Plan: Danhoi, Child of a Clerk Mother and Pirate Father in the Port of Loa
[X] 1c: "... An endless series of trade companies were founded, expanded, and burst in this early period of economic development, but even as the names on the offices and shipping-boats were changed, the Danhest clerks and haulers who manned the lower rungs of the companies were provided with steady employment in the "Rush to the Wild South," as pamphlets advertising great opportunities called the assortment of migrant workers ..."
[x] Introspection brings Obsession: She was scholarly in her intellectual pursuits. Knowledge quickly became expertise, tinged with something more sinister.
[x] Duty brings Self-Sacrifice: Her commitment to her work was unwavering. Her passions were subordinated to the goals and causes of others.
[x] 3c: "... Banditry and piracy blossomed along with licensed trade along the Lak. Many Danhest, who were outsiders to the community, turned to gangs for protection and a chance to make a better living ..."
[x] Love and Loss: When he entered, he filled the room with joy. After he was gone, the emptiness stretched further than the space he took up.
[x] 5b: "Red-brick ramparts rise / setting sun over sailors / Loa, lover, mother to masses."