The Only Parahuman

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It's a pretty normal day, to be honest. You're up early, ready to go to work. You're fed...
0.1 - An Offer


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It's a pretty normal day, to be honest. You're up early, ready to go to work. You're fed, watered and dressed, starting another day on the road of life. The sun is... somewhere behind the clouds that are pissing it down. It is England, after all. The birds aren't actually here, because this is the middle of a city and all you have are fucking winged rats - ahem, pigeons.

Oh, and there's a glowing woman in a fancy white robe floating in the middle of your living room.

Wait, what?

Apparently, she's been bored for the last couple of aeons, and then happened to stumble across this interesting website called "Sufficient Velocity", where she found something called the "Worm CYOA" that caught her imagination. And she thought it would be fun to see what happened if she gave superpowers to someone at random - which is you, you lucky little fucker - and left them exactly where they were.

That's right - you get to be the only parahuman in the entire world.

Of course, she isn't going to just hand you the CYOA as it is. That thing's way too broken, and she really can't be bothered to follow you across the immensity of the multiverse you'll inevitably start travelling as soon as you get bored of this planet if she gives you those powers, so she put together a few packages you can pick from instead.

A pamphlet appears in your hand.

[ ] Light
This version of OP Quest (and yes, the double meaning of that acronym is intentional) is lighthearted, and you can take a merry roflstomp across the world doing whatever the hell you like. I'll be much less of an arse with how people react to things. More greyscale uses of powers will be discouraged. Ignore the drawbacks.
[X] Grey
More realistic. Each power has its downsides, its ways of separating you from the masses more than just the obvious effects. The drawbacks are in full force, and I'm going to be as real as possible with the reactions people have to things you do - you know 'capture and experiment', 'hate groups', 'creepy sacrificial worship cults', that sort of thing. More greyscale uses of powers will be accepted.
[X] The Primogenitor

The ability to freely manipulate your own biology, including the use of fictional biologies, though truly 'supernatural' abilities are beyond its power to replicate. Furthermore, you may continue to affect parts of your body that aren't attached to you, allowing you to create creatures and structures separate from yourself, which you will be linked to in a hivemind. You may make them as intelligent and independent as you wish, from full autonomy with a simple telepathic connection to hollow vessels controlled by your Overmind. This may be done on an individual basis.

As the foremost example of your kind, you must always clearly be the greatest among them. Your form may never appear completely human, and no creation of yours may be greater than you in their primary design aesthetic - that is, if your creations are beautiful then you must be the most beautiful, or if they are deadly then you must be the most deadly, and so on. Thus, as you refine your creations, you will part ever further from your human roots...
[ ] The Paragon

You are impossibly strong, fast and tough, though your mind is unaugmented save the increase in reaction time necessary to properly control your speed. You may fly as fast as you can run - up to 2.5% c - and you are passively immune to all the negative effects of physics, with the capability to extend this immunity to things you are touching. In this case passively means that things like relativity, friction and inertia are not of concern to you, but you can't just ignore, say, a black hole, or the transfer of energy... though it would take jumping into the sun to give you even a mild burn. Furthermore, you do not require any form of sustenance or sleep, and do not age. At the time of choosing, your physical form will be altered to your idealised self-image.

As far beyond the needs of flesh as you are, the pleasures are similarly distant. All food and drink is bland and tasteless, the warmth of sunlight is but a distant memory, sleep is a mere mechanical action, and you no longer feel either warm or cold - simply a mild neutral, unless you are exposed to temperatures capable of harming you at which point it's just pain. There will be no pleasant feeling of a body well-exercised, no simple pleasure of sinking into a comfy chair, no softness of earth and grass - oh, and you can't get pleasure from sex, either. Why would you need to procreate when you'll live until the end of the universe?
[ ] The Genius

You are impossibly intelligent, capable of casually comprehending and manipulating arbitrarily large numbers. Finding the fifty-third root integral of Graham's Number cubed is a trivial task for you. You are capable of comprehending any subject matter or material in an instant, and will never forget anything unless you choose to erase the memory. You are constantly in a state of inspiration, and always have ideas for how to improve things, whether they're the laws of physics, a manufacturing line, or the human body itself. Furthermore, the power of your mind is such that it can actually warp reality - you may manipulate the fundamental forces around you; at first, you will be capable of little more than unrefined telekinesis, but in time you will be able to control the very building blocks of matter, reversing entropy through simple willpower by assembling order from chaos. It will never have a great range, but your fine control is limitless in potential.

Just as the Paragon disdains the lesser things of flesh, the Genius disdains the lesser things of mind. Learning comes so easily to you that it will never satisfy, simply inspire a craving for more. The thought processes of others seem intolerably basic and foolish; as your mind climbs to ever-greater heights, your disgust with the simple ploddings of lesser men will increase, until you become a solitary hermit, scorning human interaction as entirely beneath you, nothing more than a distraction from your quest on the path to omniscience.
[ ] The Benefactor

You may create lesser powers without limit, though none approaching the realm of those offered here. These powers can be anything you can imagine, within the scope of strength afforded to you. You may freely manipulate these powers from any distance, and have a constant link to them allowing you to know their location at all times, though you cannot sense anything but the power itself.

You cannot use these powers for yourself, but must give them to others. You will no longer be the only parahuman - but can you guarantee their loyalty? What about their character? If you are careless, you may well find yourself with villains and heroes alike running amok - but if you don't give them out, what was the point of taking this option in the first place? Will you use your ability to give and take away to rule with an iron fist? Or will you try a more benevolent route..?
[ ] The Energy-Manipulator
- [ ] (Choose an energy type)

Though your countenance remains unchanged, it is no longer blood that flows through your veins. Perhaps it is heat, or lightning, or vectors of motion impossibly sustained in empty tubes, or minute gravitational distortions; whatever it is, you have the power to generate it and control it around you. As your mastery increases, you will be able to unravel your form into this energy; eventually, you will transcend humanity entirely and transform into a being composed entirely of whatever energy you hold sway over.

As you sink deeper into the nuances of your power, you lose sight of the world outside of it. Sight and hearing start to fade, taste and smell are forgotten, and touch disappears, until you perceive everything solely through the medium of your existence, as concentrations of heat or vectors of motion or electric fields.
[ ] The Psychic

The mind is an open book to you. You can read other people's thoughts, both surface and deep, their innermost desires and hopes and dreams and fears. And you can manipulate them. It's a trivial task to make a complete stranger believe that you're the best of friends, despite the fact he's never met you before, or to make the closest siblings turn on each other. People are nothing more than your playthings now, dancing on strings they cannot see to a tune they cannot hear. Perhaps you won't use this power any more than passively, but even just reading for cues will make you vastly more effective, able to manipulate anyone into almost any act. This power is terrifying on many levels, but it is undeniably effective.

Drawback: This power will change you. For those with strong morals, who resist freely toying with minds, you'll nonetheless be disgusted by the dark desires and thoughts that ferment in hidden corners of the psyche, and become tired of the petty grudges that fill the minds around you. People will become... less, to you, nothing more than a ball of trivial hurts and complaints and sickening black thoughts.

If you're less restricted in your use of this power, willing to have your way with the world as the whim strikes you, others will almost certainly become nothing more than puppets: rushing about at your word, freely spending their hard-earned money on your passing trifles, thanking you for the merest scraps of attention you deign to bless them with, fighting or rutting for your twisted amusements. Though you will have everything you could ever wish for on Earth, it will all ring hollow for you - as hollow as their mindless devotion.
[ ] The Shadow

Power: You possess the ability to completely fade from notice. You don't turn invisible or anything like that, but people, cameras, microphones etc. etc. will simply not register anything about you, from what you say to what you do. They'll unconsciously cooperate if you start manhandling them and not notice anything's wrong until you turn off your power. In fact, nobody notices anything that you do or that happens as a result of what you do until you turn off your power. You could blow up the White House with a nuclear bomb and nobody would bat an eyelid until you stopped being Imp. You may make specific exceptions for people.

Furthermore, a subsection of this power remains on at all times, preventing people from connecting things you've done under the full influence of your power with you no matter how much evidence they have. If you take your neighbour's car and park it in your driveway, then turn off your power, then he'll know his car was stolen but will just think you got a new car that happens to look like his.

You can also teleport freely as long as you can generally describe your destination ("Buckingham Palace", "Joe's house", "Auckland, New Zealand", "Sirius B" [not recommended]). You may bring people and items with you so long as you're in physical contact.

Finally, you can take on an ethereal state in which you can selectively interact with matter, and share your etherealness should you so choose. Anything/anyone you are sharing your etheralness with weighs nothing and relies on your exerting force to move. You may not choose only part of something to become ethereal, but may select whole conceptual entities even if they're attached to other things (for example, you can make "the bank vault" ethereal and lift it straight out of the ground with you.) You may fly at your average jogging speed in this form, because otherwise you'd just float aimlessly. In this state, you have no need of food, water or sleep, and you don't age.

In your ethereal state, you're inertially anchored to the planet unless you specifically choose not to be, so the circular motion of its orbit won't result in it drawing away from you. (Hah, I thought of that! Too slow, science Nazis!)

Drawback: Social norms and morality become... unimportant. You can do anything you like without consequences. Why would you pay for your food when you can walk into a Michelin Star restaurant, move a diner out of their chair, and have their food? Why would you bother with a job when you can just walk in and take anything you want from a shop? And since we're in a Grayscale world, because you're looking at the Drawback, why bother with the whole courting business when you can just find a nice-looking girl and... yeah. I'll stop there, since this is mod bait. But you get the picture, no?

Eventually, you'll likely stop caring about anything at all save yourself, and simply drift through the world taking whatever you want whenever you want it.​
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Index, Rules & Character Sheet
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0.1 - An Offer (Above)
0.2 - Mirror
0.3 - Experiments
0.4 - Problem
0.5 - Falsehood

The Rules

Don't be a dick. This means no flaming, no big arguments - just discuss like responsible, sensible people.

II. Keep it reasonably serious. This is a Grey setting - we're not happy-go-lucky four-colour arse-kicking here. You need to treat the decisions you make with respect, because...

III. Actions have consequences. Bad Ends are a thing.

IV. Omakes are the spice of life! Good omakes will net you tasty, tasty bonuses - either outright given to you OOC, or you get something extra-nice in the story. This also applies to fanart. Furthermore, if you can write something good based on your favoured course of action, it might well be enough to outweigh numerical superiority of votes...

V. Rokoran is ROB. This means that I am the final arbiter of what happens in this quest. I'm not going to be (too much of) an arse about it, but incessant complaining is just going to make things worse, as well as violating rule I.

Character Sheet

Lucas Price
Male, 27

Joseph Price, father, a General in the US Military. Relationship remains close.
Mary Price, mother, director of the CIA. Relationship remains close; has taken dangerous jobs for the USA at her request.
Liliana Price, elder sister, CIA field agent. Relationship remains close - personalities complement each other.
Danny Price, younger brother, FBI Counter-Intelligence. Relationship has deteriorated - Danny sees Lucas' switch to the mercenary business as betraying his country and ideals.​

Job: Mercenary
Hobbies: Martial arts, anime, videogames and smoking

Place of Residence: A large estate in Fayetteville, North Carolina

  • The Primogenitor
    • You have absolute control over your own biology, and may draw on fictional biologies, but there's something missing whenever you try to access anything that delves into the realm of the supernatural, almost like this power is incomplete somehow...
    • You may still control parts of your body that are no longer attached to you, allowing you to spawn semi-autonomous creations by calving them off from yourself. These creations are linked to you in a hive mind, and you may choose on a case-by-case basis how far back or forward they are on the spectrum of full sapience with telepathy to mindless puppets of your will.
    • You can also use this to make structures.
    • Your own physical form must be a paragon of your primary design aesthetic - beauty, terror, danger, speed, etc.
      • If you have more than one primary design aesthetic - for different strains of your creations, for example - then your personal aesthetic is determined by whichever aesthetic has the most significant portion of your population adhering to it. This does not necessarily mean numerically.
    The Super Soldier (Powers created by Primogenitor)
    • Your bodily tissues are enhanced. Muscles are denser, bones are stronger yet lighter, tendons are capable of withstanding the full power your muscles can exert allowing for much greater burst strength, and so on. You couldn't win an arm wrestle against Captain America - you have a martial artist's build, not that of a bodybuilder - but you could just about outlast him on an endurance run and easily outpace him in a sprint or outperform him in an agility test.
    • Your senses have been upgraded. You can see into the ultraviolet and infrared and your visual acuity is orders of magnitude greater. You can also hear ultra- and infrasound, as well as hear things at much longer ranges. Your brain automatically puts together what you hear into a mental map of your surroundings. Your gustatory senses (smell/taste) are the best on the planet, including animals, by more than an order of magnitude, allowing you to analyze any substance just by sniffing it or sticking your tongue out over it as long as it isn't hermetically sealed, though it will take you some time to learn what certain compounds taste/smell like.
    • Your brain and nervous system have been fine-tuned. Your neuroplasticity is several times that of your childhood, allowing you to both passively pick up on things around you and easily learn anything you put your mind to. Your reflexes are enhanced several times over, and your ability to concentrate is effectively unlimited.
    • You have the ability of the Kryptonians to convert sunlight into energy. At the moment, the only use you've discovered for this energy is to turn it into more biomass, the rate for which seems to completely ignore E=mc2​ and work on its own rule, but in time you might find other ways to spend it.
    • You have the ability of a Saiyan to adapt. Although you aren't quite sure yet how you can improve this body further without becoming obviously inhuman, the process will nevertheless happen on its own over time at a speed proportional to how much strain you undergo. You've got no idea what will come of this, but it's sure to be interesting.

    • 8 Security Guards for your estate. Old military friends & subordinates, and loyal to a fault. They all have the best sidearms they can legally own as registered guards, but you let them sign out a few... surprises from your armoury just in case an unwanted visitor comes knocking. They don't get to take them home, though.
    • An "agent". Has connections. Probably been involved deep in the underworld in the past, but you're using him just as much as he's using you and he gets you nice jobs so it's all good.
    • Various contacts. They let you know when shit's going down, and are reasonably reliable, though every so often you have to go and bust a head for trying to lure you into a trap for money or something like that.

      • Armoury
        • 2x Sniper Rifle (primary & spare) w/ 250 rounds, combination silencer & flash suppressor, bipod, digital scope & recoil compensator. Effective at ranges upwards of 2km, if you're good enough to shoot that far.
        • 10x Assault Rifle (1 each for security guards plus your primary & spare) w/ 1000 rounds each & shoulder strap.
        • 10x Combat Knife (1 each for security guards plus your primary & spare)
        • 6x Small, Concealable Blade (All yours, usually stashed in various hidden linings and pockets)
        • 4x Shotgun (2 for security guards plus your primary & spare) w/ 50 cartridges each.
        • 4x Grenade Launcher (2 for security guards plus your primary & spare) w/8x frag grenade, 3x tear gas grenade & 2x smoke grenade each.
        • 2x Sidearm (primary & spare)
        • 2x Dart Gun (primary & spare) w/ 25x Tranq Dart & 10x Poison Dart.
      • Panic Room
        • Three feet of steel separating you from the rest of the world, almost a mile underground. Nothing's getting in here without a big boom, and you'd know if that sort of sale went down. Admittedly smaller stuff'd probably leave you trapped... but that's why there's several miles of tunnel coming out in a concealed location not far from a nearby village, no?
        • Contains food, water and air for a week. Not nice food, but you can live on it.
      • Extensive grounds, over a hundred acres of private land. Ideal for putting some interesting structures in.
        • You are currently in the form of a Solar-Biomass Conversion Array under one of the artistically landscaped hills.

  • 1 Primogenitor (You)
    -Currently transformed into a Solar-Biomass Conversion Array mostly buried under the grounds of your estate.​
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[X] Grey

More realistic. Each power has its downsides, its ways of separating you from the masses more than just the obvious effects. The drawbacks are in full force, and I'm going to be as real as possible with the reactions people have to things you do - you know 'capture and experiment', 'hate groups', 'creepy sacrificial worship cults', that sort of thing. More greyscale uses of powers will be accepted.

[X] The Primogenitor

I absolutely love this idea a super human in the real world this should be fun The reason i went with The Primogenitor is because of all the things we could do with this we could make clones, new people, be the ultimate super spy or just go the Alex mercer route.
[X] Grey

[X] The Benefactor

Sounds most interesting to me. Sounds fun to give a bunch of people powers and watch what happens. And gives them all nightmarish drawbacks should they even indirectly harm you. You know, for insurance.
[X] Grey
[X] The Primogenitor

- Midiclorians
- Leviathans from Farscape

Should probably expand the drawback a bit so our creations can't look human either.
We'll end up using a human puppet for all our interactions otherwise.
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[X] Grey
[X] The Primogenitor

Guess what we can give ourselves with fictional biology?

The Darksign.

Boom! Total immortality!
0.2 - Mirror
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Character Sheet implemented. Rules added.

0.2 - Mirror
You set the pamphlet down on the coffee table, and turn your attention back to the woman.

"Primogenitor," you respond simply. Nothing more needs be said. She inclines her head, and gestures once. The pamphlet disintegrates, she disappears, and a ripple runs through you.

And your awareness unfolds. Your DNA, your physical structure, scars, wear and tear, tiny imperfections - all of it is perfectly visible to you. You think for a moment, mulling on all the things you've seen in media - Kryptonians, Saiyans, Chakra and Magic Circuits and Ki - and blueprints spring to mind, towering structures of flesh that are nevertheless infinitesimally tiny, almost fractal in their complexity, but they seem... incomplete, somehow, as if lacking something that you can't quite understand.

This will require some thought. The world of today is... not a pleasant place. You are unnatural, now, different - and people hate that which is different. There will be problems, rejection, to say nothing of countless faceless governments who would be quite happy to sacrifice a city in order to get their hands on a weapon of your potential.

Standing, you make your way to the bathroom, leaning against the sink as you stare into the mirror. There are differences already - your eyes are a more vivid colour now, a green that's too bright to be natural, with slit pupils. Your incisors are slightly lengthened, subtle ridges of bone sweeping backwards across your skull.

You can feel it with your power, intimately - but seeing it is different. You're still you, but... not quite. You remember the Drawback section on the pamphlet. Honestly, it was the least objectionable of all the ones there (some might have argued the Benefactor for that position, but really, what's the point of taking a power you'll never get to properly use? And besides, at least you can actually still get laid without resorting to rape or mind control. No matter how you end up looking, there'll be someone who'll bang it) - but even so, you're never going to be quite human ever again, and your form will only change further over time.

But inside, you'll still be you. That much, you promise yourself.

[ ] Who are you?

Straightening up, you let out a breath. You need a plan. You have effectively limitless potential to create minions to your every design and whim, but what do you want to do with them? Where are you planning on going with this power?

[ ] Plan of Action


Heads up - I'm looking for detail, here. Name, age, appearance, family, job, personality, hobbies, notable past events. More detailed biographies are more likely to get picked. This is a greyscale world, so we'll be looking into psyche and motivation significantly more than a Light world - I need something to work off.
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Actually, on second thought, I'm going to put a lock on "supernatural" biologies. You can still do things that are scientifically dubious - Tyranid/Zerg fusions are a go - but for things like a Kryptonian you'll only be able to get stuff like hyper-dense tissues and advanced brains, or adaptability from a Saiyan. The focus of Primogenitor should be on what you create rather than what you yourself become.

Doesn't quite feel right, else.

Made some edits to account for the change.
Wait are we the person in England?

Nvm misread, I almost made a big mistake.
Apparently I might have to try later on.
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hmm, quick question on the powers. these have to be totaly new creatures, or say could we say up-lift a section of the population if we wanted? take a template from one of our creations, and simply mass apply it?

First creation: Dwarves. Mythology and fantasy is a good point to start with, with a plentiful stock of creatures to draw upon. Thus the Dwarves. Sturdy, short humanoid creatures, built for hard work, harsh environments, and Loyalty to Us, beyond all else. they shall be good servant to start off with, to build what we need beyond our creations. places for our creations to live, to work, and relax. they shall build the cities for what is to come.
Primary Trait: Loyalty. above all else, they will stay loyal to us, and those that have done them right. while it is possible we might break their loyalty to us, It would only be because we mistreated them to an extreme. If others do earn their trust, they will be just as loyal to them.
Secondary Traits: Endurance, strength. though on the small side, they are exceptionally sturdy and strong, capable of lifting over twice what the average human can lift easily. they can also endure environments that would kill the average human, though not without discomfort.
Mental Drawback: As they are loyal to use, thus we shall be loyal to them, and all the creations we produce. this is a mixed blessing, as we won't be able to abandon a creation if something goes wrong. But it will force us to be more careful. our creations will no longer just be something we made, but our children.
Physical drawbacks: Stockier frame, increased weight. (in short, a human sized dwarf)

basic plan is to make these dudes, and start them building a place for us(and them) to live.
Actually, on second thought, I'm going to put a lock on "supernatural" biologies. You can still do things that are scientifically dubious - Tyranid/Zerg fusions are a go - but for things like a Kryptonian you'll only be able to get stuff like hyper-dense tissues and advanced brains, or adaptability from a Saiyan. The focus of Primogenitor should be on what you create rather than what you yourself become.

Doesn't quite feel right, else.

Made some edits to account for the change.
Aw, that's a pity. I was kind of looking forward to become the god of a new race of Kryptonians over on Mars, or Venus, or something.
[x] Matthew Anderson
- art student
- works part-time as clerk in a book store.
- has a girlfriend who he is currently fighting with
- close relationship with his older sister who is a single mother.
- mother is dead.
- father is a lorry driver and drinks too much.
- used to be more active socially, but hasn't had much time for that lately.
- supports Greenpeace
- naive and idealistic

[x] plan: green
- drive to a landfill
- make bugs to eat the landfill
- use biomass to make anti-pollution bugs and spread them around.
- make some diplomacy drones.
- be smart.
- make a strain of common flu that cures cancer.
- go swimming in the ocean (as a dolphin)
[X] Julius Oppenheimer
-Former Soldier of the United States Army
-Participated during the invasion of Kuwait
-Work in an Engineering Firm
-Cynical and Dark Humor
-Close to siblings relatively distant from parents

[X] Plan Backbone infrastructure
-Form basic hypersonic body
-Fly during night to Sahara Desert in Africa
-Bury self deep in the sand that is far away from civilization
-Split self into small parts
-Turn these parts to the solar collectivity in Kryptonians' DNA
-Put parts some what above ground to being collect energy and biomass that would be stored underground

Kryptonian DNA is incredible potent enough for Superman to sustain himself on it and regenerate it that does some how pass his invulnerability.
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[x] Matthew Anderson
- art student
- works part-time as clerk in a book store.
- has a girlfriend who he is currently fighting with
- close relationship with his older sister who is a single mother.
- mother is dead.
- father is a lorry driver and drinks too much.
- used to be more active socially, but hasn't had much time for that lately.
- supports Greenpeace
- naive and idealistic

[X] Plan Backbone infrastructure
-Form basic hypersonic body
-Fly during night to Sahara Desert in Africa
-Bury self deep in the sand that is far away from civilization
-Split self into small parts
-Turn these parts to the solar collectivity in Kryptonians' DNA
-Put parts some what above ground to being collect energy and biomass that would be stored underground

I don't want to be a bug person, and I don't want to be a guy with a pompous name. So why not take the best of the two plans and combine them?
[X] Plan Neo-Chan
Note: The information in this file is classified anyone caught giving unauthorized disclosure of any information in this file can be charged as a threat to national security.

Name: Lucas Price
Age: 27

Job: Mercenary

Personality: Sarcastic and easy going, the subject has a preference for underhanded and unconventional tactics.

Hobbies: Martial arts, Anime, Video Games, and Smoking.

Place of Residence: Large estate in Fayetteville, North Carolina

Notable Past Events: The perfect example of the golden child the asset was born into a military family and from a young age expressed a desire to follow in his father's foot steps. The asset displayed a above average intelligence during his schooling averaging straight A's in all of his classes and skipping multiple grades before graduating from Columbia University with a Bachelor's degree in Computer programming while in his spare time during schooling he practiced krav maga. After graduating he immediately applied to join the armed forces. After passing the Special Forces Qualification Course at the age of 20 he was eventually given his own Squad, by the time the asset was 26 his squad had successfully preformed multiple highly classified operations. During a classified mission in early January 2013 his entire squad was ambushed and killed on their way to their evac site, the asset was the only survivor and was treated for multiple gun shots wounds to chest. After treatment and a debriefing he was honorably discharged and immediately went to ground, 2 months later the asset resurfaced as a free lance mercenary since then the asset has done multiple back ops jobs for many Governments including the USA, The United Kingdom, Canada, Mexico, India, and many other countries thought Europe and southeast Asia.

Father: Joseph Price - United states Army General. The asset has been shown to still hold a remarkable amount of respect for the general even after his change in occupation.

Mother: Marry Price - Director of the CIA. The asset has proven rather susceptible to influence from his mother having taken multiple very dangerous jobs for the US at her request.

Older Sister: Liliana Price - CIA field agent. The asset has proven to get along with his sister surprisingly well, his easy going mentality complementing her stoic and serious personality.

Younger Brother: Danny Price- FBI Counter Intelligence division. Since his leaving of the military the asset and his brother's relationship has deteriorated with his brother seeing his leaving the service as abandoning the family.

[X] Plan Captain America
-Turn your body into that of a super solider
-Give yourself the mind of a Kryptonian and the adaption abilities of a Saiyan
-Bury self deep in the estates backyard
-Split self into small parts
-Turn these parts to the solar collectivity in Kryptonians' DNA
-Put parts some what above ground to being collect energy and biomass that would be stored underground

Ugh im finally done you wouldn't believe how long it took me to write this thing up, i originally had 2 more but as i was finishing the second one it occurred to me that if i was a ROB i wouldn't give super powers to just some random guy i would give them to someone interesting. So that got me thinking what kind of person would a ROB find interesting, i ended up deciding on a badass after all to them watching the exploits of a badass is probably like watching an action show or something so i scraped the other two sheets and started working on this one.

Edit: Added secondary plan for what to do next took some of plan backbone infrastructure and edited it a bit.
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[X]Adam david
- American
-born in texas
-40K geek
-manga geek
- Individualistic
- Belives in free will and choice above all else
-( open to more qualities)

[X] Plan apex of Man
- Immediately reverse all out ward mutations ( you are your own master damn it)
- Fix any lasting injuries such as scars fractured bones etc
- Go over the tempalets in your head to make sure that YOU understand what you are doing then raise your self to the status of a real world peak human
- Go grab your 40K source book ( Space marines preferably grey knights) your toriko manga and some biology books.
- study the real world biolagy to figure out what would translate the best into the real world.
- once you have found augmentations you can preform on your self that are certain to be controllable and not outward showing ( such as toughed muscle fibers
-in particular the following augmentations should be studyed for use
