The Misadventures of Harley & Davidson (DCU OC)

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"No." A man's voice said calmly.

"Yes!" A women's voice retorted excitedly.


Part 1: Adventure


Insomniac Supreme
The East
"No." A man's voice said calmly.

"Yes!" A women's voice retorted excitedly.




"Aw c'mon Davy! You didn't even hear me out yet!" The woman complained.

"I'm not even going to ask. Please leave my apartment, I'm going to go do things now." The now identified Davy replied dismissively, already walking away.

The woman fumed, pouting unhappily. Then she grinned. "There is one problem with that big fella!"

Then he paused, turned around and strode forward.

The man was tall, definitely above six feet with a broad build. He was brown skinned with a smiley face scar on his left cheek, his face was molded into a slight frown, though that was possibly his displeasure at the situation and he wore his hair in a afro with the sides faded slightly. At the moment he wore a plain pair of sweat pants, and a sleeveless v-neck shirt.

Finally he stopped and looked down at the women with his bright brown eyes, a stern expression on his face.

"And that would be?" He asked.

The woman grinned. "I! Harleen Quinzel, am your lawful landlord, and you Luc Davidson are my tenant!" The now identified Harleen Quinzel shouted with glee.

At this comment, the man, Luc froze before slapping a palm to his face and sighing.

"I...was honestly hoping you'd forget that little tidbit. Fuck my life." He breathed out.

The now identified Harley Quinn pouted and began. "Yah, well it's the truth and it's da law, so dem's the breaks buddy!" She paused and said "Now that that's outta the way, let's get to more important things."

"Like my work?" Luc interjected hopefully, raising his head with a smile, eyes shining.

"Ah, that can wait." Harley dismissed. "Now...this cute puppy!!!" She squealed, bringing her arms forward, cute puppy in hand.

Luc stared before sighing, again drawing up to his full height and asked "It's nice seeing you so bright and bubbly, and yes that's a cute puppy but it's..." He fished around in his pants pocket before pulling out his phone and saying "6:18 in the morning, and quite frankly I can't be bothered with anything that doesn't have to do with our contract because I'm working and running on four hours of sleep at the moment soooooo..."

Harley rolled her eyes. "Oh please Davy-baby, yah barely got anythin' looking like a actual sleep schedule, you're practically always awake." She drawled out. "And besides, you didn't even hear me out, you just told me no before I could even explain anythin'. Which is rude!" The bleached woman complained.

"I can tell along the lines you're thinking of." Luc shot back quickly. "And what's with calling me Davy? My names Luc Davidson, so I kinda get it by why?"

Harley shrugged nonchalantly and walked forward, past him and into his apartment. "Dunno." Then she paused. "Heeeeeeey! I thought you were an empath notta mind reader?" She asked a touch confused.

Luc walked in after her, slouched with his hands in his pockets, and said annoyed "I'm not explaining this, 'how my powers work thing', for a third time."

"Eh whatever. Basically, take care of this little guy here." Harley commanded shoving the thing into his chest and letting it drop.

"Hey!" Luc yelped in surprise, and scrambled to catch the pup.

It stopped a foot or two off the ground before it seemingly righted itself in mid air, and then sat down gently.

Luc took a second to check if it was okay, scratched its ears, gave it a little love, and all that stuff before looking up annoyed at his landlord's triumphant face.

"See!" That's why I want yah to take care of the little guy when I'm not around!" Harley exclaimed excitedly, clapping her hands.

"Look I still can't-" Luc tried to refute weakly.

"AW C'MON Davy!" Harley shouted frustrated hands pulling at her pigtails. "Why not!?"

"I'm busy with work all the time, and I don't have time to mess with a dog. It's not that I don't want too, I'm just busy working on projects at the moment, and don't really want distractions." He tried to explain calmly.

"But you can keep an eye on it with yah empath thing, and make sure it stays outta trouble with yah telekinetic thing!" Harley shot back hands on her hips.

Luc took this moment to face palm again, before dropping his hand.

"Look I-"

"Look at him, he already loves yah!" Harley said excitedly pointing at the pup.

Luc glanced down to see the pup was indeed looking up at him rather expectantly, pawing at him while standing on its hind legs, before falling down. It repeated this action for a while before stopping.

The taller of the two stared at the shorter with a deadpan expression before lifting his hands, the puppy starting to rise before softly arriving in them upside down, back first.

He glanced down.


Harley blinked. "Wha?"

"It's a her." Luc observed. "She's a King Charles Spaniel so she won't grow too big, and she likely won't be much for being outside. She'll be...annoyingly clingy though."

He looked at her again "She got her shots?" He asked.

"SO YA'LL DO IT, DAVY!!!?" Harley asked excitedly.

"I guess, yah crazy bleached bitch..." He sighed.

"YAY!" Said crazy bleached bitch exclaimed as she spun in a circle.

"Those shots?" Luc piped up. "Ya'know so she doesn't get sick?" He said shaking the pup lightly.

"Right!" Harley gasped. "Let's go Davidson! To the Harley mobile!" She turned grabbing him by an arm and leading him out of his apartment.

Luc smiled slightly as he allowed this.

'She's so happy.' He thought with a smile as he felt waves of happiness from his landlord. 'I guess I can kinda get used to this...'

Then he realized something.

"Damnit woman lemme put something proper on first and lock my apartment!!!"
And scene. Hope you liked it. Luc is a metahuman empath with versatile telekinetic powers, that aren't exactly the strongest. He's...kinda along for the ride.