The Mask of the Pygmy Gremlin - The Tiniest Oneshot

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The mask of the pygmy gremlin

Now, when one hears the word gremlin, one thinks of small...
The mask of the pygmy gremlin
Now, when one hears the word gremlin, one thinks of small, grey-skinned creatures, often with pointy teeth, always with pointy ears, and more often than not very stupid and very eager to sow chaos. One would be right.

Gremlins truly are tiny, impish creatures, selfish and greedy and stupid and what have you, and they like nothing more than to gather all the shinies they can get their grubby little claws on. Most of the time they seem to not care that said shinies belong to someone else, and are usually worn by said someone.

But sometimes, when the stars align, the gods are roaring drunk or higher than a kite, and Mother Nature is busy babysitting the humans, sometimes a special gremlin is born, being bigger or smarter or meaner or what have you than his rather useless kinsmen.

Such is the case of the Pygmy Gremlin, which, as one might guess from his name, was a runt among runts, barely reaching the hip of his family, even as most gremlins barely reach the knee of most adult humans. Or the elbows of a bear, if one prefers that measurement. Smaller, thinner, and overall even more useless than the rest of his kind, the Pygmy Goblin had one thing going for it. It was more cunning than a clan of foxes, three times as devious and willy, and nigh unmatched in stealth, possibly due to its small stature. Thus, it was no surprise that it was the absolute best at acquiring the shinies of others, planting stinky cheese in pockets and stealing candies from any baby that had them.

So good was it, in fact, that it was rewarded by the gods of gremlinkind themselves, being the first, and only, weilder of the Mask. The Mask was custom made for it, and was a delicate looking thing, in hues of orange and yellow, looking much like the face of a human female, for reasons unknown (the god responsible for its creation had been a) drunk, b)higher than a kite and c) infatuated with a pretty wench she saw serving at the weekly game of godly poker. The relationship didn't work out because she never noticed her admirer). It had several rows of marbles of red and gold serving as a facsimile of short, curly hair, soft feathers adorning its right side, possibly fake, lipstick, and, comically enough, it seemed to wear a butterfly shaped mask of its own. The Mask was mostly smooth, although the parts forming the butterfly were grainy to the touch, and it seemed to have been created from clay if one tapped on it with a knuckle.

Thus, the Pygmy Gremlin went on with the blessing of its gods, stealing and being sneaky and what not, until one day it snuck into the Heavenly Burrow itself, and erased its name from the Book of Death. This had two immediate consequences. The first was elevating the Gremlin to the position of Gremlin God of Thieves, a seat which had been empty so far (gremlins like to gloat about their shinies, you see, and especially about how they acquired said shinies. Makes for some rather ineffective thieves). The second was ensuring that any worshippers it would ever had would constantly argue wether or not it existed in the first place. You see, the Book of Death was also the Book of Life, and when you are neither Living nor on your way to being Dead, the universe tends to go wonky about your state of being. As in, you are perfectly invisible, intangible, and nobody can ever hear you.

The only hint that the Pygmy Gremlin had ever existed was its Mask, which was left behind at the scene of its grandest prank, and which forever more sparked an argument about wether or not you were supposed to call your deity of choice a god or a goddess.

the mask in question

posting this here because i have no idea where, and if theres a one shot thread for the live of me i cant find it

this was insipred by one of my uni teachers, said she wanted something more special than a regular mask desctiption

also on sb​