What should the next Quest be?

  • Paths of Rhun (Middle Earth East Quest)

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • By Your Will (Dungeon Keeper 1 Quest)

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • Another Legend Quest (Gilgamesh, Lucrezia, Mordred, etc)

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • None of the Above

    Votes: 4 25.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Pre-chapter Vote #3
Vote is hereby closed. Interlude vote begins now!


[] Stormfathom, Exiled from the Light of Lights

[] Nightmares

[] In His Highness' Service

[] Fire and Fury

[] Strangers in a Strange Land


[] Magister Sunheart's Annotated Guide to Azeroth, Chapter 5: Adventuring

[] [REDACTED]'s Profile of Leaders for Regent Fordragon, ca 25 ADP

[] Analysis of Settlements Both Reclaimed and Occupied for the Consideration of the Crusade in the Plaguelands, by Archmage Nilas Arcanister, 1st Tirasian Host

Strange, Silly and Weirdness:

[] The Adventures of Lieutenant Alverold and Crew: Too Quiet for Quillboars


[] None
Chapter 4 Interlude: A Report Analyzing Settlements in the Plaguelands
A Report Analyzing Settlements in the Plaguelands, Both Reclaimed and Conquered, for the Consideration of the Crusade in Lordaeron

By Nilas Arcanister,
Archmage of Vandermar Village and the Scarlet Crusade

Since my Host's arrival in these Plaguelands, and our recruitment into the Crusade seeking to recover them from the undead Scourge, I have been on a tour of duty as a magical consultant of sorts, observing the situation of the realm. As I have seen the breadth of it, I have compiled this report for presentation to Scarlet High Commander Pureblood and, more importantly, High General Abbendis. (No offense meant to the Grand Crusader beyond what is absolutely deserved for such startling negligence in the least, but High Command in Stratholme has been surprisingly silent)

Thus, I hope that this is an informative look at the state of these Plaguelands.

The Reclaimed

Let us begin with the settlements that have been reclaimed from the Scourge (and in some cases the Forsaken).

Tyr's Hand: The heart of the Crusade's operations, commanded by High General Abbendis (Light guide her judgment) since its rulership deferred to our command. The defenses are formidable, having been bolstered in the wake of the Battle of Tyr's Hand (6 ADP, Second War) and the destruction of Tyr's Harbor. The Basilica is, by far, the most important structure in the city, acting as a center for the Light equaled only by the Monastery in the West.

The Scarlet Enclave: The city of Avalon was destroyed in the Second War, but the communities built in the region since then, New Avalon and Havenshire, have proven vital to our continued success in the East. New Avalon is a functioning community preserved against the ravages of the Plague, and as such is one of the few remaining places that can be called Lordaeronian in culture and way of life. Soldiers and arms from our far-flung recruiters in the South come through the King's Harbor (built on the ruins of Tyr's Harbor), and are integrated into the Crusade's Eastern contingent in this region. Havenshire also acts as a center for our civilian population, being a major farming community that has yet to exploit the full breadth of arable land available. Offering parcels of land in this region to potential colonists may further bolster the region's viability.

Light's Hope: Light's Hope, controlled by the Argent Dawn, is another major holy site. Defenses that do not involve the active invoking of the holy energies of the site are sparse, however, and I personally recommend serious consideration of fortification.

Hearthglen: The center of our Crusade's operations in the Western Plagueland. This historic town is governed jointly: the military is led by High Commander Pureblood, and the civilian matters by Highlord Taelan Fordring. Grand Inquisitor Isillien has taken to working in this settlement as well, with unknown (to myself, of course) purpose. Hearthglen Harbor, much like Stratholme Harbor, is only named such due to falling under its respective namesake's feudal domains, but it is a vital foothold in the Northern Kingdom, securing our control of the Northshore as we attempt to pacify the region.

Vandermar: Vandermar Village is a fairly minor settlement within the Crusade, more valued for the Cathedral of the Burning Light at the center of its daily life than for any material contributions. However, both the First Tirasian and First Gilnean Hosts reside here, and so contribute to the effort to retake the West.

Tomb of the Lightbringer: The tomb of the great hero Uther the Lightbringer is perhaps the most symbolic place in the Western Plagueland. If this site were to be taken by the Scourge, it would strike a severe blow to morale.

The Monastery of Light: This is the center of our organization's faith, bar none. The presence of the cloister, the holy Scriptoria, and the Cathedral all contribute to this site deserving every able defender that mans its fortifications. The complex is commanded by two major officers of the Crusade: Scarlet Commander Mograine and High Inquisitor Whitemane (the rumors surrounding these two and their extremely indiscreet interactions are irrelevant - if amusing - to this report), who are the de facto commanders of all Crusade operations in Tirisfal.

Solliden Farmstead: This remote installation is the single most distant outpost of our forces, and so comes under regular attack by the Forsaken of the Undercity. The foodstuffs produced here, however, are of vital importance to the continued operation of the Monastery.

The Conquered

And so we enter the matter of the many locations unclaimed by the Crusade. Some of these entries will be quite sparse.

Tirisfal: The region is listed here because that is the honest truth. We hold two locations within the Glades, and have actually lost land (the region administered by the late Captain Lauer's Host prior to its annihilation by the Forsaken) since our campaign began. I recommend a purely defensive strategy in the Glades for the time being, until we can bring the full force of the Crusade to bear. Otherwise, we will be trapped in a war of attrition against beings that can reassemble themselves from spare parts, and even reshape their flesh for their own pleasure and amusement (reports of a cult of Sylvanas-lookalikes are particularly disturbing). This is not only dangerous, but also strategically and tactically flawed, and would be an unnecessary drain on our resources.

Western Farmlands: The various farms along the King's Road have become centers for the Plague's distribution, with Plague Cauldrons being set up in the fields, defended by significant garrisons of the Undead.

Andorhal: The former breadbasket of Lordaeron is now the most dangerous outpost in the West. Reconaissance has gained us little in the way of intelligence on the composition of forces within the city itself, and all we know on its leadership is "maybe it's a lich" (to use an ever-so-eloquent quote from the scouts provided by High Commander Pureblood). Communications with Officer Pureheart in Chillwind Outpost indicate that a Southern noble by the name of Maddox is leading efforts to prepare a mercenary force to invade the city, but only time will tell if these efforts come to fruition.

Caer Darrow: The village of Caer Darrow appears to have suffered further tragedy since the Second War, as the Isle of Darrow is now inhabited by undead of various kinds. While there are advantages to controlling the waterways of the Thondroril and Greenrush Rivers, the practicality of laying siege to the location is questionable. There are also rumors that necromancers of the Cult of the Damned have been seen going to and from the island, but these I can neither confirm nor deny as of yet.

The Northern Kingdom: The Northlands have been in a state of constant warfare for the last two years, and the Seeping Plague has afflicted the region for half as long. The Prestor Estate is currently controlled by an Alliance expeditionary force. The Voidheart Estate is controlled by a joint force of Horde and Forsaken. The various defensive emplacements are currently controlled by the Scourge, and Dawnstrider Harbor itself is ruled by a petty warlord known as Lord Jareth Cross. Quel'Thalas, interestingly, has joined the conflict by occupying the lighthouse in the Banewood Marsh, and regulating travel along the High Road. Commander Angelica has been extremely helpful in keeping me informed on this situation, and is to be commended.

Eastern Farmlands: See the Western Farmlands entry.

Corin's Crossing: This town is the primary threat to Tyr's Hand, being to that stronghold what Andorhal is to the West. Reclamation will be costly, but it is a necessary step if regular communication is to be ensured between the Eastern and Western Theaters.

Blackwood: The former feudal holdings of the late Lord Othmar Garithos. The location is strategically unsound, but many of the Grand Marshall's loyal partisans will likely gladly resettle the area, enabling greater fortification as a listening post against Scourge-occupied Stratholme.

Darrowshire: The former township of Darrowshire is a location of extreme interest, thanks in some part to the stories brought back by adventurers hired to scout out the town and its environs. It is a sound location, being located in a fairly secure valley along the Darrowmere Mountains, and farmland would be plentiful if reclaimed and subjected to at least rudimentary cleansing. However, there are stories of ghosts in the region, some even non-hostile, and this presents a variable that i cannot accurately comment upon until I have seen the place for myself.

The Plaguewood: The Plaguewood should be one of the last targets we attack in the East. There is no question in my mind. The region is currently overrun by Scourge, contested only by the adventurers of the Horde and Alliance sent by the Argent Dawn. This is a welcome distraction, but ultimately will produce little effect. The only areas we might be able to claim at the moment (might, not can) are the Plaguewood Tower and the town of Cinderhome, also called Terrordale.

Stratholme: This city is the single greatest threat to our operations in Lordaeron, bar none. Since the Culling by Prince Arthas in the Third War, the entire domain has fallen into the hands of the Scourge. Innumerable horrors dwell within, and they are supported by the dread necropolis called Naxxramas. The mad lich Kel'Thuzad keeps grisly court within, including the defiled, reanimated form of the late Ashbringer. The only point held by the Crusade here is the Bastion of the Silver Hand, called the Scarlet Bastion by some. This is the headquarters of Grand Crusader Dathrohan and his Crimson Legion, and marks the sole resistance point against the overwhelming numbers of the undead.


These points of interest are the most vital for reclamation at the moment among those places of actual strategic interest. They are places that we will inevitably have to contend with sooner or later. This report is meant solely to inform our commanders of the situation, and give them advice on how they might decide to proceed.

Author's Note: The High General ought to get a laugh about Mograine and Whitemane.
Author's Note's Note: I was right.
Author's Note's Note's Note: Note to self. Write up a more professional final copy. The High General laughed, yes, but then she made several extremely sincere promises with a highly disquieting smile on her face. I'd rather keep that, thank you very much...
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Chapter 4.1: Rumor and Recovery
The next day, Nilas arrived to begin your lessons. Apparently he was no stranger to teaching bedridden students (or those forced to stay in bed by Priestess Barton) if his stories about the last weeks of Dunhelming's instruction were true. Unfortunately, any experience you had was almost negated by the fact that the alphabet here was quite different from the one you had begun to learn.

Nilas, being the historically-minded sort, gave you impromptu lessons on the past of this land, and the language you were learning to read. Apparently, Common script was a simplified form of an old dialect known as Arathi, which was used by the first unified human nation.

But his insights on other races' languages and alphabets were quite unusual.

"So if all human know some variety of Common, and they're all mostly capable of understanding one another, what do the other races speak?" It stood to reason that each culture would have their own forms of speech. "Should I try to learn any of those once I'm literate?" Nilas simply raised an eyebrow.

"Multilinguality is an admirable thing, and vital for the diplomatically-minded," he gave a wry grin, "but i think focusing on one thing at a time is far more prudent. As for the languages, however…" He ran a few fingers through his beard, looking up at the ceiling. "Dwarven is a popular one in the Alliance's territories, given the close ties between humanity and the dwarvish people. Gnomish is generally seen as a sign of respect for Gnomeregan, but isn't used much by anyone but its native speakers." He was beginning to talk faster now. "The races of the Horde have their own languages, in particular Orcish, Zandali and Taur-ahe, but those are mostly learned by code-breakers and spies. The Forsaken have started using a slang form of Common used widely among slum-dwellers called Gutterspeak, and that's been more difficult than it should be to get around. But the Elven languages? Oh, those are for madmen and gluttons for punishment." He began gesticulating wildly.

"I'm hesitant to ask, but how exactly are those so troublesome?" This was going to be hard to get through, you just knew it. Maybe the question had been a bad idea.

"Oh, don't get me started. Thalassian I can parse through fluently, having lived in Dalaran before the War, and it was absolute hell to learn. The language has only a few thousand more words in its corpus than Common, but the variaton lies far more in how you pronounce everything. Take the demonym Thalassi, for example. When describing people, it's pronounced Tha-
las-si. When referring to items, it becomes Tha-las-si. Syllabic emphasis is vital, and precision of vocabulary is an absolute necessity! Darnassian I don't know as well, but it seems much less complex, though it still has its own issues. And then there's that damned court tongue that Quel'Thalas seems to have begun using in everything, Sindassi. It barely resembles traditional elvish with all of those hard syllables and odd letters. Thalassian never used z's and j's." He sighed. "In short, it's a problem for another time. Now, let's get back to… Ah, yes; we were working on your sight word vocabulary."

You found the resolve to press yourself into this effort with everything you had. You had tasted the feeling of truly learning something oh-so-briefly during your campaigns. You had found the chance to better yourself and taken it wholeheartedly, even if it had been cut short by your capture. You weren't going to let it escape you again.

Unfortunately, that determination came at the cost of rest and recovery. You continued studying and practicing lost into the night, candlelight driving back the dark as you made the most of every possible second. About three days after your return from the Shadowlands, Nilas arrived one mid-morning to find you passed out with papers on you lap.

You were quite grateful that he had not only understood, but agreed not to tell Alizabeth. That didn't stop her, however, and a week later, when she realized that you had not recovered more than the merest hint even as you became closer to your goal did she start berating you.

Nilas didn't much care one way or the other, and continued with the lesson.

"Yes, thank you Priestess." Nilas sighed. "Now, where was I?"

"The capitals and punctuation." You glared at the page in your hand. "Why are there so many symbols to mark pauses, again?"

"It's all about context, Jeanne. Now, I believe we were on the semicolon?"

"I still cannot believe that the two of you are so nonchalant about the fact that you're missing a piece of your soul. I would be panicking!" Alizabeth was apparently healing you 'under protest,' whatever that meant. You weren't sure why you couldn't just use your own Light, but she seemed to become even more annoyed whenever you strained yourself. Better to just oblige her.

"Why should I worry? I've had…" You trailed off as you realized what you were saying. Nilas' raised eyebrow was now just as worrying as infuriating. "I've had severe injuries before. It's not like worrying will make it heal faster, as far as I know, anyway." Alizabeth just muttered under her breath.

"I'd think that given the news that just arrived, you would want to heal as quickly as possible."

"News?" Nilas used a soft cloth to clean his spectacles, taking advantage of the pause in the lesson. "Must be something special, if you're worried about it." Alizabeth grimaced.

'Well, some of it's only rumor… But…" She sighed. "I'll start with the more distant, I guess." She wrapped a few strands of her hair around her finger as she sat down. You had come to assume it was a simple habit of hers. "There are stories from some of the adventurers. One band arrived from the Southlands a day ago, and apparently there's some sort of disease spreading in Azeroth and Khaz Modan. As far as I've heard, they say it started in the Swamp of Sorrows."

"Could it be another outbreak of the Plague?" You didn't like the sound of this. If the kingdoms of the South fell, then it was almost a sure thing that the Scourge would succeed. "Or is it just some epidemic that has started spreading thanks to exposure?" Alizabeth shook her head.

"That's the worry. They didn't have much to tell me, but the only answer I can give for that is 'maybe.' As awful as it is to say this, i hope it's just a disease."

"The Swamp, you said?" Nilas was looking at Alizabeth intently. When she nodded, he stood up and began to pace. "I visited the area before the War, and I don't recall there being many creatures capable of spreading fatal communicable diseases at the time. Of course, we didn't go very far East thanks to the Green Dragonflight…"

"Dragons? Why would they be stopping you?" Alizabeth obviously knew something of this 'Dragonflight' that you didn't.

"I don't understand. What exactly is a Dragonflight? A brood?" They stared for a moment before Nilas slapped his forehead.

"Ah, right." His voice shifted back to that of the instructor. "The Dragonflights are organizations made up of dragons fitting the Flight's color. Blue dragons belong to the Blue Dragonflight, Reds to the Red Flight, and so on. Greens typically deal in supernatural matters, as far as any of my colleagues could tell." His brow furrowed. "They were quite... insistent that we not go further East than we did. I barely saw anything except what i assumed was a ruined troll pyramid." He sat again, fingers tapping against the chair's arm. "I suppose that there might have been something in that region that could produce a disease." Shrugging, he looked back to Alizabeth. "But I believe you had another bit of news?" Alizabeth seemed to sit up a bit straighter, and nodded.

"Oh, do I. Apparently, the High General is coming to the Western Theater to make sure everything's… I think the phrase is 'ship-shape?'" She deflated slightly. "She'll be meeting with all the commanders of the Western Crusade, even in the Northern Kingdom. Should be in the area about a week from now."

"General Abbendis? Inspecting?" Nilas snorted. "I somehow doubt it's that simple. She has enough faith in her subordinates to believe that things are in order. No…" He frowned. "She's coming West for another reason."

There was silence for a while among the three of you, and you were left wondering why the General - who you'd heard was based in a major city near the Eastern coast - would find it necessary to cross the whole of the Plaguelands.

"Well," Nilas clapped his hands together, "it's not our main concern right now. Let's finish today's lesson, shall we?"

"I expect you to take care of yourself from now on, Jeanne." Alizabeth stood up, and looked down at you intently for a moment before leaving.

After Nilas left, you came to a decision.

Pick One of Each:


[] Learning

[] Recovery

[] Balance


[] Practice Reading (Subject)

[] Ask around (Specify subject)

[] Write-in

Trait Lost: Illiterate

Trait Gained: Novice Literacy
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Chapter 4.2
You did not fully know why, but you felt an unusual sense of dread as you thought back to what Alizabeth had said.

If the Plague was spreading in the South, then it could easily mean the end of any hope the kingdoms there had for survival. The military might of Stormwind was legendary, and Stromgarde's discipline even more so, but such strength meant little when the enemy could turn every loss into a new enemy for you to face.

The second bit of news brought with it an unexpected waryness on your part. High General Abbendis was the highest ranking officer that anyone had managed to contact in over a year, and the functional leader of the entire Crusade. She had quite a reputation for cleverness and prudence, and was widely respected. If you had learned anything during the journey to Vandermar from the Bulwark, it was that Abbendis was in many ways a lynchpin that held the Crusade in one piece.

All of that made your apprehension both more understandable and less so. On one hand, you would likely see the leader of this effort that you had seemingly begun committing yourself to, at least in passing. On the other, you could not shake the feeling that her arrival would bring with it some new difficulty. In any other circumstance, you would consider this "premonition" preposterous, but you were in a land with walking corpses, talking fish-men, and undeniable proof of the Almighty's dedication to help ma- mortalkind. More than one race, now. You had to keep that in mind.

As you woke the next day, you found that you suddenly had faint feeling in your fingers. No where else, but it was a start. Numbness was better than an empty void.

Over the course of the day, you gained more feeling. By noon, you had feeling in your shoulder. By dusk, your arm was entirely numb as opposed to dead.

Deciding that you could stand to practice your newfound skill, you managed to have a treatise on the Light delivered to you by Alizabeth. You considered it a victory when she only grumbled half as loudly that you should have been putting your welfare first.

As the evening turned to night, you opened the book and began flipping through it by candlelight. Coming to a passage that contextualized the Church, you began to read.

In the (What did that say? Was that an old calendar?), also called the Twenty-Ninth Century before the Dark Portal, the many tribes of humans united into the first realm, the Empire of Arathor, under Thoradin the Great. The many tribes saw the greatness that Thoradin could bring them, and gladly submitted to his just rule.

But the trolls of the Amani Empire saw this and grew worried. They feared humanity and what they could do. They feared what their Empire would become if the nascent Arathor were to grow larger. They had already suffered for their complacency with the loss of their Holy City of Zul'Kamaz, a sacred ruin spanning the Strait of Danas, upon which the elves built their great city of Silvermoon. What hardships would they face with a new foe to their South?

Thus, the Amani marched to war upon the Arathi. For five years the newborn Empire fought the trolls, and for five years it became clear that humanity was on the edge of doom.

Help came from an unlikely source: The elves, besieged in their enchanted forest, sent ambassadors to speak with Thoradin and his generals, Lordain and Ignaeus. Thoradin wisely accepted the elves' offer of alliance, and procured the service of twelve of their Magisters for the training of one hundred humans in the use of magic: Vuhlen, Calana, Onuth, Kelen, Seleneth, Hethera, Norias, Halendor, Lidine, Tanin, Lynara, and Gilaras.

The magi were trained in the fortress called Alterac, and Thoradin began his retreat to the mountains, where the new powers lay in wait. As the Amani threatened to overtake the Arathi and their elven allies, General Lordain stood his ground, dying bravely to allow his kinsmen to escape. At the battle that followed in Alterac, the trolls were broken, and their Empire shattered. In honor of Lordain's sacrifice, settlers in the land of Tyrsfall, later Tirisfal, named their new stronghold 'Lordaeron.' Settlements grew across the land as the Amani fled ever inward. One of these settlements in the Northeast of the new lands was home to Mereldar, sister of Lordain.

In this small town, which would one day become Light's Hope, Mereldar, once a warrior, now a healer, received visions and epiphanies. She began speaking of a great Light that filled all things. She was given the ability to heal, to protect, and to defeat those who would harm her people. Traveling West, she found others who had received these visions, and finally met in a great convocation in Tirisfal. In a great valley above the Vale of Spiders, they built a chapel and wrote all that they had learned. These many teachers, under Mereldar's guidance, transribed the five Librams: the Codices of Compassion, Retribution, Holiness, Protection and Justice.

On the site of this great and momentous occasion, a monastery was later built, and it became the heart of the faith in the most devout of all the nations.

The one passage left you with questions that the book did not immediately answer. If this Mereldar had been divinely inspired, was it through one of His angels, or a symbol like Moses and the burning bush? Why was the revelation solely of the Light, and not the divine truth of His grace?

You were left asking yourself those questions again and again until you fell asleep.

The next day, your healing progressed even further. By the end of the day, you were able to move your arm again, and almost had full motor function back, whatever Nilas meant by that. Alizabeth was too busy with preparations for the upcoming induction of a number of pilgrims into the Crusade, so you couldn't ask her about what you had read, but you got up anyway.

Ultimately, you spent a great deal of time wandering the grounds of the Abbey, and eventually you remembered something else. Going back to your room that evening, you said your prayers (with a few extra when you remembered that you had forgotten the previous day), and then picked up the Good Book.

When you had gone away from Domremy, the town's priest had given you this copy of the Bible, the best you had seen in your life. It was a full translation of the Vulgate tradition, a luxury by any stretch of the imagination. Throughout your campaign, the text had been at your side, a weighty reminder of your mission.

Opening the book, you looked down at the pages, and for the first time in your life, you understood the words.

In the beginning, God created heaven, and earth…

"I still don't know how it's possible."

"Possible doesn't matter sometimes, Alizabeth."

"That's awfully rich coming from you, Nilas." Alizabeth was indignant, but you had a feeling that she was just trying to work though the fact that you had healed in only two and a half days. "Especially considering that you build your entire vocation around determining what's possible."

"I know my job perfectly well, Priestess, thank you. Now, Jeanne," Nilas clapped his hands together, "What will you do with your newfound freedom from the confines of recovery?"

"I'm not entirely certain that I need to tell you that, Nilas. Who knows what you might do if I say." Damn it all, he was rubbing off on you more than you had thought.

"Too true." Nilas feigned a kind of exaggerated sageness, one finger in the air and one hand on his beard. "Even dull old Lucius might be more trustworthy than I, though he would deny his own lack of inspiration." Alizabeth raised an eyebrow.

"Is it really safe to talk that way about your apprentice, Nilas? He does have a tendency to summon elementals at any problem that rears its head, and he might consider matters of honor to count."

"Oh, as if I think he could do anything permanent to me. Zerx was a fine hydromancer, but not the best teacher. Lucius could have learned from a far more stable mentor." He shrugged. "Either way, I still have to get back to my laboratory." Nodding to you with a smile, he left. Alizabeth turned to you.

"Well, you're fully recovered, so I can't exactly tell you what to do… But I still want you to pace yourself, all right?" She wagged her finger at you.

"I'll certainly try, but trouble seems to find me as often as I do it these days." For some reason, you found the barest hint of a grin on your face. Alizabeth rolled her eyes and stalked off, leaving you to decide what you would do with the rest of the day.

Pick One:

[] Visit the Forge

[] Look for the mages, Nilas and Dunhelming

[] Go to the bounty board

[] Write in

Jeanne Status: Soul Healed

Contacts Gained: Nilas Arcanister, Alizabeth Barton
Chapter 4.3
If you were to aid the Crusade, you needed equipment. The only piece of defensive gear you had used since your arrival was the buckler which, as far as you knew, was rotting in several splintered pieces in the forest. The time had come to correct that. Re-attaching the sword to your belt, you walked back into the village proper.

The community was somewhat more active than the last time you had seen it, likely in connection with the fact that another few companies had returned from active duty for the Springtime feasts - something called Noblegarden being the first. You would probably have to attend at least one day before you could decide whether it was acceptable for the faithful or a terrible terrible idea. The latter was highly unlikely, given that these people venerated an extension of His will, but you would have words with someone if it turned out to be devil-worship or some such.

Hm… Was devil-worship separate than demon-worship? That was worth examining, particularly when sentencing came into it.

Putting aside your theological concerns (they were largely trivial anyhow, given your lenient stance on the place of heathens - any who were virtuous in their thoughts and deeds were surely righteous in His eyes, even if they didn't hear the Word, right?), you looked around for the telltale round, metal pipe that marked the smithy. Once you saw the black smoke, you began the short walk there.

The structure was nearly black on the wall nearest the huge outdoor forge, which you noticed had a latch on one side that would allow the bellows to blast the flames into the street, likely as an impromptu defensive emplacement. You also noticed that the area in front of the latch, as well as some of the opposite wall, was already quite blackened. It seemed that someone had tested the makeshift weapon, and did so repeatedly.

Walking to the actual 'front' of the building, you found two smiths at the forge. One, a woman, was arguing with the other, a dark-skinned man, who was grinning like an idiot. A very smug one, that is.

"We can't go throwing metals around willy-nilly anymore, Wayland! Tirislode's not going to give us ore to smelt anytime soon, and you know that!"

"Kate, if I thought that we would be without the mine for long, I would not be as confident as I am. Pass the tongs, please?"

"There you go. But even so, how can we be certain? The place is swarming now, and our only sources are whatever caravans can make it through Chillwind Pass from Arathor."

"Or the hidden pass from the Hinterlands. And even if we have to be more frugal, we still have to make necessities: tools, weapons, armor. We have enough steel to last us a few weeks more, at any rate. That's enough time for a caravan to arrive with Khaz iron or Arathi ores." The woman, Kate, huffed, but nodded.

"I'm still going to ration your metal for a while. Until we have a fuller stockpile, I'm not comfortable with the current depletion rate."

"Whatever you think is best." As Kate went back into the smithy, Wayland looked up. "Hail, friend! You need something from us? If you need repairs, that's Kate's specialty, but I'm sure I can help if you need something specific."

"Thank you." You were taking it as a good thing that you weren't as confused by the constant cheeriness of the people here. "I'm here for a couple of things, actually. Armor, first and foremost."

"Ah, planning to join the fight, eh?" He pumped the bellows again, and you were fairly certain you heard the latch on the opposite side rattling. "Well, I can certainly help. You going private, or are you an aspirant?"

"Aspirant?" You didn't think that you had exactly heard that term, though you did remember it from somewhere… "Oh! You mean an acolyte of the Crusade." He took your brief confusion well, only giving a nod. "Not exactly. I've joined forces with Sir Morlune's Host thanks to the righteousness of their mission, but I'm not technically a member. Why do you ask?"

"Because aspirants and members have priority around here." He shrugged, lowering a red-hot blade into a trough of water nearby. "We have standard templates for armor unless they bring their own, and the Crusade funds their access to weapons. Not that coin is used much in these parts. Most of it is used in our recruiting offices and trade groups to ensure that we have our needs met up here." He picked up another bar of steel, holding in in the flames. "I might be able to help you like I would an aspirant, but you'll probably want to join up before long anyway."

"I'll… see about it." You actually hadn't given it much thought. Join the crusade officially? It made sense, you supposed. "But even if you can't help normally, how could I get armor otherwise?" He tapped his chin, watching the steel as he thought.

"Well, you could probably join one of the bounties. They usually offer equipment or goods as rewards. Of course, most of them are somewhat hazardous, especially the Tirislode one." He looked you up and down. "And I somehow get the feeling that you don't have much coin to buy privately." You shrugged. "Thought so. Well, if you want, I can help there, anyway. Anything else?"

"Yes, actually." You pulled the sword from the sheath you'd been given, handing it to him hilt-first. "I was hoping for an assessment of this. I got it as little more than an off-the-cuff thing, and I don't know much about it, or even if it's a good weapon. All I know is that it's served me well so far."

"I would hope it has." He looked the blade up and down, balancing it across a finger. "This is seasteel. Popular stuff along the Baradin Bay: Stromgarde, Kul Tiras and the like. Not quite as good at holding an edge as some finer metals, but the stuff used in smelting it makes it a hell of a lot better at avoiding rust, and it's cheaper than mithril or thorium. A lot of marines use it in the Tirasian Armada, I think. 'Course, I'm here from Westfall, so I don't know much about those parts." He handed it back to you before pulling the red-hot bar out of the flames. "Good sword though. Just keep it sharp and it'll last as long as any other."

"Thank you." Re-sheathing the blade, you leaned against the wall. "So about that armor: what exactly could I get if I asked for your help?"

"Well, that's an easy one." He grinned again. "It's practically a template we make. Call it Scarlet chain. Full set of lightened steel mail and leather. Hauberk, leggings, boots, gloves. It's pretty much standard across the Crusade, and it's inexpensive enough that we can do the next best thing to mass production. Not fancy or glamorous like some Stormwind knights have, but it's reliable and easy to maintain." He took a hammer and started beating the bar into shape. "Sound good to you?"

Well, if there was a way to say that you were a member, that armor sounded like it. The only question was whether you would seriously pursue membership.

Pick one of each:

Taking up the Scarlet:

[] You would inquire about it. Becoming a fully-fledged Crusader would put you within their normal command structure, but you would be more easily trusted and gain whatever benefits they enjoyed within the Crusade's domains.

[] You would consider it. It wasn't an ideal prospect, but it was interesting. You wouldn't prioritize it, however.

[] You weren't considering it. No matter the Crusade's intentions, there were risks to belonging to any organization. You would prefer the freedom of movement afforded by remaining unaligned until you had more information.

Armed and Armored:

[] Accept Wayland's help. The armor would be a welcome boon, and even if you weren't an aspirant, something told you few would argue as you continued to help.

[] Politely turn it down. You would earn something yourself.
Chapter 4.4
There was no question, when you thought about it. If you were going to enter combat regularly, you needed armor.

"I'll gladly accept your help, Wayland. Thank you." He smiled and shook his head.

"No need for thanks, miss. I'm happy to help." He examined the bar before going back to beating it into proper shape. "Should be about two, maybe three days. Where should I send it?"

"I'm staying in a cell in the Abbey at the moment. I didn't know the area." And you were certain that Nilas and Alizabeth were conspiring to find something out about you, if the exaggerated whispers you had caught were any indication. You weren't sure, but you thought you had heard Nilas muse aloud that you were literally from under a rock somewhere, however that would work.

"I'll have it brought to you when it's done, then! It was a pleasure meeting you, miss -"

"Jeanne." You kept forgetting about introductions, for some reason.

"A pleasure meeting you, Jeanne." He nodded to you. "Now, if you'll excuse me…" At your nod, he returned to his work.

You wandered the town as you drifted into your own ponderings. You hadn't really thought about whether you intended to join the Crusade. It made sense; if you were going to be helping these people in any long-term capacity, possessing some degree of legitimacy within their organization beyond some basic fighting style or associations would be extremely helpful.

On the other hand, there were a number of unknown variables. Membership might have brought with it any number of secondary obligations and considerations that would not otherwise be relevant. The conversation you had with Officer Pureheart returned unbidden: was it possible that the Crusade could go too far? Could they lose sight of their goals in the zeal of faith, and turn into something as corrupt as their enemies? She hadn't indicated such, but the thought still arose.

No. No, it couldn't happen. These men and women were as dedicated as those whom you commanded in France. They were righteous, and their cause was more than just. You couldn't accept that they could fall in such a way. And if they did…

If they did, you would do what was necessary. More than once you had been forced to let your own judgement move aside for pragmatism. If the Crusade fell, you would make the choice again, and bring justice upon those responsible.

You would find out how you could join the Crusade. It made sense. It felt
right. Sitting on a bench in the square, you began to plan out how you'd approach the matter. Some research would be necessary of course; no you weren't simply enjoying the thought of reading for its own sake. That would be unprofessional.

"Well, don't you look as though you're deep in thought." Looking up, you saw standing nearby perhaps the oldest man you had seen since your arrival. Nilas was old, yes, but this stranger was ancient; his face was filled with so many lines you weren't sure where some ended and others began, and he was entirely bald except for a snow-white beard that hung half a foot below his chin. The robes he wore indicated that he was a clergyman of some prominence, even higher than the priests you had seen in the Abbey. The staff in his hand supported that theory. "Do you mind if I sit?"

"No, not at all." Moving aside, you gave him room to rest. After joining you on the stone bench, he looked out at the still pool at the center of the square in silence for a while. "I do not believe we've met, sir." There were certain niceties that you had been taught to observe, but you also felt like this man was somewhat important. "My name is Jeanne." He nodded slowly, as though he was a gnarled tree that refused to bend to the wind.

"I know." He looked out at the pool as he spoke, a thin smile crossing his face. "The Tirasians have mentioned you quite often. The Maid, I believe they call you. Started by that Alteraci captain they have with them, I think." Thornby was from Alterac? "I wanted to see who you were behind the reputation."

"Well, I'm here. But you have the advantage of me, sir."

"Ah. Of course." He turned to you slightly. "Tobias. I am the High Priest of the Cathedral of the Burning Light. I oversee mass and the training of the acolytes here in Vandermar, and I'm likely the single oldest man you'll meet for a hundred miles."

"That's a rather blunt statement."

"Even so, it's true. I'm the only priest here who was ordained before the orcs arrived, and only a few others are here. Landgren perhaps, or Benedictus might also claim that honor, but they are not in this village." He turned back to the square, looking at the pool as before. "I wonder, though; why would a stranger come to our aid? Why us, rather than take up the Argent or even the Black of the Brotherhood? You seem as though you would have done well even among them."

"To be perfectly honest?" He nodded. "They didn't have the same conviction. I admire what they want to do, yes, but they don't have the necessary strength of will. The Forsaken…" You paused, trying not to show that you were conflicted more than you appeared. "They may not all be as bad as those that I've heard of, but my understanding leads me to believe such individuals are a mere minority." He continued nodding.

"And your prayers? I have heard that you practice an unusual sect of the Church. Would it not have been more widely accepted by those other orders?"

"What?" Was he saying that some might consider you a heretic? "I worship the Almighty! He is our creator and our Father. He is no doubt the one who gave us this Light. Why would my worship be seen as wrong?"

"There are some purists who do not hold the tolerant doctrines of the Brotherhood of Northshire in high esteem." He leaned back, running a hand through his beard, and wincing at a knot. "They might see you as a kind of apostate." What.

That… That couldn't be true. You couldn't simply be judged again here as well, right? They wouldn't. They couldn't. But even as you sat there, stupefied, you could almost feel the fire against your feet…

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because I want to know who you are, Jeanne the Maid. There are three kinds who join our order: the pious, the vengeful and the weary. You seem to be the first, but I also have heard some other things." Your eyes narrowed.

"Such as, Father Tobias?"

"Well, I'm not one to judge, but I do make an effort to know when those around me show signs of certain conditions." He continued staring out placidly even as his voice grew dark. "Undeath is an ailment. Injury is an ailment. Madness and its cousins are all ailments. But so is shock, that most insidious of them all. It's fairly simple to tell the difference, though. Speech patterns can be affected, as can mannerisms and concepts of reality." He lazily looked at you out of the corner of his eye. "And some simply do not feel whole."

"Are you implying, Father, that my mind is unsound, or my judgment impaired?" You weren't sure whether to be shocked or insulted. "Because I assure you that they are not."

"I never implied such things at all. I merely want to be sure of who you are."

"You know who I am. I am Jeanne, and I am called the Maid. I serve the Lord, and do so gladly."

"That is your name, your epithet, and your mission, but it says little of your character outside of piety." He seemed to deflate slightly. "Many here are pious, Jeanne. Many here are weary. But you are an unknown, with no obvious motives or goals, and you have simply joined us in our endeavor by association. That might be enough for Morlune, but he and his are not… Of the disposition to think into things more deeply." He seemed to grin. "I, on the other hand, am very interested in knowing who it is that wears your name." He brought himself back to standing, even as you tried to offer help and he waved it off.

"And how do you plan to know that?" He gave off an aura of age and wizened knowledge, but it only seemed to betray some conspiratorial wisdom now.

"Well, what do you plan to do? Are you intending to join our order properly?"

"I am considering it."

"Ah! Good, very good." He suddenly seemed much older, using the staff as a crutch. "If you do, I am sure that I will find my answers. Consider your purpose here, Jeanne, and consider it well." As he walked away, he called over his shoulder. "There are some who will be far less generous with time for it then I!"

As he walked away and towards the cathedral, you were left with a profound mixture of confusion, apprehension and worry in your thoughts.

Eventually, you returned to the Abbey for the day, joining the acolytes in the communal feasting hall for supper before returning to your studies. You had determined to find out how the Crusade's membership worked, and so you eventually found a short record of one of the initiations from a few months prior. It seemed that there were two main ways that members truly joined the Crusade: the "Long Road" and the "Proven Road."

The Long Road was for those pilgrims who traveled great distances, speaking with the Crusade's Southern representatives as they went. In this way, they were taught the Crusade's expectations and doctrines, and they were inducted upon reaching a suitable chapel or other church in the Crusade's territory. The Proven Road was for those who had already proven their worth, and who decided later to join. Where Aspirants on the Long Road were vouched for by seals given at each of their lessons, the Proven needed a sponsor to vouch for them before the highest authorities in the region. Then they were inducted following a longer form of the same ceremony.

It reminded you somewhat of legends you had heard about the great knightly orders in the Holy Land. The main difference was that the Crusade seemed not to have quite as many restrictions on how individuals could conduct themselves.

It seemed you had to consider what you would do, if you wanted to join. As you thought about it, you decided on your intentions for the last two days of the week.

Pick One:

[] The Long Road.

[] The Proven Road.

[] Ask another's input (specify who)

Plans - Pick two:

[] When the armor arrives, join a Bounty (choice given later)

[] Continue your studies
-[] Reading
-[] Class
--[] Templar
--[] Exemplar
-[] Light
--[] History
--[] Doctrine

[] Ask if you can help…
-[] Alizabeth
-[] Morlune
-[] Nilas
-[] Lucius
-[] Thornby
-[] Write-in

[] Familiarize yourself with Vandermar

[] Write in

On the first day of the week's end, you find that something has arrived…

[] A small package marked with your name, written in a sharp, inelegant hand.

[] A group of riders from the East, having arrived ahead of schedule.

New Mechanic: Goals.

Goals are main foci that the main character is aiming towards. Mechanically, they lead to more emphasis on certain endeavors and ideas, as well as having the possibility for bonuses to actions associated with them. One may suggest a Goal at any time as part of a Vote Plan, but must be part of the winning vote to take effect. Goals may also be activated if they garner enough support by the voting base out of vote.

Potential Contact Acquired: Father Tobias
Chapter 4.5
You couldn't simply choose a path with no outside opinions. It was a significant decision, and would likely determine how you interacted with the Crusaders in some way. At least you expected that. Admittedly, your expectations had been shattered several times in this bizarre place, given the comparative opulence available to almost everyone, but your point remained.

You decided that you would ask someone, but that first you would begin your studies under Sir Morlune. It was time that you found ways to wield the Light that consisted of more than brute-forcing it.

"The Light is both a force and a tool. It surrounds and fills us, and through it we can work wonders." Runes and symbols whirled around the libram in his hands, "The paladin focuses that energy to the destruction of unholy energies that comprise the Light's antithesis. This tradition was started in the Second War, when the orcs utilized necromantic magics and summoned demons against the Alliance." The Light faded, and he snapped the book shut. "The templar, however, is a far more recent development, first created three years ago by High Inquisitor Fairbanks before his death. Rather than focus on unholy foes, the Templar aims to also defeat mortal enemies and beasts that threaten the innocent. Their energies, when focused, are capable of harming those among the living who do not wield dark powers, and the templar is thus more capable of meting out righteous judgment against more common evil as well as the unholy. The greatest of their number can even strengthen their discipline to the point where the Light can replace armor, at least as far as some rumors say."

"So the paladin is solely a holy warrior, whereas the templar is more aimed towards general wickedness?" It was fairly easy to grasp. "But why was that viewed as necessary when the foes the Crusade would face were all based on those magics the Light is most effective against?"

"A fair question. It was created because Fairbanks had a vision of the Crusade becoming a foe to all evil once the Scourge's power was broken in Lordaeron. The path was later adopted by the Crusade and the Argent Dawn as the Cult of the Damned became more prevalent."

"So there was meant to be a greater widening of the Crusade's foes? Isn't that thinking a bit too far ahead?" You knew the value of planning, but it seemed slightly insane to plan for such a distant goal. Morlune shrugged.

"From what I understand, Fairbanks was of the opinion that if it was worth preparing for, it was worth over-preparing for." He opened the libram again. "But back to the matter at hand…" At your nod, he continued. "Paladins channel their Light through a combination of their own soul and a relic. Many paladins choose librams of various kinds, such as the five Great Librams given to the founders of the Silver Hand. Others choose reliquaries. Templars, on the other hand, channel energy far more through themselves, binding their Light more into the physical realm, and enabling its wielding against more mundane enemies." He pointed to a nearby straw dummy. "The basic offensive tool of any Light-wielder is the use of holy energy in a spell of divine smiting." You could just tell that he loved that word too much. There was too much emphasis on the 's.' "That will be your first lesson. Now, let us begin…"

You practiced for a full four hours. In that time, you truly began to realize just how bluntly you had been drawing on the power granted to you. With each new attempt, you found it easier and less taxing. By the end of those four hours, you were exhausted, but you had managed to burn the dummy to a cinder with an ever-decreasing excess of energy.

Even as you returned to your cell for the night, you kept thinking back, a sense of pride rising up until you realized something.

This place, this strange, insane place, with all of its horrors and trials, was becoming dear to you.

You couldn't help but smile slightly at the thought.

The next day, you decided to ask someone's advice. Thornby was from Alterac, and while you assumed that Morlune was Tirasian, you wanted a truly outside opinion.

Thus, you went looking for Phillipus again. It wasn't easy. The Tidesages, as the sea-priests were apparently called, didn't spend much time in the village itself, much preferring to remain nearer to the headwaters of the River Darrow. But they did usually return occasionally to ensure that things were in order, and sometimes to recruit escorts to the farthest totems that kept the river pure.

Luckily, that was how you found Phillipus. He was in the library, inspecting a sample of water from the area along the palisade, and appeared somewhat troubled.

"Having difficulties?" He looked up when you spoke.

"Jeanne! Wonderful to see you! I heard you were injured, but things were just so hectic that I couldn't really make it, so -"

"It's fine. You have an important job. There's no need for apologies." He nodded, smiling.

"Thank you." The smile turned into a grin. "So, what brings our village's resident Maid to a humble Tidesage?" You unconsciously rolled your eyes.

"I wanted to talk, and to ask if there was anything that you needed my help with. I want to make myself useful, and I should have some armor soon." He nodded, expression fading into a more neutral one as he thought, before looking at the small bowl of water on the table.

"There is something, I think. But I may be paranoid. The water in the river has been giving off strange emissions for the last few days. It's barely noticeable now, but if it builds up, it might become dangerous."


"Magical energies of a sort that I'm not familiar with. It's not void, because I recognize that from necromancy. It isn't natural, because druidry and such things don't have this kind of effect." That sounded very bad even as you heard it. The river was the only nearby source of clean water. If it were to become contaminated or infected, the village would probably die off as people keeled over or left.

"And what do you propose to do?"

"I'm leading some of my fellows up to the headwaters later today. We're the only ones who can work the magics used in the totems, so we have to be there. Julia's gathering a few charitable footmen and rifles, and she might get a mage or two to help. Maybe Dunhelming'll come along, since he's a hydromancer."

"And that has what significance, exactly?" You'd heard the term used almost pejoratively before, but it seemed odd. Phillipus shrugged.

"In Kul Tiras, many hydromancers are Tidesage acolytes who didn't have the faith necessary to channel the power through natural magics. Instead they use the arcane. Some, like… Well, some combine the two in a way, but it's a difficult thing to get right."

"And the origins of those who were acolytes places a kind of stigma?" It seemed very odd to you. The Tidesages in general were odd, because they worshipped-slash-venerated a mysterious sea-spirit and yet continued in many cases with aiding the Church. They were only virtuous heathens by the barest definition, if you remembered your lessons correctly.

"Sort of. It's more of a rivalry than hatred or dislike." He waved his hand. "I think it's silly, really." Looking back to you, he raised an eyebrow. "Does that sound like something you'd like to do?"

"I think so. The river's vital here, so I'd be remiss if I didn't try to assist in keeping it pure." Phillipus smiled.

"Great!" He reached out and shook your hand. Mostly because you were slightly confused and didn't return the gesture very much. "I'll see you in a while then. We'll be just outside the main gate."

You just had to hope that the armor was ready, in that case. And you were not disappointed. When you returned to your cell, you found a parcel wrapped in paper on your bed. Within was a fine set of mail, with red leather giving additional protection at the legs and shoulders. There were gloves and boots as well, but they were more akin to the studded leather armor you knew was common here. Of course, the mail was odd - it appeared to be similarly constructed to scale, with some kind of base bound to the metal at the edges to add an additional layer of protection and help redistribute the weight. There was a note attached that read:


Got this done faster than I thought. Hope it serves you well.


It was surprisingly easy to put on, as it turned out. It seemed that for all the aesthetic similarities, this land truly was ahead of Europe in many ways. You decided that the banner wasn't likely to be necessary, and so took your sword and the Good Book (which Morlune had given you a sort of holster for, since he took it to be your form of a paladin's libram), and went to meet your fellows at the gate.

What you found was surprising. About fourteen footmen and six rifles mingled with three sea-priests and…

"Miss Jeanne. A pleasure to meet you under less strenuous circumstances." Lucius Dunhelming.

"Dunhelming. I thought we had quite an adequate introduction at the Bulwark. I certainly saw enough of your inability to tear yourself away from your calculations." He raised an eyebrow.

"Fair enough. I admit to being somewhat abrasive at times, so I suppose that's reasonable." He bowed slightly. "I'll be going on ahead with one of the Tidesages. I suppose we'll see you at the headwaters."

"I suppose so." He waved lazily as he left, one of the priests going with him as they semeingly started some energetic discussion. Probably more magical theory. You had heard Nilas muttering it at one point, and you didn't have the head for that kind of mathematics. What was an Antonidan Set, anyway?

Putting the matter out of your mind, you found Phillipus among the crowd. He waved you over.

"I see you have some new equipment!"

"As if it wasn't obvious." You were generally forgiving of someone stating the obvious, but sometimes it just rubbed you the wrong way. Like there. He rolled his eyes, before turning to the party that had assembled.

"Is everyone ready? Remember, this will take at least six hours in travel there and back alone, and we may run into undead along the way. I won't be held responsible if one of you forgot extra powder charges or something like that. So what say you?" The answer was a resounding series of whoops and cheers indicating that these men and women were just happy to be doing something, regardless of what it was. "All right then. We're moving out!"

The journey, short though it was compared to the trek across Tirisfal, was on a continuous incline into the Upland Hills that formed the border between the Plaguelands and Tirisfal. The air was clearer and thinner, and there were fewer signs of the Plague's corruption. Occasionally, you would see small trees sprouting along the riverbanks, and there were some bushes covered in dark berries that every soldier in the party left well alone. You could only assume that they were hazardous. You occasionally talked with some of your compatriots, but finally found time to talk with Phillipus somewhat separately from the others.

"Phillipus, do you mind if I ask you something?"

"Of course not!" he looked concerned. "Is something wrong, Jeanne?"

"No. i just wanted to ask your opinion on this. You're not really from this region, and so I thought you would have a different perspective." He chuckled.

"I suppose. But really you could've asked Morlune as well. Or Dunhelming. The only locals in our Host are Alizabeth and Thornby and the Alteraci he brought with him." He paused briefly before looking back to you. "So, what's the question?"

"Well, it's less a question than it is requesting your opinion on something. I've been considering joining the Crusade properly, but I noticed that there are two methods to do so."

"And you wanted my opinion on which would suit you more." As you nodded, he squinted at something in the distance. "It's hard to determine, frankly. The Proven Road is reliable if you want to join the fight quickly and work your way up even faster. The Long Road is better for people who see the Crusade as a path to revelation and righteousness. It's meant to instill lessons and guide pilgrims to epiphany. The Proven Road is for those who feel that they have already learned a great deal, or who others feel are ready immediately." He turned back to you. "Personally, I feel as though you're more than ready for the Proven Road. I'm sure Sir Morlune would be willing to sponsor you. But you yourself might feel that the Long Road is more appropriate, if I understand the depth of your piety correctly. That's about all I can say, given that we were an odd case anyway."

"An odd case? Why do you say that?" At your question, he winced slightly.

"Well… I suppose we were put through the initiation faster than usual, since we arrived under the circumstances we did. Battle-hardened veterans open for recruitment aren't common this far North."

"And what made your circumstances different? I mean, it doesn't seem very unusual for people to come across the sea for a noble cause." The moment the words were out of your mouth, a dark look came over his face. "That is, if you want to explain. I understand if you don't."

"No, no. It's fine. Probably a good idea that you hear the whole thing from someone who was there firsthand rather than from some yokel who heard a dozen wrong details." He sighed. "It began when Lordaeron collapsed…"

"There were refugees moving South all across the continent, but almost nowhere to go. Gilneas closed itself off after the Second War, and built that wall not long before the Scourging. Alterac was filled with bandits and criminals. Stromgarde was in the middle of a civil war after King Thoras died. Those who made it through the Highlands settled in Khaz Modan or Stormwind. The rest had little choice in the matter. Many of them came to Kul Tiras.

The island was always self-sufficient, but the population was never close to that of the mainland kingdoms. The kingdom and the Great Families weren't prepared for the sudden strain of hundreds, even thousands of newcomers arriving over a period of weeks. Eventually, they started getting desperate. Of course, the Lord Admiral had a solution, as always.

He brought up rumors that his daughter, Lady Jaina, had taken part of the Armada across the sea, bringing settlers and refugees guarded by military forces from Lordaeron, Gilneas, and Stromgarde. He said that she had reportedly sought a new land across the sea; a land that was wild and open, waiting for the brave to lay claim to it. He said that this new land could be a second chance for the Alliance. That it could be made into a new home. They believed him. We believed him.

Many of us in the Host are children of soldiers and mages, heroes who fought the Horde to a standstill and then broke it in the War. Their battles would be legendary. Many of them would be remembered. We wanted to become heroes like them, and we saw the expedition as our chance. We kept thinking that all the way across the Great Sea.

When we first saw Kalimdor, it was like a dream. This great wide plain, a sea of tall grass with trees that stood hundreds of feet apart. A land untamed by anyone or anything. We only saw fortune and glory, and a legacy as the saviors of civilization. We built fortresses and camps all along the coast, and two more fleets were ordered to follow us, one under Lieutenant Benedict and one under Lieutenant Alverold. That's about when things went wrong.

We weren't the first to arrive. We built one base within spitting distance of what looked like an island city, and the desert north of our landing point was filled with orcs. Naturally, one company of our forces destroyed one of the Horde's camps, but then they were destroyed in return. The survivors said that only four warriors had done it. Four Horde warriors against a hundred of our marines, and the blackbloods won!

An inland logging operation was destroyed around the same time, and another company tried to assassinate the orcs' warchief, but everything failed. Then they attacked the coastal base.

I was there. We were led by Sir Dagren the Orcslayer, a hero of the War. A paladin! We thought that no orc in his right mind would attack! But, as was becoming usual, we were wrong. One orc, with a string of beads around his neck, a banner on his back and a sword as tall as he was, charged in like a madman and killed the guards at the main gate. Then he just disappeared, and then reappeared halfway across the settlement, and disappeared again. It happened over and over for an hour. Eventually, we just started evacuating. Sir Dagren stayed behind, and the last I saw was half the town going up in flames… I guess that the orc hid bombs all across the base while we searched for him.

The rest happened so quickly that it's almost hard to believe that it happened. We entered that island city, and found that Lady Jaina was the ruler! She'd founded the city as a sort of haven for the refugees. But… She'd made peace with the Horde. No. She's made an alliance with them, for Tide's sake! The Lord Admiral was livid, and seized control of the city. The place was put under martial law, and the fleet was sent to hunt down the trolls in an archipelago to the North.

That was even worse. This horde of bat riders darted across the isles, sinking every ship we sent! Entire companies were destroyed in the jungle!

And then they attacked our main base, Tiragarde. Orcs, trolls, these massive bull-men with totems for weapons - they just kept coming! The keep fell in two days, and everything fell apart. The Horde capitalized on it, and they attacked the city itself.

The battle lasted less than a day. We never figured out where they got the ships, but they landed and invaded in force. Within hours, they had fought us to a standstill in the main square. Barely an hour later, this half-ogre brute was standing over the Lord Admiral's body. Lady Jaina just, stood there, dead-eyed, looking right at Lord Daelin. When they left, she just stood there.

Some of our comrades joined her in the city. Oh…. It was called Theramore. The rest of us turned and ran. We took our ships and set fire to as much of the coast as we could while the Horde just watched. They were laughing, we were certain. Laughing at the pitiful remains of the force that had tried to play at being heroes. But it just got worse again.

A freak storm blew us off-course for some reason. We thought that we saw islands in the waves, but it might have been the desperation. We landed too far north to be in Baradin Bay, but it was still a jungle. We later figured out that we were on the Dragon Isles.

That place was a nightmare. It went well at first; we set up a camp and patrolled outward, trying to find any sign of friendly forces. We found remains from the Second War, both orcish and human, but not much else besides the jungle. Some of the orc skulls ended up decorating the palisade. We just wanted some small revenge for everything.

The moment we got comfortable, the Isles seemed to come alive. Wildlife started attacking in waves like they were led by something else. We'd find patrols mauled along the beach; some just dead, others missing limbs, and some were gone except for armor or weapons. An entire company just disappeared into thin air when they tried to clear part of the forest. It came in waves. Sometimes it would be safe. We could go miles inland and come back. Other times, you'd just lose people. One moment, there, the next, gone. Eventually we stopped trying.

Some of the men got superstitious. They took down the orc skulls and buried everything. It didn't stop, obviously. It never stopped. We were there for months. When we got there, there were almost four thousand men who had been beached. Less than half remained when we finally sent a raft to the mainland.

When they came back, it was with a fleet. We didn't bother burning the camp. We grabbed everything that we could and boarded the ships. Some of us got hit harder than others. A lot just put down their swords as soon as we hit the mainland. They went East to the Enclave or Hearthglen. The rest of us joined up with our rescuers.

"And…" He shrugged, eyes downcast. "That's about it. Since then, we resettled Vandermar, and we made a conscious effort not to be deployed in the North."

"I…" That had been more than you expected. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have -" He waved it off.

"You were going to hear about it anyway. Besides, it was three years ago. We've had to move on just to survive here." He shrugged again. "And you weren't involved at all. Couldn't have been." There was a long silence, and you did little besides walk. The river became narrower, and the plantlife more prominent. Eventually, you found yourself in a wide valley, the river flowing down from the mountains, too steep to climb.

Dunhelming and the Tidesage were already there, furiously taking notes and examining the ground. You soon saw why. In random blotches scattered across the small vale, the earth was pitch-black, and seemed to give off heat.

"Ah! You've arrived!" Dunhelming stood up, journal in hand. "I have good news and bad news."

"Give us the good first, please, and no sarcasm, Lucius." Phillipus gave him a look that cut off whatever he was about to say in response.

"Letting the priest trample you now, are you Lucius?" There was some laughter among the soldiers. "Don't think Zerx would've liked that!"

"Be quiet, Anos." Lucius shot a glare into the crowd. "Fine." He grimaced. "The good news is that there's no sign of the undead contaminating the river. The totems are also keeping the magical energy down to a manageable level for now." His grimace turned to a frown, and he glared at the stream that was the River Darrow. "The bad news is that the magic is identifiable. It's fel." You could have heard a pin drop.

"Fel?" Phillipus was white as a sheet. "But that's -"

"Nothing's impossible until proven so, Phillipus. It's fel magic. And what's more I think that it's not even supposed to corrupt the spring. I think -"

"Lucius." You spoke up, watching something rise from the river. "Did you summon any elementals?"

"No…" He turned to look in the same direction. "Oh, damn. The elementals of the river are waking up. Wait…. Oh
damn!" He began preparing a spell. "No summoning here. There's too much risk of the things being affected one and all. We have to send them back to the elemental plane. If we do that, the magic should disperse naturally, and the corruption will fade."

"And if it doesn't?" You didn't even think before asking. It was force of habit.

"Then we have to warn the village."

Your party formed into ranks as a dozen water elementals rose from the river, wreathed in strings of green flame. There was silence.

And then all hell broke loose, and battle was joined.

Battle Plan:

[] Create a battle plan for Jeanne (Write in, may include elements of other votes)

[] Flank the elementals and try to attack from the side
-[] Bring troops with you. (Specify What/how many)

[] Focus on healing.

[] Focus of defending.
-[] The Rifles
-[] The Tidesages

[] Direct the soldiers (Write in orders)

Inventory Update: Acquired Scarlet Chain (+5 to Defense)

Battle Status: Beginning

Scarlet Crusade: 1 Jeanne, 1 Hydromancer, 3 Tidesages, 6 Rifles, 14 Footmen

Darrow Elementals: 12 Fel-touched Elementals

Oof. This one's the longest here. Hope you all like it!
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Chapter 4.6
You were about to yell orders to the footmen, but everything fell apart before you even had a word in edgewise.

The footmen broke lines and scattered, drawing the elementals in every direction in their zeal to destroy the unholy magic tainting them. There was no coherence except for the soldiers' keeping the elementals from attacking the more vulnerable troops.

Looking over, you saw the Tidesages weaving spells to try and force the elementals to disperse. Lucius was doing something similar, but appeared to be meeting with far more success. The elemental he was focusing on was struggling and seemed unable to move.

"We're with you, miss." You hadn't noticed, but the six riflemen had joined you at the rear line. You looked back at the battle, looking for any way to turn this in your favor more than in simple numbers.

"Can you tell which ones aren't being focused on by our footmen?" You looked back in time to see them nod. "Then bring them down first. Take every shot you can, and whittle down their numbers."

"We'll do our best, miss. What do you intend to do?"

"I'll let the Almighty guide me, as always." The lack of confusion in the woman's eyes gave you the impression that she was among those who had been at the Bulwark with you. With a nod and a salute, the rifles moved to their task, and you were left to yours. Drawing your sword, your hands now hidden in plated leather, you ran to join the battle.

Behind you, the crack of rifle fire was followed by the sight of blasted water before you, the elementals recoiling as they were struck. One saw you, and prepared to swing a fist that, despite being liquid, could surely strike with the force of a boulder, before it was hit by something from the side.

One of the footmen, Anos, you thought, had thrown a stone and broken its momentum. He immediately returned to the battle, and you managed to catch the creature off-balance. One strike cut off an arm, and a second split its body from its root. Both only hampered it temporarily, but it seemed to become smaller as it regrew the missing body parts. Maybe while it was in this 'plane' it had to use itself as a reservoir for its self-repairs? You put the thought aside as you smashed it with the flat of your blade, scattering it and leaving a foul taste in the air.

Another glance around the battlefield told you that the elementals were disoriented, in pain, or both. They were scattered and disorganized, and they didn't seem to have any plan in mind beyond 'smash everything that moves.' Scanning the field, you found another one of them that seemed weakened, close to several others. If you understood the spell you had learned right, it could sometimes have effects beyond its main target. That seemed like an ideal opportunity.

Channeling the Light briefly, you threw your right hand forward, and you saw a golden aura gather around your target. It grew and became blinding, until it simply burst.

A blast of force nearly knocked you off of your feet, the soldiers around you crying out in shock. There was the sound of glass in your ears, and crystals knocking together in a great symphony. After what seemed an eternity, the light dimmed and the noise faded. As you looked around the field, you saw that all four of the elementals that had been in the vicinity of the blast were gone, without a trace.

Even more surprising was the grove itself. The grass was greener, and the ground seemed to have recovered from the blighting of the land, however little had risen this high.

Looking back to the combatants, the elementals were almost all disoriented and retreating, and your soldiers were cheering and shouting. You thought you heard your name among the battle cries, but you discounted it as a strange fantasy of the mind. Only one footman, who you gathered was Anos, seemed disoriented by the Light. He was rubbing his eye blearily, as though he had been blinded.

That proved a mistake as you were forced to watch an elemental twice the size of the others rise from the stream and slam a fist into his breastplate. He was sent flying, and the number of cracking noises that he gave off as he landed didn't give you much faith that he had survived.

The rifles seemed to take the new foe somewhat well, and you soon heard their guns firing again from behind some of the sparse trees. Unfortunately, there did not seem to be as much success. The footmen, for their part, were gathering into a group, shields raised to guard against the heavy blows and magical bolts of the elementals. There were only six of the small ones left, but the new, larger one presented a new problem.

What was more, you couldn't imagine why the spell had reacted as violently as it had. You hadn't seen anything like that during your practice, that was certain.

"Jeanne!" Phillipus was running over, followed by a very irritated Lucius. "We've got something!"

"We might have something, damn Tidesage bastard! Get it right and don't give wrong ideas!" Lucius sounded strained. You'd probably want to have a talk with him about profanity later, but that time wasn't now.

"And what might that be?" You surveyed the spring as you spoke, becoming increasingly frustrated as little changed.

"We can't summon anything here, but we might be able to turn what's already present! Lucius almost had control of his target before he banished it, so we might be able to turn these things against the bigger one!" It was promising, but was it practical?

"Or, you know, we could just keep doing what we're doing… Maybe hope for another blast like that last one… Damn." Lucius was looking at the spring. "That's not normal. That isn't normal at all."

"So…" Phillipus seemed Inured to whatever Lucius was theorizing. "What's the plan now?"

[] Create a battle plan for Jeanne (Write in, may include elements of other votes)

[] Focus on attacking (Specify tactic)
-[] The larger Elemental
-[] The smaller Elementals

[] Focus on healing.

[] Focus of defending.
-[] The Rifles
-[] The Tidesages

[] Direct the soldiers (Write in orders)
-[] Try to dominate the Elementals
-[] Focus on banishing the Elementals

Battle Status: High

Scarlet Crusade: 1 Jeanne, 1 Hydromancer, 3 Tidesages, 6 Rifles, 13 Footmen (3 Wounded)

Darrow Elementals: 1 Fel-touched Darrow Patriarch, 6 Fel-touched Elementals (Disoriented)
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Chapter 4.7
"That large elemental is the most important threat at the moment." You turned back to your companions. "We need to keep it distracted long enough to thin the numbers of the smaller ones."

"So keep the patriarch occupied and banish the little ones. Got it…" Lucius struggled to stand up straight, using his staff as a walking stick. "I'll work on the banishing rituals." Phillipus nodded.

"I'll have my fellows start attacking the patriarch." He glared at the towering creature. "If beating it back to the elemental plane helps to purify the spring, this will all be worth it." Nodding to you, he ran to join the other Tidesages. Looking back to the field, you found that the footmen had found some sense of unity again. They weren't quite forming a shield wall or pairing off to fight the remaining elementals, but they were working to keep the beasts off-balance and striking with some unspoken strategy in mind. It made sense that they would have contingencies to default to, given what you understood of their level of experience in combat.

"Rifles!" You were gladdened by the fact that you immediately caught their attention. "Provide some covering fire! I'll engage the large one!" You were answered by the crack of the rifles, and saw the large one riddled by small explosions of water. You ran towards it, another spell of smiting in your right hand.

However , the moment was cut short when the beast threw a piece of its own arm towards the rifles. It didn't hit them, but the impact shook the earth. The shots flew wide, and you just
knew that the remaining shots would be little more than distractions from then on. Troublesome, to be sure.

You threw the spell at the creature, trying to throw it off-balance and ease your own victory. Light flashed, but the sight was not as awe-inspiring. It visibly weakened the creature, but the effect was lesser. You couldn't understand it. Had something happened? You didn't feel fatigued at the moment beyond some tiredness from the journey…

Luckily, you were able to consider it while not being flattened into a very unpleasant stain on the ground by the elemental. How it could cause such massive craters in the ground when its entire body was only water, you could not fathom, but you did know that it would be more than inconvenient to be caught under the strikes. The sight of Anos' shattered corpse flying flashed through your mind, prompting a grimace.

The elemental was not relenting, however, and continued throwing more and more attacks towards you. By some miracle, you were not hit with any direct strikes, and the few glancing blows you received were dealt with by your new armor. You silently swore to thank Wayland profusely when you got the chance, because you had a feeling that his gift would save your life more than once.

Rolling past the patriarch's guard, you cut into its back, sending it reeling with a gurgling roar. You took the opportunioty to observe the situation on the battlefield.

The Tidesages had taken positions on a nearby rise (for a given value of rise in this fairly level area) and were channeling their magics into a whirlwind. The twisting pillar of dust and steam seemed to send out bolts of air towards the smaller elementals, causing further damage.

The riflemen were scattered, and the occasional ranged attack by one of the elementals prevented them from aiming effectively. The footmen on the other hand, had a completely separate problem. They were doing well in destroying the elementals, but they were divided enough that the creatures could easily strike back. You saw at least two with serious wounds, and three new bodies lying motionless in around the field. That was a nearly a fifth of your small force gone; far above what you had expected, and more than you would normally consider a victory's losses. But you could not immediately see Lucius.

Eventually, you saw why as the patriarch struggled to achieve equilibrium again. He was standing in the waters of the stream, surrounded by a runic circle. His words were carried away by some wind you had not seen, and which did not come from the tornado created by the sea-priests. Looking back at your massive opponent, you saw smaller versions of the same runes forming around its wrists. The banishing ritual seemed to be well underway. Just a little longer…

You swung again, the patriarch becoming increasingly enraged as it became harder for it to strike back. Glancing back to the rest of the battle, you saw that it was increasingly turning in your favor. The elementals were all banished or about to be so, and the footmen were rising into the confidence that came with the sense that this was the battle's last stretch. The strings of green flame ringing the patriarch burned brighter, and its eyes burned even more so. It lashed out, failing to strike you even as it tried to exact some vague revenge upon you. It seemed to only notice you now.

All the better for keeping the rest of your party alive.

The footmen tore into the creature, not doing much damage, but weakening it by virtue of sheer numbers. The Tidesages were contributing to the banishment now, and the runes around its wrists grew ever brighter. Finally, it simply stood there, using its fists to hold itself up. The green fire faded, and its eyes shifted to a bright white rather than the sickly emerald they had been. It looked you up and down, seemingly taking in the one that it had been so focused on.

It nodded to you, and then collapsed into water again, the liquid soaking back into the earth.

"That should do it." Phillipus nodded appreciatively. "With a few days, the spring will cleanse itself, and we shouldn't have to worry again." He grinned as Lucius came to the group, panting and using his staff as a crutch.

"Are you alright?" He looked unusually pale. He simply pointed at you.

"For future reference…" He gasped, pulling more air into his lungs. "Learn resurrection, because one more time casting that and I might have died of exhaustion." Your frown was replaced by a look of confusion when Phillipus hit him on the head with his own staff. "Agh!" Glaring at the sea-priest, Lucius wandered off. "Just like mother always said: Tidesages
are overrated."

"I heard that!" Phillipus shouted indignantly.

"I know!" Lucius shouted back.

The walk back to the village was filled with similar moments of lesser severity. It seemed that the little spats helped the soldiers work through the stress. No doubt carrying four corpses back made such brevity more necessary to avoid breakdown. You simply walked in silence, trying to understand just what had happened. The patriarch had changed. It had acted at first like a wild animal, but it was far more coherent in those last few seconds, after the fire - you assumed it was a sign of the 'fel' Lucius had described - disappeared. Had it been cleansed by the strain of the battle, or had it been released from some other influence?

You couldn't be sure, and it unsettled you.

Eventually, you found yourself in the village again, and left the party. You weren't going to intrude on the grief that some would no doubt feel for the dead. Instead, you returned to your cell in the Abbey, offering prayers of thanks for the victory, and more for the safe passage of the dead into the next life. When you turned back to your physical surroundings, you noticed a small package on your bed.

It was a square box, wrapped in brown paper. A note attached had your name written on it, in a hand that could only be described as sharp. Where others might have put curves, the writer had used angles, and there was no consistent width of the lines. Caution was not on your mind, so you began to unwrap it as you read the note.

Dear Jeannie.

I'm terribly sorry about that fiasco that took over when you came to visit. I admit it was not part of the evening's plans, and the poor dears had some stomach problems afterwards.

As a little token of my apologies, I sent this. I hear that you might be able to make special use of it!

Oh, and if that dreadful young man with the long hair comes calling again, just use it to give him a black eye for me, wouldn't you?

Yours Always,

You blinked. You gaped. You blinked again.

Was that name waht you thought it was? What in God's name was the note talking about 'dreadful young man?'

Wait. If the sender was who you expected it to be, it wouldn't make sense to you anyway. You looked at the item itself, putting the note aside. Immediately, you stared again.

The item was a glass phial, simply made and stopped with cork and wax. But inside was golden light. No, not just light, but
Light. It had the same warm feeling as that which filled you when you channeled your new power, but it was in a bottle! How…

No. Nope. Too tired, and it seemed that your Light use had caused some fatigue on the side. Confusion could be dealt with tomorrow. You had spent the entire day walking or fighting, and you felt that resting was necessary. Putting thoughts of bottled Light and strange notes aside, you offered prayers, removed your armor, and climbed back into bed, and the warm embrace of sleep.

"Jeanne! Jeanne!"

You didn't want to answer. It wasn't possible that you had gone through the whole night yet. But propriety and a strnage sense that your current assumptions were unfounded led you to open one eye.

This wasn't your cell. It was a log cabin, lit by a stone fireplace. Outside of glass windows, a snowstorm raged. In one corner sat a spinning wheel, and a door led to another room. The voice had come from… Margaret.

This was your mindscape?


"Oh! I was going to explain that later… Uh…" She tapped her fingers together. "So you know how we were trying to hold back that outside force that broke in and spoke to you a while back? Well, we decided to put up some more potent wards and defenses, but the mindscape had to reflect that. So we made this! It's a lot bigger than one room, but we could only go so big before we had problems with weaknesses." That made some sense, you supposed. As you sat up, you felt refreshed, as though the day had never happened. Ah, the joys of dreaming…

"So the storm is a manifestation of the outsiders?" Looking out the window, you thought that you saw another light in the distance, as though from another fire…

"Seems like it. Michael and Catherine were the ones who did most of the work. I was too busy keeping watch in case it came back."

"And where are they?" You had to admit, talking to the Saints would probably help in general. They were familiar, and you didn't have as many people you could be wholly candid with in Lordaeron as you had in France. The thought just made you frown again as memories of your most loyal allies came back, Gilles especially. You were left to wonder whatever had happened after your burning. You had put off thinking about it. The thought that your efforts may have been in vain was too painful.

"They're checking for cracks in the far rooms. Come on, I'll show you!" As she ran off through the door, you were struck by just how innocent she seemed for one who had been martyred. You supposed it was her way of dealing with everything. She had been young, so she took the chance to act it.

Shaking your head, you followed her, and the night was spent simply talking with those you considered confidants.

When you woke, you felt as though this was the start of something better.

How do you plan to spend the new day? (Choose Two)

[] Train
-[] Exemplar
-[] Templar

[] Study
-[] The Light
-[] History

[] Talk with...
-[] Write in (Thornby, Phillipus, Morlune, Alizabeth, Tobias...)

[] Familiarize yourself with the town's people more.

[] Inquire about how you might join the Crusade.

End of Chapter Three

Faction Status Change: Scarlet Crusade: Friendly, Minor Heroine

Faction Status Change: ???: Opportunity

Gained: BOTTLED LIGHT: Can use to unleash pure Light into the area when opened. Charges: 4, or 2 Large Charges, or 1 Massive Charge

I'm sorry this took so long everyone. But I have found my groove again, and will hopefully be back on schedule!​
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Pre-Chapter Vote #4

[] Stormfathom, Exiled from the Light of Lights

[] Nightmares

[] In His Highness' Service

[] Fire and Fury

[] Strangers in a Strange Land

[] Nightmares


[] Magister Sunheart's Annotated Guide to Azeroth, Chapter 5: Adventuring

[] [REDACTED]'s Profile of Leaders for Regent Fordragon, ca 25 ADP

[] [REDACTED]'s Report on an Unusual Development

Strange, Silly and Weirdness:

[] The Adventures of Lieutenant Alverold and Crew: Too Quiet for Quillboars


[] None