@John Masaki

And basically the rest of you.
This is not meant as an joke.
I am truly sorry for you.This debacle is going to hurt everyone, but especially the people of America.
Whom I know do not deserve this man as their leader .
Because they are better than this.

Widow, your country has survived Harding, Nixon, Bush.
It will survive Trump.

John, sorry for all the effort and energy you put into helping to try and prevent this, but remember, the basterd is under public scrutiny now, which limits his criminal capabilities, hopefully.
And Impeachment is a thing.
So is heart failure.
@John Masaki

And basically the rest of you.
This is not meant as an joke.
I am truly sorry for you.This debacle is going to hurt everyone, but especially the people of America.
Whom I know do not deserve this man as their leader .
Because they are better than this.

Widow, your country has survived Harding, Nixon, Bush.
It will survive Trump.

John, sorry for all the effort and energy you put into helping to try and prevent this, but remember, the basterd is under public scrutiny now, which limits his criminal capabilities, hopefully.
And Impeachment is a thing.
So is heart failure.
...I betrayed my principles and voted for Hillary for nothing. I voted and felt so bad I cried in the parking lot for nothing. The Orange moron is president anyhow.
...I betrayed my principles and voted for Hillary for nothing. I voted and felt so bad I cried in the parking lot for nothing. The Orange moron is president anyhow.
I am sorry.

Here is to hoping beyond hope Trump will shape up to be halfways decent at this and not ruin the states like he ruined every buisness he ever run.
Oh, who am I kidding?
I am sorry.

Here is to hoping beyond hope Trump will shape up to be halfways decent at this and not ruin the states like he ruined every buisness he ever run.
Oh, who am I kidding?
Thank god for congressional checks and limits of presidential power. Most Republicans actively dislike him so they keep his ass in check. I got a feeling Pence will be the actual president while he fucks about like he done with most of his business career.
Thank god for congressional checks and limits of presidential power. Most Republicans actively dislike him so they keep his ass in check. I got a feeling Pence will be the actual president while he fucks about like he done with most of his business career.
He has to try to deliver on tne wall thing though... and on pulling out of the Paris treaty.... and Obamacare.... and trying to jail Hillary.....
And he is just petty enough to actually try.
And he thinks foreign politics can be done by blackmail.
Welp, that happened. I'll need to let the shock wear off, so I'll hold off on the new thread for the time being.

@Widowmaker, I know I said I wasn't going to give first dibs, but let me just say that that's one promise I'll happily break so we can see you posting awesome stuff, okay?
@John Masaki

And basically the rest of you.
This is not meant as an joke.
I am truly sorry for you.This debacle is going to hurt everyone, but especially the people of America.
Whom I know do not deserve this man as their leader .
Because they are better than this.

Widow, your country has survived Harding, Nixon, Bush.
It will survive Trump.

John, sorry for all the effort and energy you put into helping to try and prevent this, but remember, the basterd is under public scrutiny now, which limits his criminal capabilities, hopefully.
And Impeachment is a thing.
So is heart failure.

At this point, the worst that will happen is my pride being broken.

I'd rather the US keep its position as economic powerhouse and top dog.

Trump is going to ruin that. We'll be second or third place.

Who wants to win the frigging Bronze Medal?

What Donald Trump Would Yell at Every 'Game of Thrones' Character
...I betrayed my principles and voted for Hillary for nothing. I voted and felt so bad I cried in the parking lot for nothing. The Orange moron is president anyhow.
Cheetoh Hitler is at least better than the guy who thinks you can make gays NOT gay.

Silly fools, everybody knows that you can only turn straights gay, not the other way around. Just look at my step-grandpa's ex-wife.

I'm going to crib this line from an abridged series: "He has the unbridled charisma of a chipotle enema!"

Welp, that happened. I'll need to let the shock wear off, so I'll hold off on the new thread for the time being.

@Widowmaker, I know I said I wasn't going to give first dibs, but let me just say that that's one promise I'll happily break so we can see you posting awesome stuff, okay?

I appreciate that, JoMa. I really do.
Since this thread has been asleep for days?

Nice part about being a Noldor? My masterworks are fucking godly. Once I get to full-strength Feanor with even a single silmaril?

Watch out, because I'm packing a holy artifact. *Places it into the hilt of sword* WATCH AS MY SWORD BECOMES A STORM OF LIGHT.
I'm creatively short right now so let's assume Marcelne is my character when the new thread starts.
@John Masaki

I'm probably going to join with either Timothy or another Dragon Ball OC. However, I may alter Tim's abilities somewhat, I've imported him into a few other things and I have some interesting move ideas I'd like to implement. Also, his backstory will be completely different.
What the Hell, I'm bored:

Character Name: Rogal Dorn


Age: 300ish
Height: 12'
Weight: 2,000lbs
Series: Warhammer 40,000

Warp Sight:
I can gaze into the raw Warp without going nuts or blind, and can navigate through the Warp if required. That's a power I guess.

Primarch Strength: Primarchs have physical strength far in excess of normal humans. Weights of 1-2 tons can be thrown around with easy. Weights in the dozens of tons can be shifted if necessary.

Primarch Speed: Both a primarch's movement speed and reaction time are greatly enhanced. We can run at speeds of up to 100KPH, and can dodge bullets.

Primarch Intellect: Primarchs possess an incredible ability to multi-task, think non-linearly and preform complex calculations and problem-solving. They also have eidetic memory.

Primarch Durability: Primarchs are a hard bunch to kill. Advanced physiology and multiple redundant biological systems allow them to survive in areas lethal to humans and endure wounds far in excess of what would kill a human or Astartes.


A fifteen-foot long adamantium halberd, incorporating a power axehead, power spearblade, and a thunderhammer. The reverse end of the haft features an on-board lascannon.

The Imperial Fist: A large powerfist, worn on the right hand, incorporating a pair of twin-linked bolters over the wrist, drawing from either 20-round box magazines or 200-round belts.

The Dornsblade: A nine-foot long bastard sword, crafted from black adamantium. No powerfields here, but instead a monomolecular edge. Unadorned but for a roman numeral "VII" on the cross guard.
Hey guys. After careful consideration, I've decided to reboot over at SB. I know, I know, but I've thought a good deal about this and I feel that it's for the best to make a clean start over there. I'll have the thread up in a bit.