-[X] Dis: Harass them- You will be able to cause major damage at a incredible exchange rate if you have your faster units hunt the fleeing enemy down, though if they regroup your harassers could suffer.
-[X] The Lonely Citadel: Harass them- You will be able to cause major damage at a incredible exchange rate if you have your faster units hunt the fleeing enemy down, though if they regroup your harassers could suffer.
-[X] Bombard it- If you have available ships bombard the shattered remains of the siege camp you will be able to inflict major damage over time, and prevent them shoring up their defences.
-[X] Void: Pursuit- Chase them to the edge of the system, losing some more of your lighter ships in exchange for destroying many of the enemy ships so that you can be sure that you will not encounter them in the future.