[] Atrophy Mind First- Kill the big bad, and the footsoldiers will fall after. Dangerous plan, because he'd need to be out in the open- but the least time consuming.
'You got a minute and a half!' Eighty-Six chirped. Declan struck a goblin in the radiolarian cage, the glass shattering and the bot collapsing as the glowing white liquid splattered among the smoking remains of twisted metal. Declan scowled, trying to conjure up a plan.
'Why is there always a time limit?' He thought, but didn't wait for Eighty-Six to reply. He leapt up into the air, once, twice, and drew upon the Light that was crackling within him. A burst of blue light, and arcs of electricity buzzed around his body. A staff of pure Arc energy came to life in his hand, and with one precise movement, he threw it like a Javelin; the staff flew along a part of blue crackling arcs of electricity, bypassing the shields of the Atrophy Mind. The arc staff blasted through the Mind's mechanical eye, melting through.
Declan landed, and a there was a pause; it may have been only a second. Even the gunfire seemed to pause. The Atrophy Mind roared, a sound that seemed to quake Declan's bones; there was a bright flash of light, and then an incredible heat. Declan felt his flesh evaporate, and he sunk quickly into empty and silent darkness.
There was a light.
It grew and grew and grew, until finally he could draw a breath and sit up.
"That was... unexpected." Eighty-Six said, as he zoomed around the cavern; it was covered now in black soot, scattered with brassy metal shards.
"I didn't think... the explosion... would be like that." Declan gasped, coughing. Resurrection was always somewhat traumatizing.
"It was a Vex Axis Mind. Perhaps next time we encounter one-"
"-Hopefully never."
"We will take this into account!"
Declan kicked around some metal, looking for anything worth looting. A Vex rifle seemed to have survived, though there was no Vex arm to control it. Declan had Eighty-Six catalog it, marking it for research.
"Nothing of any use, otherwise. Mission accomplished." Declan said, the message being recorded by Eighty-Six. The Ghost sent the transmission to the Vanguard.
"You'll have a meeting now, Guardian!" Eighty-Six said happily. Declan sighed.
"Yes. Very exciting." He said drily, activating his transmat into his ship.
The magnificent walls that bordered the City stretched as far as the eye could see. Along the top, civilian volunteers and Titans patrolled, watching out for any incursions upon the Last City. Their attention outside of the wall, they wouldn't notice two Guardians meeting within the City, far below; this rooftop was the furthest point from the Tower.
Ikora Rey, Warlock Vanguard, looked out over the City. The clear night sky cast a silvery glow over the clutter of buildings; most of the citizens had turned in for the night, which suited her needs for this meeting. Not often did she conduct business with her Hidden within the City, but she was willing to risk it given the intelligence her spy network had provided.
"Ikora." Declan said behind her. Ikora turned to the Hunter, whose helm was on, hood drawn, casting a shadow over his his face.
"Declan, congratulations on saving Nessus." She said simply. Declan nodded.
"Not the first time it needed saving. Won't be the last." Ikora inclined her head at this. The Vex were nothing if not persistent.
"Do you have the artifact?"
Declan nodded, pulling out three stone cubes with glowing blue symbols. They floated up from his palm, connecting face to face, the symbols growing brighter. They floated to Ikora's outstretched hand.
"These will prove useful in our fight against the Vex. Thank you. But there's more. There is still much to be done. The other Hidden have passed along much information about what is brewing outside of these walls. I've sent the details on an encrypted channel to your communications terminal in your private quarters. Do you accept your next mission?"
Her question was met by silence. Ikora wondered if Declan was having a conversation with his Ghost; yet it was not for her to know, so she waited patiently.
"I do."
It was late enough at night; so Declan really wasn't looking to fight in the hall of the Guardians' sleeping quarters. He really just wanted to shrug off his armor and get some sleep. But there was light shining through the crack under his door, and shadows moving within it. He unholstered Reach, moving into a readied stance. He pressed the button next to the door, and it slid open.
"I like this knife; even with the Arc augments." Cayde-6 said, flipping the silver and blue dagger in complicated flourishes. Declan relaxed, holstering Reach and sighing. Cayde-6 had been his trainer, being the leader of the Hunter Vanguard.
"Cayde, please... don't sneak into my room. Ever. Yeah?" Cayde chuckled at this.
"Don't leave your room unlocked, my young student. Now, come and sit, talk with me." Cayde said, sticking the blade into the wooden table and kicking a chair over. Declan shook his head, taking off his helmet and sitting.
"Good job on that Vex Mind. Woulda sent in a fireteam, but Ikora fought hard to let you do it solo. Nice of her." Cayde said conversationally. Declan wasn't dumb; he knew where this was going.
Cayde knew.
"I'll cut to the chase, Declan. I know you're one of Ikora's Hidden. And we both know how much Zavala disapproves of stuff like that; opinions on ethics and being plain with the Vanguard, all that. But I don't care much, s'long as you're up and fightin'. So I'll keep this little secret and do my best to keep it from under Zavala's nose, but you owe me one. Might be footing the bill at a bar, might be collecting some of my caches, might be coming along on a mission. We'll see."
"We got a deal?" Cayde said. Declan nodded.
"I'll ignore the fact you were bein' nosy, Cayde." Declan said with a smirk. Cayde laughed.
"Be careful on the mission, by the way." Cayde said, indicating the mission terminal as he stood. "From what I know, that situation is reeeal murky." And with that, Cayde left Declan feeling slightly overloaded. Declan stood, and activated the terminal to get his orders.
(All paths will eventually be reached; each reward a rare and powerful weapon upon completion)
[] Path of Penumbra- "Perhaps neutrality isn't all that awful, favored Light?"
[] Path of the Curse- "Does murder taste good, o Hunter mine?"
[] Path of Sorrow- "i promise ill make you rich, brotha."
[] Path of the Deep Stone Crypt- "Subroutine: Sleep activated. Paracausal cannons activated. Braytech under attack. Protect. Protect. Protect. BURN."