Fair, thank you, some odd phenomenon of biology awoke me so I'll be correcting for that now even if not readjusting everything slightly to make each line kosher.
Generally these last few turns despite all the casualties, I keep feeling like I've been too cautious too afraid of reproof rather than eagre to hear hopefuly constructive critque. I still feel like soul binding is massively important think in retrospect only the new options of finally being able to open a fleet had overshadowed it in my mind since the hopes of seeing a spaceship do something other than unproductively crash had been building all game.
Rather than just being strongly on mind since Khong klike the psucher issue has been for me.
I feel like I should be trying to propose also a write in intrigue option for following up on the warpstone bomb? No creative name ideas for such a thing are coming to mind though, and i'm also unsure if it should be the marines alone investigating or not.
IDK would anyone be against a

[] Warpstone Bomb Followup?

Unless its an automatic passive things like beastmen hunting in solland was?
I'm also feeling mighty silly now for not making a push to repair the peregrin for my more ambious, less soldier filled plan ugh. Yes it keeps from having gallanus revise his means as quickly but spiting the Under-Empire even a little tiny bit after all the sabotage is it's own reward I think.

Also some other thoughts on the turn, I really like the description for Mr Skytalons rage, very vivid, somehow puts me in mind of issac from dead space except bigger in scale for both the ship and the character.

I'm just now realizing the Sororitals might have fought off dark elf raiders/hidden woodelves with just fuedal level mundane gear, and that's mad impressive even with their training. (Dwarves and ogres aren't exactly known for using lances)

I'm hoping scratching at this mental itch should improve my focus on other things by being less itchy afterwards.
EDIT: That could actually function well as another more specialized plan idea, sea power makes sense in universe if the marines are delaying both for the sake of investigating and for the sake of building up more production facilities for the task to be done properly.

[Draft] Plan 16 from outer space
[]Southern Realms
Because Tillea is the most technologically advanced and innovative human nation, inviting some of them to innovate for the chapter in secret might be wise especially if given examples of certain Imperial ideas without being told how they work as guage to see their minds turning.

[]Peregrin Repair
Self explaining for a fleet growth based plan

[]Data Vaults
If not currently had, attempt roll for weather satelities, deployable orbital mines, maybe servitor swarms whos biomass is sealed away from Vaccum and whose oxygen can be refueled in orbit? I'm generally very bad at guestimating what we have, so ignore me if i'm being dumb here.
[] Nehekaran Categorization.
Eventually learning how these constructs were done could help our space efforts vastly, especially if we can market someone having their soul bound in one as almost the same as the honor of becoming a dreadnaught.
[]Write In: The Soon To Be Alright Lands, looting focused edition
With less heavy ordinance than indiscriminate Knightly fire we might uncover MUCH arcane might in the badlands and that would surely help defend our ships in orbit sooner than later from the many warp based things near there.

Personal: []Soul Binding
More astropaths, more of a coordinated fleet.
Hopefully as wild as this is, I hope my reasoning for the unlikely scenario in which we all cared just(for a turn) for the primacy of one of our greatest assets might be less so?
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Hmm, maybe I should have made that a separate post but I didn't want anyone to feel spammed. Would it help to make it one and replace this text here as say a spoilered footnote?
Sadly I am thinking this would not work in our scenario because the number of votes might be variable even within a plan.
I think if the thread is struggling to manage more than like 5 people voting then I'm not sure such a measure would work. Also that given that I'm the one counting votes it wouldn't really reduce anything? Can consider.
I really wish I had more energy. I'll work on reformatting this once I wake once again and my eyeballs feel like eyeballs again.
You are not in fact responsible for the success of the quest, so take a break
I was thinking that a return to an Age of Three Emperors wouldn't be so bad for us if we set ourselves up right.
There's one Chapter who maintain their world in a constant state of warfare to encourage good quality martially inclined aspirants etc, so yes it could be a potential thing you might do.
I feel like I should be trying to propose also a write in intrigue option for following up on the warpstone bomb?
Actually forgot about this, have added an option under Intrigue.

Edit voting open from this post on
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There's one Chapter who maintain their world in a constant state of warfare to encourage good quality martially inclined aspirants etc, so yes it could be a potential thing you might do.
Oh I don't mean that. This world is too opposed against us and our position too precarious for that

I mean more like that I agree with the Lions officers that taking the Empire through force is a valid option for us. It's just that I'd like it so that we retain legitimacy doing so through (Soon-to-be-Emperor) Kabor, the Sigmarite Church, and a good portion of nobles and common folk on our side. Makes it easier on our end.

With that said, I'd say yes to bringing a force of thousands of elite fanatical pray-so-hard-anti-psyker nuns around Solland would be great news. We just need to subvert them.

[ ] Draft Plan v3
- [ ] Subvert the Daughters of Elyra
- [ ] Mechanicus Expansion
- [ ] The Soon-to-be-Alrightlands
- [ ] Militia Liaison
- [ ] Identify the Roots
- [ ] Pursue the Saboteurs
- [ ] The First Men
- [ ] Genewright
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Yeah he's right I'm not responsible for the whole quest even if I've made the second highest number of posts and info posts and made for it and stories and such.
Draft Plan 3, looks perfectly balanced, sincerely, as a genralist plan I have no disagrement with it other than it not yet having a distinct name for me to vote for.
Alright, voting moratorium's done yeah?

[X] Plan March to Victory
- [ ] Accept the proposal
- [ ] Write-in: Subvert the Daughters of Elyra
- [ ] Mechanicus Expansion
- [ ] The Soon-to-be-Alrightlands
-- [ ] Write-in: Liberate willing (ab)human populations and seize points of interest when possible
- [ ] Militia Liaison
- [ ] Identify the Roots
- [ ] Pursue the Saboteurs
- [ ] The First Men
- [ ] Genewright

[ ] Write-in: Subvert the Daughters of Elyra
Even as Amra lifts up Palatine Olga and her Sisters, lavishing them with material abundance so they may no longer want in war, this new Order of Adepta Sororitas will be inextricably tied to the fate and whims of the Celestial Lions.

[ ] Mechanicus Expansion
The Cult Mechanicus have exploited all the sites previously available to them, and now beg leave to expand across the Southlands, opening new mines and constructing new roads. This expansion must be carefully coordinated given the Astartes recruiting areas in that continent, but once resolved will significantly increase the Mallusian Mechanicus' ability to support the Chapter. AWARDS AN EXTRA STEWARDSHIP ACTION.

[ ] The Soon-to-be-Alrightlands
Purge the Badlands from the Dragonback Mountains to the Marshes of Madness and the gates of Barak Varr. Set forth the Knights of Kollosi and the indefatigable Metallican war-cohorts to bring death to the Greenskins and assorted horrors of the land.

[ ] Militia Liaison
Though the example of Kabor Brighthand, the Chapter has demonstrated the utility of mortal forces led by Astartes officers. One in ten of each population under the Chapter's control are under arms, and Kabor has proposed a similar arrangement, with rotating Astartes officers to lead forces and generally have greater oversight of the military affairs of the world. While this would have significant military and diplomatic benefits, it would also necessitate the long term deployment of veterans among the mortals.

[ ] Identify the Roots
Anti-Imperial sentiment seems to be growing in Sigmar's Holy Empire. The Chapter isn't entirely sure why at present, but if possible this sentiment should be cut off at the root.

[ ] Pursue the Saboteurs
While there's little hope for a clear sign of whatever enemy sabotaged the Peregrin, it may be possible through extensive investigation to uncover psychic spoor or similar telling of them. Set Nassor to the task.

[ ] The First Men
Nehekharans represent the original template for genetic manipulation of humans on Mallus, or so Thalis has concluded from an initial study among the tribes of Nehekhara. Those tribes are gone now, swallowed by Settra's storms, but genetic material is preserved in the various ritual jars and mummified bodies of the Tomb Kings, and much might be learnt from them, and perhaps the next crop of Aspirants strengthened?

[ ] Genewright
While tithing for Aspirants is easy enough, without the requisite gene-seed, recruits cannot become Astartes. Thalis proposes a bold project, using all the secret arts and knowledge he has to accelerate the maturation of Progenoids, implanting many Aspirants with the limited gene-seed available. If successful, this project could furnish the Chapter with at least a hundred Astartes, and provide the potential for significantly expanded recruitment in future.
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@Zeitgeist Blue
Ugh my brain was distracted when I said that, to the level on which I forgot about a point I made before.
I don't want to make the excellent the enemy of the very good, but..I don't suppose theres any chance the invasion of the badlands option can be slightly fine tuned?
Not at all to the point of individual orders or battlegroups or even deployment times, but to foccus a bit more on taking and holding, more looting rather than more pillaging, more assasinations and slightly less shock and awe than the current description of it?
It's probably not possible but I keep thinking about all those recruit-able slave giants and magical structures from old Strygos,and Nehekara(because they used to stretch much further north and south at their height.) and all the stuff from Blood In The Badlands, etc

[X]Plan March To Victory
EDIT: The character I'm thinking of was in the Border Princes, so actually a bit further north and I feel silly for thinking about Lure of The Liche Lord now, but he'd hardly have been the only one who'd have once held territory north of the Mortis River, probably just one of the few who was revived so far from nagashes spell.
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[X]Plan 16
[X]Sororitas Acceptance, with subversion.
[X]Stewardship: [X]Mechanicus Expansion
[X]Stirrups and heels- with diplomacy focus.
[X]Militia Liason
[X]Serf Training
- Intrigue:
[X]Wastes survey
-Intrigue 2:
[X]Destabilize the Chivalrous
[X]The First Men

[X]Plan 16 Heresy Edition

[X]Reject Sororitas Offer
[X]Southern Realms

[X]Sea Power
[X]Mechanicus Expansion

[X]The Soon-to-be-Alrightlands
[X]Write in: Sartosa

[X]Nagashizzar 2
[X]Head Of The Snake

[X]Data Vaults: Cloaking devices
[X]Induce witchery


@gamercooper67 I think you can vote for your plan at this point and I'd love to throw it a bone.
Now I'm wondering what actually killed that marine who got sucked into the vacum. I thought asartes power armor was fully sealed and insulated with airtanks and at least a small food and drug suply exactly for space engagements, hence them being space marines.

Did he take off his helmets when training?

'' Of the ship when he inspected the damage. He'd had dreams of reestablishing the 7th Company under one of his more experienced Pride Leaders, but the Battle Brother had been killed before even assuming his station, blasted out an airlock during the explosion[...]''
@Zeitgeist Blue
Ugh my brain was distracted when I said that, to the level on which I forgot about a point I made before.
I don't want to make the excellent the enemy of the very good, but..I don't suppose theres any chance the invasion of the badlands option can be slightly fine tuned?
Not at all to the point of individual orders or battlegroups or even deployment times, but to foccus a bit more on taking and holding, more looting rather than more pillaging, more assasinations and slightly less shock and awe than the current description of it?
It's probably not possible but I keep thinking about all those recruit-able slave giants and magical structures from old Strygos,and Nehekara(because they used to stretch much further north and south at their height.) and all the stuff from Blood In The Badlands, etc

[X]Plan March To Victory
EDIT: The character I'm thinking of was in the Border Princes, so actually a bit further north and I feel silly for thinking about Lure of The Liche Lord now, but he'd hardly have been the only one who'd have once held territory north of the Mortis River, probably just one of the few who was revived so far from nagashes spell.
I can add a sub Write-In option like: "Liberate willing (ab)human populations and seize points of interest when possible". Would this be okay @FractiousDay?

Besides that what's there to loot, pillage, or assassinate in the Badlands? Isn't it mostly filled with Greenskins and you can deal with them smartly by assassinating the Warbosses or Goblin Chiefs, and poisoning their squigs, and etc, which I assume we'll do because we're pretty good at war. But we'll still have to engage all the Greenskins to push them out which would entail a lot of shooting.
Alright, voting moratorium's done yeah?
Sure, open from post 3704 so your vote will be counted. Had forgotten to open yesterday
Now I'm wondering what actually killed that marine who got sucked into the vacum. I thought asartes power armor was fully sealed and insulated with airtanks and at least a small food and drug suply exactly for space engagements, hence them being space marines.
Moon daemons!

Not really. Let's say he was standing in the hangar with his helmet, then a thunderhawk exploded or there was a load of secondary explosions for ammo poor fuel, or he got hit in the head by a crate or something
I can add a sub Write-In option like: "Liberate willing (ab)human populations and seize points of interest when possible". Would this be okay @FractiousDay?
Do you mean populations in teh Badlands specificailly?
The big problem for this question is defining what the badlands *ARE* Total war sometimes lumps in places like nagashizzar, Renegade Crowns considers them and extension/ bad part of the Border Princes, etc, etc.

I personally view anything south of of any large human settlements in the old world, lets say Khypris or Luccini arbitrarily and anything north of Nehekara (read the mortis river)and west of the darklands that does not reach into the great ocean as ''the'' badlands, but in universe i'm sure the areas size fluctuates.

There are Unique places worth dissecting I could find without wearing myself out or even digging for a full day or anything

From just a short search the places and objects chapter could control and or loot from includes:
The remains of Karak Azgal if Fractious still sees any of that as canon.
Material from the Pillar Of Bone, a huge arcane fulcrim if it already exists. It's age I'm unsure of we may have preceded it coming into the world.
The Ruins of Morgheim if it is counted as with the area. Lots of necromacy materials in a good scenario, lots of bunkers in a bad one I would think.
Stormhenge: seeming an especially weird part of the waystone network.
Fozzricks Floating Fortess if it's on a timer unrealted to our butterfly effects on the world will eventually return to the area.
The Floating Village(it probably was also his work but never left the area) is almost certainly something we don't want to destroy since it might be a replicable techniue given we have three or so floating settlements on mallus known.
The big problem for this question is defining what the badlands *ARE* Total war sometimes lumps in places like nagashizzar, Renegade Crowns considers them and extension/ bad part of the Border Princes, etc, etc.
South of Barak Varr, north of Nehekhara, west of the World's Edge Mountains, east of the sea.

I was going to hvae a further action after than to pacify the world's edge mountains up to roughly Karak Eight Peaks. basically sectioning up teh map with each action;.
Ah, so I shouldn't count the mountains as part of it then, in that case the bit on karak azgal can be ignored. The dwarf holds next door do interact with the area though yes? So if we roll anything other than completely failing to make anyheadway and retreating, I'd think they would notice and likely have some internal rolls i'd think.
So is it just me or is this appearent slow recovery of araby so slow that it is unnoticeable within the last two decades of the narrative?
After Settra was repulsed and his rouge skeletons destroyed what was holding them back? They had more resources than they were ever used to, they had protection both from the imperium and from geographical distance as well as a generation away from most enemies did they not?
So is it just me or is this appearent slow recovery of araby so slow that it is unnoticeable within the last two decades of the narrative?
So the first few years were spent evacuating everyone to safe zones, then building relevant refugee centres. That took a while, several years certainly. Then eventually when the Arabian areas were secure enough, the imports started. These had to be relatively slow because otherwise you throttle the market, but there had been extensive investment, as seen in the Iterator chapters etc.

As for why there's not been much focus on it, it's less relevant currently. There's lots of offscreen building work there, perhaps appropriate for an interlude, but they're just being busy people really, there's a lot of teaching and so on as seen in the griffin interludes for exmaple.
Would a threadmark announcing voting being open help? I have a feeling many people following the thread might only navigate to it when they see new threadmarks created.

I do tend to see much more posting happen when threadmarks pop up but that could just be my imagination.

There are supposedly more than 200 people watching who wouldn't even need to make their own plans to vote at this point. I guess I'm just unfairly worried that the voting period will pass without a sufficient number of votes having occurred.
guess I'm just unfairly worried that the voting period will pass without a sufficient number of votes having occurred.
Happily not really a problem as I can just extend.

In terms of engagement generally, orc quest is getting like 20% engagement, 20 or so votes for 100 active readers.

That's also because I've been giving different formats of votes though. I can't really do anything about that though here because the format is plan votes for a chapter master quest. I don't really see a way of doing similar alternate voting styles in this quest because of the format.

Open to suggestions though
Asking questions in threadmarks when they have reason to occur, not related to votes per say may have raised the quest onto the new posts lists/ top of quest updated lists more often. Which could have a cumulative effect.
Certainly it felt like more people responded when the turn asked how the quest was doing including some not even planning on voting.

Maybe questions like....What would you like to see more of in interludes? What if anything did you see in this turn that felt uneeded?
Did you (readers) spot anything in this situation that the imperials might have missed had they not been imperials? Etc.

I know you're very open to feedback but I don't think channeling it can be harmful since it provides an entirely different stream of engagement than usual.

Not related to that but being someone who's far less creative than he would like to be...will it ever become blatantly obvious when if ever we can expand our diplomatic options, again I know it shouldn't be easy or chance independant I get that, but right now it feels impossible when maybe it shouldn't?

Say, If I had proposed a write-in for trying to make a deal with Kislevites ,because surrounding the empire if it tries to eat itself again would help... I feel like even if it was accepted there have would be a strong push against it. Since prioritizing such the last few turns would be very risky feeling because of how small that slot is
Would it happen naturally if the sororitas stuff goes well since that..might have been the bottleneck?

I do have a few other questions and comments but today I feel is the wrong day to make a post three times the length of this one.
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will it ever become blatantly obvious when if ever we can expand our diplomatic options, again I know it shouldn't be easy or chance independant I get that, but right now it feels impossible when maybe it shouldn't?
Partly this is the continuous Astartes disinterest in diplomatic affairs. Partly this is a lack of options etc. For one thing, your senior diplomat has been stuck running the Kingdom of Medes for a while, basically since the old ruler died (I dont recall how, was that the spooky bird?). This has been fine for the Chapter though as it's to your design. You want the Ministorum to be ineffective because you're trying to subborn them.

So yea while pursuing your current policy, it's unlikley you'd get more diplo actions, because you don't really have any senior enough diplomats to do stuff properly. However, in time this will no doubt be possible.
I know you're very open to feedback but I don't think channeling it can be harmful since it provides an entirely different stream of engagement than usual.
Interesting points, but perhaps dose not actually resolve the interaction problem for the 'plan' aspects of the quest. I'll consider though. Currently I'm somewhat more invested in Orc quest, but it's fine