Vote tally - The Lost (30k Primarch Quest)

Scheduled vote count started by HalfTangible on Jan 29, 2024 at 7:37 PM, finished with 26 posts and 16 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
The Lost (30k Primarch Quest)
Post #1708
Post #1733


  • [X] – Write in
    -[x] The Imperial Harem.
    [X] – The chamber of the lords, in a meeting about the civil war
    [X] - A seemingly-abandoned meeting room. Unfortunately, it turns out it's still occupied, with an ongoing negotiation between some important-looking nobles and...are those more Drukhari?
    [X] - The middle of a banquet hall, in which several nobles are celebrating news of a 'great victory' over the rebels. Perhaps a bit too much. They're drunk, think you're someone with ties to the Empress, and insist on you staying for the entire party.
    [X] – Write in: the Imperial menagerie contains many fantastic creatures, from those that where found planet side but some specimens of creatures that can from the heavens long ago; some of them have collars that seem to block psychic powers (Xeno Zoo, with the rare species from distant planets moved here before the long night.) oh there's an Ork there, and an orange monkey, a . . . human? why is there a human in a zoo? a school fish swimming in the air, a bird that is controlling the elements, a dog that teleports, a mutating humanoid creature thing that has many mouths, eyes and limbs, everchanging . . . pretty sure they're a girl and now she's staring at you . . . awkward
    [X] – The chapel
    [X] Write in: even if you have no use for them, Steal the items anyways, cause PIRATE. you could just ask the very suggestable shoulder hostage what each thing is and what they do
    [X] – Write in: the armory? nice, you might take a "heavy" weapon or two for a hand weapon. and a guard outfit . . hope you can find one that fits you (probably steals an Ogryn outfit)
    [X] – Write in: the medical wing holds many strange substances & concoctions, you can probably find something here to help you out. from actual medical tools and equipment to poisons, venoms and drugs, there's got to be something to steal Borrow
    [X] – Write in: the kitchen, maybe you can pretend to be a new chef here? maybe sneak a bite or two of that these nobles call good food. or you could accidentally eat something poisonous cause your dumb ass prepared it incorrectly . . . meh your constitution should let you survive, also long as it tastes good then its worth it.
    [X] – Write in: you somehow bumped into the empress alone in her bed room . . . alright how are we talking our way out of this one?
    [X] – Write in: the Library, steal books & Scrolls, maybe read some secrets hidden away from everyone else, there's a chance we can find some "Forbidden Knowledge"
    [X] – Write in: you somehow actually found your way to the noble lady's changer/bedroom, and no one actually questioned you . . . these guards are shit, but anyways you might as well lock the doors and start looking around her stuff.
    [X] – Write in: you somehow stumbled into a Gu Ritual involving the combining of several Daemons of all 4 factions into a undivided warp creature; the blending would destroy their personality and past alliances so to make them a blank slate for the . . . Cultists? Nobles? to have the ability to control something much, MUCH stronger then them . . . if you interfere that means you just get a free companion that can't betray you right?
    [X] – Write in
    -[x] The Imperial chocolate stash.