The Lords of Terra (A M&B/CK-Inspired Quest in an Arknights AU)

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A young noble of a fallen house must struggle to survive the chaos and intrigue of the Succession Era, finding hope in a small mercenary company for now...

Takes place in an alternate universe of Arknights!
Chargen - First Steps
I've never posted anything here on SV, but I've been lurking on and off for years. The recently announced Summerfest is something of an excuse for me to get off my lazy bum and do something, ha. I've always wanted to do something of a hybrid between my Mount & Blade and Crusader Kings experiences, smatter in my love of Arknights (even if I haven't played in years), and voila! This monstrosity was born. Heh.

Also, despite having a stat system similar to a CK-based quest, I'm going to be trying to focus more on narrative beats…though I'll probably fail spectacularly. Well, I'll have some time to decide the basebuilding/management stuff due to the fact that you have nothing to manage at the beginning, mwahaha.

Short introduction up next:

Be aware, this quest takes place in an alternate world of Arknights.

The setting is a slightly primitive kind of Terra. It's still post-apocalyptic, but the high tech wonders commonly seen in Arknights are more rare, or are considered relics of a bygone age. Guns are even more rare and coveted, while machinery and vehicles are precious. Catastrophes do not occur, eliminating the need to ever establish mobile cities, and originium is naturally occurring and mined a la Dust from RWBY, but is considered more of a tool for casters and powering what relics can be recovered rather than the absolute essential resource it was in canon. However, it is still possible to contract Oripathy, which is still a cause for concern.

The political landscape is quite different but recognizable. The nitty-gritty details will be revealed later, but essentially rather than being in an era of revolution, we're still in an age of heavier social stratification. Hence the emphasis on nobility.

I will be playing fast and loose with several adaptations of source material to this AU, as Arknights is currently an incomplete story (sadly the case for many ongoing gacha games with spectacular settings), but I promise not to do full reversals or character assassination.

Please, enjoy.

The Lords of Terra
Chargen - First Steps

(Map Credit to naniwaia on reddit, link to post here)
(Map's borders and names are not exact to the AU, it is mainly for reference)

It has been centuries since the collapse of the Terran Unity, and the world has not known peace since. The Successor States deal with conflicts internal and external, and all the while the common folk struggle to survive. Warriors test their might on endless battlefields, casters refine their potent Originium Arts, and relic seekers search for fame and knowledge in the ruins of old regime. All the while, the elite plot and orchestrate from the shadows, working towards increasingly enigmatic goals.

You are the young heir of a fallen noble family, having barely reached the cusp of adulthood when everything fell apart. Your house was never too influential, barely better than landed commoners, but it was still a life of privilege. However, with your modest home and fortune lost to you, you now find yourself in the care of a passing mercenary company.

But before your dire circumstances are made clear, we must speak of your background. The lands across Terra are as varied as the many races that inhabit it, so from which Successor State did your house hail?

NOTE: This is not your starting location, that will be picked in the next decision.

[] The Kingdom of Victoria - Traditionally one of the most powerful nations on Terra. Or, at least, one of the ones that boldly likes to make that claim. Their respectable military might aside, they are indeed one of the most prosperous nations on the continent due to their control of the Terran heartlands. This proud kingdom has enjoyed long periods of stability, typically at the expense of their neighbors. But now, as the kingdom's great houses jockey for power alongside impudent newcomers, the stability of the ruling dynasty begins to shake…
Trait Gained: Blueblood - Victoria is staunchly traditionalist, and the culture of its nobility reflects this. Your bearing is impeccable and inspires awe, though your pride can sometimes lead to some friction with those outside of your social caste.

[] The Grand Principality of Ursus - The largest nation on Terra, ruled by a council of Princes, who elect a Grand Prince from among their number every five years. Cold and rugged landscapes make for tough citizens and perhaps even tougher leaders. Most of their neighbors tend to leave them alone, letting them squabble amongst themselves. For nothing is more terrifying than a unified Ursus bearing down upon your lands…
Trait Gained: Marcher - Ursus is a harsh land, and even the most scheming prince is taught how to survive nature. You're more knowledgeable in practical matters and are more willing to give up creature comforts, but you can be somewhat blunt and stubborn, relatively speaking.

[] The Chivalric Order of Kazimierz - Kazimierz is a small but potent state on the world stage, boasting powerful and skilled knights. It is ruled by a military order, with the most powerful leader being the Grandmaster of Kazimierz. Though lately the merchant class is also growing in power, and there's rumors that the continent's most skilled assassin's guild is actually headquartered here…
Trait Gained: Idealist - Only you know what your ideals are, but growing up in a nation where upholding said ideals is said to be the pinnacle of good character has affected you on a fundamental level. You are very persuasive when it comes to matters personally important to you, but also quick to find opposition or distrust with those who seem to be against you.

[] The Iberian-Aegir Commonwealth - The premier maritime power on Terra, though most nations are landlocked so it's not the biggest contest. This nation boasts a prosperous realm with Iberians controlling the land and the Aegir controlling the depths, however it is greatly decentralized and prone to infighting. They are also facing the threat of invasion by mysterious creatures that reside even deeper in the oceans than the Aegir…
Trait Gained: Mercantile - Trade runs in the blood of Iberia and Aegir, and you're no exception. You've watched others at work, and picked up a few tricks along the way. You can talk circles around the naive, and trade blows with the most seasoned traders. But you're a bit stingy and hesitant when it comes to putting yourself on the line.

[] The Republic of Columbia - The only known republic on Terra, boasting a diverse culture and potent relic research division. That isn't to say that blood and reputation are irrelevant, no, but the trappings of nobility and upper class take on a distinct flavor in these lands. What does a young nation like this wish to accomplish on the world stage…?
Trait Gained: Cosmopolitan - You're used to blending in with people from various walks of life, from their different cultures to different economic standings, you've seen it all. You're quite skilled when leveraging your worldly knowledge. However, more traditional individuals will view you with some disdain, perhaps even more so due to your noble status.

[] The Magocracy of Leithanien - A smaller nation known for its strength in originium arts. The prevalence of arts in this society is such that those who cannot utilize them are even looked down upon. It's a type of meritocracy, perhaps, but whether or not it can continue its stable reign in these turbulent times is up for question…
Trait Gained: Magus - You have a deeper education and understanding of arts than most, and are more easily able to learn new arts and apply them as needed. However, even if you try to hide it, your culture's prejudice against non-casters sometimes makes itself known.

[] The Wilds of Acahualla - Not a nation in the true sense of the words, the jungles of Acahualla are home to countless tribes who are mostly independent. In more recent times, though, with pressure from the other nations of Terra, the tribes have formed a loose confederation to resist and organize themselves.
WARNING: If you pick this, your backstory shifts to fit a tribal flavor. Let it be known that this has major effects in general.
Trait Gained: Chieftain - Somewhat naive to the world as a whole, you nonetheless excel in governing the rowdy natives of the jungle. Your prowess and leadership can assist you in other, normally non-related checks.

[] The Siracusan Confederation - An alliance of city-states that, while known for their culture, are also infested with various criminal guilds and other unsavory enterprises. Funnily enough, because of how corrupt and uninterested Siracusa is in foreign affairs, it doesn't face much foreign pressure either. Though you're not exactly sure that's a good thing.
Trait Gained: Lawbreaker - You are able to navigate the underworld with relative ease, and know the ins and outs of criminal enterprises. Whether you fight against or for criminal goals is up to you. You are, however, distrusted by most others due to your background alone.

Even as you keep your memories of home close to your heart, you still have to face the world ahead. The mercenary company that picked you up is based in a foreign land, forcing you to adapt to a new culture and people. Where are they based?

(You cannot select the same area as your homeland.)

[] Victoria
[] Ursus
[] Kazimierz
[] Iberia
[] Leithanien
[] Columbia

[] Acahualla - Unavailable because there is no infrastructure available to support a mercenary base.
[] Siracusa
[] Write-in
- If you really, really wanna go somewhere else. Limiting it to factions/nations that had some sort of territory or government in canon. I'll also be re-interpreting the location to fit the AU, but as you can tell from the above it'll still be recognizable and unique.

You're still settling into your new temporary home, and you're not sure if it's been easier or harder on you due to your race. Your traits were all inherited from your father, which race's blood do the both of you carry?

Note: This decision will give you a racial trait, which is less impactful than most traits you can get, but it will still have an effect. Additionally, this will affect your backstory and interactions as different races are certainly treated differently in various lands. A Sarkaz noble family in Victoria, for example, would be an exceedingly rare circumstance. I included example characters for each race to serve as reference, but they're pretty diverse so don't think you'll end up looking like the example!

(Also holy hell there's a lot of races in Arknights, no way I'm including them all. The following list isn't even half of them, I can't believe it. I think I got most of the major races, but if there's really one you want, I'll leave a write-in available.)

[] Sarkaz - More specifically, the common kind. Has distinctive demonic horns and/or a tail. Native to Kazdel, but can be found all over Terra. They are stereotyped as warmongers and discriminated against at times. Sensitive to originium exposure, but are also able to utilize it for a large bonus to Prowess and/or Arts Affinity.

[] Aegir - The Aegir prefer to live underwater (even though they can't breathe underwater, ironically), but many can be found forging their own paths on land. If they don't keep their skin moist, they will shrivel and die. Gain a bonus to Learning and Arts Affinity. Typically has traits of various marine life, such as tentacles or scales.

[] Sankta - What are you doing outside of Laterano? Well whatever your circumstances, Sankta are easily identified by their distinctive angelic halos. You gain some knowledge of relic firearms, but you do not own one (If you did, you'd have people chasing you). People will be mildly surprised to see you, unless you're in Laterano itself.

[] Anura - A race with a few patches of frog-like skin. They can secrete potent poison, but are otherwise of normal physical capability. You are of a very rare race, most people will be unable to recognize your race because of your lack of defining traits like horns or tails, and the patches of frog-like skin are easily hidden by clothing.

[] Durin - Another rare race. Small in stature, only reaching around 130cm in height. Penalized slightly when it comes to prowess, but gain a large bonus to Learning. People will be surprised to see one of your kind running around, since most of you live in isolated underground cities.

[] Caprinae - A race with sheep or goat-like characteristics, including ears and horns. Common and dominant race in Leithanien, but can be found everywhere. Gain a small bonus to Arts Affinity and Learning.

[] Archosauria - A race with crocodilian traits, usually in the form of a large tail. Common in Acahualla, but surprising to see in most other locations. Gain a small bonus to Martial and Prowess.

[] Kuranta - A race with equine traits, usually ears and tail. The dominant in race in Kazimierz, but can be found all over Terra. Gain a bonus to endurance-based checks.

[] Liberi - A race with avian traits, typically with clusters of feathers in their hair or on their body. An extremely common race. Gain a bonus to perception-based checks.

[] Lupo - A race with wolf-like traits, usually ears and tail. A common race, but many are concentrated in Siracusa. Gain a bonus to reconnaissance-based checks.

[] Oni - A race distinguished by strength and the presence of a horn or two. Uncommon race, typically from Higashi. Gain a bonus to prowess and strength-based checks. Receive a slight penalty to dexterity-based checks.

[] Feline - A race with cat-like features, usually ears and tail. A very common race, but concentrated in Victoria. Gain a bonus to dexterity-based checks.

[] Ursus - A race with bear-like traits. Ears are their most noticeable trait, as their tails are small. Common race, and dominant race in Ursus. Gain a small bonus to prowess.

[] Vouivre - A race with wyvern-like traits, usually horns and sometimes tails. Uncommon race, hailing from Sargon but with a diaspora across the continent. Gain a large bonus to prowess. Gain Cold-Blooded, making you able to control your metabolism but penalizing your rolls as the temperature drops.

[] Write-in - If you know Arknights lore and are sad your favorite race isn't here, write 'em in and I'll try to come up with something. Oh, but there's some I didn't include because they're too unique/eye-catching, or they're too insular (Like the Elves), so these are vetoed: Draco, Aslan (they're just fancy Felines, I swear), Elf, Ancestor, the Sarkaz "Subraces", the Elder Races, and the "Other" Races.

Regardless of how others may view you, you are proud of who you are. Which makes the rapid reversal of your status all the more biting. How did your family fall from grace, and how are you planning to avoid it happening again?

[] Politics - A struggle for power with another local house broke out. It wasn't a war of swords, but a battle of words, wit, and diplomacy. Sadly…your family lost, and was disgraced in the eyes of your liege, losing all titles. Now, you're left to pick up the pieces of your life and move on to greener pastures. However, you'll never forget the reason why your family is shattered and your life has been turned upside down. But even through your grief and're cognizant enough to realize how rare it is that a feud escalates to full destruction of one side's holdings. So why did it happen to your family?
Primary Boost: Diplomacy
Secondary Boost: Stewardship, Martial
Trait Gained: Diplomatic - You are well-versed in the trappings of high society, and are more able to read intentions and establish connections. You can gain insight on various social matters easily, and turn those insights into advantages.

[] Conflict - Your banners were called, and your father led your house's troops to war. You were proud to accompany him, too. But…only you returned. You were told he fell bravely in battle, and you tried to convince yourself that was the truth. To make things worse, your returning manpower was only a fraction of what was needed to keep your holdings together. With no choice but to have your lands absorbed by a neighbor, you set out to make a name for yourself and return your house to its former standing and power. All while keeping the mysterious circumstances of your father's death in the back of your mind.
Primary Boost: Martial
Secondary Boost: Prowess, Intrigue
Trait Gained: Disciplined - You are able to remain calm in difficult situations, and are familiar with most of the rules and lifestyle of the military. You are more dependable in combat, and can raise morale.

[] Mismanagement - Whether it was your father, your grandfather, or even your grandfather's father's handling of the family estate, your house was pushed into crippling debt and forced to give up its lands and facilities, remaining nobles only in name. Without a way to make a living, you set out to try and do something about your family's abysmal situation…and to ensure the mistakes of the past do not repeat themselves. But was simple negligence the only reason for your family's misfortune...?
Primary Boost: Stewardship
Secondary Boost: Diplomacy, Learning
Trait Gained: Prudent - You are a careful planner, well-suited for management. You are able to avoid tunnel-vision and reason out decisions more deeply. Others are liable to listen to your words.

[] Assassination - Who would want your parents dead? You don't know…but you were also sure that the sickness that took them both was no natural illness, like the doctors insisted. Before you could even begin to track down the killers, however, you were blindsided by the manifestation of documents stating that you and your siblings were no longer in the line of succession, and that your family's holdings would pass back to your liege until granted once more. Which made even less sense! Determined to get to the bottom of things, you leave to learn more about the wider world.
Primary Boost: Intrigue
Secondary Boost: Learning, Prowess
Trait Gained: Cunning - You're quick on your feet, both physically and metaphorically. You are able to make snap decisions or mislead your foes more easily. It is difficult for others to do the same to you.

[] Mystery - It happened quickly. A short meeting with the rest of the family late at night, and then your father was out the door. He said it was urgent business, but no further details were given to you. Several weeks later, your liege's troops lay siege to your territory. Unsure and unwilling to risk full-blown war, you gave up the fight quickly and surrendered, only to learn that your house has been accused of treason. You and your family's protests were ignored, and if anything, it felt like letting all of you leave in exile was a mercy. Just what happened? And why did you father disappear?
Primary Boost: Learning
Secondary Boost: Martial, Diplomacy
Trait Gained: Inquisitive - You always seek answers, absorbing knowledge with ease. It's rare for you to take things at face value, and you can make connections through logic that others would not.

Note: The reason for your family's fall will also determine the state of your house at the beginning. Even though you're heading off without them for now, this can have further effects later. Family details will be established at a later step, but here's the crucial info for this step:

If you choose Politics or Mismanagement, your parents and siblings are all alive, though your father is emotionally and mentally crushed and your mother is busy supporting him. They reside in a modest house in one of the cities of your homeland.
If you choose Conflict or Mystery, your mother and your siblings are alive and living with your mother's family.
If you choose Assassination, only your siblings live and are staying with your mother's family.

A tall task lies ahead of you, and you can't shake the feeling that there was more behind the scenes of your family's downfall. Regardless, that doesn't change your immediate goals. Luckily, you don't have to face the wide world alone. A trusted companion has decided to accompany you, even with your loss of status. What is the nature of your relationship?

[] A noble alliance - Regardless of the rest of their family's reaction to the fall of your house, this companion has opted to honor your houses' alliance and stay by your side. This choice allows for a strong and/or influential companion with ties to an established faction, but does tie your interests to another party as well.
[] A close friend - You've always treated this friend as an equal, and they've stuck with you through thick and thin. They'll have their own goals and life circumstances, but likely not as impactful or as grand as your own. Possible ties to a minor faction.
[] A loyal retainer - This person's oaths are the most important thing to them, and serving you is what they've sworn to do. They don't bring anything new to the table, but they are unshakeable and willing to follow you whatever your path may be. No change in your personal networking.

Chargen will continue in the next post, but here's some upcoming stuff in the next phase or two to keep in mind, the options being based off of decisions made during this stage:
  • You will make some decisions on the education you received before the fall of your house (more stat boosts, yay!), you will determine your combat style/weapon/arts, and you will determine the important details regarding the rest of your family (father, mother, siblings).
  • You will not have control over or be the leader of the mercenary company you join. At least not yet. However, you will be able to make some choices on the details of the mercenary company.
Please feel free to ask any questions about the AU, mechanics, or anything else, really. I'd be happy to answer!
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Character Sheet
Character Sheet
Name: Emil Gosteli
Race: Liberi
Sex: M

Diplomacy - 71
Martial - 57
Stewardship - 63
Intrigue - 59
Learning - 60
Prowess - 51 + 10 (Arts Learned) + 8 (Arts Affinity) = 69 (Potential Prowess)
Arts Affinity - B+

Wind Blade - A single targeted cutting art using the power of compressed, sharp wind. Deadly against unarmored or soft targets, and has a chance of lowering the number of rounds needed to defeat an opponent.
Cutting Vortex - A whirlwind that slowly tears apart anyone or anything caught in it. Deadly against unarmored or soft targets, and has a chance of lowering the number of rounds needed to defeat an opponent.

Liberi (Racial) - Gain a bonus to perception-based checks.
Magus - You have a deeper education and understanding of arts than most, and are more easily able to learn new arts and apply them as needed.
Diplomatic - You are well-versed in the trappings of high society, and are more able to read intentions and establish connections. You can gain insight on various social matters easily, and turn those insights into advantages.
Casting Specialization - Gain a large bonus to Prowess when casting your arts.
Tuning Scepter - A masterfully crafted arts unit with a head in the shape of a tuning fork. Amplifies your wind arts, and can be used as an acoustic resonator as well.
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Introductory Mechanics
The stat system is taken from Crusader Kings, however the scaling is different. This is because I plan to use a D100 system, pretty much exactly what To Establish Peace by Gaz does, where 100 is a successful check. Roll a D100 and then add the value of the stat being checked, then add modifiers based on difficulty, buffs, skills, etc.

Anyways, the stats go from 0-100, where 50 is average.

Diplomacy - As its name implies, this refers to diplomatic matters, and is a measure of your social skills. The higher the stat, the more charismatic you are in general. Diplomacy checks are commonly modified by social status, knowledge of the other party, etc.

Martial - A measure of your ability to lead others in combat and create strategies on the battlefield. Martial stat increases your options when conducting battle both at a strategic and tactical level, and affects the potency of said options. Also affects morale and cohesion.

Stewardship - Affects matters of state, and is a measure of your ability to govern. From low level matters such as buying from stalls to deciding tax policy, this stat will help you manage your estate and assets.

Intrigue - Your knowledge on cloak and dagger matters. On a personal scale this affects your ability to lie or misdirect others, while also increasing your resistance to such activities. On a higher level this allows you to play the game of politics in a more dishonest way, where diplomacy might fail, intrigue can succeed.

Learning - A general approximation of your level of education. This can affect many checks, some examples include passive bonuses to other stat checks or allowing more obscure options to become available to you when making a decision. Also affects how quickly you can learn additional skills or acquire new traits.

Prowess - As its name implies, this is an approximation of your raw combat ability. Its use is straightforward in combat, though it can also be used in other checks such as intimidation or reputation. Note that this stat is usually raised by training and experience, but learning Originium Arts can also raise it.

Unique Stat: Arts Affinity - Your aptitude for originium arts. It is measured by grade from F to S, rather than a numerical stat. Higher arts affinity allows you to use and learn stronger arts, but you are also more vulnerable to arts-based damage or contracting oripathy, necessitating the use of defensive equipment or arts. Lower arts affinity leaves you unable to use potent arts, but also reduces the effectiveness of arts against you. Extremely difficult to change, but affected by race, talent, and environment.

Note: I don't think that's how originium exactly works in canon, but it's not particularly detailed so I decided to go with this since it's interesting and does reflect canon details like the Sarkaz being really good at arts but vulnerable as heck to oripathy.


You will start with ~50 in each base stat, but the starting values will be modified during character creation. Arts Affinity starts at C, which is neutral affinity.
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[X] Plan: Feathered Mage
-[X] The Magocracy of Leithanien
- A smaller nation known for its strength in originium arts. The prevalence of arts in this society is such that those who cannot utilize them are even looked down upon. It's a type of meritocracy, perhaps, but whether or not it can continue its stable reign in these turbulent times is up for question…
-[X] Siracusa
-[X] Liberi
-[X] Politics
-[X] A close friend
[X] Plan Accomplished Diplomat
-[X] The Republic of Columbia - The only known republic on Terra, boasting a diverse culture and potent relic research division. That isn't to say that blood and reputation are irrelevant, no, but the trappings of nobility and upper class take on a distinct flavor in these lands. What does a young nation like this wish to accomplish on the world stage…?
-[X] Kazimierz
-[X] Liberi
-[X] Politics
-[X] A close friend
..oh, hello there. And hmmm! This seems interesting! I'm almost tempted to go.. something else entirely?

[X] The Sm0llest Chieftain-Knight!
-[X] The Wilds of Acahualla
-[X] Kazimierz
-[X] Durin
-[X] Assassination
-[X] A close friend

So random I know, but yeah! Going to Kazimierz, totally not because the Enemies want to finish the job there but to be more... refined, yeah!! An Assassin's Guild over there? Those are just rumors! :V
[X] Plan: Feathered Mage
As a Birbknights player, this is the only correct choice. Also getting into Leithanien politics will be fun.
Fixed some of the image links to be more static (hopefully). If they keep breaking I'll just download the images and upload 'em to imgur or something.

And ooh I'm glad to see some interest and fun votes here!

Important reminder that Liberi are the superior race above all.

Feathers are an aesthetic :cool2:

..oh, hello there. And hmmm! This seems interesting! I'm almost tempted to go.. something else entirely?

The amount of rage contained in such a small body is incomprehensible to mortal minds!
[X] Plan: Feathered Mage
-[X] The Magocracy of Leithanien
- A smaller nation known for its strength in originium arts. The prevalence of arts in this society is such that those who cannot utilize them are even looked down upon. It's a type of meritocracy, perhaps, but whether or not it can continue its stable reign in these turbulent times is up for question…
-[X] Siracusa
-[X] Liberi
-[X] Politics
-[X] A close friend

Was also keen on playing a nerd while having our retainer/friend to be the muscle so sorta this works out. Would've preferred the Mismanagement start but eh you can't have everything.
[X] Plan: Murica (Why Not?)
-[X] The Republic of Columbia
- The only known republic on Terra, boasting a diverse culture and potent relic research division. That isn't to say that blood and reputation are irrelevant, no, but the trappings of nobility and upper class take on a distinct flavor in these lands. What does a young nation like this wish to accomplish on the world stage…?
Trait Gained: Cosmopolitan - You're used to blending in with people from various walks of life, from their different cultures to different economic standings, you've seen it all. You're quite skilled when leveraging your worldly knowledge. However, more traditional individuals will view you with some disdain, perhaps even more so due to your noble status. (Reasoning: Murica. Also we'd basically be destined to be a superpower.)
-[X] Write-in: Sargon (Reasoning: Americans in the middle east inspired region because funny)
-[X] Sankta (Reasoning: You know why.)
-[X] Conflict
(Reasoning: Wouldn't be Murican without natural prowess at war)
-[X] A noble alliance
(Reasoning: Muh benefits and muh backing by a bigger faction. I couldn't care less that they have their own interests. Also while it might be hypocritical that we're allying with Nobles even though we'd be going for "Murica", it wouldn't be Murica without blatant hypocrisy)

I'm just suggesting this because it could be interesting. Or funny. Or maybe even strategically sound.
Seems the Feathered Mage plan is the most popular so far, I'm excited! But I love the ideas behind all the plans so far, brainstorming idea for 'em has been fun.

[X] Plan: Murica (Why Not?)
This one made me smile, thanks for submitting XD
Friendly reminder that this is a canon image in Arknights lore. I have decided it is also canon in the AU, see it at your local Laterano cathedral!

Anyways, I'll probably keep voting open for another day, even though it's a first post. I've front-loaded my work week, so I wouldn't have time to start on the next step anyways hahaaa...
[X] Plan: THE DEEP
-[X] The Iberian-Aegir Commonwealth
-[X] Columbia
-[X] Aegir
-[X] Mystery
-[X] A close friend

There is a vision here.

Trust me.

Jokes aside, the Mystery element mixed with both the Aegir and the Iberian-Aegir Commonwealt options is obviously me baiting for a Seaborn storyline. Perhaps our patriarch experimented with the We Many, or he was involved with something like the Abyssal Hunters, who knows?

The choice of a Columbian mercenary company is also because, well, a great deal of scientific experimentation was done in Columbia or came from factions related to it - the two elements tie a knot, so to speak.

I picked the Close Friend option as a sort of lifeline, as the hunt for the truth can be a slippery slope of danger - a balancing element of sorts. Basically, I'm weaving some story elements here, though I'll leave it to QM on whether they'll be picked up or not.
Unless something changes, because everyone else barring Feathered Mages got more than one vote, the other Plans will probably likely (hopefully?) be other characters in the setting.

Probably! :V
I will be closing voting in 8 hours, when I get back from work, heh.

Thank you for all your submissions thus far, and for any possible upcoming last-minute ones as well!
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[X] Plan Scholar on Leave
-[X] The Magocracy of Leithanien - A smaller nation known for its strength in originium arts. The prevalence of arts in this society is such that those who cannot utilize them are even looked down upon. It's a type of meritocracy, perhaps, but whether or not it can continue its stable reign in these turbulent times is up for question…
-[X] Siracusa
-[X] Caprinae
-[X] Mismanagement
-[X] A close friend

Looking to play more of a scholar-leaning type compared to Feathered Mage plan, but am open to adjustments if anyone has a word.
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Voting is closed, thank you!

Anyways, hopefully I'll have the next part up sometime tonight!
Scheduled vote count started by Acerze on Jun 23, 2024 at 5:33 PM, finished with 17 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Feathered Mage
    -[X] The Magocracy of Leithanien - A smaller nation known for its strength in originium arts. The prevalence of arts in this society is such that those who cannot utilize them are even looked down upon. It's a type of meritocracy, perhaps, but whether or not it can continue its stable reign in these turbulent times is up for question…
    -[X] Siracusa
    -[X] Liberi
    -[X] Politics
    -[X] A close friend
    [X] Plan Accomplished Diplomat
    -[X] The Republic of Columbia - The only known republic on Terra, boasting a diverse culture and potent relic research division. That isn't to say that blood and reputation are irrelevant, no, but the trappings of nobility and upper class take on a distinct flavor in these lands. What does a young nation like this wish to accomplish on the world stage…?
    -[X] Kazimierz
    -[X] Liberi
    -[X] Politics
    -[X] A close friend
    [X] The Sm0llest Chieftain-Knight!
    -[X] The Wilds of Acahualla
    -[X] Kazimierz
    -[X] Durin
    -[X] Assassination
    -[X] A close friend
    [X] Plan: Murica (Why Not?)
    -[X] The Republic of Columbia - The only known republic on Terra, boasting a diverse culture and potent relic research division. That isn't to say that blood and reputation are irrelevant, no, but the trappings of nobility and upper class take on a distinct flavor in these lands. What does a young nation like this wish to accomplish on the world stage…?
    -[X] Write-in: Sargon (Reasoning: Americans in the middle east inspired region because funny)
    -[X] Sankta (Reasoning: You know why.)
    -[X] Conflict (Reasoning: Wouldn't be Murican without natural prowess at war)
    -[X] A noble alliance (Reasoning: Muh benefits and muh backing by a bigger faction. I couldn't care less that they have their own interests. Also while it might be hypocritical that we're allying with Nobles even though we'd be going for "Murica", it wouldn't be Murica without blatant hypocrisy)
    [X] Mixed detail
    -[X] The Grand Principality of Ursus
    -[X] Columbia
    -[X] Sankta
    -[X] Mismanagement
    -[X] A noble alliance
    [X] Plan: THE DEEP
    -[X] The Iberian-Aegir Commonwealth
    -[X] Columbia
    -[X] Aegir
    -[X] Mystery
    -[X] A close friend
    [X] Plan Scholar on Leave
    -[X] The Magocracy of Leithanien - A smaller nation known for its strength in originium arts. The prevalence of arts in this society is such that those who cannot utilize them are even looked down upon. It's a type of meritocracy, perhaps, but whether or not it can continue its stable reign in these turbulent times is up for question…
    -[X] Siracusa
    -[X] Caprinae
    -[X] Mismanagement
    -[X] A close friend
Chargen II - Personal Stuff
Huh, I got this done way faster than I thought. Converting my general outline into direct results from the first post was easier than I guessed, I suppose!

Oh, I did some roll testing and maths and realized the beauty of Gaz's D100 system, so I've decided to just go all in on using it, haha. 100 will be the benchmark for a successful roll, penalties or bonuses applied based on difficulty rather than changing the benchmark for different tasks. Will edit the above mechanics post accordingly after posting this. I'll also make a post on information about faction reputation and character opinions.

Anyways, let's continue!

[X] Plan: Feathered Mage
-[X] The Magocracy of Leithanien
- A smaller nation known for its strength in originium arts. The prevalence of arts in this society is such that those who cannot utilize them are even looked down upon. It's a type of meritocracy, perhaps, but whether or not it can continue its stable reign in these turbulent times is up for question…
-[X] Siracusa
-[X] Liberi
-[X] Politics
-[X] A close friend
You are-

[] Emil (Male Player)
[] Emilia (Female Player)

of House Gosteli, aged 18. Your background isn't especially remarkable when compared to the storied tapestry that is Leithanien's noble society. But nonetheless, you were given a traditional upbringing that filled you with a sense of pride and belonging. And despite being Liberi, a rarer race among the upper-crust in Leithanien, your house has had a few generations of competent casters holding minor administrative or military roles throughout its history, so most didn't give you a second glance.


It did, however, make you self-conscious whenever someone stared at your feathers. You had to wonder how people could be so rude at times, it wasn't like you went around staring at their horns, or their ears! Besides, you thought your appearance was perfectly presentable.

[] Default: Cerulean songbird feathers on snow-white hair, with sapphire eyes.
[] Write in: Feather color and bird species/type, hair color, eye color.

(You are around average height for a non-hummingbird Liberi, with a lean physique.)


*Ahem* But that's enough of admiring yourself in the mirror. One of your most treasured items that you managed to keep even as the rest of your family's artifacts and property were confiscated was your weapon, something you've trained with ever since you were young. It is a-

[] Arts Unit - The standard weapon of choice for most Leithanien nobles, it doesn't fare too well in melee combat but will provide bonuses to casting arts in battle.
Gain the trait Casting Specialization and start with a standard single target arts and a standard wide AOE arts.
-[] (OPTIONAL) Write-in your own (non-melee and non-projectile) casting tool. Default: Staff

[] 2H Weapon
- A hefty weapon that facilitates casting of arts in melee range.
Gain the trait Melee Specialization and a standard cleaving arts.
-[] (OPTIONAL) Write-in your own large weapon. Default: Longsword

2H Polearm - A weapon that provides reach in melee combat, modified for arts casting at melee range.
Gain the trait Melee Specialization and a standard piercing arts.
-[] (OPTIONAL) Write-in your own polearm. Default: Spear

1H Weapon and Shield - A defensive melee weapon combination, allowing for protective arts.
Gain the trait Melee Specialization and a strong shielding arts.
-[] (OPTIONAL) Write-in your own 1H weapon. Default: Mace

Bow - A standard ranged weapon, modified for projectile arts.
Gain the trait Ranged Specialization and a fan-shaped multishot arts.
-[] (OPTIONAL) Write-in your own bow. Default: Shortbow

[] Hand Crossbow and Shield
- A defensive ranged weapon combination, allowing for protective arts.
Gain the trait Ranged Specialization and a strong shielding arts.

[] Crossbow - A standard ranged weapon, modified for projectile arts.
Gain the trait Ranged Specialization and a strong single target arts.

Note: This isn't going to turn into a turn-based strategy RPG or something with an HP system or anything, but the arts you have available will affect the success rate of actions you choose to take. Obvious example: Charging into dense melee combat will work out better if you have a cleaving arts available rather than going in with nothing but a staff in your hand.


Your treasured choice of arms aside, one of the perks of being from a Leithanien noble family is the above-average arts techniques handed down by your forebears.

You start with an Arts Affinity of B+ and your already learned arts from above gain a rare elemental effect:

[] Lightning Arts - Your arts have a chance to stun the enemy for one round, inflicting a harsh penalty on their next combat roll.
[] Freezing Arts - Your arts have a chance to debilitate the enemy, penalizing their rolls for several rounds.
[] Windblade Arts - Your arts have a chance to deal bonus damage, lessening the number of rounds needed to win in combat.
[] Scorching Arts - Your arts have a chance to afflict exhaustion, applying stacking penalties to the opponent's rolls for the duration of combat.
[] Magnetic Arts - Every round where you're using arts, you gain a small bonus to your own rolls.

Note: These effects also apply if you chose defensive arts, in which case it has a chance of triggering when opponents are attacking you and you're using your arts.

Note 2: You can consider this choice to be partly thematic, as the mechanics mainly apply to duels or detailed combat. Abstractions will be made for army combat or other fast-moving situations, in which case I will be using "summary" rolls, which may or may not apply the bonuses/deductions based on situation. You could also just pick something for its utility, i.e. having Magnetic arts might help you move heavy metal objects around.

Thinking about your family, though, sends a pang through your heart. Leo Gosteli, your father and a once unshakeable pillar in your mind, was now crushed by the weight of the world around him and the machinations of a feuding house, House Erlach. It was so bad that your father has essentially withdrawn from public life, recovering in seclusion.

You are now enemies with House Erlach.
Reputation: N/A (You are direct enemies)
Though you're not privy to all the details of the political struggle between your houses, you're aware that House Erlach has been elevated to the rank of a County House after taking over your house's holdings. They're old blood, with deeper roots than your own family.

But rather than remembering your Father's haggard appearance or baggy eyes when you last saw him, you prefer to think of the days he spent guiding you in your education. He had high hopes for you as his oldest child, focusing on-

Pick two stats to add a + bonus to. (You can pick the same stat, but subsequent + have diminishing returns. Still, it'll make you impressively specialized if you do so.)
Diplomacy ++
Martial +
Stewardship +
[] Diplomacy
[] Martial
[] Stewardship
[] Intrigue
[] Learning
[] Prowess


You can only hope his training will serve you well in your coming trials. At the very least, your family is safe, even if their reputation has taken a heavy hit. For now, they're subsisting off of what savings they were allowed to keep along with some aid from your mother's family, who are known-

[] Explorers - Pioneers and relic-seekers, diving into the ruins of the Terran Unity for fame, knowledge, and everything that comes with those two things.
[] Warriors - Whether it be serving in the military or plying their trade on the road, they have a long martial tradition and are well-respected.
[] Healers - They can be seen working as doctors and nurses, or researching the latest developments in the field of medicine. Several of them have healing arts.
[] Merchants - Traders, caravaneers, and everything in between. The movements of goods and provision of services runs through this clan's blood.
[] Scholars - Philosophy, engineering, lawmaking, or other studious pursuits are all followed by various members of this family. They are renowned learners, not doers.

Note: You will start with "Level 3 - Friendly" faction reputation with your mother's family. This is a general reaction to you from more distant members that you might not have met before.


You're glad that your house had maintained good relations with your mother's family, otherwise things would be much more difficult. For now, you could trust them with taking care of your broken father, your mother, and your siblings.

The middle sibling (Age 16) of your family,-

[] Mathias (Brother)
[] Marie (Sister)

, has always been something of a black sheep in the eyes of the rest of the Leithanien nobility. For them, originium arts and the pageantry of high culture was a waste of time. Instead, they were in love with following in the footsteps of your mother's family. No one in your immediate family looked down on them for that, but the friction with anyone outside the family was always apparent.

You can only pray that they stay out of trouble while you're gone...

Meanwhile, the youngest sibling (Age 13) of your family,-

[] Simon (Brother)
[] Silvia (Sister)

, was the complete opposite. They were rather obedient, listening dutifully to your parent's instructions while idolizing and following you around everywhere. You dearly hope they're able to find their own path in the future, but they were still young. You were most worried about them, but the rest of your family should be able to take care of them and guide them.

It saddened you to leave them behind, but you had your own path to forge now that you're an adult. What is most important to you after you manage to gain power and resources?

[] Making sure you and those close to you are living stable, comfortable lives. - Establish yourself first, then face whatever comes after.
[] Finding out the truth behind your family's fall. - There must be more at play behind the scenes! A conspiracy or plot of some kind?
[] Getting revenge on House Erlach and the others that wronged you. - They bask in their complacency, not knowing what lies in store for them!
[] Distancing yourself from the fall of your house. - It's regrettable to leave things as is, but your family is safe and alive. It's better to look to the future.

Note: This is mainly a personality choice, and may or may not have longer lasting effects based on your choices and what you accomplish and discover as the story progresses.

Luckily, you don't have to face what's next on your own.

To your disbelief and immense gratitude, your close friend Merry chose to follow you all the way to Siracusa, expressing righteous indignation at the way you and your family were treated.

The two of you had met several years ago when she intruded upon your reading time at your favorite cafe, asking incessant questions about city life or noble ways. You don't know what kind of magic she worked on you, but she eventually tore down your walls and the two of you have been joined by the hip since. Most expressed some surprise that you shared such a deep friendship with a commoner from a rural village, but without her influence you'd probably be no better than the average snobbish arts supremacist. Even with her pulling you back on track, it was difficult to remove the ingrained cultural attitude towards non-casters. But regardless, most of your acquaintances know better than to say anything negative about Merry in your presence.

Before resigning her post to help you, Merry had been a member of the Leithanien Snow Guard's 3rd Division. The Snow Guard was Leithanien's premier reconnaissance corps, but the 3rd Division wasn't held in as high prestige because it was a non-arts division. Still, she had military training and was dependable in a fight. Her superior had also apparently respected her decision, and she left on amicable terms. Thanks to her, you have a method of contacting a military faction of Leithanien.

Relationship Established - Merry Cardigan
Full Name: Merry Cardigan
Diplomacy - 59
Martial - 63
Stewardship - 41
Intrigue - 32
Learning - 51
Prowess - 76
Arts Affinity - D-
Opinion: Level 6 - Loyal
A young Perro from the Leithanien countryside. Has a sunny disposition and a clumsy, excitable side to her. She originally came to the city to learn more about the world, but became quickly disillusioned with the so-called "high-life" of city living. Before she could completely turn her back, though, she met you. After deciding against returning home, she joined up with the military. Has no interest in originium arts, but likes listening to you talk about them.

Faction Reputation Established - Leithanien Snow Guard, 3rd Division
Reputation: Level 1 - Acquainted
The Leithanien Snow Guard are specialized winter warriors that guard Leithanien's borders. The 3rd Division, in particular, is aligned with Leithanien's progressives.

I plan to have one more phase of chargen, and then we're in the meat of it!

Full confession, I'm kind of thrilled at the first step results, since Cardigan was only planned to be your companion with the Leithanien homeland and close friend selection...and I have a soft spot for her, as one of my most used budget defenders in Arknight's early game. As a new QM it's something of a thrill to have an idea you planned come to life, but also a bit sad as your other ideas haven't been chosen. Haha. Well, there's always adapting old ideas for the future!

Erm, anyways, next up we detail the mercenary company and some other last bits before embarking into the wider world. Can't wait!

(Forgot to add this last time, but y'all were way ahead of me.)
Please vote in plan format!

And once more, hit me with any questions you may have, small or large!

EDIT: Realized I had an old value set for Merry's Opinion, changed from Level 5 to Level 6.
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Faction Reputation and Character Opinion
You can have a reputation with factions, and an opinion with individuals. Faction relations are broader and less directly impactful, but can influence starting opinions with characters.

It's pretty simple to follow along with, and shamelessly adopted from Gaz as well:

Level 0 - Neutral
Level 1 - Acquainted
Level 2 - Cordial
Level 3 - Friendly
Level 4 - Close (Allied for factions)
Level 5 - Trusted
Level 6 - Loyal
Level 7 - Inseparable (Honored for factions)
Level 8 - Beloved (Revered for factions)

Becoming enemies with a faction or doing something to reverse someone's opinion of you erases your existing reputation or opinion.
...this is going to be a doozy. All the votes should be in ONE PLAN?!

[] Family Heir
-[] Emil (Male Player)
-[] Default: Cerulean songbird feathers on snow-white hair, with sapphire eyes.
-[] Arts Unit - The standard weapon of choice for most Leithanien nobles, it doesn't fare too well in melee combat but will provide bonuses to casting arts in battle.
--[X] (OPTIONAL) A staff made of metal tilled tipped with an Originium Core.
-[] Magnetic Arts - Every round where you're using arts, you gain a small bonus to your own rolls.
-[] Stat Boosts
--[] Intrigue
--[] Prowess
-[] Healers - They can be seen working as doctors and nurses, or researching the latest developments in the field of medicine. Severa of them have healing arts.
-[] Marie (Sister)
-[] Silvia (Sister)
-[] Making sure you and those close to you are living stable, comfortable lives. - Establish yourself first, then face whatever comes after.

Welcome to Insanity, Birbknights. :V
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[X]Plan Synchronizer
-[X] Emil (Male Player)
-[X] Light-Gray feathers on Off-White hair with black streaks, with red eyes. (Base: Demoiselle Cranes)
-[X] Arts Unit - The standard weapon of choice for most Leithanien nobles, it doesn't fare too well in melee combat but will provide bonuses to casting arts in battle.
--[X] (OPTIONAL) Scepter with a tuning fork head. To harmonize with the wind currents and sounds, and the dabbling of music-based Arts befitting proper Leithanien nobles. (QM Pending)
-[X] Windblade Arts

-[X] Stat Boosts
--[X] Learning
--[X] Intrigue
-[X] Scholars
-[X] Marie (Sister)
-[X] Silvia (Sister)
-[X] Making sure you and those close to you are living stable, comfortable lives. - Establish yourself first, then face whatever comes after.

Main difference from above plan is more customized appearance, Arts Unit appearance, stat boost and Mother's family vocation. Any opinion/suggestions to plan are welcome!
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...this is going to be a doozy. All the votes should be in ONE PLAN?!:V
Ahaha, should I have it so that you do two plans? Not really sure if that's done by other QMs since I'm kinda new. Or did I cram too much into one post? XD

--[] (OPTIONAL) Feather pens made of one's shedded hair(?) feathers, serving as a general Casting tool and, befitting of being a Leithanen, a Catalyst for Rituals. (QM Pending? Otherwise just go Metal Staff for BONK, lol.)
I think most Arts units still need to be able to contain an originium core, not entirely sure how the feather pens will do that. Unless there's like a control unit, in which case you have a wand/staff unit that controls floating feathers. Though that might be a lot going on with the Magnetic Arts too.

--[] (OPTIONAL) Scepter with a tuning fork head. To harmonize with the wind currents and sounds, and the dabbling of music-based Arts befitting proper Leithanien nobles. (QM Pending)
Scepter approved! Also, thanks for introducing to me to some of the coolest birds I've ever seen. Those cranes are stunning!
Voting is open