The Longer the Icon of Sin is on Earth...Bet-The Stronger He Will Become.

Title says it all, if the Icon of Sin, after being released from the Maykrs control went into the portal and came out on Earth-Bet-say around the start of canon-instead of the Doomslayers earth, what would happen?

How would the world react? How would Cauldron react? How would the Endbringers/Scion react?
Could they fight it off, if so, how and how long would it take? Would they be able to stop it before it got too powerful and the planet was destroyed?

Up for discussion.
I mean, it's probably go down pretty easily? It'd probably be seem as a new endbringer and they have protocols for that.

Plus it really didn't seem all that impressive in terms of combat ability, the main problem was that if it stuck around long enough earth would collapse into a black hole or something. This thing doesn't have shields, only armour that could be penetrated by ballistic shots.

Wouldn't the main problem be that it tears open a gate to the hellscape that demons can enter earth from?
I mean, it's probably go down pretty easily? It'd probably be seem as a new endbringer and they have protocols for that.

Plus it really didn't seem all that impressive in terms of combat ability, the main problem was that if it stuck around long enough earth would collapse into a black hole or something. This thing doesn't have shields, only armour that could be penetrated by ballistic shots.

Wouldn't the main problem be that it tears open a gate to the hellscape that demons can enter earth from?
I don't think so. The Icon of Sin is a Titan. It's already pretty powerful with that moniker alone. But it also has the Maykr armor-and Maykr tech is leagues above even the greatest tinker tech on Earth Bet. It can also release waves of hellfire from its hands, shoot skyscraper melting lasers from its head, and call literal meteors down from the sky. The reason it doesn't seem so impressive is cause we play as the Doomslayer, someone who slayed the Icon of Sin twice. Hayden says that the only way to stop a titans is with a Crucible blade, and even then it puts it into a dormant state-should the blade be removed it will reawaken again. And the Slayers weapons work on it because the Slayer imbues every weapon he hold with Argent energy, giving it the necessary power to hurt/wound the Demons while the same weapons on Earth had little to no effect during Hell's Invasion.

And that is also something to consider yes, it opening portals to let in legions of hellspawns. That'd be a problem alone and by itself.

Also, EndBringers will eventually stop when the target location is sufficiently destroyed or they've 'sustained' enough damage. The Icon of Sin is not an Endbringer, it'll keep going, destroying more and more and not stopping for anything.
I don't think so. The Icon of Sin is a Titan. It's already pretty powerful with that moniker alone. But it also has the Maykr armor-and Maykr tech is leagues above even the greatest tinker tech on Earth Bet. It can also release waves of hellfire from its hands, shoot skyscraper melting lasers from its head, and call literal meteors down from the sky. The reason it doesn't seem so impressive is cause we play as the Doomslayer, someone who slayed the Icon of Sin twice. Hayden says that the only way to stop a titans is with a Crucible blade, and even then it puts it into a dormant state-should the blade be removed it will reawaken again. And the Slayers weapons work on it because the Slayer imbues every weapon he hold with Argent energy, giving it the necessary power to hurt/wound the Demons while the same weapons on Earth had little to no effect during Hell's Invasion.

And that is also something to consider yes, it opening portals to let in legions of hellspawns. That'd be a problem alone and by itself.

Also, EndBringers will eventually stop when the target location is sufficiently destroyed or they've 'sustained' enough damage. The Icon of Sin is not an Endbringer, it'll keep going, destroying more and more and not stopping for anything.

Sorry, don't buy that at all. It may have fancy armour that's designed by aliens with great tech, but it still got fucked up by a single angry boi with a machine gun. It might have hellfire, have lasers and call down meteors, buuuuuuuut so can other Worm heroes and villans. So yeah, I'm not too concerned about whether or not it can be defeated because that answer is pretty obviously yes. Also no, the Doom Slayer didn't enthuse all of his weapons with Argent Energy. That isn't supported at all. So yeah, a simple machine gun can fuck up the Icon of Sin.

Also no, I was wrong about portals. It can be summoned, but on its own it can't open portals.

So yeah, the problem would seem to be what will you do with the Icon of Sin afterwards. A answer from the top of my head would be to shove it into another dimension, lock the door and hope it doesn't come back.
Sorry, don't buy that at all. It may have fancy armour that's designed by aliens with great tech, but it still got fucked up by a single angry boi with a machine gun. It might have hellfire, have lasers and call down meteors, buuuuuuuut so can other Worm heroes and villans. So yeah, I'm not too concerned about whether or not it can be defeated because that answer is pretty obviously yes. Also no, the Doom Slayer didn't enthuse all of his weapons with Argent Energy. That isn't supported at all. So yeah, a simple machine gun can fuck up the Icon of Sin.

Also no, I was wrong about portals. It can be summoned, but on its own it can't open portals.

So yeah, the problem would seem to be what will you do with the Icon of Sin afterwards. A answer from the top of my head would be to shove it into another dimension, lock the door and hope it doesn't come back.
I have to disagree, yes, the Icon got majorly beaten by the Slayer, but that's just it, it was The Slayer. The question is, is there anyone in Worm that can match the Slayer in terms of power? Can anyone from Worm do the things he has done? And even if they could, sure they could hurt him, but they'd have no way of actually putting him down without a Crucible blade. Worm capes are all pretty street level on average when compared to say Marvel or DC. Not everyone is Alexandria or Eidolon. And the imbue with Argent energy thing is the only thing that makes sense. Many soldiers used the same weapons the Slayer had when fighting Hell on Earth, but reports say that the weapons did little to no damage to a lot of them, The only way I can think that the same weapons would work when in the Slayer's hands is because they're imbued with Argent Energy. I realize that's taking creative liberty, but its the only thing I can properly think of.
The longer the icon of sin is in a dimension outside of hell and isn't put down with a crucible blade (beating it up only slows it down, it will regenerate unless a crucible blade is planted in its head) the stronger it becomes until it causes the formation of a vortex that consumes the planet and then the entire universe; absorbing it all into Hell. With no crucible blade at hand the Icon of Sin inevitably destroys the universe.
Endbringer protocols would bring all the heavy hitters in, especially if word of a new endbringer emerged. So yeah, you'd see a lot of heavy hitters emerging. Plus, ya know, there's Scion.

So I played the game and finished it not more than a few days ago, and I also looked on the doom wiki, I don't see anywhere that supports your notion that human weapons are useless or bad. I think initially they did suck, but then doctor hayden emerged with new weapons that worked. So I mean, I'll give you that they aren't great, but they do work. The clearest example of this is Doom Guy picking up human weapons and using them effectively against the demons.

I think you're severely overestimating what the icon of sin can do as well. It doesn't seem to be a weapon intended for frontline combat, but a weapon of last resort that wins by destroying everything over time.

So like, given enough time, it can win by virtue of existing, but Worm has the option of sending it to another dimension to be someone else's problem, and they do have heavy hitters that can put it down
Hm, true, I do really love the new lore for doom so I may be inflating a little, but still, I think you might be underestimating it as well. Well, let's agree to disagree on that.
And if we may dive a bit deeper, in your own words, can you describe to me, how you think the scenario might go?
It can only regenerate if there are bits left. Scion could probably solo it, even in his diminshed state, most Endbringers could severly mutilate it (and they might even have an emergency protocol so the Icon of Sin has to take on all TWENTY), the Triumvirate could solo it (albeit not keep it down), String Theory could solo it, the Sleeper maybe (he soloed the SIMURGH!), Echidna maybe (the Icon of Sin's clones would HATE the original), Bakuda (if she freezes the severed pieces in time, transmutes them into glass etc.), Grey Boy, Lung, and that's just without looking up the Wiki. Given that this is an Endbringer situation, all heroes and villains present would work together, and Cauldron would begin to pull out all the stops (read: releasing villains from the Bridcage, and its equivalents on other Earths, and the Protectorate equivalents of other Earths, and their Case 53 dungeon) once it becomes clear the Icon of Sin does not leave. And even IF it survives, it can easily be dumped on an unhabited Earth (or deep space) and collapse THAT.

The Icon of Sin would not be as outclassed as it would be in Marvel or DC, but it would still be massively outclassed compared with Doom Earth.
1.) So, I might be remembering things wrong here, but don't demons just have a corruptible influence on nearby humans? I believe the air would be poisoned and then all the dead would return as zombies, just from the Icon of Sin being on Earth.

2.) You don't need Argent Energy or anything fancy to kill basic demons. Doom Guy was killing demons long before the Sentinels found and adopted him. Presumably, with nothing but standard human weapons.

3.) The regeneration of the Icon of Sin is no joke, though. Crucibles pacify them but don't actually kill.

4.) Exotic powers in Worm are still exotic. Demons have shown no resistance to paracausal/temporal forces that I can remember.

5.) Scion might be interested in Argent Energy as a solution to entropy and thus deal with everything on his own. Icon of Sin corrupts and devours worlds, but as part of an army. Scion's people do it over the weekend.

6.) If humans or Scion ever figured out Argent Energy, Behemoth alone could shutdown the Icon via dynakineses, though I admit its unlikely.
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1.) So, I might be remembering things wrong here, but don't demons just have a corruptible influence on nearby humans? I believe the air would be poisoned and then all the dead would return as zombies, just from the Icon of Sin being on Earth.

2.) You don't need Argent Energy or anything fancy to kill basic demons. Doom Guy was killing demons long before the Sentinels found and adopted him. Presumably, with nothing but standard human weapons.

3.) The regeneration of the Icon of Sin is no joke, though. Crucibles pacify them but don't actually kill.

4.) Exotic powers in Worm are still exotic. Demons have shown no resistance to paracausal/temporal forces that I can remember.

5.) Scion might be interested in Argent Energy as a solution to entropy and thus deal with everything on his own. Icon of Sin corrupts and devours worlds, but as part of an army. Scion's people do it over the weekend.

6.) If humans or Scion ever figured out Argent Energy, Behemoth alone could shutdown the Icon via dynakineses, though I admit its unlikely.
1.I'm...not sure. I'd have to look that up. I thought they could only be corrupted if they willingly gave up their souls or were killed and brought back.
2.True, I'm just going off of stuff from the new lore. Not all of it accurate, more head canon than anything.
3.Yeah, which is why Doomguy broke the hilt off at the end of the fight.
4.Also true, base demons could be very effected by powers, no doubt about that. Makes me wonder if they could find a way into the dimensions that house the shards and corrupt/use them for their own purposes.
5.Maybe, but then again he himself might also be absorbed and used by Hell for the power he wields. They did it to the Wraiths, I'm sure they'd try it with Entities as well.
6.Also yeah, seems pretty unlikely, Argent took a long time for Hell and the Maykrs to figure out properly. I don't think it'd be as easy for Humanity without outside help.
I think it would get it's ass kicked in short order. Everyone would gather to fight it and, unlike Enbringers, it is fairly fragile, relatively speaking.
Legend alone could reduce it to ash given a few hours and Alexandria could likely crush its skull in a single blow. Both of them can fly around the planet in a matter of minutes and thus reach the site of the invasion quite quickly.
Once that's done, the mop-up would be a pain, but Thinkers can locate the various demons that made it through and most non-thinker/tinker parahumans are more than a match for most demons (other than Barons or the really big cyberdemons).