[X] Just end the session here. You can play tomorrow with your friends rather than alone.
[X] Monk
[X] Plan Reaching Heaven Through Violence
-[X] 15 Physical Attack
-[X] 10 Mag. Def
-[X] Unlock 'Beast Taming'
-[X] Unlock 'Sharp Perception'
-[X] Upgrade "Body Over Mind"
-[X] Upgrade "The Way of the Asura's Defensive Form"
-[X] Upgrade "Ambition to Reach Heaven"
[X] Just end the session here. You can play tomorrow with your friends rather than alone.
[X] Plan "Bar Bar"
-[X] Barbarian
-[X] +10 stas points to PHY ATK, stats points to +15 PHY DEF -[X] 2 ability points to "Body Over Mind", 3 ability points to "Swift Alertness" (Rank 1)
[X] Plan An Idea Strikes
-[X] Go claim the reward for the Grox Infestation Extermination Quest.
-[X] Unlock 'Sharp Perception'
-[X] Unlock 'Burly Brawler'
-[X] Improve 'Swift Alertness'
-[X] Improve 'Awe-Inspiring Prowess'
-[X] Improve 'Heavenly Bull's Charge'
-[X] Stat Points: +6 HP, +10 Phy Atk, +9 Agi
-[X] Class: Celerity Stepper - Focus on dodging and footwork that allows one to buff their next attack.
-[X] Continue this session. You might be late at work tomorrow or tired, however.
--[X] Go claim the reward for the Grox Infestation Extermination Quest.
[X] Just end the session here. You can play tomorrow with your friends rather than alone.
[X] Monk
[X] Plan Slaggedfire
-[X] 15 Physical Attack
-[X] 10 Mag. Def
-[X] Unlock 'Beast Taming'
-[X] Unlock 'Sharp Perception'
-[X] Unlock 'Fall's Grappling Technique'
-[X] Improve an ability.
--[X] 2 The Way of the Asura's Defensive Form
[X] Just end the session here. You can play tomorrow with your friends rather than alone.
-[X] 25 HP
-[X] Monk
-[X] Unlock 'Beast Taming'
-[X] Unlock 'Sharp Perception'
-[X] Unlock 'Fall's Grappling Technique'
-[X] Improve an ability.
--[X] 2 Body Over Mind
[X] Just end the session here. You can play tomorrow with your friends rather than alone.
[X] Barbarian
[X] Plan 'Punch It Good'
-[X] 25 HP
-[X] Unlock 'Beast Taming'
-[X] Unlock 'Sharp Perception'
-[X] Upgrade "Body Over Mind" x2
-[X] Upgrade "The Way of the Asura's Defensive Form"