards are a likely possibility.
-I am going to have to make some stuff up as I go
-I'm taking some influence from 'Puppet_Game'
-Panopticon Quest as well.
-Suits are Cool
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