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Note. This is something I started as an experiment...
1. What?

Jaune Pendragon

King Of Servants
Note. This is something I started as an experiment.


Thunder roared as rain poured down from the heavens.

In the middle of a grassy field 'something' appeared.

This 'thing' woke up wondering where it was. Only to be quite confused at its strange sight. It could see all around it.

Yet what confused it the most was something that appeared in front of it.

(Level 1)


HP : 100/100
MP : 100/100
CP : 100/100

ATK: 10
DUR: 10
MAG: 10

Rarity - Godly
Type - Noble Phantasm


Gamer's Mind (Lvl Max) Cost Free - Keep a calm mind at all times.

Telekinesis (Level 1) Cost 2 MP per Second. Range - 10 Meters.

Skill Points - 0
Attribute points - 0
QP - 0

Current Form: Iron short sword.

Yes. It was a sword a short sword that looked so plain. Short sword. But on the inside was the soul of a human that was internally screaming to the heavens.

Lightning flashed.


The sword continued ranting into the night.
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AYE.. Sharp one ain't ya

Eh, I keep myself caught up with the translation. It's good, if only in comparison to the sea of trash that is light novels.

Here's some more spelling errors.

Note. This is something I started as an experiment.


Thunder roared as rain poured down from the heavens.

In the middle of a grassy field 'something appeared.
Probably forgot to close there, if you were hyphenating for emphasis.

This 'thing' woke up wondering where it was. Only to be quite confused at it's strange sight. It could see all around it.

Yes. It was a sword a a short sword that looked so plain. Short sword. But on the inside was a soul of a human that was internally screaming to the heavens.
The first a is repeated twice, then 'a soul' probably should be 'the soul'
Eh, I keep myself caught up with the translation. It's good, if only in comparison to the sea of trash that is light novels.

Here's some more spelling errors.

Probably forgot to close there, if you were hyphenating for emphasis.


The first a is repeated twice, then 'a soul' probably should be 'the soul'

Thank you.. EDITED
You put over a half dozen tags for settings that aren't currently in the story. You have a stat sheet for a story that isn't a quest. You don't have enough content to fill a chapter, or even a scene. And you start the non-quest by introducing a mechanic that will do away with all my favorite scenes - you know, the scenes where the protagonist is panicking as they run around like a chicken with their head cut off. Can't have the protagonist confused and terrified with gamer's mind!


While I don't think it's against the rules, please don't post stories with 10 different tags that are really just character sheets. At least post a story when you post a story. -_-
You put over a half dozen tags for settings that aren't currently in the story. You have a stat sheet for a story that isn't a quest. You don't have enough content to fill a chapter, or even a scene. And you start the non-quest by introducing a mechanic that will do away with all my favorite scenes - you know, the scenes where the protagonist is panicking as they run around like a chicken with their head cut off. Can't have the protagonist confused and terrified with gamer's mind!


While I don't think it's against the rules, please don't post stories with 10 different tags that are really just character sheets. At least post a story when you post a story. -_-

Gomenasai.... Sumaimasen...
Fortunately, their rant didn't last long.

The SWORD was forcefully calmed down within seconds.

Gamer's Mind has nullified Hyper Ventilation


The Rain Stopped.

So, where am I anyway? SWORD asked himself before a notification popped up.

You are currently in the Gamers Dungeon. Welcome Gamer. Would you like to use the Tutorial? Y/N?

Of course! The 'YES' option Highlighted itself before the glowing blue dialogue disappeared, and another appeared in its place.

Welcome Gamer. You are currently in the Gamer's Dungeon. A place where you can Level up and rest until you are ready to leave this world.

Gamer's Dungeon?

You are currently at the lowest level of the gamers dungeon. Look around you. You should see a Wild boar.

I looked around and sure enough, there was a Wild boar staring at me intently as if trying to spontaneously combust me from its gaze alone.

Here try using the skill observe on it.

New Skill Received: Observe LVL 1. Provides Infomation about the target. Cost 5 MP

Let's see. Observe.

Wild Boar
Level 1
HP: 200/200
MP: 5/5

Wait is that all?

[Observe] level Insufficient for further information.

You can use [Telekinesis] to move yourself or objects around you. Try it out!

Telekinesis huh. Alright, then let's see. I concentrate on trying to activate telekinesis mentally. a few moments later I could feel myself lifting out of my anvil. Finally free from it.

Good Job Here's a Reward.

[quote]Gift Received Would you like to open it? Y/N?[/quote]

Yes, please!

There was a small golden flash before I felt my something filling me up.

Level Up.
You have Gained.

10 x Atribute Points.
2 x Skill Points
50 x QP

Holy hell. Let see If this works. I accelerated my self toward the boar sand pierced a side of it.

The boar ran Around trying to get rid me. But I was lodged in. I sliced him open from the inside casing a lot of bleeding and damage as the boar fell down.

Wild boar Defeated. You have gained 10 EXP.

Well done on you. First hunt.

I slid out of the boar and lay on the ground. Its blood Covering my body.

Now then, Why don't you try assigning your attribute points first.

I put all 10 points to MAG. May as well be a magic sword even if I look ordinary.

Now then Skill points are used to Buy skillz from the shop. The cost of a skill may vary depending on multiple factors. You can search for different skills using the search bar. Just think your Criteria after opening the Shop. Why don't you try thinking shop?

Shop? A blank screen Opened.

Oh right the criteria. Skills that cost 2 skill points or less. Immediately a list opened in front of me.

Self-cleaning (Passive) -1 point
Self Repairing (Passive) - 1 point
The Chosen (Passive) - 2 point
Reinforcement (Active) (Nasuverse) -2 points.
Chakra Blade (Passive)- 2 Points.
Skill Share (Active) - 2 Points.

I mentally nudged self-cleaning and a window popped out.

Self Cleaning (Passive) Continuously cleans the blade. The speed of Cleaning Depends on its level. MP cost 0. Would you like to Purchase this skill?

Hmmm. I mentally CLosed it and checked the Others One by one.

Self Repairing (Passive) - 1 point Continuously repairs the blade. As long as the Blade is not completely vapourised it will still work. Do you wish to buy this skill?

The Chosen (Passive) - 2 points. This skill will prevent those who you do not wish to wield you picking you up. Unlocks Share Skill.

Reinforcement (Active) (Nasuverse) -2 points. This skill allows you or your wielder to reinforce yourself. MP-Cost Varied. Unlocks Charge Meter. THe higher this skill is the more charge you can hold. The Amount of charge is added to all your base stats. Would you like to buy this skill?

Chakra Blade (Passive)- 2 Points Allows The Wielder to channel Charka to flow through you and adding damage depending on the type of chakra the amount and the enemy type
.Higher levels would increase chakra conductivity and increase damage. Would you like to buy this skill?[

Skill Share [Locked] (Active) - 2 Points. Allows the wielder to use any of your skills while they wield you. They mana cost paid by the wielder unless you decide to lend them a helping hand. Would you like to buy this skill?

After about a While Decide on self-repairing. I don't want to rust away should I break after all. I also took Self-cleaning.

New Skill Purchased. Self Cleaning-Level 1 Takes 24 hours to clean the Blade from completely covered in garbage to polished and shiny.
New Skill Purchased. Self Repairing-Level. 1 Hp/second.

Good Job. Now that you have completed your first Skill Purchase. We have QP to spend. You can use QP to buy everyday Items to legendary crazy stuff. However You cant Buy other blades. Anything other than that is available in the shop. Even Skins.


Right Skins allow you to change your form into any other blade. Sure you could buy the most legendary sword skin that you know of but it would just change your looks. It won't affect your damage output too much. That's what the skills are for. You are just a blade made of magic after all. You can Take the shape of Any blade that has existed past present or future From all across the Multiverse. Why don't you Try It out.

Hmmm. Search for Laptops.

The moment I said that I got a list. But even the Cheapest laptop here costs 200 QP.

Alright, Let's see for skins?... Oh I Know. Search for Monohoshizao.
There we go.

Monohoshizao Skin. Cost 50QP
Optional Skill: HIken Tsubame Gaeshi. Cost 10,000 QP
Would you like to purchase this skin? Y/N.
Would you like to Purchase this skill as well? Y/N?

Holy FUCK 10,000 QP? But Anyways Doesn't matter. I got the skin. I don't have to look like a beginner Iron dagger anymore. I bought the skin...

You have bought your first skin would you like to change your skin? Y/N

Also Note every moster you slay will give a certain amount of experience and QP. The Higher your enemies level the Higher the QP and experience.

Yes Please!

The moment I said that I was enveloped in a golden light and I felt myself being stretched. Strangely enough, it felt completely natural to me as if it wasn't something strange.

Within moments I was no longer an ordinary Iron Sword. I was now the REGENDARY MONOHISHIZAO!

And so I headed to slay more monsters till I ran out of MP. Waited for it to recharge before I kept Slicing and Dicing Level one and two monsters.


End of day one.

(Level 2)
Charge: 0/10
EXP: 175/200

HP : 100/100
MP : 200/200
CP : 150/150

ATK: 10
DUR: 10
MAG: 20

Rarity - Godly
Type - Noble Phantasm


Gamer's Mind (Lvl Max) Cost Free - Keep a calm mind at all times.

Telekinesis (Level 1) Cost 2 MP per Second. Range - 10 Meters.

Self Cleaning (Level 1) Passive

Self Repair (level 1) Passive

Skill Points - 0
Attribute points - 0
QP - 750

Current Form: Monoho Shizao
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Sorry about this. For some reason, I accidentally put quite a bit of a chapter inside a quote....

Edit Fixed it....
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Jaune Pendragon, I have a few issues with this story

1. Your use of Gamer's mind to nullify the character's legitimate nervous breakdown dehumanizes the sword and makes him less of a character.
2. Your fight with the boar was poorly handled. You turned one-on-one combat to the death into a simple numbers game, with very little focus at all on the action.
3. The vast majority of this chapter is about the statistics behind the skills you can learn or the skills you do learn, and at least half the chapter was spent in the point shop.
4. This is the literary equivalent to wanking off to all your friends about how awesome your level 10 dwarf barbarian is by having the dwarf barbarian look at all the things he can buy in the shop and the mathematical gains those items can give your dwarf barbarian. Like if the Dungeon Master's entire quest was spent in the point shop rather then actually playing a D&D campaign. Except this is a story and not a D&D campaign, so the audience has higher storytelling standards and is bored by RPG mechanics.

You need your story to have a plot that isn't about how awesome the Gamer power is, and the math has no context for the reader. Actual physical injury and the main character's reactions are how the audience gauges how much trouble the main character is in, because the numbers don't mean anything by themselves. Like, if you tell me the sword is at 10 HP, I think "so what", but if you tell me the sword's blade was sliced in half, I think "Oh wow that's bad".
Jaune Pendragon, I have a few issues with this story

1. Your use of Gamer's mind to nullify the character's legitimate nervous breakdown dehumanizes the sword and makes him less of a character.
2. Your fight with the boar was poorly handled. You turned one-on-one combat to the death into a simple numbers game, with very little focus at all on the action.
3. The vast majority of this chapter is about the statistics behind the skills you can learn or the skills you do learn, and at least half the chapter was spent in the point shop.
4. This is the literary equivalent to wanking off to all your friends about how awesome your level 10 dwarf barbarian is by having the dwarf barbarian look at all the things he can buy in the shop and the mathematical gains those items can give your dwarf barbarian. Like if the Dungeon Master's entire quest was spent in the point shop rather then actually playing a D&D campaign. Except this is a story and not a D&D campaign, so the audience has higher storytelling standards and is bored by RPG mechanics.

You need your story to have a plot that isn't about how awesome the Gamer power is, and the math has no context for the reader. Actual physical injury and the main character's reactions are how the audience gauges how much trouble the main character is in, because the numbers don't mean anything by themselves. Like, if you tell me the sword is at 10 HP, I think "so what", but if you tell me the sword's blade was sliced in half, I think "Oh wow that's bad".
Hmmmm very well. i shall take them into consideration. This chapter was an introduction anyway.
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