The OP

John Masaki

The Guy With the Lightsaber
Earth. It's a world unaware of the reality beyond its solar system. But from this day forward, no more. A New Age of Heroes has emerged in the 21st Century...fiction has become fact, the fabric of reality expands to accommodate a great many additions, and our planet, our civilization will never again be the same.

A terrible threat looms beyond the horizon. A threat so great that it will take an army of heroes with powers beyond that of mortal men and technology indistinguishable from magic to save the world from the terror of eternal night. A threat with the all-consuming desire to consume the world and all within it.

You are those heroes. You are the chosen ones destined to repel this threat. Will you be victorious in the end...or will you fall to the horror to come? It's your choice. It's your destiny.

It's your life from now on.

Let's begin...


This is a shiny new thread based upon your usual BROB Is Your Avatar On Earth plot, but with a twist. It's essentially a reboot of the old ones started by id319, but now with actual Plot and Drama thrown in! Here's how things will go.

You pick a character, generally your Avatar, but someone else if you want. I decide whether to accept it, nerf it or reject it. Also: If there's no post from you within three weeks from the date of latest post, you'll be Toucan'd, so make arrangements with the GM if you have RL issues to sort out.

The Game has begun!

The Expanded Edition

Here's the template for the character I'm using:

Name: Ness
Species: Human
Age: 14

Universe of Origin: Earthbound/Super Smash Brothers.
Powers and Abilities:

Ness is a fourteen year old boy with a neat talent. It isn't his mad skillz in the art of the guitar. It isn't his batting average. It's his power of psychokinesis, or PK. With it, he can unleash devastating PK Rockin' and PK Starstorm, burn foes with PK Fire and PK Thunder, hinder with PK Paralysis and PK Hypnosis, heal with PK Lifeup and PK Healing, block attacks with PK Shield, absorb energy attacks with PK Magnet, and teleport with PK Teleport. He can also buff and debuff enemies and allies with certain PK skills.

Passive Skills: Ness has a number of passive skills in addition to his active ones. They include: being able to understand animals, learn new languages quickly, use a standard bag of psychic tricks (TK, Telepathy, Combat Precog) and under certain circumstances, survive a mortal blow.

In addition, he's an athletic boy known to be fond of baseball, soccer, bicycling, hiking, martial arts and parkour, and is genre-savvy enough to identify most common franchises.

Finally, Ness embodies the concepts of Courage, Wisdom and Friendship and thus has high leadership potential. He has a talent for making friends and taking charge of a situation despite his youth. There's a reason he's the leader of the Chosen Four instead of the more logical choice of Prince Poo...


This section lists the initial items your character will have on their person at the time of appearance. They can be weapons, tools or even clothing.

Legendary Gutsy Bat: The most powerful weapon Ness has in his arsenal. When equipped, it lets him hit extremely hard, block incoming attacks (anything from swords to gunshots. BATTER UP!) and generally act as his "sword". At a suitably dramatic moment, when the bat is equipped, it allows him to unleash his signature non-PSI ability: Homerun SMASH!

Combat Yo-Yo: The second most powerful weapon. Allows Ness to use the various yo-yo tricks to do everything from pull a Spiderman to whacking enemies with the disk end.

Bionic Slingshot: The third most powerful and his only ranged weapon. Ness can use the slingshot to hit with significant power. Not very useful against high-ranking beings, but useful against mooks.

Franklin Badge: The Franklin Badge is perhaps Ness' most useful item. It not only reflects lightning attacks, but also reflects Flash attacks and beam weapons. It can even reflect an attack that would kill him instantly, so long as it's a light flash, beam or lightning attack of some sort. Anything else would go through as usual.

Mr. Saturn: Not really an item, but a friendly little fellow that can help him out of a tight spot.

Worthless Protoplasm: What's it doing in Ness' backpack? Never mind. It's probably worthless.

Insignificant Item: It's an insignificant item that doesn't have any use.

Super Plush Bear: It's name is Teddy and it's ready to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and it's all out of bubblegum.

Six-pack of Lifenoodles: A pack of instant ramen cups so good that they can revive the dead. Gone after six uses.

Exit Mouse: His name is Reggie. He's a bit of a coward, but can help Ness out of a tight spot, mostly by running away.

Bag of Dragonite: No, not a bag of Dragonite steaks. A bag that contains a special powder that can instantly turn anyone into a massive dragon. Can be used many times.

Bag of Snakes: Why did it have to be snakes? A bag of snakes that Ness can throw at enemies. Occasionally, a thrown snake may turn out to be poisonous.

Bicycle: A bicycle that somehow fits in Ness' backpack. Wonder how that happened.

Towel: Very useful in many situations.

Pencil Eraser: Erases all pencils within a vicinity. Just don't use it near an office shop.

ATM Card: An ATM card that withdraws exactly what Ness needs and not a penny more. Also lets him deposit cash, checks, money orders, and ghosts. Why ghosts? Because they're annoying.

For Sale sign: Someone, without a doubt, is always gonna run up to find something for sale. But will it sell well? Who knows?

Secret Herb: A herb so secret that even its secrets are secrets. Can cure any ailment.

Neutralizer: A device built by Jeff that can neutralize lots of things. Shields, buffs, magic-style attacks, you name it, it targets friend and foe alike and neutralizes everything within a certain area. Has an instruction booklet for Ness' use.

Slime Generator: Generates two kinds of slime: Sticky and Slippery.

Guitar: A guitar Ness uses to play songs.

Backpack: A yellow backpack that somehow has the ability to carry lots of items without wearing him out, even some that shouldn't fit in a backpack. Ness thinks one of Jeff's experiments was responsible, but one cannot deny it's useful.

Special Notes:

This section lists anything unique or noteworthy about the character not listed above.

Example: A certain enemy is out to destroy Ness utterly. Keeping him alive is vital if Earth is to survive...

Player List:

This lists all the players that will be participating in the RP. It's not first-come, first serve, but consideration will be given for the most interesting characters. There is, however, a limited number of slots, not including myself:

1. Omanisat - Rogal Dorn (Warhammer 40K)
2. Slugsinger - Lingering Will (Kingdom Hearts)
3. Einsieg - Myogi (formerly Haruna)/Kirishima (Arpeggio of Blue Steel)
4. Whatmesage - Lind (Ah My Goddess)
5. Necron_Lord - Trazyn the Infinite (Warhammer 40K)
6. ProphetofWisdom - Revan (Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic)
7. Citrakite - Marceline Abadeer (Adventure Time)
8. Grue - Ryotaro Nogami (Kamen Rider)
9. A Melted Cheese Sandwich - Combat Unit Eternity (Bolo series)
10. Krein - Nemissa (Shin Megami Tensei)
11. Blackout - Slenderman (Slenderman Mythos)
12. Twitchy Artemis - Niv Mizzet (Magic: The Gathering)
13. Silvan Eldar - Raven (Teen Titans/DC)


1. Widowmaker - Feanor (Lord of the Rings)
2. Telamon - Sauron (Lord of the Rings)
3. SailorMidgard - Makoto T. Kino-Vidthoris (Sailor Moon variant)
4. Hannz - Chester Stoddart (Ys: The Oath in Felghana)
5. Umbra - Umbra the Snivy (Pokemon: Mystery Dungeons)
6. burningclaw2 - Misogi Kumogawa (Medaka Box)
7. Cyanios - Eldrad Uthran (Warhammer 40K)
8. Fenix - Robin (Fire Emblem: Awakening/Super Smash Bros 4)

Any more players will have to use the waiting list below.

Waiting List:

Ardion Prosili - Kars (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
Ginga no Tsurugi - Bado the Storm Knight (GADO!)
MrBreaksit - Jack Snipe (Erfworld)
Muhkat Lomorki - Striker Blue (homebrew)
Breogan - Cu Chulainn (Nasuverse)
Avoozl - Gilgamesh (Nasuverse)
Genon - Timothy Myers (Dragonball Z/homebrew)
Theburper - Crystal (Pokémon/human hybrid)
Azrubel - Maedhros (Tolkien's Legendarium)
Drakkius - Terra (Final Fantasy Six)
UbeOne - Elsa (Disney's Frozen)
SplicedHunter - Praedyth (Destiny)




TABRIS members:

Ness' Pikachu, Charmander and Agumon
Myogi's Labramon
Alexei Romanov (Yes, that Alexei Romanov. Dead Russian prince, but he got better) and his Gabumon and Squirtle
Takuya Minamoto (and her siblings Chiyo and Taichi) and her partner Candlemon
Madhi Kamil al-Asaad, his partners Pichu and Renamon
Ralts, partner of Revan
Shiromaru Miyamoto and his partner Betamon
Hadji Singh and his partner Elecmon
Avatar Shaozu Wu and his partner Dorumon
Carmen Sandiego and her partners Gatomon and Gastly
Talia Moshe and her partners Bulbasaur and Armadillomon
Chodan, a young Buddhist monk.
Carlos Rodriguez, a budding fusion engineer.

Akbar, Mahmoud, Fassid, Nasir, Kassim (the oldest), and the littlest soldiers Zakariya, Rushdi, and Hussein. (fellow child soldiers fighting with Kamil)

President Barack Obama
General Michael Solomon, Operations Commander of ARCHANGEL
Professor James Randi
Fiona Leeds, Jersey Devil
Admiral Steven Martindale, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Director Contessa Godwinson, ARCHANGEL
HR Director Lydia Loughan, ARCHANGEL

Commander Pedro Salazar, ARCHANGEL

President Vladimir Putin
General Ivan Kavinsky

President Bashir Assad (no longer among the living)
Hafez al-Assad, Darth Iblis, Sith Apprentice to Darth Lucian (see below) and the Masih al-Dajjah (the False Madhi)

Abu Bakir al-Baghdad, the Dark Caliph
Rasputin, the Shiekh

Isaac Katz, a scoundrel

President Hu Jintao

Emperor Akihito
Crown Prince Naruhito
Head Priest Ryouma

Director Mohandas Ghandi
Deputy Director Indra

Queen Elizabeth II
Prince William and Princess Katherine
Prince George
Prince Harry
Prime Minister David Cameron
Ms. Gwyn, a Welsh wisewoman

President Francois Hollande

President Dilma Rousself

Sam and Dean Murphy, a pair of twins
Mr. Hippie, a hippie

Lord Vlad Dracul, a vampire lord

ARCHANGEL Special Operations Command:
White Wolves:
Colonel Alexei Romanov
Lieutenant Colonel Sergei Golokov

Napoleon Brigade:
Major Jeanne Roches,

Major David Darrell,

Thunderbolt Company:
Major Jack Watson,

Phoenix of the South:
Major Liu Jaopeng

Dr. James Watson, PhD in Nuclear Engineering and his assistants.
Dr. Samantha Jackson, computer science expert and her assistants.

Infernal Realms:

Emperor Lucifer Morningstar
Empress-Daimakaichō Hild
Prince Lucian, Dark Lord of the Sith, Ninth Prince of Hell.
Earl Glasyas, ex-Prince of Hell.

Malakai, Lord Convictor of Hell, in custody.
General Barabas, Deputy Commander of the Ninth Legion - KIA
Grand Marshal Xerxes, commander of Glasyas' Air Legions, in custody.

Heavenly Realms:

Jesus Christ, Messiah, High God of the Western Heavenly Realms
Amaterasu, High Queen of the Eastern Heavenly Realms
Jade Emperor, High King of the Eastern Heavenly Realms
Odin, High God of Aesir and King of the Northern Heavenly Realms
Quetzalcoatl, Serpent King of the Southern Heavenly Realms
Krishna, King of the Southern Heavenly Realms
Zeus, King of the Olympians.
Buddha, Compassionate Enlightened One of the Heavens

Digital World:

Digimon Emperor ???
Jijimon, a temple priest.
Toucanmon, Digimon Commissar.

As players drop out or are KIA, those on the waiting list can join the fun and games.

Just to warn you, Anyone Can Die in this game, even me. Plot Shields can only survive so many blows before they go down.

That said, whether we stay dead is a very good question and may require special conditions to answer (such as using a potion of resurrection within a time limit). Otherwise, those who choose to continue may make a new character for the Waiting List and the new player can take their place.


Special Challenges await those who unlock them and special rewards may be given to those who complete them.


Challenge Unlocked: Restore Detroit to its Prime. - Accepted by: HK416 - Completed: No - Reward: TBD.


Notable achievements go here, for good or for ill.


Those who make the plot and roll the dice. Treat them nice and they might not invoke Rock Falls, Everyone Dies!

John Masaki (aka me. Chief GM)
Citrakite (Technical GM)

Now, choose your character and prepare to enter a world at once familiar and foreign!

(And nothing of value was lost.)
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The Kaworu Building
Current Building Layout of Kaworu Building

Floor 25:Conservatory, Doorway to Roof/Helipad.
Floor 24: Maintenance: AC/Elevator Mechanisms
Floor 23: Observation Room, Air Control Room.
Floor 22: Recreation Center (four Virtual Reality Simulation Rooms plus a gym, a pool and an entertainment suite with every single video game in history)
Floor 21: Personal Kitchen, Grand Room and Dining Hall.
Floor 20: Krein/Whatmesage/Talia
Floor 19: Kaworu/Shiro/Carlos Rodriguez
Floor 18: Living Space
Floor 17: Living Space
Floor 16: Raven/Takuya/Taichi/Chiyo
Floor 16: SlugSLinger/John Masaki/Kamil
Floor 15: Avatar Shaozu/Alexei Romanov/Hadji
Floor 14: Blackout
Floor 13: Omanisat
Floor 12: Prophet/Myogi/Kirishima
Floor 11: Monk Chodan
Floor 10: Grue and the Imajins/Marceline
Floor 09: Infirmary
Floor 08: Buffer
Floor 07: Laboratory
Floor 06: Laboratory
Floor 05: Buffer (no unescorted civilians beyond this point)
Floor 04: Conference Hall and Press Room.
Floor 03: Kitchen and Cafeteria
Floor 02: Lobby, Offices, Infirmary
Floor 01: Ground Floor, Lobby, Entrance, Security Office
Base 01: Garage (includes Bolo Dock), Hallway Entrance to Dockyard.
Base 02: Building Maintenance: Electrical, Water, HVAC, Sewage
Base 03: Security Center: CIC, Communications Center, Cyberspace/Server Room, Armory, Dexter's Laboratory, Foundry.

Each floor is 6358 SF (80 x 79) with '14 ceilings. The living quarters are split into 2 3,000 SF penthouses, the equivalent of a 5 bedroom, 3 bath house. The actual interior of every room varies by personal taste. The building itself is reinforced against assaults, including being able to take RPG shots to the windows. The lab itself is also reinforced to protect the building from internal explosion, though the rest of the interior is slightly less reinforced.
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The Armory
The Armory:

This list is by no means comprehensive. You may add to it at any time.

Melee Weapons

Real Life:
Gloves of various types
Staffs of various types
Knives of various types
Swords of various types
Axes of various types
Hammers of various types
Spears of various types

Star Wars:

Lightsabers of various colors
Vibroweapons of varying types (phrik coated)

Warhammer 40K:

Power Weapons
Force Weapons
Eldar Weapons
Tau Weapons
Necron Weapons

Kingdom Hearts:

Keyblades (The tag on each Keyblade says, Wanted: A Partner with a Good Heart!)

Avatar: The Last Airbender/Legend of Korra:

Lightning Gloves

Super Smash Bros:

Beam Swords
Homerun Bat
Lip's Stick
Mario's Hammer
Golden Hammer
Ore Club
Fire Bar


Baseball Bats of varying types
Sticks of varying types
Frying Pans of varying types
Sword, Diadem, Bracers, Cloak of Kings (can only be used by royalty, knights and related persons)
Yo-Yos of varying types
Gloves of varying types
Shoes of varying types
Canine Weapon (can only be used by canines)

Ranged Weapons

Unique Items:

Transmogrification Ray. A ray gun that transforms a target into something else. Has several settings: GenderBend, Chibify, Animal, Plant, Shoggoth, Rock, Revert. The target's mind remains intact in all cases. Transformation is permanent unless Revert is selected.

Real Life:

Guns of various types
Bows and arrows of various types
Javelins of various types
Dart Shooters

Star Wars:

Blasters of varying types

Star Trek:

Phasers of varying types

Warhammer 40K:

Boltguns of varying types
Lasguns of varying types
Meltaguns of varying types
Plasma Guns of varying types
Hellguns of varying types
Eldar Weapons
Tau Weapons
Necron Weapons

Super Smash Bros:

Ray Guns
Super Scope
Fire Flowers
Star Rods
Cracker Launchers
Steel Launchers (Shoots a missile)
Ore Club (Wind mode)
Gust Bellows
Drill Arm (Totally Not A TTGL Reference!)


Slingshot and Bionic Slingshot
The Many Guns of Jeff Andonuts
Saltwater Gun (affects mechanical, metal-based and fire-based enemies. Also kills slug-like enemies)

Explosives and Projectile Weapons

Real Life:

Rocket and Grenade Launchers
Grenades of varying types
Mines of varying types
Mortars of varying types

Star Wars:

Grenades of various types
Thermal Detonators of various types
Rocket, Mortars and Grenade Launchers of varying types

Warhammer 40K:

Explosives and missile launchers of varying types from various races

Super Smash Brothers:

Green Shell
Red Shell
Mr. Saturn Windup Doll
Motion Sensor Bombs
Barrel Cannons
Gooey Bombs
Soccer Balls (can be used for games, too!)
Banana Peels (the oldest trick in the book!)
Smart Bombs
Smoke Balls
Deku Nuts (Stun Grenade)
Blast Boxes
X Bombs
Hocotate Bomb
POW Blocks
Spiny Shells
Killer Eyes
Special Flags
Bullet Bills


Super Bomb
Running Bomb
Sprinting Bomb
Thunder Bomb
New Year's Eve Bomb (reduces all HP to 1)
Heavy Bazooka
Bottle Rockets
Big Bottle Rockets
Multibottle Rockets
Pencil Rockets

Armor, Accessories and Clothing

Unique Items:

Go-Goggles: A pair of goggles that actually do something. Has a HUD that scans enemies for information and weaknesses. Protects the eyes against debris up to sniper bullets as well as glares. Has a low-light setting for dark areas. Waterproof. Links to the Omni Scanner if used in tandem (see below).

Omni Scanner: What the Tricorder wants to be when it grows up. A hand-held, palm-sized, user-friendly scanner that is capable of measuring any and all known types of electromagnetic radiation, gravity waves, supernatural radiation and other variables. Since this scanner is also capable of emitting a variety of different wavelengths, it can handle nearly any biological, geological, environmental or other surveying task by itself.

LOLNOPE T-shirt: A T-shirt with the word LOLNOPE on front. Comes in 3/4 and normal sleeves. It's a wide-spectrum defensive item that protects the wearer from energy, projectile, AOE, and Instant Death attacks, including Sniper Bullets. Instant Death Beam Attacks such as Avada Kedavra even bounces off (but that only works three times and then you're done). Attacks on the lower body and bare skin are affected as well.

It'll protect the wearer against instant-death attacks that can affect a city or larger entity (nukes, asteroids, black holes, Reality Bombs, etc), but the user may be trapped or otherwise unable to move. Does not protect against general environmental hazards. Does not protect against sustained fire or long-lasting explosions.

Hax Cap: A cap with HAX on it. Specifically protects against Instant Death Attacks, but is otherwise a normal baseball cap.

Skinsuit: A skintight spacesuit that protects against the hazards of the vacuum of space. Does not confer protection against extreme environmental hazards other than outer space, poisonous atmospheres or NBC effects.

Omni Shield: A selectively-permeable, invisible shield device worn on the belt that protects against the hazards of the vacuum of space and extreme environmental hazards such as NBC attacks, hostile atmospheres, cosmic radiation and Justin Bieber songs, among other things. With this device, you can wear a T-shirt and shorts (or nothing at all!) on Venus, Jupiter, Pluto, or even a Hot Jupiter! Carries its own air, food and water supply, rated for one month's use. The most extreme environment the Omni Shield can protect against is the center of a standard stellar core for one standard day.

Does not protect against: black holes, supernovas, Gamma-Ray Bursts or Reality Bombs. Neither does it confer protection against any weapon less powerful than a nuke.

Gravity Sneakers: Lets the wearer walk in zero-g environment. Also protects against extreme gravity effects. You're still out of luck if you get sucked into a black hole, though.

Dimensional Pocket: A pocket that can contain almost anything. It currently contains enough space to hide a car, but may grow with time.


Baseball cap (an ordinary baseball cap with your favorite team on it)
Defense Spray (Increases the defenses of a single person by 50%)
Defense Shower (Increases the defenses of all people within a certain area by 50%)

Talisman Ribbon (Can only be worn by the female member of the species. Defense improved by 60%. When equipped, luck is increased and curses fail to work)
Saturn Ribbon (Can only be worn by girls and women. Luck is increased. Defense is improved by 90%)
Goddess Ribbon (Can only be worn by girls and women. Luck is increased and curses fail to work. Defense is improved 110%.)

Charm Coin (Defense improved by 50%. Increases luck by 20% as well)
Lucky Coin (Defense improved by 50%. Increases luck by 30% as well)
Shiny Coin (Defense improved by 70%. Increases luck by 40%)
Talisman Coin (Defense improved by 60%. Luck is increased by 50% and curses fail to work when equipped)
Souvenir Coin (Defense improved by 80%. Luck is improved by 60% as well.)

Diamond Bands (Defense increased by 50%)
Pixie's Bracelets (Defense increased by 60%. Reduce magical attacks by 20%.)
Cherub Bands (Protects against melee and energy weapons. Also prevents sleep techniques from working. Reduces magical attacks by 50%. Defense increased by 70%.)
Goddess Bands (Protects against melee, shrapnel and projectile/energy weapons. Also prevents sleep techniques from working. Reduces magical attacks by 80%. Defense increased by 80%.)

Flame Pendants (Protects from fire-based attacks)
Rain Pendants (Protects from water/ice-based attacks)
Night Pendants (Protects from light-based attacks)
Sea Pendants (Protects from fire, water/ice, and light-based attacks)
Earth Pendants (Protects against fire, water/ice, and light-based attacks)
Star Pendants (Protects against fire, water/ice, light-based and paralysis attacks)
Franklin Badges (Protects against lightning, light and beam attacks, including instant-death attacks of the same type)

Rabbit's Foot (Ups speed, prevents paralysis)

Star Wars

Shields and armor of various types


Shields and armor of various types

Special Items:

Note: All magical and supernatural-based items, including magical weapons and dimensional weapons (ie, weapons that rip open holes in spacetime, etc) are located here.

Wands, staves, etc of various types and styles.

Warhammer 40K:

Vortex Bombs of varying types (located in a special biolocked and AI-locked safe. Requires a minimum of two Commanders to release.)


Pokeballs of varying types (in sixpacks)
Poke Gear of varying types
Full Restores
Max Elixirs
Lava Cookies (also found in the kitchens)


Slime Generator
Shield Killer
Counter-PSI Unit
Hungry HP Sucker
Rust Promoter DX (Hurts metallic enemies and robots)
Xterminator Spray (Kills Bugs Dead)
Super Plush Bears
Bags of Dragonite

Super Smash Bros/Nintendo Items:

Warp Stars
Lightning Parts
Super Mushrooms
Poison Mushrooms
Metal Boxes
Bunny Hoods
Cloaking Devices
Superspicy Curry (also found in the kitchens)
Smash Balls
Back Shields
Rocket Belts
Super Leaves
Cape Feathers
Sonic's Running Shoes

Vehicle Depot

A list of vehicles used by the Crew go here.

Airbender Gliders
3D Maneuvering Gear
Jetpacks of varying types
Iron Man Suits
Lots of Bikes
Lots of Cars
Lots of Trucks
Small Mecha
Several Boats
Denliner Train (Grue)
Service Repair Vehicle
Bell Jetranger Helicopter
One Bluebird Suborbital Vehicle

Special Information


The SR-77H Bluebird is a light robotic VTOL aircraft designed for rapid and covert reconnaissance, transportation and insertion of small groups of people or cargo. Equipped with gravity impulse drives, artificial gravity technology and internal powerplant, it does not require air and fuel for operation. It is capable of comfortably reaching the speeds of Mach 9 and achieving suborbital flight.

The dropship is capable of fully autonomous flight, thanks to its adaptive VI and inertial navigation system. However, it can also be piloted remotely via radio or satellite communications. It can access existing global navigation systems (such as GPS, Galileo or ГЛОНАСС) and communication satellites.

For transportation purposes it has an internal cargo passenger bay, which can hold 4 people or 3.5 metric tons of cargo. Due to rapid acceleration and deceleration, the craft is equipped with the Inertia Compensation System (ICS) capable of operating at accelerations of up to 45 g or -27 g. In case of the ICS failure the bay is equipped with shock-absorbing seats that use the smaller versions of the system. The cabin is fully air-tight and equipped with air recyclers. It is also equipped for rapid deployment of infantry via parachute, rappeling or via ramp.

The craft's powerplant consists of a fusion micro-reactor, backed by two MCFC fuel cells and a lithium oxygen battery (though the latter is only for emergency use). This allows for almost-independent operation: the Bluebird can cover over 26,000 kilometers in cruise mode before needing refueling.

The SR-77H is also equipped with various types of reconnaissance equipment. It is equipped with a RADAR, LIDAR and multi-spectrum cameras. It also has limited electronic warfare and ECM capabilities, such as intercepting or jamming radio traffic, jamming (and detecting) enemy sensors. For stealth the Bluebird uses heat-resistant radio-absorbing hull materials, IR baffles and active optical camouflage field.

For defensive and offensive purposes the vehicle possesses a single light pulse laser (which can be swapped out) and a small internal equipment bay (two hard-points, capacity: 400 kg). The hard-points can be used to mount light air-to-air/air-to-ground missiles, cargo containers or disposable EW pods. External hardpoints with a maximum load of 800 kg can be installed. It is also outfitted with the composite ceramic hull armor (120 mm of RHA equivalent) and ablative coating. However, using the Bluebird to attack ground targets or support the infantry is inadvisable. It is best used in the role of a stealth dropship or long-range reconnaisance drone.
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The DImensional Room of Doom
The Dimensional Room of Doom

A room disconnected from the universe save for a strange silver sphere in the Armory. It is designed to store extremely dangerous objects in a storage space bigger on the inside than is normally possible.

Currently contains nothing in it.
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Blackout / I Have No Mouth
Bringing over my character sheet in case of total collapse.

Name: Slenderman
Species: Eldritch Abomination
Age: N/A

Universe of Origin: Slenderman Mythos

Powers and Abilities:
I am assuming that any PCs or important characters are strong-willed enough to handle my Madness powers.

Slenderman's exact powers are rather vague, but these are what I'm going with.

Darkness Manipulation
His Darkness-powers include but are not limited to:
  1. Using corporeal shadows for attack-think Pride.
  2. Can make himself invisible and impossible to detect, though children and electronic surveillance can see him (Though the pictures are always grainy and jumbled) Can make others very hard to see, but not invisible as long as they are in shadows.
  3. Dissolution into intangible shadow-form. This allows phasing through objects and people, including snatching organs right out of living creatures.
Instant teleportation with unlimited range.

Madness Form
Exactly what it says on the tin, a more powerful form that ramps up most of his Madness-related powers and some others, at cost to my sanity.

Madness Aura
Again, the name tells it all. It's an aura of madness that can be activated at will. As the strength of the aura increases, it allows the projection of a literal force-field of madness, deflecting attacks with the strength being directly proportional to the power of the madness aura. Can be bypassed by to varying degree by those who are already insane.

Can also be used to drive people around me to insanity, or otherwise manipulate them.

Can induce a total blackout (heh) around him. Even passively, electronics can only take grainy and indistinct pictures of him, and at full power it can shut down all electronics and complicated technology within cityblocks (Though sentient machines can resist this to some degree). It's effect is greatly reduced the simpler the machinery gets.

Amorphous Physiology
His physical form is malleable, though this is not really suited to disguising himself.

Also allows for healing.

Fire Manipulation
Not as flashy as most other people with similar powers, but Slenderman is nonetheless pyrokinetic. Should be noted that he can sets objects ablaze and ignite fires, but he won't conjure clouds of fire out of nowhere.

Ie: Think less "Throw fireballs at people", more like "Snap my fingers and things light up."

Eldritch Physiology
(Humanoid Abomination, specifically. No, I'm not using everything listed there. Only some of it)
This represents a certain level of... "wrongness", or "eldritchness", that comes with being, well, an eldritch abomination. Some of our rules just don't work on him, he runs on entirely different laws. As such, a wide variety of both negative and positive effects do not affect him at all, such as telepathy (both offensive and friendly), healing, curses, most indirect magical attacks, almost all mental effects, and so on, though this can be overcome by enough raw power.

Basically, a limited sort of personal-scale reality-warping.

Think of it like a game: you have all these moves that end the fight right there, like Polymorph, Paralysis and so on, but they don't work on the Bosses, you have to beat them by punching their face in? It's basically that.

In terms of higher tiers of power, you could say he has shit offense but excellent defense. Not unlike, say, trying to punch water. Hard to do anything to it or get a good hold of it, but it's not really suited to punching back. Though again, enough power and he can be overwhelmed.

This does also give him a certain amount of vulnerablity to attacks that "Project reality".

Basically, Slenderman is a limited Reality Warper that can only affect himself or any effect targeting him, with a few noted exceptions.
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In any case... Fun fact 'bout Karsus y'all might find useful:

He created material called Heavy Magic, which multiplied the power of a spell a good hundred times, and held it. A simple candle-lighting spell exposed to this stuff created a raging inferno worse than Meteor Swarm.

Is it useful to you guys?
On the battle in Syria:Do I need to bring in the backup?

You alright after that"GO TO DOCTIR NOW" incident?
Would Heavy Magic count as backup?

No? I mean... My doctor says I need to rest up and I'm on some painkillers but.. I'm not completely healthy. i'm also apparently even more underwight than before and am being forced to see a nutritionist so I can eat more. I'm... really thin. Because not enough eating.
Would Heavy Magic count as backup?

No? I mean... My doctor says I need to rest up and I'm on some painkillers but.. I'm not completely healthy. i'm also apparently even more underwight than before and am being forced to see a nutritionist so I can eat more. I'm... really thin. Because not enough eating.
You and Prophet aould likely be the backup, now that as far as I know, IC!You has stabilised a bit.
Widowmaker / Car Guy
Name: Lord Karsus
Species: Human
Age: 357 years (Maintains youth and good looks with magic)

(See that douche with the red robes?)
Universe of Origin: Forgotten Realms
Powers and Abilities:

Lord Karsus is an Archwizard of Ancient Netheril. Not just that, but he was the Archwizard of his day, casting his first spell at the age of two years old and at twenty-two years the youngest Arcanist to ever construct his own Floating Enclave. He was also every inch the Netherese ideal. With all the good and the bad things that come from it. He was powerful, gifted, and possibly the most talented Arcanist that Netheril ever produced. He was also arrogant, prideful, and convinced of his superiority over those who could not wield magic. He was a patriot who wished to save his nation from the greatest threat of its time, and he was a power-hungry egotist who wished to attain control over the Weave. One whose actions directly brought his nation to ruin.

He is a gifted Arcanist. An Archwizard of Netheril. As such he is extremely knowledgeable when it comes to magic. He can manipulate it in ways that modern mages find almost impossible. Some degree of temporal manipulation(Not really. It's closer to extraplanar travel.). Elemental spells. Teleportation. Rituals. Mind magics. Shapeshifting. Polymorph. Alchemy/potion making. Making artifacts(With time and effort and lots of resources. Mythallar are very important.).. A lot of things, really.

Potions, there's a huge variety of them. Not limited to but including:

Longevity(Reduces the apparent physical age of the drinker by up to 12 years.)
Polymorph Self(Think a transformation potion, like polyjuice, but it lasts longer.)
Water Breathing(Allows the drinker to breathe normally in liquids that contain oxygen.)
Sweet Water(Added to things in order to change them to pure, drinkable water. A single container will change up to 100,000 cubic feet of polluted, salt, or alkaline water to fresh water. It can also turn up to 1,000 feet of acid to pure water.)
Fire Breathing.
Diminution.(Shrinking potion.)
Growth(Opposite of shrinking potion.)
Healing potions.
Treasure finding.

Passive Skills: He's got something of a presence.


Karsus has a few personal items... I'll go digging through my book again for more specifics. Stay tuned!

Karsus's Mantle - His personal cloak, which allows Karsus to go long periods of time without eating or sleeping or drinking. It also distorts light waves as a cloak of displacement, making it very difficult to hit him, it also increases his resistance to poisons, diseases, mental assaults, and an assortment of other things.

Karsus' Gorget - A gaudy crown of heavy construction. Set with gemstones and fit for an Archwizard. It confers a major boost to his intelligence and to his spellcraft.

Karsus's Ring of the Archwizard - This enchanted ring provides a number of protections and benefits. Including a resistance to any poisons. Sending messages to specific individuals. Teleportation from any location to any known location on the same plane. It also allows one to astrally travel to other planes(But only it is known by name and said plane exists.). It also can store a small number of spells for later use.

Karsus's Crimson Robe - These robes increase his resistance to magic. Provide a slight defensive bonus. They also confer upon the wearer a disguise provided by illusion, at will.

Amulet of the Archwizard - Stamped with the sigil of the Eileanar enclave. It provides protection against divination and magical location or detection through any scrying or psionic search unless a powerful being is consulted. Within an area it's linked to, connected to a Mythallar, it can allow the wearer to teleport without error.

Personal Arcane Library -

Ioun Stones -

Jaina's Lightsaber - An item I retained from pre-reset.

Special Notes:

He might still have some people out for his blood. Possibly a bunch of people who survived the Fall of Netheril and would be very interested in settling some scores. Or a goddess out to break his kneecaps.
Necron_Lord / That Shiny Metal Ass
Character Name: Trazyn the Infinite

Age: >60,000,000 or so years. (And still dashing as fuck.)
Gender: N/A (Mentally Male)
Series: Warhammer 40k
Occupation: Necron Overlord (Nominally), De Facto Phaeron

Clark's Third Law: "Sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." This is doubly true for Necron technology, which can warp the laws of physics like nobody's business. One of the best examples of this is Trazyn the Infinite, who would be considered a master sorcerer if his methods weren't purely technological. His powers include the ability to collect any item as long as the person is not wearing a raven or blue on their clothing, to add to his collection on Solemnace, his ability to regenerate from ridiculous injuries due to his Necrodermis body, a genius intellect that would make most humans look like brain-dead apes, and the ability to mentally hack most forms of technology, though properly sanctified technology is immune, as well as magitech.

Emphatic Obliterator: With this delicious staff (Made from collected Old One technology), it doesn't only annihilate whoever I hit, it also obliterates anyone in the general vicinity who had the same general intentions of that guy! They call Trazyn, "Trollzyn the Tarpit Breaker" for a reason.

Mindshackle Scarabs: Your mind, I can jack it for a brief period of time with one of these babies.

A cape: Come on, you have to love this cape.

Coffee Cup: Blood Raven variety.
Silvan Eldar / Deadpan Girl
Name: Raven
Species: Half Human/Demon
Age: 16

Universe of Origin:
Teen Titans (TV Show, 2003)
Powers and Abilities:
Soul-self: The basis of almost all of Raven's powers are derived from her soul-self. She is able to project her soul from her body into corporeal form, using it to interact with the physical world, affect others mentally, and to traverse through time-space. Her soul-self takes the form of a double of her own body or a large black raven. She is capable of changing it's shape and mass at will, and can alter her own appearance with her soul-self, like increasing her size or making her face monstrous. She is able to project her soul-self into the minds of others to communicate, facilitate calm or force others into submission with a devastating mental attack. Though normally composed of energy that is colored black, Raven's soul-self can change color depending on her emotional state, manifesting as red or white.
  • Telekinesis: Raven can merge a small part of her soul-self into objects in order to take control of them, with the object essentially becoming an extension of her soul-self. The limit to how much matter she is able to control is unknown, though it ranges well into hundreds of tons, allowing her to hurl city buses, mounds of rubble, uprooting whole slabs of pavement and even moving whole buildings with ease. Whenever she takes control of something, it is covered in the same dark energy that composes her soul-self.
  • Solid Constructs: With her soul-self able to be molded into any shape, Raven often creates simple domes or walls that acts as barriers against attack. She can project solid bolts to be used as projectiles, or a steady stream of solid force. She has been shown making razor sharp blades to cut through obstacles, claws that can restrain foes, and floating platforms to ride on.
  • Dimensional Travel: Raven's soul-self is able to envelop her (along with at least four other people) and travel to other dimensions, primarily Azarath. She can use this technique to travel vast distances on Earth, or to teleport by momentarily displacing herself and then re-appearing in another location. She can pass through walls and obstacles by simply teleporting past them. At times, Raven has been shown creating portals with her dark energy in order to travel, rather than utilizing her soul-self. Note: This was at one point used to travel backwards through time, possibly thousands of years into the past.
  • Empathy: The psionic ability to sense the emotions of others, allowing her to gain insight into their thoughts and intentions, and even experience their own feelings. This also enables her to sense the mental state of others, as she has stated that she would know if someone's mind had been tampered with. She can receive precognitive flashes of the future when exposed to extraeme emotion. By using her empathy to guide her, she can track others with her soul-self.
Levitation: Raven can levitate off the ground and fly, without visible projection of her dark energy as is shown when she utilizes telekinesis. Her power is also sufficient to enable her to counter the gravitational pull of other planets.

Healing: Raven can heal moderate wounds.

Time Stop: Raven can stop time, though this was only done under extreme stress and may take a good deal of training to use at will.

Reality Warping: Has been shown to warp reality, creating strong creatures out of nothing in vast numbers and various other effects, on a relatively small to moderate scale and undone the damage done by Trigon (turned Earth into a Hellish wasteland in a few seconds, turning every human into a stone statue) implying a similar level of power.

Magic: Raven has shown an affinity for the mystic arts.
Meditation Mirror: A stylized Mirror which aids in meditation and is also a portal into Raven's mind which functions as a separate dimension unto itself, therefore allowing both Raven and others to physically enter it.
Uniforms: Extra changes of clothes.

Civilian Clothing: A few sets of civilian clothing.

Library: Inside her mind (lets just call it the Nevermore Dimension) Raven will be carrying around her collection of both mundane and magical books, journals and tomes along with whatever artifacts Raven may possess.

Magical Reagents: Raven has been shown to possess a variety of Magical reagents and supplied which will be carried within her Nevermore Dimension.
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Widowmaker / Hot Mage Chick
And transferring this here so it'll be available later...

Elayne Trakand, by the Grace of the Light, Queen of Andor, Defender of the Realm, Protector of the People, High Seat of House Trakand. Queen of Cairhien. Aes Sedai Sister of the Green Ajah.
Species: Human
Age: 19 years. (Looks a tad younger due to Slowing.)
Gender: Female

Universe of Origin: The Wheel of Time
Powers and Abilities:

The Queen of Andor and Cairhien, and the High Seat of House Trakand. Elayne is tall and beautiful with red-gold hair, dazzling sapphire blue eyes, and an oval face. She's politically savvy, educated, and will do what she feels is best for Andor and her people.

Every Daughter-Heir goes to the White Tower to receive training, regardless of their ability to channel, a tradition stretching all the way back to the time of Ishara and the founding of Andor, but Elayne is the first one with high enough strength to attain the shawl and become an Aes Sedai in full.

Considered extremely powerful by Tower standards, Elayne is not lacking in raw power and has a rare ability that has not been seen since the Time of Madness. She is very good at making things, whether those things are ter'angreal or an excellent meal. It's the ter'angreal part that seems to excite the Aes Sedai though, which just goes to show that they can't appreciate the simple things.

Ter'angreal Creation: Elayne can craft ter'angreal. She has a real Talent for duplicating existing ter'angreal after little study.

The One Power: Elayne is a channeler. A female channeler, and channels saidar. The female half of the One Power that emanates from the True Source.


Elayne has gathered or made various items over the course of the series. She also has a fair-sized personal store of ter'angreal. A few notable items, ter'angreal or otherwise, include:

Great Serpent Ring: Elayne's proof of having been trained by the Tower. As an Aes Sedai she is free to wear it on whichever finger she chooses. It's non-magical. Made of pure gold.

Yellow Lily: A flower given to Elayne by Rand al'Thor after their night of passion in the Caemlyn Palace before Rand went off to do stuff. She placed a keeping weave over it to preserve it. It's unchanging, and it doesn't really do anything else. It's an important token to her.

Metal Hat ter'angreal: Allows the person wearing it to direct a machine.

Seed: An item of the Power used to make angreal.

Dream ring: An item used to allow one to enter Tel'aran'rhiod when sleeping. It is notable due to negating the need for the Talent for Dreamwalking.

Woman clothed in her own hair angreal: A weak angreal allowing Elayne to hold almost twice as much of the One Power as normal. It is a weak angreal.

Anti-Magic Medallion: A lesser copy of the Silver Foxhead Medallion carried by Mat Cauthon. It protects against direct magic used against the wearer, and can even damage magical constructs. Unfortunately, it prevents one from channeling while wearing it, due to the imperfect nature of the copy and Elayne's inexperience.

Bronze statue of Robert Jordan: A storage ter'angreal that contains thousands and thousands of books from before the Drilling of the Bore. Separated into fiction and non-fiction sections. Basically, a portable library.

Passive Abilities

Feline Affinity: Elayne, by virtue of being a female channeler, can walk up to even the meanest feral cat and have it behave like a favorite pet.

Canine Animosity: Dogs hate female channelers. They'll growl at best and attack outright most of the time. Luckily, a display of Power is usually enough to drive them away.

Weakness to Forkroot: Forkroot is a specific herb that messes with a channeler's ability to touch the One Power. In large enough doses it can render a channeler unconscious or otherwise non-lethally incapacitate them. It is normally prepared as a tea.

Saidar Sense: Female channelers can tell when another female is channeling. It shows up as a white glowing aura surrounding the one channeling. They also can sense the ability in others and their strength. Even if the person is untrained and unknowing of their potential. Depending on whether the person has the spark... It can require testing.

Slowing: As a woman repeatedly channels over a long period of time she starts to age more slowly. This is known as 'slowing' and is related to the One Power's rejuvenatory effects on the body. Many centuries of life ahead.
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