[X] Plan: Prevent Mr freeze
-[X] The Narrows
-[X] Gotham University
-[X] Gotham City Hall
-[X] A Cure for several genetic diseases
-[X] The Wayne Foundation
[X] Plan: Jobs, Jobs, Jobs!
-[X] The Narrows: Gain Trait - Man of the People (Bonus to charity and urban renewal rolls, increase to Public Relations with Gothamites)
-[X] Gotham Financial District: Gain Trait - Money Ball (Bonus to financial rolls, easier time finding investors)
-[X] Gotham City Hall: Gain Trait - Political Animal (Bonus to contruction rolls, bonus to rolls involving local politics)
-[X] A vastly improved Maglev train system
-[X] Wayne Industrial: Where WayneTech is responsible for inventing and upgrading technologies, Wayne Industrial is in charge of manufacturing and distributing it. Wayne Industrial now bears the responsibilities of both Wayne Steel and Wayne Shipping due to budget cuts.
[X] Plan: Bringing the future to the world
-[X] The Narrows
-[X] Gotham University
-[X] LexCorp Gotham Branch Tower
-[X] A Cure for several genetic diseases
-[X] Wayne Biotech
-[X] The Recruiting Office: Your time in the military was certainly a mixed bag, but you can't deny it was invaluable to your escape from poverty. Military service gave you an opportunity to get a college degree you never could have afforded yourself, and you rose from a grunt, to an officer and a vital part of military research and development. Even if you're no longer in, the military has left its mark on you. Gain Trait - Soldier Boy (Bonus to weapons/armor development, easier time getting military contracts)
-[X] Gotham University: You think upon your days at your old alma mater with fondness. You had a blast there back in the day, learning and building friendships with your fellow students. Plenty of your buddies from back then are now accomplished academics, researchers and inventors, and you keep in touch as much as your busy schedule allows. Gain Trait - Alma Mater (Bonus to recruitment rolls, Bonus to research rolls)
-[X] LexCorp Gotham Branch Tower: Your job at LexCorp was one of the most challenging roles you've ever taken, but also one of the most rewarding. At LexCorp there was no time for office politics, just hard science. Lex Luthor was a demanding boss and worked you all hard, but you couldn't argue with the results, nor he with yours. Gain Trait - LexCorp Veteran (Bonus to invention rolls, good starting relationship with Lex Luthor)
-[X] A biorestorative fertilizer capable of increasing crop yields without impacting soil quality
-[X] Wayne Biotech: A broad tent division focused primarily on healthcare and food production. Wayne Biotech is responsible for developing new medicines and treatments, as well as administering and distributing crops. Wayne Pharmaceuticals, Wayne Medical, Wayne Chemicals and Wayne Food were all once independent, but now all are under the Wayne Biotech umbrella due to budget cuts.