The Numinous Realms

Tel Vos

The Numinous Realms

In the darkness, before shapes, and light, and music, and color, there was a mountain.

It was. Its dimensions were without beginning or end. It stretched beyond all limits of vision, dazzled beyond all the vagaries of the senses; its breadth without ambit, its heights without altitude, its summit lost beneath skirling leagues of cloud and snow.

It was the Mountain-Before-Names. Men have given it other titles, too, vain endeavors to grasp at the true essence, to snare its urnymic in the shackles of language---
Otumnos, the Stone; Masovaruda, the Womb of Heaven; Ilamm, the Axle; Biyya'a, the Anchor; Holo, the Pith; the Allsource, the Firmaments of Creation, the Pinnacle, the Forge, the Acorn, the Root, the Flower.

But the Mountain is treacherous. To scale the spires of creation is to be humbled.

The Mountain has no name.

A trackless passage of time elapsed. A cup began to fill. And the snows which crowned its peaks began to melt.

Rivulets trickled down the Mountain's imperious faces, became tumid and swelled to chutes, grew wider and fell to falls, and finally, tumbled from the heights as cataracts. A drop became a river. From the foot of the Mountain-Before-Names, Ur-Rahab, the grand tributaries of creation, spangled and reached into infinity.

There was no place where its waters did not explore. Its laughing streams danced and twisted into the hidden spaces, where secreted remnants from prior twilights were left for their quenching. Their grasping fingers pried open the starry locks and made havocs upon the prior orders, upending the stellate tomes, dusty with veiled mysteries, beaming all the way. Nothing was left dry in its inquests: the hollow places were filled, the secret places invaded, the hearthfires exhausted. All was laid bare and drowned, even unto the Mountain's frosted peaks.

Then, the cup overflew. More water was spilt over its edges, sending forth streaming jets. But in this detritus there was more to be found. The first Children were born, whooping and leaping from the weeping cup, and the Mountain laughed and was content, and the River laughed and was content.

How they mewled, then! In their birth-throes, what water they made!

They lived on the Mountain, for a time. They laughed and chased one another, hid behind hoary boulders, assumed disguises to deceive their fellows; they played in the shallows, and some even tried themselves against the current. The bigger ones wrestled with one another, testing their prowess. They made expeditions and explorations and learnt what they could.

But the mountain was a lonely place, and small too. Soon the Children could scarcely breathe, so large had they become and so little room there was. Although they loved their home on the Mountain's pinnacle, what now could they do? They would only grow further.

So they begged to have their own dwelling place. One in which they could dance and run and move and
be without the presence of anyone else. The Mountain recognized the wisdom of that.

The River lowered then, leaving trailing wakes of silt and clay streaked upon the Mountain faces. Again its waters tumbled and seethed, but not wildly like before; ordered traces they made, fingers gently plumbing. They made hollow places of their own creation; bubbles of being and light, where the Children could languish at their leisure.

Seeing what the River had wrought, the Children exulted and laughed. They leaped from the heights and found their places, delved and marked them with their sparks.

"How pleasant it is!" they exclaimed, lounging on their velveteen couches, "How pleasant it is to be alone!"

They did not yearn for their fellows, then. In the miracle of their solitude they learnt much of themselves. Something quickened within them, something which they could neither encompass nor abandon. The bones of a great becoming filled their shapeless forms, made erupt leafy shoots where previously none had branched, struck fire upon cold hearths.

What was your great becoming?
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She opens her eyes to find herself... floating about in outer space. Questions arise. Who is she? What is she? What is she doing here? Why is she here?

After a long time of thinking, reflection, meditation and contemplation, she finds her answers. It's not easy to know oneself after all.

For one thing, she is indeed a she, or at least she identifies herself as a she.

This place is but an empty void right now, but it is also a canvas, something that can be filled, engineered to perfection. Thoughts of metal and wheels enter her mind.

She feels a need, a need for speed. She feels like pushing the limits, going as fast as she can across the far reaches of space, and moving objects the same way too.

She is a goddess, a spirit, a spaceship sailing amongst the stars.

She chooses a name for herself, the name of Carnot, for it represents an ideal, a state of perfection. It may or may not be reached, but it is a goal, something to strive towards for eternity.

As for this space, she decides to claim it as her own. This will be her domain, her realm. As for its name, she shall call it Celeritas, the speed of light, for it represents her love of speed, both of herself and of objects.

Off she goes to tinker with her realm and explore her domain, to see what she can do with it...
She was Alŵ̄͒͐ả̍̔ͤ͏͔̲͎͈̦̩y̲̥͙̲̰̻̒́s̼̖̫̱͙̥ͬ̂ ͔̗̘̘͕̯͌̃ͨ̍̄̚͘h̠͓̳̩̄ͧe̞͍̩̺̲̰͒ṛe̜̲͑͗... Floating in the Chaotic Eternity..... gazing at it.. gazing in awe... in horror.... in terror.... in... in a Lust for its Knowledge.... the Firmaments... they created her...

It created her.

The Firmament. the thing the others call... Mountain ... it is not the mountain... it is the Firmament... it always will be The Firmament to her...

She gazed into the depths of it.... into the depths of The firmaments... pleading to it... begging it... hearing its whispers... its wisdom.... its knowledge...... she wanted m̶̧̟̫̤̫̞ͩ̓̽o͎͕̥̮̺̙͗͊ͤͧ͘͜͝r̸̼͖ͧ͂ͭ͢ẹ̼̘̜̗̳͕͈ͯͣ͋̊ͬ́̊̚ͅ

But the firmament wouldn't give her more... it stopped talking to her... after she started to shout at it... scream at it.. rage at it for it.... it.. stopped giving her knowledge...

so she turned from the Firmaments... she wanted another place... she needed more knowledge.. she would get it herself...

The voice talks to her, whispers her ideas, designs for things she has no concept of yet... designs of...... of madness... she loves the voice. it gives her knowledge. it never fails her.

then one day the voice told her to concentrate... told her what she was.... who she was.... you are the aspect of Cognito... my little cognito that is who we are... we are Cognito... we always were... always are..

Create!, the Cognito shouted at Her

CREATE!. she shouted....

she gazed at the firmament... she wanted to be like it one day.... be powerful... be knowledgeable.....

So she gazed into the Eternal abyss... the crystal pulsed one more time... filling her with the idea..

She flexed her will and Runes painted the darkness around her spherical form.... they grew smaller... denser.... more complex... yet to her eyes.... even as the runes... the sigils... grew to the point where they were all one giant sigil.. made out of an infinity of was far too simple... she flexed her will....

And there was a flash of light.... and a Big Bang.

She could learn here......

(created my universe with a infinite number of pressure runes and create matter runes, basically created a big bang)

In a realm at the center of the river, a Consciousness becomes. Thought overlapping with thought. Idea with idea, and plan with plan. The various subtleties of mind wending their way into each other. The consciousness turns inwards, takes stock of itself as it grows, organizing, systematizing its thoughts.


It Becomes. This consciousness turns outwards, identity forming. Something slips in though the cracks of consciousness, a memory yet unearned, a whisper of some sideways place, times before and afterwards. Critical mass is reached, and an identity cements itself.


Nalanaar looks around herself. There is so much to do. She watches as the river rushes past, small particles of existence bound up in the current, accumulating here and there as they flowed by immortal realms. She thinks, plans, a lattice of thoughts extending far beyond herself.


The Goddess reaches out and gently nudges a particle onto a different course, and then watches as this causes a cascade, a pile up of existence as a realm gathers itself around her.


As a realm forms, Nalanaar sets to work setting everything into place. Lines, systems, networks, Order takes shape in her wakes as she sets to the maintenance of her realm.
Var-Abzic: The Devadic Sea

Time turns weird as the Ages change. Slippery, viscous; too slow and too fast all at once. The waters of creation rushing and surging through dry hollows, gouging great chunks from abandoned histories. Plowing whatever was left beneath the swirling, churning, currents. How many seconds had it been? How many eternities? How many Gods tinkering and toiling and fiddling with the underpinnings of the Universe.

It didn't really matter. In the end, in the beginning:

There was always an Ocean.

Rain drummed on the surface of the heaving sea. Dimpling and pockmarking the water as waves rose and fell. Breakers the side of buildings crashing against black basalt cliffs, coming undone in clouds of salt-laced spray. In the distance waters swirled, blasting away as a collumn of mist exploded towards the black sky. Mach-cone hazing the air around it, framing it with jetstream tapers. Lightning crackling in the depths. Clouds were already forming, swirling around the base. Immense thunderheads. Fires burned in the deep. Molten red cracks, bright enough to hurt even so obscured by however many impossible fathoms, however many leagues of black water.

The three sat on the ragged, crumbling edge of the cliffs. Legs hanging over the drop. Heedless of the downpour. Human or, at least, close enough to count.

The youngest was kicking his heels against the stone. Swinging his legs over the drop, hands planted behind him. Brown skin tattooed from head to toe with deep greens and perfect blacks. A single, swirling, contiguous design. The flesh beneath fading now and then to the faintest impression of scales. He was clad in nothing but a simple, ragged, wrap around the waist, rubbery, sinewy strips of fabric wound about his forearms and about his calves. A a small fishbone circlet sat on his brow, more to keep his untidy hair out of his eyes than anything else. He had his face turned towards the maelstrom of the sky. Heedless of the rain that splattered on his nose and dripped down his cheeks.

"Oh wow," he whispered, gleeful, "oh wow they're really going at it huh?"

"Be respectful." The reply was a harsh, burbling thing. Scuttling crabs in tidal pools. The surf crashing through broken reefs. Things unbidden, things that still lived, here, in the depths of the Sea. "This is a portentous event."

The figure beside him was swathed from head to toe in a sodden, dripping robe. Fashioned of the same hide-strips the first speaker war but encrusted in coral. Barnacles and polyps and things yet unnamed clinging to his clothes. Rising up in some glacial spire, whorls and creamy loops, a hunched hermit's shell that bent his spine. Something jointed and plated shifted in the depths of his hood. Long, slender, antennae twitched. The figure started with a splutter as the third leaned over and cuffed him over the head. The first speaker, the slightest, started laughing. Arms wrapped around his inked stomach, until the third reached over and smacked him too.

"Sumra do not lecture your brother, he knows better. Dasr have some respect, Sumra is right."

The speaker scratched his beard. Nut-brown skin already marked by thin, pale scars. Sinews like carven stone shifting beneath the flesh. He looked like the sort of thing that could break a mountain. Wrestle the wind into submission. From hip to midthigh he was clad in cloth of the same, shared material. Clinging so close to the outlines of his body it may as well have been painted on. Every inch a hero of the waves.

"This is important."

A mountain range rose out of the water. Larger than the worlds to come would ever know; peaks to scar the sky and carve apart the clouds, a long ribbon of stony slopes and cracked-magma gaps. The seas wallowing beneath it, waves licked the cliff. Tall enough to kiss their feet. It flexed, the mountain range rippled. And it was at the apex that the eye could see no, no it was not a mountain range. It was a tail. A tail that spanned the horizons.

It slammed back to the sea. Sending walls of water rising up, roaring out. A seething surf.

Tivr-mu-si rested his calloused palms on the stony cliff. "It's starting."

It is said that at the moment of the Sea's creation heaven and earth alike cried out in agony. Cursing the birthpangs of the newborn sphere. Shunning the weight of the Deep and its harsh, scouring waters; its unfathomable depths and boundless darkness. The very profanity of its existence. "This thing pains us!" they cried out. "It will never be of us! Let it be gone and trouble us no more!"

And it was so.


It is sometimes also said that from the depths of that nascent ocean, echoing over the endless waves, a voice drifted back. A petulant snarl:


And so the briny waters of the Ocean surged out, stirred to rage by the monstrous world-soul that lay at its heart. And so the waves sloshed over their imposed confines, loosing their restraints, and tainted the River around them brackish. Poisoning tributaries of Creation with salt.
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In the beginning, there was naught but Fire. A nascent consciousness burned as it arose into a state of higher thought. It began to spread its awareness, surveying the realm in which it had awoken. And what it saw enraged it.

Decay and rampant growth warred in turn, clashing against each other where the consciousness had awoken. Nature rose up to claim the land, only to rot and fall to pieces in mere moments before it grew back as the cycle repeated. The consciousness - Al-Djeris, watched this for what seemed like an eternity, before he finally came to a decision.

Unacceptable. Disgusting. This mass of filth around him was intolerable. It would all have to be cleansed.

Flame burst from around Al-Djeris, spreading out until it engulfed the whole of the realm. For ninety-nine days and ninety-nine nights, the fire burned. On the hundredth day, Al-Djeris finally let the flames fade and began to look over his realm once more. Pristine. Purified. His flames had cleansed both growth and corruption, leaving a blank slate. For a moment, he contemplated shaping this realm according to his every whim. But that was going too far. He had already interfered enough with this place as it was. Better to watch it form once more.

For an eternity, Al-Djeris watched. The land was purified, but in time, both corruption and excess began to take root once more. His flame could excise this, but in time, they would always resurface.

Why? Why? This question plagued Al-Djeris for eons, before enlightenment finally reached him: purity was not creation's natural state. Nothing could remain static. Change was inevitable. Life and death would both come in turn. All he could do was ensure that neither grew out of control. Yes. This was acceptable. His heart eased with this revelation, Al-Djeris returned to the task of maintaining his desmense, crafting servants of flame in order to maintain the realm on their own.
At first, there was nothing, and then, there was.

For long it existed, growing and becoming, but it soon came to nothing. Many things, too, came into being, before time brought them back to nothingness. Always something was, and something became no more. Creation, he brought to an end, and watched it return again, again and again. Each time it was different, each time it was ended again.

From all this, Gashanan-No-Amor knew what was the truth - That all things that were had an end, and that all that was not, too, had an end. Existence was the end of Nothingness, itself the end of Existence. And from this, he knew who he was.

Once more he ended creation, watched it form and grow again, and decided to simply watch as parts of it end, as it came into being again from nothing. This he saw was a world of eternal endings, and so he simply watched as it paradoxically became no more and become more.
Memories. Vague Memories of the first place.
Eleana wolke up with them, feeling...alone.Very alone.Darkness.Waters.She drifted in them.and she felt...a stirring.
Something...In her she ...let it out, let it free...and suddenly... there was something.
Eleanna opened eyes and green.Floating in the water.Born of her.She still felt itnow, if there were more...and new green things came forth from her, slowly... too slowly.
The world... she needed more...
So she taught the... the life to GROW. to become bigger... energy... To Take in the energy.
And then:Grow! GROW!
Soon the Green reached the outside ..And EleNa, Eleana the Source, left her old body at the core of the green sphere and rose.And saw again Ur Rahab.And the Mountain. and the you g worldislands, lifeless, but waiting....
And she smiled.
And raftlike leaves started sailing oit, bet ween th stars, bringibg the breathing, growing Green out to the distant worldislands.Bringing her out.
Some would fail. She knew that, now.
But others would grow.Adapt .Perservere.
For such was the Nature of her and her realm of Green life.
Whose name Was Netzach.Meaning VICTORY!
The energy of the mountain coalesced, the sun flared. So was he born.

He, the epitome of law. Not of order, the effects of the system. But of the system, the structure, the hierarchy itself. The law. Law, the most precious and beautiful thing.

He turned and saw where he came from. A great sun. He knew it in his head to truly be a mountain, and the expanse of stars before him to be a river. Yet he could not see it. Not like that. For despite being Sunborn, he could not see the sun for what it truly was.

It did not matter. Just as with the law, the letter and spirit were equally important, and he knew it was a mountain, so therefore it was. And now he was here, to bring law to the universe. Order brought structure; law brought a system, rules to follow, that must be trusted and followed. It was imperative. And he would make sure everyone knew.

One important rule: Everyone must be able to be identified, on their own.


Creator of the law he may be, he was still subject to it.

Law. Lex. Law was a light. Light, lux. Luxenar. Lexenar. Luxen, Lexen. Luxar, Lexen. All good names. Some laws could be flexible; he could have multiple names, if necessary.

Opening all 8 of his eyes and spreading his wings, Luxen traveled through the endless expanse, trying to find a place to call his own.


And finally, he found his. And began to shape it to his will. His own will. He was Law, but it was not Law's will, not in this case. There are no laws about how you make your home.

And so he made a land of beauty, flowing, with marble columns rising out of the ground… and the air. And he made non-sentient denizens, to serve him: the Ay'an. Loyal to Law, completely, but without intelligence. It would be enough, for now. But some day, there would be a better option.

For now, though, the Law abided.