Vote tally - The Lonely Lioness - Cersei Lannister Quest

Adhoc vote count started by Azel on Jan 7, 2024 at 6:14 AM, finished with 40 posts and 10 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
The Lonely Lioness - Cersei Lannister Quest
Post #261
Post #300


  • [X] Plan: A Mother's Indulgence
    - [X] [Joffrey] Indulge him. As long as there are enough guards, it will be fine.
    - [X] A large guard of 100 men with full regalia and the entire Kingsguard to make a show of Joffrey as a heroic warrior king - though minimal servants and baggage train for speed. Let the Hound take Joffrey through some destroyed villages so he can see the consequences of war and learn that it's not a game. Make it clear to both Joffrey and his bodyguard that the king is there to be seen by the men. Not participate in the battle.
    - [X] Speak with local traders to organise better food supplies for the city.
    - [X] Speak with the Pyromancers. Learn more about the wildfyre found in the sept and see if they can aid you in the battles to come.
    - [X] Raise the banners of the Crownlander houses. (Free Action)
    [X] Plan: King Joffrey I 'the Valorous!'
    -[X] [Joffrey] Indulge him. As long as there are enough guards, it will be fine. (Write-In guards)
    --[X] Deploy the Kingsguard (barring the absent Jaime) in a grand procession along with whatever court notables wish to accompany their king on his glorious mission.
    -[X] Expand the Gold Cloaks. You will need far more than a mere thousand soldiers.
    --[X] Have Varys arrange for Janos Slynt to be disposed of in a suitably deniable fashion, and find someone capable of leading the Gold Cloaks in battle to head the paramilitary, ideally from within its ranks.
    -[X] Organize a shipbuilding effort. You will need a fleet to defend yourself against Stannis.
    --[X] Lord Rykker is naturally appointed to oversee the effort, ensuring that the Crown's limited funds are distributed wisely.
    - [X] Raise the banners of the Crownlander houses. (Free Action)
    -[X] Adjust the Small Council (Free Action)
    --[X] Appoint the High Septon as Advisor to the Small Council, in order to further harmonize the affairs of Faith and Throne.
    -[X] Letter: Write to Riverrun, commanding that Edmure Tully's first job as Hand of the King - should he choose to accept the honor - is to coordinate the defeat of renegade Ser Gregor Clegane with the arriving King Joffrey I and Lord Paramount Tywin Lannister. With the blessing of the Seven, he will first enter King's Landing with the kinslayer's corpse dragged behind his steed.
    -[X] Letter(?): Speak to the High Septon regarding the current succession crisis. Threatened by the Mad King's ilk and untrue uncles, the Seven Kingdoms need reminding about the necessity of uniting behind their true monarch - especially the Reach, whose loyalties lie uncertain and where the Faith's influence is strong. A resounding homily in the Starry Sept ought to make its position on the matter clear to all and sundry, and cause the lords of the Reach to think twice about which king they choose to back.