The Maelstrom Vortex Affair [MGLN EU]

The Maelstrom Vortex Affair [MGLN EU]
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0065 : On UW-97 The Book of Darkness incident is underway, and Lieutenant Commander Tida Lanister has recently reported aboard the patrol cruiser Tabris.

His initial problems include but are not limited to; the bureaucracy surrounding security clearances, a certain fluffy-tailed engineer, the environmental impact of the battle on the Garden of Time, a corporate cyborg, and last but not least the intersection between archaeology, ancient doomsday weapons, and his mother's bedtime stories.
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Reading, Berks, UK


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"All the world will be your enemy, princess with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, blade with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed."
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Southport University dig site Casa, Uninhabited World-9476
01 June 0065
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The armoured woman strode smoothly, without wasted motion, through the rain swept jungle, her face a fixed mask. "Lævateinn, set up", commanded the controlled staccato of a combat veteran.

<ANFANG> the sword that unfolded from thin air in a wash of purple light replied.

Just before the clearing she halted.

<Nine active linker cores detected> A map opening in her minds eye. Only two that might be on watch, neither placed to see the other and too close to the ward line to be expecting anything other than wild animals.

[Blood Knives], A pair of glowing plasma spheres shot away, timed as the nearer sentry faced away sweeping the other half of his zone. The first crashing into his long stormcoat as it exploded in its final sacrificial defence, the second following on to shock him into 'unconsciousness.

As he slumped to his knees and before his blocky heady staff had hit the ground, the woman shot forward, stealth abandoned as her flight spells and defences wrapped her in a purple shroud of light. Over the prefab modular buildings and down across the landing pad, crashing into the second sentry and riding the blast of her barrier jacket's sacrificial purge to come around into the attack on the next targets.

The pale suited man went down to a pommel strike but the cargo jacketed woman's custom barrier jacket spun up. A khaki [Chain Bind] slashed apart by the purple flames of [Sturmwinde] followed by a reverse cut [Säbelhellblitz] into the archaeologist bursting her barrier jacket and collapsing her form into a twitching weasel.

Two more green coated troops burst from between a habitat module and the airlock of a climate sealed workshop. One's staff spitting salvoes of sapphire [Photon Bullet] plasma globes to burst on [Panzerschild]'s triangular glyph as a crimson belkan array blurred the other forward in a [Flash Step], axe swinging. Scabbard met axe-haft in a corps-a-corps and coupled with a leg sweep staggered the axe-woman into the on coming hail of plasma. Spinning up over the falling fratricide victim and the line of fire, the stone faced woman swung down, inverted above the Midchildean combat mage.

Laevatein, wreathed in purple fire, crashed down on the blue striated dome of [Protection], and with the metallic clunk of a cartridge feed burst through and into the ranger, throwing her back and triggering the sacrificial detonation of her jacket as she slammed into the inner valve of the open airlock.

The swordswoman landed in the gap between buildings and with a glance at the unconscious mage turned and with five steps was across the dining area looking through a yellow glowing barrier at the outstretched gloved hands of the green coated mage sealing the communication room.

Five quick slashes inscribed a purple star on the barrier and with a smooth thrust to it's centre she unleashed [Durchbruchszeichen]. As the breaching spell's resonance cascade spun up tendrils of purple lightning crawled across and through the force field crackling out across to the support mage's hands in ever changing trees of violet fire.

With a snap hiss, the barrier flashed up the spectrum to white and collapsed, the casting mage slumping to her knees and collapse sideways, A pair of low power [Blood Knives] passing over her and spelling the end to resistance from the last two mages.

[Dustere Buch], and an open black and silver grimoire spins itself out of shadows and drops into the swordswoman's free hand, it's pages ruffling as it finds the end of it's text.

The harvest of linker cores would take barely longer than the fight.
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Document contains Classified narrative report on Incident CONGLOBULATION WHIRLPOOL 1. Contents may deal with information restricted by Secure Information Cells:

Individuals not read on to all these secure information cells should immediately render this document to a classified information officer, without reading further.

This version may be redacted to exclude contents restricted by additional SIC. Should you require access to such or notice items that should be redacted please contact the issuing authority.

Classified by: Captain Barchetta Stradale
Declassify: 31/DEC/0090.
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Dramatis Persona
Ancient Terrors of the Distant Past
Belkan Aristocrat Construct (High Library Guardian), Most recent instantiation: Unknown location
Wolkenritter Knight of the Sword, Indomitable Sword Princess, Blazing General of the Apocalypse Legion, Haslanti Diademed Battlelord, Galean Republic Absolute Priority Strategic Target 001, Dark Lady of the Nine Heavens, Judicial Champion of the Holy Belkan Empire, Wrath of the Void, Godslayer, Master of the Wild Hunt.
Purple mana aura
Belkan Knight Firestorm style Ritter rank synthetic S-.
Sword Armed Device: Laevatein
Deicide class Super Heavy Assault Frame: Dies Irae "Day of Wrath" MIA Battle of the Endless Stair.
FALKEN Advanced Superiority Drones: Hugin, Munin MIA Battle of the Endless Stair.
Ship: SBC Undaunted Will of the Sankt-Kaiser/DAUNTLESS MIA Belkan Civil War/Fall of Belka.

Like all the Wolkenritter Signum is considered by the foxes to be violet clade. The Nahua consider her to be one of the Tzitzimitl. While currently incapable of remembering it, due to the Heart of Darkness' memory editing, Signum has in the past displayed the capabilities of a Flames and Wisdoms Five Tail Adept and those of an adept of the Contradraco.
Belkan Sankt-Kaiser. Birthplace ARKBIRD "Cradle of the Sankt-Kaiser"
White mana aura
Belkan Relic Warrior, Belkan Mage,Thunder of Heaven style rank S.
Doppelsword Armed Device: Rimebrant
Master of the Book of Darkness
The beginning of the Belkan civil war is currently agreed to date to Mercedes' acquisition of the Book of Darkness in 459 OC and its end to her death and the destruction of Old Belka in 462 OC.


Patrol Cruiser Hestia
Brown Clade Exquisite Fox, Birthplace AW-004 "Firstraum"
TSAB Navy Leading Hand, Patrol Cruiser Hestia
Turquoise mana aura,
Flames and Wisdoms Five Tail Adept, Mana Conversion Affinity (Water)
Does not have a Device, or the ability to interface with one.

Zain's sub clade craft is Cooper, though he has put significant effort into learning the Farming sub clade magics.
Midchildean Human, Birthplace AW-001 "Midchildea"
TSAB Navy Chief Petty Officer, Patrol Cruiser Hestia
Heir to the Legacy of the Falling Star.
Orange mana aura,
Falling Star style Midchildean Gunwitch rank AA
Pistol Armed Device: Phantom Mirage
Call sign "Rusalka"

Tida and Teana's mother.
Brown Clade Exquisite Fox, Birthplace AW-391 "Val Verde"
TSAB Navy Supply Clerk, Patrol Cruiser Hestia
Pink mana aura,
Flames and Wisdoms Three Tail Adept, Mana Conversion Affinity (Fire)
Does not have a Device, or the ability to interface with one.

Marissa's sub clade craft is Baker.


Patrol Cruiser Tabris
Belkan Human, Birthplace Sublight Colony Ship Steininsel Interstellar Space
Temple Starship Fangshi of Pan Jianliang, Chaplain Patrol Cruiser Tabris
White mana aura,
Midchildean Ground Combat Exorcist, Rank B
Divination Compass Storage Device: Tiger Gauge

Steininsel was discovered by a TSAB Patrol ship Anansi in 0038 and the surviving population was evacuated over the next year to SIDE Nova Rodina where Felix spent the later half of his childhood before taking holy orders.
Midchildean Human, Birthplace AW-01 "Midchilda"
Chief Petty Officer, Bosun Patrol Cruiser Tabris
Powder Blue mana aura,
Midchildean Mage, rank C
Instructor Qualifier: EVA Repair
Pilot Gloves Boost Device: Zephyr
Orange Exquisite Fox, Birthplace AW-71 "Tiānbǎo"
Surgeon-Lieutenant, Medical Officer Patrol Cruiser Tabris
Teal mana aura,
Flames and Wisdoms style Five Tail Adept, Resham Master.

Does not have a Device, or the ability to interface with one.

Has the medical magics associated with the orange clade.
Midchildean Human, Birthplace AW-01 "Midchilda"
Leading Hand, Captain's Writer Patrol Cruiser Tabris
No significant magical ability.
Midchildean Human, Birthplace AW-01 "Midchilda"
Lieutenant Commander, Weapons Officer Patrol Cruiser Tabris
Powder Blue mana aura,
Midchildean Mage, rank B
M4(Navy) Staff Storage Device: Tizona
Tiger Major Familiar, Birthplace AW-008 Leuven
Navy Leading Hand, Officer's Wardroom Steward Patrol Cruiser Tabris
Orange mana aura
Midchildan Mage Rank: C
Grillardin and Choclatier.

Lieutenant Commander Kato's familiar. Merak's comparatively low rank limits the mana feed he can assign her and thus the level her magic can perform at. As a Major Familiar, she has a humanoid form as well as her base form. Sienna claims frilly Galean maid dresses are appropriate duty uniform for her thanks to a questionable interpretation of some of the more obscure regulations attached to the TSAB founding charter.
Midchildean Human, Birthplace AW-02 "Nova Akkadia"
Lieutenant, Scrying Officer Patrol Cruiser Tabris
Aqua mana aura,
Midchildean Mage, Composite rank B+
M4(Navy) Staff Storage Device: Doodlebug
Rust Clade Exquisite Fox, Birthplace SIDE Nova Rodina, Midchilda Outsystem
Navy Lieutenant, Junior Engineer Patrol Cruiser Tabris
Sunflower Yellow mana aura,
Midchildean Mage rank C, Vajra Adept, Flames and Wisdoms Five Tail Adept, Mana Conversion Affinity (Fire)
M4(Navy) Staff Storage Device: Big Lever
Call-sign Yunu "Jade Girl", "Holdfast"
Has the orange fur and the inherent ship construction magics associated with the rust clade.
Belkan Human, Birthplace AW-01 "Midchilda"
Chief Petty Officer, Chief of Rig Patrol Cruiser Tabris
Red mana aura,
Midchildean Aerial Mage, rank A
Rigger's Iron Armed Device: Hebelwirkung "Leverage"
Brown Clade Exquisite Fox, Birthplace AW-004 Calnarog
Navy Able Spacer, Regulator Patrol Cruiser Tabris
Kharki mana aura,
Flames and Wisdoms Three Tail Practitioner, Mana Conversion Affinity (Fire)
Does not have a Device.

Has the inherent magic associated with the cooper sub-clade. Justus' identical twin.
Brown Clade Exquisite Fox, Birthplace AW-004 Calnarog
Navy Able Spacer, Regulator Patrol Cruiser Tabris
Tan mana aura,
Flames and Wisdoms Three Tail Practitioner, Mana Conversion Affinity (Fire)
Does not have a Device.

Has the inherent magic associated with the confectioner sub-clade. Cassius' identical twin.
Brown Clade Exquisite Fox, Birthplace AW-391 "Val Verde"
Navy Petty Officer (Logistics), Chief Steward Patrol Cruiser Tabris
Cherry Red mana aura,
Flames and Wisdoms Three Tail Adept, Mana Conversion Affinity (Fire)
Does not have a Device.
Has the orange-brown fur and the inherent patisserie magics associated with the brown baker subclade.
Belkan Human, Birthplace AW-01 "Midchilda"
Navy Commander, Chief Engineer Patrol Cruiser Tabris
Magenta mana aura,
Midchildean Mage, rank C
M5 Interface Glove Support Device: Schlüssel "Key"
Arachne Birthplace AW-01 "Midchildea"
Navy Lieutenant, Supply Officer Patrol Cruiser Tabris
Vanilla mana aura,
Midchildean Mage, rank C
M4(Navy) Staff Storage Device: M4N-MHA-067414
Call Sign: "Molar"
Ashanti Human, Birthplace AW-01 "Midchilda"
Navy Captain, Commanding Officer Patrol Cruiser Tabris
Claret mana aura,
Midchildean Mage, rank C
M4(Navy) Staff Storage Device: Sunlight
Call Sign "Sunray"
Nahua Human, Birthplace AW-168 "Oztoman"
Navy Able Spacer, Patrol Cruiser Tabris
Sapphire mana aura
Nahua Mage, rank E, Awakened 5-Atl Aquakinesis
Does not have a Device.

Tozi's magical abilities almost entirely consist of her Natal ability to telekinetically control water. Tehuilotl is a reference to the sapphire and diamond domed crater city where she was born.
Amur Harpy Birthplace AW-57 "Kelaino"
Navy Lieutenant, Navigator Patrol Cruiser Tabris
Blue Lilac mana aura,
Midchildean Mage, rank C
M4(Navy) Staff Storage Device: M4N-CT-001135
White Exquisite Fox, Birthplace AW-08 "Leuven"
Sub-lieutenant (Medical), Medical Officer Patrol Cruiser Tabris
Gold mana aura,
Flames and Wisdoms style Five Tail Adept, Belkan Mage rank C, Resham Adept, Mana Conversion Affinity (Lightning)
Does not have a Device.

Has the superior linker core throughput associated with the white clade. She has the two mental modes usual for the white clade. In Ice mode she has enhanced mana control, ritual efficiency and array focus. In Cream mode she has touch range empathy and empathic projection, enhanced regeneration and uxorial magics.
Lamian Naga, Birthplace AW-421 "Fienn"
Navy Lieutenant, Communications Officer Patrol Cruiser Tabris
Lincoln Green mana aura,
Fienn Cosmonaut style Mage rank B
M4(Navy) Staff Storage Device: Nehushtan
Call Sign: "Pronto"
On Fienn's first transorbital flight, Sarika initiated first contact with TSAB while on a mission to land on the gigantic wrecked starship that makes up that planet's smaller moon.

Patrol Cruiser Tabris - Regulation Department
Brown Clade Exquisite Fox, Birthplace AW-004 Calnarog
Navy Leading Hand, Regulator Patrol Cruiser Tabris
Mauve mana aura,
Vajra Adept, Flames and Wisdoms Five Tail Adept, Mana Conversion Affinity (Fire)
Does not have a Device.
Call-sign "Scorpion-3"
Has the inherent magic associated with the cooper subclade.
Grey Clade Exquisite Fox, Birthplace UW-002 "Fensalir"
Navy Able Spacer, Regulator Patrol Cruiser Tabris
Hereditary Guardian of the Shrine of Tamuz.
Maroon mana aura,
Resham Adept, Flames and Wisdoms Five Tail Adept, Mana Conversion Affinity (Fire)
EVA specialist.
Does not have a Device.
Call-sign "Scorpion-12"
Has the inherent combat magic associated with the grey clade. Ruchi's mana conversion affinity has the exceptionally high efficiency common to her clan.
Grey Clade Exquisite Fox, Birthplace AW-008 Leuven
Navy Leading Hand, Regulator Patrol Cruiser Tabris
Fuscia mana aura,
Resham Adept, Flames and Wisdoms Five Tail Adept, Mana Conversion Affinity (Fire)
Does not have a Device.
Call-sign "Scorpion-4"
Has the inherent combat magic associated with the grey clade. Like all "blue" clade she has the touch range empathy and empathic projection, enhanced regeneration and uxorial magics also seen in Cream mode whites.
Grey Clade Exquisite Fox, Birthplace AW-228 "Daijimer"
Navy Petty Officer, Regulator Patrol Cruiser Tabris
Black mana aura,
Vajra Adept, Flames and Wisdoms Five Tail Adept, Mana Conversion Affinity (Fire)
Does not have a Device.
Call-sign "Scorpion-5"
Has the inherent combat magic associated with the grey clade. Anil's fire based combat magics burn with a black flame.

Mage Team Sword
Belkan Human, Birthplace AW-01 "Midchilda"
Aerial Assault Service Trooper, Mage Team Sword-Baker
Slate Grey mana aura
Iron Mountain style Belkan Air Combat Knight, Rank: A
M4(Navy) Spear Storage Device: Atgeir "Mailpiercer"
Call Signs "Sword 10"
Belkan Aristocrat, Birthplace AW-142 "Ākharī kil'hā"
Aerial Assault Service Corporal, Mage Team Sword-Baker
Hereditary Count-Princess of Las Kirgarth
Scarlet mana aura,
Belkan Air Combat Knight, rank A-, Black Onslaught class genetic upgrades.
Sabre Armed Device: Beurteilung "Judgement"
Call Sign: "Sword 5"
The traditional honorific used for the Count-Princess of Las Kirgarth translates to standard as "Most Dangerous" or "Extreme Peril".
Midchildean Human, Birthplace AW-006 "Alzus"
Aerial Assault Service Trooper, Mage Team Sword-Able
Silver mana aura
Midchildan Mage Rank: A
M4(Navy) Staff Storage Device: Ay Jarık "Moonlight"
Call Sign "Sword 2" "Owl"
Belkan Human, Birthplace UW-216 "Avalon"
Aerial Assault Service Trooper, Mage Team Sword-Baker
Royal Blue mana aura
Belkan Air Combat Knight, Forbidden Sky style Rank: A,
Rare Skill: Mana Conversion Affinity Lightning.
M4(Navy) Spear Storage Device: Glaive V
Call Signs "Sword 9"
Midchildean Human, Birthplace AW-01 "Midchilda"
Naval Investigation Service Lieutenant Commander, Mage team Leader Patrol Cruiser Tabris
Heir to the Legacy of the Falling Star.
Orange mana aura,
Midchildean Gunwitch Falling Star style rank A
Pistol Armed Device: Phantom Mirage
Call signs "Meteor" "Sword 6"
Midchildean Human, Birthplace AW-01 "Midchilda"
Aerial Assault Service Trooper, Mage Team Sword-Casa
Light Blue mana aura
Thunderbringer style Midchildan Mage Rank: A, Sapper
M4(Navy) Staff Storage Device: Ghostbringer
Call Signs "Sword 12" "Rickshaw"
Midchildean Human, Birthplace AW-035 "Sercia"
Aerial Assault Service Trooper, Mage Team Sword-Able
Teal mana aura
Midchildan Mage Rank: A
M4(Navy) Staff Storage Device: Windcaller
Call Sign "Sword 3"
Pure Blood Mondkanin. Birthplace AW-012B "Varana"
Aerial Assault Service Lance Corporal, Mage Team Sword-Baker
Salmon Pink mana aura
Belkan Knight Liberation Doctrine Rank: A
Raketenhammer Storage Device: Komet
RedKnife pattern Raumpanzer boarding/EVA armour.
Call Sign "Sword 8", "Ironside"
Galean Human, Birthplace OW-018 "Easter"
Aerial Assault Service Trooper, Mage Team Sword-Casa
Pale Green mana aura
Midchildan Mage Rank: A
M4(Navy) Staff Storage Device: Epilogue
Call Signs "Sword 13" "Tinker"
Black Clade Exquisite Fox, Birthplace AW-047 "Kila"
Aerial Assault Service Lance Corporal, Mage Team Sword-Casa
Slate Grey mana aura,
Hexwaffen style Belkan Gunwitch rank A-, Vajra Adept, Quiet Fury Five Tail Adept, Mana Conversion Affinity (Shadow)
Pistol Storage Device: Garaja "Thunder"
Call-sign "Sword-4"
Has the commando magics associated with the black clade.
Nahua Human, Birthplace AW-004 "Calnarog"
Aerial Assault Service Lance Corporal (Medical), Mage Team Sword-Casa
Scarlet mana aura
Midchildan Mage Rank: A, Awakened 4-Miquiztli Mana Conversion Affinity (Blood)
M4(Navy) Spear Storage Device: Knightfall
Call Signs "Sword 11"
Midchildean Human, Birthplace AW-016 "Liberta"
Aerial Assault Service Lance Corporal, Mage Team Sword-Able
Slate grey mana aura
Midchildan Mage Rank: A
Pilot Qualified : Scarab Assault Shuttle, Garuda Heavy Lift Shuttle, Orbital Tugs.
M4(Navy) Staff Storage Device: Lorg Mór
Call Signs "Sword 1" "Seagull"
Midchildean Human, Birthplace AW-03 "Vaizen"
Aerial Assault Service Lieutenant, Mage Team Sword-Able
Light Blue mana aura
Midchildan Mage Rank: A-
M4(Navy) Staff Storage Device: Sabat
Call Sign "Sword 7"

Southport University Midchilda
Scrya Clan Galeanthrope, Birthplace MV Grau Forscherin, Dimensional Sea Layer Thorn Þ
Industrial Xenoarcheologist. Academician of the Institute of Sciences (Naval Engineering and Cybernetic Systems)
Site Supervisor Southport University dig site Gamma UW-9456
Khaki mana aura,
Shipbreaker style Midchildean Mage, rank A, Mastered Lutra Galeanthropy.
Lost Logia Staff Intelligent Device: Raising/Raging/Razing Heart (Assumed lost when Academician Precia Testarossa destroyed Patrol Cruiser Niobe in the Dimensional Sea isomorphic to UW-97 low orbit.)
Interface Glove Support Device: Silk Touch.
Call Sign "Acorn"

Yunno's Aunt.

Caledfwlch Techniques GMBH
Belkan Combat Cyborg, Birthplace AW-03 "Vaizen"
Troubleshooter for Caledfwlch Techniques
Violet mana aura,
Combat Cyborg: Project Infinite Desire #03 - Aerial Combat
Body augmentation rank S+
Integral Skill: Ride Impulse
Integral Equipment: Lighthawk Wings
Along as an observer for Caledfwlch, Trio is officially one of a small batch of incomplete Eiserne Himmelsjager Mark XII recovered during 0053 from stasis pods found in a ruined factory on DW-1324 "Usea".
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1-01 Echoes of Hestia

1-01 Echoes of Hestia

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"Never forget you are the walls of steel and iron, between Mankind and a thousand horrors too unspeakable to name. You are the very walls of Hell."
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Wardroom, TSAB Patrol Cruiser Tabris, 200 parsecs out of Val Verde, Dimensional Sea layer Yogh Ȝ
Falcon watch 01 June 0065
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Tida Lanster
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Early on my fourteenth day of my new deployment, I entered the wardroom with Teana's latest letter streaming.

As I joined the queue Lieutenant Veyron was as usual grumbling about the asymmetric tree pattern of tables. I casually wonder once more if he's addicted to the vanilla and lavender scent the environmental systems emit to try to calm him down. It can't have escaped him that the fleet medical department insists on each ship having their own semi-random pattern to give the crew a symbolic break from the general regulation of our lives on board.

Once again, the wailing siren calling the ship to general quarters interrupted my breakfast as I was reaching for a cinnamon roll to go with my chiffir. This time I had the presence of mind to drop two into my storage volume as I rose to head towards the door. Phantom Mirage threw a 15% mask across my vision with a map showing the route to the meeting room attached to the Captain's office.

A quick jog later and the door slid open.

At the end of the long hexagonal table, Captain Stradale's red, garnet beaded, braids cascaded down across the shoulders of her storm coat.

I circled to the left carefully past the seats left free to accommodate Sarika's tail.

As I sat halfway down the table, across from me the Caledfwlch Techniques observer gave me a piercing golden look from beneath the spiky bangs of her violet hair. In the month she had been aboard she hadn't shown much more emotion than an armour plate and her green and white flight jacket and light blue bodyglove marked Miss Scarlet as an outsider to the community onboard the ship. Her corporate masters hadn't felt the need to put a silk glove over the battle steel of their pet Combat Cyborg.

Between us and the Captain were the watch-standers and her secretary. To my left Lieutenant Tipo, the navigator, nervously fiddled with her pinion feathers and beyond her Lieutenant Levante, the scryer, was leaning back in her chair concentrating on breathing slowly and deeply. To the captain's right hand, Lieutenant Commander Kato had the glittering eyes of someone watching a video feed.

To Miss Scarlet's right Father Felix, the chaplain, looked almost as out of place as she did in his gold embroidered black robes and swept-back leather court cap. In front of him, above half a doughnut, his compass floated gimballed in a sphere of mana loops, its rings glittering. On his right between him and Leading Hand Karif, the Captain's secretary, was an empty chair for Engineering.

To my right, my side of the table was empty, with the Bosun, Chief Petty Officer Carrera, ensconced at the foot of the table. CPO Opel, the Chief of Rig, Doctor den Ithoka and the Arachne supply officer Lieutenant Spiano filled the other side, surrounding a swiftly depleting plate of pastries.

I had time to start my first roll when the shadows by the drinks cabinet bloomed and Fan Liuha, the junior engineer, stepped out of a black cocoon and took the last chair as the shadows returned to their normal shape.

"Commander Sebring is bringing the engines to maximum military and sent me to sit in." Fan reported, a yellow mana array sweeping the spots of lubricant gel from her orange-brown fur and blue uniform.

After a moment's thought, I split my second roll and offered it across the table to a smile and a wink from Liuha and a confused glance followed by a nod of thanks from Miss Scarlet.

At this Lieutenant Zarooq, the signals officer, flowed through the door with Vey giving her careful distance and as she was coiling her tail up in the space to my right, the Captain began the meeting.

"12 minutes ago, Site Casa on UW-9476 sent an emergency signal, analysis of the end of the signal includes multiple frames showing WR-01."

"The Blazing Sword Princess", breathed Fan, her ears flattening to her skull.

"Signum, yes." the Captain replied. "We are closest and have diverted, which means we have 30 minutes till we drop the mage team."

"By then she''ll be gone."

Trio interjected, her voice tightly controlled. "Unless she's going for a double tap"

"As yah may have noticed, we've above average turbulence, thanks ta the Garden o' Time." Lieutenant Levant drawled, sarcasm deepening her husky Novak accent, "There be a shank through tha pass in the local shell, an we be out in the wilds e'en if we do have triangulation from Val Verde, Asura heading to OW-97 and Calypso out by da Razgriz Cascade, so Tipo can no run us faster tha' half standard."

"Do we have a threat profile for this Signum?" Sarika asked rising up on her tail to get a clearer look at everyone as the environmental systems tinted the air with the scents of cinnamon and mint, "I'm missing context here I think."

"Legendary terror who slaughters armies and destroys planets." Veyron commented unhelpfully from where he was slouching in the corner as far as possible from the Captain.

Thanks to mother's idea of suitable bedtime stories I could do better than that, "Phantom Mirage, play combat data recording Hestia escape pod bay ASD starting sixty seconds before ship destruction."

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Patrol Cruiser Hestia, Aft Starboard Dorsal Escape Pod Launch Facility
Dragon watch 20 May 0055
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Combat Data Log: Chief Petty Officer Mio Lanster/Phantom Mirage
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The writhing assimilator tendrils spread down the corridor walls and met the dozens of amber slivers of Mio's [Cross Fire Shoot]. Crew streamed past the petty officer as she calmly walked backwards, her timed rate salvoes of plasma bolts slashing out like a metronome, from the golden mana rings arrayed in a phalanx around Phantom Mirage's barrel.

A partially overgrown hatch was outlined in red fire and one of the environmental techs burst through. Leading hand Zain den Aguara like the supply clerk, Marrisa if Mio remembered correctly, that he was carrying had the orange and white fur of a huli-jing.

As he passed Mio the tendrils flattened themselves to the sides of the corridor as if repelled by the purple light surrounding the tall figure in partial armour striding down the main access corridor.

[Sturmwinde]'s plasma wave met the packet attacks of the latest [Crossfire Shoot] in an orgy of mutual annihilation.

Behind her to the far right, the dull thud of detonating impeller coils signalled the launch of one of the four remaining escape pods.

The violet triangle of [Panzerschild] intercepted [Stinger Spike]'s homing projectiles as a pair of scarlet plasma chakram, Zain's [Sun Fire Wheels], shot past Mio and jinked to hit the Wolkenritter's defences from the sides. Under the cover of the explosions Mio's eyes flashed orange as she used [Tactical Unity] to fill Zain in on the fraction of a plan she had, She'd just have to trust that the Knight of the Lake was concentrating elsewhere and that the Knight of Lightning hadn't returned from her three hundred year disappearance, since both were known to be able to tracelessly intercept telepathic communication.

Antimatter charged plasma bolts from Mio's [Crossfire Shoot: AMS] fell on the remorselessly advancing figure like raindrops, without so much as slowing her, the Book's tendrils wilting in the stark actinic glare as they flared from matter to energy.

[Skyfang] slashed out in return, steadily eroding Mio's [Mulit-Defensor] as each glowing crescent smashed two or three of the defensive disks before dissipating.

With a pair of krumping sounds two more escape pods launched. From behind her framed in the hatch of the last escape pod, she could see herself through Zain's eyes bringing her weapon up, bayonet alight, in a mirror to the knight's salute her opponent was giving her.

<Disengage inertial anchor>, Mio ordered as she rolled Phantom Mirage through a block in sixte diverting a purple lined fleche down and outward. The amethyst triangle of Signum's [Panzerschild] burst to life again as Mio lined up a centre body mass shot and unleashed [Phantom Blazer].

The orange coherent gravity beam burst and splintered on the defensive ward tearing at the sullenly glowing deck and ceiling without straining the Belkan's defences but on her side of the pyrotechnics Mio, her recoil damping disabled, was slammed backwards by her improvised gravity rocket, throwing her through the entrance of the last escape pod.
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Heroforge Character impressions
Heroforge Renditions of some of the characters.
I put these up earlier on the Vaizen Cat (i.e. the other story I've written in this version of the MLGN setting) thread while I was going some of the setup work for this.

Obviously not totally accurate, Tida has a less tidy hairstyle (Though that could be Teana's fault :) ), and Fan and Devendra do wear boots but Heroforge has its limitations and being digitigrade is one of those.
1-02 Lock and Load

1-02 Lock and Load

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"I have been and still am a seeker, but I have ceased to question stars and books; I have begun to listen to the teaching my blood whispers to me."
- - -
Patrol Cruiser Tabris, Ventral Sally Port, manoeuvering in the dimensional shadow vortex of Uninhabited World-9476, layer Thorn Þ
Falcon watch 01 June 0065
- - -
Tida Lanster
- - -

We were in the final stages of gearing up when the checklist went non-euclidean. There isn't a box for bossy junior engineers. So as Fan Linhua swept into the compartment, a swarm of damage control wasps around her, I added a box to the list for mission-specific miscellaneous epistemology.

"Device," demanded Fan Linhua urgently of me, and only as I handed her Phantom Mirage did she bother to explain, "IFF check and, in your case, I'm adding an additional firewall under General Order 92."

"And the rest of us don't need one?" drawled Veyron. Unlike the rest of the team he had only watched mum's combat log once. If I was correct den Soro had also rewatched a different version of the incident before telling Corporal von Hohenkirche that there was nothing relevant beyond the one I'd shown.

"Most of you have standard devices, the rest were created since the last BLACK BOOK incident." Fan replied, her fingers and canines flashing as she authenticated through the impressive number of layers of security lockouts, in a logo-script I didn't recognise, projected from the secure storage card she had laid on top of Phantom Mirage.

Meanwhile I had had to authenticate across my link six times in four different ways to allow the software install while keeping at least one finger on Mirage. The prompts only raised questions. Where had Fan got Last Legion classified software updates intended for Zero Meridian? Why had the Last Legion even created them? Did she know having the tip of her tongue out like that made her look cute? That she knew they'd install and thought they'd be needed was a definite if ambiguous statement.

"You'll need to add a pass-through for the maintenance codes, after the mission, since that firewall resets the key-code generator on install. If the rest of you are worried, randomise your maintenance codes and resync them after exfiltration. Though the Blazing Sword Princess shouldn't have anyway of knowing them." her wasps scattering to dock to the recharge points on the trooper's M4s, and Schmidt's armour. Two locked onto the underside of Phantom Mirage's holster and half a dozen installed a quantum entanglement module into the system bay of Miss Scarlet's cold gas manoeuvring unit updating its integral scry bee hive.

Lights flickered across Fan's eyes as the network registered the extra hive, "Nice, onboard repair and construction capabilities, Navy issue can do consumable resupply but repair or modification is desk unit time."

"A Middle Manager was being obnoxious, so I got purchasing to get me the best unit available and charged it to his entertainment budget. By the time anyone noticed it had saved my life, so I put him up for a Model Employee Certificate." Trio replied setting off a round of chuckles.

"I doubt he liked that trade."

"It was the most popular certificate that VP had ever given out, in lieu of anything meaningful, everyone who worked with him stood up and cheered." Trio intoned solemnly.

After tapping her slate against each of our devices and dodging Vey's wandering hand, Fan brushed her cheeks against mine, orange fur caressing my skin, leaving a mint scent, "Swordwind be with you Yun Shing." She flirted her tail and waved a hand at the black furred form of Sword-4, otherwise Lance Corporal Devendra Soro, "And you Houndbreaker." with that she stepped into a shadow and was gone.

Carefully ignoring the armoured form of Lance Schmidt tapping her rocket hammer on Vey's head, I ran Mirage's self-checks.

"You should be able to use those", said Devendra tossing me one of her magazines, unlike von Howenkirche or Schmidt, both our devices fed 11mm Belkan KMKs from Imperial standard double-stacked pistol magazines. A quick glance down showed thirteen red and gold cartridges. VX Fireballs, almost twice the mana charge of the standard cartridges, not actually Lost Logia, unlike the facility that made them, but rare enough not to be standard issue. I stripped my ready load and swapped magazines, releasing and resetting several times to check the fit and lock, a quick thought setting Mirage to set his ejection path to my storage volume. I tossed her the magazine I'd replaced and Devendra slotted it into the empty loop in her load bearing rig, one of the wasps waking long enough to check it over. "Better we both have hotloads for this"

"Easier to take prisoners" added Schmidt as our breacher carefully worked her long ears into her helmet's armoured casements.

"Prisoners," scoffed Vey, "We're trying to take Wolkenritter prisoner?"

"It is what we do, jah?", replied the moon bunny, reaching past him so I could authorise the anti-hydrogen to supercharge her device's thermal lance.

  • Mission specific miscellaneous epistemology – Check.
  • Strategic armaments release authorisation – Check.

A quick glance around confirmed everyone's noospace tags showed ready.

  • Final readiness confirmation – Check.

"QX boys and girls, game faces on," Time to get them moving. "Standard firegroups, Miss Scarlet, you are my wing. We are here to get the archaeologists out. We do that with a minimum of eschatology, showboating, or being excessively Veyron, then we get out. If we can take prisoners we do but the objective is exfiltrating the expedition without casualties. So we do this by the book. Baker group leads, Able stands off to give fire support and Casa handles the extraction."

"Kaiser Vult!" Uncharacteristically the usually dour Corporal von Hohenkirche seemed more cheerful about this drop than the rest of us.

For me, as well as the prospect of fighting one or more legendary enemies, it was clear that there were now at least three people aboard Tabris who knew that inscribed under the grips of my heirloom device, the maker's mark was the sigil of the Voidwitch surrounded by the signature of Shamal Grippen, Wolkenritter Knight of the Lake.
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Notes 1

Notes 1

Scry Bees

These little mapping drones resemble metallic insects. They can fly under their own power via multi-modal telekinetic/gravitic projection for up to 3 km before landing. Inertial tracking and short-range quantum resonance comms let them swarm to spread out through a deserted complex or derelict dreadnought and map it in the most efficient manner, transmitting the data back to their base platform or the user's device. This produces a basic schematic and some imagery, but they often miss small or hidden details.

Damage Control Wasps

Built on a similar frame to scry bees, Damage Control wasps have less wide-ranging sensor package but carry a laser capable of tack wielding, soldering, and cutting thin metal. They are usually used to survey damaged equipment or compartments on board ships and can be used to make small repairs in space constrained areas.

Belkan cartridge system

A System that by exploding a Cartridge (see KMK) filled with Compressed Mana inside the Device, both the User and the Device can be immediately charged with Mana leading to Explosive Power usage. The sudden spike in Mana makes it hard to control, and as very few Users and Devices can manage enough control, not to mention that it is highly likely that a Device will be damaged in the process, today it is hard to find it in use.
In the Administration Bureau, there are few Ancient Belkan Users, regardless if they are using the true version or the derivative styles based upon it. The most popular of these "Modern Belkan", which is an attempt at emulating the powerful strength of Ancient Belkan by using Midchildan means.

Caledfwlch Techniques

Caledfwlch Techniques is a Vaizen-based manufacturer of armament and a subcontractor of the Administrative Bureau.
Caledfwlch among other things produces devices including both speciality designs, like Kylami's Raketenhammer, and is one of the manufacturers producing the Administration standard issue M4 staves and spears.
In the last couple of years, Caledfwlch has announced completing and bringing online a small number of partially constructed Eiserne Himmelsjager Mark XII Combat Cyborgs found in the ruins of a Holy Belkan Empire facility on Usea.

Collapsed matter

So-called battle steel, usually used for armour, is made of crystalline steel that has its structure partially collapsed by an extremely strong artificial gravity field. This process makes the material extremely strong and dense.
While the administration has access to basic collapsed matter foundries, reverse engineering the technology to create collapsed matter of the density used in High Belkan era armour and Device frames is considered economically unviable and so items manufactured from such are technically Lost Logia.
TSAB has a number of "Heavy Cruiser", and a rare few "Battlecruiser" and "Battleship" hulls made of single pieces of high-density collapsed matter. These have almost universally been refitted with internal systems of modern manufacture to replace less capable, worn out or battle-damaged systems they were originally outfitted with.


A Block 27 Goddess L-Class Patrol Cruiser. 1.2 megatonne wet displacement. 420 meters long. The Goddess series L-class is one of the most common armed Dimensional Sea vessels currently in TSAB Navy service. Standard complement of 393 plus 48 supercargo, Skeleton crew of 12, Maximum long term life support rating 960.

Hestia was destroyed by Admiral Graham at the end of the Book of Darkness Incident in 0055.


Kondensierte Mana Kartusche "Condensed Mana Cartridge"
The traditional Belkan term for the compressed mana containers often used with armed devices.


Signum's Armed Device. Base combat form is a single edged bastard sword, with chain whip and bow forms. Equipped with a bolt-action Belkan Cartridge System with a three cartridge internal magazine.


Like all the lettered classes Administration L-class ships are not a specific design but a category used to describe a variety of designs meeting specific range of criteria and capabilities.
In the L-class case this is a general duty cruising warship with levels of functionality and size similar to a Haslanti Long duration Heavy Attrition Unit. It covers a grab bag of lighter "cruiser" designs ranging from the Legion's three lost logia Coeul class stealth frigates to the Saint Minerva category 2 Strike Cruiser.
The Goddess class is the TSAN's current mainstay design that has been brought into service over the last half century to replace non-lost logia L-Class units as they reach the end of their effective service life. It has been recently decided to start the process of preparing specifications for a replacement design rather than relying on being able to extend the Goddess Class's expected life span beyond the 60 year Block 42 refit.

A Mage's Diet

For mages, Mana in the atmosphere is linked together in an organ, the "Linker core", and stored within their body. For quick replenishment, a balanced diet consisting of sugars, carbohydrates and proteins is essential, as are a variety of vitamins and minerals to maintain a healthy body. Therefore out of necessity, mages undergoing hard training during their early growth period eat a much larger diet compared to an ordinary person. Furthermore, pasta and other noodle-type foods are easily digested, so these types of food, known as 「Loading Foods」, are loved by many mages, since they allow for quick energy and Mana replenishment.
Certain foodstuffs including arctic cloudberries are known to be beneficial to linker core throughput, capacity, or responsiveness. These foods are known as Cultivation Foods and generally in short supply, and thus expensive, in the Administration outside the military where along with other similar advantages are provided to mages as both a recruitment incentive and a force multiplier. A few, such as stegosaurus meat are so easily available that they are automatically assumed to be part of a mages diet and are included regularly in school meals and among the populations general diet.

Mondkanin "Moon Rabbit"

A clade of lagomorphic humanoids currently resident on Verana, the larger moon of AW-012 Fedikia.
Mondkainen are known for above baseline human agility, reflexes, and speed. They also possess enhanced strength most noticably in the legs and lower body. Their impressive regenerative capabilities which while too slow to be useful on combat scales reduces their average medical down time by approximately 60%. The Mondkainen tendency towards crepuscularity should be taken in to account when assigning personnel.
Isomorphic genetic transcription keys between Mondkainen and Human exist in both directions and are included in the data sets of chrysalis tanks manufactured in the Administration.


A Block 33 Goddess L-Class Patrol Cruiser. 1.2 megatonne wet displacement. 421 meters long. The Goddess series L-class is one of the most common armed Dimensional Sea vessels currently in TSAB Navy service. Standard complement of 396 plus 48 supercargo, Skeleton crew of 12, Maximum long term life support rating 960.

Niobe was destroyed by Academician Precia Testarossa at the beginning of the Jewel Seed Incident early in 0065.


"Space Industrial Development Environment"

A closely clustered group of space colonies, industrial facilities, and agricultural satellites in a gravitationally stable orbit zone usually associated with a planet/moon or solar/planet equilibrium point. Most known SIDEs predate the Administration due to the TSAB's access to self replicating Genesis Seeds making planoforming of garden worlds economically viable.

TSAB space colonies range from the Rosinante style dragon scale mirror arrayed closed cylinder mechanically coupled pairs in the Midchildean system, though world house tent and bubble worldlets both mechanical and biological to the super terran planet sized lost logia Naval Headquarters station in layer Yogh Ȝ of the Dimensional Sea.

TSAB Watch Structure

The Tiger watch is from 20:00 to 24:00
The Dragon watch is from 00:00 to 04:00
The Wolf watch is from 04:00 to 08:00
The Falcon watch is from 08:00 to 12:00
The Sparrow watch is from 12:00 to 16:00
The Dog watch is from 16:00 to 18:00
The Rat watch is from 18:00 to 20:00


A Block 32 Goddess L-Class Patrol Cruiser. 1.2 megatonne wet displacement. 421 meters long. The Goddess series L-class is one of the most common armed Dimensional Sea vessels currently in TSAB Navy service. Standard complement of 396 plus 48 supercargo, Skeleton crew of 12, Maximum long term life support rating 960.

Unlike Hestia and Niobe, Tabris has not yet been destroyed.

Zong He Compass

A diviner's compass with three directional rings and a hexagram ring. Suitable for both Three Harmonies and Flying Stars techniques.
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1-03 Point on the Dragonstar

1-03 Point on the Dragonstar

- - -
"A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you."
- - -
Southport University dig site Casa, Uninhabited World-9476 and nearby regions of dimensional sea layer Thorn Þ
Falcon watch 01 June 0065
- - -
Tida Lanster
- - -

We burst from the sally port and the fire teams starbursted around Tabris in pairs as we dropped through the dimensional portal back to conventional space, the ship's bow facing directly at the ground. Trio and I dropped into the space forward of Tabris's empty spinal mount socket and dropped down along the insides of the forward spines. Behind or above us, depending on point of view,Tabris' point defence grid came alive. Trio might be flying under direct control but the rest of us delegated to our devices as we rode the surge of data the ship's tactical net fed us on top of our own senses, the danger zones of the spinal Rosario projectors and the point defences tinting my vision with red cones.

A quick kilometre descent later and we made soft landings on the roofs of the prefab camp modules before the sonic booms finished echoing off the cliff face that the dig was excavating. A quarter kilometre beyond the edge of the camp, thick tropical rain collided with Tabris' outermost wards where they extended to the ground. While the water that ran down the boundary put a limit on visual range, the rain would have hampered visibility at least as much and the wards should give us some warning if Signum came in after us.

Gold and black wasps dropped from our gear and spread out to investigate the buildings as a swarm of bees distinguishable from the wasps only by their green and white Caledfwlch heraldry swept out and took up positions around the camp, their colourful forms blurring and disappearing as their surfaces took up the colours of their landing sites.

Von Hohenkirch, Koral at her wing and Schmidt flanked by Buran dropped into an orbit low around the camp as Veyron and Able group took up position around us and den Soro and her group, guided by the bees and Baker group, descended to ground level and started tagging the archaeologists.

"I'm reluctant to look for trouble but do we need to sweep the dig?" If there was anywhere we wouldn't be able to scry nearby then the underground complex, apparently built by the Most Serene and Superb Republic of Aurelia to hide some of that extinct fascist cryptocracy's many and generally unimportant secrets, would be it.

Baker team swept around from the right into my vision in a Belkan ground attack tetrahedron, just outside the camp's perimeter. Lance Schmidt in the lead just above the roof tops with a pair of [Panzerschild] glyphs below her covering her flanks below the extended thruster wings of her armour, Corporal von Hohenkirche, the teams fast mover, behind her and high and then Trooper Buran with Trooper Korel in parallel on the outerside, both with a single [Panzerschild] below on the formation flanks, back and to the sides only a couple of meters above Schmidt. Mercedes' engagement plan was obvious, Kylami to slam in behind the team's heaviest defences to pin with the troopers on her flanks to contract the Blazing General's circle of awareness while the Corporal used her higher speed to set up a [Schnellgang:Konigvargr] charge attack to flank or rear.

"We have 23 personnel to account for and that seems to match life sign readings in the camp." replied Miss Scarlet, "We should check the ops centre to see what we can find, both from the dig and the security records, teleport up all the packaged artefacts, set a lock down and go. I want clear air if we have to tangle with a worldbreaker." she paused for a moment, "On the personnel list, den Soro, you should know that the otter outside ops is the senior staff member."

"QX Diamond, making sure otter has been retrieved along with the rest. Is anyone else bothered by a precision strike with no deaths? This smells like deadly ground." I doubted that Devendra was complaining about the heavy wet scent of the surrounding jungle or the ozone tang of the shield.

"Two to Four, Is anyone not bothered? I'm not finding any booby-traps and there are traces of a teleport off world." According to the tactical net, Anja Khamsin's wide area search probes had spiralled out beyond the camp and she was taking advantage of Trio and I facing the same arc to do a detailed scan of one of the casualties.

"Tinker to Meteor, If I'm reading this right they were taking it slow and careful, mostly surveying outside the bunker." Eden was uploading the expedition's logs to the network as she spoke and the map I had floating at a 25% mask refreshed with extra detail that mostly faded as Phantom Mirage stripped out unnecessary trivia, leaving among other things the limited areas the archaeologists had opened up around the entrance to the bunker. "Looks like there are still live defences just beyond the shuttle hanger."

A quick check showed that we had all the expedition located and no sign of hostiles. "Meteor to team Switch play. One and Three " Lance Corporal Lucy Torban and weather witch Sofia Medici,"join Four and Eleven," Lance Corporal Den Soro and our medic Tizoc, "readying the casualties for transport. Tinker and Rickshaw," Eden Sharpe and ordinance tech Michelle Linea" lock that bunker down without damaging it."

Lieutenant Veyron and Trooper Khamsin shifted to an open diamond formation with me and Miss Scarlett. A couple of quick gestures designated which arc we each covered without cluttering the feed, or risking exposing our lack of team cohesion. Trio cocked her head and replied with by pointing at each of the four of us and waving her hand up thumb tucked in and fingers spread with a wide V in the middle. I nodded in return, a finger-four formation was the default air combat formation for a scratch team.

There was a welcome lack of ancient Belkan super soldiers, to go with the lack of corpses on the scan as the flashes of the evacuation teleports started.

- - -

912 seconds after deployment, as the security locked base buildings flooded with nitrogen, with metallic insects once more clinging to us, we teleported back to Tabris as she rolled and banked to bring her bow up above the horizon and started the climb to orbit and a smoother dimensional boundary.

Then of course we spent over three times as long in decontamination and sickbay being scanned and checked as we had been outside the ship. While Trio suffered the most attention, with the medics scanning her having been augmented by Lieutenant Liuha and a team of engineering artificers, I for some reason found myself stripped to the waist in the centre of Medbay 3 as Surgeon den Ihoka ran a stethoscope over my chest, and then checked my chakra gates and mana channels with her fingers, just to as she claimed, "confirm my biodynamic baselines." A task that apparently needed the attention or oversight of several of the ship's medical personnel, and the female members of the Mage Team.

Reflex tests, range of motion kinematics and a damp swab to the back of my neck to test sweat content made it take as long as Trio's full body stress fracture scan, but eventually with a "You should consider a tailored skin biome to provide a custom scent." she let me head to the post mission debrief.

At least Phantom Mirage and I had managed to get a good start on the after action report.
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1-04 Wondering What Shoe Will Drop

1-04 Wondering What Shoe Will Drop

- - -
"They say the captain has no crude emotions to control.
Just an iron fist, an iron will and an iron-banded soul."
- - -
TSAB Patrol Cruiser Tabris, 400 parsecs from Val Verde, Dimensional Sea layer Yogh Ȝ
Falcon watch 01 June 0065
- - -
Tida Lanster
- - -

A bit over an hour later we were back in meeting room one. Post mission analysis for the Mage Team having consisted mainly of "fortunately we didn't have to fight an ancient superweapon", "How are they all still alive?", and checking that we'd secured the less than standard munitions some of us had deployed with. Trio had retreated back into her shell, but for all the adrenaline and tension, in the end it had been a text book search and rescue sweep. Veyron and the less experienced troopers might be happy with a perfect mission but the rest of us were wondering when the inevitable catch would hit. Missions don't go off that smoothly, especially when put together on the fly.

All the command staff, from the captain down to the only officer with less time in the black than me, Sarika, were still speaking in the clipped, clear diction of action stations rather than the relaxed tones of the aftermath of a job well done. Sarika having had a career of being fired into orbit in craft mostly comprising of three or four thousand tons of liquid explosives before she'd ever heard of TSAB probably explained her veteran disposition.

"The entire Archaeological Team need rest and I would prefer to refer the majority to experts in linker core damage and recouperation, but so long as they don't try to stress their systems there shouldn't be any core detonations. I'm holding most of them in induced sleep to begin recovery without temptation." Dr den Ihoka's fur was slicked down and the droop of her ear tips gave away the fatigue that her cool alto hid, "Academician Scrya, however is in noticeably better condition, her linker core's condition suggests that she was subjected to a less intense drain than the others. Her physical injuries apart from mild bruising are confined to her human form with the usual advantages for healing that staying in a second true form provides."

"And we have nothing to suggest why they were all still alive?" The Captain asked calmly.

"Nothing, I've checked for everything we can think of, No personality subversion, offensive meme complexes, nanites, mariage cores, infectious diseases, curses, tracking beacons or anything of the sort. Their DNA matches the records both on surface and deep tissue tests. And as far as we can tell all the reflective surfaces, including their eyes are clear." The Doctor nodded to Clarissa and Felix and continued, "Neither Medical or Scrying can find anything out of place beyond combat injuries and linker core depletion."

"I've been touching base with the rest of the squadron and Lieutenant den Lubari at Val Varo Orbital." If the movement of her tail was anything to go by, Sarika obviously preferred to slither around the idea that she had been gossiping with other communications officers, "Asura reports linker core depletions but no deaths from the Wolkenritter, and Enforcer den Ivaldi has apparently been dealing with similar incidents. No mention of any tricks. Calypso found a planetary survey team yesterday all tucked up in their bunks with depleted linker cores and their ship's black box recording looped."

"Tida and I have set a watch on them regardless." the Bosun added, " A mix of mage team and regulators to keep eyes on and mix of scry wards to watch for changes. Plus some of Felix's special tricks."

I was watching Fan and her frown deepened slightly, mostly at the tips of her ears, as Sarika spoke. Captain Stradale seemed to have noticed as well."Lieutenant Liuha, your thoughts?"

"From an engineering stand point we took a good chunk off the transition drive's service life with the low altitude exit, and Commander Sebring is replacing some of the subspace manifold components. Otherwise, if this is a fake Indomitable Sword Princess, she's cosplaying off the accurate entertainment feeds rather than the more common portrayals, her mana aura is exactly the right colour and tone and she moves right, even The Voidwitch's Hegira had problems getting that onto the screen. Her knight's armour is a new design and she used at least one spell that I'm pretty sure hasn't been featured in entertainment. But the Wolkenritter panoply designs seem to vary depending on where they are summoned. Heiligengarde style when the Book appears on a Belkan world, mistcloaks when they destroyed Ayotochtlan and based on the marketing art for 'Breakers of a Thousand Worlds' the last couple of Black Book incidents that the Administration knows of."

"I've got a team combing through the camp's records but a fast sweep didn't spot anything out of place or any editing artefacts." Merak was talking into his steepled fingers. Lacking our executive officer or an enforcer the Tactical officer was pulling the shipside part of their duties while I had the rest. "Headquarters seems pleased we got a multi source recording of the engagement."

The captain prompted Navigation. "Speaking of Headquarters they want us back so they can go over everything as well."

"Main jag back to HrsfOk has a weather warning at Val Verde, Asura reports they clipped the leading edge of a multilayer storm-front during their sprint to UW-97. They ken it to be more of the turbulence we've been having since the Garden of Time do be smashed imaginary." Lieutenant Levante reported.

A light trail extended through the starmap hanging over the table as Tipo took over. "That means our fastest route is hugging the spinward wall of the local bubble, through the Zhar-Ptytsa gap and across the interarm gap to Akhari kilha and then Tocha to join the Jutsuta Pilgrimage route. I'm aware that that's the opposite direction to both the nearest weather satellite chain and the nearest Administered world but it does mean we skip the run through the Coalsack. So it should be a ten to twelve day cruise."

"That's the 0005 Taufr Expedition route past the deep range Belkan fortress at the Shadow Pylon?" The skipper was looking serious.

"We have the command codes and interface protocols for the satellites they dropped, so we should be able to sync with their command channel when we come in range of the near end." Sarika nodded as Tipo carried on, "We should manage normal effective cruising speed from that point."

"And via Val Verde?"

"If the storms from the Garden of Time are building strength again my best guess is 30-60 days."

"Take us to sprint speed for Zhar-Ptytsa while we still have clear space and good external reports. Fan tell Gunther to baby our sensors and Levante put your people on half watch shifts. Zori round up everyone qualified who isn't an engineer to fill out Levante's watchbill, den Soro, Felix and I make three of those. Emil let your people know this is going to be rough run but there will be a stack of cases behind the bar when we pull into Neu Taschen highport after the rough stages."
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Notes 2

Note 2

Den Names

Devendra is of Den Soro, but like all huli-jing den names this was legally adopted by her parents when they formed the family. Some den especially in optimate areas are other social groups considered equally significant (usually small elite military or emergency service units) and in some populares cultures it is acceptable for close friendship groups to choose themselves a den name even if they don't intend to marry or raise children. It is common in certain (i.e. Kitsune) areas to adopt the same name as one of the initial members of a den when forming it. Children have the den name of thier parents, regardless of genetic relationship, until they join another. Orphans of unknown background, some Trade Union leaders and the like are Den Russet, since "We are all Russet" is the huli-jing catch phrase for pan-sophont unity and carries implications of being everyone's child.

Dimensional Fault

When a certain area of space "splits", and the two pieces of split space suddenly "grind" with each other, it causes a great disaster that is often called a "Spatial Avalanche". All things in the space "fall" towards the split, and thus collapsing into it. As the direction that a Fault may stretch is extremely hard to predict, it is possible that it may develop into a large scale disaster that affects multiple Worlds. A dangerous phenomenon.

Dimensional Sea

Magic-oriented civilizations like Belka and Mid-Childa have long learned to travel through the dimension space to other worlds/dimensions. Such travel usually takes place aboard trans-dimensional spaceships like Arthra or Claudia, but it is also possible for sufficiently powerful mages to teleport directly to another world

The name Dimensional Sea is given to a set of spaces with a non-Euclidean geometry coexisting injectively with "normal" space. Travelling in the Dimensional Sea allows for what is effectively faster-than-light travel relative to normal space.

The Dimensional Sea is organized into discrete layers, with each layer corresponding to a lower point-to-point distance compared to normal space. This meant for a given velocity, deeper layers allow for higher velocity relative to normal space.

Dimensional sea layers were labelled by a series of traditional symbols. While relative velocity in each layer remained sublight, apparent velocity (how fast a ship moved relative to objects in normal space) increased, the "deeper" layer you transitioned to.

Thorn Þ
The main layer for short-range dimensional sea travel was the Thorn layer, which was the shallowest of the layers. Voyages over 100 parsecs in layer Thorn are usually longer than half the cycle time for civilian transition drives to recharge and so modern double transition drive ships use layer Yogh instead for longer voyages.

Yogh Ȝ
The second layer is simultaneously the main level for long-range civilian travel and the layer where the TSAB Navy Headquarters usually resides.

Wynn Ƿ
The third layer is commonly used by TSAB warships running high-speed patrols, most civilian designs cannot achieve a higher apparent velocity at this layer than at layer Yogh.

Eth Ð
The fourth layer is the layer where TSAB military ships can achieve the highest relative velocity. The additional wear that the dimensional sheer and weather cause limits this to high-speed redeployment along routes heavily seeded with sensor stations to provide weather reports.

Ash æ
The faster and more intense dimensional weather at the fifth layer means military designs can barely achieve faster relative velocities than layer Wynn.

Odal ᛟ
Relative speeds for military units at the sidth layer are usually less than at layer Thorn, making this the highest layer TSAB possible to use.

Sigil ᛋ
The twelfth layer Sigil became the deepest visited layer in 0065.

Gravitic Objects
Gravity affects the dimensional sea such that it is difficult to transition to or from the dimensional sea "near" planets and similarly large objects. The difficulty is related both to the steepness of the gravity well and the speed at which it rotates.

Flight Magic

In magic arts, flight is considered "the last of the basic skills and the first of the intermediate ones"; however, in practice, flight requires a certain degree of magical skill, good senses, and an appropriate level of training. Furthermore, to make use of magics while in flight, and to perform aerial combat, a lengthy period of specialized training is also required, the completion of which is the absolute minimum needed before one can call oneself an "Aerial Combat Mage" or "Aerial Combat Knight".

Spell Cards

Card like platens, similar to the M-4s default standby mode, inscribed with a magic array, and charged with Mana. A Mana storage tool that works similar to a simple cartridge, and does not require combustion within a device. It is believed that each card is charged using the owner's Mana over a long period of time, and then saved in this form.

Unlike Devices, Exquisite Foxes can use Spell Cards.

Vargavinter, The Reflection of the Maid in the Mirror

High Arcana catoptromantic summons instantiating a unique reflection of Irulan, Maiden of the Wolf-winter.

While each instantiation of the Maid in the Mirror is separate they all share a core set of characteristics and abilities (including a disinclination or inability to converse, the ability to treat appropriately charmed mirrors as portals, mana conversion affinity:Ice and butler skills), the personality and fine details of their appearance reflect the magical skills, mysteries and attitudes of their summoner.

The summoning rituals for the Maid in the Mirror require the summoner or specularii to hand create a full-length mirror to act as a beacon for the Maid. In Shamal's case this was a mirror-polished slab of vanta battle steel 3.42 meters by 1.52 meters x 0.38 meters.



Active Control Surface is a Midchildean support spell similar to [Flyer Fin] and [Sonic Sail] or the Belkan [Sleipnir]. ACS improves flight performance enabling the user to achieve supermaneuverability or transaerodynamic performance.

[Durchbruchszeichen] "Breaching Sign"

An ancient Bekan decline-type support spell that brings down barrier-type spells through a destructive resonance cascade. While more efficient than [Barrier Break], the greater complexity and distinctive setup risks the defender countering it by sequenced reinforcement of the barrier.

[Dustere Buch] "Dark Book"

The Book of Darkness's remote deployment function enables it to zero link summoning based teleport to any of the Wolkenritter, its associated Unison Knights and Oathsworn Demons, The Master of the Book, and at least in theory Irulan / Vargavinter.

[Cross Fire Shoot]

Cross Fire Shoot is a Falling Star style signature shooting spell.

Like many shooting spells, several magic spheres are produced, fired and then aimed or guided towards the target. Although quite destructive by itself, the spell can also be used for suppressive fire.

[Schwerthellblitz] Sword light flash"

Otherwise Shinden Issen

Signum's signature charged attack with Laevatein in Schwertform, covering the sword blade with flames to increase its power.

[Phantom Blazer]

A Falling Star style's single target bombardment spell.

Phantom Blazer is a "long-range sniper cannon" attack, consisting of a coherent gravitic implosion beam, instead of a magic loop it makes use of a "target ring" and, when firing at long range, a laser sight.

[Platinum Tiger's Paws]

A Flames and Wisdoms Support spell, Platinum Tiger's Paws is an instinctive magic for rust clade Foxes. While reliant on high metallic content from the local surfaces Platinum Tiger's Paws grants the ability to move up, down, and across vertical surfaces and upside down along ceilings, while leaving the caster's hands free.

[Stinger Spike]

Mio's spike bayonet spell makes an energy blade expand itLapine like self under Phantom Mirage's barrel. The blade itself has about the size of a large stilleto and, in the case of an emergency, can be ejected from the Device. Although the spike has a decent penetrating power it is mostly useful as a parrying surface.


Sturmwinde is an Ancient Belkan shooting spell, firing a fiery shockwave to block projectiles from approaching. When used at cross-range, it may be seen as a magic-enhanced attack, instead.

[Tin Hau's Spanner]

A multifunction Flames and Wisdoms spell that aids in damage control. It can shift the properties and crystalline structure of worked metal. Among other things, it can render small controlled areas brittle, or non-conductive or change the coefficient of friction.

Tin-Hau's Spanner is instinctive for Foxes of the Shipmaster subclade of the rust/brown clade
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