Yes obviously? I feel like I am missing some point that Is being made here.

Also if anyone wants to propose other plans you all are welcome too, aren't there at least a hundred of you that have read through this?
Hello 16 characters. I've been studying the plans and I agree with your points. I was surprised with the attack to the deads instead of the orcs but think I understand your logic.
Even if we kill the orcs in Araby more will come from Badlands. If we kill the deads of Nehekara we will remove a secondary front and we could kill the orcs with all our power.
For this you have my vote.

[X]Plan Modified Home-front
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I appreciate the support but feel I must clarify.

My plan actually supports attacking both the dead (those activley wandering anyway, no sense in getting drawn into traps) and the Orcs since liberating the humans means striking out at the Bloody Hands by default. Since they are powerful orcs who are keeping people we can integrate as slaves.
That said yes the focus is more on the undead partially because as you've said they don't replenish as easily, but also there's and argument to be made that they still too an extent delegitimize our rule.

It would be one thing to lose to their kings, to be pushed back by mere skeletal warriors rampaging makes us look really reeally shoddy, especially when most of our subjects likely know nothing about how we were busy delaying the end of the world in the north.

They also have artifacts worth capturing for for long-term safe study, which the orcs mostly lack, so the payout so to speak is also better.
This does indeed make attacking the orcs in full next action turn easier if we can pull it off. I think hitting them in their mountain fastnesses is the best way to do that when it comes, but I don't want to get too ahead of myself.

TLDR: You are mostly correct, my plan aims to attack the orcs as well, just not extensively yet.

@FractiousDay I've noticed that you've described many of our marines as beautiful at times especially those dudes we have in Solland. Were looks chosen as a factor for their deployment? I know you mentioned our dudes are all scarred but that seemed to be less from innumerable surgeries and more from pain glove...??overuse?? if thats the right word for this context?

I was watching this analysis video and it felt mostly reasonable to me, I think it overestimates premature aging and equates it to premature maturation, I also think It overemphasizes acid damage when acid spitting is usually a thing marines tend to employ as a last resort.

Otherwise it seemed very sensible to me and I am wondering what your thoughts are on vis a vi how much implantation should effect the appearance of Astartes?

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@PKRudeboy Greetings, new reader! :cool: I have noticed you have mostly caught up to the quest, leaving upvotes up to page 99.
I am enthused to see someone enjoying this tale of transhuman tribulations.

Obviously, it may be premature to ask for your thoughts on the story and therefore I will not.
However, the thread can always benefit from feedback on technical aspects. Improving mechanics or readability as well as style and clarity is great. Feedback on Sidestory information, which is where the most vital information posts have been stored for convenience I think would be especially welcomed.

None of such participation is strictly required. However I personally believe that quests gain greatly from such.

On an important side-note I am currently slightly worried for the future of the story you are enjoying given how only two votes have yet been produced for the current turn.
I suspect more will follow eventually given the slower pace of this tale.
I admit I have had very much uncalled for scares for the Quest ending prematurely since page 60 or so.
The loss of Gale and the probable loss of Gunman from the thread have unreasonably saddened me since I had thought them initially to be evidence of a mass departure.
Musings on Space Marine appearance
As I've noted we need more votes for me to write the results chapter. Please vote for things.

@FractiousDay I've noticed that you've described many of our marines as beautiful at times especially those dudes we have in Solland. Were looks chosen as a factor for their deployment? I know you mentioned our dudes are all scarred but that seemed to be less from innumerable surgeries and more from pain glove...??overuse?? if thats the right word for this context?

I was watching this analysis video and it felt mostly reasonable to me, I think it overestimates premature aging and equates it to premature maturation, I also think It overemphasizes acid damage when acid spitting is usually a thing marines tend to employ as a last resort.

Otherwise it seemed very sensible to me and I am wondering what your thoughts are on vis a vi how much implantation should effect the appearance of Astartes?

This is a very cool and interesting video, however, it makes a load of assumptions which aren't really appropriate.

Firstly, it begins from the premise that marines are monsters, which they are, but it proceeds with earlier lore. The early lore is interesting, but it's really really far removed from later stuff. The difference between Rogue Trader and, for example, 3rd Edition which is the sort of time I'm more familiar with is pretty stark. For example there used to be trolls in 40k like there were in fantasy I seem to recall. Other assumptions include stuff like the Emperor not, y'know, sorting this stuff out. In the words of the Emperor, that masterful inventor, scientist, general, statesman, etc etc, 'They shall be my finest warriors, these men who give of themselves to me. Like clay I shall mould them, and in the furnace of war forge them.'

Similarly, the video uses on data point of a model holding a progenoid gland to say 'they must be this big', which is clearly nonsense. We know that GW models using a heroic scale for example that makes heads and hands bigger, but that doesn't mean the various models are that big 'in real life'.

The depiction would seem to be more appropirate to the Thunder Warriors. For example: 'the Thunder Warriors were known to be physically stronger, more savage, more resilient and more potent in combat than the later Astartes, though they were not as long-lived and suffered from often dangerous mental instability and early metabolic collapse when their bodies began to reject their augmentations.'

Similarly, the video alleges that the acid spitting would be problematic. Why? In normal operations Marines have little reason to spit acid at anything. As far as I'm aware it's more of a last resort weapon.

So while it's an interesting video, I don't think they'd look like that no. They are, after all, superhumans. They're meant to be the best of humanity, they're not disposable like the Thunder Warriors, they're transhuman, magnificent, the next humans, just as the Emperor elevated the Primarchs to his finest servants rather than just some more weapons.

They are monsterous, but they're monsterous in the way angels are, something so much higher than a mortal human that they must be great and terrible, their appearance, their wargear, their abilities, are all so outside of the human norm, and the culture around them is so extreme that them being the Emperor's Angels is a legitimate title.

I've described the Lions as beautiful for the same reasons the video notes, usually Marines are described as being like statues, they're conventionally handsome, if usually quite rugged. They have the usually masculine features of strong jaws, clear brows, broad shoulders, and so on. But there's always difficulties in the medium, for example they're really fast and that's difficult to represent in games or films. They tend to feel quite plodding actually. I would also assume that the Apothecaries are pretty good at their jobs and don't leave massive ragged scars everywhere.

I think a Marine would be pretty difficult to depict. They would be massive, larger than life, almost comically powerful, yet still gentle, graceful, condifent, menacing. Their bodies would indeed probably be pretty scarred, but mostly from combat rather than from crude surgeries. They'd be 'perfect', unaturally so. I think I've used the analogy once of a supermodel being stretched over a statue's size. They wouldn't necessarily be ogrish as such a stretching 'should' produce, but they'd still look proportionate, rather than hideous.

For the Lions specifically, I've again looked their ambigiously African origins. I'm imagening that they'd have various artifical scars, probably something like western african populations sometimes have, for example long scars represent royal birth in particular nigerian tribes.

The Imperial Fists chapters have an extensive history of self-mutilation. I've not defined exactly what the Jagged Claw, the Lion's special pain glove, is but I imagine some sort of Iron Maiden type thing. The Fists and their descendants have various reasons for their rituals and I don't really want to go into that now, but the Lions will do the same, just with more African inspired sorts, just like the Black Templars go more for Catholic flaggelation.

To address your other point, though I hadn't specifically considered it, yes the Lions sent to the Empire would indeed have been those which look relatively 'normal'. They'll have relatively few scars, no visible augmentaion and so on. Comparably, Sergeant Sido who's shown up a few times has been noted to have extensive bionics because of his injuries during the crash. Sending someone with half a their face made of metal and a big glowy bionic eye would be fearsome to the Empire, and much more likely to provoke a hostile response.

I'll address the points on reader engagement separately so I can threadmark this.
On an important side-note I am currently slightly worried for the future of the story you are enjoying given how only two votes have yet been produced for the current turn.
I suspect more will follow eventually given the slower pace of this tale.
I admit I have had very much uncalled for scares for the Quest ending prematurely since page 60 or so.
The loss of Gale and the probable loss of Gunman from the thread have unreasonably saddened me since I had thought them initially to be evidence of a mass departure.
So, ultimately, there is little to be done about this sort of thing I feel. I posted that thread a while ago about encouraging engagement, and fundamentally if people aren't interested they aren't interested. There's nothing I can really do about that, especially without feedback.

I'm certainly open to feedback, and I think I'll be accelerating the pace of the quest pretty significantly, I think more people will like this, but I do want to encourage frequent participation, but I think I'll also be more firm about the participation rates. If we don't get more votes I'll just write something else. It's a interactive group game after all, I'm not just going to play it on my own. I also don't think requiring such participation is expecially unreasonable really given you all get entertainment etc.

I also find it quite fatiguing, but meh, as I say there's not much to do about it. I don't mind rotating writing, I've got my Orc Quest still going for example, maybe I'll swap stuff out.

I will say as well though that as previously noted, there was one fic I had where I went on hiatus for a couple of years and then came back and wrote another 100k or something before bringing it to a conclusion.
Personally I love this quest but I have never really had the desire to vote on it. For me this has always felt more like a story rather then a quest. I love reading it but actively voting on it pulls me out of the experience. Its like watching an amazing movie but every now and then it asks you where you want it to go.
[X]Plan Modified Home-front
Well, one way that could help with the pacing in the story could be as suggested a few years time skip as has come up. Most of my vote was around A: Infrastructure, B Securing borders, and C gaining allies, almost all of which are the beginnings of long term projects to ensure the chapter's survival really.

Or If you might find it less frustrating, the interludes actually seem to be rather popular with most readers and they can work fine for exploring smaller things while the main story is in development.

Also taking a break is fine, if this got an update every six months I'd still be in love with It. Don't get me wrong I wouldn't preffer that but I prefer quality over quantity and want my favorite authors to do well for themselves.

@rx915 Yes your vote would be dearly appreciated, for either plan really. I am sorry to be completely genuine,If I had known of the blood ravens before this quest I would have voted for them. We still have room to become relictors wannabes (but mostly xenotech and items blessed by gods of order) though, which is certainly almost as good right?
[X]Plan Modified Home-front

@rx915 Yes your vote would be dearly appreciated, for either plan really. I am sorry to be completely genuine,If I had known of the blood ravens before this quest I would have voted for them. We still have room to become relictors wannabes (but mostly xenotech and items blessed by gods of order) though, which is certainly almost as good right?
I need to get my ass off and update the blood raven quest eventually.
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Greetings battle brothers. As promised long ago i'm writing a omake of Norsca. It will be set in the final stages of the war from the point of view of our norcans. It will it will be a bit long but will be entertaining and brutal.

I'm a little undecided with the title, ¿Battle of the two Kings? or ¿Battle of Bloodyford?. ¿Which one sounds better?
Maybe the Battle of Fimbul, since it was an important battleground or the War of Claws since the bay is where the war ended? Or maybe even The Campaign Of The Bear? Bear Island is where Norscans first saw the imperium and started converting after all?

To answer directly, Battle of the two Kings sounds better though.

If you need reference material on Norsca might I recommend this playlist?
Maybe the Battle of Fimbul, since it was an important battleground or the War of Claws since the bay is where the war ended? Or maybe even The Campaign Of The Bear? Bear Island is where Norscans first saw the imperium and started converting after all?

To answer directly, Battle of the two Kings sounds better though.

If you need reference material on Norsca might I recommend this playlist?

Thanks my friend, i appreciate it.
I'm going to compile a list of several ideas that I have had and that could be very interesting. I would like to know your opinion about it, let's see what you think.
Thanks my friend, i appreciate it.
I'm going to compile a list of several ideas that I have had and that could be very interesting. I would like to know your opinion about it, let's see what you think.
I did mull some ideas myself on the POV of the Norscans that swore allegiance to their new masters.

It starts with the king who saw things happen as they came from praying for salvation that did came but the response from their old faith with the encompassing living flesh will have him unsure of his beliefs even as Amra pulls through as the new beginning will see him and his people wonder about what the plans these astartes will have for him.
There's also the very important note on their psyches that neither side is liable to ever see their children again. There's also a the relevant note to consider that the Dark Elves have stopped raiding them during most of this period.

Witnessing mutations vanish is in any event a unique thing to see and cannot be factored out of the equation methinks.
Sure it may happen but it hasn't happened yet so it is a relevant point for a story set a year or two back in this timeline.

Anyways, Reminder to self: List Of Things Luft Huron did Wrong (and right) might make for a good musings post.
First and foremost cutting off tithes for about a century or as a VERY bad idea. Tyrants leigon was a very good idea though he did it poorly, making our mortals know they are valued is important.

@FractiousDay This quest isn't showing up properly on most of your content lists(those things that show up when you click on a user profile) for me. I assume this is an SV glitch rather than anything else? I've not encountered this issue before.
[X]Plan Modified Home-front

How "handsome" an Astarte probably depends on their gene-sire, I imagine you would have a hard time looking for a "not-handsome" Blood Angel
Personally I love this quest but I have never really had the desire to vote on it. For me this has always felt more like a story rather then a quest. I love reading it but actively voting on it pulls me out of the experience. Its like watching an amazing movie but every now and then it asks you where you want it to go.
This is a reasonable position I think, I certainly don't comment on every story I read, or indeed every quest. I've been quite active on some, but not at all on others. I do certainly write in a fairly narrative manner, but if that puts you off voting then I'd say to treat it as a story and review it like that. I'd certainly appreciate comments on the narrative, prose, whatever relaly.
If you needed my vote to advance you could ask me.
It's not you specifically, or anyone in particular, it's a general address to the questers. I don't want to rely on a specific cohort of people, I'd like to just have more people posting and remarking on various things rather than coming to specific people. I don't want to go about @ing people for example.
The Blood Ravens would indeed have been interesting. They'd have been more inclined to poke stuff rather than be cautious, their Reclusiam would have been less strong, etc etc.
suggested a few years time skip
Yea I think I'll space the timeline out. Maybe 1 year turns were too short.

We still have room to become relictors wannabes (but mostly xenotech and items blessed by gods of order) though, which is certainly almost as good right?
Eventually sure, but think more about copying stuff rather than just picking stuff out. For example you could learn runes and make your own, rather than just using dwarf stuff.

I would like to know your opinion about it, let's see what you think.
Feel free to just post it in the main thread if that's useful, could get more comments from people etc
Witnessing mutations vanish is in any event a unique thing to see and cannot be factored out of the equation methinks.
I suspect that Tzeench could do it. I seem to recall one book where the Dark Gods removed their 'blessing' because a champion had been defeated or something. It might just be that they're not inclined to 'cure' people for example, so they probably would just have no reason to do it.
Some would still see their children if they're successful in becoming a marine.
I doubt it. It would seem to open the Marines up to a weakness of family etc given they'r emenat to be warrior monks. I suspect they'd be indoctrinated to consider their Battle Brothers their only family.
Anyways, Reminder to self: List Of Things Luft Huron did Wrong (and right) might make for a good musings post.
First and foremost cutting off tithes for about a century or as a VERY bad idea. Tyrants leigon was a very good idea though he did it poorly, making our mortals know they are valued is important.
Problem is we don't know the details. As I recall Huron acted first, he cut off the tithe and said he wanted to use it to strengthen the Maelstrom Zone, which you can kind of see as reasonable. Now did he do that for reasons of greed or because he literally needed every scrap of material to defend the Maelstrom? I think the narrative is the former really.

Also, yes you could totally do a Tyrant's Legion. I've been using Badab as inspiration a lot, so when you have a lot of mortal PDF you can start sending Marines to lead them.
I assume this is an SV glitch rather than anything else? I've not encountered this issue before.
No idea but it'll probably resolve itself I suppose
How "handsome" an Astarte probably depends on their gene-sire, I imagine you would have a hard time looking for a "not-handsome" Blood Angel
Indeed, even when they were the Revenant Legion they managed to stay pretty? Despite often bearing the marks of mutation they were genetically sculpted into tall and fair elegant specimens. However other dark rumors followed the Legion, which soon earned the title of the "Eaters of the Dead" due to their habit of consuming enemy corpses after a battle.
I doubt it. It would seem to open the Marines up to a weakness of family etc given they'r emenat to be warrior monks. I suspect they'd be indoctrinated to consider their Battle Brothers their only family.
That depends on a chapter's own traditions when the salamanders do that and as for the purposes of the recruitment it will show as proof the fruits of a Norscan ascending so to speak. Those that didn't were like their ancestors that followed Chaos and failed those tests failed with the price of death just as those who followed to become a marine.
That depends on a chapter's own traditions when the salamanders do that and as for the purposes of the recruitment it will show as proof the fruits of a Norscan ascending so to speak. Those that didn't were like their ancestors that followed Chaos and failed those tests failed with the price of death just as those who followed to become a marine.
I can put it as an option or something in the next chapter certainly. However yes while the Salamanders might do it, they're known for such things anyway aren't they?
Adhoc vote count started by FractiousDay on Jun 12, 2022 at 5:48 PM, finished with 50 posts and 10 votes.

Will put a timer on the vote, assuming that the lead will continue so it will be fairly perfunctory.