The Magical Adventures of a Demigod

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Your life is strange to start your a wizard. Born in New York and partly raised there. Went to a...


Kell of Kells, godking of Planet X
Daedalus crater, The moon
Your life is strange to start your a wizard. Born in New York and partly raised there. Went to a British wizard school. And going to work in Japan. The only reason you heading to Japan is because each new witch or wizard gets a radomly assigned
Job. Yours just happens to be lame. your friend jack got a job in Nevada as an archaeologist. Your friend Tia got fortune teller in the Caribbean. And what do you get english teacher. Japan's pretty cool thou.
But back to how your weird the weirdest thing about you is your family. Even compared to other magical families yours is one of the strangest, that's not even counting the part of your family you get your last name from , what makes you pretty weird compared to most other magical folk is your (mother/father) is a (god/goddess).
Your (mother/father) is

Possible moms

[]The Morrigan. The Morrigan is a Celtic goddess of war, death and sovereignty and is often associated with the Banshees (Ghostly spirits known for their blood-curdling scream) and witches. The Morrigan, or full title of The Morrigan of the Wilds, is also known as the Dark Lady and the Phantom Queen for her reputation as a cruel and sadistic mistress as well as her connection to the underworld. Of course in this story, The Morrigan is a terrifying being. but to her son she is a caring mother despite the fact that she isn't the warmest person.

[] Freyja. Feyja is the Norse goddess of love, beauty and war. Freyja is the the most beautiful woman in Norse mythology whose often associated with the Valkyries (Angelic female warriors that were to take the honorable dead to Valhalla) and aurora borealis, or the Northern Lights. Freyja is also among the most powerful being the daughter of Odin and sister to Thor. While powerful, Freyja does have a reputation of being 'promiscuous' do to also being the goddess of sexuality. In this story, Freyja is a doting mother but her more...sexual nature has alienated you lightly.

[]Nemesis. Nemesis is the Greek goddess of revenge. Nemesis is among the most feared god in Greek mythology, even the very powerful gods such as Zeus feared her wrath, and is known to punish those who wronged other greatly but for also being the primary force of Justice and maintaining balance in the universe. Nemesis is the daughter of Nyx, the Goddess of Night, and sister to many powerful gods and goddess including Hecate. In this story, Nemesis is a loving mother to you but do to her nature, she is often gone leaving you with a few memories of her.

[] Hecate. Hecate is the Greek goddess of magic, spirits and necromancy. Hecate is one of the most powerful but secretive of the gods. Hecate is associated with witches, even called the Queen of Witches, and mists. Her power, while often overshadowed by his sibling Nemesis, it is nothing to scoff at as her dark ways include reading the future and laying cruses on those who cross her. In this story, Hecate does care for her son. but her aloof nature is hard for you to reach out to her.

5) Awilix. Awilix is the Mayan goddess of the moon. Aside from the moon, Awilix is often associated the underworld, eagles and jaguars and hunters. Awilix's beauty is compared to the moon itself but her ferocity made her feared as both a warrior and a huntress by both humans and other gods. In this story, Awilix is a tough person driving and training you to your fullest limit.

[]Ninkasi is the ancient Sumerian tutelary goddess of beer.Her father was the King of Uruk, and her mother was the high priestess of the temple of Ishtar, or the goddess of procreation.She is also one of the eight children created in order to heal one of the eight wounds that Enki receives. Furthermore, she is the goddess of alcohol. She was also borne of "sparkling fresh water." She is the goddess made to "satisfy the desire" and "sate the heart."

[] write in

Possible dads

[] Loki. Loki is the Norse god of lies, chaos mischief. Despite how Loki is depicted in the Marvel movies, Loki is actually a far more dangerous, unpredictable and methodical being, in some cases even terrifying. His jokes and tricks range from minor annoyance to downright horrific and murderous, one even resulted in the brutal murder of another good. Despite being a frost giant, or Joten, Loki is associated with fire due to it's destructive and unpredictable nature. In this story, Loki is a absent father leaving you mostly in the care of your more monstrous siblings, Hel and Jormungand.

[]Camazotz. Camazotz is the Mayan(Quiché) god of death, bats, vampires and human sacrifice. Camazotz has been called the 'Death Bat' for his bat-like appearance and the fact that he feeds off of blood and is most favorite means of sacrifice was through blood-letting and tearing the heart out of the body. Camazotz is also known as the guardian of the underworld and is known to take sadistic joy in that. In this story, Camazotz is proud of the young man You have become but he is annoyed by your good nature

[]Palaemon is the greek god of sharks and harbors.He was originally a mortal child named Melikertes (Melicertes) whose parents incurred the the wrath of Hera when they fostered the young god Dionysos. His father was driven into a murderous rage by Hera. Ino fled with Melikertes in her arms, after he had killed their other child, and fleeing leapt off the cliffs into the sea. There the pair were transformed into sea-gods and received the names Palaimon and Leukothea they helped sailors in distress. His name also means Wrestler.

[]write in

Name:Lokk Eson
Appearance:this guy
Abilities: Magical
  • cold resistant
  • fire control(weak)
  • animal reaction:snakes(positive)
  • animal reaction:wolfs(negative)
  • underworld senses-ghosts can not hide from you
  • familiar

Abilities: other
  • book:animal care for dummies
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[X] Mother
[X] Eris.

Eris is the Greek goddess of chaos, strife and discord. She was often represented specifically as the daimon of the strife of war, who haunted the battlefield and delighted in human bloodshed. Because of Eris' disagreeable nature she was the only goddess not to be invited to the wedding of Peleus and Thetis. When she turned up anyway, she was refused admittance and, in a rage, threw a golden apple amongst the goddesses inscribed "To the fairest." Three goddesses laid claim it, and in their rivalry brought about the events which led to the Trojan War.
To be fair if there is a pair of the possible father/mother options you like you can pick both
[X]Palaemon is the greek god of sharks and harbors.He was originally a mortal child named Melikertes (Melicertes) whose parents incurred the the wrath of Hera when they fostered the young god Dionysos. His father was driven into a murderous rage by Hera. Ino fled with Melikertes in her arms, after he had killed their other child, and fleeing leapt off the cliffs into the sea. There the pair were transformed into sea-gods and received the names Palaimon and Leukothea they helped sailors in distress. His name also means Wrestler.
[X] Tartarus
Tartarus (/ˈtɑrtərəs/, tar-tə-rəs; Greek: Τάρταρος Tartaros),[1] in ancient Greek mythology, is the deep abyss that is used as a dungeon of torment and suffering for the wicked and as the prison for the Titans.[2] As far below Hades as the earth is below the heavens,[2] Tartarus is the place where, according to Plato in Gorgias (c. 400 BC),souls were judged after death and where the wicked received divine punishment. Like other primal entities (such as the Earth, Night and Time), Tartarus was also considered to be a primordial force or deity
