The most "devastating" music videos

Destruction that happens in the video. Official videos without film snippets.
Here are a few that I found during late night channel surfing and on TV Tropes:

Earth is devastated by passing the tail of the Comet Eurydice. The tail causes electrical storms and also contains many comet fragments. Many fatalities.

Are they releasing a nanite swarm in Hong Kong? Whatever they activated or released, it disabled the video feed from the city after the first effects became visible.

An inhabited asteroid is destroyed. Thousands of fatalities.

Is that a demon of Nurgle that the witch released? It killed the witch, destroyed a large area of forest, and began to raise undead.

Another zombie outbreak, this time in a city. Many fatalities.

A dark moment for science. A priceless specimen was accidentally released and destroyed.

Some kind of "sonic explosion" destroys several buildings. Possibly hundreds of fatalities.

(Warning: nasty)

They sabotaged a nuclear power plant. Many fatalities.

(some are not embedded because of the 5 embedded media items limit)
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Also this one I guess, being within the same canon.

Complete global destruction.
Do musicals count? Because I'm pretty sure the original Blues Brothers film holds some sort of record for sheer quantity of police cars wrecked in a single chase scene.