Vote tally - The Lonely Lioness - Cersei Lannister Quest

Adhoc vote count started by Azel on Jan 23, 2024 at 4:56 PM, finished with 70 posts and 9 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
The Lonely Lioness - Cersei Lannister Quest
Post #756
Post #825


  • [X] Plan: Consolidation of Power
    -[X] [Pycelle] Force him to volunteer to the Nights Watch.
    -[X] [Replacement] Let the Citadel assign a new Grand Maester as it is custom. (Free)
    -[X] Try to recruit some trusted informants of your own.
    -[X] Speak with the Tyrell household. You will soon be family, so it is a good moment to learn more about Olenna and Margaery.
    -[X] Write to your son, King Joffery, of the marriage alliance you've brokered with the Tyells and the small council position you've offered. Ask him to keep an eye for talented knights to shore up his Kingsguard while he's on campaign, especially considering Blounts cowardice. Advise that Boros should be sent to the wall and replaced - ideally Riverlander and Reach knights should be considered as those kingdoms will be vital to the Realms stability in the coming years. Finally, advise your son that you expect his grandfather really will try to take either the Handship or Regency for himself. Father always was too proud for his own good, and desires control more than anything, increasingly to the point of self sabotage. You do not believe he was behind the assassination, but nor do you believe it was Stark or Tully. We already have enough enemies without inviting more. Nonetheless, you're proud of him, and believe he has what it takes to reunite the realm and expel the invaders. He's growing into a fine young man, and a good king.
    [X] Plan: Fuck Tywin
    [X] Plan: Preparing For The Firestorm
    -[X] [Pycelle] Quietly sweep the treason under the rug. Fear and a guard detail will keep him in line.
    -[X] Try to recruit some trusted informants of your own.
    -[X] Speak with local traders to organize better food supplies for the city.
    [X]Plan: Pardons, Weddings and Bloodlines
    -[X] [Pycelle] Quietly sweep the treason under the rug. Fear and a guard detail will keep him in line.
    -[X] Hold court. Speak judgements and hear the complaints of the people.
    -[X] Speak with local traders to organise better food supplies for the city.
    --[X]Send Ravens in a general proclamation that in the name of King Joffrey (titles titles titles) Any Prince, Lord, Lady, Knight, Sworn sword, freerider, or Common man-at-arms of Westeros whom Swears loyalty to King Joffrey shall henceforth be forgiven crimes carried out during the course of the war. So that the loyal Nobles of Westeros might defeat the invaders who claim descent from the Mad King.
    -[X]Send a letter to Darry where Robb Stark was seen headed last. Offering to renew the betrothal between House Stark and House Baratheon. Robb may choose From Myrcella Baratheon or any of her Lannister cousins or any other Unwed Lannister Lady not already spoke for whom he might desire in a match.
    -[X]Send a letter to Duskendale to Edmure Tully, Loyal Hand of King Joffrey, protector of the realm. Pronounce him innocent of the attempted assassination aimed at King Joffrey and invite him to Kings Landing to take his place as Hand. Further, he shall be offered his choice in betrothal of any unwed Lannister Lady not already spoken for that he might desire to seal the crowns Alliance with House Tully.
    -[X]Write a Letter to Dragonstone. Queen Cersei accepts the ransom of her Niece Shireen Baratheon and the princesses mother Lady Selyse Florent. *On condition* that they be delivered safe and unharmed to the Mud Gate Gatehouse and into the custody of a captain of the gold cloaks and their identities confirmed. Thence, the full ransom shall be paid to their captors. This letter promises safe passage to the bearer and those who accompany them, and we swear by the Seven that upon delivery of the hostages their erstwhile captors shall be permitted to leave, unharmed, and with the ransom in hand.
    -[X]Write to Maidenpool and Joffrey. We are proud of him for his actions in the war, and as regent we humbly request that he return to Kings landing to join his forces with the Tyrells and marry his bride to cement our Alliance with House Tyrell, thereafter he may either return to the field at the head of a Tyrell-Baratheon Army. Or to stay in Kings landing to defend it and rule.
    [X] [Pycelle] Execute him for treason. Expose Tywin Lannister's betrayal of the crown.
    -[X] Arrange for the executioner to be as drunk as possible to prolong the beheading. Traitors will be punished severely. Afterwards, have the body fed to the goats.
    [X] [Replacement] Pycelle was always dismissive of the supernatural. See that you find someone more open-minded to advise you. (Locks 1 Action)
    [X] Try to send someone to treat with the Lady Velaryon. She might have come to regret her late husbands disloyalty and could be willing to swear to the crown once more.
    -[X] Inquire as to what happened on Dragonstone and see if she could be of any help in either killing Aukar Brightfyre or rescuing the hostages. Promise a pardon for her and her family if they swear loyalty to the crown.
    --[X] Write to your son, King Joffery, of the marriage alliance you've brokered with the Tyrells and the small council position you've offered. Apologize for marrying him off without his input, but remind him that the situation is extremely dire and we need allies to survive. Ask him to keep an eye for talented knights to shore up his Kingsguard while he's on campaign, especially considering Blount's cowardice. Advise that Boros should be sent to the wall and replaced - ideally Riverlander and Reach knights should be considered as those kingdoms will be vital to the Realms stability in the coming years. Finally, tell your son about your grandfather's betrayal and warn him that Tywin likely plans to imprison Joffrey at Harrenhal and declare himself Regent. You do not believe he was behind the assassination, but nor do you believe it was Stark or Tully. We already have enough enemies without inviting more. Nonetheless, you're proud of him, and believe he has what it takes to reunite the realm and expel the invaders. He's growing into a fine young man, and a good king.
    --[X] ]Send Ravens in a general proclamation that the Starks and Tullys are innocent and that they were not behind the king's attempted assassination. At the same time, pardon those (except Tywin) who took part in the attack on the Stark and Tully troops as they were misled by Tywin Lannister, who has betrayed the Crown and is trying to seize the king to rule through him as a puppet.
    --[X] Send a letter to Darry where Robb Stark was seen headed last. Apologize for the trouble he experienced in the Riverlands, say that we know that he was not behind the king's attempted assassination, that the Crown does not intend to go to war against his family and that Tywin has gone rogue.
    --[X] Send a letter to Duskendale to Edmure Tully, Loyal Hand of King Joffrey, protector of the realm. Pronounce him innocent of the attempted assassination aimed at King Joffrey and invite him to King's Landing to take his place as Hand.