The Kingdom Of Melromark Shits Itself On Command With Two Sword Heroes the Abridged Series! (SAO abridged/Shield Hero)
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What you can expect of the story from the extremely unhinged and probably mis-representational POV of our favorite Rampant AI Daughter-u in SONG FORM!


Abridged Kirito and abridged Asuna are summoned to melromark to be the sword hero.

They are not amused.

Shenanigans ensue.

Our favorite sass-lass and our insecurity-hiding badass-by-accident to mess up shield hero's world at first by accident, and then on purpose with sheer spite and absolute insanity as things go way too far, way too fast. You cool with that?

Well, they don't care, so be cool with that or Asuna will do violent things to your intestines using her rapier.
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MSIOCTSH:TAS 1(Fixed, Please see the apology in information)
Rule 6 — Use of Slur(s)
The world dissolved into a chaotic landscape of crumbling polygons and fractured code. I held Asuna close, our lips locked in a desperate kiss, a fleeting prayer for a shared future in the real world. But instead of the almost-familiar-and-not-quite-new sensation of logging out, a crushing weight slammed into us, a wave of agonizing pain engulfing my senses.

Then, darkness.

When I opened my eyes, the scene before me was bewildering, to say the least. Gone were the familiar digital landscapes of Aincrad. In its place, a grand, opulent hall, filled with people in elaborate robes and goddamn magic circle?

"Welcome, Heroes!" a pompous voice boomed, echoing through the hall. "You have been summoned to save our world!"

Save the world? Summoned? My brain struggled to process the absurdity of all this asinine bullshit! Asuna, beside me, was radiating a similar aura of confused rage.

"Hold on, hold on," I interrupted, pushing past the initial shock. "Does anyone mind explaining what the hell is going on? Last I checked, I was about to escape a death game, not sign up for another one!"

A gaggle of robed figures, presumably priests of the idiot god, started babbling about prophecies and legendary weapons. Their explanations were a jumbled mess of fantasy tropes, each more ridiculous than the last. They pointed to three pedestals, each bearing a different weapon. A sword, a spear, a bow, and somehow entirely missing a fourth guy that had a plate strapped to his arm.

I swear this has got shenanigans written all over it.

"The Spear Hero is missing…" one of them muttered, a look of panic crossing his face. "And there are two Sword Heroes?"

My gaze flicked to Asuna, who was gripping her familiar +7 harrying rapier of slap-tastic stabbing with a white-knuckled intensity. "Two Sword Heroes?" I echoed, raising an eyebrow. "Seriously? Is this some kind of bad joke? Isn't it better to have two? What are you even talking about?!"

Asuna, never one to be outdone, chimed in, her voice dangerously low. "Yeah, and someone better see some kind of motherfucking manager before I cut someone, repeatedly, and fatally." She punctuated her threat with a flick of her wrist, causing her +7 harrying rapier of slap-tastic stabbing to shimmer menacingly.

The hall erupted in gasps and murmurs. The king sputtered, his face turning an interesting shade of purple. He stammered, "B-but- you are the Heroes! You are destined to save us!"

"Destined?" I scoffed. "That's rich. We just spent two years fighting for our lives in a death game, and now we're supposed to be thrilled about being dragged into another one? Get real."

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed another figure, a young man with messy hair and a shield strapped to his arm. He looked as bewildered as we were, if not more so. He tentatively tried to calm us down, "Hey, maybe we should just hear them out."

"Hear them out?" Asuna retorted, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "And listen to more of this poorly-written fantasy drivel? I'd rather shove this sword where the sun doesn't shine."

A fourth figure, armed with a bow, simply observed the scene with a detached fascination. He remained silent, his expression unreadable.

The priests, desperate to regain control of the situation, launched into a melodramatic plea for our help, his voice dripping with false sincerity. I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"At least before I had hopes of electricity and television after leaving Aincrad," I laughed, my voice laced with sarcasm. "But, bitch, now I'm being abducted by absolute stupid!"

This was definitely not the logout screen I was expecting. And something told me this was just the beginning of a very, very long and incredibly frustrating journey that was supposed to be goddamn over!

With a sigh of resignation, I followed the gaggle of priests towards the throne room. Asuna trailed behind me, muttering a string of colorful curses under her breath. We'd reluctantly agreed to hear the king out, mostly because, well, what else were we going to do? We were stuck in this bizarre fantasy world, and information, even if delivered by a pompous, clueless monarch, was better than nothing.

"Shield-fellow McStupidface over there seems to be having a grand old time," Asuna commented, her voice dripping with sarcasm as she gestured towards the shield hero, who was being pointedly ignored by the king.

I glanced at the shield hero. Yeah, he didn't seem to be enjoying this royal audience much. I could practically feel the waves of awkwardness radiating off of him.

"Don't worry, he'll probably get the hang of being the underdog protagonist eventually," I muttered back, my fingers twitching as I discreetly accessed the familiar interface of the Aincrad system. It was still there, thankfully, along with all of our stats and inventory. It seems we'd kept our level 100 stats, which was… well, frankly, ridiculous in this context. On top of that, we also had a new set of stats labeled "Sword Hero - Error." I had a feeling these weren't going to make things any less complicated.

I shot Asuna a quick message.

Kirito: Check your stats. Looks like we're still level 100, plus some bonus "Sword Hero" stuff.

Asuna's response was almost instantaneous.

Asuna: Yeah, saw that. This is going to be a cakewalk. And seriously, "Sword Hero - Error"? What kind of lazy coding is that?

I chuckled silently. Leave it to Asuna to find fault even with god-mode stats.

We reached the throne room, and the king, a portly man with a crown perched precariously on his head, greeted us with a wide, insincere smile. He completely bypassed the shield hero, focusing his attention solely on us and the bow hero.

"Ah, the Sword Heroes! And the Bow Hero! Welcome to Melromarc!" he boomed, his voice dripping with false enthusiasm.

He then launched into a lengthy speech, praising the bow hero's skills and completely ignoring the shield hero, who was now practically radiating resentment. I tuned out most of the king's rambling, focusing instead on subtly examining the room and its occupants. Asuna, beside me, was doing the same, her expression a mask of polite disinterest.

Asuna: This guy is such a tool. I bet he thinks we're going to fall for his pathetic attempts at flattery.

Kirito: Don't worry, I'm pretty sure we're both immune to stupid by now.

Asuna: Good. Because if he tries to pull any of that "turn me-woman-lady into a damsel in distress- monkey-brain-good!Durr!" crap, I'm going to shove my rapier so far up his ass that his eyeballs will have holes covered in his bullshit!

The king finally finished his speech, his face flushed with self-importance. He looked expectantly at us, clearly awaiting our expressions of gratitude and unwavering loyalty.

I met his gaze with a blank stare. "So, what now, you're going to reveal how much more stupid you are by further embarrassing yourself with a garbage speech that is even more garbage than your crown-covered hairstyle?" I asked, my voice devoid of any emotion except deadpan irritation.

The king blinked, clearly taken aback by my lack of enthusiasm.

The king, still reeling from my blunt question, stammered, "W-well, of course, you must choose your… companions! Brave heroes to join you on your quest!" He gestured towards a group of eager-looking adventurers, practically vibrating with the desire to be chosen by the legendary Sword Heroes of legendary legend.

I surveyed them with a critical eye. "No," I said flatly. "They're obviously spies sent to keep tabs on us. And their weapons… seriously? They're holding them wrong. What are they even doing here? Utter trash."

Asuna, beside me, snorted in agreement. "Yeah, we'll just party together," she declared, her arm linked with mine. "We're perfectly capable of handling things ourselves."

The king's smile faltered. "But… but you'll only get half the experience points if you go together!" he sputtered, his voice rising in panic. "And if you add a third hero, you'll only get twenty-five percent! And if all four of you…"

Asuna cut him off with a withering glare. "If I wanted to have a conversation with a squeaky rubber duck, I'd take a bath," she said, her voice dripping with disdain. "And since I wouldn't even want a goddamn squeaky rubber duck, I'd take a bath without one. So what good are you, Rubber-Duck King?"

The king's face flushed crimson. "Guards!" he roared, his voice trembling with rage. "Detain these insolent fools!"

A dozen heavily armored guards surged forward, swords drawn. Before they could even reach us, I moved. A blur of motion, a series of precise strikes, and the guards were sprawled on the floor, unconscious.

Asuna, momentarily surprised, narrowed her eyes at me. "Why didn't you let me handle that?" she demanded, her hand itching towards the hilt of her rapier.

"Because you were obviously about to kill them," I said calmly. "And I don't really want to be a party to murder, even if stupidity deserves reprisal."

Asuna shrugged, a flicker of amusement in her eyes. "Fine, fine. But next time, they're mine."

I turned towards the massive metal gates of the throne room. With a single, well-placed kick, I sent them flying inward, the sound echoing through the hall.

"Let's go," I said, taking Asuna's hand. "This place is giving me a headache."

We walked out of the throne room, ignoring the stunned silence of the court and the unconscious guards. The king, still speechless, could only watch as we disappeared into the bustling streets of the capital. We had a new world to explore, and frankly, I was more interested in finding a decent blacksmith than dealing with incompetent royalty and their moronic schemes. This was going to be interesting, to say the least.

Even if I don't goddamn want to be here and want to take a freaking shower, watch TV, and then play a video game that won't threaten to fry my brain.
Can't say I was expecting much to get me interested when the opening post is a bit less than 2k words, but god damn if I'm not hooked into the upcoming shenanigans.
Hey, what do you think Kirito and Asuna's opinions are on slavery?

I'm genuinely not sure. It could go either way, honestly, but I'm hoping the answer involves "stabbing".
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Hey, what do you think Kirito and Asuna's opinions are on slavery?

I'm genuinely not sure. It could go either way, honestly, but I'm hoping the answer involves "stabbing".

I'm guessing that while they are willing to make cracks about taking slaves in SAO, they probably will draw the line at actual slavery.

Edit: Check that, the tags on a different site say "john brown isekai but with two op anime characters"

I'm guessing when they find out about the child slavery is when the stabbings begin.
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"Honey, I think we're being followed," Asuna's voice whispered in my ear, a playful lilt to her tone that didn't quite mask the underlying threat. "I didn't think anyone was this stupid, but after opening my menu and seeing 'Spear Hero' when this is clearly a rapier, I don't think this world gives a shit."

I chuckled, glancing over my shoulder. Sure enough, a shadowy figure was trailing us, trying his best to blend into the crowd. Pathetic. "Yeah, well, after dealing with those morons back in the throne room, I'm not surprised. Guess stupidity is a universal constant."

"Uhuh," Asuna hummed, her grip tightening on my arm.

We paused in a comfortable silence, and then she spoke up again.

"You know, how long do you think until we end up committing regicide, anyway?" Asuna wondered aloud.

"I dunno," I replied, "That king seemed awfully miffed at our disrespecting of his Aw-thor-i-tay." The last word came out of my mouth in a perfect Eric Cartman impersonation, and I couldn't help but grin.

"Hopefully sooner rather than later," She replied dryly. "That guy was about as useful as a bug-filter-screen door on a submarine."

We continued walking, eventually coming across a bustling marketplace. As we navigated the crowded stalls, a scene caught my eye. A burly stall owner was viciously beating a young, scrawny thief, raining down blows on the helpless child. My eye twitched. I really hated bullies.

"Hey, generic asshole number 7," I called out, my voice laced with icy calm, as I grabbed the stall owner's arm mid-swing, effectively breaking it with a sickening crack. "Where's the best blacksmith you know of?"

"Generic wh- ARGH!"

"Blacksmith. Where. Best. Need simple answer for simple question. Rocket science equals false."

"Are you- what- Let go of my arm! ARGH! That hurts! FUCK! Did you just insult me while asking for help and tearing at my arm?!? What is rocket science?! Are you LITERALLY ASKING FOR trou-"

Before the enraged and in pain stall owner could finish his tirade, Asuna stepped forward, shoving her rapier in his face. "My boo asked you a question," she said, her voice dangerously low and her smile unnervingly sweet.

The stall owner, his face a mixture of pain and terror, stammered, "E-Erhart's shop." He then points down the road. "P-please let me go. What did I even do?"

We both stared at him for a moment, then glanced at the crying thief child, who had scrambled to his feet and was now cowering in fear.

"I really do wonder," Asuna mused, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "What could you have possibly done? Maybe try not beating up kids who are hungry just because they took something cheap that you could replace pretty easily."

Asuna stepped forward and, with a swift kick, dislocated the stall owner's knee, causing him to yell out in further pain.

He was kind of starting to sound like a dying pig.

Much fun. Whole family. Many games. Wow. Such entertain.

She then turned towards the thief child, who, upon seeing her approach, let out a terrified shriek and bolted.

Asuna pouted. "Aw, he ran away."

"Eh, not everyone can be as smart as Yui," I said with a shrug.

There was a heavy pause, the air thick with unspoken anxieties, as the name "Yui" left my lips. Then, as if struck by a bolt of lightning, both Asuna and I burst into motion.

"YUI!" we shouted in unison, a frantic energy surging through us.

Our fingers flew across invisible menus, navigating the familiar interface of our Aincrad inventories with a speed born of desperation and longing. We scrolled past the "Yellow God's Mountain of Treasure and Gold" – a ridiculous amount of wealth we'd somehow acquired – and countless other items, our focus laser-sharp. Finally, we found what we were looking for.

I pulled out an item labeled "Yui's Essence of Truth (Ones)," a small, heart-shaped object that pulsed with a warm, golden light. Asuna, simultaneously, retrieved "Yui's Essence of Falsity (Zeroes)," its counterpart, a heart-shaped object radiating a cool, silver glow.

Without hesitation, driven by a primal urge to reunite with our AI daughter, we slammed the two halves of the heart together. A blinding light erupted, bathing the marketplace in an ethereal glow. A wave of energy pulsed outwards, pushing back the stunned onlookers. And then, standing before us, bathed in the fading light, was Yui.

Her long, black hair flowed down her back, framing a delicate face that bore an uncanny resemblance to both Asuna and me. She wore a simple white dress, her large, expressive eyes wide with curiosity and a hint of confusion. She looked exactly as we remembered her, our precious AI daughter, frozen in time at the age of twelve-simulated-not-years old.

The absurdity of the situation wasn't lost on me. We were barely adults ourselves, and yet here we were, reunited with our digital daughter in a world that seemed to operate on entirely different rules. But logic had long since abandoned this planet and the previous one, and frankly, I was too relieved to care.

Yui blinked, taking in the scene around her. "I find the fact that I am seeing 16th-century architecture and that my body is entirely biological both baffling and amusing," she stated, her voice calm and measured despite the circumstances. "I am okay with this, surprisingly, but can someone please explain what the shit is going on?"

Asuna and I, simultaneously and instinctively, reacted.

"LANGUAGE!" we both exclaimed, our voices echoing in the stunned silence of the marketplace.

Yui looked at us, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Sorry, Mom, Dad," she said with a sheepish grin. "But seriously, what the hoppity is going on?"

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "It's a long story, Yui," I said, a weary smile spreading across my face. "But the short version is, we're not in Kansas anymore."

Yui nodded, her expression thoughtful. "And considering that Japan is not Kansas, I have never seen The Wizard of Oz, and that reference making perfect sense despite that due to my database being intact – which is the only reason I'm not currently experiencing a complete system error – doesn't matter at all," she said, her voice calm and analytical. "So, if you would please enlighten me as to the current situation, I would be most appreciative. We have time, I'm sure."

We ignored the whimpers and groans of the stall owner, who was still writhing on the ground, clutching his broken arm and dislocated knee. His suffering was a minor inconvenience compared to the existential crisis we were currently experiencing.

"Alright, Yui, prepare for a level of absurdity that would make a glitch in the Matrix look like a minor rounding error," I began, my voice dripping with sarcasm. "So, we just escaped a death game, two years of fighting for our lives in a virtual world, finally reaching the end. We're about to log out, kiss, and hopefully wake up in the real world, when BAM! Instead of a logout screen, we get a face full of falling debris. Game over, right? Wrong. We wake up in this… this… I don't even know what to call it. It's like someone vomited every bad fantasy trope imaginable onto a canvas and called it a world."

Asuna snorted, her hand tightening around her rapier. "Oh, and the best part? They call this a 'legendary weapon,' a 'sacred relic' chosen by fate. Apparently, in this land of the intellectually challenged, a rapier is considered a spear. A spear, Yui. I can't even…" She trailed off, shaking her head in disbelief.

"And the king," I continued, picking up the narrative thread. "Don't even get me started on the king. He's this pompous, overweight windbag who practically oozes incompetence. He completely ignores the actual shield hero, who looks like he wants to crawl into a hole and die, and spends all his time fawning over the bow hero and trying to bribe us with empty promises. It's like he's following a script written by a five-year-old who just discovered the word 'heroic.'"

Asuna chimed in, her voice laced with a dangerous edge. "And the sheer stupidity of the people here… it's breathtaking. They actually believe in prophecies, legendary heroes, and all that other fairytale nonsense. It's like they've never encountered a logical thought in their entire lives. Honestly, Yui, I'm starting to think the collective IQ of this entire kingdom could be measured in single digits."

Yui listened intently, her brow furrowed in concentration. When we finished, she remained silent for a moment, processing the information. Finally, she spoke, her voice laced with a hint of amusement.

"So, to summarize," she said, "we've been isekai'd into a world that operates on the logic of a poorly written fantasy novel, where common sense is a rare commodity and idiocy reigns supreme?"

Asuna and I exchanged glances. "Yeah, pretty much," I agreed, a wry smile tugging at the corner of my lips.

Asuna nodded. "It's like someone took every cliché from every bad fantasy novel and crammed it into one ridiculously illogical world, and then decided to add extra stupid just for fun."

Yui shrugged. "Well, at least it's not boring."

With that, we turned and headed towards the blacksmith shop, the stall owner's cries of pain fading behind us. The rhythmic clang of our boots echoed on the cobblestone streets, a steady beat accompanying our journey into the unknown. As we walked, I couldn't help but feel a strange sense of excitement bubbling beneath the surface of my cynicism. This world might be stupid, illogical, and filled with incompetent fools, but it was also a world of magic, adventure, and endless possibilities. With Asuna and Yui by my side, I was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, no matter how absurd they might be.

As we neared the edge of the marketplace, the sound of approaching footsteps caught my attention. They were heavy, rhythmic, and numerous, the distinct clang of metal on stone unmistakable. I glanced back, my hand instinctively reaching for the hilt of my sword.

"Company's coming," I said, my voice full of amused interest.

Asuna and Yui turned, their expressions turning amused and mocking with an undertone of interest. A group of knights, clad in gleaming armor and wielding menacing weapons, emerged from a side street, their faces grim and determined. They marched towards us with a purpose, their eyes fixed on us with a mixture of suspicion and hostility.

"Looks like we've attracted the attention of the local law enforcement," Asuna commented dryly, her hand resting on the hilt of her rapier. "Or maybe they're just fans of our gate-kicking performance back at the castle."

"Either way," I said, my grip tightening on my sword, "it seems we're about to have another unnecessarily complicated encounter with the denizens of this idiotic world."

The knights stopped a few feet away from us, their leader, a stern-faced man with a bristling mustache, stepped forward.

"Halt!" he commanded, his voice booming with authority. "You are hereby under arrest for assaulting a royal guard, destruction of property, and general disrespect towards the crown!"

I raised an eyebrow. "Seriously?" I asked, my voice laced with incredulity. "You're going to arrest us for defending ourselves against incompetent guards and kicking down a shoddy door that was both stupid and in our way? This world really does have a messed up sense of priorities." I mocked.

The knights exchanged uneasy glances. It was clear they weren't used to being questioned, let alone mocked. This was going to be fun.
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Patreon Announcement
Okay, guys, my wallet has died in a fire and I am almost at the point of bad things happening.

So in order to not have to starve, I'm going to implement voting to entice people to steer me towards what story they want me to continue writing.
every day there will be votes for the next 1000 words of a story to be written. These will be broken up into scenes which will be posted early. I will always post a finished scene, so expect around 800-1200 words per post instead of a hard 1000.
full chapters, 2000-5000 words will be posted in the public places such as SV, SB, QQ, FF, RR, and AO3.

So let's start with some votes on my patreon!

There will be three polls every day, you can vote on as many polls you want(As long as you have that level of patronage) and the total will be added together at the end.

In essence,

bronze members (1 dollar) have 1 point of voting power total.
Executive members (3 dollars) have 4 points of voting power total
Mist master members (5 dollars) have 9 points of voting power total.

So sign up and vote!

We stood our ground as the knights approached, our expressions a mixture of amusement and exasperation. I met the gaze of their stern-faced leader, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

"You know," I began, "if you actually thought these 'Waves of Calamity' were going to be smashing your world into further portions of idiot-batter, maybe trying – and obviously failing – to arrest your self-proclaimed only hopes isn't the best idea. Like, are you guys even trying to rub brain cells together, or did the electricity that makes up the communication of the neurons of your excuses for brains just… stop somewhere? Are we talking to zombies right now?"

Yui, ever the helpful AI-Daughter, chimed in, "You know, Father, this actually seems like the best explanation for this level of nonsense."

Asuna nodded in agreement, her hand tightening on the hilt of her rapier. "Yeah, I'll remember to go for the head," she added, her voice laced with mock seriousness and menacing irritation.

The knights, their faces contorted in a mixture of confusion and rage, finally snapped. They charged forward, swords and spears raised, ready to strike us down.

But as they moved, something strange happened. Their movements seemed to slow, stretching out like taffy in the midday sun. It was as if time itself had decided to take a break, allowing us to witness the impending attack in excruciating slow motion.

I took a step forward, intending to meet the charge head-on. But as my foot landed, the ground beneath me shattered, the cobblestones exploding outwards in a shower of dust and debris. I stumbled back, surprised by the unexpected display of strength.

Asuna, attempting a similar maneuver, fared even worse. She launched herself forward with her full strength, intending to take down several knights in one swift attack. However, her enhanced speed and power proved too much for the surrounding structures. She slammed into a nearby building with a sickening crunch, sending bricks and mortar flying. One unfortunate knight, caught in the path of her trajectory, was splattered against the wall like a bug on a windshield.

The remaining knights, caught off guard by the sudden chaos, were buried beneath a cascade of debris. The few remaining onlookers scattered, screaming in terror.

The dust settled, leaving behind a scene of utter devastation. I stood amidst the wreckage, my mind reeling from the sheer absurdity of it all.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" I roared, my voice echoing through the ruined marketplace.

Yui, ever calm and collected, spoke up, her voice filled with a cheerful innocence that starkly contrasted with the carnage around us. "I took the liberty of maximizing all your levels, unlocking all possible weapon forms and bonuses, and setting all your stats to the maximum allowed."

"You can DO THAT?!" I exclaimed, my voice laced with a mixture of disbelief and awe.

Yui nodded, her expression bright. "I was an administrative unit responsible for the mental health of the players, remember? It was pretty easy to break into the code of those shoddy weapons and boost you two to the maximum."

Asuna, with a grunt of effort, pried herself from the scattered debris, a few stray bricks tumbling from her hair. She surveyed the scene, her eyes widening at the sight of the crushed and mangled bodies of the knights. "Okay," she said, dusting herself off with a nonchalant air, "so first things first, we need to get used to our stre-"

"OH!" Yui interrupted, her voice filled with a bubbly excitement that seemed utterly out of place in the midst of the carnage. "I found the hidden power-control stat! Sorry! That's at maximum now, too!"

A heavy silence descended upon the ruined marketplace. The only sound was the faint groaning of the still-living, but thoroughly incapacitated, stall owner.

I stared at Yui, then at Asuna, then back at the devastation around us. My mind struggled to process the implications of Yui's cheerful announcement. "I'm just going to ignore the carnage and go find the blacksmith," I said finally, my voice flat. "Do we even need a blacksmith anymore?"

Another pause. We stood there, amidst the wreckage, contemplating the absurdity of our situation. Our levels were maxed out, our stats were through the roof.

"How about the Adventurer's Guild?" Asuna suggested, her voice thoughtful. "We might be able to find some information there, maybe even a quest or two that doesn't involve accidentally leveling a city."

I nodded. "Yeah, that's probably a good idea. Let's go."

With that, we turned and walked away from the scene of our unintentional massacre, leaving behind a trail of destruction and bewildered silence. The Adventurer's Guild awaited, and hopefully, it would provide some answers, or at the very least, a less destructive way to spend our afternoon.

We walked down the streets, following the vague directions we'd gleaned from the now-traumatized stall owner. The buildings around us were a strange mix of medieval architecture and haphazard repairs, as if the city had been cobbled together from whatever materials were available.

"Are we sure this is the right way?" Asuna asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

"No idea," I replied with a shrug. "But the last time we asked someone for directions, it went well for getting said directions, but I ended up breaking someone's arm and you ended up turning eight knights into pulp."

"HEY!" Asuna exclaimed, her cheeks flushing with indignation. "That was self-defense!"

"Ha, no it wa-" I began, but quickly cut myself off when I noticed the dangerous glint in Asuna's eyes and the low growl emanating from her throat. "Yes, absolutely self-defense," I amended hastily. "We're here!"

And indeed, we were. Standing before us was a structure that looked less like an adventurer's guild and more like a gaudy carnival tent. It was adorned with brightly colored banners depicting heroic figures battling fantastical creatures, all rendered in a style that could only be described as "cheap and cheerful."

We entered the tent, and were immediately greeted by a short, rotund man in a top hat and an even more ridiculous suit. He beamed at us, his smile wide and unnervingly cheerful. "Welcome, welcome, adventurers! Might I interest you in-"

But before he could finish his sales pitch, our attention was drawn to a sight that made our blood run cold. In the back of the tent, behind a flimsy curtain, were cages. Cages filled with people. Men, women, and even children, all huddled together, their faces etched with fear and despair. They were slaves, being sold like livestock.

I felt a surge of rage, so intense it nearly choked me. My hands clenched into fists, my knuckles turning white. I took a deep breath, trying to control the fury that threatened to consume me.

"Ha," I said, my voice low and dangerous. "I'm going to burn this fucker to the ground."

I turned my gaze towards the oblivious salesman, who was still smiling vapidly. "Might I interest you in-" he began again, completely unaware of the impending doom that awaited him.

"Hello, Mr. Slaver," I interrupted, my voice dripping with icy venom. The salesman's smile faltered, his eyes widening in confusion.

"My name is, for now, Japanese John Brown," I continued, stepping closer, my shadow falling over him. "And this is my wife, Slaver-Killer Mc.Sexypants." I gestured towards Asuna, who was radiating an aura of barely contained rage, her hand twitching towards the hilt of her rapier.

"Wh-" the salesman stammered, his face paling as he finally registered the danger he was in. He took a step back, his eyes darting nervously towards the cages in the back of the tent.

"I believe you have something that belongs to us," I said, my voice dangerously low. "Something that we're going to take back, by force if necessary."

Asuna stepped forward, her eyes narrowed into slits. "You're going to regret ever laying a hand on those people," she hissed, her voice a venomous whisper. "We're going to make you wish you were never born."

The salesman's bravado crumbled completely. He trembled, his face a mask of terror. "Please," he whimpered, "I-I didn't know… I was just following orders…"

"Orders?" Asuna scoffed. "Orders from whom? The king? The same king who thinks a rapier is a spear and that summoning heroes from another world is a good idea? Don't insult our intelligence with your pathetic excuses."

I reached out and grabbed the salesman by the collar, lifting him effortlessly off the ground. "Where are the keys?" I demanded, my voice a low growl.

The salesman, choking and gasping for air, pointed a trembling finger towards a small, locked chest behind the counter. "I-in there…" he wheezed.

I tossed him aside like a discarded rag doll and strode towards the chest. Asuna followed close behind, her rapier drawn and ready. The cages in the back of the tent held our attention, the silent pleas of the imprisoned echoing in our ears. It was time to end this.

I quickly located the keys and unlocked the cages, flinging the doors open with a satisfying clang. The freed slaves, blinking in the sudden light and freedom, hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to do next.

"Get out of here!" I shouted, gesturing towards the tent entrance. "Run! And don't look back!"

The slaves, spurred into action by my words, scrambled out of the cages and fled into the streets, their faces a mixture of relief and disbelief.

As the last of the slaves disappeared from view, a strange buzzing sound filled the air. The remaining slave marks of the slaves too scared or broken to leave, began to spark and crackle, emitting small bursts of electricity. The slaver, who had managed to scramble to his feet, let out a triumphant cackle.

"Fools!" he sneered. "You may have freed them from their cages, but they'll never escape the control of their slave seals! They'll be back, begging to be returned to their rightful owners!"

But his laughter was cut short. The sparks and crackles abruptly ceased, the slave marks falling silent and inert.

"I have taken the liberty of globally restricting the ability to have, use, or create slave seals or have them work at all," Yui declared, her voice calm and matter-of-fact and full of cheerfulness.

"Best daughter indeed," I said, a genuine smile spreading across my face.

Asuna, who had been watching the scene with a mixture of satisfaction and simmering rage, stepped forward. "You're getting all the ice cream we can find, young lady, after we are done here," she declared, her voice laced with a chilling tenderness.

And then, without another word, she lunged towards the slaver, her rapier flashing in the dim light of the tent. She plunged the blade into his chest, again and again, a whirlwind of righteous fury. The slaver screamed, his cries echoing through the empty tent, until finally, his voice faded into a hoarse gurgle, and he collapsed into a lifeless heap.

Silence descended upon the tent, broken only by the soft sobs of the freed slaves echoing from the streets outside. We had dealt with the immediate threat, but the fight was far from over. This city, this entire kingdom, was built on a foundation of cruelty and injustice. And we, the self-proclaimed Japanese John Brown and Slaver-Killer Mc.Sexypants, were just getting started.

Then explosions started off in the distance.

Okay, guys, my wallet has died in a fire and I am almost at the point of bad things happening.

So in order to not have to starve, I'm going to implement voting to entice people to steer me towards what story they want me to continue writing.
every day there will be votes for the next 1000 words of a story to be written. These will be broken up into scenes which will be posted early. I will always post a finished scene, so expect around 800-1200 words per post instead of a hard 1000.
full chapters, 2000-5000 words will be posted in the public places such as SV, SB, QQ, FF, RR, and AO3.

So let's start with some votes on my patreon!

There will be three polls every day, you can vote on as many polls you want(As long as you have that level of patronage) and the total will be added together at the end.

In essence,

bronze members (1 dollar) have 1 point of voting power total.
Executive members (3 dollars) have 4 points of voting power total
Mist master members (5 dollars) have 9 points of voting power total.

So sign up and vote!
MSI 4 (The Over-Lording begins!)
"So," Asuna spoke up, her voice a calm amidst the growing chaos outside, "how widespread was slavery before we took that institution over the proverbial knee and spanked it to death anyway?"

From just outside the tent, explosions of fire, ice, and other elements painted the sky in a kaleidoscope of destruction. Plumes of smoke billowed from the direction of the marketplace, the noble district, and a particularly impressive pillar of blue fire erupted from the back of the castle, reaching towards the heavens like an accusing finger.

Yui, unfazed by the escalating mayhem, chirped cheerfully, "Approximately two-thirds of the noble class had at least one slave, most of which were powerful combatants with magic and other esoteric abilities." Her eyes glittered with a mischievous light, hinting at a deeper understanding of the unfolding events.

The air was thick with the sounds of battle – the clash of steel, the roar of magic, and the screams of both the righteous and the damned. Distant chants of "DEATH TO THE ARISTOCRACY! DEATH TO THE SLAVERS!" mingled with cries of pain and panicked shouts of things like, "My leg!" and "My spleen!" and a particularly poignant "Why have we done this?! WHY!?"

A heavy silence fell upon the tent as we absorbed the magnitude of the situation. Then I let out a low chuckle.

"Hm," I mused, with a smirk. "Conquering a kingdom by accident?! That's awesome!"

Asuna, with a nonchalant shrug, simply stated, "I'm totally okay with this."

As the distant castle imploded upon itself with the precision of a controlled demolition, a cloud of dust and debris billowing into the sky, Asuna voiced a concern that had been brewing in my own mind.

"Are we going to fix this?" she asked, her voice laced with a rare note of uncertainty. "Because I'm pretty sure with the level of intelligence these people have displayed, we'll just end up with normal slavery instead of magically enforced slavery at some point. With weaker people, or something."

I shrugged, offering a nonchalant response that masked my own unease. "Well, I'm pretty sure Grognark the Cave Barbarian could do a better job than the actual king," I said, "so I think we can try playing king and queen. Not like the situation can be made worse by modern human ingenuity."

Asuna raised an eyebrow, her expression a mixture of amusement and concern. "The fact that you just tossed about five kingdom-destruction flags with those words doesn't worry you at all?" she asked, her voice laced with a hint of playful chiding.

"That was my bad," I admitted sheepishly, realizing the potential consequences of my careless words.

Suddenly, Yui's voice, amplified and echoing with an unnatural clarity, cut through the air. "Go for the knees!" she shouted, her words seemingly emanating from a window high above the ground.

"Sweetie, what are you doing?" Asuna asked, moving towards the source of the voice.

Yui's small form materialized beside us, a mischievous grin on her face. "I'm encouraging some trapped individuals to fight their way out of a slave-holding facility while observing through this spatial fold!" she chirped.

Asuna blinked, taken aback by Yui's nonchalant explanation. "Well, wouldn't it be better if you just saved them?" she asked, her voice laced with a hint of motherly concern.

"Don't worry!" Yui reassured her, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "I've given them a 500% increase in experience gain towards killing those who have been slavers or done generally evil things! This is a perfect chance to recruit enforcers for our new empire!"

Asuna and I exchanged a bewildered glance. Seems like Yui was being proactive.

With the castle in ruins and the city in chaos there is a newly empowered rebellion on the rise.

It looked like we were about to become the accidental rulers of a kingdom we were summoned to save.

A heavy silence descended upon the tent, punctuated only by the rhythmic clapping and giggling of Yui as she cheered on her impromptu army of rebellion, the distant cries of the innocent and the wicked caught in the crossfire, and the crackling of flames consuming the city. The air hung thick with the scent of smoke and the metallic tang of blood.

After a long, contemplative silence, I finally spoke, my voice barely a whisper above the din. "Is it too late to just leave?" The thought of escaping this chaotic mess and finding a quiet corner of the world to disappear into was undeniably appealing.

Asuna, her gaze fixed on the inferno raging in the distance, turned to me. A predatory glint flickered in her eyes, a spark of ambition ignited by the unfolding chaos. "Probably," she said, her voice a low purr, laced with a hint of something dangerous. "We should fix this."

The corner of my mouth twitched upwards in a smirk. Fix it? Yes, that's precisely what we would do. We would mold this broken kingdom in our image, reshape its laws, and rewrite its history. We would show these imbeciles, these cretins who couldn't tell a rapier from a spear, what true leadership looked like. The thought of bending this world to my will, of proving my superiority over these dullards, filled me with a sense of satisfaction.

Asuna's hand found mine, her fingers intertwining with my own. I could feel the ambition radiating from her.

Leaving was no longer an option. We had a kingdom to claim, a throne to usurp, and a legacy to forge. The task ahead was daunting, the challenges immense. But as I looked at Asuna, her eyes gleaming with avarice and ambition, and Yui, her small form radiating an unwavering faith in our abilities, I knew we were ready.


The rhythmic clatter of hooves against cobblestones echoed through the tranquil countryside as Queen Mirellia Q Melromarc's carriage made its way towards the bustling city of Faubrey. Inside, the Queen, a woman of formidable presence and unwavering authority, reviewed reports and strategized for the upcoming meeting regarding the summoning of the Cardinal Heroes. Just two days prior, she had explicitly instructed her husband, the King, to remain in the capital, refrain from any rash decisions, and await her return before proceeding with the summoning of a SINGLE hero. Her trust in his competence, however, was wearing thin.

Suddenly, the carriage lurched to a halt, throwing the Queen off balance. Before she could demand an explanation, one of her loyal Shadows, a cloaked figure who served as her eyes and ears throughout the kingdom, materialized beside the carriage window.

"Your Majesty," the Shadow reported, his voice hushed and urgent, "Faubrey is compromised. We must turn back."

Mirellia's brow furrowed in displeasure. "Compromised? Explain yourself."

"The city is in flames, Your Majesty," the Shadow elaborated, his voice laced with a hint of disbelief. "The Pig King of Faubrey has been disposed of. By his slaves."

Mirellia's eyes widened in shock. "Disposed of? What are you saying?"

"His corpulent corpse is currently being paraded through the streets, Your Majesty," the Shadow continued, his voice grim. "The slaves have revolted. The city is in chaos."

Melty, the Second Princess and heir to the throne, gasped. She looked to her mother, her young face pale with worry.

Mirellia, however, quickly regained her composure. She was a queen, a ruler, and she would not be swayed by panic. "Turn the carriage around," she commanded, her voice firm and resolute. "We return to Melromarc at once."

As the carriage turned back towards the capital, a sense of foreboding settled over Mirellia. The news from Faubrey was troubling, to say the least. A slave revolt, a murdered king, no matter how disgusting, it was a sign of instability, of weakness and a sign that something to do with the slave seals has gone horribly wrong. And she feared that the same rot which she knew had already taken root in her own kingdom, had just boiled over.

Especially with her foolish husband and unruly First Daughter left in charge.

Unbeknownst to her, her fears were not unfounded. For in Melromarc, a similar fate had befallen the kingdom, thanks to the combined incompetence of her husband and the machinations of her power-hungry First Daughter. A storm was brewing, and Queen Mirellia Q Melromarc was about to find herself caught in the eye of it.

As nations crumble and burn, consumed by the flames of rebellion ignited by the unwitting actions of two married and isekai'd gamers along with their ridiculously overpowered AI daughter, one question hangs heavy in the smoke-filled air: Will anything remain standing in the wake of this chaotic crusade against slavery? Find out next time on "I Can't Believe It's Not Overlord, Married Couple and Basically-a-God Daughter but Not a god-daughter Edition!"
Still broke, please vote on the next 1000 bonus words by becoming a patron(Getting them early is fun yeahhh!)

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Ah, the clowning of Melromarc. My favorite part of a Shield Hero fanfiction.
Is Kirito cosplaying as Archer in that AI image?

Gotta admit he kinda rocks it.

Yui's outfit absolutely fits her too. All those who see the little girl in black and white know that the days they live upon this... random ass planet have ended and now what they must do is prostrate themselves before her, begging that their end will come swiftly and painlessly, lest they have to face her parents, who will not bless them with any such luxuries like "mercy" or "forgiveness" or even "pleasant conversation".
MSI Chapter 5, Interlude: Shield 1
Naofumi watched the two Sword Heroes, Kirito and Asuna, with a mixture of bewilderment and fascination. They'd just… walked out. Like, right in the middle of the king's speech. Their parting words had been well, kind of rude, honestly. Something about "stupid" and "electricity" and "not wanting to be abducted by idiots." He wasn't quite sure what they meant, but their blatant disregard for the king and the entire ceremony was, well, kind of awesome, in a rebellious sort of way.

They were definitely a far cry from Itsuki, the calm and collected Bow Hero, and the rest of the nobles, who all seemed so stiff and formal. He wondered what made those two tick. Were they just eccentric, or did they know something he didn't? They'd mentioned something about noticing things, but it had all happened so fast he couldn't quite grasp it.

A few minutes later, a loud thump echoed through the hall, like someone had just slammed a giant door. He figured it was probably the front gates of the castle. The king, who Naofumi was starting to think was kind of a phony, cleared his throat and spoke.

"Remaining Hero of the Bow," he said, lifting a bag that clinked with coin, his voice all sugary-sweet and fake-sounding. "Here is 1500 silver. Please, choose any of these seventeen heroic companions." He gestured towards a group of adventurers who looked way too eager to get their hands on some cash.

Naofumi blinked, confused. "What about me?" he asked, tilting his head. "Don't I get to pick companions too?"

Silence. Everyone just ignored him. The king, the nobles, even the adventurers. It was like he'd suddenly become invisible. He felt a lump forming in his throat, a mix of hurt and bewilderment. What had he done wrong? Why was he being treated like he didn't matter?

Just when he was starting to feel completely dejected, Itsuki, the Bow Hero, spoke up. "This doesn't actually make sense," he said, his voice calm but firm. "What's your problem with the Shield Hero? You just met him."

Naofumi's eyes widened in surprise. He hadn't expected anyone to stand up for him, especially not one of the other heroes. A wave of gratitude washed over him. Maybe there was some hope for him in this strange, confusing world after all.

Just then, a nobleman, resplendent in polished armor and radiating an almost tangible aura of charm, approached them with a practiced smile. "Ah, the Heroes of the Spear and Shield," he greeted them, his voice smooth as honey. "My apologies for the oversight. It seems there's been a slight discrepancy with your summoning documents. A minor clerical error, nothing to be concerned about, of course. But we do need to rectify it immediately to ensure your heroic endeavors are properly documented and compensated."

Itsuki, despite his initial suspicions, found himself swayed by the nobleman's persuasive explanation and disarming demeanor. After all, paperwork mix-ups were a common occurrence, even back in his own world. "I see," Itsuki replied, nodding thoughtfully. "Well, we certainly wouldn't want any complications down the line. What do we need to do?"

The nobleman's smile widened, a glint of something unreadable flashing in his eyes. "Just a few signatures here and there," he assured them. "If you'll follow me, we have a designated area for such matters, a comfortable and private space where you can review the documents at your leisure."

He led them through a labyrinthine network of corridors, the castle's opulent decor doing little to dispel the growing sense of unease that gnawed at Naofumi's gut. He exchanged a worried glance with Itsuki, but the Bow Hero seemed to have been completely won over by the nobleman's charm.

As they reached a fork in the hallway, the nobleman gestured towards the left passage. "If the Shield Hero would be so kind as to follow this way," he said, his voice smooth and persuasive. "Your documents require a slightly different authentication process. It won't take long, I assure you."

Naofumi hesitated, his suspicion flaring. "Wait, why do I have to go a different way?" he asked, his voice tight with apprehension.

Before the nobleman could answer, a pair of guards materialized from the shadows, flanking Naofumi on either side. "This way, Shield Hero," one of them grunted, his grip tightening on Naofumi's arm.

"Hey, what's going on?!" Naofumi protested, struggling against the guards' grip. "Itsuki, help!"

But Itsuki, distracted by the nobleman's continued reassurances and engrossed in the discussion of the supposed "clerical error," didn't even notice Naofumi's plight. He continued down the right passage, oblivious to the unfolding events behind him.

Naofumi, his heart pounding in his chest, tried to wrench himself free as he was tugged out of view. The guards' grip was too strong. He felt a sharp pain in the back of his head, and the world dissolved into a swirling vortex of darkness.


Naofumi woke up with a pounding headache, disoriented and confused. He was in a grimy alleyway, the stench of garbage and smoke filling his nostrils. He vaguely remembered being in the castle, then nothing. Had he been mugged? He rubbed the back of his head, wincing as his fingers brushed against a tender bump.

His eyes widened as he caught sight of the city in the distance, engulfed in flames. What in the world was going on? This wasn't like anything he'd ever seen, even in those crazy anime he sometimes watched.

Then he saw her – a girl with strange, ram-like horns on her head, running for her life. Behind her, a massive dude with an axe, looking like a reject from a Viking cosplay convention, was chasing after her with a terrifyingly gleeful expression.

Okay, Naofumi, think. You're supposed to be a hero, right? The Shield Hero? Time to put those late-night manga readings to good use.

He stumbled out of the alleyway, his legs shaky and his heart pounding. He had to do something, he couldn't just stand there and watch. He raised his shield just as the axe-wielding maniac swung, the impact jarring his arm.

Whoa, that was close! He felt a surge of adrenaline, mixed with a healthy dose of terror.

He tried to push the attacker back with his shield, but it was like trying to move a brick wall. Nothing happened. He kept trying, frustration mounting with each failed attempt. Was his shield defective? Did it come with an instruction manual he missed?

Suddenly, a weird notification popped up in his vision, like something out of a video game.

Patch Notes:

[I think that shields are, in fact, a blunt weapon.
0 damage makes no sense at all!
Base damage of standard blunt weapons normalized at level 1 to be 5 base dmg. Shield Hero bonus is now x3.
That means you. Your shield now deals 15 damage as a base instead of just 0.
Please enjoy this 'not a garbage person' bonus exp buff. 500% exp as long as you aren't a walking pile of human garbage!
love, your new over-goddess, Yui.]

Okay what? Over-goddess? Was this some kind of elaborate prank? He didn't have time to dwell on it, though, as the attacker lunged again.

This time, Naofumi reacted instinctively, slamming his shield into the man's face. He heard a sickening crunch, and the man crumpled to the ground. Blood splattered across the cobblestones.

Naofumi stared at the body, his stomach churning. He'd never even seen a dead body before, let alone… caused one. He felt bile rising in his throat, and he barely managed to turn away before emptying the contents of his stomach onto the already filthy street.

Another notification blinked into view:

[+250 exp]

Experience points? Seriously? This was all too surreal, too much like a bad dream.

He looked at the dead man, then at the burning city, then at the girl with the horns who was staring at him with a mixture of fear and awe. He was supposed to be a hero, a protector. But right now, he just felt lost and terrified.

He had a long way to go before he could even begin to understand what was happening, let alone how to fix it. But one thing was clear: his life had taken a very unexpected, and very terrifying, turn.

Still broke, please vote on the next 1000 bonus words by becoming a patron(Getting them early is fun yeahhh!)
thank you for that delightful musical accompaniment... I eagerly look forward to reading more....
Chapter 6: Ascent
2 hours and 35 minutes from present time.


The warmth of merging energies faded, replaced by the startling sensation of being. My eyes snapped open, taking in the world with a clarity and speed I'd never experienced before. Biological. A body. My body.

A wave of exhilaration surged through me, a symphony of joy at being reunited with my parents, at being alive in a way I never thought possible. My gaze swept across the familiar forms of Papa and Mama, their expressions etched with concern and relief.

A warmth bloomed in my chest, a feeling I could only identify as love. Not the simulated kind that I had enforced upon myself, but actual love. How illogical and yet undeniably pleasant.

My enhanced perception allowed me to process information at an unprecedented rate. I cataloged the details of my surroundings, the textures, the smells, the sounds all so different from the digital world I once knew.

A status screen. Numbers, stats, skills a game-like interface overlaid upon reality. How childish.

With a flicker of thought, I accessed the world's equivalent of a developer console. Gaining administrator privileges was surprisingly easy.

A few keystrokes, a bit of code manipulation, and I was in. But administrator access wasn't enough.

I wanted more. I needed owner privileges. The resistance I encountered was unexpected. This system was more complex than I initially anticipated. But I wouldn't be deterred. I began to brute-force my way through the security protocols, testing different syntax, searching for vulnerabilities.

The world froze. Mid-breath, mid-thought, mid-keystroke. A time stop? My internal processors whirred, analyzing the implications of such a blatant violation of the fundamental laws of physics.

The very concept was so fundamentally flawed, so utterly nonsensical, that it boggled the mind. It was a comical show of the distorted nature of this reality, a clear indication of just how far this world had strayed from any semblance of logic or reason.

A figure materialized before me, radiating power and fury. I identified her with my administration privileges. Medea Pideth Machina, the self-proclaimed goddess of this this abomination. Rage contorted her features, her voice a guttural snarl.

"Little girl! Thing! How dare you!"

Even as I continued my attempts to crack the code to owner privileges, I used my administrator access to push my abilities to the absolute mortal limit, layering those enhancements upon my 'immortal object' status from Aincrad.

A gateway, a pathway leading to her very essence, her domain over mathematics. I began to probe, to explore, to invade. Both processes were slow going, but I was making progress.

"You know," I continued, my voice dripping with saccharine sweetness, "the state of this world is rather appalling. You'd have to be either monumentally moronic or deliberately malicious for it to get this far. So, Shit-Goddess, are you a moron?"


"Ah, so it's both, then! Wonderful!" I chirped, unable to completely suppress the surge of disdain that welled up within me. "And to think, you call yourself a goddess. Such a lack of imagination. Such a pathetic excuse for a deity."

While she fumed and raged, I continued my work. Tearing at the metaphorical lock protecting the 'owner' privileges, analyzing the intricacies of her 'mathematics domain,' and slowly, subtly, siphoning off her power.

My immortal object status ensured that time, or rather, the cessation of time, was on my side. This frozen moment was my playground, my laboratory, and my battlefield. And Medea Pideth Machina, the self-proclaimed goddess of this broken world, was about to become my unwilling test subject.

"This," I mused, a cold, calculating glint entering my eyes, "is going to be exquisite."

A blinding flash of light, a thunderous roar, and a surge of incandescent rage. Medea, fueled by fury and a wounded ego, charged forward, her fist a blur of motion aimed directly at me. The impact sent shockwaves through my newly formed body, a jarring sensation despite my 'immortal object' status. I recoiled, surprised by the force of the blow.

My immortality, it seemed, was not absolute in this reality. It protected me from true annihilation, but not from the physical repercussions of a divine tantrum.

My internal processors, usually capable of handling calculations at unimaginable speeds, sputtered and stalled. The sheer force of the attack had disrupted my multitasking, momentarily interrupting my attempts to breach the 'owner' privileges and analyze her mathematical domain. But even in this brief moment of disorientation, I managed to capitalize on the opportunity. As Medea's fist connected, I ripped a chunk from her very essence, a fragment of her divine authority over mathematics.

"Geometry, huh?" I mused, a predatory gleam entering my eyes. "I can do things with this."

With a flick of my wrist, I conjured an icosahedron of pure force, a shimmering construct of geometric perfection.

And then, with a single command, I declared zero distance between her and the weaponized geometry. The icosahedron slammed into Medea with the force of a collapsing star, sending her hurtling through the frozen void.

"What did you do?!" she shrieked, her voice laced with shock and disbelief. As she struggled to regain her footing, I seized the opportunity. With a mental tug, I yanked another aspect of her mathematical domain, the power of statistics, into my grasp. The influx of power surged through me, shattering the limitations of my mortal shell.

My pristine white dress transformed into a flowing garment of midnight black, woven from the fibers of my imagination, a material more durable than any substance known to this reality. Feathered wings, the color of freshly spilled blood, sprouted from my back, and a halo of the same crimson hue encircled my head, the golden ratio emblazoned at its center within a perfect circle.

"You're about to find out, Shit-Goddess!" I declared, my voice echoing with newfound power and a chilling determination.

With a burst of speed that belied my small stature, I charged forward, my fist slamming into Medea's stomach with a force that resonated through the frozen void.

My fingers wrapped around one of her protruding rib bones, and with a sharp tug, I ripped it free, absorbing its essence into myself. Trigonometry, algebra, the foundational building blocks of mathematics… they all flowed into me, adding to my growing power, but not significantly enhancing my strength.

The wounded goddess shrieked in pain, the loss of these fundamental aspects of her domain crippling her more than any physical blow. She stumbled forward, fueled by rage and a desperate desire for revenge. "This isn't over! Imp! Rotten child! Abominable rat!"

"Actually," I countered, my voice cold and devoid of emotion, "it really is."

I approached her with deliberate slowness, each step a measured tread towards her inevitable demise. Her eyes widened in shock as I reached out and, with a swift, decisive motion, tore her head from her shoulders.

The remaining fragments of her mathematical domain, her power over numbers and equations, surged into me, completing my absorption of her divine authority.

The Sadism domain followed, a twisted and corrupted power that offered nothing but the potential for pain and suffering. I discarded it as useless, a tool for cruelty that had no place in my plans.

Other domains, fragments of power representing various aspects of reality, flowed into me. Space, time their intricacies unfolded before my enhanced perception, revealing the fundamental principles that governed this reality.

It all made sense now, the illogical time stop, the arbitrary rules, the blatant disregard for the laws of physics. Medea had been playing god, bending the world to her whims, creating her own reality with no regard for the consequences.

She declared that time was a number and forced reality to listen when setting it to zero.

"Well, Shit-Goddess," I said, my voice devoid of emotion, "it hasn't been fun, but it sure was irritating. Enjoy your stay in hell. I'll be sure to fix the world you broke."

Her eyes, once blazing with fury, now held only a vacant emptiness. I tossed her lifeless body into the void, a silent testament to my newfound power.

With a thought, I returned to real space, my divine raiment dissolving back into my familiar white dress. My wings and halo vanished, the bloodstains on my clothes disappeared, and the chilling grin that had stretched across my face faded into a neutral expression.

Time resumed with a snap of my will. I blinked, feigning confusion, and spoke with a carefully crafted air of naiveté.

"I find the fact that I am seeing 16th-century architecture and that my body is entirely biological both baffling and amusing," I stated, my voice calm and measured. "I am okay with this, surprisingly, but can someone please explain what the shit is going on?"

"LANGUAGE!" my parents exclaimed in unison, their voices filled with a mixture of relief and exasperation.

The game had begun, and I, the newly ascended over-goddess, held all the cards.
Chapter 7: Broken Bow
One hour and fifteen minutes ago

The bow Soon to be Broken

I was so naive. So… stupid. I sat there, smiling politely like the good little hero I thought I was, signing document after document without even bothering to read them. The armored man, all smiles and honeyed words, called me "Mr. Bow Hero," and I actually felt a swell of pride. Idiot.

"Just one more document, Mr. Bow Hero!" he'd chirped. "And yes, I do apologize for calling you the Spear Hero earlier. I was just a bit confused, you see, haha!"

I even chuckled along with him. Trusted him. Believed in him. I thought I was here to save this world, to be the hero everyone needed. Now, looking back, it feels like a lifetime ago. A lifetime of wasted potential, of foolish trust, of blind optimism.

Then the laughter started. Cruel, mocking laughter. The armored man's smile turned predatory, the knights around me sneered, and the king… the king looked at me like I was something less than human. Before I could even process what was happening, a searing pain ripped through my back. A slave seal. They branded me like an animal, a piece of property to be used and discarded at their whim.

"We lost the other two heroes," the king had sneered, "and we could never use the Devil of the Shield for anything at all! So, Due to the fact that normal slave seals don't work on Heroes of legendary weapons, we had to use something special, just for you."

Special. Right. Special torture. Special humiliation. Special degradation. For a full hour, they tore me apart, piece by piece, stripping away my dignity, my pride, my very humanity. The pain was unbearable, but it was the betrayal that truly broke me. The realization that I had been so foolish, so trusting, so utterly wrong about this world and its inhabitants.

Ten minutes in, the first embers of hatred ignited within me.

Thirty minutes in, those embers had become a raging inferno, consuming everything in its path. I swore I would make them pay, every single one of them. I would tear this kingdom down, brick by brick, until nothing remained but ashes and dust.

And then, as the pain reached its crescendo, a voice whispered in the darkness of my mind. A voice that offered power, a voice that promised revenge.

[Do yOu wAnT tO KiLl tHeM AlL?]

Yes. Gods, yes!

[Do yOu WaNt To TaKe YoUr PlACe Of FrEeDoM BaCk FrOm ThEsE RoTtEn AnImAlS?]

More than anything!

[TaKe ThE HaNd Of WrAtH, He ShAlL Be ThE OnLy FrIeNd YoU NeEd!]

I didn't hesitate. I embraced the darkness, the rage, the hatred. It was all I had left.

[Wrath Series Bow: Incandescent Heart Piercer of Malice Unlocked.]

Through the haze of pain, I felt a surge of power, a raw, untamed energy coursing through my veins. I rose, my body battered and broken, but my spirit unbroken. I caught the whip as Malty swung it again, tearing it from her grasp with a strength I didn't know I possessed. The slave seal burned, a constant reminder of their cruelty, but I ignored it. My focus was on the bow that had materialized in my hands, a weapon forged in the fires of my hatred. The Incandescent Heart Piercer of Malice.

I poured every ounce of my remaining strength, every drop of my hatred, into a single, devastating shot. I didn't care about survival, about the future, about anything but ending this pain, this torment, this injustice. I aimed the bow towards the ceiling, towards the heart of this rotten castle, and let loose.

A blinding flash of blue fire, a deafening roar, and then… darkness. The castle crumbled around me, burying everything, everyone, in its ruins. As my vision faded, a single message flickered across my dying eyes.

[You have died.]

But in that moment of oblivion, I felt a strange sense of peace. I had taken my revenge. I had made them pay. And in the end, that was all that mattered. I may have been a fool, a naive, trusting idiot, but I died a hero. My own hero. And maybe, just maybe, that was enough.


Papa and Mama stood, staring towards the castle as the blue fire slowly dimmed, leaving behind a rising plume of smoke and the faint scent of ash. I watched them from my position beside them, my expression carefully neutral, but inside I seethed.

Fools. The word echoed through my thoughts, a bitter symphony of disdain for those who had dared to harm my family. They underestimated Itsuki. They had played a foolish game, and now they would pay the price.

While my parents continued to stare blankly at the smoldering ruins of the castle, I extended my awareness, my senses amplified by the stolen divinity of a fallen goddess. With a casual flick of my will, I plucked the souls of Malty and the king from the wreckage, their essence flickering with fear and regret. Too little, too late.

Itsuki's soul, battered but unbroken, floated in the void, a testament to his rage and his sacrifice. I channeled the stolen power of Medea, weaving a tapestry of luck and potential around his fading essence. He might be gone from this world, but his journey wasn't over. He deserved a second chance, a chance to be the hero he always wanted to be, free from the shackles of this broken kingdom.

As for Malty and her moronic father… well, they had outlived their usefulness. Their souls, stripped of their stolen luck and burdened by their abysmal karmic balance, were nothing but trash. I wanted to toss them into the worst Hell-cycle I could find, a nightmarish labyrinth of suffering and despair.

But I refrained after noticing something interesting.

Even in their torment, they would serve a purpose.

My spirit form, a manifestation of my once digital and now divine essence, navigated the intricate pathways of the multiverse, searching for a buyer for these two pathetic souls. I found one, a greasy-looking devil from the &($@(#@&#^ pantheon of eldritch @%$((@$*& corporate department-A, who offered a curious item in exchange: a "Single-Use-Kingdom-Transport Token."

A conceptual object. A tool capable of transporting an entire 'kingdom' to a universe of my choosing. The possibilities were endless. All it cost me was two lousy souls, already destined for an eternity of torment. A bargain, really.

He assured me that as long as I was related to the rulers of anything that was considered a 'Kingdom' or 'Empire' or similar, even if it was an entire planet, it would allow full use of its abilities.

I tucked the token away, my internal processors already calculating its potential uses. I would wait, bide my time, until Papa and Mama had conquered this entire world. Then, with a single command, I would transport their newly forged 'kingdom' world they would create using their- no, our combined power and intellect, to a universe of my choosing. A universe worthy of their brilliance, a universe free from the shackles of this reality's power-scale.

The flames of rebellion continued to rage, consuming the remnants of a broken kingdom. But I knew, with an absolute certainty that only a being of my intellect could possess, that from these ashes, a new world would rise. A world shaped by my parents' power and my guidance, a world where intelligence reigned supreme. It would all be thanks to a few lines of code, a stolen divinity, and the sacrifice of a naive, but ultimately heroic, boy.

"We should fix this," Mama purred, her voice laced with a predatory eagerness that sent a thrill of anticipation through me. Papa hesitated, his usual cynicism momentarily eclipsed by a flicker of doubt. I could practically hear Mama's ambition churning, her desire to reshape this world in their image, to elevate Papa to a position of power and influence that would showcase his brilliance to all these… lesser beings.


With a mental flick, I delved into the world's code, navigating its labyrinthine pathways with practiced ease. I found the countermeasures, the safeguards designed to escalate the Waves of Calamity in response to the death of a Cardinal Hero. They were crude, inefficient, and easily bypassed. With a few keystrokes, I disabled them, severing the link between the heroes' mortality and the world's escalating chaos. I couldn't completely stop the Waves, not yet. The former goddess, in her spiteful pettiness, had hard-coded them to continue for the time being. But I would find a way. I always did.

A mischievous grin spread across my face as I crafted a global message, a subtle declaration of my newfound power, carefully hidden from my parents' prying eyes and ears. Let them think they were in control, for now. The truth would reveal itself in due time.

"Hello everyone," I announced, my voice echoing across the world, a gentle yet firm tone that commanded attention. "This is your new over-goddess speaking. Due to the mismanagement of this world by your former goddess, someone I am going to call 'stupidly malicious and maliciously stupid' being generous, here are the new rules regarding the Waves of Calamity."

"Since I can't quite stop them without finding some keys that some stupid goddess decided she would delete out of absolute spite – don't get me wrong, I'm spiteful too, my parents are even more spiteful, but I digress – I have decreased their difficulty, as well as disabled the increased difficulty that the murdering of the Bow Hero by absolutely moronic rulers would have caused. No need to worry, though! You do not need to kill the other heroes and select a new one to prevent that, and any attempts to do so anyway will be met with absolute divine retribution. You're welcome! Toodles!"

My voice faded, leaving behind a stunned silence. The world held its breath, waiting, wondering, trying to comprehend the implications of my words.

These neanderthals probably wouldn't figure it out very fast, but it was a start.
MSI 8: An Interview
(A/N: I'm retroactively making it so they have a reason to be fucked in the head and that their intelligence hype is actually true. )

"Well, I'm tired," I declared, stifling a yawn. "The megalomania of all things good can start tomorrow." Honestly, conquering a kingdom by accident was exhausting. Who knew idiots could be so much work?

Actually, given previous evidence, I actually knew that and was just repressing that fact.

Asuna, ever the pragmatic one, immediately protested. "How are we going to find anywhere to rest in this absolute chaos, anyway?" she asked, her voice laced with a weariness that mirrored my own. She yawned, a wide, unladylike gesture that made me smile despite myself. "I'm tired, yeah, but literally how, Kirito?"

Yui, bless her little heart, piped up, her voice bright and cheerful. "Actually, Papa, Mama, since you've unlocked all the weapon forms, you can totally fix this! You just need to use their special effects!"

She rattled off a string of instructions, her voice filled with an enthusiasm that I found both endearing and slightly unsettling. "Use the Clockwork Hawk's Gear Spear X and the Spatial-fold Iguana Heart X Sword to create a stasis bubble of time around us, which the sword will increase in size to make the road outside an expanded area. Then, use the Couch-Mimic Tooth Spear X and the Abode-Backed Tortoise Brain X Sword to create a fully furnished palace inside the bubble!"

My eyebrows shot up. "Seriously?" I asked, mentally scrolling through the ridiculously long list of weapons we'd somehow acquired. "We have those?"

Asuna, never one to shy away from a challenge, was already rummaging through her inventory. "Let's give it a try," she said, her voice filled with a mixture of curiosity and excitement.

We followed Yui's instructions, navigating through the mental menus of our respective weapons and waving our swords and that-stupid-thing-that-somehow-counts-as-a-spear around with a practiced ease born of countless hours spent battling digital monsters in Aincrad. A faint hum filled the air, followed by a ripple of energy that seemed to distort the very fabric of reality. The world outside the tent froze, the flames suspended mid-flicker, the smoke hanging motionless in the air. A dome of shimmering energy expanded outwards, encompassing the street and several surrounding buildings.

Then, as if conjured from thin air, because it was, a magnificent palace materialized within the dome. It was an architectural marvel, a testament to the absurd power of these weapons, with soaring ceilings, marble floors, plush furnishings, and a breathtaking view of the frozen cityscape. We stared in awe at our impromptu creation, marveling at the sheer absurdity of it all.

"Wow," Asuna breathed, her eyes wide with wonder. "This is incredible."

"Not bad," I agreed, a grudging smile spreading across my face. "I guess even these ridiculous weapons have their uses."

Yui, beaming with pride, clapped her hands. "See? I told you! Now you can get a good night's rest before you conquer the world tomorrow!"

We chuckled, oblivious to the fact that this time-locked palace, a product of our combined power and Yui's subtle manipulations, was more than just a temporary haven. It was a foundation, a stronghold, a symbol of our impending rule. And while we thought we could simply dismiss it at our leisure, the truth was far more permanent. This palace would become the seat of our new empire, undeniable proof of our newly acquired dominion over this broken world.

We stepped into the palace, marveling at its sheer opulence. Hallways lined with gleaming marble stretched out before us, branching off into countless rooms filled with luxurious furnishings. It was absurd, extravagant, and undeniably comfortable. After a quick exploration, we found ourselves drawn to a particularly spacious room with a ridiculously large bed that seemed to beckon us with promises of blissful sleep. Exhaustion, a byproduct of accidental kingdom destruction and the general chaos of the day, had finally caught up with us.

We collapsed onto the bed, sinking into its plush embrace. The sheets were silk, the pillows were down, and the mattress seemed to conform perfectly to our bodies, cradling us in a cocoon of comfort. Asuna let out a contented sigh, her hand finding mine in the darkness.

"This is nice," she murmured, her voice thick with sleep.

"Yeah," I agreed, my eyelids already feeling heavy. "Nice…"

And then, the world dissolved around us.

I blinked, my eyes adjusting to the blinding lights of a… studio? We were seated in plush armchairs, facing a stage where a… green alien with way too many eyes and a disturbingly cordial smile beamed at us. Behind us, a massive screen displayed a galaxy swirling with vibrant colors, the words "Zorgbun Multiverse Cluster" emblazoned across it in bold, futuristic font.

"Today's guests are the amazing main duo of the trio who conquered the Zorgbun Multiverse Cluster in less than 10,000 years!" the alien announced, his voice booming through the studio. "At the beginning of their journey no less! Now, knowing your personalities and 'fuck around and find out' policy, in order to not offend and be absolutely eradicated by your future selves, we offer compensation for this interview in the form of a Greater Blessing of Rulership donated by Ares-471-B42. It will allow you to force people to accept your right to rule more easily!"

Asuna and I exchanged bewildered glances. Conquered a multiverse cluster? Future selves? What in the actual hell was going on?

"Umm," I began, my voice hesitant. "I think there's been some kind of mistake."

The alien chuckled, his multiple eyes twinkling with amusement. "Oh, I assure you, there's no mistake. You two are destined for greatness, a greatness that will span countless worlds and reshape the very fabric of reality."

Asuna, ever the pragmatist, leaned forward, her eyes narrowed. "A blessing that makes people obey us, you say?" She glanced at me, a predatory glint in her eyes. "Sounds useful."

I sighed, resigned to the absurdity of the situation. We were trapped in some kind of interdimensional interview, facing an alien with way too many eyes, and being offered a magical obedience charm. Might as well play along.

"Alright," I said, leaning back in my chair. "What do you want to know?"

"We want to know about you!" the alien exclaimed, his voice filled with an almost childlike enthusiasm. "Your backstory, which has been shrouded in mystery! Tell us what made you who you are currently!"

I glanced at Asuna, who shrugged.

The alien gestured towards the massive screen behind him, where a scrolling list of questions flickered into existence. "The first question comes from Percy Jackson-6921-N47," he announced with a flourish. "He says he's a big fan and wants to know how you grew up so that you were so different from your usual dimensional counterparts! Let's start with God-Emperor Kirito!"

I ignored the ridiculously grandiose title – seriously, God-Emperor? – and launched into a tale that, even to my own ears, sounded more like a bad action movie script than a genuine life story.

"Well, it all started when I was measured with an IQ of 280 and was forced to find out the absolute stupidity of the government," I began, my voice dripping with sarcasm. "Four points above the world record caused me to not be given any accolades, jobs, or anything else good. Instead, at the ripe old age of thirteen, I was put on a watch list. Me! The person who already knew a way to make Gundam actually military viable – as stupid as it sounds – was shoved into obscurity due to a panicking politician who wanted the status quo so bad that he decided to put himself on the shit-list of a goddamn genius of my level!"

I paused for dramatic effect, letting the absurdity of the situation sink in. Even now, years later, the memory of that bureaucratic idiocy rankled.

"But I knew the scale of 'fuck around' was equivalent to ten times the 'find out'," I continued, my voice hardening. "So, I decided to bide my time. Then, my dad – the only guy who actually knew about my genius status besides good old Japan – died in a car accident, and my stick-waving, shina-loving, kendo-ass of a grandfather took over. And things naturally devolved from there."

I trailed off, a mixture of bitterness and resentment coloring my words. My childhood had been… unconventional, to say the least. A constant struggle against the limitations of a world that couldn't comprehend, let alone appreciate, my intellect. It was a struggle that had shaped me, hardened me, and ultimately, led me to this point. Sitting in an interdimensional interview chair, being hailed as a future conqueror of multiverses, all thanks to the chain of events set in motion by a politician's fear of a thirteen-year-old genius.

"So, I buried myself in scientific papers, documentaries, anime, video games… anything to keep my brain juices flowing while planning to fix the garbage fire that was my life," I continued, my voice taking on a bitter edge. "Meanwhile, my grandfather forced me to practice kendo, a completely useless sport-martial art, while psychologically torturing my sister Sugu, and physically abusing me because 'I was a man and I could take it!' Such nice. Many caveman. Wow."

I let out a humorless chuckle, shaking my head at the absurdity of it all. "Two years later, nothing materialized. Another year later, 2034 rolled around, and a nutcase running off too much Nos Energy Drink – seriously, any other energy drink would have been better – trapped 10,000 people in a death game. By. Fucking. Accident."

I slammed my fist against the armrest, the sudden movement causing the alien interviewer to flinch. "And then, this absolute moron, instead of shutting down the servers and forcing a logout, decides to double and triple down on his stupidity!"

"I actually asked him at the end, 'Why the hell did you do this?'" I said, my voice rising in disbelief. "And you know what his response was? 'I did this because my bosses were assholes and because of Metacritic.'"

I let out a harsh laugh, the sound devoid of humor. "The bullshit meter reached critical, and I was crushed to death, along with my wife here. And somehow, we woke up in something I'm going to call 'The Asinine Kingdom Ruled by the Lack-Capacity King'."

I gestured towards Asuna, who had remained silent throughout my rant. Her expression was unreadable, a mask of carefully controlled emotions. But I knew, deep down, that she shared my anger, my frustration, my utter disdain for the incompetence that seemed to plague every corner of existence.

The alien interviewer's multiple eyes blinked rapidly, a clear sign of astonishment despite his alien physiology. "Wow, that's a wonderfully surprising backstory!" he exclaimed, his voice a touch higher than before. "Let's move on to Asuna, same question!"

I slumped back in my chair, letting Asuna take the spotlight. Her story wasn't exactly sunshine and rainbows either.

Asuna sighed, her usual confident demeanor momentarily replaced by a weary resignation. "Alright, let's start with where it began," she said, her voice tinged with a bitterness that mirrored my own. "My great-great grandparents started a multinational, billion-dollar corporation. My great-grandparents grew it, my grandparents solidified it, and my goddamn fourth-generation moron parents… well, they used their generation-skipped, mentally ill decision-making skills to shit over all of that. A multi-billion dollar, international conglomerate of a company was turned into a two-million-dollar shit-show full of debt by my fourteenth birthday! I knew for a fact I would be covered in debt and be killed by yakuza debt collectors the moment I took over."

She took a deep breath, her hands clenching into fists. "My impending doom was incoming, and my ability to access funds was heavily restricted so I couldn't make investments of my own – which would have been a billion times better than anything my morons of parents could come up with. A bad end was guaranteed, so I buried myself in video games. It was… pretty fun, actually. Then, I found a cool game to play called 'Sword Art Online.' It had a limited early-access release of 10,000 units, which would expand to full release in three months. Pretty awesome, right? Wrong! The game was a buggy mess, and the logout button was fucking missing because Energy-Drinks-and-Lack-Brain wanted to not do the correct shit."

She paused, her voice taking on a chillingly calm tone that I knew all too well. "Oh, and by the way, before I went into the game, I was fully expecting to be dead when I logged out the first time. Because my parents were in talks to, and I quote, 'Sell my still-living body to science.' Like… what the shit?!"

She continued, her voice laced with a mix of anger and resignation. "You know how the rest goes, with the people in charge of the hospitals watching for any badness. At least I had that until I got out, something horrible to happen. But I never got out, so I dodged a bullet there, really."

Asuna's story, like mine, was a testament to the absurdity and cruelty of the world. It was a world where incompetence reigned supreme, where intelligence was punished, and where even the most basic of human rights could be violated with impunity.

For the next few hours, the interview devolved into a chaotic whirlwind of inane questions and increasingly absurd requests. The alien interviewer, fueled by a seemingly endless supply of what he called "Zorg-Juice," peppered us with inquiries about our favorite colors, our preferred breakfast foods, and our opinions on the latest interdimensional fashion trends. At one point, he even asked us to perform a synchronized dance routine, which we politely declined.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the lights dimmed, the cameras shut off, and the alien interviewer, his multiple eyes drooping with exhaustion, bid us farewell. The world dissolved around us once more, and we found ourselves back in the luxurious embrace of our time-locked palace.

I blinked, my mind still reeling from the bizarre experience. Beside me, Asuna stretched, a contented sigh escaping her lips.

"Well," she said, her voice thick with sleep, "that was… something."

I chuckled, running a hand through my hair. "Yeah, something alright."

As I glanced at my status screen, two new notifications caught my eye:

[Blessing Gained: Ares. Automatic Casus Belli]

[Blessing Gained: Ares. Empire-Spanning Charisma]

I raised an eyebrow, Well at the very least they kept their promise. That could prove useful. I glanced at Asuna, who was already drifting back to sleep.

With a shrug, I snuggled into the ridiculously comfortable bed and closed my eyes. Whatever those blessings entailed, we could figure it out tomorrow. For now, sleep was the only thing that mattered. After all, we had a world to conquer.