The Mook Shinobi

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Naruto, A manga series where people become shinobi controlling over the elements due to the...
The Beginning as a Mook
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Naruto, A manga series where people become shinobi controlling over the elements due to the power called chakra. This power however is dangerous as people use this power while waging war bringing hatred and destruction to the world. The world however was saved due to man who wanted to bring peace to the world and ended the worlds hatred into bringing an era with peace!

This however will not happen in this universe due to the world experiencing a one single little change leading to this an alternative universe, with this your original role has change as well. What will you achieve in this world?
Your name is Daisuke Haruno, The Dead Last.

You were a normal kid with a civilian background, and average shinobi skills that could be good enough to be a mook genin. That however didn't happen as you were dead last due to the fact that everyone in your class are monsters. You remember there used to more kids in this class in the beginning however as the years went by the dropped out, due them losing their drive as they saw the prodigies do it better than them.

You however kept going wanting to get a normal work as some random genin doing paperwork or something to get a better income.

This dream got ruined however as the previous dead last quit at the last second making the total student count nine. You could been placed in the reserves.

That however didn't happen as your now waiting with your team to a very late sensei in a now empty classroom. You glanced at your other two teammates as they chatted happily already knowing each other.

The blond attractive girl, Naruko Uzumaki Namizake. She is a chakra powerhouse and a prodigy due to getting trained by many skilled shinobi at a young age thanks to her connections.

The black haired bishounen, Sasuke Uchiha. He is rumored to have unlocked an evolve sharingan ever since his brother passed away due to a disease, and with that the clan send their best to train him.

You sighed and wonder what to do waiting....
[] You could talk to your teammates learn more about them.
[] You could read some books to review what you know.
[] You could sulk and brood over what happened.
[] You could elaborate an amazing prank on your now late sensei.
[] Write In
A/N: That's right running an alternative universe quest in Naruto. This would be my first time running a quest after lurking a while here so wish me luck on not messing this up. I would like some criticism on my writing and what could have been done better!
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[x] You could sulk and brood over what happened.

Sasuke appears cheerful. We must assume his post as the grumpy one.
[X] You could read some books to review what you know.

Maybe our sensei can be a better icebreaker for us.
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[x] You could talk to your teammates learn more about them.

Teamwork! :V
[X] You could sulk and brood over what happened.
-[X] Try to tell your sensei you quiiiiiiit (it's not too late! You didn't register the paperwork so the headband is just a piece of metal! You don't want to die, HAVE MERCY SENSEI!)
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[X] You could read some books to review what you know.

Being a mook in a den of monsters. Seems promising.

@Ridiculously Average Guy the premise does sort of remind me of shadenight123's The Boy in the Team. Was that the one you read?
Passing Time
You decided to read some books to review over what you know to pass time, until sensei arrives. It would have also been awkward as hell to even converse with your teammates when you never even talked with them before, except the occasional polite hello.

You sighed and began reading over what you know; which to be honest isn't really much compare to your monstrous classmates. There time passed reviewing over the three basic jutsus, until the door opened quieting your teammates conversation.

There a silver hair with a mask entered the classroom and said, "I want you guy to be there at the roof..."

He than did a hand sign and disappeared in a swirl of leaves. Naruko smiled while also doing a hand sign and said, " I'm gonna prank him later like who makes a lady wait this long?!"

Sasuke snorted and said, "You aren't really quite lady like."

They both laughed and disappeared in a swirl of leaves leaving you behind, figures. You walked to the roof at a steady pace and arrived to seem them already talking with each with this air of a close bond.

Kakashi now noticing your arrival did an eye smile and said, "Alright, Why don't we begin introducing ourselves, however since we all know each other why don't you go first? What's your likes, dislikes, hobbies, and dream?"

They now focusing their attention on you wait for your introduction.

[] Write In
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[X] My name is Daisuke Haruno. Things I like, things I hate... I don't feel like talking about that. My dream for the future... I haven't really thought about it. As for my hobbies... I have lots of hobbies.
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