the perfectly (un)normal high school wizard

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You wake up and roll out of bed. You look over at the clock on your nightstand and groan at how...
chapter 01
You wake up and roll out of bed. You look over at the clock on your nightstand and groan at how early it is. You get up and take a long shower and work the kinks out of your neck from a dream that you can barely remember. When you look in the mirror, you reflect on how unique your appearance is and how much it has affected your life. You look at your:

[ ] silver eyes
[ ] red eyes
[ ] write in a eye color (not blue, green or brown)

and your

[ ] silver hair
[ ] blue hair
[ ] write in an hair color(not black, blond or brown)

Other than that you look normal for a 16-year-old high schooler. Your mom told you the doctors called it a unique mutation. You walk into your room and dress in a black shirt and skinny jeans. Your hear your mom calling your name.

[ ] write first and last name

You rush downstairs and run out the door. On the way you grab your backpack and hear your mom yelling, "Have a good first day at school!" You grab your bike and start pedaling. You think of the elective you chose.

[ ] creative writing
[ ] woodshop
[ ] Latin
[ ] calligraphy
[ ] ancient symbols and runes
[ ] write in...
you sometimes wonder why some of the classes are offered

As you make your way to school, you hit a bump and you skid and fall off your bike. You stand up and brush yourself off and look around. As you do, you notice an alleyway you swore was never there before. You are stunned as a man walks through the wall, and you hide behind the wall leading to the ally as he passes. After you're sure he's gone, you run to where he was and feel the wall to make sure that he didn't use some trap door. As you turn around you see a book on the ground. You pick it up but with a quick check of your phone, you slip it into your backpack to look at later. You run back to you bike so you're not late for school.
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Chapter 2
You get to school you go looking for your friends. Your school is a three-story blocky building with a small field for P.E.

"Hey Asrun, how are you?"

You look up and see your friends Loran and Seth running towards you. Seth has blueish black hair and blue eyes, and Loran has blond hair and green eyes. As they reach you, you give each of them a hug.

"Hey Loran, hey Seth," you say as they take a step back

Seth looks at you and says, "Wow, I still get a little freaked when I see your gold hair and silver eyes. It's a little creepy."

You look at him and are about to say something when Loran interrupts you and says, "That's because he met you this summer. I got used to it in third grade."

Just then the bell rings and you say, "I got to get to class. See you in ancient runes."

They both say yes, and you turn to go to your first class.

You make your way into ancient runes, and you see the room is set up with rows of tables that fit three, a blackboard up front with a desk in front of it and a table next to it that is covered in weird looking books of varied colors and designs. The walls are empty, and the third story windows shows the field and the sky with startling clarity.

You see that Loran and Seth have already made it to class. You make your way over to them. You greet them and sit down. The bell rings, and the teacher walks into class. He has brown hair and a dress shirt and khakis. He sits down at the desk at the front of the class. He looks around. His gaze meets yours and keeps there. As it does, time stands still and the world falls away.

He stands up, and the spell that bound you breaks. He walks up to the board and writes, Mr. King. "This is what you will call me. You will not make up a nickname. You will not call me another name. I know some of you wonder why a high school has a class about ancient symbols and runes. Well, as most of you know, this town has multiple ruins of unknown origins and with them comes a multitude of symbols and other oddities. With that comes many people who wish study them. I am one of these people. I have volunteered here to teach about the runes which I study. "

He stops and looks around the class, and as he does a student asks, "Why did you volunteer here instead of at the college? Surely that would be worth your time more than volunteering here, right?"

Mr. King looks at the student and says, "You would be right in saying most in my field like to teach their older students. I on the other hand like to start young to get a better foundation and to make sure my students have a bigger aptitude and a finer understanding ..."

He turns to the class. "But I have a few rules in my class, and as I am a volunteer I am allowed to say who stays in my class and who leaves my class. Rule number one is no goofing off in my class. If you are caught three times, you will be kicked out. Number two is you will always be working on something unless you have my express permission not to be. You will be working on the work I give you in my class. That brings me to my third rule: in my class the only work you will work on is the work I gave you. Conversely, the work I give you will only be worked on in my class. I give no written homework. I may give a student who excels suggestion on more reading material. Again, I do this at my own leisure and each of you has the opportunity to earn this option. The final thing I have to say is that everyone in this class will work at their own pace, and at the end of the first month I will assess the class and anyone who I see who is failing to do the work will immediately be out of my class." He looks around and the says, "With the rules done, I will ask each of you to come up here a grab one of the notebooks on the table beside my desk."

One by one, the students go up as called, grab a random book, and then go and sit down. When he gets to your name, you get up and walk over to the table that had the books on it. You stand there and feel a slight buzz in your mind, and the next thing you are reaching for:

[x]a black leather notebook that has the feel of death
[x]a small red book with gold lines pages you feel an unlimited amount of possibilities coming from it
[x]a small notebook that was is white you feel a power welling up in you as you reach for it

With this notebook in your hand, you wonder why you reached for this specific notebook. It was as if you could not get another one if you tried. You think back to the book you found and promise yourself that you will look at it at lunch.

After everyone has one, the teacher gets up and says, "This is what you will do all your work in. I have one more thing to say before this class gets underway. To those of you in this class who believe this is just a bunch of nonsense, I ask why you are here. If not for curiosity or for some other good reason, then why are you here? And if you are, cool, but if you are doing this for someone else or for no good reason at all, I would ask you to stand up, put your journals back and go talk to the counselor and get your schedule changed. No one will hold it against you if you do." With that he sits down. As he does so, you feel something like a gust of wind pass over the class and are surprised when at least 10 people stand up, put the book they got back, and leave.

"Good. Those of you that stayed, welcome to my class. Your first lesson is . . .