The Mage King (DnD Forgotten Realms ToT SI)

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Trying to survive in a world filled with undead, doomsday cultists, demoniacal invasions from three different types of hells, evil dragons, eldritch abominations, etc. Is one thing, the other is to survive knowing that everything is about to become infinitely worse by the fact that all the gods are about to have a smackdown.

And worse of all, I am now a king which means I will have to somehow guide my kingdom through the coming storm, just my luck.
Chapter 1
"It is done," I say while huffing, the fight had been hard even for me, who as Wizard kept further back well at least initially, the Tyrant of Hithlade had been a formidable enemy for all, the sorcerous pact he made allowing him to have great power at the cost of both his soul and his humanity.

I look around the room and pain appears in my heart as I look across the tragedy that took place in the Tyrant's throne room, piles of bodies belonging to both rebels and loyalists littered the room, even if I knew the deaths of both were ultimately unavoidable it wasn't an excuse to deny their existence in my mind.

It wasn't guilt that had been beaten out of me in the first few days since I entered Toril. But rather it was the grim reminder about the cost of war, even if it had a truly rightful one. After all, if the people had not risen against the Tyrant, the Abyss would have overturned the land.

There were signs all over his palace that he was attempting to summon his masters to the Material Plane. The event would have been catastrophic in its scope and hundreds of thousands if not more would have died before the passage between the two realms could have been sealed.

But even if I knew that I couldn't help but remember his last words before I struck him down.

I only wanted to learn.

He had been the same as me.

I too wanted to learn, even if part of it was because I wanted to guarantee my survival in this new world, I found myself in, there was also the genuine wonder that being a wizard brought me. Like come on, it is magic! Even if I have to bury my read in magical books and theories to develop my spells properly, it is worth it.

But the Mad King had gone too far in his lust for power. He is a cautious tale now, to both myself and all, and would be practitioners of the Art and other magical portents.

"Athard... what do we do now?" A rebel soldier asked. His name was Henry, a good man. He had been amongst the ones that had helped me deal with my new situation.

Henry was a young man, in his best years he was wearing a steel plate armor that had been enchanted by a fellow Wizard, it would have been considered a luxury good, and it is as only the most elite of the rebel soldiers have access to such equipment. He had blonde hair and blue eyes, and the build of someone that had to deal with all the insanity of Faerûn and had neither the influence nor the money to hire trained people that could deal with it. His weapon was a gleaming Greatsword that a Cleric of Tyr had blessed, which had been done after the large quantities of undead appeared.

"Now... now we gather our dead" I answered him before turning back and walking out of the ruined throne room that housed the body of Alexander Lochos, the last member of the Royal Family of The Kingdom of Hithlade, the Kingdom that I have come to call my home, Henry and others following me like silent shadows.

As I walk, I do something that I would surely regret; I think about what to do from now on. When I first arrived, I was desperate; I had been taken from my home and thrust into an unfamiliar land filled with dangers. Even if I had the potential to become something great, I didn't want to die, and that was perfectly human for me.

Many helped me in those dark times, and it was there that I saw the kindness of the people of Toril or at least the kindness of the people of Hithlade, they sheltered explained things even gave me enough money to head towards the city of Carybog where I had decided to try my luck. That it had thick walls and a skilled guard force definitely influenced my decision.

It had taken me little time to get there, especially since I went in a carriage and not walking. I arrived in the city after a few days. It was also there that I had begun my studies as a practitioner of the Art; it had not been easy, not because I was being deliberately sabotaged by my peers and teachers, but because Magic itself was hard to comprehend and needed a lot of study and practice before you could actually cast a spell.

It was frustrating, but it had been worth it and soon I was considered a disciplined—if low-ranked—Wizard, different from many of my peers I did not go to join some adventure party in search of riches and glory, no after I finished my studies I applied to the military as part of its Arcane Battalions. The pay was good, and it offered the opportunity for me to learn more about the Art as the expenses my studies would bring would be covered by the government as long as they were within reason and brought fortune for the Kingdom.

I thought that would have been it, that I would live a peaceful life as a member of the military in a nice job that didn't need me after all, Hithlade enjoyed good relations with most of its neighbors that had been fostered for centuries, its economy was thriving, its people happy, and its military and political landscape were both strong and united.

So, of course, that was exactly the moment everything went to shit.

'I just wanted to live comfortably. Was that too much?' I think as I look up, there is a part of me that hopes that some deity will come down and answer all of my questions, the part of me that is more realistic and cynical crushes it.

After all, I am not the only one that has existential issues, nor is the Kingdom of Hithlade the only one that suffers against threats, both internal and external. If one thinks they are the center of the world, then they are fools, simple as that, across the millions that live across Faerûn, only a few can attract the undivided attention of the Gods. And even then, that is not always a good thing.

I mentally sight before I continued walking, my staff helping support my tired body. The only thing I wanted right now was to find a bed and sleep for a week straight like everything I experienced was just a terrible hangover and not a fight against Mad King and his demonic cult that wanted to bring about the apocalypse.

I chuckled. Now that I think about it, apocalyptical scenarios were very common in all of Toril to where it was just sad, which means wars like this one would be something that I must grow accustomed to.

"My Lord wait!"

The shout caused me to turn back, to see a running soldier. My guards tensed, but they do not draw their swords as the soldier caught up to us.

"I am not a Lord lad," I say to him, which was true I did not have any type of noble title or blood. Not that it had stopped anyone from using that title on me.

"F-forgive me, it is just the war council wanting to see you," the lad explained, and I couldn't help but frown.

The war council that he spoke about had been an invention of mine to keep order across the Rebellion by chosen advisors based on merit and personal skill. With their help, I had kept the Rebellion afloat against all odds and clashing agendas. A veritable miracle.

But that they had converged this quickly was worrying, I knew that a few of them were in the battle for the Capital, but I didn't know that they had already arrived in the Castle proper I had thought that they were helping quell the last bits of resistance in the city. The situation looked fishy to me, but I still nodded to the lad and asked him to guide me to them.

The location was the same throne room I had just left. Wonderful. It seemed they had taken an alternate path to the throne room, as I had not seen or heard them.

The situation around the room was tense as I walked in with my guards, and all because of the corpse I had left to rot, the soldiers and even my advisors looked at the corpse of the Mad King like they were expecting him to rise and attack them.

Which admittedly had chances of actually happening, even if they were low. I was pretty sure that he was being super tortured right about now by his master for the act of failure. There was no pity in my heart for him.

"What is the matter?" I ask, a bit annoyed about the fact that I had been forced to walk back to the place I had just left.

"Athard it is good to see you," Vyncent Geoffrey, my military advisor, said to me with a nod. He was an old human, a grizzled veteran of a past war against one of the neighboring kingdoms that happened because of a diplomatic mishap, though I did not know the nature of said mishap, nor did the general public.

"Indeed," Rancis Ealthert, a fellow wizard, agreed. He had been part of an Elite Arcane Battalion and, like Vyncent, he was also a veteran of the past war that had been fought in the past decades. His age betrayed his experience. I knew for a fact that he knew more about the Art than me, in both experience and the number of spells available to him.

The other members of the War Council were also there.

Jamart Irelel, a half-elf of apparently Noble descendants if you believed the things that came out of his mouth, had been the one that had kept the supplies of the Rebellion in order, the reason that the troops had food, water, weapons, shields, and armor was because of him. I had noticed his talent and had taken little to convince him to join the council. He knew what was at stake after all, and had done everything he could to keep the Rebellion afloat in terms of both equipment and alimentation.

Finally, there was Lina Evett, a Drow woman that I was fortunate enough to meet, she was an excellent spy, and was the reason I had gained so much information on the loyalist forces to the Mad King, which had allowed me to deal with critical blows to his forces by careful positioning of various battle groups. She was among the first to be recruited into the council. I had saved her from a caravan by loyalist forces and she followed me around so she could repay her debt or something like that.

"There is something we must discuss," Jamart said, while trying to ignore the blood and corpses all around him there were being taken out of the Throne Room. "And that involves the throne."

"I see," I said while nodding my head. I knew what they were getting at. With the Mad King dead, there would have to be a new ruler, but the problem was that all of his children were dead.

The Mad King had four children, two died young thanks to a disease they had caught which neither common healers nor arcane or divine magic could cure, one died in a bandit ambush, and the last one died alongside his mother after a difficult birth after taking his first breath.

The King had refused to remarry and so who would be the next ruler of the kingdom had been left uncertain as the King had no children, but he did have a relative, that one being a distant cousin which had been bargained off to a neighboring king to prevent a war from breaking out between Locos and one of its chief allies which had grown to become discontent with it.

"I assume that none of the blood of Locos will sit on the throne?" I asked them.

"Yes," Jamart answered. "After this war, both nobles and commoners will never accept someone related to him."

Wow, he actually spat on the burned corpse.

"So, who will then? One of the nobles?" That would be the next step now, wouldn't it? Even if their overall power had been broken, the Aristocracy still had a presence in the kingdom.

"Absolutely not. If we did that there would be another revolt, the actions caused by the loyalists have tainted the perception of the common folk to the idea of a noble," Vyncent explained, and that made sense.

"Then who?"

"You, of course," Lina said, causing me to look at her in shock, before turning my gaze to the other councilors, who didn't look angry at Lina's proposal, so this was the exact reason they had called me here.

"Why me?" I couldn't help but ask. This... this was something big and could have many consequences down the line for both myself and the entire Kingdom.

"Many reasons. For one, you are popular in both noble and commoner circles," Vyncent started.

That confused me a bit. I could see myself becoming famous among the common folk, but the nobles? That one was a bit hard to believe in. Most of them looked like they were going to be sick by just speaking to me as their superior.

"The remains of the Magical Academy also respect you, as I can attest, besides it is very likely that we would have ceased to exist in some capacity had you not attempted to keep as many of our numbers alive," Rancis continued, and he had a point the Magical Academy and its branches across the Kingdom had been among the main targets of the Mad King given their considerable power.

I remember hearing how many of my fellow Wizards had been slain in the initial attack. Some even turned sides to the Mad King to keep their lives. Much was lost, and not only in knowledge, the seniors that had been the first among equals were all slaughtered, though I heard they went out in a spectacular way.

But all was not lost, sure the main library that kept the bulk of the knowledge gathered by the Academy had been destroyed but the different branches kept much of the knowledge through copies of books, even if there were not as extensive as the ones in the Capital, they offered the capacity to reclaim the lost wisdom and teachings given enough time.

I guess that, alongside keeping many of my fellow Wizards alive through the initial outbreak, had been the reason I was held in high esteem among them.

"You also kept the economy somewhat stable ─ with my help of course ─ to where we will only need a few years to get everything back on track instead of decades, and that is impressive" Jamart said, and he was wrong it wasn't impressive, it was a miracle.

By all rights the Kingdom should have fallen, its dominion was vast sure, encompassing most of the Winding Water and close to the Trollclaws, it had access to both wood, stone, and minerals, but the war had taken its toll and the economy had nearly sunk multiple times. It had been just too quick thinking and action that they stayed afloat long enough for the conflict to end.

"Which has granted you an enormous amount of support in all circles. Remember Athard it was thanks to you that we managed to win. You were the one that led us," Lena said following the lead of her fellow councilors.

'I knew I shouldn't have become the rebel leader' I grumbled in my mind, because as much as it pained me to admit it their logic was sound. 'In fact, how did I become a rebel leader?! That is the work of Paladins or Fighters, fuck even a Barbarian would have worked.'

But I couldn't simply run away... wait no I definitely could, but a flaw of mine is that when the consequences of my actions rear their ugly heads, I face them head-on, and this was one then, even if I never expected to become King.

"If we are doing this," I started. "May I ask why exactly all of you proposed this to me with corpses all around?"

"Propaganda, of course," Jamart said with a tiny smirk that caused me to sigh. I could see the angle he was aiming for, the rebel leader claiming the crown after defeating the Tyrant King in this chamber.

It would make for a pleasant tale, but...

"Are there really no other candidates?" I ask while holding back a sigh.

"No" All of my counselors answer me, and I resign myself.

It seemed like that comfortable life that I had wanted to have. Had once again slipped through my fingers. Personally, I blame whatever entity sent me here, especially since it sent me only a few years before the shitstorm known as the Time of Troubles.


This will be crossposted in both SB and SV and is among the stories that I am trying to work out to reignite my passion for writing things.
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Oh shit…the time of troubles is hell that's almost as worthy the dnd campaign I played a bit ago.

I do not envy your SI my good sir!
That sucks, he's not to have the time to memorize his spells or research new magics. Unless he uses a Simulacrum, I guess. But even then, king-ing could take up twice the wizard-hours.
I love how this story jumps right into it, rather then spend a hundred chapters and years covering the SI's childhood. Massive pet peeve that is.
Chapter 2
The first meeting of the council after the death of the Mad King was not made in some grand room filled with luxury and splendor like I am sure some Bards in the future would claim, no it was made in the castle's main courtyard, with a large table and simple wooden chairs put in place alongside beverages and a large number of papers that held information gathered from all across the Kingdom.

I didn't want something luxurious cause honestly, I didn't see the need for that for a gathering while certainly important did not necessarily need that level of wealth, that could be used elsewhere. And all my counselors agreed with me.

The elite guards have been stationed all around the courtyard to protect us from potential enemy attacks and stop any person that was not invited to the gathering. And those were only the visible defenses, I had asked for magical protections to be put around us, such as defenses against divination, or enemy long-range magical attacks, and of course, a 'bubble' that would keep any and all talks between us, with outsiders being able to hear nothing that we could possibly talk.

I planned to install the same measures in the official council chamber once it was properly refurbished by the newly hired servants and workers (as well as the clerics that checked and cleansed the room from any Abyssal corruption) that were working on the entire castle, it would take weeks for it to return to its previous splendor but I am a patient man, and I could wait a few weeks. Especially since they had already finished the bedroom.

Sitting upon my chair and looking at my counselors, I couldn't help but feel like the invisible weight that threatened to crush me had just grown heavier, I had yet to have a crown in my head and already I was feeling its consequences.

'I am totally going to regret this,' I think. 'Wait no, I already regret this'

It takes everything in my power not to let out a sigh, as I use my training to calm myself, something that had been beaten into me by my instructors, their words being that a practitioner of the Art should never allow his, or hers, emotions to control them, as that would make them lose their concentration very fast.

I was very thankful for that, especially as it allowed me to achieve calm in stressful situations.

"First, let us begin with the status of both our general economy and resource gathering across the Kingdom," I said, beginning with the first and most important part of the meeting, that being keeping the Kingdom's economy afloat and not descending into bankruptcy.

"The treasury is not great, but it is also not in a bad shape, especially since we confiscated anything deemed valuable by the late King and his loyalists which has granted us quite a bit of wealth, coupled with the fact that much of the Kingdoms works are still somewhat operable means that it will take, approximately, 7 years in total for the Kingdom to fully recover naturally" Jamart explained.

"Are there any problems in the Hithlade's works? Farms and such?" I asked him.

"Our grain production certainly has taken a hit; our current stocks would be enough to feed the populous as it is but I recommend sending funds to rebuild the farm communities. Our mining operations have also suffered, with many of our mines having been buried under tons of rock that will be needed to be taken out before extraction can begin again, but since we managed to keep Bridda in our control we won't have to need to worry but I recommend investing in recuperating the lost mines." Jamart answered.

Bridda, located in the Northeastern part of Hithlade, was known as the City of Steel, as it was the beating heart of the Kingdom's industry, housing immense mining complexes, and entire districts worth of metal workers that lived and died to shape not only metal but also a wood into various items, for that reason it was also known as the City of The Craftsmen.

As an important part of the Kingdom, fighting had been fierce with control of the city nearly lost to loyalist forces at the beginning of the war, as the greedy governor had wanted to throw his lot with King before he was forcibly taken out of his office by the enraged city residents, and a new one installed. Bridda had remained relatively intact and so had managed to keep supplying rebel forces with their general equipment through the war.

"Can we send funds without extending the time needed for the Kingdom to recover?"

Jamart put his finger on his chin. "If we send the right amount of funds and the operations are a success then yes, in fact, this will likely reduce the time needed for the Kingdom to recover on its own as more of its works are repaired"

I nodded. "Very well then, start preparing funds to be sent to both farming and mining communities. Start with those that will take less time to return to what they once were before the war"

"Yes, your majesty"

I held back saying to him that I was not a King. Yet. But I guess it is semi-official already and that word is traveling quickly across the capital, even if there has been no official ceremony. Again yet.

"Good, now how goes dealing the last pockets of resistance?" I ask Vyncent who I had appointed as Royal Marshal, the one that was in charge of the Kingdom's overall military at least in theory, he had the power to lead the King's personal army, as well as manage it, but the troops of the King's vassals while technically falling in his purview was not a practical advocate of power, egos of nobles and all that.

"It goes well, the North, West, and South have already completely fallen under our control and the last resistance of the East is falling as we speak and I am sure that we shall receive news in the upcoming days how the campaign went," Vyncent said. "I must give my thanks to the conscript Arcane Battalions provided by the Academy, they had proven invaluable in the sieges of the Eastern Provinces"

"We only did our duty," Rancis said, which brought another topic to my mind.

Technically speaking the Academy of Magic of Hithlade, was not a military institution, but it was expected of them to join any war waged by the Kingdom if called, which led to the concept of Conscript Arcane Battalions, mages taken straight out of the comfort of the Academy and sent to the battlefield. But while in theory having more Arcane Battalions would be a good thing, they were still conscripts and so lacked the military discipline instilled in proper War Mages.

They made it up in terms of firepower and support provided by their spells, especially in more older and experienced Wizards which lacked the younger members' trait of being reckless and having field experience against at least some types of enemies.

Many of the surviving Wizards that I had managed to amass in the Rebellion had been conscripted, more through necessity rather than anything else, as the advantage they provided could not be denied against the enemy forces.

"What about our overall military?" I asked him.

"It is good, your majesty, we have many veterans and while our numbers are not as quite high as I would have liked, we have plenty of volunteers ready to enter the army" Vyncent explained, looking a bit proud as he spoke. "While we are not as great and mighty as we once were we could reach that past height in little time if you deem it necessary your majesty"

I nod at him, while a good military is something that I would particularly like, management of funds is something that I must keep careful control of, a slip could send the whole kingdom into bankruptcy.

Especially since Hithlade's armies are professionally trained and disciplined and not peasant mobs raised to war like some petty feudal lords and kings of Faerûn, granting an edge in terms of the general quality of both skill and equipment. But that also means that they receive an income of about 2 Silver Coins per month or 300 Copper Coins in total, granting them more than enough to live their lives.

"Have some details written on how to better our army," I order him. "Thought we will discuss their application only after the realm can afford it"

"Yes, your majesty"

"Good, now how goes the neighboring Kingdoms?" I asked Lena, my resident spymaster.

"Thanks to the war being close to ending, the merchants of the neighboring Kingdoms have begun to trade with us once again, with them come the rumors," Lila said. "Rumors that say that several petty kings are preparing their armies to invade us, thinking that after the war we would not be able to defend ourselves"

"How many?" I asked her, those were alarming news, Hithlade could not suffer another war, not now.

"The minor Kingdoms of Falonde, Tiressea, Negritharg, and Tirone"

"With their combined numbers they can raise a total of 15,000 men alongside any other forces they can either pay or recruit," Vyncent said. "I can send some battalions to protect our borders if they attack, numbering 20,000 in total, though I can order for more if necessary"

"Do that and order our more elite Arcane Battalions to join them, they do not have good War Mages but I rather wouldn't take my chances against them" I order Vyncent before turning my gaze to Runcis. "Lord Runcis, I would ask you to use scrying spells to spy on them"

"As you wish your majesty," The two of them said.

"Lady Lena, work on extending your spy network to the neighboring kingdoms, especially those that are hostile to us"

"Yes, your majesty"

"Is there anything else that we must speak about?" I ask them, hoping beyond hope that there is nothing.

"Ah, yes, your majesty, there is the matter of your coronation," Runcis said. "We wish to discuss some important aspects of it if you wish of course"

"It is fine Lord Runcis; I have time to spare," I said while sighing internally.


Entering my room, Henry and my guards standing outside, I fall into the bed and sigh in contentment at its softness. It really was a far cry from the bunker beds or rolls that I used when I was an active participant in the war, especially the first which only appeared if we were lucky enough to rest in a tavern or some house and keep that we managed to take.

'Well, well, well, look who decided to show up'

The oily voice causes me to give out a groan, as I turn to see a bat hanging above me on the chandelier. But it was no ordinary bat, but rather my familiar.

'If you want food go raid the kitchen' I say through our bond.

'I don't want food; I want to see if you are alright'

His question caused me to look directly at him while sitting in the bed. 'I am-'

'No, you are not, magical bond remember I can feel your stress, and honestly, it is ruining my day,' His words cause me to chuckle a little.

But he was right, after the rebellion started, I was getting more and more stressed which wasn't healthy for anyone, wizard or not.

'What do wish for me to do? I can't just leave not after this, they thrust me to lead them to a better tomorrow' I explain, both to him and me as I get up and start pacing around the door.

'Even if that leads to war against the Harpers and their allies both mortal and immortal?'

I stop and think. 'It will not come that'

'It will and you know why, you are not capable of keeping all those ideas in your head, you are going to encourage advancement in the kingdom, and that is going to bring the Harpers against you' He says with a scoff, bringing the main reason I never tried to invent or encourage something that would have started a rush of technological advancement.

The Harpers were dangerous for a reason, their network of information was honestly impressive and their actions against the amoral gods and their followers were worthy of respect, but the fact that they were enforcing the status quo was just unjust. There was so much the people of Toril could learn and achieve, especially with the help of magic, which could possibly negate all the harmful effects of a possible industrial revolution given time, but no they rather choose to spend time trying to replicate a civilization that was destroyed centuries ago not caring of the fact that Toril would move on without it.

'They are a dumb organization with an even more idiotic ideology, like seriously what if a hostile advanced space age civilization finds us, they are going to utterly destroy us and not even try!' I mentally say.

'There you go being paranoid again' He says with a resigned tone.

'It is not paranoia if they were really out to get you,' I say back to my familiar. 'Anyway, we won't have to worry about many things in about... three years if my sense of time is right'

'It is, also we are really going with this?'

'Are you seriously questioning my morality right now?'

'Not really, frankly I couldn't care less and the idea of what will happen afterward sounds way too good for me' He says back to me before flying to my shoulder. 'But there are going to be consequences, many in fact'

'I know,' I say to him, with a grim face. 'But if both me and you alongside this entire kingdom going to survive then we will need to do this'

'Oh well, I wish you good luck Athard, I am going to sleep now goodbye'

"Goodbye Cirrus, and have a good rest" I whisper to him as he vanishes.

I once more go to my bed and find the inner strength to close my eyes, my dreams are plagued with falling stars and burning kingdoms. So, nothing changed thankfully enough.
oh boy, is this the premier of star-jammer in this fiction? because it seems like eventual magi-tech civilization will come into play.

Ao and the other over gods help you if its the ilithid remnants that decide to bring their war machines...had a campaign that had us go into one of their actual warships. Not fun.
So as I was reading I noticed that this has a feeling of Frostpunk:

Everything is shit

It will get shittier

Desperation will make you choose immoral decision's

The City Must Survive. (The Kingdom Must Survive.)
So he has a bat familiar, but there is obviously something magical about it other than being a familiar.
I admit I have a soft spot for the Forgotten Realms setting despite the valid criticisms (of the setting). I hope you continue this. The only finished FR fic worth a damn so far is that amazing Halo crossover.
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So he has a bat familiar, but there is obviously something magical about it other than being a familiar.
Let's just say that there is something... off with Cirrus.
So as I was reading I noticed that this has a feeling of Frostpunk:

Everything is shit

It will get shittier

Desperation will make you choose immoral decision's

The City Must Survive. (The Kingdom Must Survive.)
Truer words have never been spoken.
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Chapter 3
Jamart was hard at work, even more so now that he had become the Royal Steward meaning that not only, he had direct access to both the treasury and ear of the King himself (even if said King was technically not a royal ruler yet), but also records detailing all of the works of the kingdom. Farms, mines, blacksmiths, you name it, he had records of them all.

Indeed, it was a dream opportunity and many of his more ambitious comrades from his past would have been salivating at the opportunity that it brought. Jamart thinks that they, and all that think like them, are all fools. Sure, he has access to all of the kingdom's works as well as its treasury, but it brings a truly monumental amount of paperwork.

Even if he was used to it, thanks to his previous position as a simple, but very proficient, merchant, he had to admit he was starting to feel overwhelmed.

'I have to quicken the recruitment of my staff' Jamart thinks as he reads yet another parchment detailing the condition of various farms and other works of the kingdom, though he was focused more on the first for obvious reasons. 'And work a way so that local issues can be resolved in their proper regions instead of sending everything back to me'

The grand matters of each province were mainly handed by the stewards assigned to those provinces, those being the past nobles who had their own staff to handle such matters, but with the outcome of the war, all of these nobles and their men had been killed for consorting with the Mad King.

Speaking about said nobles he was particularly irritated by all the letters sent by the few remaining ones that still dotted the realm. Before the war, Jamart had little hate towards the nobles and their inflated sense of self, as a merchant he had learned to deal with the most irritating type of people in his life, particularly the ones that looked down on his Tel'Quessir heritage.

But after seeing the atrocities committed by the loyalist nobles and their armies, of which there had been many, he had found himself disgusted by their actions. Jamart didn't consider himself to be a paragon of virtue and justice like some Paladins and Clerics would say, but everyone has stands and they had crossed his.

The door to his study opened and Jamart nearly sighed as another scribe came with even more sheets of parchment for him to read, double-check, and then either accept or reject.

But at least he was close to doing what his King wanted him to. Which is good, he knew how much he depended on his efforts. Not only on the production of weapons, armor, and other equipment but also on the food side of things.

The grain deposits that they had could last for the remainder of the year, but on the next one, they were going to have problems.

'Which is why I must focus on this and finish it,' Jamart thought as he read yet another letter detailing the condition of another farming community. 'They weren't impacted that much, and the cost to make them productive again as before is not much'

Jamart gave it another analysis before placing it in the pile alongside other of the realm's works that would receive funds from the crown. Said pile had now reached a few feet in height. And there are still many more for him to read.

"Good thing, I have nothing to do tonight, this is probably going to take all day," Jamart said as he read another document, this one from the southern provinces.


Rancis Ealthert was an old man, having already lived eight long decades, and through all this time he had suffered many a failure and success, both perceived and deserved, he had faced down the undead, dragons, and even an elemental ancient that had nearly made through to the Material Plane. After facing down all of those threats he wanted one thing.


He gave goodbye to all the friends that he made in his many journeys and came back home, to become a teacher in one of the many schools of his home kingdom. He had never expected anything to happen, the army was strong, the people happy, and the arrogant nobles were content with their plots and schemes that would see them rise further into the pyramid of power of the kingdom.

Even at this moment Rancis, as he sat in his office and read the myriad of papers on his desk, didn't know what exactly had gone wrong, the Tyrant King had never shown all of the alarming tendencies that he showed when he had revealed his plans and the civil war had begun.

Rancis remembered seeing the Tyrant when he was but a tiny child, and he saw nothing but a simple child, even if he was the heir to the throne. He never could have predicted that the heir to the throne would have made a pact with the Abyss and sold his entire kingdom to the demons that lived in that hellish realm.

Even now, he doesn't understand why he did that, nor does he want to, that path only lay madness to the ones that walk on it. Throwing those thoughts out of his mind, he refocused back on the matters at hand.

The King had asked him to keep a watch on the three kingdoms that wanted to attack them. Something that in proper hindsight, was something obvious that would happen, especially since their neighbors have been wanting for some time to properly expand their borders, something they couldn't simply do

"Master, can I enter?" Aiden, one of his direct disciples, asked him.

"Yes, Aiden you can" He answered while putting down one of many papers on his desk.

Aiden, his only surviving apprentice, entered his office with a calmness that was natural to him, his elvish features not betraying any expression to anyone that saw, well except the ones that really did know him. Similar to many Elves that Rancis knew in his life Aiden had been raised by humans who had adopted him and not elves, this caused many issues for the lad, especially when he encountered arrogant Elves that looked down on the human race and thought him tainted by the fact that he was raised by the 'weak and short-lived' humans.

Aiden did not like anyone who acted like that towards his adoptive parents and that was among the reasons he did not want to know more of his people, it had been a conflict and a half to make him learn the elvish language, and he only did so because he was among the few that could talk to another elf on equal footing without them reeling their heads at the thought of speaking with someone, they considered inferior.

Well, in the majority of cases anyway, there were really Elves that can be good company. As his fellow councilor can attest.

"What happened?" Rancis said as he got up from his chair and moved towards his apprentice, who despite not looking like it, was worried, to him Aiden was an open book.

"We managed to fully scry the movements of the three kingdoms his majesty asked us to" Aiden began, and Rancis couldn't but think about what exactly were the thoughts of his student when he heard that his classmate had ascended to the throne. "They seem to have contracted mercenary companies that have many mages with them"

Rancis sighed. "That was something that we thought would happen, is there anything else?"

"Yes, there were many couriers from the kingdoms that were being sent to other neighboring nations, they were likely attempting to pull more of the other nations in this attack"

Rancis frowned, that just wouldn't do, while the Kingdom still had enough military force to protect itself a fight from multiple fronts could wither them down and reduce them even further than they are now. He was not some form of genius in the matters of war and coins, but he could see that as clean as the sun rising.

"I will say this to the King," Rancis said, and as he observed Aiden, he thought of an idea that might just work.

He knew that he was not getting any younger and the stress of his position would surely only aggravate his elderly body, which only means that he has to find a proper successor and teach him how to properly do his function.

Aiden himself was young, was amongst the most talented of his class, and from what he remembers had no conflicts with the newly crowned King when they were both attending the same class together in fact, he remembers how the two seemed to cooperate easily enough.

"Aiden, can you stay for a little longer I need to discuss something regarding the future," Rancis said, and like before he could easily see the confusion of his student even as he decided to stay and listen to him.

Rancis did not know why, but he felt like he had made the right decision.


The world was burning.

From high in the sky, I could clearly see how the aftermath of the God War was, the sky, earth, and oceans, had bled as the Gods fought for dominance and power, as they quickly realized that by slaying a fellow deity, they gained their power and domains. Many a deity become God Killers because of power but many more did so to settle a grudge.

The Seldarine and their dark counterparts are among the many, but they rank above the lesser wars between deities as their war expanded more and more be it on the surface or on the Underdark, there were many others. Bahamut and Tiamat. Selûne and Shar. And countless others who used any connection that they had to bring any ally of theirs into the ever-growing conflict between Gods.

Truly it was a Time of Troubles, especially for the mortal races. It didn't matter where they were if they were present on the main gauntlet where the Gods and their armies made battle then their chances of survival are minimal if non-existent.

When the God War the world would be permanently marred and the mortals seeing the power of their gods would fall harder into their traditions in an effort to appease them, it would take centuries for the world to properly heal and the minds of all mortals to fully recuperate from the respective traumas that they underwent during the God War.

Even then I knew that it would only go down for their here on-


I look to the side and see someone, or rather something.



I open my eyes from my horrifying dream and get up in a desperate manner as both mind and body get ready to start launching spells. Before common sense returns to me, and, well not exactly calm down who could calm down after that but stop with the casting before I destroy my room by launching spells left and right.

I breathe in and out, a basic exercise to attain calm, but it is not enough, it will never be enough because I had just gained something that I had never wanted. I had gained the attention of the resident Overgod of the Forgotten Realms, AO.

Questions and more questions appeared in my mind and all originated from a single question that terrified me more than anything else, not even the cruelest and most evil of being in the entire multiverse would make me tremble like this.

AO had noticed me, but why do so now?

There was no answer to that question, which generated even more terror in my heart.
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Thank you for the updoot!

AO noticed the MC is not from around those parts?
Wonder if AO went thru his memories and realized that the world and planes he knows is but a story/game where the SI is from.

"We managed to fully scare the movements of the three kingdoms his majesty asked us to"

Should this be 'scry' ?

AO had noticed me, but why did so now?

Think this should be 'do'.
thanks for the chapter. Not much is seen of heard of when it comes to the over god besides him tossing all the gods to the mortal plane when one of them stole something from him.
Where does the idea that the Harpers are opposed to progresss come from? My experience with them from the various novels is of a rather simple conspiracy of do-gooders who reacted to immediate threats and didn't really have a grand plan. A websearch turns up some memes about Harder luddism but nothing of the kind turns up in the wiki. It mentions that they respect Myth Dranor but nothing of them trying to sabotage other nations in order to restore an imagined pure utopia.

There is also this post from Ed Greenwood that seems to directly contradict this idea. Are the Harpers against technological advancement?
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Chapter 4
King Arabante I Profanter of the great kingdom of Falonde was looking at his so-called allies with barely hidden contempt. They were all reunited in what all of them considered to be neutral ground, and that location had been a simple tavern, nothing like something of this magnitude should have been attended, which is why he had accepted the less the spies of his enemies knew of what was happening the better.

As for his fellow kings, his forefathers had made war with them several times in the past, for territory and the resources that they would bring to their kingdom. He still remembered the tales of his forefathers and the great wars of conquest that would bring Falonde to ever greater greatness.

But then came Hithlade, from nowhere the massive kingdom had formed from a web of alliances and marriages that formed, and as much he wanted to deny it there was no way, the greatest power block in the region standing shoulder to shoulder with fellow great kingdoms and nations across the Sword Coast. And was even considered to be the block against the influence of the Lord's Alliance in the region.

Anyone would be envious of their position in the grand scheme of things.

That is why when he heard of the civil war upon Hithlade (a fact that surprised even him, since the rival realm was only increasing in terms of power and prosperity while his realm was only afforded the scraps of the so-called great nation) he sensed an opportunity. And it was not only because of the weakening of his principal enemy.

Liking or not, Hithlade had enforced order upon the region that they ruled over, and this included their neighboring kingdoms, by stopping any armed conflict amongst its neighbors they had ended the previous age of wars and conquests, with conflicts being more in the shadows as the various kings and rulers scurred for favors with Hithlade like vermin.

It was disgusting and something that, to his shame, both his ancestors and himself had been forced to do to keep their lands since there had been times when wars had happened amongst the neighboring kingdoms but all knew that it was only because, the attacking realm had the blessing of Hithlade to gain new territory on the back of the kingdom that had been invaded, and even then, those types of events were rare as most did not have the will to fight.

In short, all of them, were vassals to Hithlade in all but name, even if they had a bit of autonomy the shadow of Hithlade was a constant presence in all their lives.

'But no more' Arabante's firsts tightened. 'Now that they have been bled, now that their entire realm has been effectively gutted, the times of glory can return'

Indeed, now that Hithlade has suffered such a tremendous conflict., they would not have the forces necessary to control them as ruthlessly as they did before, which means that finally after generations of oppression, the time of glory was upon them once more. And the first one to strike would have a higher chance of coming out more powerful in the coming age of open warfare.

This is why he had decided to host this little alliance with what was once his enemies, all to further weaken his principal enemy Hithlade, and while yes this would further strengthen his future rivals for dominance in the region it was a small sacrifice for the greater good of his kingdom.

He could already see it, the power of Falonde growing higher than ever before as their potential was fully unleashed for the world to see, the position of power that Hithlade now belonged to Falonde instead, with all the riches and glory that accompanied it.

But first, he must talk about a few things with his 'allies'.

"Have our armies moved towards the borders that we share with Hithlade?" He asked, moving their forces towards the borders of Hithlade in a coordinated manner was immensely necessary for their efforts going forward.

Of the three Kings in his presence, one he respected, another he hated, and the last one he just found pathetic. The one that he respected was the King of Tiressa, Pelagon III Angermann was a worthy man to have the title of King, while others would dismiss him as just a brute Arabante was wiser, he could see the spark of intelligence that was hidden in the veil of a brute. The way that Tiressa managed to still have the same territories as it did only show that, as Arabante knew that if the neighboring kingdom was ruled by an idiot who only thought on base matters, then it would have fallen long ago.

The King who managed to earn his boiling hatred, was Udon IV Gaultier the King of Negritharg. The issue between both, if it could be called such a simple word for the righteous fury that coursed him at the sight of the so-called king, was that through generations both of their Kingdoms had warred amongst one another, frankly, Arabante does not remember the reason as he never really bothered too, especially since his family suffered so much by their hands, much of the lands that Negritharg called theirs had once been of Falonde itself, with an 'acquisition' done decades ago being enough to have been the reason for his father to die thanks to his heart giving out thanks to the stress of the situation.

Since their hands were tied Falonde could not raise the banners and wage war against Negritharg as they did in the past wherever the petty kings dared to barre their fangs against them because if they attacked Hithlade would interfere on the side of the hated enemy. So, they could only bow their heads, like good little dogs to the wishes of their master, but Arabante never forgot, and he was done with Hithlade, Negritharg would be the first that he would destroy.

The last king, King Garfield V Merevel of the Kingdom of Tirone, was not even a true king, which was both embarrassing and pathetic, for decades now Tirone had been governed by scheming bureaucratic families, coin counters that had somehow amassed so much power that their influence could be felt across the entire kingdom. They were the ones that held the true power. They were the ones who were the true rulers of Tirone.

The best part of all this? The Royal Family was completely unaware that they had lost their kingdom right under their noses to coin counters, which only added more to the absurdness of the situation, as this meant that their network of spies had become compromised, to the point they had no loyalists among their ranks. Oh, sure the coin counters allowed the Royal Family to have their luxury and prestige, but the crown of power was not theirs anymore.

When he had discovered such a matter (which had been easy as the coin counters had long since dropped, they're subtly if you looked closer enough) he promised to himself and the gods that he would never allow such a thing to happen to his kingdom.

"Most of our troops are stationed at the border, they only need orders to move," Pelagon said. "The mercenaries are not causing any problems which are good"

Arabante nodded, while his council had tried to convince him to not spend the realm's treasury on what they called 'pay for hire criminals that had no honor' he ignored them, especially since that same council had also tried to advise him against his war with Hithlade, citing that even with the civil war Hithlade was still too strong for them.

The only reason he did not have them executed or sent to the dungeons for treason against their king, was that he knew that he could not have good enough replacements.

Besides he was sure that they would prove useful, especially the hired War Mages, even if they were certainly criminals by the amount that they charged for their uses.

"Good, my fellow monarchs it is time for us to reclaim what was once ours by right, if you excuse me, I must now rejoin my forces" Arabante did not even wait for any type of response as he rose from his chair and made his way to his escort.

He had a war to win after all.


Falonde and its allies thought that Hithlade had become weak after the civil war and that it had become a wounded beast that could only bar its teeth against its enemies but couldn't win against an attack. But they thought wrong.

When the forces of the coalition entered the territory of Hithlade after weeks of preparation, their forces were a combined 15,200, that was when the signs began to appear that they had just punched a sleeping dragon.

The first sign was that they were being constantly harassed, in the middle of the night rangers bearing the symbol of Hithlade struck, setting fire to carts and tents, poisoning food supplies that they had deliberately not burned, slicing the throat of officers and anyone that they considered essential, such as sleeping mages, in short, they started causing general chaos among their enemies and then making their way out of the camp using the darkness of the night to their advantage.

These attacks became so common amongst the forces of the coalition, that permanent night patrols had been issued, and when those had not been enough, they had doubled them, making more and more of their soldiers awake during the night, and while this did have the effect of making the night raids caused by enemy rangers easier to disrupt, it also made many of their soldiers tired as they had now much less time to sleep, making more and more tired as the days passed, slowing down the march.

But the worst hit were the Mages, as they had been forced to stay up all night to use their magics to protect entire camps against enemy rangers that hide in the shadows, this severely affected the reliability of their spells as like others they had barely any time to rest and recuperate, only being ordered around for more spells to be cast. And soon, many of these spells began to weaken as their casters were not in the right state of mind to cast them, their tiredness making their spells fluctuate between useless and catastrophic.

The second sign had been when they had approached, what they thought was, the villages of Hithlade. Their spirits had been lifted by the sight, as it meant that they were making some headway at least. Immediately the order was given to sack them, of all their worth, as it could help them in their march against their enemies.

But as the looting groups had made their way to the villages, they found that all of them were empty, and not a single trace of life could be found in them. Nor anything valuable, such as food. It was at that moment when a portion of the army was in the middle of the village, that it exploded in a ball of fire. Or in some other cases, different elements, such as frost, opened massive holes that swallowed all before they closed themselves again their victims never to be seen again.

Information took time to make way to all the dispersing groups that moved the territory of Hithlade. But when it did all portions of coalition forces began to avoid any village, they saw like they were a plague. Even then many of their forces had been decimated, and their number had dropped. But their generals were both too stubborn and too proud to admit that they had bit more than they can chew. And so, they continued their march, with Mages using spells that allowed them to see the truth.

The villages were highly realistic illusions and all over the ground of the fake villages were many different runes that held a variety of spells that when combined in their activation could cause catastrophic damage to whoever triggered them. It was ingenious, and something that they would not have expected, as the level of skill in the Art to do this was more than impressive even if the concept of the illusion was somewhat simplistic.

Trying to prevent future attempts such as these to catch them off guard, the generals of the coalition forces had decided to have the mages cast scrying and divination spells so that no more surprises would happen as they continued to advance across Hithlade's territories. The fact that their respective lords still wanted to advance was proving controversial among the lower ranks but still, they followed their orders.

The third sign was where the forces of the coalition were broken.

Across the invaded territories battles occurred between defenders and invaders. The armies of the coalition found themselves battered by arrows and spells upon their formations in a wave of surprise attacks before the army of Hithlade started to advance. Different from the peasant levies of their enemies each soldier was trained, wore steel armor instead of hardened leather, was augmented by the mass casting of beneficial spells, and were all veterans of a conflict where the chances of survival were slimmer than a war fought by mortal men.

Archers and mages petered them with arrows and spells. Cavalry moved in devastating charges, their steeds moving more ferociously and their blows hitting with far more potency than normal as for the infantry they had surrounded their enemy in the chaos, and when the cavalry retreated, they started to close in a massive shield wall. All were butchered to the last man, with casualties on Hithlade's side being minimal.

Of course, some managed to escape the various so-called battles that happened at the border but there were few. And were hunted down by the cavalry of Hithlade with impunity, the civil war that they fought in had taught them to be ruthless as it impeded them from facing future enemies down the line.

To say that the coalition was on the last legs after this sequence of defeats was an understatement, the mercenaries themselves, seeing the way the wind was blown, deserted their contractors, running away as fast as they could from Hithlade. Many would not be able to, as passing rangers would think of them as patrols and start to harass them. But eventually, they managed to exit Hithlade, and the Rangers left them alone refocusing their efforts on the remaining armies.

But that was not the last straw, the last straw had been when, the army of Negritharg seeing that the situation had become nearly unsalvageable, started attacking the armies of Falonde, to limit the consequences that their realm would have when Hithlade inevitably won. And they were right on that, as their sudden attack allowed the armies of Hithlade to cause even more damage, and so, the cracks widened even more, and it took only a few more days for the so-called allies to turn against one another.

One must understand that these kingdoms never liked each other that much, their suspicion and hatred of each other were only surpassed by the envy they had of Hithlade's hegemony in the region of the Sword Coast that they lived in. Now that they were both being beaten back with outrageous ease by Hithlade's superior armies and they were being attacked by their so-called allies, the coalition that once shared the same goal was now officially dissolved.

The armies of the disbanded coalition moved back to their borders constantly harassed by either their former allies or Hithlade in minor skirmishes. When they were done moving back to their territory, they immediately began to prepare for war against their neighbors and a potential invasion by Hithlade.

While they were dealing with that, the news spread across Hithlade quickly causing a wave of celebrations that showed that even if Hithlade was bleeding from a thousand cuts dealt in it, it was still strong, they were still strong, and would not be easily bullied.

After that, new news came, the man that led them against the forces of the Mad King, was now finally going to be crowned, the noble man loudly spoke that he would only be crowned when the last of the threats that plagued the realm had been put down.

Now that the invaders had been thrown off, the last holdouts of resistance of the forces of the Mad King having finally been defeated, with any of the loyalists that were captured put to the sword for their crimes, Hithlade and its people were both ready for the new king that the people were sure would lead them into a new golden age.

Said to be crowned king was not as happy with his current situation, but he vowed to himself that he would do his best.
The only good thing from a nigh nation ending invasion from beyond this world.

Sweet, sweet Levels.