What would you do if I applied to the reboot as Morgoth, incidentally?
Is my Melkor sheet not a thing of beauty?
Good question. With the LOTR influence in the old game, I considered having Morgoth return as the BBEG at the end of days.

I can't possibly allow you to be BBEG right off the bat, but crawling your way back up to the top is doable. That said, Lucifer has been on his throne for a very long time and he's grown stronger than the last time you and he met. Strong enough to defeat you and claim you titles?

Entirely up in the air, but the match would be on Pay Per View for sure!
The IRS disagrees with you. Greatly.

Yes, well, when the auditors can make it through the black wastes of death haunted by the shattered spirits of those who fell against me long ago, pass unharmed through the vast, slavering hordes of trolls and orcs armed for war, and bypass the twelve-foot thick several-mile-high iron gates of Angband, then perhaps I'll pay heed to what these mortals 'disagree' with.

*turns around to sit in the chair of his throne in the heart of black Angband, miles beneath the molten pits of the earth, in the Dark Land to make Mordor seem as a children's tale, where the shadows do not simply lie, but are born*

*sees IRS audit notice stapled to foot of chair*


Yes, well, when the auditors can make it through the black wastes of death haunted by the shattered spirits of those who fell against me long ago, pass unharmed through the vast, slavering hordes of trolls and orcs armed for war, and bypass the twelve-foot thick several-mile-high iron gates of Angband, then perhaps I'll pay heed to what these mortals 'disagree' with.

*turns around to sit in the chair of his throne in the heart of black Angband, miles beneath the molten pits of the earth, in the Dark Land to make Mordor seem as a children's tale, where the shadows do not simply lie, but are born*

*sees IRS audit notice stapled to foot of chair*


IRS Auditors are the most hardcore people on the planet. This is known. For them, all those defenses are actually a picnic compared to the US Tax Code.

If Hell hires the lawyers, Heaven hires the tax collectors.
Decided to start working on a sheet I might use for the reboot. Still a WIP.

Character Name: Ornstein
Titles: Dragonslayer, Captain of the Four Knights of Gwyn, the Lieutenant of the Sun, the Lioness of Anor Lando
Series: Dark Souls
Age: Thousands of years
Gender: Female
Height: 347.4 centimeters
Weight: 299.25 kilograms (w/o armor)
Species: God

Attributes and Abilities:

Soul of Ornstein
: Special beings have special souls. This unique soul was granted to Ornstein by the Lord of Sunlight himself, elevating her in both status and power above most other gods outside of Gwyn's own family. The strength granted to her by this unique soul is immense, allowing her to briefly imbue her with the speed of lightning itself to cross short distances (causing the air to crack with her passage) and give her seemingly infinite endurance in battle.

This video should give something of an idea of what I see Ornstein as being capable of in battle.

Miracles: The powers of the gods are only ever described in any real detail from the prospective of the mortals that worship them and wield "watered down" versions of their powers known as Miracles.
Dark Souls 2: All Miracles Showcase video
Dark Souls 3: All Miracles Showcase video

Lightning Spear: Miracle passed down to those bound by the Warrior of the Sunlight covenant. Lightning spears inflict rare lightning damage, and are very effective against magic, fire, and most of all, dragons. In the hand of Ornstein this lesser miracle is channeled through her spear and is capable of tracking down individual targets and inflicting mortal injuries to those lacking sufficient protection.
Great Lightning Spear: Miracle passed down to those bound by the Warrior of the Sunlight covenant. The weapon of the God of War, who inherited the sunlight of Lord Gwyn, but had respect only for arms, and nothing else. Ornstein usually wields it the same as she does the lightning spear by casting a powerful guided bolt against her enemies.
Splintering Lightning Spear: Developed from a primal miracle. A single bolt of lightning that splits apart above its target and then strikes down as dozens of bolts covering a wide area.
Sunlight Spear: In the war that marked the dawn of the Age of Fire, Gwyn wielded these rays of sunlight, which remains fierce even as they fade, capable of blasting apart formations of dozens of even the most heavily armored of knights.
Blinding Bolt: A miracle that creates a giant soul mass and transforms it into a lightning-spouting orb of light. Created in ancient times by the God of Sun, but later forbidden by the same deity. Was it to protect the world from hatred, or sorrow?
Lightning Storm: Miracle of the Nameless King, ally to the ancient dragons. Calls forth furious bolts of lightning. Once a slayer of dragons, the former king and wargod tamed a Stormdrake, on which he led a lifetime of battle. This miracle is likely a tale of their bond.
Sunlight Blade: Miracle wielded by Lord Gwyn's firstborn. The power of sunlight, manifested as lightning, is very effective against dragons. When the eldest son was stripped of his deific status, he left this on his father's coffin, perhaps as a final farewell.
Force: Common miracle among cleric knights. This quickly-acting miracle inflicts no damage, but propels foes back and defends against projectiles. Cleric knights use this miracle when charging into enemy mobs.
Emit Force: Outland miracle, foreign to the Way of White. Consdered an alternate branching of Force. Emits an expanding shockwave orb.
Wrath of the Gods: Primal form of Force Creates powerful shockwave. Wrath of the Gods was an epic tale that tattered over time and devolved into the modern Force. This primal form of Force emits a shockwave that also inflicts damage.
Lightning Force: A combination of Wrath of the Gods and Lightning Storm wielded by Ornstein.
Magic Barrier: Miracle of Bishop Havel the Rock. This coating greatly boosts magic defense, assisting warriors who must face the magic which Bishop Havel countered so proficiently.
Great Magic Barrier: Miracle of Bishop Havel the Rock. Havel the Rock, an old battlefield compatriot of Lord Gwyn, was the sworn enemy of Seath the Scaleless. He despised magic, and made certain to devise means of counteraction. Ornstein learned this power from the Bishop himself as she also harbored a healthy hatred of the pale dragon.
Sunlight Barrier: Crackling lightning sheathes Ornstein, enhancing attacks and defense. Her melee attacks deal devastating shocks of lightning and any melee attack against her triggers a backlash against the attacker.
Replenishment: Common miracle amongst cleric knights. Gradual HP restoration. Beware of the cleric knight blessed by Replenishment, for he shall not fall easily.
Heal: Elementary miracle cast by clerics. Restores HP. To cast a miracle, the caster learns a tale of the Gods, and says a prayer to be blessed by its revelations. Heal is the shortest of such miraculous tales.
Great Heal Excerpt: Great miracle cast by advanced clerics. Restores high HP. Great Heal Excerpt borrows from only several verses of Great Heal. As a result, it can only be cast a stark few times.
Great Heal: Great heal is a long tale, learned only by a select few mortal clerics. No caster will be disappointed by the bountiful life that it yields.
Soothing Sunlight: Special miracle granted to the maidens of Gwynevere, Princess of the Sun. The miracles of Gwynevere, the princess cherished by all, grant their blessings to a great many warriors.
Bountiful Sunlight: Special miracle granted to the maidens of Gwynevere, Princess of the Sun. The miracles of Gwynevere, the princess cherished by all, grant their blessings to a great many warriors.
Sacred Oath: An ancient miracle said to have been devised by warriors who once served the God of the Sun. It provides a temporary boost the strength and vitality of the caster and all nearby allies.
Equipment and Personal Belongings:
Golden Lion Armor: An immense suit of shining golden plate armor forged to resemble a lion. Gifted to Ornstein by the Lord of Sunlight himself. This massive suit of plate armor renders her completely immune to harm from mundane melee weapons and lesser blessed and enchanted weapons. It also provides excellent protection against most sorcery and pyromancy, and renders her all but immune to lightning damage for as long as there is no gap in her armor for it to pass through. Her armor even provides excellent defense against modern infantry and light vehicle weapons despite not being designed with such weaponry in mind.
Dragon's Bane: An immense spear gifted to Ornstein by the Lord of Sunlight himself. Ornstein's spear can be considered similar to the talismans used by human clerics in a way; she is able to channel her lightning powers through it to increase the potency of her attacks and achieve a wide variety of effects such as lightning bolts that track their targets.
Leo Ring: One of the special rings granted to the four knights of Gwyn. The Leo Ring belonged to Ornstein the Dragonslayer. This ring strengthens counters with pierce weapons. Her lugged spear is said to have sliced a boulder in two.
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I'm inclined to start her on the first kagune to see how she does with it. I generally would allow her the second and subsequent powerups at Suitably Dramatic Moments, if you get my drift.

The magic shield looks like it could tank a nuke (or at least a B-52 bombing run) by your power description. That won't be possible at the start of the RP. Would be able to stop an air-to-ground missile from a fighter jet or an equivalent magical attack, though. Otherwise, you're good to go.

So, how do I start? Is there an opening post?
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