Probably for the best, but we'll probably start to be syncretic with the locals.Would have if I'd been there for the vote. As it is, I'm aiming for slow cultural assimilation.
Probably for the best, but we'll probably start to be syncretic with the locals.Would have if I'd been there for the vote. As it is, I'm aiming for slow cultural assimilation.
I'd encourage consideration of what other people will be doing too. Yes you might be trying to convert them using a syncretic method, which is something the Astartes entirely do:Probably for the best, but we'll probably start to be syncretic with the locals.
"My Lord? The High-Shaman of the Redwing tribe is at the gates again. He asks that we might call down the wrath of the mighty skyfire dragon on the Greyfoot tribe..."
— Chapter Serf Adulok Hol, Warden of the Hearth to the Chapter Master of the Sable Swords Chapter
100 marines, 8000 serfs, 2 squadrons of Thunderhawks, 3rd company, see the threadmark for more
Thinking about this has inspired me to write an interlude which I shall post tomorrow
Hence my and almost half the threads votes for the Mechanicus. Maybe it'ss just that large minority that's been wanting to be non purgey? If it's more than that group pushing for such feel free to consider me equally confused that they choose Astartes.Not sure I entirely understand this, however, thanks for noting it as even so it's good to get feedback.
Going back to making decisions in character, as well as your original points, the QM wants the Lions to behave as Space Marines, and treat their surroundings as they would logically treat them. Players didn't want to fight the Lizardmen, well, tough frankly, that's what Astartes do. In very specific circumstances they might talk to aliens, but their default position would be an aggressive one. I gave a variety of choices in the initial selection, of those the Inquisition, Administratium and Mechanicus are the only ones for whom purging wouldn't be the default option.
It's whatever people want in a quest.Hence my and almost half the threads votes for the Mechanicus. Maybe it'ss just that large minority that's been wanting to be non purgey? If it's more than that group pushing for such feel free to consider me equally confused that they choose Astartes.
Then again I recall talking to someone here earlier who thought the guard of all groups could be diplomatic about such, so it could also come from some players not understanding the universe they are in.
I do want to say perhaps the vagueness involved in the initial inquisition option drove my vote away from them.
I think maybe if there had been some flavor text on the Ordos or some such there may have been more votes in that direction, this thought is based on me noticing a number of players wanting to add an inquisitor in later votes.
I'll still be watching and trying to vote if I can find the time too. This is not because I love where things have gone but because I'm fascinated by reading about cultural clashes in general and I bet every faction scrying on the lions would likely interpet them differently and I hope we get to see that.
I'd love to hear more opinions on this.
ok does anyone but me have a plan I rather have some competitors
While the Admech might be less actively interested in attacking other areas, that's a matter of active vs passive really. The Marines would actively go out purging xenos etc, comparably the Admech might only purge when they're attacked, but they'd still purge. As one thing in particular, anything vaguely psykery would probably set them off given they really really don't like the chaotic nature of chaos.Hence my and almost half the threads votes for the Mechanicus. Maybe it'ss just that large minority that's been wanting to be non purgey? If it's more than that group pushing for such feel free to consider me equally confused that they choose Astartes.
I'll still be watching and trying to vote if I can find the time too. This is not because I love where things have gone but because I'm fascinated by reading about cultural clashes in general and I bet every faction scrying on the lions would likely interpet them differently and I hope we get to see that.
Yea, possibly, but I'd hope they'd either ask or google it could also come from some players not understanding the universe they are in.
As designed, I was perfectly ready to reveal that you actually were driving a Black Ship and had a thousand unstable psykers to take care ofI do want to say perhaps the vagueness involved in the initial inquisition option drove my vote away from them.
Probably wouldn't work but you seem to have put a plan up nowCan I vote for that more limited slew of options while I try and figure out my own position on other options?
You've found 2 ships, you don't know where the rest are. At least one is crashing into Naggoroth currently: "The comet burned with possibility, it burned with chance and change. But it also seemed to be falling onto the planet. Morathi wondered at that, meteors weren't unknown, but this one seemed like it would land relatively close by." I hadn't previously written that explicitly in the chapter summary but have now
And folks think the inquisition was a bad option. We could of made better calls with it. Be we can deal with what we are now.Hence my and almost half the threads votes for the Mechanicus. Maybe it'ss just that large minority that's been wanting to be non purgey? If it's more than that group pushing for such feel free to consider me equally confused that they choose Astartes.
That's fine but then I'd expect debate between different planners or discussion more generally. Simply announcing candidacy and then not campaigning didn't work so well for Cato for example.
I think this massively depends on what sort of thing you're talking about. You also have to qualify those statements. Yes Marines can dominate a planet, but so can the Imperial Guard. It's the training, technology, doctrine, and other aspects which move the Space Marines away from the various other forces.lore wise their no only way fantasy can match 4o k. i got this info from a from a friend ,so do correct me but normal space marines can stop waaghs , dominate planets ,and stalemate and beat necrons . i find it funny that from description of feats that a new space marine can surpass sigmar arguably the strongest mortal to walk in mallus when he was alive. the fact that WHF fans don't realize that GW made it that way i mean low demon from 40 k can can probably match WHF big four . the fact that mallus for all its dangers that it has is considered low level show the absurdity of 40K . this is not a disrespect to WHF but their creators made them that way
They shall be my finest warriors, these men who give of themselves to me. Like clay I shall mould them, and in the furnace of war forge them. They will be of iron will and steely muscle. In great armour shall I clad them and with the mightiest guns will they be armed. They will be untouched by plague or disease, no sickness will blight them. They will have tactics, strategies and machines so that no foe can best them in battle. They are my bulwark against the Terror. They are the Defenders of Humanity. They are my Space Marines and they shall know no fear.
Define 'conquer'. Yes they're strong but Mallus has massive numbers of powerful magic users and various other things. In this quest there's a serious danger of getting chipped down over time. Whether that's by magical Skaven plagues, god-blessed or just powerful warriors from various races, Skaven bombs, various sorcerers, vampires in general who'd be able to match SMs in battle. Yes Space Marines are individually powerful and I'm sure they could knock over a city or two if they wanted, but that can only go on so long. I doubt they could even conquer Ulthuan really given dragons and so on.if you made this quest accurate in the first decade they would conquer mallus
Yea, but as I said I don't see the point in comparing them like that. 40k is galaxy wide, WFB is worldwide, the heroic characters, Sigmar and the Emperor respective, fulfil much the same function in the narrative of the world. If you really want to get into the metaphysics of it then Sigmar is as powerful as the Emperor because the Chaos Gods put similar amounts of effort into beating each.the sig as a god couldn't beat cheos(planet level) even with all the god of malus vs empy half dead tired and still holds them off(galaxy + level).
Not aware of that, but yes, in theory a squad of space marines could fight their way inside a hive ship or similar and take a bomb with them to blow it up, that would satisfy the requirements there. But that's the bomb doing it not the marines really isn't it? It's not like they fired their bolters at it till it i read in a book that a group of 10 space marine killed a continent wide beast some how so by that lustria is fucked
an average mage equivalent was spam nuking cities in the great crusadesYou could potentially look at it by saying that WFB is massively more 'dense'. Magic is frequent and strong there, whereas in 40k it's fairly weak and dispersed over a wide galaxy.
losing to 10 billion grimgor .the most militants craft world , extra galactic zerg and the race that can kill superman is not something to be ashamed ofSpace Marine Chapters have also been completely destroyed by Waaaghs! Deleted by Biel-Tan, just plain eaten by Tyranids, or gotten their asses handed to them on a silver platter by metal skeletons. Like every faction in 40k, their performance is incredibly swingy.