The Loli Campione (FSN/ Campione)

11. Stolen
I wrote this fic with an intended audience of someone who is familiar with Fate Universe. Namely Fate Stay Night , Fate Zero, Fate Hollow Ataraxia and Fate Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya. As optional material Fate Apocrypha and Fate Grand Order. And of course crossover with Campione!. There were many references throughout the story that will be understood and more entertaining if you are familiar with the context.

The previous chapter, Illya faced an enemy that Kusanagi Godou fought in Campione novel volume 13 chapter 3. This chapter is the continuation, and Kusanagi Godou fought her in volume 13 chapter 4,5,6.

I think it would be interesting to read while comparing the differences between Godou and Illya in fighting the Fire Goddess. Actually, you should read Godou version before reading this! It would be more fun knowing the differences.


Disclaimer: I do not own F/sn or Campione!

10. Stolen

The distance of thousand kilometers from the beach to an island in the southern sea was covered in ten minutes. It could be faster, but Rider took account of sound pollution and supersonic shockwave. She raised altitude to the upper atmosphere to minimize any disturbance.

They arrived at a mid-sized island. There was a tall mountain at the center, surrounded by forest. The forest itself looked like it had several different areas, divided by plant type.

"This island is artificial, it was created less than five years ago. The forest is comprised of several different zones, each with different climates. The forest is filled with divine and magical energy that befuddle the senses and entrap people within. It is essentially a maze in the form of forest. The energy also extended upward to the air above it. Any attempt to traverse through the air would be blocked. The Caster temple is located at the center of the maze, that mountain."

Rider summarized all the island nature in short speech. The detection ability of Vimana was superb.

They were now floating above the island shore. Currently they were discussing their next course of action.

Saber was listening to Illya's idea. She was listing the things they can do

"Here Saber. What should we do next?

A. Use Ea to destroy the island in one hit.

B. Use double Excaliblast to the mountain.

C. Fly Vimana to outer space and descend to the mountain from above.

D. Burn the whole forest with Sul-sagana.

E. Use many Rule Breaker and Gae Dearg as Broken Phantasm and rain them to the forest.

F. Bomb the island with nuclear weapon.

G. Do it the old fashioned way and break through normally."

Saber chose B. Archer chose A. Rider chose C. Lancer didn't care either way.

Illya chose E and continued to G.

"Why doing it the hard way?" Saber asked. They can win easily with firepower alone. Because the island was artificial, and there was no other resident, they didn't have to worry about collateral damage or casualties.

"Kukuku. Saber, you don't understand. If we end it with one hit, where is the fun? We should let that crazy bitch provide more entertainment for us. The more she struggles, the more amusing it is."

"So Archer. Attack that forest!" Illya commanded.

Archer silently obeyed Illya's order. He traced Rule Breaker and Gae Dearg and shoot them one by one as Broken Phantasm to different spots of the forest.

"The maze is unraveling but the progress is slower than expected." Rider reported.

"Maybe we need brute force approach. What do you say we shoot Excaliblast to the maze?" Illya suggested.

"It would not be as effective as Excaliblast from the ground." Saber stated.

"Then we go down. Rider. Put us down."

They went down to the beach. Vimana was stored back. Illya was about to order Saber to use her Noble Phantasm, but she held back. There was a feeling of being watched.

"Oooi. Fire Goddess. I know you are watching. If you don't come out I will burn your island~~" Illya shouted to the sky.

Dazzling light descended from the sky, glittering as brilliantly as sunlight reflecting off the surface of water. Countless lights gathered together. This dazzling brightness swirled in a vortex resembling a galaxy and descended.

A sparkling radiance shaped in young girl body appeared in the sky. It was still big, maybe the height was around twenty meters. The presence of a Servant was clear. Caster was actually present but she still concealed her true appearance. She floated in the sky above.

"Fufufu. I didn't expect that Lord Hero would be here so quickly. You are more resourceful than I imagined. Are you so impatient to meet me?" The Fire Goddess said in rich lovely voice. Her laughter was pleasing the ear, entrancing all mortal men who heard it.

But Illya had abnormal magic resistance. And she was a girl, not man. "I want to kill you to prevent any trouble in the future. Unless you accept my offer and join my army?"

"Ufufufu. I prefer Lord Hero to come join me in this island instead. This island will be our love nest."

"This island?" Illya looked around. "How tasteless. You created this island just for trapping your lover?"

"Ufufu. You misunderstand. This island was created for my former lover Alexander-sama. He is also a present-generation hero, the same King as you Lord Hero."

Illya tilted her head. Same King?

Saber whispered to her. (I think she meant another child of Pandora).

Illya nodded and asked. "So this Alexander is also the child of Pandora?"

"Yes. He is a powerful hero. Worthy to be this goddess lover. Ufufufu. In my view, a man must first possess a strong body and heroic mettle in order to become mine. My dear, by my eyes of a goddess, I can tell you are my type of man"

"Eh? If you already have a lover why you want a new one? Don't tell me... he left you?" Illya asked innocently.

"... Yes. Alexander-sama got bored living in this island and left. Before he left he use his power to create labyrinth so I can't pursue him. It took me three days to finally get out. But I decided to keep this island he left me as memento of our love and seek for a new lover."

Illya got suspicious. There was no way a major character like that spent time with this witch without purpose. "Tell me more. How did you two meet?"

Maybe because women were prone to gossip and rambling about their own love story, but Caster had no problem telling Illya. She told her about Alexander reviving her from long slumber. He was seeking for A King who Manifest at the End of an Era. He gave her a divine artifact to create artificial island. He became her lover for a time until he got bored.

Illya processed this information and concluded. "Basically, you got duped. He deceived you for his own purposes. And when he already got what he wanted, he dumped you. Are you sure you are not Medea? That is very much like how Jason treated her."


"This Alexander is a jerk who toyed with women's feeling. Enemy of Women! I would give him a lesson if I met him. Are you sure you don't want to join me? I would hate to kill you after hearing about your mistreatment."

"My! I am happy that you care for me that much Lord Hero. But I think I like it more if you come to me instead. Please accept my invitation."

Something was teleported to the edge of the forest. A fifteen meters tall creature. It had muscled body. He only wears loincloth, showing his extraordinary muscle. Instead of two eyes, it had a big one eye on its head. Cyclops. A creature from Greek Mythology.

Illya didn't bat an eye. She just lazily said her command. "Berserker."

Heracles materialized and charged to the tall creature.


Comparing the size, Heracles was only 2.5 meters tall. He was a lot smaller than Cyclops. But the creature was completely defeated in an instant.

Berserker slashed both ankles with the golden axe. And then he slashed the shins. Because of the wounds, the Cyclops can't stand and fall. While it was falling down, he jumped and slashed upward to the groin. When the Cyclops had completely fell to the ground, he cut the right hand. And the left hand. And then he hacked at the body repeatedly.

The Cyclops had no chance to counterattack. It died and disappear in motes of light.

"So Ferocious! My Lord Hero is truly warrior with great strength."

Illya felt a premonition of threat. Caster was too relaxed. She was planning something

Caster spoke again. "In that case, I shall not be stingy. Come, you girls, demons of the wind! Hum for the terrifying Devil King the song held in reserve, one he cannot hear!"

Illya prepared herself for an attack. But instead of an attack, she felt something foreign entered her body. A foreign magic! A spell from inside?

A great many geometric patterns appeared in the sky, tracing out a glowing magic circle.

Then the goddess chanted: "Come. Before a beautiful goddess, sharp swords are unnecessary, are they not? Violent spears and arrows for shooting prey are likewise useless. Shed your armor, throw down your shield, come to my side!"

She felt something was taken from her. At the same time, she felt the Command Spells at her left arm disappeared. In its stead, a stylized [Cup] emblem manifested in the magic circle in the sky.

'This is bad. She can steal Noble Phantasm!' Illya thought.

"O great and valiant hero, hurry over to my side!" The goddess proceeded to chant further.

Illya felt another things taken away within her body. Immediately, the magic circle in the sky displayed emblems of [Throne] and emblem of circle full of glyph written in chaotic manner.

Illya frantically flushed the foreign magic with her own magic, her magic circuit shining. The spell was neutralized, but it took two more Noble Phantasm with it. Emblem of [Cup] which was slightly different from the first one manifested in the magic circle, and followed by [Doors]

Illya felt her connection to the Gate of Babylon vanished. At the same time, the Golden Armor, the Veil of Isis, and the Golden Axe held by Berserker disappeared. She checked the others. 'Call to the Throne', 'Lesser Grail Recycle', 'Avenger's Loop', 'Cup of Heaven', all gone.

"Fufufu. Using magic spell on a Godslayer is difficult but... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH"

The Fire Goddess was saying something but she suddenly screamed in pain.

Illya had a suspicion in what caused Caster screamed in pain. She smiled cruelly.


Fire Goddess POV

The Fire Goddess name was Circe. She was the daughter of Sun God Helios. She was the aunt of Medea of Colchis. She was featured in the story Odyssey, where she charmed the hero Odysseus to stay in her island.

After discovering a new hero to love a month ago, she sent her minions to the islands in the north. She tested him to see if he was worthy to be her lover. Surprisingly, the new hero was even stronger than she expected. He commanded Divine Warriors as his Authority.

She didn't expect him to chase her so quickly to her island after she retreated. Circe hadn't prepared another minion, so she only had one Cyclops. The snake and eagle were killed earlier.

But she had another plan. She had a spell to steal a portion of divine power. She could steal Godslayer Authority by applying this magic. Normally, a Godslayer's magic resistance would nullify any spell, but there was a loophole. It could be applied internally to take effect.

A kiss was usual method. Oral intake such as food or drink can also work. But by using wind and delivering the magic through Godslayer's breath, she could do it with the same effect.

She chanted the spell and used the wind to deliver her magic. The spell took effect and the Lord Hero's Authorities were successfully stolen.

"Fufufu. Using magic spell on a godslayer is difficult but... "

While adressing the new hero, she felt the new Authorities were settling within her and...


She felt pain. Enormous pain. It was like thousand needles stabbing her from under the skin in her whole body.

She frantically tried to find out what was causing the pain. She had clairvoyance that can divine many phenomenon. The answer came to her mind. 'Call to the Throne of Heroes'. 'Lesser Grail Recycle'. The stolen Authorities. 'Why?'

Another answer came. 'Incompatible. Imitating Holy Grail. Need special body. Need Vessel.'

Impossible! An Authority tailored for specific person, with a special kind of body? She never heard something like that before! Even she, a goddess, didn't have a body required for it.

"She stole the gate and Servant contracts. Also the Recycle. I still have the others." A young girl voice was heard. The same voice continued. "Lancer, you protect me. The rest of you, use your Noble Phantasm without holding back, aim for that mountain or that witch!"

Circe opened her eyes while enduring pain. She saw in the place of the new Lord Hero now stood a young girl. She must be no older than twelve; her long hair was snowy white. Replacing the golden armor and helmet was a sky-blue dress.

'No way! The new Lord Hero is a girl?'

But why did she gave order normally as if she would be obeyed? Circe knew that all five Divine Warriors had been transferred to her control. And why did she stab a weird looking dagger to the Blue Knight? And why the Blue Knight didn't resist, instead he looked amused!

And then she felt another pain. Enormous amount of magic power was absorbed. Why? She searched the source. The black giant. He absorbed great amount of mana from her.


The black giant body swelled, red lines appearing on it. He absorbed mana in absurd quantity.

She divined the problem and the information came to her mind.

'Heracles. Insane. Why? How?'

Information came to her mind about the Divine Warrior, something she couldn't do before this. But how did this happen to Heracles, the greatest hero of the Greek Mythology?

She changed her attention to the other Divine Warriors. Three of them were now standing side by side in formation, while the Blue Knight stood beside the young snow-haired girl. She had felt that the connection Blue Knight had been lost. How? That dagger?

"You. Restrain her." The real identity of Lord Hero disappointed her, but she can think about it later. She gave orders to the three Divine Warriors to capture the girl.


Heracles roared in insanity, looking for target. Then the young girl shouted. "There! That woman! Enemy is there!" Obeying the young girl, Heracles ran to the mountain without looking back. He approached Circe's position, but she was not worried because she floated high in the air.

'How?' Circe was astounded. 'The control of Heracles is in me and he is insane. How can she order him?'

And the three Divine Servants were still not obeying Circe's command. They seemed to look at her in amusement while gathering energy. The Silver Knight and Red Knight's expression was unreadable because of their helmet, but the woman with blindfold was totally smirking.

The Silver Knight brandished a golden sword and raised it overhead.

The Red Knight held a bow and created a spiral arrow.

The purple haired woman with blindfold stabbed her own neck and created a magical circle with her blood.

And while this was happening, all of them absorbed great amount of mana from Circe.

Circe was a goddess that had great magic. Her magical energy was bigger than normal Heretic Gods. But the drain this time was too great even for her. And it was to fuel attacks aimed at herself!

A beam of golden light destroyed the top of the mountain. The base of the mountain was attacked by the strange arrow. Circe's base was destroyed instantly.

A Pegasus shot from magical circle charged to Circe and she had to evade. Circe's body screamed in pain by the movement.

Why? Why didn't they obey her? She had already stolen their control. She tried to use the other Authority but it was refusing her.

And then the Divine Warriors prepared another attack. Her mana reserve was drained again. She tried to mentally command Heracles but he didn't listen. 'Why? How? I must stop them from draining me further. How?'

In the middle of the pain and clouded mind, a ray of hope was seen. COMMAND SPELL. An order that couldn't be refused.

Maybe if Circe was not enduring pain, she would have clearer mind and speak different order. But not this time. She was in panic and just wanted to end the mana drain


The strange tattoos that had appeared earlier on her arm shined and vanished. Instantly, the three Divine Warriors stopped whatever they were doing. But after a moment of standing still, they moved again. This time with different method. Apparently they interpreted the order as 'stop your current action'

The Silver Knight was charging at her. The Red Knight held a twin black and white sword and threw them at Circe. The Purple haired woman called Pegasus and rode its back. She flew to the sky as if targeting her.


A second panicked order. In her hazy mind Circe got information that there were only three commands. She already wasted two. She desperately avoided the spinning two swords flying at her.

Her body was in pain and she needed to release the incompatible Authority. But to do that was the same as giving weapon back to the enemy. Either way, she needed to eliminate them first.

She gave the third command. But this time, she only order the blindfolded woman.


The blindfolded woman used her pegasus and became a comet. The shining comet shot to the ground and crashed at Heracles.

Circe thought that this was good. If Heracles was finished, she can order the others to kill each other.

But unexpectedly, Heracles didn't die. He revived back from the mortal wound and roared.


Heracles use his fist to punch the woman. The tired woman evaded using Pegasus, retreating to approach the young white-haired girl. When she was 20 meters from the young girl, she dismissed the Pegasus, turned back, and faced Heracles.

The woman had a thin smile on her lips. She recklessly charged to Heracles and was killed by his many punches. Her body disappeared in motes of light.

The Red Knight and Silver Knight were still immobile. Circe inspected Heracles more closely. Twelve Lives. She needed to focus on killing him. His mana consumption was too great. And she could eliminate other Divine Warriors by pitting them against Heracles.

She used the Command Spell again, this time for the Silver Knight. "KILL HERACLES!"

Silver Knight rushed to Heracles and slashed at him. But the sword didn't hurt Heracles at all. They fought each other, Heracles only using his fists and kick, and Silver Knight agilely maneuvering. After doing this for a while, Silver Knight thrust his sword forward and release a tornado of wind from the sword. It tore through Heracles body and split it in two from the shoulder. Heracles died.

And soon revived. But Silver Knight didn't face Heracles. He was facing Circe and gathering energy in his golden sword. He wanted to shoot that golden beam at her! Circe felt a big drain of mana, her own mana was used to fuel the attack aimed at her!

But it was suicide. Heracles would kill Silver Knight even if he managed to swing that sword.

"Guh. 'O light of dawn, offer up to me the shield of gold!" As her facade, the vortex of light spread itself out like a canopy to block the incoming attack.


In the same time that the Silver Knight swing his sword, Heracles punched him fatally from above. Silver Knight died instantly, disappearing in motes of light.

But the incomplete blast still came at her. She blocked the attack, but it was too powerful. Her shield would be destroyed in seconds. Circe used teleportation to escape to another place using the fraction of time the shield bought.

Circe appeared on another side of the island. Her appearance was now only a shadow shaped like a young woman. She was two meters tall. She had less energy to maintain her concealment magic. Expending her mana to supply that magical blast and also using shield to block it was very exhausting.

But Heracles still had ten lives. Apparently the Silver Knight interpret the command as "only kill once". She would rectify her mistake. Circe gave order to the Red Knight.

"You. Kill Heracles until he completely die. Repeatedly." The Command Spell shined and disappeared.

The Red Knight didn't rush to Heracles, instead he walked leisurely while chanting. When he was ten meters from Heracles, he raised his hand and chanted "Unlimited Blade Works"

A burning dome of fire envelop them. Circe couldn't see anything inside it. But she knew that at this time she was heavily drained of mana. That Heracles was being killed repeatedly and that really drained mana from her for the resurrection. And that dome of fire also use a lot of mana.

"This is ridiculous. That little girl maintained these five warriors by herself? How much magical energy she have?"

"Hey witch. What's the matter with you? Feeling tired? Maybe your age is catching up with you. Ohohohoho. The elderly really has low stamina. Ohohohohoho." The little girl was taunting her.

"I will punish you for disrespecting me, little girl. And also for deceiving me!"

"Deceiving you? Whatever do you mean?" The white-haired little girl smiled mischievously.

"You are not a male!"

"You are the one jumping to conclusion on your own! I never said I am a male!" The young girl said haughtily.

"You never said you are a girl!"

"You never ask~~. Ahahahahaha." The little girl laugh exaggeratedly.

Circe got really furious. That little girl was deliberately toying at her and taunting her.

"Hey witch, why don't you come here. We should have a little fun while waiting for the guys inside that." The Blue Knight with red spear taunted her.

Circe didn't really want to take a risk. She was drained of magical energy and it would be hard to attack at her condition. She ignored the taunt and waited. The other party was disappointed but they also waited.

Then, the dome of fire vanished. Heracles appeared, his body was full of swords stabbed to it. The Red Knight also appeared, his body broken and bloodied.

"Eight times. I leave the rest to you." The Red Knight said to the little girl and disappeared in motes of light. The swords sticking to Heracles also disappeared.

Heracles had two more lives. He looked for the nearest target and locked his sight on Blue Knight. The Blue Knight leaped away from the little girl and took a stance.

"By this two Command Spell I order you. Use all your power to kill Heracles!" That little girl suddenly used her Command Spell.

In that moment, the red spear was instantly filled with demonic aura. Not a second later, the Blue Knight moved. He moved faster than lightning, stabbing his spear to Heracles heart. Heracles had no time to dodge.

"Gae Bolg!"

The spear strike true to the target. Heracles died.

"Hey Lancer. You understand, right?" The little girl spoke.

"Yes yes." The Blue Knight pulled his spear and stood still. Soon, Heracles revived and killed him with his fist. The Blue Knight didn't resist and let himself be killed.

Circe was perplexed by that action. She understood that after that attack, the Blue Knight's spear would not be able to scratch Heracles. But even if his spear was not effective anymore, why didn't he change target and attack Circe instead? Why did all the Divine Servants seem eager to die?

No matter, only one enemy remained. Circe would not spare her.

Circe used the still intact Command Spell set for Heracles. "Kill her!" The Command Spell shines.

Heracles looked around but he didn't attack the little girl.

'What? Why? What is happening? Why he didn't obey me even when I use Command Spell?'

She used it again. "Kill her!" The Command Spell shines and second tattoo vanished.

Heracles was still not obeying.

Circe was getting frustrated and used the third Command Spell. "Kill her!"

Heracles didn't obey. And then the little girl shouted. "Heracles! That woman there is the enemy!"


Heracles roared and charged to Circe's position. She was faraway but with that speed he could reach her in no time. Circe floated to the sky and decided to kill Heracles.

"I call upon the wheel of dawn!" Pointing her finger at the eastern sky, she chanted spell words.

"I implore you to become my spear for piercing the ground, incinerating all existence!"

The time was in the afternoon. The sun had moved to the west and will set in few hours. During this inappropriate time, the sun rose from the east. Circe was planning on unleashing her strongest fire attack that carry element of the sun.

The glow of dawn illuminated the South Seas and the uninhabited island with a rosy tint.

Released by this sun, golden brilliance flew towards Heracles on the ground

The fire attack incinerated Heracles, his body was burnt and disappeared. All his lives were exhausted.

Circe sighed tiredly. She used too much magical energy. But the advantage was with her now. All the Divine Warriors were dead. The Authorities were still held by her, preventing the little girl to use it. She had to endure pain, but this level of pain could be ignored when she gathered her willpower.

She didn't return the Authorities even when in pain. She forced herself to endure. With her clairvoyance she learned the natures of the Authorities stolen. That one Authority was dangerous, that little girl could summon her warriors repeatedly without limit.

"Now little girl." Circe said. "You will pay the price of deceiving me. You have no more pawns."

"You are the one that will be punished for the crime of stealing from the king." The little girl said.

"Punish me? How? Your warriors are dead. Do you have other offensive ability?"

"Hahahaha. I see you are not experienced with the mechanism of Lesser Grail. No wonder you always floated from afar. If there are two Lesser Grails, the souls of the Servants will enter the nearest one."

'What? What is she talking about?' The authority of 'Lesser Grail Recycle' was already stolen. They couldn't be revived now. It was useless.

But... why didn't the souls of the Divine Warriors enter Circe? She already got that 'Lesser Grail Recycle' when those warriors died.

"...!" Circe suddenly thought something.

The blindfolded woman approached the little girl before she died. Because of that, that little girl stood nearer to every warriors when they died. Circe had floated far away for safety. Was that what she meant by two Lesser Grail?

'The Divine Warrior souls naturally entered her without any Authority? What is she?'

But it was useless. What could she do with only souls?

The snow-haired little girl smirked as if reading Circe's mind. She raised her right hand to the sky and shouted:



To Be Continued...


1. The distance and speed

The beach of Kushimoto City (beach near Kyoto) to Kota Kinabalu is more or less 3600 Km. The distance to the island should be roughly the same. If Illya reached it in 10 minutes, the Vimana traveled in speed 21600 Km/hour.

"It surpasses the laws of physics by traveling at the speed of thought"

2. What's with Heracles?

He was insane. Usually Illya kept the mad enhancement in check and restrained him. Maybe Circe can do it if she learned how to do it. But she was in pain, in panic, and didn't have time.

Heracles can't be commanded with regular Command Spell. Illya used that special Command Spell on her whole body to control him. That's why Circe's Command Spell take no effect.

Heracles adores Illya. Even in insanity. Refer to Heaven's Feel route where the mad corrupted blind Heracles stopped his attack when feeling Illya's presence. He would only follow Illya's instruction regardless who is the Master.

Neat, huh?

3. Why can't Circe use Gate of Babylon

The Gate of Babylon had transformed into an Authority but it was originally a Noble Phantasm. It still retained many of Noble Phantasm traits. And one of them was that it would only obey its owner (generally).

A Noble Phantasm can't be used by other person other than its crafter or its true owner. If Saber give Excalibur to Lancer, he wouldn't be able to use it to perform Excaliblast by saying its true name. And Saber wouldn't be able to use Gae Bolg:Spear of Piercing Barbed Death even if she had the spear.

A traced Noble Phantasm recognized Archer or Shirou as the crafter. It would obey the crafter. A traced Gae Bolg by Archer would obey Archer as crafter and Lancer as its owner. (This idea was taken from fanfic "From Fake Dreams", but it matched canon as far as I know)

Also, the skill and mechanism to use that Noble Phantasm is required. You have to be the original wielder or someone like Shirou who could read its history.

All treasures inside Gate of Babylon recognized Illya as their owner. And if she gives one of them to her Servant, it would obey the Servant because it recognized the Servant as an extension of Illya. This is why Berserker had no problem equipping the golden axe.

This was why Circe can't use Gate of Babylon. It refused to serve her, just like a kidnapped maid protesting to her captor. The treasures inside refused to come out, as they still recognized Illya as owner. Stealing Authority didn't mean the Noble Phantasm inside was included.

4. The Servant Contract

It was included in 'Call to the Throne of Heroes'. By stealing this Authority, Circe also steal all Servants Contract and Command Spell. But of course Illya can steal it back using Rule Breaker

5. Noble Phantasm used
a. Strike Air: Hammer of the Wind King

b. Bellerophon.: Bridle of Chivalry
c. Unlimited Blade Works
d. God Hand: Twelve Lives
e. Gáe Dearg: Crimson Rose of Exorcism
I just had a thought...
Just how OP would Illya be with the authorities of Jahveh? With Metatron alone she would have what amounts to unlimited reality warping as long as one has energy...

Ok, no more thinking.
Nice chapter BTW.
11. Fair
Disclaimer: I do not own F/sn or Campione!

11. Fair

Princess Alice had a prophetic dream last night. Something that would involve Iriya will take place somewhere around South China Sea. This was an opportunity too good to pass.

She sent her spirit body made from ectoplasm to the area. Even if the distance was great, she could cover it with sufficient time. But when she arrived, she had no clue where to look. South China Sea was relatively vast area after all.

While she was wandering without clear destination, she felt it. Sparks of magical aura. It was as if a battle was happening. She headed to the direction of the sparks.

There were vibrations in the air coming from that direction. And flashes of light visible even from afar.


Circe gaped at the sight of the little girl doing something bizarre. She used a strange technique, and a red magical circle appeared on her feet. The magical circle then copied itself. The copy traveled upwards across her body and... she transformed.

No. It was more like she was replaced. No, overlaid. Plastered? Coated? Wrapped? It was like a picture on a frame. A second picture was inserted to hid the first one, but the frame remained the same. The first picture was still there but it was hidden from view. She changed to something else, but her real nature was still existing within.

Her hairstyle and clothes changed. And her aura became more dangerous. Circe realized that this feeling was the same as the Red Knight earlier.

T'his is bad. I don't know what she can do but I don't want to find out'

Circe prepared to use magic to seal that ability. Fortunately, that little girl took her time and didn't attack her outright.


Illya felt her existence was overwritten by Heroic Spirit EMIYA. Her clothes changed. Her hair was now tied up. A battle instinct naturally appeared. Her body felt stronger and her senses sharper.

Illya always wanted to try this, but she never had a chance. Archer never died and she didn't have legitimate excuse to kill him. But now he died fighting an enemy, totally unrelated to Illya. So he couldn't fault her if she installs him right?

She felt her element and origin. They had changed to 'sword', just like EMIYA. She still had her own magic circuits, but they were now changed in nature. Only specializing in Reinforcement, Projection, and Alteration. Thankfully, the quantity and quality of magic circuits was still the same.

She felt the Noble Phantasm Unlimited Blade Works existed within her mind-world. She could see it. It was a barren land filled with countless swords. Inside it, she could feel many weapons, she knew the names and shapes...


Something's wrong. It was like watching TV with many statics. The reception was not smooth. She couldn't access Unlimited Blade Works completely and perfectly.

'The elements and origin are incompatible with my own original. And this alien perception of reality... his soul and my soul are rejecting each other.'

Unlike Cu Chullain whose skill in fighting was in physical aspect and his special weapon, EMIYA's skill was in his magecraft. His unique skill in tracing and his Noble Phantasm were because of his origin and element. He was a 'sword'. Illya couldn't bring out the true power of EMIYA's skill in tracing. She estimated that any traced weapon she made would decrease in rank by one grade compared to EMIYA's real projection. A fake of a fake.

'I wonder what would happened if Shirou installs EMIYA. With the same soul, same element and same origin, that would be 100% synchronization.'

Hmm. That was it. Illya felt that this was like in anime where a pilot had to synchronize himself with a giant robot. She guessed that her synchro-rate was about 60-70%. She needed to calm her mind and delve deeper, become united with EMIYA, and...

Her thoughts were cut off because something happened to her body. This was the same feeling as before! A foreign magic entered her through her breath!

A great many geometric patterns appeared in the sky, tracing out a glowing magic circle.

Gah! How could she fell into the same trick? If she lost the other Noble Phantasms, how could she fight back? Illya felt things were taken from her body one after another. She frantically tried to gather prana to flush out the foreign magic but it was too late.

Emblem of [Lotus] manifested in the magic circle in the sky. And then another emblem of something like two human figures also manifested. And then the foreign magic was gone

"Ufufufu, I have gotten all of your Authorities. Now... what? Why are you still in that form? It can't be, I already stole everything!" That witch tried to gloat but in the end she shrieked.

Illya always had a feeling that this [Install] ability was a little different than the rest, but this was a confirmation. 'That witch can't steal this ability. That means I still have a chance!'

It was rather strange. She didn't steal Rule Breaker. Illya summoned the jagged dagger to her hand. Yes, it was still there, along with Rule Breaker Swallow Reversal. 'Don't tell me they are also different in nature? Oh well I will think about it later.'

Caster was still holding her abilities, but strangely she didn't use the Gate of Babylon. Maybe she couldn't use it? It was good if that was the case, but Illya took precaution. It was the reason she chose EMIYA to install. EMIYA was the natural enemy for Gate of Babylon. And EMIYA was strong in his own right.

Illya traced Kanshou and Bakuya to her hands. The twin swords didn't have noticable decrease of rank from EMIYA's version. Maybe because these were his most favorite swords. She swing them around to test her skill and threw them to the witch.

"Ugh..." The witch avoided the attack. "How? What is that magic?"

Illya didn't answer and now she traced the black bow. This black bow made from unknown material was EMIYA's tool to shoot Broken Phantasm. It also didn't decrease much from EMIYA's version. She traced Caladbolg, altered it shape into arrow, and aimed for the witch lazily.


The arrow Caladbolg shot to the witch, but she escaped with teleportation. It didn't matter. Illya didn't really want to hurt Caster. She just wanted to test her power. The one area of the forest exploded when Caladbolg hit it.

Heat and vibration from the explosion touched her skin. She saw the witch at her new position with her improved eyesight of Archer class.

"Hmm. The scale of the explosion is smaller. So the rank of Broken Phantasm Caladbolg decreased to B? It was not Caladbolg II but Caladbolg III? Fake of a fake, huh?"

"Wha! Y-You. What are you?" Caster questioned her with stuttering speech.

"Hm. What am I?"

She activated all of her magic circuits. Prana filled her. Blueprints of legendary swords appeared in her mind, ready to be traced. "Trace on"

Ten different weapons materialized in the sky above her. Yes, she could do this. She was...

"I am EMIYA."

Heroic Spirit EMIYA had a major limitation during his lifetime. He only had twenty-seven magic circuit with average quality. No matter how good he was with projection, there was a limit. The amount of prana he could generate and the output was limited. The swords he could trace in one given time was limited in quantity.

The weapons materialized above Illya increased to thirty.

"I am Illyasviel Emiya. You think you can steal a Noble Phantasm from an EMIYA?"

Even after EMIYA became a Heroic Spirit, as a Servant he was limited by the quantity of his magic circuit. The number was still the same, twenty seven. Even with a qualified Master such as Rin, he couldn't project too many swords at the same time. He had to rely on Unlimited Blade Works to fight Gilgamesh. Even with unlimited prana of Illya, he wouldn't be able to instantly trace thousands of swords. He had to do it one batch after another. Fifty or a hundred at a time, just like when he slaughtered the Army of Heaven.

The weapons materialized above Illya increased to a hundred.

"I am the strongest EMIYA!"

Heroic Spirit EMIYA's problem were his supply of prana and the limited output of magic. So what if he suddenly got a great number of magic circuits in highest quality?

That was basically what happened to Illya now. She had great amount of highest quality magic circuit and the (yet) unexplained huge prana reserves. She was also a better magus than Shirou, so her magecraft was more efficient. Now she got the knowledge and elements to do [tracing], she could do it in droves.

The weapons materialized above Illya increased to five hundred.

Illya still got a problem of degraded rank of Noble Phantasm and the intensity of focus needed to review a whole lot of different weapons. But she could trace masses of weapons in more quantity than EMIYA. And if she limited the tracing to only one or ten kind of weapons... her speed would go up.

"Emiya? What is that?" Caster asked, confused.

The weapons materialized above Illya increased to a thousand. Illya stopped making weapons. "Emiya Kiritsugu. Emiya Shirou. Counter Guardian Emiya. I have surpassed them all. That's why I am the strongest EMIYA." She would compensate the quality with quantity.

Illya raised her hand and then flourished it down.

The one thousand weapons were shot to the witch. The area of the forest where she was located was filled with explosions. Everything there was destroyed.

But Caster escaped with teleport.

She counterattacked. "O carriage of dawn, now is the time to descend from the heavens, to incinerate the Devil King to oblivion!"

Scorching flames of conflagration spread out and tried to engulf Illya.

Illya looked at the vortex of flames coming down absent-mindedly. She was thinking of a way to increase her synchro-rate. Normally, this was difficult if one didn't know the nature of the Heroic Spirit. But Illya knew about EMIYA, and she had listened him doing that chant several times...

"I am the bone of my sword." / 73%

Many weapons with [ice] and [water] attribute appeared and shot to the flames. The huge vortex of flames was extinguished, and the weapons even had the energy to aim at Caster.

Caster escaped, this time she teleported to somewhere unseen. It seemed that she hid herself inside the forest.

"Steel is my body and fire is my blood" / 78%

This time, Illya traced 5 kind weapons with the attribute of fire element. All of them were nameless E-rank Noble Phantasm.

'Hmm... 7500 copies in five seconds... still a way to go.'

Seven thousand five hundred weapons were hovering in the sky above Illya. They filled the sky and the island shoreline. "Well, let's burn the forest." Illya shot them all to cover the entirety of the forest.


Explosions happened in the whole forest. Fire spread out and burn everything. Smokes filled the sky. Illya traced Proto Fire Wind Wheels and took to the sky to escape the heat. She surveyed the island from above.

'Hmm. This Wheels copy were not as maneuverable as the original. Still, I just needed to float and fly leisurely. Now where is the witch?'


Circe looked around her. The whole island was burning. The lush tropical forest changed into land of fire. The blue sky was now filled with black smokes. The previous attack carried fire element and it burned the tropical forest.

And the [Labyrinth] Authority that was left in the forest by Alexander also gone, overwhelmed and broke down by the sheer force of destruction.

The only place not burning was the center of the island. It was a hill filled with rubble and boulders. It was the highest point in the island. This was what remained of the sacred mountain after it was destroyed by the Divine Warriors.

Circe was not injured by the attack. That was easy enough to avoid, but the problem was the fire. She was surrounded by fire and had to escape to the hill. She didn't worry about the fire itself, as a fire goddess she was immune to fire. She escaped because the fire and smokes blocked her view. And the forest was not good as a hiding place anymore. It would soon totally change to ashes.

She saw the little girl who named herself Illyasviel Emiya. She was floating above the island and leisurely approaching Circe.

Circe knew that the odds were against her. Her magical energy was very low, her body was in pain, and she had no subordinates ready. Her base where she stored ingredients and reagents was gone. On the contrary, Illyasviel hadn't used much magical energy. And now that she openly blared her magical aura, Circe really felt helpless. That amount of mana she had was several times of what Circe had even at full power.

But she didn't give up. Her enemy had given her a weapon to use. She gathered her energy and chanted.


Illya felt great. She felt powerful. This was a different feeling from using Gate of Babylon. When she used the Gate, she felt only like a commander telling a battleship crew to shoot the ship's cannon. But this... she knew the weapons inside the Reality Marble. She saw the blueprint and traced them herself. She shot them herself to the target. She felt like doing things with her own hand, and it was more satisfying.

She was now approaching the witch. Her enemy was now cornered and had fled to an open area. Illya maintained her altitude because of heat and smoke. The smell of smoke and her tearing eyes disturb her. Maybe she needed to do something to extinguish the fire...

Then the witch seemed to do something. Caster raised her hand and perform some kind of magic. The forest fire suddenly moved and swirling around. The fire was pulled to Caster and gathered on her right palm. The forest fire had been extinguished, all of the fire swirled to a big spinning fireball on Caster's palm. The big fireball then get smaller and smaller, compressing itself until it stabilized. The color of fireball had turned to blue.

The fireball size was around the size of basketball. It was hovering above Caster"s raised palm. Illya guessed that she wanted to shoot that fireball to the white haired magus. Considering that it was created from a big forest fire energy, the power should be quite exceptional.

How to fight fire? The opposite of fire is ice. Illya created many weapons with ice element attribute. They were hovering surrounding her and in front of her. She especially put the A-rank Noble Phantasm in the center.

Caster threw the fireball.

Illya shot the weapons to intercept the fireball. And then she traced Rho Aias (five petals version) to protect herself.

The fireball was intercepted by horde of weapons with ice attribute. It lost its energy after meeting a lot of weapons. The 'ice' cool down the fire.

There was still some heat energy in fire left and it still had kinetic energy left. But it was blocked by Rho Aias and splashed to the side harmlessly.

But not every weapons touched the fireball. And there are weapons that went through the fireball and still intact. They keep flying straight to Caster!


Caster was injured. Many parts of her body were frozen. Her arms and legs were stabbed by various kinds of weapons, pinning her down to the ground. She couldn't move.

Illya descended to the ground ten meters in front of Caster. She was still keeping her guard.

"O stone, raise up and strike my foe!"


A sound was heard from all over the hill. Stones from the ground moved in odd pattern. They floated up and stacked themselves upon each other. Illya traced Kanshou and Bakuya and took a ready stance.

The rocks were making a humanoid shape. They were two meters tall and their bodies were bulging like a very muscular man. A rock golem? That witch still had energy to create them? Illya counted their number to be thirty, more or less.

She threw her two swords to two golems to gauge their strength. The swords managed to pierce through their body and got stuck on it. But the golems were still active and not destroyed. They still walked fine even when a sword sticking on their chest.

"Trace on. Trace Overedge."

Kanshou and Bakuya materialized in Illya's hands. And then they changed. The blades became longer and bigger. Feather-like shapes were protruding from the edge, making them like a pair of black and white wings.

A rock golem had charged and swung its fist to Illya. She slashed horizontally with one hand and followed it with another vertical upward slash by the other hand. The rock golem was cut to four parts and crumbled.

Illya didn't stop. She used her agility to quickly destroy the remaining golem. She had to trace another Kanshou and Bakuya after destroying ten golems, and another after twenty. The swords became too fragile in their overedge state.

The golems were slow. They were no match for Illya in pseudo-heroic spirit form. She jumped around and slashed, evading the slow punch and counterattacking. Before long, all the golems were destroyed.

Illya disappointingly turned to Caster. She wanted to face more challenge, but apparently Caster was too tired and sloppy in making the golems. Caster was trying to free herself from swords impaling her. But she had not succeed yet. Some of the swords were high ranked and resist her magical fire.

"Trace on" Illya made a copy of Enkidu to secure Caster's arms and legs, and also bound her body.

"Guuuh." Caster tried to free herself in vain. It seemed she had a high divinity. But Illya still hadn't been able to see her real appearance. Her whole body was enveloped by dark shadow.

"Oh well. Time to see your real self. Maybe you had a big scar so you need to hide yourself? I also need to take back my Noble Phantasm."

Illya summoned Rule Breaker. She straddled Caster and stabbed her on the stomach.


Circe felt really humiliated. She was pinned on the ground, laying back, stabbed with swords, her body parts frozen, and chained. And the little girl Emiya straddled her.

And then she stabbed her using that weird dagger. Circe felt pain.


The flesh that touched that dagger was dissolving. The mana that made up her body was breaking down when it touch that dagger.

"Huh? It didn't work?" The little girl commented.

For a normal mortal magic, Circe estimated that the dagger could instantly break all of them. But for Divine Magic that she used as Witch Goddess, it would not be that easy. So her concealment magic was still working, even if it was now unstable.

"Hmm? Well let's try again." Emiya stabbed again, changing her target to Circe's left side.


"Hm. I see a ripple. Maybe I need to deepen the wound? " Emiya pushed the dagger deeper.


"Yeah! The shadow become thinner. One more time!" Emiya stabbed to the center of the chest.

"Aaaaahhhhh." Circe felt her concealment magic broken.

"Yeah. Now I can see you. Hm?"

Emiya was now studying her body with puzzled expression. She must be wondering about her arms and legs.

"Hey you. Is this your original body?" She stabbed the prosthetic arm. The part of brass prosthetic arm that touched the dagger was dissolved.

"No. No it can't be your original body. This... this is half dead body." Her expression was now full of fury.

Circe spoke to Emiya. "When Alexander -sama was leaving, we had an altercation. He managed to reduce my body into this." Circe didn't know why she told Emiya this. Maybe because she felt that as a woman, she would understand?

"Despicable. Dumping a girl and then scarring her body permanently? Hmmph I will give him a lesson. And you." That white haired little girl expression was in righteous fury. "You dare challenging me in a half dead state? You insult me!"

What? Circe was surprised.

"Now give me back my power so I can do something about you. Hmmph!" She stabbed again repeatedly, in many parts of Circe's body. This time she stabbed in rapid pace, uncaring of the immediate effect.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh". Circe felt it. Every five stabs, one would luckily severed the magic she used to bind the Godslayer Authority. Of course it needed three severings to completely cut the magic binding one Authority. Her magic was not mortal magic. After a lot of stabbing, Illyasviel Emiya finally recovered every Authorities she had.

"Fuuuu. That was a lot of work. Now let's see... one.. two... three...hmm I think I got them all."

Circe felt hurt all over. The regenerative power of gods didn't work. The dagger dissolved magical energy directly and not normally wounding her. If she was a low rank magical being, one stab was enough to completely broke her body.

And then she felt her prosthetic arms being cut. Illyasviel Emiya used the strange dagger to saw her right arm.


"Oh shut up. You're noisy. This dagger is not sharp so this will take time."

Emiya tried to sever her right arm, but the dagger edge was too blunt so she couldn't use it to saw even after putting her strength. She gave up and got another weapon. "Gate, give me Gáe Dearg."

A hole in space appeared and a red spear came out. Emiya took it and slash at the part connecting her prosthetic arm. Because she was clumsy, the cut was not clean and the arm was still connected. Illyasviel slashed and slashed again.

"Aaaaaaaah." Her brass prosthetic arm was severed. And then Emiya proceeded to sever her left arm and her lower body. All her prosthetic limbs were gone.

"What do you intend to do with me..." Circe asked the little girl. Severing all her limbs like this, did she intend to torture her until death? Or she wanted to capture Circe and making sure she couldn't escape?

"Hm? I will kill you. But I don't bully sick people. You will be in perfect health when I defeat you. To do otherwise means insulting The One and Only True King."

She took a bottle from another hole in space and pull out the stopper. And then she used her left arm to forcefully open Circe's mouth. "Open wide, aaaah." Her right hand pour three drops of liquid to Circe's mouth.

This... this is... Ambrosia? No, something similar but different. A miracle medicine.

Her lifeforce was coming back. All of her limbs regenerated slowly. Her magical energy gradually restrored. She felt her divinity coming back to the peak.

Emiya didn't wait for her. She went to a spot in a distance and did some things, like experimenting with her power. Circe didn't do anything and wait. Her body was restoring itself. After around fifteen minutes it was fully restored and she was in full health.

But she still couldn't break through the chain. Illyasviel Emiya adjusted the chains to bind her new restored limbs. And curiously, she felt that the chain got even stronger now.

"You. Emiya. Release me and we will fight again." Circe didn't have any choice. She couldn't break free. The only way she could win the fight was to appeal to the enemy for a fair fight. If Emiya decided to kill her right now, she could just use a lot of sword to kill her while she was bound.

"Hmm? Already healthy? No thanking me? What a rude witch. Oh by the way, I haven't got your name. Tell me your name before you die." Emiya was walking towards her.


"Circe? The witch on the island who changed sailors to pigs? So you really is related to Medea. You're both crazy witch."

Circe got a little angry but she was also curious. This little girl couldn't be underestimated. "Who are you? What are you?"

Emiya smiled naughtily. "Didn't I tell you? I am Emiya. King of Kings. Vanquisher of All Evil. Magical Girl of Love and Champion of Justice. This power is born from my love to onii-chan!"


"Yes, this must be it. My love for Shirou made me able to combine myself with his soul. Even if that is not exactly my onii-chan, but they are still the same! So it is the power of love!"

Circe didn't want to listen to her ridiculous speech anymore. "Release me and we will fight fairly!", she spoke.

"Fair? You think stealing my Noble Phantasm is fair? You have a rather strange standard. But if I release you, you can teleport far away and escape. No, you can use your magic even when chained, right? Go on, fight me."

Circe was so angry and humiliated. Her face turned red and she gritted her teeth so hard they made sounds. She was still laying on the ground, chained. At some point the swords stabbing her had disappear, but she was still trapped.

She had no choice but to fight in this condition


Illya found that in this form, the Gate of Babylon was resisting her. It had bad relationship with Unlimited Blade Works. If she use Gate of Babylon extensively, her synchro-rate with EMIYA would fall. So, while waiting for Circe to heal, she pondered on the problem.

Her instinct told her. She needed to use an aria to synchronize with both of them. But she needed time to think about it

So when Circe started chanting, she decided to use tracing as her main skill.

"O stone, raise up and strike my foe!"

This time there were fifty golems, each standing over five meters tall. They looked stronger and sturdier. But it was still sloppy. Because Caster had created them in haste, even with her stronger magic she couldn't make them very powerful.

Of course Illya knew this. The key to fight Caster class was to get close, don't fight in her temple, don't give her enough time to prepare. Who cares about fairness in a fight? She already gave Caster handicap by restoring her health.

Proto Fire Wind Wheels appeared and she equipped them, flying high in the air. The rock golems were bumbling about, trying to reach her. Swords, javelin, halberds, all kind of bladed weapons were materialized in the sky above her. She planned to air-bombing the ground below.

Her senses caught a magical energy. Circe was gathering lightning in her right palm. The lightning shot into Illya in blue streak. Illya praised Circe in her heart silently, because that witch shot the lightning bolt with her arms bound.

Illya just open the Gate of Babylon and a shield with anti-magic properties intercept the lightning.

Her eye caught something moving. Four brass limbs that she threw aside earlier moved and floated to the air. Circe manipulated the torn brass prosthetic limbs and shaped them into lances. The lances were launched one after another.

Illya traced many shields stacked in layers to block them. The lances got through five or six shields before they stopped. She felt deadly aura from the lances. It would be bad if she got hit.

Circe chanted again. This time, a light shone from the east. The red afternoon sky was lit up by the second sun rising from east. Golden brilliance shot as a flame spear to Illya.

Illya knew that this attack was Circe's strongest attack. She must treated this attack cautiously. "Shield of the Gods, come!"

A very big shield, its diameter over five meters long appeared. A very ornate shield with square-round shape. It was decorated with a pattern similar to flower and leaves.

Illya could see the light from the spear of flame striking the shield. After learning her lesson of getting damage feedback from Rho Aias, she searched a physical shield. It must be stronger than even Rho Aias and would not give damage feedback. Shield of the Gods was what she found inside the Gate of Babylon. It could even weathered Excaliblast.

Even from behind the shield, Illya could feel the heat radiating from the flame splashed out to the side. Shining white lights illuminating her surrounding. The shadow of the shield looked like the moon during solar eclipse, and the lights around it was like the sun corona.

The lights died down. The flame spear attacked was blocked. Now it was her time to counterattack. She brought back the scorching hot Shield of the Gods inside the Gate of Babylon.

All this time, she had been tracing many weapons in the sky. She especially created A-rank Noble Phantasm. Ice attribute, anti-immortal, anti-divine, anti-magic, the weapons were all designed to end Caster's life. They were now numbering in nine thousand. She actually wanted to round the number to ten thousand, but she must be decisive.

"Trace fire."

All the weapons launched down to the center of the island.


Sounds reverberated. Lights filled her vision. Smokes raised up. Clouds of dust scattering everywhere. She raised her altitude in reflex.

And after everything died down, the rock golems and Circe had vanished without trace.


Illya thought that Circe must have died. Finally.

There was a strange sensation of vanishing battle lust. And also, like a metal weight placed on her shoulder and disappeared into her body. She dismissed that feeling, thinking of it as a relief for victory.

But there was one thing in her mind.

She flew to the beach, heading to a certain spot.

Landing to the beach, she traced Demonic Sword Gram to her hand and speak. "Show yourself, or you will taste this sword."


Princess Alice instantly knew that her destination was the island ahead. The island had produced a lot of black smoke that could be seen from afar. And when she got closer, she felt it. That was an aura of a Godslayer. But this amount... She estimated that it was twenty times the magic amount of Black Prince Alex. Of course, since the magic reserve of Campione itself was already off the charts, she could be wrong. It may be lower than her estimates... or terrifyingly, it could be higher.

She landed on the beach and used her magic to watch the event happening in the center of the island.

"... I am Emiya. King of Kings. Vanquisher of All Evil. Magical Girl of Love and Champion of Justice..."

She came in time to witness something amazing. A white haired little girl was standing proudly in front of a chained Heretic Goddess. And then she proclaimed her title.

Vanquisher of All Evil.

One title caught her attention more than the rest. Yes, wasn't the girl in her vision also had white hair? Then this was the same girl who had faced All Evil in the World?

The girl had a somewhat strange attire. Red clothes that covered her arms. Black pants and black chest guard, showing a lot of skin on her midriff and legs. She was reminded of the Red Knight similar attire. Now she thought about it, where were the others? Iriya Rangers was comprised of five persons.

She watched as the girl killed the heretic goddess spectacularly. The ability she used was without a doubt the one displayed in the video.

And then the girl flew away. She went to... here?

The girl descended a few meters in front of her. She produced a sword and spoke "Show yourself, or you will taste this sword."

Princess Alice hastily cancelled her invisibility spell and curtsied. "Greetings, Your Highness. I apologized for the inappropriate manner in watching you from hiding."

While speaking, Princess Alice secretly examined the sword. It was a simple long straight sword, without any elaborate ornament or decoration. But her instinct told her this was a sword of the highest rank, a legendary sword that should be sung in myths. Her Spirit Vision told her the name.

"...dragon slayer, Gram..."

"Oh? You can see the name of this sword? How interesting." The little girl lower her sword.

Princess Alice eyes still followed the sword. No way, Gram! The sword given by god Odin to Sigmund? The one used by Sigurd to slay evil dragon Fafnir?

"You seemed very interested in this sword. Here, I give it to you." The little girl held the sword in reverse and offered Alice the hilt.


The sword was pressed to her hands and Alice frantically held it. No way, this legendary sword, she just gave it away like that?

"Is it okay to give me this? This, isn't it very precious?" Alice fearfully asked.

"Hn? Precious? Oh, don't worry about that. It was just a copy. I can make as many as I want." The white haired girl showed her by making another Gram.

Alice head overheated. She compared the copy in her hand and the copy in the little girl's hand. They were totally the same! They were both Gram! Her hands unconsciously trembled while holding the copy in her hands. The aura of greatness from the sword overwhelmed her.

"Um... ahhh, that... do you have... the original?" Alice asked again, this time more from curiosity. If she could made the copy, surely the original existed somewhere, right?

"The original? Sure." The little girl raised her hand and use it to take something from a space above her shoulder. A ripple-like portal appeared and a sword-hilt came out. She took it and showed it to Alice.

It was Gram. The same sword. Now that Alice compared the two copies and the one called 'original', she could sense that the copies' aura had somewhat lowered grade. But she would not be able to know it if she didn't compare them side by side.

"Finished yet? Okay." The little girl put the original Gram back to a portal and dismissed her copy. "Who are you, and why are you here?"

Alice curtsied again, this time she did it awkwardly while holding a sword. "Please excuse my manners. My name is Alice Louise. I am the spokesperson of Witenagemot."

Unexpectedly, Iriya curtsied back. "Nice to meet you. My name is Iriya.". From the natural way she did it, Alice thought that she must be from upper class family or even nobility.

"So, Miss Alice. Why are you here?", said Iriya as she gestured and took out something big from a hole in space. "This island is located out of nowhere. So you must be looking either for me or that Caster."

A big object came out and hover half meter from the ground. It was the Outlandish Flying Vehicle that she saw in the video. Alice held her breath and tried not to be distracted.

"Your Highness is perceptive. I received a foretelling of your appearance in this area, so I came here. I have always wanted to meet Your Highness." Alice spoke while keeping her head low.

Meanwhile, Iriya had jumped to the Outlandish Flying Vehicle and spoke to Alice from vantage position.

"You come to meet me? Hmm? That was something like a prana puppet? Your real body is somewhere else. Where are you from? Come to think of it, what is that you said? Whatenagamot?"

Alice mind running hundred kilometers per hour. This Iriya spoke weird things and she didn't know the general knowledge of magical world. She referred the Heretic Goddess as 'caster'. She never heard of Alice and Witenagemot. Alice was not arrogant, but she would like to think that the organization name was known to almost everyone in magical world. And this Iriya could see her ectoplasmic body with just a glimpse.

"I come from Britain. Witenagemot is one of the mage association from Britain, we are the oldest and most prestigious mage association in the country. "

Iriya now addressed her in English. "Britain? That's so far. Sending that fake body to this place must be difficult. Why do you want to meet me anyway?" Iriya spoke while throwing her white hair to the back with her hand.

Curiously, she had already changed clothes and hairstyle. The red and black outfit was gone, replaced by white dress and black skirt. Her long hair was let down freely, swaying from the wind.

"That... I saw the video... and then I thought that I want to meet you..." Alice actually wanted to get more information about the newest Campione, but of course she couldn't say that to her face.

Iriya tilted her head cutely and asked, "Video?"

Alice silently cursed. Iriya didn't know about that video? That was unthinkable. That video was the most popular thing amongst mages on this planet today. She didn't know that, so what would her reaction be when she found out?

If she get angry... she would vent her anger to the one that brought her the news. Alice didn't want to be the target of Campione's wrath, but she had no other choice.

Alice took a deep breath and spoke, "It was the video of your magnificent battle with Heretic God Nezha. You display incomparable valor and might during that battle, that I can't help but admired your person."

There. She tried to soften the impact by giving some praises. Now how would she react? She raised her head a little and peeked at Iriya.

The white-haired little girl was now smiling widely with sparkling eyes. "That battle was recorded? I looked great? Of course, it's natural that I would look great. So... that means you're my fan? Right right? "

Fan? How did she come to that conclusion? But looking at the happy little girl innocently smiling, Alice didn't have a heart to correct her.

Or maybe she can use this for her purpose.

"Yes, I am your fan. I came to request an interview."



1.Directors cut

I actually wanted to have another chapter of Circe. Where Illya gave her a time to prepare and then Illya slaughter everything Circe brought up. But that would break the flow of the story and dragging the fight too long. And Illya is not really Gilgamesh. She is decisive. She killed and defeat enemy with biggest firepower and doesn't care for fairness.

I have to scrap the scene of Illya using Nine Lives: shooting hundred heads. A pity

2. Authority from Circe
In Campione! novel, Godou didn't get real authority from Circe because she is in half dead state and the sacrifice 'is not enough' for pandora ritual. Circe said that.
So here Illya restore her to full health first, she got an authority. You can call it cheap plot device, whatever. Consider it a change in Illya mentality as a King.

It will be revealed later.

3. Her outfit
She wore the same thing as Illya-Archer / Chloe von Einzbern

4. Difference with Chloe
Chloe had a rather decreased strength compared to real EMIYA. Her Caladbolg is weaker, she doesn't use UBW, etc. Compared to Shirou of Miyuverse 100% synchro and UBW, she is weak.
I imagine this is because she is not tuned in 100% with the EMIYA card. Angelica said "you are not using the card correctly" to her.
And she is actually the same as Illya in Prisma Illya universe. She never got dissected and modified to have great amount of magic circuit in her. And she was actually half powered Illya. Remember when Illya suddenly got her magic decreased after Chloe came out? That was the magic power divided into two.

Compared to Illyasviel from F/sn universe where she got a lot lot lot magic circuit. Of course this Illya would be stronger than Chloe.

Chloe can trace Rho Aias - 4 petals version. Because this Illya have better understanding of EMIYA, she can increase her synchro ratio and get the 5 petals version

5. Miracle Medicine
Some kind of Elixir. I imagine it to be Elixir of Life, because that was the ultimate goal of Alchemy. And if Gate of Babylon holds all human creative invention, it should be there inside. But Gilgamesh legend also include how he didn't get immortality elixir. He got Potion of Youth instead.
But how to explain this contradiction? And if the Greek gods got Ambrosia, surely Gilgamesh should have something similar right?
OK, so it is a super cure that can even heal gods, but it is not immortality elixir. Okay?

Let's just call it PANACEA.

6. Noble Phantasm

Kanshou and Bakuya
Shield of the Gods

Prisma Illya anime, 2wei herz episode 7. Or manga chapter 33. It blocked Broken Excalibur.
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Character Sheet
Character Sheet

1. Profile

Illyasviel von Einzbern

Alias: Iriya Suviel Ainsvern

Age: 18~19 (appeared to be around 10)

Self proclaimed title: King of Kings, King of Heroes, One and only True King, Vanquisher of All Evil, Magical Girl of Love, Champion of Justice, Strongest Emiya.

Official Title: (still blank)

Gender: Female

Height: 133 cm

Weight: 34 kg

Three sizes: B61/W47/H62

Alignment: Chaotic Good?


2. Basic Parameters

Strength: C (Godslayer body)

Endurance: B (Godslayer body)

Agility: C (Godslayer body)

Mana: EX (Godslayer Mana Reserve)

Luck: A++ **

* Godslayer body = the physical aspect of the body changed after becoming Campione

** Campione's good luck added to the natural luck rank already owned.


3. Godslayer skill

Godslayer Body N/A

Enhanced longevity, almost unbreakable bones, superhuman stamina, fast recovery speed, increase in physical strength. Increased vitality and health.

Godslayer Mana Reserve N/A

After being reborn, a Campione will have hundreds of times mana reserve of normal mage.

Because Illya has abnormal amount of magic circuit, her mana reserve was at least 20 times bigger than normal Campione.

Godslayer's Luck N/A

All Campione has absurd good luck. They can win every gamble, can command random chance, tossing a dice to always get the desired number, etc.

Magic Resistance A+

Spells below A-rank is ignored and can't take effect. Spells of A-rank or above can be resisted to a degree or have reduced effect.

It is possible to bypass this by oral intake or injected internally, but the Campione can resist weaker spell even if it was taken orally by consciously rejecting it.

Language Learning N/A

She can learn new language just by listening or reading in that language for a few hours.

Clairvoyance B

Superior visual perception. Supplement long-range aiming and increases dynamic vision. Furthermore, at higher ranks it is possible to acquire precognition ("see into the future") and other forms of perception that are beyond normal eyesight

Spirit Vision C

Grants the knowledge of the Memories of the Void, that lay within the Netherworld. This allows knowledge of the past, and possessors my use this knowledge to subconsciously make predictions of the future.

Night Vision D

An enhanced vision that can see in the night. It is comparable to night predator (owl, etc)

Divinity A+

Measures the strength of one's divine ancestry. The amount of divine blood inside a demigod. is The measure of whether one has Divine Spirit aptitude or not.

Eye of the Mind (False) B-

"False Insight") is a natural talent to avoid danger on the basis of an innate 6th sense, intuition, or prescience, where accuracy of instinct has been augmented by experience—somewhat overcoming the problem of visual obstructions that appear in the course of combat. The difference between Eye of the Mind (True) and Eye of the Mind (False) lies in that the former is an ability that humans can obtain through accumulation of experience. The 'False' version is superficially similar, but in fact represents a natural instinct that cannot be obtained regardless of effort or experience—even though experience can refine its accuracy

Instinct C+

It is the power to "feel" the most favorable developments for oneself during battle.


4. Authority

a. Call to The Throne of Heroes

Ability to summon seven Heroic Spirits as Servants into seven class. Also granted three Command Spell for every Servant summoned.

b. Lesser Grail Recycle

Ability to store the soul of Servant who died into her body. And she may re-summoned them from her body or send them back to Throne of Heroes.

c. Cup of Heaven

Access Unlimited Prana from Akasha, when her prana reserves had gotten as low as 2.5%

d. Avenger's Loop

Restoring one Command Spell. The process takes four days. The cooldown is four weeks.

e. Gate of Babylon

Ability to order around the dimensional treasure vault that contained all humankind treasures, as if ordering a maid.

f. Lotus Root Resurrection

Ability of immortality. Passive regeneration. Instantly recovering from fatal injury. Resurrection after physical body destruction.

g. Oedipal Connection

Will be revealed later

h. Daughter of the Sun

Usurped from Goddess Circe who was the daughter of Sun God Helios. This Authority granted Illya control over fire-element magic. Because Illya is a magus, the Authority suited itself and become fire magic.

Illya has total control of fire magic, she can control fire freely. No aria or chanting needed.

Ilya has total immunity to fire and fire elemental magic attack.

Illya has immunity to magic attack that have element of [Sun]

Illya can (actively) block powerful Authority that have element of [Sun]. If it is not blocked, the damage is reduced.

Illya can use [Flame Spear of the Sun] that have element of [Sun] and [Fire] as ultimate attack.

"I call upon the wheel of dawn! I implore you to become my spear for piercing the ground, incinerating all existence!"

But after the attack, this Flame Spear can't be used for 24 hours. The passive effect mentioned above still can be used.

5. Noble Phantasm

These are not Authority, but Noble Phantasm transferred to Illya.

a. Rule Breaker

A dagger originally owned by Medea. It can break all magecraft and restore things to the state before magic was used.

b. Rule Breaker Swallow Reversal

Three simultaneous attacks from three directions using Rule Breaker.


6. Special Ability

Blank Ainsworth Class Card Container

The Ainsworth Class Card became blank after Gilgamesh soul was pulled out and integrated with Illya's body. Illya can used [install] to become a pseudo-heroic spirit by loading the soul of a servant that stored inside her body as Lesser Grail.

Parameter of Illya EMIYA Install

Strength: B
Endurance: B+
Agility: B
Mana: EX
Luck: A++

Personal Skills
Mind's Eye (False): B
Projection Magic: B
Noble Phantasm
Kanshou and Bakuya

Kakuyoku Sanren: Triple-Linked Crane Wings. Type: Anti-Unit Rank: C.

Caladbolg III

Rho Aias

7. Personal Skill

Magecraft C

Has mastered every branch of orthodox Thaumaturgy that her alignment(s) allow, and limited use of spells on the level of High-Thaumaturgy in combat is possible.

Her specialty is Alchemy. She can create familiars from her hair for combat. "Zelle" for bird-type familiar and "Degen" for sword-type.

Unlimited Prana N/A

Heaven's Feel (incomplete) N/A

An incomplete True Magic to materialize a soul for a few seconds. If she had a Dress of Heaven, she can transfer a person soul to a stuffed doll. Illya didn't bring Dress of Heaven to the new world, so she had very low chance of success to do it.

Wishcraft C

Illya can visualize the result, and perform magecraft to actualize that result by pumping a lot of prana, even if she doesn't actually understand the process.

Mystic Eyes of Binding D

The most common Mystic Eyes, casts a suggestion spell that cripples the target upon eye contact. Need several seconds before it take effect.

8. Noble Phantasm from GoB

a. Ea. The Star of Genesis which Separates the Heaven and Earth – Enuma Elish

Rank: EX

Type: Anti-World

Range: 1-999

Maximum Targets: 1000 Persons

b. Enkidu: Chain of Heavens

Type: Anti-Divine

Rank: Unknown

c. Vimana

d. Golden Armor

e. Hades Cap of Invisibility

f. Veil of Isis

g. Levitation Noble Phantasm

h. Hot Spring Noble Phantasm

i. True Rho Aias (ten petals version)

j. Shield of the Gods

k. Harpe

l. Gae Bolg

m. Elixir

n. Ig-Alima

o. Sul-sagana

p. Gram

q. Proto Fire Wind Wheels

r. Gae Dearg

s. Gae Buidhe

9. Servants parameter

All Servants got boost stats and enhanced parameter because Ilya increased prana supply.

a. Arturia
Master: Ilyasviel von Einzbern
Alignment: Lawful Good
Sex: Female
Height: 154cm
Weight: 42kg
Armament: Armour, Sword

Noble Phantasm: A++

Class skills:

Magic Resistance A

Riding A

Personal skills:

Charisma B

Instinct A

Mana Burst A

Noble Phantasms:

Avalon Barrier EX

Excalibur Anti-Fortress A++

Invisible Air Anti-Unit C


Master: Ilyasviel von Einzbern
Alignment: True Neutral
Sex: Male
Height: 187cm
Weight: 78kg
Armament: Mantle


Class Skills
Independent Action B
Magic Resistance C

Personal Skills
Clairvoyance C
Eye of the Mind (True) B
Magecraft C-

Noble Phantasm
Caladbolg II Anti-Unit N/A


Kanshou & Bakuya N/A C-

Rho Aias N/A

Unlimited Blade Works ? E~A+

c. Heracles

Master: Illyasviel von Einzbern
Alignment: Chaotic Mad
Sex: Male
Height: 253cm
Weight: 311kg
Weapon: Axe-Sword / Golden Axe

STR: A++

Class skills:

Mad Enhancement B

Personal skills:

Battle Continuation A

Bravery A+

Divinity A

Eye of the Mind (False) B

Noble Phantasms:

God Hand Anti-Unit B

d. Medusa
Master: Ilyasviel von Einzbern
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Sex: Female
Height: 172cm
Weight: 57kg
Armament: Dagger


Class skills:

Magic Resistance B+

Riding A+

Personal skills:

Divinity E

Independent Action C+

Monstrous Strength A

Mystic Eyes A+

Noble Phantasms:

Bellerophon Anti-Army A+

Blood Fort Andromeda Anti-Army B

Breaker Gorgon Anti-Unit C−

e. Cu Chulainn

Master: Ilyasviel von Einzbern
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Sex: Male
Height: 185cm
Weight: 70kg
Weapon: Armour, Spear


Class skills:

Magic Resistance C+

Personal skills:

Battle Continuation A+

Disengage C

Divinity B

Rune Magic B+

Protection from Arrows B+

Noble Phantasms:

Gáe Bolg: Barbed Spear that Pierces with Death Anti-Unit B

Gáe Bolg: Soaring Spear that Strikes with Death Anti-Army B+
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12A. Mein Kampf
Disclaimer The works of Type-Moon and Jō Taketsuki are their own. Not mine. This is fan-work for my enjoyment, and hopefully yours.

12. Mein Kampf

Official Iriya International Fanclub.

Now accepting new members!​

Are you an admirer of Iriya, the most amazing Campione?

Have you watched Iriya Rangers video and feel your heart was taken captive by her cool action?

Do you want to meet people who feel the same thing and want to appreciate Iriya more?

Look no further! Come join us, the official fanclub for people who came from outside Japan.

Membership benefit:

- An up-to-date news about Iriya.

- Iriya Rangers high quality picture and figure (in costume) sold exclusively for members

- A chance to meet Iriya in flesh.

Registration and information :

- Alice Louise (Club President) (mostly unavailable for health reason)

- Any Witenagemot branch nearest to you.

- A brochure distributed together with Greenwich Assembly report.


It turned out that Iriya was really enthusiastic about the interview, she promptly invited Alice to get onboard the Outlandish Flying Vehicle. And then she declared that the place was not suitable for a formal interview, so she asked Alice whether her house could be used. Alice agreed, "I have a nice sitting room that we can use. But... my house is quite far..."

"Your body is sleeping at your house, right?", Iriya asked while sitting down on the throne.

"Yes, it is.", answered Alice, puzzled about the relevance of the question. Why did she asked about it?

"Then, I will intrude on your hospitality for a while. Can I spend the night too? I am a little sleepy, so it would be good if I can rest after the interview."

"It's not a problem. I will be happy to receive Your Majesty as a guest.", Alice said while bowing.

When she raised her head again, she realized that the scenery had changed. They had gained altitude, even though Alice didn't feel anything. There was no feeling of upward acceleration, or wind pressure, or anything, really. She wasn't even sure when exactly the Vehicle started to levitate.

"Alright, we will go to your house. Stand still and don't move around, or you will fall down." Iriya said with commanding tone. They had levitated above the clouds already.

Alice tried to see with her eyes and feel with her other senses. The Vehicle had accelerated and moved forward to roughly North West direction. The sky, the clouds, the seas, the lands, they were all moving so fast to her eyes. Alice realized that she was traveling in a speed so unbelievable, even faster than airplane, but she felt no acceleration or G-force that usually accompanied the phenomenon.

The vehicle had raised its altitude even higher. Alice could almost see the curvature of the earth. They had not enter the low orbit altitude, but Alice estimated that it was close. And she didn't doubt the capability of this Vehicle to fly to the low orbit height.

She slowly walked to the edges, intending to see the scenery below more clearly. "I won't do that if I were you.", Iriya suddenly said. "Didn't I tell you to stay still? If you get out of the forcefield, the wind pressure will push you and you will fall to the ground. Even getting only your head out could throw you far behind."

Alice jerked back and walked slowly to her original position, near the center. She didn't want to test the truth of Iriya's warning. She went back observing the sky around them, noticing signs of their fantastic speed. Amazingly, there was also no sound of wind or air pressure. All was silent inside the bubble on the vehicle's deck. There was even no sound of machine usually existed in the airplane.

She looked at the position of the sun. It was moving relatively quickly on the sky, an illusion of motion caused by their incredible speed. They were moving across time zones to the west, so the sun moved from near the western horizon to zenith, and then moved again to the eastern horizon. By the time they reached London, it was mid-morning.

"I planned to spend the night, but it is still morning at your house. Maybe I should call it a long nap.", Iriya said airily. The Vehicle had decelerated and slowly lowered its altitude. Its trajectory was approaching Alice's mansion. But Alice didn't even tell her where she lived. Could it be that she already knew? Alice dismissed the notion. Iriya seemed ignorant about Alice and Witenagemot, so she wouldn't know where her mansion was located.

Iriya must have tracked her mansion in different way. Abruptly, she remembered the weird question that Iriya asked. She must have followed the magic connecting her substitute body and her real body. The Vehicle stopped in the sky above her mansion and slowly descended.

Her place of residence was a mansion in Hampstead, a high class residential area in London. In the corner of many high-class mansion, stood a four story mansion with an appearance like an ancient castle. It has wide open garden and also four towers, its grandeur would normally be admired by normal, average person.

A normal person would.

"Your house is a little small. But I guess it is adequate." Iriya had stood up and peered below. It must mean that she lives in bigger place, Alice thought. Alice took note of every inconsequential remarks, for they provided clues about an existence called Iriya. Her haughty manner in saying it indicated that she was raised in an envoronmentt richer than Alice.

"Ah, you shouldn't ... please stop! The ward is...!" Alice reflexively shouted. The Vehicle had gotten closer to the edge of the protective magical ward that protect the mansion. The dome shaped ward was invisible to the normal human, and it was created to prevent hostile intruder. It would repel ordinary human from the area and block physical entry of uninvited mage. The only ways to enter the premise were to be keyed in to the ward, to be invited by the mansion's owner, or to enter by force.

Alexander Gascoigne usually break through the ward with ease and the ward always had to be rebuilt after his visits. He usually relied on his natural immunity against magic and overwhelmed the ward with his lightning Authority. But a normal mage could not casually stroll inside the property and he would be repelled or attacked by the magical defense mechanism.

Of course Iriya had no cause to worry as she was a Campione. She could break through the ward only by casually walking. But Alice felt that it was a waste of time and effort to rebuild the ward if she can prevent her destroying it. It was simple, Alice just need to invite Iriya and everything would be fine.

"Ward? Hmm?" Iriya unexpectedly stopped the vehicle descent. She peered below and examined the ward, or at least that was what it looked like to Alice. She sighed in relief, because apparently this Campione was more reasonable than Alexander. The Britain King was a difficult person, insisting on destroying the ward every time he visit, uncaring of the trouble he inflicted to the mages who always rebuilt the wards. He never took her suggestion to announce before his visit or to accept magical invitation.

A spark of magic made her looked at Iriya again. She had pull few strands of her own hair and making somethings from them. They were... birds? There are six birds constructed from hair, glowing in silver light. They flew around Iriya and then lunged down to the garden.


What did she do? What did Iriya just do? Alice looked down. There are several spots around the mansion which were hit by the magical attack, covered by clouds of dust. Six areas, to be exact, forming a perfect symmetry... oh no!

The wardstones! They were all destroyed! Alice now realized that the ward had disappeared.

The wardstones were stones infused with magical energy and inscribed with runes. They were placed around the property perimeter to anchor the wards. They were not essential in building a protective ward, but there were benefits in using them. The ward would be more stable, more powerful, last longer significantly longer, and more importantly, easier to be rebuild if broken.

The six wardstones used on Alice's mansion formed a perfect hexagram and they were of the best quality. They were quite expensive and difficult to make. Each of them was responsible for different function, but worked together in harmony to create perfect defense. Even if Black Prince Alex thrashed the ward regularly, Alice could rebuild the ward in relative ease as long as the wardstones were intact.

The wardstones which were now piles of rubbles.

"Bullseye! I still haven't lose my touch, it seems. Analyzing the protection and taking out the magical what's wrong? Why is your face like that? No need to be amazed, your bounded field is admittedly the strongest I've seen so far, but it was shoddy, you know. The flow of the mana clearly showed... hey, really, what's wrong?"

Iriya asked with worried expression. They had landed on the garden. Alice was in a daze and Iriya had to helped her got off from the vehicle.

Alice gloomily spoke to Iriya while she stored away the vehicle. "You destroyed my ward. And my wardstones. Why would you do that?"

Iriya had a puzzled expression. "Eh? It is a common sense to destroy magical protection of a house you want to raid. When I see the bounded field, I thought it was easy to destroy it and... ooops! My mistake! You are not enemy and your house is not enemy base! Sorry! I got carried away! I was too used to treat magical house as enemy base! Please, I apologize, I will make it up to you!"

Iriya was now in panic. It seemed that it was not really her intention to destroy Alice's mansion protective ward so permanently like that. But now Alice knew, compared to Alexander Gascoigne, Iriya was actually more dangerous. She instantly discerned the ward's weakpoint and used mundane magic to destroy it. It was possible that she was a prodigy mage.

"I know! I will fix it, okay?", Iriya shouted and then ran away to one of the location where the wardstone was placed.

Alice didn't follow her though. She felt tired and angry and resigned. There was no way the wardstones could be fixed. It was an exercise in futility. She would have to contact the organization and bought another set. And then there would be waiting time for several weeks before the new ward is up. She would need to evacuate to a safer location in the meantime. Alice took a seat on a chair, one of which was deliberately placed in the garden.

There were panic noises coming from inside the mansion. They must have felt the ward fell and assumed that there was an intruder. "Young Lady Alice!", a voice called to her.

It was Miss Ericson. A Caucasian woman in late thirties was running from the mansion entrance toward her. She was wearing thin-rimmed glassess and appeared as a strict governess. Her face betrayed her worried feeling as she asked, "Young Lady, are you alright? Everything is fine? The ward has falled, but this has different feeling unlike when Black Prince came. Is it an intruder?"

"Calm down. Don't worry, Miss Ericson.", Alice soothed the woman. "It was Iriya, the seventh Campione. She accidentally obliterated all of our wardstones. She is now trying to fix them."

The older woman looked stupefied, opening her mouth and forgot to close it. "Iriya? The one from the video? Can she fix the wardstone?"

"Well, I don't know. I thought the wardstones can't be destroyed that fast or even detected that soon. I thought that this sword in my hand is real one instead of a replica. I don't know what to think anymore.", Alice spoke while smiling weakly. "Now please prepare food and tea for our guest. Also, please prepare a guest room for her. She would stay with us for a while."

Miss Ericson tactfully didn't ask about the sword she held on her left hand and left to carry her instruction. The sword, Gram, had been on her hand all this time and Alice forgot she was still holding it.

Alice sat in silent for an hour, purposefully ignoring whatever Iriya was doing. She knew it was illogical, but part of her was still sulking. She didn't move even when few enormous surges of magical energy were radiated from Iriya's location. Even when Miss Ericson came out in panic when she detected the magical energy. Even when there were some disturbing noises from the other side of the garden. She resolutely stay at her seat.

Then Iriya came to her, face smiling. "I need a drop of your blood.", she said and took Alice hand. Drawing an ornate looking dagger from nowhere, she nicked her finger and took several drops of blood. Iriya put the blood inside a crystal glass and casually used magic to heal her finger. Again, she said no incantation at all.

Raising the crystal glass in one hand and gesturing with the other, Iriya manipulated a form of magic. Alice didn't recognize the style of magic used, she only knew that Iriya expended colossal amount of mana right now. And suddenly, so suddenly, a familiar feeling of her mansion ward appeared.

Unbelievable. The broken ward was restored, with all of its former characteristic. Alice was still the registered owner of the mansion and all the employees and trusted guests were keyed in. Mysteriously, Iriya was also already keyed in without Alice's invitation. Not only that, it appeared that the ward was at least three times stronger. The defense mechanism was more vicious and more lethal.

"How is it? As good as new, right? You don't need to pay, take it as my apology for breaking your bounded field. Now, do you have food? I am starving."

Alice absentmindedly nodded and led the way inside the mansion. People always said that Princess Alice was a mischievous child, so maybe this was karma biting her back, she silently mused.

'Now where do I put this legendary sword?'


[Report on Iriya], Compilation of the Greenwich assembly. Compiled by Alice Louise.


To put it shortly, Iriya was a mystery. And it was my belief that any attempt to unravel this mystery would fail. Thus, the first part of the report would only mention the definitive facts known. The second part of the report would expound my personal speculation, and I took no responsibility if you decided to believe it.


Iriya was definitely a Campione. I saw her killing a Heretic God with my own eyes.

She was a genius in magic and I had seen her perform chantless magic.

Her mana reserve was astronomical, even among fellow Campione.

She owned many legendary treasures and she could replicate them at will.

She appeared to be a child, but she let it slip that she was older than she looked. Her appearance was a secret, and I was ordered not to spread it.

Improbably, the one statement that I knew to be the truth because I had seen it in a vision before, was the most preposterous. It was the claim that she had become a Magical Girl to kill Angra Mainyu. (please refer to the attachment)

She killed Heretic God Nezha and Circe.

Five Heretic Gods had somehow become her servant, probably through an Authority. The mechanics of their summoning and their identities were unknown.

She refused to reveal anything related to her Authority. However, from her description of Angra Mainyu, it was very possible that she could single-handedly wipe out humanity. (please refer to the attachment)

All her personal information is unknown. The Japanese Mages knew more, but they were strangely silent about her.

She looked innocent and harmless, in times even gullible. However this was her most dangerous trait, as she didn't understand common morality of right and wrong. She could commit the most heinous act lightly because she didn't really understand the wrongness of the act.

Finally, please always remember that she was a Campione. Wielding destructive power that could wipe a town with no difficulty, she was not a target any of you could handle. No matter how harmless she looked like or how tempting the opportunity, please remember that.


Illya followed the blonde woman with long hair inside the mansion. She hastily wore the Veil of Isis to hide her appearance. Even when she apparently was on the verge of becoming idol, her magus instinct always took over and acted on her paranoia.

Yes, Illya was thinking that she would become some kind of idol.

What do you expect from a pretty girl with special talent like her? She also already gathered several fans and even a fanclub in Japan. And from what she had seen on TV, an idol gave interview all the time. It was a standard thing to do. She was ecstatic and decided to take the chance, impressing her fan with a splendid interview. She should treat the blonde mages Alice with goodwill.

Breaking the mansion bounded field was a misstep, a failure on her part. But she already fixed that mistake. Using her wishcraft to restore the anchor stone and expending a lot of prana to restore the bounded field was tiring, but she didn't regret it. The bounded field construction pattern was unfamiliar and that made Illya consumed more prana, but it was nothing she couldn't handle. Illya even made it stronger than before. Surely Alice was not angry at her anymore?

Alice introduced her to a middle aged lady with glasses, Miss Ericson. She was the head maid, if Illya heard it right. Damn britain accent, she couldn't quite catch Alice's words if she didn't pay extra attention. She curtsied and introduce herself, noble family training kicked in.

"I'm sorry, Lady Iriya... Somehow I can't see you.", said Miss Ericson with eyes blinking.

Alice also looked at her, blinking. "That's true, I can see you without any problem before, but now I can't. My brain refused to take in the information from my eyes about your appearance."

"Yes, my appearance is a secret for my safety. I am a superhero, and my normal identity must be kept secret, or the villains will target my loved ones.", Illya spoke while seating on the dining table. The table was filled with a lot of foods, prepared for her to eat.

"Oh, so you have family and loved ones, Lady Iriya?", Alice asked. She didn't eat because the fake body could not eat. Maybe she would eat with her real body later?

"Oh no... my family... it's complicated.", said Illya while taking omellete to her plate.

"Then what's the point of hiding your identity? You know, it's hard to be popular if you hide your real appearance. Moreover, you are cute, so if you show your real appearance you would gain more fans."

"Ugh...", Iriya stopped her hands which were in the middle of slicing a bread. Of course she knew what Alice said. But her habit and paranoia as a magus had been instilled deep inside her. Trust no one, be decisive toward enemy, kill if necessary, etc. And Illya was alone in a foreign world, she should be very cautious. There was no good reason why she should just announce her whole identity to the world.

In fact, she had inspected her food before she ate. Discreetly, of course. As long as her magic could tell, there was no poison or drugs. However, she suddenly realized that she treated this visit in too nonchalant manner. If Alice was an enemy, she would strike when Illya relaxed her guard. Illya felt a chill, she suddenly felt insecure and alone

'If only I could summon Berserker to guard me.'

But it would attract too much attention. Illya also didn't want people seeing the process of Servant Summoning. Especially if Alice was truly an enemy.

Should she cancel the interview? She abruptly realized that the interview could be fake, and it was a ploy to learn about her weakness. Then it would be prudent for Illya not to reveal her powers and Noble Phantasm.

But... what if the interview was genuine? If she suddenly treated Alice as enemy, she would lose her chance to popularity because of silly misunderstanding. She should take that into account. Well, there was a chance that her potential enemy would read the interview, so she shouldn't reveal anything important.

Illya stood up and materialized the golden armor. She adjusted the Veil power so that Alice and Miss Ericson could see it. "My fans do not need to see my face! My magnificent armor is enough!"

Alice and Miss Ericson were stupefied, staring at the armor. 'Good, they don't suspect anything.' Actually, Illya wore the armor as another insurance if she was ambushed. The golden armor had anti-magic resistance attribute and also very strong defensive power. Nothing could harm her when she wore this armor, except maybe a powerful Noble Phantasm.

Illya sat down again and continued eating. The food was very delicious. "You know, it's true what they said about hunger is the best seasoning. When I just woke up from my suspended animation sleep, I was so hungry I eat soooo much bread!"

Alice only smiled politely, and said nothing.

"Oh! I forgot!", Illya said while taking her smartphone from Gate of Babylon. "I need to calculate my calorie intake with this app. Don't want to get fat, you know. It's sometimes so unreal, what technology can do in this era. In my house back then, we don't even have electricity, can you believe it!"

Only after Kiritsugu married into the family, the Einzbern permitted a section of the castle installed with electricity. They eventually accepted the benefit of it and grudgingly installed it to the whole castle, but Illya still experienced the time when only one section of the castle have it.

Alice's smile stiffened.

After she finished eating, Illya asked to be shown her bedroom because she was sleepy. The interview was scheduled for the evening local time, after dinner.

Before she went to sleep, Illya summoned Berserker and told him to guard her. And then she laid her body and went to the world of dream.


[Report on Iriya], Compilation of the Greenwich assembly. Compiled by Alice Louise.


Once again, let me tell you that this is pure speculation based on my observation and things Iriya said during her stay in my house.

Once upon a time, a young girl was born in a magician family. This should be an ancient time, possibly three thousand years ago, or more. She was a genius and mastered the style of ancient magic.

From before her birth, a foretelling had been made about her. She was destined to become a hero that will kill Heretic God.

She came upon a powerful magical artifact that let her transform into a more powerful version of herself and with that power, she killed Heretic God Angra Mainyu. Thus the young girl became a Godslayer, a Campione. The girl's name, as you must have guessed, was Iriya.

The young girl had a family, most notably an older brother. He became a hero and his legend was passed down amongst the people. From his myth, a Heretic God was born. The mysterious Heretic God then met the young girl Iriya and recognize her as his younger sister, making a pledge to protect her.

Things should be fairly similar with four other Heretic Gods. They were all one way or another became Iriya's protector.

She must have been involved with many adventures and myth. She might even conquered the world and became a queen for a time.

And then for reason unknown, Iriya went to sleep for a long time, in suspended animation. I assumed the other Heretic Gods slept alongside her or hiding in the Netherworld.

And few months ago, Iriya woke up from her thousand years long sleep and called her protectorss back. She wandered around and adapted herself to the modern world. By chance, she was asked to kill Heretic God Nezha in Japan, and then the rest is history.

I was aware that my theory was very controversial. However, this was the best I could deduce. Readers, please refer to the attachment at the end of the document to form your own theory. The full interview transcript was available for your perusal.


After she woke up, the first thing Illya did was to summon Rider. Call her paranoid, but there was nothing wrong with more bodyguard. She chose Rider because after Berserker, she was the most obedient Servant. There was also the fact that she still want to try [Install] on Archer and Saber.

Rider took Illya's explanation about their location and purpose without much reaction. She silently turn to spirit form and followed Illya outside the bedroom. Illya walked to a certain room, she guessed the path using her memory and magical senses.

Finally, after getting lost three times, she arrived at a door to a room. There were several maids passing her on the way, but they were all hurriedly escaped from her, as if she was a tiger loose on street. Illya's positively thinking, maybe they were afraid of Berserker's aura and not her. Even in spirit form Berserker was still that strong, maybe.

She opened the door and entered the room. It was a luxurious room located on the fourth floor. There was a huge double bed inside, and a sleeping woman was laying on it. "I didn't expect that you would visit me. I'm sorry, there is nothing that I can serve to a guest here.", said Alice fake body, suddenly materialized beside the bed.

"Well, I thought I want to see why you always used that fake body, even when you already got home." Illya unreservedly walked to the bed. She examined Alice sleeping body and said, "Why is your body so weak? This is unnatural."

Alice's face was gloomy for a moment, but she hid it instantly. Illya then took a seat on a chair, listening to Alice explaining the nature of her bad health and the incident eight years ago when she had to seal a Heretic God. Because of that, she was very weak and rarely rised from the bed.

"That's horrible!", Illya exclaimed. "I refused to do nothing when one of my first follower was in suffering. I will help you, and then you can interview me with your real body!", Illya said with gusto.

Alice smiled weakly, wondering silently when did fans became the same as follower. But she secretly hoped that Iriya could cure her, even though many other experts had given up. Because, all this time, Iriya had proven herself capable of doing things nobody could do, right?

Illya raised her hand to the air, "ARCHER INSTALL". She transformed into red and black costume.

After that, focusing on the real Avalon inside her body, she projected a replica of Avalon. The result was quite close to the original, even with flaws here and there. Satisfied, she lifted the bedcover from Alice's sleeping body and tried to put fake-Avalon inside.

Alice who was watching through her ectoplasmic body was shocked seeing a powerful magical artifact created. And then Iriya lifted the bedcover, revealing Alice sleeping body, wearing lady-like night gown, and she tried to push the blue magical artifact inside her body. Surprisingly, the blue and gold thing entered her real body and changed into particles of light.

"SABER INSTALL", Illya shouted again. She transformed into a frilly pink dress with armor. It was something like a princess knight outfit, and Excalibur materialized on her hand.

"Well, this is not ideal, but I hope the initial prana can jump start the sheath. It may not last in the long term though...", Illya murmured. She put her palm on Alice sleeping body and transfer her prana. The prana she had now was identical to Arturia, and it was enough to activate healing factor of the Avalon.

Alice was silent the whole time, even when she really, really wanted to speak. She was stunned by the things happening in front of her. She noticed that her real body was becoming more and more healthy.

"No no no, this is not the solution. Need something more permanent. Eight years ago... hmmm", Illya detransformed and took a vial from Gate of Babylon. She took a golden goblet and poured two drops of liquid from the vial to the goblet. And then she stored the vial and took another bottle, pouring another liquid to the goblet. "He he he, let's mix this one too.", Illya muttered under her breath as she mixed substance after substance to the concoction, grinning like a mad scientist.

Alice was now afraid, but she couldn't possibly refuse the aid. Iriya was almost finished mixing the medicine, and Alice hastily said, "Let me get back to my body and drink it myself." She unsummoned the ectoplasmic body and returned to her real body. Better to drink it awake to prevent any accident, especially with how clumsy Iriya was. What if she forcefully shove the goblet to her mouth and poured the medicine in one go?

Iriya handed Alice the golden goblet. Alice drank the medicine while thinking about how the golden goblet was so grand and beautiful. She wondered about where did Iriya got it.

There was no warning, Alice just suddenly felt the change. She felt dazed and disoriented. By the time she was aware again, her body felt... different. It was stronger. It was healthier. She felt more energetic, as if she was back in her younger body. And her clothes were... baggy?

Alice jumped out of the bed and stood in front of her make-up mirror. She had grown younger, if that made sense. Her height decrease, her breast shrank, and her face went back to her teenage version. This was her appearance when she was fourteen or fifteen?

"I set it to sixteen years old, is that correct? The time before the incident.", Iriya asked.

"Eh... no. Actually this was around fourteen or fifteen. But... how?"

"What? Maybe I put too much dose on the Potion of Youth? Oh well, one or two years doesn't matter. I think you are quite healthy now, so let's have dinner. After that, we could have that interview I promised you." Iriya walked out of the room, seemingly unconcerned about Alice's astonishment.

"Wha...", Alice wanted to ask more questions about what exactly did Iriya did to her. However, she was stopped when she noticed something following Iriya. How come she didn't notice it before? Something was in astral state and following Iriya around, and her instinct told her that it was dangerous.


Sasha Dejanstahl Voban slammed her fist to the large wooden table. "Iriya!", he shouted, making the mages in front of him cowered in fear. "I will make you regret this! Making me a laughingstock in the magical community is not a sin I can easily forgive!"

Scattered on the table were torn papers, of what previously had been the Greenwich Assembly Report. It had been delivered by the mages in front of him, the one from Association who put themselves under Voban rule.

"Kranjcar.", Voban called one of the oldest mage in the room. He was standing on the side and didn't visibly cowered like the others. "Yes, Your Majesty?"

"I want you to track Iriya. Find her. Use all of your resources. This is different order than before. Now I want all of you to mobilize everything you have. Relay that to the others."

The old mage bowed and replied, "As you command, my King."


Illya was back to her bedroom after the dinner and interview session. She summoned Lancer and told him to guard her from the shadow. He was a little difficult as usual, but he didn't make any trouble. Now that Illya had three Servants guarding her, her safety was more guaranteed.

Illya lay on the bed, waiting for the sleep to come. All in all, the day had been productive. She killed giant monsters, a Rogue Servant, healing a follower, and then she was interviewed. She also had a good meal and good bed.

The interview was fairly standard, by Illya's estimation. She trusted her instinct not to reveal anything that could be exploited as weakness. But many of the questions were straightforward enough, and she didn't think that she screwed up. Some things she purposefully kept vague, and several answered in half-truth, but Illya judged most of her answer to be honest enough.

Things about her life, about her goals, and her special talent. She tried to project the image of bubbly and friendly young girl, full of hope and dreams. 'Yes, I have done my best,' Illya thought while morpheus took her to the dreamland.

Really, what can go wrong?

Interview transcript of the newest Campione, Iriya.

Interviewer: Alice Louise of Witenagemot.

Q: "Let's start with your personal information. What is your name?"

A: "Iriya. Family name is secret."

Q: "How old are you?"

A: "Ten years old!"

Q: "What is your hobby?"

A: "Hm hm. Playing in the snow. Counting walnuts. And reading comics!"

Q: "Where were you born?"

A: "Secret."

Q: "Your parents' name?"

A: "Secret. You won't find them anyway. They're dead."

Q: "Any living family members?"

A: "Yes. I have one older brother, even though he was born after me. But we are separated now. He is at a place farther than the next galaxy. I have a grandfather, he is living somewhat close to my older brother. And then another older brother, even though he is actually the same older brother, he takes care of me now."

Q: "...ah. uhh. Alright. Any favorite quotes?"

A: "Quotes? Hmm. Alexander the Great once said, 'The king must have more desires than any other'. That's why I always try to have fun whenever and wherever."

Q: "Have you known about the magical world for a long time?"

A: "Yes. I was trained as magician from early childhood."

Q: "Did you join or affiliated with any mages association?"

A: "No. Well, only recently, the Japanese His Story Committee asked my help. Twice. I am very generous and granted them my aid."

Q: "What is your magical specialty?"

A: "Alchemy."

Q: "What is your strongest method of attacking with magic?"

A: "I made one strand of my hair into something shaped like a sword and launch it."

Q: "Is it powerful enough to kill a Heretic God?"

A: "Of course not. It was enough to kill human, but not a Heretic God."

Q: "Do you have other special abilities?"

A: "Well... I can transfer your soul to a doll?"

Q: "That is interesting. But I asked for something more... exotic?"

A: "...Hmmm... I can behead someone and keep the head alive?"

Q: "Really? Err... for how long?"

A: "I haven't tested it yet but theoretically, it can live for years if I maintain it? It was one of my discarded plan back in the day."

Q: "Have you killed a Heretic God other than Nezha?"

A: "Yes."

Q: "Can you tell us the name of the Heretic Gods?"

A: "Angra Mainyu. The Persian God that embodies All Evil."

Q: "... you really kill him? Can you tell us more details about that?"

A: "Oh. That guy was accumulating power and trying to curse the whole world. If he was left alone, the world will be destroyed. So I killed him."

Q: "Wow! Really?"

A: "Yeah! I killed him with my own two hands!"

Q: "Can you be more specific. What method, I mean, how do you kill Angra Mainyu?"

A: "I transformed into magical girl."

Q: "Pardon me? magical girl? You are already a girl who can do magic though?"

(Iriya at this point explained to me about a subculture of animated children show about young girls transforming into Magical Girl, a genre that was quite popular in Japan. She showed me a DVD case of one of the show in the genre, "Magical Girls Warrior Musashi". By her assertion, she was something similar to the Magical Girls in those children show.)

Q: "So, you become this Magical Girl?"

A: "Un. I transformed into Magical Girl and then I blasted him away with big explosion with my magic stick."

Q: "Magic stick?"

A: "Yes. A talking magical stick. Kaleidoscope Ruby. If you make a contract with it, you can become Magical Girl."

Q: "... yes. Can we take a look on this magical stick?"

A: "Ah sorry. I kinda lost it somewhere. I'm sure it will turn up later. Hey, I'm really serious, it is really a talking magic stick!"

Q: "Of course. Let's change the topic. Did you kill any Heretic Gods other than Nezha and Angra Mainyu?"

A: "No. I only killed two. Oh! I killed another one just this afternoon. Or this morning? Ugh timezone is so confusing."

Q: "Are you sure? Maybe you killed something else?"

A: "Yeah I'm sure. The other thing I killed was an evil priest and a human trash."

Q: "Huh? Evil priest?"

A: "Yeah. The human trash was Shinji. He's human. The evil priest was the priest from the church that helped Angra Mainyu. He wanted Angra Mainyu to be fully born to the world."

Q: "The church is involved?"

A: "I don't know. It's not really important."

Q: "Then, how did you kill Nezha?"

A: "Oh him. I hit him with three times more power than what he tried to throw at me. His last weapon was quite a piece of work. I sweated a little you know."

Q: "I saw something like a red sword that you used that time. What is it?"

A: "... secret. You are not worthy to know it."

Q: "Umm. Then, after you killed Nezha, you got the Flying Fire Wheel from him?"

A: "Eh? What do you mean? Those are mine."

Q: "But that was one of Nezha's weapon..."

A: "Yes they are. But I also have it. Those are mine. I already have them even before I met that brat."

Q: "... Does it mean... Iriya-sama have all kinds of legendary weapons? All Heretic Gods weapons?"

A: "... hmm. Close. Ummmm. Let's say it like this. I am the original owner. All the other Heretic Gods stole the design and make their own version. I don't need to take Fire Wind Wheels from Nezha, because I already have them."

Q: "...they stole from you? But you werer born ten years ago, and Heretic Gods were born at leeast thousand years ago..."

A: "It is a fact. And don't mind the small details like timeline. Next question?"

Q: "What were Angra Mainyu powers?"

A: "Oh well, I'm not really sure. The one thing I know is that he can drown the whole world in evil curse and destroy all humanity."

Q: "And you really kill him? With your own hands?"

A: "Yes. Why do you repeat that question? Next topic please."

Q: "Iriya Rangers. What can you tell us about them?"

A: "They are my Servants!"

Q: "Umm servants? Are they... Heretic Gods?"

A: "... Ummm. I guess in your view, yes they are Heretic Gods. But don't worry! They are all totally safe! They are tame and obedient. They obey me and will not bring any disaster."

Q: "How do you gain the loyalty of five Heretic Gods?"

A: "Hmm. I summoned one of them. And then... well, you can say that I summoned them all."

Q: "So... does that mean... your power is to summon Heretic Gods to serve you?"

A: "... No, everyone can... Oh yes. I mean yes. I can summon Heretic Gods. The details are secret and you should not ask more about that."

Q: "Can you tell us their real identities?"

A: "Umm, that's kind of, sorry, but no. It's a secret."

Q: "What about their abilities and powers?"

A: "Trade secret."

Q: "... alright then. Who is stronger, you or your servants?"

A: "Well. My Servants are stronger than me. I mean, they are physically stronger. And they have neat skills."

Q: "Oh. Well... you are not afraid they will betray you? Or do you have something that will make sure they are obedient?"

A: "I trusted them. Well, there was one time this guy showed rebellious attitude, so I killed him."

Q: "Eh? Did you mean you told other servants to kill him?"

A: "No no no. I killed him myself. Sometimes we have to enforce discipline you know."

Q: "... But how can you kill him if he is stronger than you?"

A: "He may be stronger than me. But I can overpower him and overwhelm him. That's why I can defeat him. It's simple, actually."

Q: "Err. So, how do you get these things. I mean, flying vehicle, dragonslayer Gram..."

A: "Oh. Well, you can say I inherit them."

Q: "Ehm. Can you elaborate more?"

A: "It is inheritance. You know, someone died, and then his properties and assets were bequeathed down to someone else. In this case, me."

Q: "Ah. Who died?"

A: "Assassin, True Assassin, Caster, Archer of the previous war... ah but I didn't get anything from True Assassin."

Q: "I'm sorry. Who? Caster?"

A: "Oh. You know her as Medea of Colchis."

Q: "You killed Heretic Goddess Medea?"

A: "No. It was other people. Another Heretic God killed her."

Q: "Other? You mean Heretic Gods that you summoned?"

A: "Yes. No. No, they were not mine at the time. He hadn't served me at the time he killed Medea. I guessed our interest aligned at that time, because I too wanted to kill her."

Q: "But... how can you inherit from them if you didn't kill them yourself?"

A: "Eh? Is there a rule that inheritance should be passed down to the killer? Wouldn't the world become a very dangerous place then?"

Q: "No, there is no rule like that... but..."

A: "Then there is no problem. I didn't complain when I got them, so you shouldn't. Next question."

Q: "You sounds like you had many experience in battling Heretic Gods and killing them. Or witnessing them die."

A: "Well duh. That's normal for me. I was prepared for a battle royale between seven Heretic Gods."

Q: "... So... errr. How do you feel about battling a lot of Heretic Gods?"

A: "My feeling? Just normal. I mean, I was born for that purpose."

Q: "Born for the purpose of battling Heretic Gods?"

A: "You could say that, yeah. That's summed up my life in one sentence. But that part of my life is now over. Nowadays I want to try something new. I will offer them to join me instead."

Q: "Can you tell us more about this battle royale? For example, where was it happened?"

A: "In Fuyuki, of course."

Q: "Fuyuki? Is it located in Japan?"

A: "Ehhh... aaah. Oops. It is not. I mean... it doesn't exist anymore. Pass. Change the question."

Q: "Then... what happened in the battle royale? Why did seven Heretic Gods become involved in the battle?

A: "Ah, the reason is a secret. I can't tell you. I will just tell you that it happened. And midway through, an eighth Heretic God join the battle. And then, the ninth Heretic God appeared substituting another. And then near the end, the tenth Heretic God Angra Mainyu, also join. No need to worry, all of them died already."

Q: "If you can describe yourself in few words, what words they would be?"

A: "A Magical Girl."

Q: "Maybe you should give more description?"

A: "A Magical Girl of Love and Hope."

Q: "That was interesting. If you can describe yourself in different words oher than that?"

A: "Champion of Justice."

Q: "What is the reason you think yourself as Champion of Justice?"

A: "I did saved the world. I deserved it."

Q: "Ok. What is your short term goal?"

A: "Recruiting Heretic Gods to join my army."

Q: "What is your long term goal in life?"

A: "Oh well... I guess I want to conquer the world."

Q: "... Do you have any plan on what to do after you conquer the world? What is your plan for the world?"

A: "Hm? Plan for the world? Why would I plan for troublesome things like that? The world was fine being left alone for thousand of years, I don't need to interfere."

Q: ".. Then... Why do you want to conquer the world in the first place?"

A: "Kukuku. Of course because it is fun. Imagine the face of despair those people have when I force them to submit. I like to watch the futile struggle people would do in resisting my conquest."

Q: "... Do you already have a solid plan for your conquest?"

A: "No. I still haven't gathered enough army. Maybe I will recruit five more Heretic Gods before we set out. Oh by the way, I need to take care my fanbase. I appoint you as International Fanclub President. Be grateful!"

Q: "What is your opinion about your kin? I mean, the other Godslayers?"

(in this question, more clarification were needed until Iriya understand that we asked about other Campiones)

A: "Oh. Pandora did say that they were all brutes, smelly old men. I am the cutest of them all."

Q: "Have you met any of them?"

A: "No. I don't think I want to meet any of them if what Pandora said is true. Except for that John Pluto maybe."

Q: "I think you should not carelessly said something about other Child of Pandora... and why do you think differently about John Pluto Smith?"

A: "Because he is wearing cool costume! Hm well, you are right. I should not judge people before I met them. But I know the general information already from what Pandora and Circe told me. The women are passable as beauty. Alexander is a scoundrel that deserve to be punished by eating thousand needles. And the rest are either brutes or smelly old men."

(I gave Iriya the documents about the other six Campione and asked again)

A: "Aisha. Nothing known about her? Boring. Hmm, you have unpublished version? Oooh interesting. But she is weak. I think you should chained her somewhere to prevent trouble."

"Salvatore Doni. An idiot. I regret reading about him, what a waste of braincell. I have no fear of someone who can only swing a sword. And you should send him to the moon for the good of mankind."

"Luo Hao... oooh. She is a martial artist! Very strong? Maybe I should ask for training from her?"

"Alexander. A thief? Is he a poor guy? ... Oh, this is a mental illness called Kleptomania. My grandfather said about it once. He is a crazy thief, and also a woman-deceiver. I suggest you chuck him to a mental health clinic."

"John Pluto Smith. He can change into animal? Making earthquake? Cool! I think I will visit him later."

"Voban... ahahaha a name of a dog? Wolf from the three little pig story? Hmmm. Ah, I knew it! This is the smelly old man Pandora mentioned! I don't want to meet him, he must be ugly and smelly. Must smell like a dog. Eww his power is disgusting, animating corpse. No wonder he is smelly. He is hanging out with corpses all the time."

Q: "Where do you live now?"

A: "Somewhere in Japan."

Q: "Can we presume that you have taken Japan as your territory?"

A: "What do you mean? The whole world is my territory. It is mine already."

Q: "... if it is yours, why do you need to conquer it?"

A: "Ahhh... ehhhh. It's mine, but people don't acknowledge it. So it is more of an enforcement. Yeah, I just need to remind people that this world belongs to me."

Q: "What is your proudest achievement to date?"

A: "hmmm... that's a tough question... I have done a lot of things lately... But maybe, I can say it was when I saved the world. I was prepared to die, you know."

Q: "Was there a thing that difficult to do but you have successfully completed?"

A: "Let's see... I once infiltrated enemy base and lived there for few weeks, deceiving everybody."

Q: "What is your most treasured posession?"

A: "A portable hot spring bath."

Q: "What is the thing you wanted to get recently?"

A: "I wanted to get a giant robot, preferrably the one with Anti-Terror Field."

Q: "Why do you need a giant robot?"

A: "To fight giant monster, what else? Don't tell me you don't know. I just killed three giant monster today. I'm sure there are more."

Q: "But if you fight giant monster with giant robot, the amount of collateral damage..."

A: "Well, that could be repaired. That's why the government exist, right? Let them take care of it."

Q: "I still don't think that giant robot is a good idea..."

A: "What? So you think Gundam is better?"

Q: "No, I mean... can you defeat giant monster without giant robot. You just did that today, right? It would be less destructive..."

A: "Yeah, I can. But I think both methods are destructive anyway, so I want to go with the cooler one."

Q: "...uhhh. Iriya-sama. As you are still a child, I wonder if you have a guardian that take care of you?"

A: "I told you before. My older brother takes care of me. You have seen him in the video, right? He is the one using red and black armor."

Q: "The Red Knight? But... but... isn't he a Heretic God? I mean... you are human, right?"

A: "Well, it's complicated. He was adopted into family by my father, so we are not related by blood. My father and mother are human. Umm, my mother is ... yeah, human. And me too. And my older brother was saved from disaster when he was a child by my father. He is a human and grew up as human. Now he is Heretic God, but that's not really his fault. It was just the stupid things he always did."

Q: "... we should change the topic. Do you have a special move? A special skill?"

A: "Well, I can use my eyes to paralyze my target. It was a special magic done through the eyes."

Q: "Ohhhh. Can it paralyze a Heretic God?"

A: "Of course not. That was only a human magic. You can't hope to restrain a Heretic God with that."

Q: "Oh. Err, do you have a skill to fight against Heretic God? A human magic that effective against them?"

A: "What are you talking about. It was a common sense that you don't fight Heretic Gods. Human can't hope to win against them, they are too powerful. There is no human magic that can kill them. Well, if you can collect magic for three years and release it in one go just like what Rin did... but that was a special exception. So, if you meet Heretic Gods, run away. Leave fighting to the Servants, that's the basic idea. As long as you are human."

Q: "But... but... you said... so, Iriya-sama. What if you meet another one. For example, you met a Heretic Goddess today. What did you do to her?"

A: "That Caster? I killed her. She pissed me off. Oh yeah, her name was Circe."

Q: "And where were your servants?"

A: "Errr... they are... yeah, they are taking the day off! Yes, really. How lazy of them, leaving their master alone. I have to kill this Heretic Goddess myself! What a troublesome chores! But I promised them holiday, and I am generous."

Q: "Yes! So how did you kill Circe? If you don't have any skill that can kill Heretic God, how could you kill her? I saw you shot a lot of swords to her."

A: "Ehh? That skill was not mine. I mean... I transformed into... oops. Ummm..."

Q: "Transformed?"

A: "...Yeah. It was another magical girl transformation. Didn't you see the cool costume? That was the power of love! With the power of love, even Heretic God power could be defeated!"

Q: "By the way, do you practice any martial arts?"

A: "Yes. Jet Kung Doh."

Q: "Maybe you mean Jeet Kune Do? How long have you trained in it and who is your teacher?"

A: "Oh, I just started three days ago. My teacher is Bruce Lee."

Q: "Excuse me? Bruce Lee? That Bruce Lee? But he had passed away decades ago! Did you... did you resurrect him somehow?"

A: "Eh? No, I just watched several movies by him. I think I can do some of the moves already."

(Iriya stood up and demonstrated several moves. By my estimation, she was really an amateur in martial arts.)

Q: "... I think that is enough. Iriya-sama Thank you for your time."

A: "You're welcome. Will this interview be published? At what magazine?"

Q: "Uhhhh... that is... we have internal publication... but our readers are in great numer. Practically every mages read it. We will publish this interview after we run some editing..."

A: "Why edit them? It is fine as it is. And it will be faster to publish without editing, right? No editing, that's an order."

The Witenagemot and Alice Louise hereby swear that everything printed is true, without any edit or change. We also declare that we are not responsible for anything Iriya said in the interview, the one responsible for her words are her and her alone. We also announced that we are not involved with any world domination plan Iriya may have.

We also want to stress that the membership in the fanclub does not entail becoming Iriya's follower or soldier. It is really only a fanclub. Really.
"Well, this is not ideal, but I hope the initial prana can jump start the sheath. It may not last in the long term though...", Illya murmured. She put her palm on Alice sleeping body and transfer her prana. The prana she had now was identical to Arturia, and it was enough to activate healing factor of the Avalon.
Don't prana transfers require blood or other bodily fluids? It's basically why Kuro kisses everyone.
Don't prana transfers require blood or other bodily fluids? It's basically why Kuro kisses everyone.

No, body contact skin-to-skin is enough, but it's horribly inefficient compared to the usual tantric method.

That's why Kuro used kissing and Shirou had sex with Saber. The prana transfer is more efficient. If they used skin to skin contact the result is miniscule.

This Illya didn't care because she had enormous prana to spare and she doesn't want to kiss Alice. And the prana was used for Avalon, not to Alice herself, to activate the healing effect.
13 : The Calm before...
Disclaimer : The works of Type-Moon and Jō Taketsuki are their own. I do not profit from it, this is written purely for fans enjoyment.


Ch. 13 : The Calm before...

Dear Diary,

Today I was shopping with my friends when suddenly an outburst of mana was felt from downtown London. The scale was so big that I got scared, I made up excuses to my friend and went home quickly. Sometimes I envied my normal friend because they didn't feel anything.

When I arrived home, mama said that papa had gone to 'headquarters' to see what's going on. She told me that everything would be alright, but I don't believe it. Witenagemot is not a proper mage association, it's basically only a mutual aid group. We packed our things in case we need to evacuate. Little Robin was making a fuss, she still doesn't understand anything.

When papa got home, he said that everything is alright. The terrifying bursts of mana was just a Campione visiting London. That actually made me more scared. What would a guy like that do in the center of London, throwing around mana like that?

Papa only dropped by to inform us and then he went again. It looked like he was going to the place where the Campione was doing something. He didn't come home tonight. I hope he will be alright.

- Diary of Sarah Williams, a 13 year old girl born in mage family.


History Compilation Committee.

Top Priority Internal Memo distributed to regional leaders.

Instruct all your subordinates and hime-mikos in your area to keep the identity of Iriya secret. It is prohibited to tell other people anything related to Iriya. All informations and description about her group must be kept secret.

All discussion about Iriya and her group should be conducted only between members already in the know. The place of discussion should be in a secure area free from any monitoring or bug.

To accomodate the security, all the fanclub for the Iriya Rangers shall be merged into one, hereby named "Iriya Fanclub". The technical details shall be updated later.

Should any foreign mages asked about Iriya and her group, pretend ignorance or direct them to the higher echelon.

If any of our members meet Iriya Group, treat them with utmost respect. Do not ever try to deceive or manipulate them in any way. You have been warned.


Seishuuin Ran.


Cu Chulainn was sitting on a chair while reading a dossier. He was inside the guest bedroom in a certain mansion that Illya decided to visit for whatever reason. Something about becoming an idol? In any case, he was bored because he had nothing to do. His little Master was sleeping peacefully and Rider was faithfully guarding her in sprit form. Berserker was also in standby near the bed in spirit form. With that kind of protection Lancer doubted that there was anything that could harm Illya.

So with nothing else to do, he materialized and read a document placed on the table. The document had many pages, and all of them were reports on people called 'Campione'. Rider did say that the document was given by their host to Illya, but she said that Illya didn't read it carefully and only skimmed it through to the interesting part.

Of course Lancer was curious. Illya had said something about Pandora, and it seemed this Pandora granted superpowers to people that she made her stepchildren. That meant strong people, and people that could become enemy. Someone that could give good fight against Lancer. Well, there was no harm reading about people like that.

Aisha was born in colonial India... she went to Britain in 18th century... Her employer familiy died out, leaving her alone... Lancer was reading about Aisha, 'The Queen of the Caves'. Oddly, her life story was normal until that point, only a little tragic. How did she meet Witch Pandora? He continued reading.

She traveled to Greece... accidentally killed Heretic God Persephone...

Huh? Persephone? But that is a real god, not a hero,' Lancer thought. As a general rule, true divine spirits couldn't be summoned as Servants. If a god was summoned as Servant, there must be a severe limitation or special circumstances. For example, Medusa was a goddess, but she had been reduced to a monster and her divinity had degraded. That's why she could be summoned in Holy Grail War.

Lancer read the rest of the document. Salvatore Doni killed Nuadha. Alexander Gascoigne killed Fallen Angel Ramiel. John Pluto Smith killed Tezcatlipoca, Artemis, and Oberon. All of them were the names of the gods. In fact, the only Servant that could certainly be regarded as Heroic Spirit was Siegfried, slain by Salvatore Doni four years ago. Lancer thought, 'I guess the people of this world was not mistaken when they called the Servants as Heretic Gods.'

And Campione... the way to become one was to kill a Heretic God. He should be more careful not to let anyone kill him. But he had died many times before, killed by Illya... 'Ah! That's it!'

He remembered about Illya saying that she got a new Noble Phantasm. So in this world, if a human killed a Servant, that human would get the Servant's Noble Phantasm. But that must be true only for Servant native to this world. Illya did say that she didn't get anything after killing Lancer.

Campione was the title for a human that succeed in killing a Heretic God and steal a Noble Phantasm. The Witch Pandora should be the one who created the system. The Noble Phantasm must look like superpower for the people of this world. But then, how did Illya get Gate of Babylon from Gilgamesh and Rule Breaker from Medea if they were not a Servant native to this world?

Lancer contemplated the new information. So this world had different rules, one where the divine spirits could be summoned. Or it was possible that the Grail War System was more superior, and it was capable of summoning gods. The human who killed gods would get a Noble Phantasm from the one he killed. Whatever the case, nothing really changed. If hostile Servants came, they would fight and kill him.

Lancer considered about telling Illya and the others about his discovery. He bet that his little Master had not read the document closely and found out about this. However, what's the point of telling her? It would only cause unnecessary worry and panic. It's possible that she became afraid and made mistake in battle if she knew that she was fighting a god. No, better to keep this secret from her and let her kill gods in carefree manner.

Besides, Lancer also wanted to test his mettle against real gods. He smiled to himself, fantasizing about the exciting battle against the gods. Lancer put the document back on the table. He would ask Illya to store it somewhere safe later, along with their entire luggage inside the Gate of Babylon.

Lancer's only wish was to fight against strong opponent, whether they were Heroic Spirits or Heretic Gods didn't really matter to him. He should count himself lucky that he was transported along with Illya to this new world, where he could fight without fear of dying. And if Heretic Gods regularly popped out from time to time like he heard, then there was literally no end of strong opponents he would fight. 'She really is a Holy Grail. She has just granted me my wish,' Lancer thought with a smile.

He switched his thought to other matter. He was feeling slightly stronger than usual ever since he was summoned this time. 'Must be because of the land,' he thought. As a Heroic Spirit that hailed from Britain, being summoned on his homeland gave an enhancement to his power. Not too much, but he still felt energized. 'Maybe I should wander around and look for something interesting.'

Rider, I will patrol the perimeter for a bit. You guard the little runt here", Lancer said while opening the window. "Ok. Safe trip", Rider said in indifferent tone.

Lancer jumped from the window and was gone from the room.


"No father, I am fine, really. You don't need to come. And Iriya is still here. She is sleeping in one of the guestroom."

Alice Louise was in the middle of telephone conversation with her father, Duke Goddouin, one of the high ranking members of Witenagemot. He was deeply concerned about the safety of his daughter and Alice had to calm him down. After she repeated again that she was fine, she hung up the phone.

Alice sighed tiredly. After she interviewed Iriya, she immediately received a call from her father. She had to convince him that she was alright and dissuade him from mounting a rescue operation.

Apparently, Iriya's display of power this morning when she fixed the wardstones had thrown the entire London magical community in panic. Alice remembered the absurd amount of mana she felt, imagining how it would be felt from afar. She could see how the other mages – not knowing the situation – interpreted the circumstances. A descend of Heretic Gods maybe, or a battle between Campiones, or probably a sinister magic ritual that would obliterate an entire city?

Things became even more frantic when the other mages managed to pinpoint the source of magical outburst. The residence of Alice Louise of Navarre, former spokesperson of Witenagemot. People already began to fear for Alice's safety and wild speculations were thrown around. Maybe she did something wrong with a magic ritual? Did she summon a Heretic God in her own home? Did a Campione took her hostage? Many mages had gathered around the perimeter without getting too close.

However, it was surprisingly easy to find out what really happened inside Alice's mansion. They made a call to the mansion and Miss Ericson promptly informed them of the situation. Nothing dangerous had taken place, probably. It was only Iriya fixing some wardstones and hopefully she would not bring any disaster to the area, Miss Ericson had stated. They were certainly welcome to try and interrupt whatever Iriya was doing on their own risk. Obviously, no one took the offer.

The mages had taken position around the mansion to monitor whatever happened inside. They were mostly from Witenagemot but there were also mages from other organizations. After the ward was operational again, they couldn't see or hear anything from inside the perimeter, nor could they trespass the wardline. Only select few of the mages that regularly visited the mansion could enter, but they were also wary of going inside.

Alice sighed, remembering the day's events. She had contacted Witenagemot when Iriya was napping to give information and to give reassurance the London's mages. No, she was not a hostage. No, there was no demand for ransom. No, there was no heretical ritual performed here. No, Iriya was not planning to obliterate London, she was sleeping. No, we could not assassinate her in her sleep, which would surely fail and incited catastrophe.

Dinner was another debacle, where Miss Ericson and the other maids were gaping at her newly de-aged body. She must give a quick explanation about her new condition and ordered them to keep it secret. She could not show herself in public with that appearance, people would notice and make all sort of rumors. Granted, she could always make another ectoplasm body like she always did, but then what's the point of her recovery? It seemed that she needed to keep using that health issues as an excuse for a few years to avoid public appearance, at least until her body grow up to adult form.

And the interview after the dinner... that was interesting and also tiring. Alice tried to coax the truth and find out about her abilities, but Iriya eluded her questions skillfully. Iriya seemed to be wary and suspicious, she lied and hid some truth in the interview. Alice could confidently guess which statement was true and which one was a lie, it was natural for Alice as someone with clairvoyance and experience in reading body language. But that didn't make it easy. In fact, she became more stressed the more she listened.

For example, Alice now knew the meaning of one of her vision. It was Iriya in frilly Magical Girl costume facing off with Angra Mainyu. That was really unbelievable, and Alice would think that Iriya lied if she didn't have a vision about it before. And Iriya confirmed that she killed the Persian God, so she must have usurped his dangerous Authority. An Authority that could end mankind.

Iriya had legendary weapons and treasures that she could summon at will. How did she get it? She had more or less avoided that question. Alice tried to find out the best treasure in Iriya's possesion, but she had answered 'Portable Hot Spring' as her most treasured possesion. 'What kind of thing is a portable hot spring? How does that even work?' she thought as an image of an alien spaceship with a hot bath inside appeared in her mind. And Iriya was honest with that answer.

Alice walked to her personal library, her steps were light as she relished in her new healthy body. She took out books about Alexander The Great, trying to find some of his quotations. 'I never heard that quote by Alexander The Great, did she heard it from the man himself?' She was just opening the first book when a sensation washed over her.

'Something is appearing inside the ward. A ghost? No, it feels almost like a Heretic God... but not Heretic God. It was already keyed in to the ward? Wait... There are two others? Why didn't I feel this before?' Maybe because now there were three of them, she finally noticed the weird presences inside her mansion. She didn't pay attention to them before because they were 'tagged' as authorized guests. She only took note just now because the presence suddenly appeared at this time, an evening where no guest would come and mages were warned not to approach.

The presences were gathered inside the guestroom where Iriya slept. 'Those must be her Heretic God Guardian.' she concluded. Releasing a breath that she unknowingly held, Alice diverted her attention back to the book. After skimming through many books, she gave up. There was no quotation by Alexander that matched what Iriya had said. Did she really hear that from the man himself?

Alice put the books back and took out the interview transcript. She began to ponder about the meaning of some answers, speculating and constructing theories. The more she thought, the more she became frustrated. 'Transfer a soul to a doll? Keeping a head alive? Those would be necromancer skills. That's why I thought that she resurrected Bruce Lee.', Alice thought while writing furiously.

Iriya must have been born ages ago, faraway in the past. She mentioned a place that was no longer there. Parents that were not only dead, but couldn't be found. Family that were alive but unreachable. Owning legendary weapons thousand years ago, and blatant disregard of 'timeline'. She must have slept in suspended animation for some reason and woke up recently. The talking magical stick must be lost after she slept. It could be anywhere, or destroyed by the ravages of time.

Her claim about the transformation with the power of love was obviously a lie. But her bold declaration about gathering Heretic God army and conquering the world was truly honest. And also her frivolous reason to do that. Alice sighed again. 'The world will be in chaos just because a little girl wants to have some sadistic fun...'

The worst part was her remarks about other Campione. Forget about her conquering the world, a real war between Campione was coming, if what Alice knew about other Campione's character were true. They would want to give the youngest Campione a lesson for mocking them. John Pluto Smith and Luo Hao might not be offended because Iriya said something positive about them. Madame Aisha was a pacifist so she would not confront Iriya even if she said something nastier. The problem was the three others.

Marquis Voban would certainly take it as an insult and hunt Iriya. Salvatore Doni would want to test Iriya's power against his. Alexander Gascoigne... he would be lured by the treasures that Iriya possesed and would try to steal them, whatever the method. There would be conflict, there would be battle, and god helps the people of the land where it would take place. 'And heaven help me when I published this interview unedited. Maybe I should hide in my villa in Caribbean Sea?'

The only good thing from this entire impending catastrophe was that apparently Iriya didn't have a giant robot. Heaven forbid what she would do with one.

All of a sudden, she detected through the ward that one of the Heretic God Guardian went out of the mansion. She hurriedly went to the window and tracked him with her spell. 'What does he want to do?', she thought as she performed magic to see faraway.

'Aaaaah. She attacked the mages that were posted outside. Hmmm... that outfit and helmet... that was the Blue Knight. Wow, he's so fast, the body count has reached ten. It's good that he didn't kill anyone, but why did he put them in the dumpster?'


Illya was dreaming.

This was another Dream Cycle, memories of Servant flowing to the Master. Illya had experienced several Dream Cycles after coming to the new world, viewing the memories of her Servants. She had experienced all four Servants memories by this time. She still didn't view Berserker's memories, but she was thankful for that. These dreams always disturbed her sleep anyway.

Tonight, it seemed that she would view Medusa's memories. She had seen her petrifying warriors that came to her island with her mystic eyes before. She recognized the place from the previous dream. It was her temple that was located on her island. Many stone statues were placed all over the place, former living human which was turned into stone. Rider was walking and carrying something. She carried... a laundry basket?

Illya watched as Rider used her chained dagger around two statues. She washed the clothes in the basket and then she hung them up on the chains. The clothes were cute, made from high quality fabric and decorated with laces and ribbon. She proceeded to desecrate the warriors' statue by making them into impromptu laundry utensils one by one.

'That was a little disturbing. But I guess I can't judge her action by my own standard. Hmm, I never know Rider is quite skilled in housework.'

She watched on as another person arrived at the scene and making Medusa very afraid. A little girl with violet hair in twintail, wearing a cute white dress. She was berating Medusa for using the 'smelly chain' to hang the laundry. Rider called the little girl as 'older sister'. And something about Medusa's great strength also removing the clothes divinity when she washed them.

'A divinity-filled clothes?' Illya thought in wonder. But she canceled her previous thought of making Rider do the laundry. If what the older sister said was true, Rider didn't really have the skill.

Illya silently watched on as Medusa was scolded heavily by her smaller older sister. Medusa was totally cowed by her older sister, even when she declared Medusa to be as low as slave. The scene ended with the little girl getting angry and Medusa ran away to the stable, intent on escaping on Pegasus.

However, Medusa was prevented by the appearance of another identical little girl in the stable. Medusa escaped again outside only to be trapped by two elder sisters.

Medusa had two older sisters. 'Stheno, the Strong', the eldest one. 'Euryale, the far-flier', the younger one. Along with Medusa, the three were the famous Gorgon sisters.

Illya watched on as the sisters interacted. She thought that the two older sisters had similarities with her. Many, many similarities. Well... Illya would not go as far as driving people to ultimate ruin just because they are cute. Or ridiculing the men who asked her hand in marriage to the point of death.

And then the dream went on to the scene of Medusa's bodily punishment. Which involved her older sister jumping from above and kissed her and sucked her blood. And then another joined in and sucked Medusa's blood from the other side.

'They said that her blood is sweet? I wonder...'

The dream ended with the scene of crying Medusa being picked on by her elder sisters. The memories faded and Illya's dreamscape changed into black void.

Thinking back to Rider's memories, Illya felt a small envy. She had no sisters, and her adopted brother was raised separatedly from her. Her childhood was lonely without any siblings or friends. Even if she had sadistic older sisters, Medusa was lucky that they were living together. Illya didn't have anyone at all. The closest people that could be called her companion were Sella and Leysritt.

'Speaking of which, I need a maid. Archer would be busy later so he wouldn't be able to take care of me.' But Illya's requirement for a maid was difficult. She must excel in all housework, she must be able to cook, she must know magecraft, and she must be quite competent. And capable of combat like Leysritt, if possible. It was a tall order.

'If only there is a silver-haired maid slash mage slash knight...', Illya thought, chuckling at the absurdity of that idea. The silver hair was just to make it the same as her previous Einsbern maids.

And as if reacting to her thought, her dreamscape switched into something. It was not the usual Dream Cycle, but it was also not the normal dream. The dream slowly showed her a scene, similar to a television. She got a vision of a young girl with long silver hair tied in ponytail. The girl was in a kitchen and cooking something.

The scene suddenly changed. The girl, now accompanied by another silver-haired girl in maid uniform, was drawing a magic circle and chanting something. There was no sound at all from the vision so Illya could not hear what she said, but she knew that she was practicing some kind of magic.

The scene shifted again, showing the girl studying, a lot of books scattered on the table. And then it shifted again, showing the girl organizing a project, ordering a lot of people. And again, showing the girl in combat, wielding a magic sword against various opponents.

'I get it, I get it. So you said that this is my dream maid, right? She fulfilled all of my criteria. And she already had a maid, so if I got her, I will automatically have two maids!'

Well, there was no other clue except her appearance. Illya didn't know her name, her location, or any other things that could be used to find her. But she got a feeling that she would meet her someday. And when she did, she would catch her and make her a maid!

With that last thought, her dream ended and she woke up.


Illya woke up from her sleep. She looked around at the unfamiliar room and unfamiliar bed, trying to remember the previous day events. 'Ah right, I crashed at Alice's house.'

Yawning and stretching her body, she got up and got out of the bed, walking to the bathroom. She quickly did the morning ritual, took the toiletries from Gate of Babylon, brushed her teeth, washed her face, and combed her hair. She also changed her clothes into training clothes. After she finished everything, she looked at herself at the mirror. Satisfied with what she saw, she called Rider.

"Rider," Illya said. The blindfolded Servant materialized. "Yes, Master?"

"I wonder, what is the taste of your blood?" Illya said while licking her lips. She hinted a thin smile and observed Rider's reaction.

'Huh. I guess the psychological damage is that serious', Illya thought, looking at the now trembling Medusa who had leaped back to the corner of the bathroom. She decided not to joke about it and placated the traumatic Servant, "Relax Rider, I will not suck your blood."

Rider visibly relaxed, but she still didn't get close to Illya. Come to think of it, Rider never really got closer physically to Illya other than necessary. Maybe because she was wary of any little girl that could get close and suck her blood. Well, whatever, Illya didn't have a penchant to drink blood. She ordered Rider to go back into spirit form and guard her.

She got out of the guestroom and walked to the backyard. The mansion was quite large and there were maids working here and there, but they subtly avoided her. Well, it was very early in the morning and she usually didn't get up this early, maybe the events of the previous day was messing with her sleep rhythm. She did some stretching and calisthenics. After sufficient warm up, she jogged around the mansion.

Morning training was something that was drilled by Saber to Illya. She hated doing it at the beginnng, but it was now already became a routine. Archer also approved it, saying that it was a good thing. She didn't like it at first, but her new healthy body made the whole experience wonderful. She savored the feeling of physical exertion, accomplishing something that she could never do before.

After jogging, she took out her practice sword and began swinging practice. The practice sword was a blunt heavy metal sword, traced by Archer. She entered the form taught by Saber and swing the sword up and down. Saber only taught her basic form, and Illya knew that she needed to practice the basic first before learning something more advance.

After she had sweated a lot and judged the exercise was enough, she went back to the guestroom and took a bath. Finishing the bath, she wore another set of clean clothes and put the training clothes into laundry basket. The clothes she wore now was the ancient Babylonian clothes, designed for small female child. This was the same clothes that she got the first time she entered this new world, and the alteration done to it by her magic had worn off. She liked using it as casual clothes where nobody was looking because it was made from high quality fabric and very comfortable.

She got out of the room and walked to the dining room, wanting to have breakfast. She skipped along the way, humming to herself. It felt like she had forgotten something, but it must not be important. Illya was more worried about what she would do today. Maybe a photoshoot? She remembered that idol usually did that.

Alice was already waiting inside the dining room. She greeted Illya and they sat together eating breakfast. While having breakfast, Alice struck a conversation and asked, "That is an unusual clothes you wear, Iriya." Alice could see her clothes even with Veil of Isis equipped? Ah, must be because she set in on lowest setting.

"Hmm? Yeah it is my favorite clothes. But it is not in fashion anymore. But the design was really popular several thousand years ago." She really need to buy more modern clothes. That meant more money, but Archer had warned Illya about gold exchange rate falling or whatnot. Where could she get easy money?

While thinking about money, Illya considered using projection to create a fake money. Gradation Air could be used to make anything as long as the magus could imagine it. The problems were on the details of the imagination. She must be very precise if she wanted to create a convincing fake paper money. In fact, wasn't that the essence of tracing? Didn't EMIYA use the same principle to create those swords replica?

Illya took a cutlery knife with her right hand and tried to use Structural Grasp. Heroic Spirit EMIYA's skill were only Structural Grasp, Projection, Reinforcement, and Alteration. All of them were the basic skill of magecraft and any competent magus could do the same. The difference was in how he took more steps in using them, making it into a new brand of magecraft he called Tracing.. While Illya didn't have the same ability, she still remembered using Tracing while using EMIYA Install. It was not difficult to replicate the same ability, and she was confident that she could do it after a lot of practice.

'Judging the concept of creation... Hypothesizing the basic structure... Duplicating the composition material...'

Illya did all the steps and chanted, "Trace on." Another cutlery knife appeared on her left hand. She was disappointed. The copy was very flawed and brittle. It seemed that she was still far away from Archer's level. Illya snapped the fake cutlery knife in two and it disappeared into prana.

"What...what is that?" Alice asked with wide eye.

"Nothing, just practicing with my magic." Illya answered evasively. She didn't want to reveal anything about Tracing. This skill could be another one of trump card. A cutlery knife might not be that threatening, but how about a kitchen knife? Or a combat knife? She could trace a hundred kitchen knife and throw them at her enemies. Any normal mages or thugs could be dealt with such mentally make a note to practice it later. Maybe she could not trace a Noble Phantasm in her normal state, but normal weapons were easy enough to be used at one shot projectile.

Alice looked like she still want to ask, but a voice from the side distracted her. "Yeah, that is interesting. I'm hungry, you mind if I grab something? Thank you." A male voice said.

Illya swiveled her head to the side, looking at Lancer who had materialized and grabbed a sandwich. What was he doing materializing into physical form without any care in the world? Didn't he know about the meaning of secrecy? And where was his helmet? Lancer was wearing modern clothes without any disguise. 'This imbecile!'

The maids around the room were surprised and wary of the guy who appeared out of nowhere. "Everyone, calm down. He is one of Iriya's companion. Please treat him as a guest." Alice told them with composure.

Lancer stared at Illya who glared at him. "Eeeh, relax kid. Nobody here would tell anyone about me or my handsome look, if they know what's good for them. I will kill any blabbermouth," he said casually. The room became eerily silent after he said that.

Another voice by Alice diverted Illya's attention from the rebellious Servant. "That accent... a warrior from Ireland... that spear... can it be... You're him!"

"Ah, you are another one of my admirer? Wow it looks like I have a thing with female mages." Lancer said with impish smile. "But you should guard your tongue. Don't spread my name around, or any of my friends. We don't want anything unfortunate happen to a pretty lady like you, right?"

Alice looked scared and red-faced at the same time. Count it on Lancer to deliver a threat and praise at the same time. "Understood. I shall keep it to myself," Alice said.

Illya sulked a little. Alice was supposed to be her fan, not Lancer! Why did she have to blush after Lancer praised her?

They ate in silence for a while before Illya spoke again. "Alice," she said to the blonde mage. "When will we do the photoshoot? I bet people wanted to see me!"

"That... emm. I think it is too early at this stage. Why don't we observe the reaction from the interview first? And err... make the fanclub first, and make the photos exclusive for members?"

"That's a good idea! Hmm, but now I have nothing to do. Should I take a walk around London?" Illya said. She could buy some clothes in London. But then she remembered about her money problem.

She asked Alice, "Do you know how I can get easy money? I-It's not like I am poor or something, just a bit of problem with currency of this era, you know!"

Alice seemed to think of something, but Lancer said something before she could answer. "Easy money? I used to do gambling with my buddies for a quick cash. Well, you could lose your money too instead of getting more."

Gambling? Well, why not? It's not that Illya didn't have a lot of gold bar as insurance if she lost big. If Saber or Archer was present they would admonish Illya for doing it, but now she was free without any responsible guardian. And it seemed to be a fun thing to do.

"Then we go gambling today!" Illya said with enthusiasm. "We go to casino. That means Las Vegas, right?" Of course, London also had Casino, but Illya's knowledge about the world was limited.

"Of course, I will accompany you, Lady Iriya. I just need to finish my report and currently I need to... get away from this place. Let's stay at the hotel there." Alice instructed her maids to prepare her things for a trip.

Alice asked Illya, "Lady Iriya, can we use your... transportation method like yesterday? I'm afraid that my photograph in my passport is not up-to-date with my current appearance. And your method is faster anyway."

"Of course! Remind me, Lancer. We also need pack. I want to change my clothes." Technically, she just stuffed everything to the Gate of Babylon though.

Illya returned to eat and then remembered about her dirty clothes. "Ah what about my laundry?"

Miss Ericson bowed and spoke, "Please do not worry. We will wash them and store them for you, Lady Iriya. You may take them whenever you visit again."

Illya nodded, satisfied with the answer. "Thank you." She really wanted a capable maid like that. Now where was that silver-haired maid candidate?


After breakfast, Illya and Alice went to the sitting room that they used for interview yesterday. They talked about establishing Iriya International Fanclub and how did Illya want it to be. Alice asked about exclusive content, membership benefit, meet and greet event, and other details.

"Now about registration... how do new member register? Where will they go to submit their form?" Alice asked.

"Eeeeeh... I don't know?" Ilya whined. "Can't you do something about it? Like, you have that organization, right? Whatinthenugget?"

"But they are not your fans..." Alice objected.

"It's simple. Make all your organization members as member of the fanclub. Problem solved." Lancer interjected from the side. Illya quickly support the idea, "That's it! Good thinking, Lancer! Just tell any prospective member to come to the Whatinnamutt to register!"

"I'm afraid that's a bit..." Alice hesitated to do it. She knew that if Iriya ordered it, she didn't have any choice but to comply. However, she still hoped to avoid that route. That hope was destroyed by the Irish hero sitting with them. "Tell them that Iriya wish for it. Also, tell them that I personally request it." Lancer said with a smile.

Alice took out her mobile phone and contacted her father. After she relayed the request and also emphasized that the Blue Knight also wish for it, her father immediately accepted. It seemed that the Blue Knight really made an impression last night.

Alice hung up the phone and let out a quiet sigh. She looked at the man sitting in front of her. Cu Chulainn, the legendary hero from Ireland. The wielder of a demonic spear Gae Bolg. His tale was sung by bards, his heroic feat was remembered for generations. She herself was familiar with his legend. 'But from the vission I saw before, he was corrupted by black aura. What does that mean?'

Her thought was interrupted because Iriya called her attention. Iriya was pointing at the painting on the wall, "I have seen this painting yesterday but I haven't got the chance to ask. What is this painting?"

The painting itself was wide and quite big. Knights with medieval armor was depicted sprawled on the ground. There were two figures in the center, each striking a mortal blow to the other one. "It was an artist rendition of Battle of Camlann. This is portraying King Arthur and Knight Mordred final battle." Alice supplied the information to Iriya.

"Huh," said Iriya while she looked intently at the painting. Maybe she wanted it? The painting was a high quality goods, and it was quite expensive, but it's nothing important as long as Alice could gain Iriya's favor. "Do you want it? If so, I can give it to you," Alice offered.

"Want it? Pfft. No, I don't want it. This painting is a mockery. The artist didn't know about what's he drawing. He got many things wrong." Iriya said with a huff.

"Wrong? This painting is?" Alice asked, puzzled.

"Yeah, look," Iriya pointed at Mordred. "Mordred armor is white with red streaks, not black. His sword is not in that shape. The knights armor all have wrong style. The terrain is wrong, it's supposed to be a hill. King Arthur is wielding a holy lance Rhongomyniad, not this shabby looking sword. At least if it's Excalibur I can understand, but this!" Iriya pointed at the sword angrily, "This is not Excalibur, just a no-name trash."

Iriya spoke as if she had witnessed the Battle of Camlann with her own eyes. Was she present at that time? While Alice pondered this, a vision struck her. It was brief and identical to the vision that she had received before. The vision showed two person on a hill littered with corpses, one was thrusting a lance to the other. The vision was gone as quickly as it came.

'That's it. That's the Battle of Camlann. It was exactly the same as she described. Does that mean Iriya is also related to King Arthur?', Alice speculated. 'Combined with that clothes she wears, this substantiates the theory that she was born in ancient times.'

"So, what did your boss said? Did they agree to be my fan?" Iriya asked.


After hammering all the details about the new fanclub, Alice had left citing the need to write reports and sending the interview to be published. Illya was back at her room with nothing to do. It was still late morning and they planned to depart for Las Vegas later in the afternoon.

Lancer asked Illya, "Oy, when will you summon Archer and Saber back? Don't tell me you plan to keep them in you forever?"

"Eeeeeehh. Don't wanna. They will nag and nag all the time. It's rare that we have freedom to do whatever we want like this, so let's delay their summoning for a while." Illya said while rolling on the bed.

"You are the one who will face the music when they realized that you have been delaying their resurrection, you know. Well, whatever. But how about summoning other Servants?"

Illya was confused. Lancer was not the type to care about other Servants like this. He usually have a lot of confidence in himself. Why was he recommending to summon another Servant? "Why do you think we need to add more Servants?"

"Eeh, no reason," Lancer said evasively. "It's just that I think we will be more secure if we have a base. There are those dangerous people called Campione, right? I think we need a place that can hold a defensive battle. And that means..."

"Caster. Territory Creation." Illya completed the sentence. Yeah, summoning a Caster class Servant would be ideal. "But who? And also, I need a catalyst to summon the new Servant."

"Well, I was taking a stroll last night," Lancer walked to the table and took up a piece of stone. It was a fragment of stone construction. He walked to Illya and put the piece of stone to her hands. "This thing is gathering dust in a corner of a museum. From what I know, the Heroic Spirit related to this is quite powerful as Caster."

Illya inspected the piece in her hands. It was a lot of bigger than her small hands. There is an inscription in cuneiform script that she didn't recognize. "I can't read this. How did you know the Heroic Spirit related to this stone piece?"

"Easy. It's written on information plate." Lancer anwered. He told Illya the name of the Heroic Spirit. Illya whistled in amazement. "That's quite a dangerous person. Will that person help us or maybe murder all of us? Rider, what do you think?"

Rider spoke from her spirit form. "I think we should postpone this matter until Saber and Archer is back with us. We can discuss this with them. And also, if something unexpected happened, we can gang up on the new Servant with more power."

Illya nodded, she agreed with what Rider proposed. "Now that's taken care of. We need money for gambling." She took out her money from Gate of Babylon to count it, but she immediately realized a problem. "Ughhh... I only have Japanese Yen. Do they accept it in Las Vegas? Or a gold coin?"


"Is there any space mission that will launch in near future? One that will go to the moon. Anywhere is fine, actually."

The one who spoke was Andrea Rivera, 'The King's Butler'. He was a man with black hair, silver framed glasses and intellectual look. He was reading the latest Greenwich Assembly report about Iriya.

"I just got a brilliant idea. Not mine, I just read someone's suggestion. But it was actually very logical. I wonder why I didn't think about it before."

He was an aide, sometimes a secretary, and most of the times a manager for the Italian King Salvatore Doni. He was the one taking care of Salvatore's business as leader of magic world. Without him, Salvatore Doni was reduced to merely a warrior. He often got troubled by irresponsible behavior of his King.

"We will put him inside the space shuttle and send him to the moon. Or wherever. We don't need to worry because he will be alright and will certainly come back somehow. But at least I can take a holiday. And I can take revenge on all the troubles he had caused."

Andrea was adressing his loyal subordinates. They were elite mages who were loyal to him, and shared his view about the 'King of Sword'. Together, they were discussing something akin to rebellion.

"How to lure him into the space shuttle? Easy. Just say that Iriya had challenge him and the spacecraft will bring him to the duel location. We will wait until he learnt about Iriya's existence, and then we lure him to the trap and BAM! No more trouble for months!"


Aisha, the Mysterious Queen of the Caves, was in a predicament. She had read the latest Greenwich Assembly report that she had gained from her contacts. It was her policy to keep track of the state of the world, and the new Campiones were included in it. Her ignorance about her fellow Campiones had led to troublesome situation in the past, such as being employed by another Campione as a maid... Or inviting another Campione to drink tea... But her current situation was worse.

From reading the document, she understood that the newest Campione was a problematic person. Iriya was cruel, sadistic, cold-blooded, bloodthirsty, and quick-tempered. Combined with a fact that she was a Campione, that meant she was one of the most dangerous person living in the planet. And that person said that she would chain Aisha and imprison her! She's in a pinch!

She had watched the video of Iriya's battle and concluded that she had no chance to win. Aisha's Authority was mostly unsuited for combat, and even if she had a combat-oriented Authority, it's still useless. Iriya was too strong, her power was off the charts – even in the perspective of Aisha who had already witnessed a lot of Heretic Gods and Campione's battle.

Aisha needed to escape. But where? She read in the document that Iriya had taken residence in Japan, and also stayed in London. Then she just need to go faraway from those two places. 'Oh yeah, I haven't visited America for a long time. Maybe I should go there.'

The olive-skinned maiden prepared her things for a trip to America. She would go to United States and then hitchhike all the way to Mexico. 'Yeah, that will work.', Aisha optimistically thought.


Dear Diary,

Today was really weird.

Papa didn't come home last night. He came back early morning, but he was very smelly. He said that he was put into the dumpster. But that's the first time I heard any mage defeated that way.

When I came home from school, papa was already home. He said that all of us had been entered into a fanclub. A fanclub for the newest Campione. That's really really weird.

And then the evening news reported about a theft in Museum of London Archaeology. Papa said that the culprit was the same person who put him to the dumpster. Worse, the Campione's henchman was caught in CCTV performing unnatural physical action.

Times like these, I really really envy my normal friends. They don't get conscripted into weird fanclub.

- Diary of Sarah Williams, a 13 year old girl born in mage family.
14. Fortune and Heist
Ch. 14 : Fortune and Heist

"... Yes, I believe that it is a deplorable act. Such a barbaric behavior is unbecoming his stature. I am ashamed to be called as his peers. His irresponsible acts threaten the secrecy of magic world.

Of course, the act itself is morally wrong, and not accepted in civilized society.

I have stated my opinion about him before, and it is sad to see that my judgment was proven true. I call upon my fellow Campiones to deliver punishment upon him. Do as you see fit.

I myself will order my followers to isolate him and his organizations. None may have contact with him or his organization. If they want to repent and forsake their King, then the normal mages can be welcomed back into the magic community..."

~~~~Excerpt from press release by Iriya, on light of recent events concerning Alexander Gascoigne


"Oh yeah. Do you know anything about Holy Grail? I heard someone named Guinevere is related to it."

Illya asked Alice while they were aboard the Vimana. She just remembered about it after Rider reminded her. She was preoccupied with interview and fanclub before.

The Vimana was cruising with medium speed and they would arrive in Las Vegas in around three hours. It was plenty of time to ask about more details of this world. Alice must know a lot because apparently she was a high ranking member of her organization, that whatenamaggot or something.

Alice didn't disappoint. She weaved a tale of Heretic Gods and Campione, of witches reincarnated from ancient past, of myths and legends. She recounted the saga of Alexander Gascoigne who sought the Holy Grail. She described Guinevere, the maiden who safeguard the Holy Grail and searched for her King. She told her the conflict between the two which escalated in the summoning of Heretic God Arthur.

"Arthur? The King Arthur?" Illya asked in disbelief.

"Yes, he is. That was the incident eight years ago that made my health worsen."

"You said 'he', not 'she'. So King Arthur is ... a male?" Illya asked again to make sure.

Alice looked confused by her question. "Well, yes he is definitely a male. Is there a problem?"

Illya thought about it. Why did a different version of Arthur existed in this world? Was there another Throne of Heroes existed only for this world? That's another question to be researched later. "No, no problem at all. So, the King Arthur is 'the King of the End' that Guinevere searched for?"

Alice seemed to be suspicious of her earlier question, but she didn't press it. "No. He is not. The failure made her mentally unstable, she had invested a lot of effort but it ultimately a wrong path."

"Hmm." Illya could sympathize. It was like wanting a Holy Grail that could grant miracle only to find out that it had been tainted with evil curses. "So this Holy Grail, it is basically just a giant mana battery?"

"Yes, it can also manifest an imitation of Heretic God, but they're a lot weaker than the original. It's suspected that it functioned as an artifact to empower the King of the End, but we still don't know the mechanism or relations between them." Alice answered.

Illya listened carefully. Could it be that the Holy Grail is the one summoning the Servants to this world? Then Guinevere was the eternal overseer of the Holy Grail War, but her deaths left memory gaps in her mind so she lost her original goal. Maybe 'King of the End' was the title granted to whoever that eventually win the war.

So the search for her King was actually the desire to see the end of the war, to give the Holy Grail to the winner. There were many inconsistencies and contradictions in her theory compared to what Alice had told her, but Alice was biased. She was trapped within the common sense of this world and she never knew about the Holy Grail War, so her information was unreliable.

Anyway, she telepathically relayed her speculation to her Servants. Rider didn't offer any opinion, while Lancer was a little too enthusiastic. He suggested killing all Servants that they will encounter and win the war, solving the problem in one go. Illya mostly agreed to his opinion, but she couldn't shake the feeling that Lancer was hiding something.

"But I still think the way that thug Alexander wanted to rob Guinevere is wrong. It's tasteless." Illya said. She could sympathize as the 'bearer' of Holy Grail herself. She would not appreciate anyone trying to kidnap her by force. Yeah, a lesson for Alexander was in order.

"If it were me, I would use different method." Illya spoke.

Alice's curiosity was ignited. "Oh? And what would you do, Lady Iriya?"

"I would demand that she give it to me. Simple, right?"

Alice's jaw dropped. She quickly regained composure and asked again. "But why would she give Holy Grail to you?"

Illya looked at Alice as if she grew a horn. "Of course she would give it to me. I am the King of the World. All treasures in the world are mine."

"But what if she doesn't give it to you?"

Illya thought for a second and a look of understanding on her face appeared.

"Hmm. Ooh I get it! I missed a step! Yeah, I will invite her to join me in conquering the world. And then she will join me and happily give Holy Grail to me! Thanks for the reminder."

Alice's jaw dropped again.


"So a pair is defeated by three of a kind, and above that is four of a kind. A pair and three of a kind is a full house..."

Alice, Illya, and Lancer were inside one of a casino in Las Vegas. It was inside the same hotel that they already booked. Alice was giving a crash course in poker rules to Illya and Lancer.

But Illya still didn't get it. She was a smart girl, but trying to grasp all the rules in a minute was impossible for her. And Alice also didn't make it easy with her random explanation. "Wait wait wait. Which one is higher, straight or flush? And what is straight flush?" Illya frantically asked.

"Flush is higher. But it is defeated by straight flush, a combination of five cards in number sequence and the same pattern. And then there is royal straight flush. ..."

After a while, Illya gave up trying to play poker and opted for a simpler game which involved luck. She told Alice and she recommended roulette.

"So you just put your bet on the table. The ball will be thrown and the roulette will spin..." Alice explained about the rules. Illya liked the game because it looked easy. Forget about the complicated things, she just need to choose between red or black, right?

"Lancer, we play this one. Let's sit." She told Lancer. They sit on the table and prepared the gambling chips. Alice had lent Illya 500 US Dollars which Lancer had exchanged into five chips. Illya promised Alice that she would pay her back ten times.

"My niece will be playing for me." Lancer said to the dealer and pointed at Illya. Children couldn't play in casino. Lancer pretended to be the adult who indulged his niece, and Illya pretended to be the said niece. Lancer was the one officially playing, but her niece would be the one placing the bet.

Of course there was a problem with Illya's age, and normally children were not allowed to play in casino. But Illya performed magic to alter people's perception so they overlooked her age. She would be caught in CCTV recording later, but that's a problem for another day.

"I will put it in red, the color of my eyes." Illya said to Lancer and Alice. Well, Illya's eye color was currently blue. She was using contacts to hide her eye color. She also dyed her hair to golden blonde to match Alice's hair. It's easier and less suspicious than donning Veil of Isis all the time. This way, people could easily assume that they were sisters.

Alice didn't need disguise. She was already unrecognizable in her younger body. Lancer also dyed his hair blonde just to match them. He was amused by the experience. He touched his dyed hair every once in a while.

Illya put one 100$ chip on the red box.

They waited for the dealer to spin. When everyone had placed the bets, the dealer threw the ball and spinned the roulette. When it stopped, the ball had landed on 32 RED.

The dealer put another 100$ chip beside Illya's original chip. Lancer asked her, "Do you want to change your bet? We can get more if we bet on the number box."

"No, double rate is enough."

Lancer seemed disappointed but he asked again. "Still on red?"

Illya huffed and said, "You think my eyes changed color? Yeah keep it on red." Technically her eyes had changed color with contacts but Lancer kept his silence.

They waited for the roulette to spin again. The second spin resulted in the ball landed on 7 RED. Illya's total chip on the table became four.

"You're on lucky side today. Why don't you put it somewhere more beneficial than the color box?" Lancer asked with curiosity.

Illya sat with folded hands, resolutely not touching the chips she had put down. "I want to be like that mathematical story."

"What story?" Alice asked.

"That one, where a little girl asked a king to give her one grain for the first day, and then double the amount the next day." Illya said.

"Ah I remember that story. It was from India, it is meant to teach morality and mathematic at the same time." Alice said while clapping her hands.

While they're talking, Illya's chip had multiplied to eight.

"What, she wanted to imitate a story?" Lancer asked incredulously.

Alice answered, "Well, it was a good story. The girl get a boon from the king and she got one grain of rice for the first day. The next day, she would get double the amount of the previous day. This will go on for thirty days. The king promised to do it because he underestimated the girl's request."

Illya's chip on the table multiplied to sixteen.

"At first, the amount of the rice given was insignificant. But as the days went by, the amount multiplied to astronomical amount that they must be transported in wagons. Finally the amount had grown so large that the king must open all his storage." Alice told Lancer the very short version of the story.

Lancer was now trying to calculate the amount if he won thirty times. He gave up on the 14th winning. His calculation already reached one million dollars at that point, but he had strained his mental calculation ability.

Illya's chip had multiplied to thirty two.

"Still, do you expect to win thirty times in the row? All on the red box? How much is the chance that the ball will land thirty times on red, without any interruption?" Lancer asked again.

"Foolish question. I am the king. The heaven and earth will move according to my will. That's the Divine Providence." Illya said with conviction.

"Huh? Divine Providence? What's that?" Lancer asked while eyeing the pile of chips. It had multiplied to sixty-four. There are other participants who had noticed their winning streak and jumped into bandwagon, placing their bets on red box.

"Something I read on the novel that Saber recommended. It was about a twelve year old girl that became a king. In her journey, she had a lot of good luck. Saber said that I must learn from her attitude." Illya said nonchalantly, noticing that the dealer had exchanged several of their chips into the one thousand dollars per chip.

"Wait. You gamble your money just on the basis of a novel you read?" Alice said in panic.

"Yeah? I mean, Saber said I should learn from it, but the main character used a lot of difficult words and her reasoning was difficult to understand. The only thing that really mattered was that she was extremely lucky. So, to be a king, you must be lucky. I am already a king, so it shouldn't be said that I am the luckiest person in the world." Illya said without any doubt in her voice.

The dealer now sweated as he put more chips to the table. Illya's total money on the table: 12800.

Lancer kept silent even when he became nervous as more and more money won. After the fifteenth winning and their total money reached three millions, he sarcastically remarked to Alice, "Well, it looks like we have no trouble paying you back."

Alice didn't deign to response as she kept looking at the pile of chips and the growing crowd around them. Many people had joined in and bet on red. This would be a problem, they atrracted too much attention.

She whispered to Illya, "Pssst, Lady Iriya, I think we need to bail."

"Huh? Why?" Illya whispered back.

"We attract too much attention. Everyone would bet alongside us and the casino will be troubled." To be precise, they could become bankrupt.

"Hmm ok. Let's gather our chips." Illya said. "It's too bad I don't get to thirty win. Oh well it's getting boring anyway."

They left the table, Lancer carrying a tray of chips worth 13 million dollars. Illya went to one slot machine and asked Alice, "What is this?"

Alice explained the way to play slot machine to Illya. This was another simple game. Illya took one chip from the tray and sit on the chair. She put the chip, one of the lowest value of 10$ and pulled the lever.

"Ok let's aim for the three pineapples. Go. Go. Go." She pushed the three buttons randomly. Unfortunately she didn't hit any pineapple pictures. Instead, she got 777.


The slot machine ejected a lot of chips because of Illya's winning.

"Is it broken? Is it my fault?" Illya asked Alice with panic expression. She was surprised by the flood of chips coming out.

Alice just stood there gaping at the slot machine.


Alice tiredly walked back to the hotel room.

They managed to cash their winnings and left the casino. Alice didn't bother asking how much Iriya had won. The Blue Knight – Cu Chulainn – had given her a bundle of money as payback for her loan. She didn't count it, but it was obviously more than the original promise.

"Let's play different game tomorrow!" Iriya cheerfully said.

"Yes, but I think we should try a different casino tomorrow. You know, for a change of environment. In fact, why don't we change casino everyday and never go to the same place while we're here?" Alice suggested with a forced smile.

"Sure, that will be fun." Illya innocently agreed without any suspicion. Meanwhile, Cu Chulainn smirked at her, perfectly understanding her intention. 'That insufferable hero...'

When they had arrived, Iriya invited Alice to come to her room to play. Technically it was booked by Cu Chulainn, but Iriya called it her room. She wanted to watch movies together with a laptop that she brought. Alice took up her offer.

It turned out that Iriya was watching animation show, or commonly known as Japanese children cartoon. She talked about it and introduced Alice to various different genre. From the Magical Girl genre that she spoke before, to the Battle and Action for boys. She originally thought that there was no harm in watching them, they're just children cartoon, right?

So why did Cu Chulainn sat far away in the corner?

She got her answer that day. Apparently, Iriya was fond of imitating whatever she watched on screen. And she was a genius, she could reproduce some of the things that previously only existed in fiction.

"Ka... me... ha ... me..."

Iriya was now in a peculiar pose where she put her palm slightly apart on the right side of her body. Between her palm, she molded pure mana, concentrated in high density. This was an imitation of a move she saw in the cartoon just now. "Lady Iriya, please stop!" Alice said. "You will blow a hole in the wall just like that boy in the cartoon!"

Iriya heard her plea and let the mana dissipated. She looked disappointed that she couldn't test that move. Alice tried to distract her. "Hey, what's this. It looked interesting. Hey Lady Iriya, let's watch this one next?" Alice lifted one DVD case and showed it to Iriya.

"Oooh that one. I haven't watched it, but many people said it was good." Iriya quickly changed the DVD to the new one. Alice sighed in relief secretly. Let's hope that this one didn't inspire anything dangerous.

The new cartoon was about people who can manipulate four elements with martial arts. And the special existence who guarded world harmony and peace, the person who can manipulate all four elements.

"...The four nations live in harmony. But everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked."

Iriya was engrossed in the show and she also watched the special behind the scene videos about the real martial arts used as the basis for the movement in the show. Tai Chi to control water, Hung Gar to manipulate earth, Baguazhang to bend air, and Shaolin Fist to shoot fire.

And as her habit, Iriya started to imitate the movement. Alice could see that she was really unskilled in martial arts and only imitated the external form. Iriya was going through the motion and shouting "Water!" and "Earth!", trying to manipulate the elements.

She didn't use magic. Maybe because she expected to control the elements from the movement alone. Iriya flooded her hands with magical energy and punched the air, shouting "Air!", but she didn't succeed in creating even a small wind.

Alice had no doubt that if Iriya really wanted to, she could manipulate elements with her magic. But what she was trying to do now was to directly convert her pure mana into elements or a force to manipulate elements. Something entirely different, as she didn't use any spell or incantation or anything that magic requires. Well, it meant that this was quite safe...

"Fire!" Iriya punched and a stream of red fire came out from her fist.

'What. The. Hell?'

Iriya also looked at her hands in wonder. She repeated her action, careful not to burn anything. Fire came out from her hands each time she punched the air. She opened the window and let out fireballs flying from her palms.

"Alice! Alice! Look look, I am a firebender!"


Liliana Kranjcar was opening an envelope containing the latest report from the Greenwich Assembly. It was about the newest Campione, Iriya, who had made big ripples in the world of magi recently. Her maid, Karen, was at her side serving breakfast.

"Karen, where is grandfather?" Liliana asked her maid. Usually he would greet Liliana in the morning, and they often had breakfast together if there was time. But she didn't see him at all this morning.

"The Head was going out earlier after reading the latest Greenwich Assembly report. He said about something urgent that he need to inform Lord Voban." Karen answered.

Huh. It must be something really important. What kind of information that could elicit such a response from her grandfather? She ate her breakfast while reading the report.

'Wow. What kind of person is this? An ancient Campione that survived until modern era? She had five Heretic Gods as her servants? She owned a lot of legendary weapons?'

Liliana read in concentration, disturbed by what she read. And finally she read the important part. 'Calling Voban a smelly old man? This will be a problem. If someone were to tell the Marquis about this...' And then she remembered that her grandfather had just left for that very purpose. 'Oh joy. Here come the apocalypse.'

Suddenly Karen grabbed a remote and increased the volume of television. It was a news program, reporting about some theft. Liliana switched attention, curious on what made Karen interested.

"... this is the third incident that happened in this country. There are unconfirmed report that United Kingdom and Germany also experienced the same thing. Whoever did this is apparently quite skilled, because..."

Somebody had stolen from Italian military base. Liliana didn't really think that one missing machine gun or rifle is that important, but she grew concerned when the reporter listed the stolen items from the three thefts. Other than smaller guns, rifles, bazookas and ammunition, there were larger items.

One latest generation battle tank. One F-16 Fighter Aircraft. One Nuclear-powered submarine. One destroyer ship. One bomber aircraft. One Infantry fighting vehicle. One Amphibious assault vehicle.

'That's ridiculous!', Liliana screamed in her heart.

"It seemed that United Kingdom lost one Aircraft Carrier ship." Karen read from her smartphone. "And several military helicopters, one transport plane Hercules class, one F-35 fighter aircraft, and one Tornado GR4 fighter aircraft."

Liliana was surprised to hear the news. Was a terrorist organization responsible?

"Wait, there's more." Karen continued reading her smartphone. "Germany lose one self-propelled artillery, one armored car, one Surface to Air Missile, one Panavia Tornado fighter aircraft, one air-defence frigate ship, among other things."

"Other things?" Liliana enquired more.

"Smaller firearms and such." Karen shrugged. "Must be considered less important than the others."

Liliana turned her attention back to television. There was something else reported. "... and the information we got from our inside contact said something about a note that was left on the crime scene. The note had a name written on it and it essentially claim responsibilty for the theft. They said that the military had taken the matter very seriously and investigated very seriously..."

Liliana didn't know why, but she sensed a foreboding that something troublesome would happen.


Alice Louise was laying on the hotel bed, enjoying afternoon nap.

'It is good if I can just sleep and forget all of my worry', she thought.

It was already a week since they came to Las Vegas. Alice had grasped Iriya's daily schedule by now. She would wake up around 6 or 7 AM, and then she would do physical exercise. After that she would have a shower.

After that she would have breakfast. The morning after that was dedicated to 'work', a serious activity. In Las Vegas this could mean gambling as a means to get money. She would have lunch at noon. The afternoon was dedicated to entertainment, whether it was strolling around, or bankrupting a casino or two, or watching anime. She sometimes read comic or novels at this time.

Iriya usually had dinner at 7 PM. After dinner, the evening was dedicated to learning. This could mean training her magic, meditating, reading some obscure text, reciting classical strategy book, or sparring with her servants.

The schedule was not rigid and it could change according to Iriya's mood. Sometimes she would enjoy entertainment in the morning and do serious work in the afternoon. Often, Alice was excluded from Iriya's activities, especially when she practiced her magic or sparring with her servants.

She included Alice in her 'serious work' though. And that was the stuff of nightmare. Alice felt that she would regret it until the end of her life. It was her fault. Everything was her fault. Iriya had taken this path because of her, Alice Louise.

It started from a simple thought. Letting Iriya watch those fiction show where they did many things with magic was dangerous. Iriya could invent many dangerous skill inspired by those children show. So what should she do? She diverted Iriya's attention from those fiction by introducing Western movies. The one steep in realism, using guns, modern vehicles, firearms, and technology. She also introduced the superhero fiction, just because she wanted to prove that the West had its own good fiction. Not everything good made in Japan.

At least with real things like guns, she couldn't imitate it in dangerous manner, right?

And that was her mistake.

Apparently, Illya's standard of morality was, 'if I want it, I should take it'. She took a liking of the modern weapons, so she took it. Handguns, automatic rifles, submachine gun, Anti-tank. Armored Car, Tanks, Aircraft. No matter how big it is, Iriya just put it inside her strange portal. Iriya ensure that no human was still inside and then she put a submarine inside the portal like it was nothing.

The fact that some of the movies she watched introduced the idea of a 'heist' to her didn't help. She planned everything as if she was a professional thief. And she had that artifact to make her invisible! And the heist was classified into 'serious work' by Iriya. She took Alice along and she witnessed everything.

Not only modern weapons, Iriya also search other things. She broke into random lab to search for radioactive spider. After frantic explanation by Alice that it's just fiction and no normal lab would have radioactive spider and no guarantee that its bite would grant her spider-power, Iriya finally gave up.

Now Alice was collapsed on her bed. She was mentally tired after she accompanied Iriya with stealing one airplane this morning. Not just an airplane, it was the most sophisticated and most technologically advanced airplane in the planet. Iriya was quite delighted when she tried it. She said that this airplane was just one step lower from giant robot in awesomeness.

Alice sighed, imagining the chaos that lay ahead. 'And to think this is just because I let Iriya watch that movie, with the same title as the airplane.'

But at least nobody would know about Alice participation. And not even Iriya would get in trouble if it went according to Iriya's plan. 'And who could tell that Iriya was quite cunning?'


The President of the United States of America was in his Oval Office. He had just received a baffling report. Something very improbable had happened.

The Air Force One had been stolen.

The presidential aircraft was one unique existence. It was equipped with many state-of-the-art devices. It also provided comfort for the long journey. Designed for safety and able to function as mobile command center, it was the symbol of the state. The aircraft was just replaced last year, spending billions of dollars.

And now it was stolen.

"Mr President." One of the aide handed a photograph. "This is a photo of a note left on the crime scene. Our... adviser for 'that side of the world' told us that this is a name of a prominent person. One of the ruler of 'that world'"

The President stared at the photo. He read the note. It said, "This object piqued this one interest. One shall borrow it for a while for further study. It will be returned after thorough study, and the time for study could be extended indefinitely. One expressed gratitude for your understanding. " - Alexandre Gascoigne
Last edited:
15. Slice of Life
Disclaimer: I don't own Fate stay night or Campione


The Timeline So Far


January – February 2004, Fuyuki, Japan:
The 5th Heaven's Feel Ritual occurred. The ritual ended in failure when Illyasviel von Einzbern destroyed the Holy Grail and died in the process. Her body was never found.



12th September 2016:
Illya arrived in Minamitsuki city and left in the late afternoon. At the same time but different timezone, Alice received the first vision.

13th September 2016: Illya arrived in Kumamoto City and checked in at the Green Dragon hotel in the morning.

14th September 2016: HCC found the hotel and monitor Illya's group

19th September 2016: Illya and company met with HCC representative in the afternoon. Illya and company fought Heretic God Nezha in the evening. Alice received the last vision.

26th September 2016: "Iriya Ranger Video" was finished and leaked to the fanclubs.

3rd October 2016: Alice received "Iriya Ranger Video".

12th October 2016: Illya and company took bullet train from Hiroshima to Kyoto.

16th October 2016 Japan Local Time: Illya and company visited HCC Headquarters in Kyoto. Illya and company fought Circe in the afternoon, Japan time.

16th October 2016 United Kingdom Local Time: Illya arrived in London in the morning. Illya did interview in the evening.

17th October 2016 United Kingdom Local Time: Illya departed to Las Vegas in the afternoon.

17th October 2016 Las Vegas Local Time: Illya visited the casino for the first time in mid afternoon. She became 'firebender' in the late afternoon.

24th October 2016: Liliana Kranjcar received the latest Greenwich Assembly report. Marquis Voban received the same report. The Air Force One was stolen.

Andrea Rivera planned to send someone to the moon. Aisha departed for USA. Annie Charlton received the report about Iriya.

28th October 2016: Illya made a press release about 'Alexandre's recent thefts'


Ch.16. Slice of Life

Dusk Maiden of Amnesia

16th October 2016, 19.42, Kyoto, Japan. HCC Headquarters.

"Grandma!" Seishuuin Ena ran through the front gate to the inner side of the mansion. She was quite freaked out seeing the condition of the front gate and the main entrance. The front side of the building was ruined and the frontyard looked like a miniature typhoon had passed through.

She finally regained her calmness after she had met her grandmother and made sure that she was alright. It was a coincidence that she was in Kyoto. She had heard that her grandmother was in Kyoto so she decided to make an unannounced visit. But what greeted her was the terrible state of the mansion. And nobody was fixing it!

"Well..." Seishuuin Ran spoke after hearing her complaint. "Everyone is busy, so there is noone that can fix the front gate."

Busy? What would be more important than making sure that your headquarters was in good condition, especially the frontmost part where everybody was looking?

"Dealing with Divine Beasts and Heretic God. Well, the Divine Beasts were dealt with, but our agents have to deal with information control and securing the area. The others were sent to track down the Heretic God and the Campione." Her grandmother explained.

"Campione?" Ena asked in puzzlement.

"Haha." Ran chuckled darkly. "Iriya was the one who did that to our frontyard. She was here earlier. We asked her to deal with the Divine Beast, and she has done well. She not only killed one that we asked, but another one that followed it along. And in very short time. Truly she was mighty."

"Oh." Ena could only nod. "Then where is she now? I want to meet her and talk to her." Maybe she could ask for an instruction in martial arts?

"Well... that's the thing." Now Ran was frowning. "She took off without saying anything; it is assumed that she pursued the Heretic God that appeared in front of her. Our agents managed to pinpoint the direction to the south... but there was nothing beyond that. I don't know if she was successful in slaying the god, or..."

"Or?" Ena asked, she honestly didn't think that Iriya could lose.

"Or she was defeated or captured. Or she was injured and went hiding. That's why she didn't contact us."

Ena thought for a moment, imagining the scenario. If Ena was in Iriya's position...

"Maybe she just forgot about you, grandma?" Ena asked again.

Ran widened her eyes. "That was..." She looked like she wanted to say that there was no way it is true, that Iriya couldn't be that irresponsible. And then she apparently remembered something and continued. "... very possible."


Hatching An Evil Plot

17th October 2016, 20.25, Las Vegas, Illya's hotel room

Illyasviel von Einzbern was not a lazy person. She was used to grueling hardwork courtesy of her grandfather. She was required to study magecraft for Holy Grail War to survive. She also had to study folklore and myth from every part of the world to anticipate any Heroic Spirit that she might face. Illya also usually very meticulous and she wouldn't normally skip reading the details about her potential enemy. If it was the Illya before she crossed worlds, she would read the report about Campiones carefully.

It could be said that the changes in her life had made her more relaxed. After she died and received a new life, her world-view had shifted. Before, her life goal was to fulfill Einzbern clan's wish and die as Holy Grail vessel. Now, with the new lifespan and freedom from her family, she was free to do anything she wanted. Her life now was not about fighting anymore, it was to do anything fun and interesting.

Her more relaxed attitude was also influenced by the protection she now had. She owned Gate of Babylon, arguably the most powerful Noble Phantasm. With powerful treasures inside it and also other Noble Phantasms she had, she could defeat most enemies. Added to that were the five Servants, all quite powerful. Even in soul form inside Illya, they could be used for [INSTALL] ability, granting Illya another method to protect herself.

With that kind of security guarantee, it was reasonable that Illya's mind didn't have any sense of urgency or concern. Human with superpower? Just let three or four Servants attack him and wait until he was pasted on the floor. Rogue Servants? Use double Excaliblast or double sword barrage and problem solved! So why should she read about them carefully? It's more productive to spend her time doing something that she was interested in. For example, watching anime or reading manga or playing games.

Also, she got the report in the middle of an interview. She was actually still nervous and excited, so she didn't pay much attention to the content of the report. After that, she was sleepy and went right to sleep, forgetting the report. Lancer later appropriated it and Illya left it to him to learn about other Campiones.

That's why Illya now asked Lancer about Alexandre Gascoigne.

"Why do you want to know about him?", Lancer asked Illya who was manipulating a sphere of prana between her palm.

Illya was not a lazy person. Every evening she continued practicing her magecraft or learning about her new abilities, or learning from 'required readings list' that Saber made for her. Even when she had more relaxed mentality, she still diligently practiced. However, nowadays she only learned anything that she thought interesting, and practice things that looked 'cool'.

For example, it didn't take long to find out that she didn't actually become a firebender. Instead, it was a 'Noble Phantasm' taken from Circe the Fire Goddess. It was an ability to freely manipulate fire element magic. While she was disappointed for a moment, Illya got fired up after she realized the implication. With this ability, she could imitate a lot of fire-related skills in fiction. For example, she could wear a glove with transmutation circle drawn on it and flicked her finger, imitating the Flame Alchemist. The transmutation circle could even be a fake one and it didn't even matter.

But Illya wasn't satisfied with mastering fire element. Other than 'element manipulation', there was also 'shape manipulation'. She could imitate 'Kamehameha' without much trouble because it was basically just compressing prana and shooting it. It was something that Kaleidostick Ruby did for Illya, so she was familiar with it. Performing it without mystic code was more inefficient and took a lot of concentration, but Illya could do it because she was a genius. The only weird thing was that the color of prana shot was shocking pink.

Currently Illya was trying to perform 'Rasengan (Spiraling Sphere)', a technique said to be the pinnacle of prana shaping. Of course, her reference was only an anime show, but hadn't she created a lot of new technique based on those show? If she could do 'Kamehameha', she should be able to do 'Rasengan'. And after that, she would combine it her fire element and create 'Fire Rasengan'. Which is why she was now sitting on her bed and tried to manipulate her prana into a spinning ball.

"Alexandre is a threat," said Illya while maintaining her concentration. "Based on what Alice said, he is a treasure hunter. A thief. Someday he would try to steal from me, the greatest collector of treasures."

"Hoh?" Lancer said questioningly from where he sat. He was drinking a glass of vodka at the dining table. "How can anyone steal from you? The Gate of Babylon can't be stolen, and no one other than you can take things from it."

"Yeah, but remember what Alice said," Illya said without lifting her eyes from the prana ball. Somehow the color of the prana ball was pink, just like Ruby's magical shot. It was a mystery. "Alexandre tried to capture Divine Ancestor Guinevere and discover how to seize the Holy Grail later. So he may do the same with me." Illya then remembered that she hadn't asked Alice about the meaning of 'Divine Ancestor'. What did that title mean? A class of nobility? Or maybe... a vampire? Another word for True Ancestor?

"Hoo. So you're afraid that he may try to capture you and force you to give your treasures?"

"Yes. But not only that," Illya said while sweat appeared on her temple. She tried to add more spinning direction to the prana ball while maintaining its stability. "Remember that his lifelong goal is finding Holy Grail. Before, there was only one Holy Grail, in Guinevere's hand. But now..."

"There are two, because you have arrived on this world." Lancer continued her sentence.

"Correct. I am now a Holy Grail. If that fact became known to him, he will try to capture me. I am sure of it. So, before he knows about it, we should act first."

"A preemptive strike. Hmm." Lancer thought while playing with his glass. "Rider, what is your thought?"

"It may be prudent to ensure that he can't harm us," Rider said. She materialized and stood near the window, somewhat distant to Illya. "But we have to do it carefully. If people know that we attack him without provocation, public opinion about us will worsen."

Illya looked at Rider with regret. She didn't mean to tease Rider this morning and made her remember her 'little-girl-sucking-blood' trauma. Now that she thought about it, Medusa's life was full of unhappiness. She resolved herself to give Medusa a happier life this time.

"Well, here is what is known about him. He has ability to transform into lightning..." Lancer began to describe Alexandre's abilities and all other information about him. The list of his known abilities. The organization he created, Royal Arsenal. His activities and conflict with Guinevere. The things that he 'borrowed' without returning, apparently with some kind of notice in flowery language.

"What?! He dared to fashion himself as King of Britain?" Illya shouted. Her spinning prana ball dissipated because she lost concentration and exploded, pushing Illya backward and her body crashed to the bed.

Illya thought that it was unacceptable. Putting aside the mundane monarchy, Alexandre Gascoigne had took the position of the King of Magical Britain. Something that according to Illya belonged only to Arturia Pendragon, The Once and Future King of Britain. Another reason to take him down.

"Well, it looks like people already don't like him very much. Witenagemot also hated him because he steals from them all the time. There are not many people who will support him. People didn't take action against him only because he is too strong." Rider gave her opinion.

Illya sat up again. "Maybe we should do a smear campaign? Ruin his reputation?" Illya suggested. If people started taking action against him, Illya didn't need to strike him down herself.

"He already has bad reputation as a thief? What can we do that will make his reputation become worse?" Lancer asked, very interested in making pranks.

"A worse thief? No, a better thief?" Illya said. "Maybe make his thefts have more impact?"

"Ah, you mean we stole something grand and push the blame to him. What do you want to steal?" Lancer asked.

"Still no idea. We can't really steal the moon or a pyramid. Maybe we should think about it more. Let's think it over for a few days." Illya closed the brainstorming session and went back to practice the 'Rasengan'.



"...the witness who is a tourist can only give us vague direction, but the number of people who confirmed these lights was many, and it lends credibility to his account. As far as we know, there is only vast desert and nothing else on that location.

This mysterious phenomenon again shows another proof of Alien presence in our midst..."

~~~ From a blog of Alien and UFO enthusiast based on USA, posted on 22nd October 2016


The Obligatory Training Arc

18th October 2016, 07.15, Somewhere in the middle of desert in Nevada

Illya was not a lazy girl. Every morning she trained her physical body. Just like now, she was jogging in the middle of desert. After that, she practiced swinging the blunt metal sword.

Rider, Lancer, and Berserker accompanied her. However, only Berserker was in spirit form. Lancer was looking around with boring expression while Rider protected lllya devotedly. Because of that, she was the first one who noticed Illya's dissatisfied mien. Apparently she wanted to become skillful in short time, but there was no shortcut in training. She had to consistently train everyday and... wait, what was she doing?

"Saber INSTALL!"

Illya figured out a way to cheat. She performed sword technique while installing Saber and tried to remember the muscle movement. After that she de-transformed and repeated the same technique. Illya did this numerous times, correcting her amateurish stance little by little.

"Hooh? That was quite interesting method of learning. It was more effective than seeing a teacher perform some moves or letting a teacher correcting the pupil's posture. She just let the teacher posses her." Lancer commented.

Rider silently nodded. She could see that Illya had made significant improvement in her sword skills. "Do you think she can learn the spear from you in the same way?" Rider asked Lancer.

"Maybe. We have to wait until I died again though." Lancer replied. He walked to Illya and spoke to her. "Little Lady, you have reached the limit of what can be learned in one day through repetition."

"Huh?" Illya stopped her swinging practice. She was in transformed mode, her clothes were the pink princess knight armor. Lancer stood in front of her and took a ready stance with his spear. "It is more beneficial to spar against strong opponent and gain experience. HAH!" Lancer charged to Illya.

Rider watched as Illya and Lancer sparred. They were not seriously fighting, and they didn't use Noble Phantasm. The battle covered vast area and created destruction to the ground and cactus. Lancer used his amazing agility and Illya tried to use Prana Burst. With Lancer agreement, Illya switched between Saber-install and Archer-install. Somewhere along the way, she also used her fire-element magic.

"Alright! Stop! Huff... huff..." Illya said to Lancer. She enjoyed it a lot but the battle became too intense. And she needed to test something. She de-transformed herself and took out the blunt metal sword.

"I want to see if I can use Prana Burst." Illya explained. She had imitated EMIYA's magecraft earlier, but it was actually not that difficult. Any competent magus could use Structural Grasp, Projection, Reinforcement, and Alteration. The version that EMIYA used just took them further than what most people normally thought as possible. Illya's element was not 'sword', so she didn't have any strange ability to understand a sword Noble Phantasm or record the blueprint of one. Still, she could replicate normal knife and dagger just fine. They're not perfect replica, but they didn't need to be perfect. If Illya shot twenty knives from thin air, any normal mages could be taken out by surprise.

However, Prana Burst was different. While Illya could imitate EMIYA's magecraft because it just ultimately a basic skill with neat tricks, Prana Burst was a genuine Servant skill. This skill not only used prana to reinforce the body, it also ejected prana to accelerate physical body. It was not a magus skill, but a mix of magic and martial arts. One of the requirements to use this skill was a huge amount of prana capacity, something that Illya already had. The problem was in her execution and control.

"Lancer, stay there and block. Don't attack me, I just want to test this." Illya ordered to Lancer. She prepared her stance, adjust her prana, and launched herself. Her plan was to strike Lancer's spear with her blunt sword.

The strike didn't happen. She overshot Lancer by twenty meters. Her feet tripped and she nosedived to the ground.

Falling forward with high speed face first to the sandy ground was a very bad experience. Worse, Lancer laughed at her heartily. "Hahahaha. Nice try runt, but I am sure Saber didn't have a special move like kissing the ground! Hahahahaha."

"Guuuuuuu..." Illya who was laying on the ground, face down, was feeling humiliated, ashamed, and angry. With tears in her eyes, she got up. When she was getting up, she noticed that her muscles and ligaments were torn, but they were already healing.

Lancer was still laughing at her.

'Still laughing at me, you stupid mutt? I will give you a lesson.' Illya thought.

" What are you doing?" Lancer felt a dangerous aura.

Illya stored the blunt practice sword and took out Excalibur from Gate of Babylon and raised it overhead. She charged it with prana and the sword glowed.

Why did Illya have Excalibur in Gate of Babylon? Even if Gate of Babylon had a tagline that said 'it has every treasure in the world', actually it didn't. Because of Gilgamesh legend in owning all treasures in the world, the treasures unrelated to him were also included inside it. All legendary weapons and all inventions that may be produced by human wisdom got included. But there were exceptions.

Many treasures were not part of its collection, especially the one which was created after Gilgamesh era and involved unique circumstances. The treasures mentioned in Arthurian legend for example, were created by faeries long after Gilgamesh era. Thus, Gate of Babylon didn't contain Caliburn, Excalibur, Arondight, Clarent, Rhongomyniad, and many other weapons wielded by the Knights of Round Table. Another example was Rule Breaker, which was created from the betrayal legend of Medea.

Illya didn't like that her collection was incomplete. That problem was easily solved. Archer traced nearly perfect copies of the weapons after accessing Saber's memories. Something that was possible in this new world and with great effort. The copied replicas were then stored inside Gate of Babylon. Illya told Archer to do the same for any weapon that he knew not included in her collection. The combination of her vault and her onii-chan's power was fantastic!

Illya used Excalibur and slashed the air towards Lancer. A crescent-shaped magical energy in pink color was launched from the slash and travel through the air, aiming for Cu Chulainn. Lancer dodged the strike, shouting "Dangerous! What is this ability?"

Illya raised Excalibur overhead again and replied, "Burst Air. Something Saber never used because it cost too much prana." She shot waves after waves of magical energy towards Lancer. Something she was used to, with her experience with Kaleidostick Ruby.

Illya used Excalibur because the blunt practice sword would not be able to withstand the vast amount of prana charged into it. And Excalibur's nature was to act as a conduit of mana. Illya could send energy blades again and again without worrying about the sword breaking.


Lancer was running around for his life while Illya tried her new move. The goal of practicing Prana Burst was forgotten. Rider evacuated to a distant place. She impassively watched as the desert was wrecked and explosions happened.

"I will stop Lady Einzbern when it was time for breakfast..." Rider murmured.

However, Illya stopped her rampage earlier than expected.

Using Prana Burst, she tried a high-level technique of coating herself in dense mist of mana. Because of her inexperience, the swirling mana cloud tore her clothes, making her bare naked.




iriya_campione Oct 18

Hello Everyone! This is Iriya. Nice to meet you all. Follow me to get updated info about me, OK?


Iriya iriya_campione Oct 18

My first announcement! I hereby declare Japan as my turf. Anyone trespassing and making trouble there will be killed.


Iriya iriya_campione Oct 18

Please contact the Hitstore Compile Commit organization if you want to travel to Japan.


Iriya iriya_campione Oct 18

HCC. あなたたちは今から私の末輩です. (HCC. From now on you are my underling)


I Call Dibs!

18th October 2016, 08.05, Hotel dining room, Las Vegas

Alice POV

I, Alice Louise of Navarre, was a genius. My plan had worked flawlessly.

First, I successfully escaped from Britain without anyone following me. It was a necessity because I would be hounded by curious mages and wild Campiones demanding that I answered things about Iriya. However, being able to be free of Miss Ericson's constant nagging was a bonus. I was sure noone could track me, because I hadn't used conventional method of travel. There was no record in airport or immigration anywhere to locate me.

Second, I managed to follow Iriya. I was confident that there would be other juicy information I could discover about her. And I was safe as long as I was beside her. She would protect me. She would... right?

Third, the unexpected benefit. I was not crazy about money, and I had some wealth myself. But it would be a lie to say that I was totally indifferent to it. Everyone liked money, including me. Granted, it took quite large amount of money to make me care about it. But Iriya just casually handed me that kind of money yesterday, all acquired in small time with small effort.

Iriya was a Campione, and according to rumors all of them had absurd luck. At this rate, Iriya would gain a lot of money and become the richest person in the world just by gambling. So what should I do about it?

I should put my own money in wherever Iriya put hers.

She would be the richest, that's fine. But it's okay if I tagged along, right? Earning a small sum was fine. I got a younger body but I couldn't possibly use my old clothes, they're out of fashion! I need to buy newer clothes. Maybe more jewelry! I need money! Hurray for Campione's luck!

So that was my plan for the day. I was a little surprised when Iriya and Cu Chulainn came out from their room looking tired, but they assured me that everything was alright. They just had additional physical activity this morning, or so they claimed.

I pondered about the true reason of Iriya's tired state as I ate my breakfast with Iriya, Cu Chulainn, and another woman that Iriya brought along. Iriya said that since we booked two rooms, we got four breakfast ticket, so it's a waste if the woman didn't eat too. The woman had long violet hair, a mature shapely body, and a glassess that decorated her beautiful face.

Of course I knew that the woman was one of the Heretic God that protected Iriya. She exuded that aura no human could, and she was gorgeous. Her beauty surpassed anything a mortal could have. A pity that she was a Heretic Goddess, if she was a human I would not oppose courting her... wait a minute! Alice! What were you thinking! Inexcuseable, to lust upon Heretic Goddess, no matter how beautiful! Towards the same sex even! It was more acceptable if you pursue Cu Chulainn, your childhood hero in flesh. He was quite dashing... No!

Dangerous. I hope Iriya didn't hide anymore good-looking servants, or I would be seduced easily. To distract my mind from the attractiveness of the two servants, I asked Iriya, "You haven't introduced me to your servant, Your Majesty. What's her name?"

"Hmmp?" Iriya responded with her mouth still full. After swallowing, she replied "Rider? Well, you can call her Rider or Matilda. That's the name on her passport." And then she returned to her food.

Rider? Along with titles like Caster, Lancer, and Archer Iriya had said, I thought that there must be some significance in them. All of them were soldier type? Warrior classification?

"Alice." Iriya addressed me. She looked me in the eyes and asked "Why does Alexandre call himself King of Britain? Who gave him the right?" She didn't shove another food to her mouth and stayed silent, waiting for my answer. Her eyes were squinted and her hands were stilled.

I was momentarily confused with her question. Could it be? I took a deep breath and answer with steady voice. "All Campiones, after their rise to power, were regarded as Kings. They were revered and feared by normal mages, and the Godslayers ruled over them. All mages association would generally obey Campione's order. Anything could be requested by the Kings. In exchange, the Kings only had one duty, which is to fight Heretic Gods."

Iriya tilted her head and widened her eyes. "King? They became kings just like that?"

"Yes. Usually a Campione would exert his or her influence on the local mages association, thereby making the region a Campione inhabit as one's personal kingdom." Alice continued her explanation "Of course, this was unrelated to the mundane government and typically Campiones did not interfere with normal people's politics and government." Iriya was listening attentively.

"There were cases such as Madame Aisha who didn't establish any dominion on her domicile. John Pluto Smith held loose partnership with local Mages in USA. Salvatore Doni was installed as figurehead in Italy. But Cult Leader Luo Hao and Marquis Voban both established their authority upon their respective homeland and ruled as Kings."

At this point Iriya realized something. "Ah! That's why you said something about territory last time when you interviewed me! You're asking if I had made Japan my base!"

She really didn't know, did she? "Yes, exactly. Alexandre who came from England and based his activities there, was naturally called as the King of Britain." Alice finished her explanation.

Iriya looked like she swallowed something bitter. She was silently sulking. I wonder if things were different in her original time. I braved myself to ask, "If I may ask, Lady Iriya. Is it not the same in your homeland? Godslayers are not treated as Kings?" I hid the fact that I already guessed that she came from ancient past.

Iriya looked surprised hearing the question, and she was panic for a moment. Unexpectedly, the one who answered was the violet-haired woman. "Things are different, yes. One may get respect if they killed a Heretic God, but one will not be installed as a king."

"U-uh, yeah. I-I mean, there are Types and Kaleidoscope and White Princess, but they live normally. Not lording over everyone. Y-yeah. Uhh... normal. Ahahaha." Iriya said in rapid pace. I had a hunch that she was hiding something, but I didn't know what. Were those the names of Godslayers of ancient times?

"O-oh! T-that's right! Umm, you said about, that John Pluto is the King of America? Will there be trouble about us visiting this place?" Iriya said. I felt that she was trying to change the topic of conversation.

"No, as long as we don't create trouble." I answered her. I won't let her change the topic so easily! "But Lady Iriya, I had used the title 'Your Majesty' several times to address you. And you accept it like it was normal." I pressed the issue. If she was not treated as king, why did she casually accept that title?

"Th-that's because I thought you knew about my status as a king! I didn't know that these Campiones also claimed to be kings!" Iriya answered. Huh? I got confused by her answer.

The woman called Rider saw my confusion and supplied more information. "Iriya wanted to say that, regardless of how Campiones are treated in magical world, she is already a king. Her kingship is not related to Campione's position in your society. Thus when you addressed her with that title, she assumed that you had seen through her status."

That...that was...unexpected. Then was it true that Iriya had once ruled as a king in ancient era like I hypothesized? There must be a buried history about it!

"Lady Iriya, if you're a king, then where is your land?"

"Land? Uh.. that is... I haven't decided yet..." Iriya answered while entwining her fingers nervously.

"What Iriya said was that she only recently became a king. She hasn't selected the land that she wanted to rule." Rider spoke again. That became more confusing. Only recently?

"But how can you become a King without land to rule?" I asked again.

"Because I received Divine Right! Divine Providence! The Proof of Kingship!" Iriya said with gusto.

This time, Cu Chulainn was the one who explained Iriya's words. "Well, King Arthur received his right to rule Britain after he pulled out the sword from the stone. At that time he still did not have any land, nor did he have any subjects. But the sword selected him, thus he was the king. Something like that."

Of course, I was not satisfied and asked if I could see this Proof. After we finished breakfast, we went to Iriya's room and then she showed me several swords.

One of the sword was Gram, the sword pulled out from the tree, the same one I already saw before. Others were swords of the similar nature, all involving a theme of 'selection'. And then Iriya pulled out another sword, one that was exquisitely made.

My Spirit Vision activated. I knew the name of this sword. Caliburn, the sword pulled out from the stone. The one sword which selected the King of Britain. How could Iriya have this sword? Was this the reason why Iriya was annoyed at Alexandre who claimed the title of King of Britain?

There were a dozen sword, all of them 'Proof of Kingship'. They were all laid on the table, silently confirming Iriya's statement. Iriya looked at me and said, "I see that you have seen the nature of this swords. I don't need to explain. This is why I am a king."

I could understand what Iriya was saying. By owning the 'Proof of Kingship', one became a king.

Iriya was thoughtful for a moment and revised her statement. "That's actually inaccurate. I am a king, therefore these treasures became mine! Yeah, that must be it. They're attracted to my kingly spirit and end up in my possesion."

By this time I was already used to Iriya spouting absurd declaration one after another, so I didn't react in flustered manner like before. I said to Iriya, "You have been interacting with mages association without knowing your own standing in their eyes?"

Iriya looked astonished hearing my question. "That's right! That Grandma in Japan also called me 'Majesty' and I dismissed it, thinking her old age granted the ability to see through someone's status. So that's what really happened!" She put the swords back to her strange portal.

Cu Chulainn then said, "What a pity. If we knew about that, we could demand all sort of things from them. For example, booze! And those pretty hime-mikos..."

Iriya responded to him, "We won't satisfy your perverted delusion Lancer! We should order them to collect all the newest game and anime for my use instead!"

I apologize to you, History Compilation Committee, it seemed that I have unleashed a demon that will devour you.

Iriya had not finished. "Hey, you said that I can order anything and they have no choice to obey, right? Then I would like them to rebuild my castle."

On second thought, better you than me. Wait a minute, her castle?

"Excuse me, ...Miss Iriya." Rider said. "I believe that Miss Alice here previously said something about staking a claim to a region first? Is that right, Miss Alice?"

I replied. "Yes, typically the Campiones took residence first and then establish influence in that area."

Rider asked again, "Would you please list the region that already claimed by other Campiones as their territory?"

I quickly listed Britain, Italy, Eastern Europe, United States of America, and China as the official territory of the existing Godslayers. "Japan had no King as far as we know. In this case, since you lived in Japan, then naturally you should claim it and the History Compilation Committee would be your subordinates." I pray for your spirits, Japanese mages, may your souls rest in peace.

Iriya looked deflated. "Ugh. I made that mistake in that interview. I should've said that Japan is my territory. Can we revise it?"

Hell no! "I'm sorry Your Majesty, the draft was already sent and it was being printed right now." Do you know what trouble I got through and how troublesome it was to hastily publish that!

Iriya laid her head on the table and whined. "Uuuu I don't have time machine. I need to correct that mistake. I wish I could make an announcement to the world... should I hijack a TV Station..."

Please don't. That would be troublesome in so many levels.

After preventing some calamitous proposal such as appearing in giant hologram in the air to announce her claim or carving her face to a mountain side, I finally approved Iriya's idea. It was a simple and normal way that a public figure usually used. Through a social media account. She immediately made one and announced her claim of Japan as her turf.

I felt that I had done a good deed today. Let's reward myself. With that thought I followed Iriya to visit another Casino.


Iriya iriya_campione Oct 18

Today I played a little card game. It was quite fun.


It is okay as long as you don't get caught. Aschente!

18th October 2016, 10.15, Las Vegas. A Certain Casino

Rider was in spirit form, observing Illya who was gambling. Illya. That name was unfamiliar for her, she used to call her Lady Einzbern or Illyasviel. However, this morning Illya insisted that she called her by her nickname. Something about they're already close enough to do away with formality.

Lancer was playing around by himself. Alice was standing behind Illya, observing the game. She had good senses, so obviously she knew what were Illya and Rider doing.

Illya was using illusion magic to disguise herself as an adult. First she played for a while in a game of dice throwing. After she racked up enough winning, she got bored and moved to the table for poker game. She had already looked up the rules online and after she observed for some time, she joined the game.

"Bet." One certain player put his chips on the table. The other players responded in either folding or matching the bet. "Fold." "Call." "Fold"

Illya matched the bet and put her chips to the betting box. "Call." She was smiling and looked confident.

The other player was bluffing and put more chips to bet. He only had 'Three of a kind'. Why did Rider know about it? Of course it's because she was standing behind him.

Rider was walking around the table to peek at the other players' cards, and using telepathy to inform Illya. Actually that was unnecessary, because Illya could see through her eyes. With her in spirit form and invisible, nobody could detect her. Except Alice, who was doing her best not to facepalm all this time.

Finally, it was time to show cards. "Here. Three of a kind. What do you got, young lady?" The other player said.

Illya put down her card face up and said, "'Four of a kind'. My win."

"I-impossible. There's no way you are that lucky. Before you got 'full house' and a 'straight', and now you got 'four of a kind'?" The other player yelled.

Illya's lucky streak still continued in poker. She only told Rider to check other player cards to make sure that she would definitely win. That's why she was undeterred when this certain player made a bluff. She knew exactly what kind of card he held.

"Well, today is just my lucky day. Ehehehe." Illya giggled innocently. "I am in need of some new clothes. Let's play until I got enough to buy a lot!"

Obviously, Illya made a lot of money after that. People were gathering around and joined the game, intent on beating her. All were defeated. Their money was added to Illya's growing possession.

After she got bored, Illya left the table. Alice followed her and whispered, "Lady Iriya, you didn't play according to the rules."

"Rules?" Illya said. "I am the rules. Bwahahaha. Rule Breaker!"


Iriya iriya_campione Oct 19

Today my good karma manifested! I found money laying around!


There are some things money can't buy. For everything else...

19th October 2016, 15.12, Las Vegas. Another Unfortunate Casino

Illya POV

I was skipping as I approached the casino cashier. Lancer was behind me, carrying the chips I won. Alice followed behind him, carrying her own chips that she somehow won. Rider and Berserker followed me in spirit form, constantly guarding me. Today was another productive day and I already amass enough money to live in luxury for a while. Maybe I could build my own castle? Let's build one in Tokyo! Rather than buying an ordinary house like Archer-oniichan had planned, I prefer to get a big castle like I used to have.

After this, I would like to try something. Yesterday Alice had shown me another genre of movies. The realistic war movies, where the soldiers were using conventional weapons and military vehicles. It would be wonderful if I could try piloting that Fighter Airplane. Or riding in those tanks. They were not as great as Noble Phantasm, but I thought that they could be fun. Maybe I could take one each to increase my collection.

I had arrived at the cashier and told the woman there to exchange my chips, while Alice went to another counter to exchange hers. But after a while, the woman said "I apologize for the inconvenience, but we don't have enough money to exchange for your chips here." Huh?

Well, to be fair, the amount of chips we won was a lot.

The woman then gestured and two men in black suit appeared. "These gentlemen will escort you to another location where you can get your money. Please follow them." The men bowed and walked to a certain direction, and then stopped. They looked behind and waited, expecting us to follow.

Alice hurriedly finished her transaction and ran up to me. "What happened?" she asked. She didn't won as much money as me.

'Illya' Rider telepathically said. 'Those men are mages.'

I walked to the direction of the men in black suit, and they started to walk ahead. "They will bring us to the place where we can get my money. Apparently the cashier didn't store much money." I answered Alice.

Alice frowned and then she whispered to my ears. "That's impossible. They're lying. Even if you bring too many chips that the cashier didn't have enough money to exchange, they should have taken the money to the cashier, not the other way around."

"Oh. That confirms it." I said with low voice. "These men want to do something bad to us." I walked confidently following them.

Alice was momentarily confused by my lack of caution, but she soon calmed down. She glanced at Lancer who was casually walking behind us, and her expression relaxed. That's right. With three Servants following me, what could anyone do?

'Five men were behind us. They are all mages.' Rider reported. No matter. Even if they brought a hundred mages, it didn't make any difference.

Soon, we arrived at our destination. It was located underground. We were in a room next to a big vault. "This is the casino vault, where most of the money kept." One of the men in black suit said. "But you will not get any, you cheater."

"Huh?" I said as a respond. I was confused. Why did he say that I was a cheater?

"Don't pretend that you don't understand." The other man said. "You used magic to cheat. We detected magic used from your location. That absurd winning is the proof!"

Huh? I only used illusion to fake my age though. Could it be, these mages were so incompetent that they couldn't differentiate the type of spell used?

The five men following us had arrived and blocked the only exit. The first man continued speaking "It's too bad for you, this casino also employ mages as security, unlike most of other casinos. You won't believe how many mages that have the same idea, using their magic to cheat and make quick money in this city."

He still had not ordered his friends to capture us. Truly a small fry, he liked to gloat and having a long speech to stroke his ego. But it's getting boring. I gave a signal, and my two Servants quickly incapacitated them. I didn't order Berserker, he was not good at holding back.

After putting all seven of them to the side of the room, I was now faced with another problem. My money. First, I don't know the exact amount of money I need to get. I didn't ask the staff at the cashier. Don't blame me, there were too many chips you know! Second, the money was inside the vault. So, what to do?

Oh well. Not my fault.

I approached the locked vault and took a golden key from Gate of Babylon. It was as big as a normal sword, and I grabbed it by its handle. It was the Key of the King's Law, Bab-ilu. The key that could unlock any door as long as it has a lock. I raised it to touch the vault's door.

Alice was observing me attentively, curious on what will I do. I should put on a show and said something cool. But what kind of incantation I should say? I couldn't think of anything until I remembered a certain word from a certain franchise.

"Alohomora!" I said and touch the vault with the key.

The vault opened. Alice's mouth also opened wide. I smirked and entered the vault.

Inside it, there was a lot of money. A lot. I got dizzy trying to calculate the amount on money here, so let's just wrap things up. I opened the Gate of Babylon and told Lancer and Rider to put everything inside.

'Hmm, this can be more productive than gambling all day. I wonder if other casino also had something like this.' I thought while waiting for my Servants.

But one thing was certain. I could unlock any door. That meant, my plan for tonight would be a success. I just need to know where...

"Alice." I turned around and spoke to her. "Do you know of any military facility around here?"

"Eh? Military?" She was taken by surprise. "I don't know. Well, usually when I want to search for something I look it up online."

"Hm? Internet can do that?"

"Yes. Didn't you use the GPS navigation before, when flying from London to Las Vegas? If you search in the online map, it will show the nearest restaurant, hotels, hospital, and others. Maybe if you search military base, they would be shown too?" Alice said.

I took out my smartphone and tried her suggestion. It's true, the online map showed several spots called 'air base', 'army base', etc. I thought that it could only display cities. Truly, how far had technology advanced!

I smiled to Alice and said, "Good work. Now I need to know another thing. When Alexandre Gascoigne stole something, how did he claim responsibility? What kind of word did he use?"


Truly wonderful, the mind of a child is.

21st October 2016, 14. 27, Las Vegas
. Hotel Room

Pulling a heist was so easy when you had a lot of powerful items. Item that could make you invisible, key that could unlock any door, veil that made everyone ignored you, flying shoes, unlimited item box, and super flying vehicle to escape. And don't forget Servants who could freely enter spirit form and phased through the wall.

Illya had taken things from United States and Russian military bases. But there were no news about that on TV or newspaper. Maybe they were embarassed and issued a gag order? Well, Illya would take some things from European countries next. She needed to complete her collection by taking each type produced by different countries.

But now, Illya was bored. Really, things were exciting before when Alice suddenly stopped recommending war movies and switched to science fiction genre. Illya was enjoying the movies a lot. After watching a movie that began with 'A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...', Illya got excited and produced a lightsabre from Gate of Babylon and tried swinging it around.

However, the sight of Illya imitating a Jedi broke something in Alice. She promptly excused herself and retreated to her room. Illya didn't know what made her so upset. Maybe she thought Illya was more similar to a Sith? Impossible, Illya thought. She was the epitome of goodness.

Illya didn't have a chance to explain that her sword was not a real lightsabre. It was something similar called 'Sword of Light'. It had a Mystery that produced Light energy as its blade. Its hilt design was also totally different and it didn't make the same sound when Illya swung it.

Without Alice accompanying her, she didn't feel like watching movies anymore. She browsed the online map searching for something interesting. 'Casino... casino... resort... swimming pool... hmm where is the nearest beach?'

She zoomed out the map to search for the sea. 'Huh, Los Angeles? Isn't that the place where John Pluto Smith lives in?'

"Lancer, if I ask you where to find John Pluto Smith, what can you tell me?"


Iriya iriya_campione Oct 21

The force is with me, I am one with the force.


There is no way my little sister is this ...

21st October 2016, 15.34, Los Feliz, Samatha University

In the room of Humanities Faculty, Foreign Language Department, a certain professor's office. A young Caucasian woman and an old African American man was having a conversation.

"They are becoming more active lately." The woman, Annie Charlton, said while spreading some documents on the table. The papers showed information about [Lord of the Flies], a criminal organization in America's supernatural underworld.

"These are very detailed work." Professor Joe West said. "Are these the work of Jack Milburn, your SSI contacts?"

"Yes! He is a very competent man! I am happy that we can work together like this!" Annie said with gushing excitement. Professor West smiled wryly. It was not a secret that Annie had a romantic crush on Jack.

They went back to the matter at hand. The organization [Lord of the Flies] served Divine Ancestor Asherah. Its ultimate goal was to revive Asherah back as Heretic Goddess. John Pluto Smith had defeated the organization several times but it always survived and returned each time. Now, the sign had pointed to the speculation that they had gotten close to their goal. The discussion lasted for a while, until finally they reached an impasse.

Annie sighed. "Hmm this is troubling."

Professor West also groaned, "True, this is the most troubling thing in recent years."

"Hmm, is that so?" A third voice said.

Annie and Professor West jumped out from their spot and looked at the direction of the voice. A person was there. They couldn't identify this person. No, it was more that they couldn't perceive this person's appearance. The only things that could be understood were that she is a little girl, short, and female.

"Wh-who are you?" Annie questioned in panic. "H-how can you g-get in?"

The office was currently surrounded by magical barrier to prevent anyone entering or eavesdropping. It was a standard procedure they used when discussing supernatural. No normal human would be able to enter. And mages couldn't get in without alerting Annie or Professor West. They should be alerted when a mage breached the barrier.

"I entered through the door?" The young girl said with puzzled tone.

"Wh-why didn't I notice you?" Professor West stuttered.

"Oh, that?" The girl said with mischievous tone. "I wanted to knock on the door but you seemed to be in a serious discussion, so I didn't want to interrupt. So I walked in and waited for a chance to surprise you. Ehehehe." She giggled.

"Uh-oh... Then. Wh-what is your business here, little lady?" Professor West regained his calm and asked.

The young girl took out a paper stuck to a stiff board. "I came to get an autograph." She turned to Annie and presented the paper to Annie. "Please give me your autograph, Mister John Pluto Smith!"

If anyone who knew Annie saw her right now, they would not believe their eyes. The usually cold and rational woman was now gaping like a fish, her body was frozen still. Her eyes opened wide, staring at the little girl. Her face paled and her body freezed.

"I-I-I a-am not, I mean, wh-who who is John Pluto, no... , I said I don't know, no, I am not... I am not John..."

The little girl looked curiously at Annie who was stuttering like a broken record. She tilted her head and said, "Well, you are obviously John Pluto Smith."

Annie entered a state of panic. Someone unknown had breached their base and revealed her true identity. Dangerous. Her first instinct was to eliminate the threat.

Suddenly other presences were detected in the room. Annie's head immediately turned to the presence and saw two persons that were not there before. A blue-haired man in Hawaiian shirt and a violet-haired woman in blindfold and tight black outfit. They held a suspicious cloth, a magical artifact. It was probably the one used to make them invisible until now.

'That woman, the one from the video? Iriya Rangers?'

"I would not threaten her if I were you, missy." The man said. "Her guardian would be crossed with you."

Annie detected a third presence, still invisible, beside the man. Something far more powerful than the man and the woman. Not to say that the man and the woman were not powerful, they were quite dangerous themselves.

'Then, that means... this girl here is...' By logical deduction, Annie had guessed the identity of the mysterious young girl. "You are Iriya?" Annie tried to ask.

"Un. I am. You've heard of me?" The girl answered cavalierly. Annie replied, "Yes, I have heard of you, in a way."

"That's great! No need for introduction!" Iriya said in cheerful tone. "Now please sign this!"

Annie took the paper and signed her autograph mechanically. After she returned it she asked, "How did you find out that I am John Pluto Smith?" Even gods and Campiones didn't know and couldn't discover her secret identity even when they meet her in her normal persona.

"Huh? I just knew? It's obvious?" Iriya said in puzzled tone after she stored the paper somewhere (into thin air if Annie didn't imagine anything). But soon she got excited. "You mean I am the only one who knows? Yay!" She was bouncing in delight. And then she turned to Professor West. "Does he know too or should I erase his memory?"

"He knows!" Annie instantly shouted.

"Oh..." Iriya was thoughtful for a moment. "But it was a secret? I got your secret identity?" Iriya took out her smartphone, and before Annie was aware of what she was doing, Iriya had taken her photo.

"Big scoop! The mysterious hero in costume is actually a young woman! Does she have a weird hobby of crossdressing?" Iriya said while taking another photo.

Annie stiffened hearing that. This was bad. Her secret was in danger of being exposed.

'If I take her out now...'


Annie wanted to take hostile action to erase the photo, but a roar stopped her. A black giant materialized in the room and glared at her, daring her to step forward. 'The Subordinate God Hercules?'

"Stand down Berserker." Iriya calmly ordered. "What is your name, anyway?" She asked Annie.

But she didn't have a chance to answer. The man in Hawaiian shirt had taken a look around at the room and answered before she did. "Annie Charlton. A graduate student under Professor Joe West. I assume the professor is you?" He directed that question to Professor West who could only nod.

He had taken a look at her personal belongings without her noticing!

"So..." Iriya said in slow, dark tone. "I am in possession of a prime blackmail material concerning one of the rulers of supernatural world. Oh what should I do with it..." Iriya smiled like a devil.

What to do? If she sacrificed the university building, she could get her smartphone somehow...

"If you try anything, I will upload your photo to twitter and announce your identity." Iriya declared.

She had been checkmated. Annie got a feeling that Iriya was dangerous. Her instinct screamed at her to avoid battle, because even without her protectors Iriya could defeat her. And in this four against one situation, the odds were highly stacked against her.

"Oh don't make a face like that, I'm only joking" Iriya waved her hand. "Besides, heroes stand together and protect each other identity. So, because I am also a hero, I won't do something like exposing you."

Annie was still cautious. But it seemed Iriya didn't intent on exposing her. But what was this talk about being hero? Was she another delusional individual playing hero?

"So, Annie... what should I call you? Hmm... how old are you?" Iriya suddenly asked.

"Um.. Twenty seven." Annie answered. Iriya was delighted to hear this and said, "I am ten years old, so you are older. Yay, I got myself an older sister!"

"Eeeh?" Annie perplexed. "Why do I become an older sister?"

"Obviously! Both of us are adopted by Pandora. So you are my adopted sibling. I will call you Older Sister [Onee-sama], and you can call me Iriya! Just think of me as your little sister!"

Well, it is better than being blackmailed. Annie thought. She quickly voiced her agreement and tried to speak pleasantly to Iriya. And then Iriya headed to the table and perused the documents laying on it.

"You got trouble? Want me to help?" Iriya suddenly offered her assistance. True, with another Campione it would boost our power. Iriya said again, "I could kill everyone in this list and everyone related and the boss."

'On second thought, I think we are alright without her,' Annie thought. What kind of diabolic method she would use, Annie didn't want to know.

Iriya was dissapointed after Annie declined her offer, but then she bounced back and mentioned something about busy doing a personal project, so she couldn't spare the time anyway. After exchanging contact information with Annie, Iriya left. She said something about playing on the beach while the sun was still shining.

Annie slumped on the chair, mentally exhausted. Professor West also did the same. He said to Annie, "Congratulations on gaining a little sister."

Annie tiredly replied, "Shut up. Check your barrier."

"It was still there. Perfect without any crack. How did she do it?"

"Don't know. By the way, what did she say in the end? I didn't quite catch it."

"She said, I will be nearby for a while, so I will come to play again later"

"Oh F #&%"


Iriya iriya_campione Oct 21

I met with JPS and got his autograph! So cool!


The Return of the King

24th October 2016, 18.12. Twenty thousand feet above Atlantic Ocean. On board Air Force One.

Illya was in a good mood. She was sitting on co-pilot seat of the Air Force One. This was one fine airplane. The technology inside looked cool even if she didn't understand most of them. The seat and other facilities were comfortable. She was swinging her legs and enjoying the outside scenery.

Everything was going along fine, in her opinion. She had heard enough of Alexandre's method and his stylish letter. Using that, she had pinned the blame of her theft to Alexandre. Nations would start hunting him down. Illya knew that there was little chance they could capture him, but it would distract him. A hunted man couldn't create trouble and preferred to lay low.

And as a bonus, she had acquired a lot of baubles. For example, this airplane she was riding. Illya had dragged Alice and they tried riding it to cross the Atlantic. She didn't know why Alice was suddenly depressed after they stole the Air Force One, but Illya was sure a night flight would cheer her up. As a pilot, Medusa had enough riding skill to ride any vehicle from this era. She had no problem operating the airplane.

The radio was annoying though. Someone was shouting and threatening about something, so Illya told Rider to shut it off.

"Young Lady, we need to talk." Lancer said. He was standing in the cockpit between pilot seat and co-pilot seat. Alice was resting inside a cabin somewhere and Berserker was in spirit form nearby.

"Yes, Lancer?" Illya replied, a bit curious. What did he want to talk about?

"I think it is time we summon Archer and Saber back. It's already enough time, right?" Lancer said in serious tone. Illya wanted to argue against it, but she didn't have any good reason.

And then Lancer said, "I think it's good if you do it now inside the plane. Why, what is better to welcome a king than this airplane?"

Illya asked Rider opinion, and she said "I agree that this is an airplane fit for a king. Saber would be pleased." But Illya didn't see Rider and Lancer secretly exchanging glances.

After some discussion where Lancer assured Illya that Archer would be happy with a lot of money she had gained, and Saber with their new luxury airplane, finally Illya agreed. Lancer and Illya left the cockpit and warned Alice not to enter a certain cabin. In fact, she should stay in her room and not coming out at all.

Illya used the Presidential Suite for the Summoning. This time, she didn't bother with the ritual and quickly summoned Archer and Saber.

"Ah, Archer! Saber!" Lancer exclaimed. "How good it is to finally see you two!" Wow, he exaggerated the gesture much. Illya didn't know that they were close. They were mortal enemies before, right?

"I feel that there is something behind that." Archer snarkily remarked. Saber also nodded. "True, it is uncharacteristic of him. I suppose it has something to do with where we are?" Saber said while looking around. The newly summoned Servants immediately noticed that they were in the air.

Archer put his right hand to the wall and chanted, "Trace on." He used structural grasp on the airplane. His face showed a mixture of surprise, awe, horror, and disbelief in rapid pace. "Boeing 747-8 VIP... Modified exclusively for only one purpose... The Air Force One! What the..."

"What is it? Are we in danger?" Saber asked. She looked around and asked again, "Where is Rider?"

Lancer answered, "She is piloting this airplane. And for your earlier question, yes I have ulterior motive. I was hoping you could rein the Young Lady. Without the two of you around, she got carried away."

'What!' Illya thought. "Lancer! So all this time, you think of betraying me?"

Lancer shrugged. "You have gone overboard. And without any real planning or clear direction. This is for your own good."

"Oooh." Saber drawled. "Do tell. What exactly did she do?", she said while smiling in scary way.

Illya could only slumped on the couch and stayed silent as Lancer spilled everything. From the interview, the gambling, the theft, making Alexandre as scapegoat, and stealing the most famous airplane owned by the leader of the most powerful nation in the world. Archer was facepalming hard in the corner.

"So..." Saber turned to Illya. "You carelessly accept interview from unknown person you just met and reveal things that are supposed to be secret?" She scarily smiled.


"And what about the History Compilation Committee? After you killed Circe, did you contact them to inform the news?"

"Hiiii. I-I forgot."

"And then you got addicted to gambling?"

Illya denied it. "Nonsense. I just played around. And I always win."

Lancer interrupted. "Nope, I have seen the symptoms before. People with issues usually got drowned in alcohol, or indulging in over-eating, or in gambling. Addiction is a problem, Young Lady, even if you win all the time. And I see the signs."

"I am not!" Illya vehemently denied.

Saber spoke again. "We will address that issue later. We will discuss the more urgent ones. You brought along a stranger?"

"Alice is my follower, I mean, my friend!" Illya shouted.

"And then you pick fight with one of the most influential people in supernatural world? Without any clear plan?" Saber continued.

"I... I-I do have a plan. Steal a lot of weapons and blame him!" Illya said with wavering voice.

"Not good enough. I admit that was quite clever. It was not a bad idea. To devise such a scheme is something I expect from someone I trained." Saber said.

"Ehh?" Illya was puzzled. "Then what is the problem?"

"Your attacks are not powerful enough. Not bold enough. If you do a preemptive strike, you must ensure that the enemy will not be able to get back up and retaliate in the future." Saber declared.

"What? I must be more aggressive?" Illya expressed her thoughts.

"Yes. But your time is up. I will take command from now on. You will not do anything. Keep quiet and let us handle this."

"What? It's a rebellion! Archer, take out these two traitors!" Illya said in panic.

"Archer." Saber addressed the Servant of the Bow. "You're with me?"

EMIYA just shrugged and said to Illya, "I follow the reasonable one. Sorry, Illya." Illya collapsed to the couch and gave up.

"Lancer." Arturia turned to the blue-haired Servant. "You said something about a new Servant?"

Lancer briefly described the stone he took from museum and the Heroic Spirit associated with it. Archer also added his own knowledge. After deliberating for some time, Saber told Illya, "I will show you how a king wage war." Illya's spirit got back and her eyes sparkled again.

Saber pronounced her first command. "Take out the catalyst and let's find a suitable location. We will summon Caster."


Iriya iriya_campione Oct 24

To Hitsory Complete Comicket, I am sorry I forgot to report back. Gomennasai.



~~~ Le Monde Newspaper Headline, 26th October 2016



1. Timeline

It was confirmed in Fate Grand Order Anime that the Fifth Holy Grail War happened around 30th January 2004

Illya's arrival to the new world coincided with Tokyo Game Show, as evidenced by the advertisement in the newspaper. TGS 2016 happened on 15th-18th September.

16th October was Sunday, hence Sarah Williams going shopping in the morning because it's the day off, not schooldays.

2. Trivia

The mathematical folklore stated previously referred to 'One Grain Of Rice'.

The novel about 12 year old girl who became a king referred to 'The Wings of Aspiration / Tonan no Tsubasa', The fifth novel of the 'Twelve Kingdoms / Juuni Kokki' light novel series.

Flame Alchemist, Roy Mustang, from Fullmetal Alchemist.

3. Things not in GoB

I really need a list of things not included in it. Excalibur, Rule Breaker, Rhongomyniad, Kazıklı Bei, Lord Camelot, Avalon, and things that were made by 'concept' long after he lived.

Thinking about it was harder than thinking what is included. Even Bamboo-copter was included in it, you know. Everything that humanity will eventually create, it has prototype in it.

4. Illya's gambling addiction

Yes, Illya had issues. Being told to die, abandoned by parents, participating in battle royale killing each other, died, revived, and transported to another world. Suddenly got ultimate power. Of course there will be psychological issues.

5. What is Illya's original elemental affinity?
Because it is never stated in canon, I will take creative liberty
A reviewer said that because she is basically a clone of Justeaze Lizrich von Einzbern who is said to be archmagus, so it's reasonable to think that she is an Average One, having all five standard elements.

And with wishcraft, she could use all element by pumping more prana. So I don't think there is a problem with Illya using all elements.
So for now the SB and SV thread has caught up to FF. I have run out of written materials

Next I will revisit the earlier chapters and try to polish and rewrite them, fixing grammar, and handing them to my beta

If you have any suggestion or critique please let me know

I will write the next chapter after I finished polishing existing chapters
I always approve when someone tries and writes a FSN fic.

Now, tell me. Did you read God Slaying Blade Works, by Marcus Galen Sands ? He's kind of the guy who had the FSN x Campione idea first. And his story is really, really good.
Illya will summon Heretic God as a Caster, won't she?:lol
Alice will ruin her own health, by starting drinking at this tender age, too.
16. Know your enemy
Disclaimer: I do not own Fate/ stay night, Campione, or their related franchise.


Ch. 16. Know Your Enemy

People often asked me, "Why did you decide to stay beside Iriya?"

Many would call it stupid, as I would be exposed to more danger without any real benefit to myself and my organization. Many were under the misunderstanding that I was forced against my will, or that I did it because of a sense of obligation after Iriya healed me. All of them were wrong.

It was true that I had a feeling of gratitude, but that alone was not enough to make me stay beside her. I was not forced, instead I offered myself to go with her.

One minor reason was that I had not finished investigating Iriya's identity, and I was still curious. Another minor reason was that I wanted to be in the front seat to witness history. I knew that I stood at the crossroad of history when I was interviewing her.

However, the real reason, the major reason why I decided to stay beside Iriya was solely because of my survival instinct. I desperately wanted to live. With the upcoming conflict on the horizon, I had to ensure my safety. Many interested parties would try to interrogate me to gain information on Iriya, as I was the only person ever got close and talk to her and that would be quite troublesome. They would fight over me, dragging me around battlefield, and I could be killed as collateral damage or by a stray bullet.

If I would be involved either way, I preferred to stay in the winning camp. The safest place would be beside the victorious camp's leader. The strongest contender. The one who would not interrogate me. I placed my bet on Iriya based on my instinct. That's the real reason.

~~~ Excerpt from Alice Louise Autobiography, 'Memories of the Kings'


24th October 2016. 23.07 Local Time. On board Air Force One.

Alice recognized the situation she was in. This was undoubtedly an interrogation.

'Remind me again why I am following Iriya around?' Alice spoke to herself as she sat face to face with a woman introduced as Astoria.

They were now inside the conference room aboard the Air Force One, flying to an unknown destination. Astoria was sitting at the head of the table, with Iriya sitting on her right. Cu Chulainn was sitting far to Astoria's right. And on Astoria's left was a tanned man with white hair. The newcomers were all wearing modern clothes.

A famliar presence was standing behind Iriya, staying invisible. Alice guessed that this one was the third Heretic God that always followed Iriya, the one that never showed his face. The Heretic Goddess called Rider was piloting the airplane. With that, all five Heretic Gods that served Iriya were accounted. At least, she showed five in the video.

So why did she felt that there was another one?

Her instinct screamed at her. Another one was in the room. She held back from moving her head and eyes and keep her eyes trained to Astoria. 'Dangerous. I can't detect its presence at all.' Only her clairvoyance and superior instinct told her that something was there. However, she couldn't detect anything beyond that, not even its general location. It could be sitting next to her without her knowing.

"I am sorry for calling you like this." Astoria said. "I am merely curious about what sort of friend Iriya had got during our absence." She said the word 'friend' with odd tone.

"O-of course, i-it's no problem!" Alice replied. Her voice trembled and she squeezed her hands, trying to be calm. 'This is scary. I felt like facing a lion king.' Astoria exuded a sense of regality, an aura of confidence that Alice had never seen before. It was like seeing those kings in fairy tale come to life.

"You may call me Saber in private. In public venue, you call me Astoria or Sheiffer." Astoria said. She gestured to the man beside her. "And this man is called Archer. In public you call him Eimiah Archanam. Understand?"

Alice nodded while her mind was busy thinking. 'Saber? A sword user? Archer means bow and arrow user. All the Heretic Gods were classified into a class?'

She had expected to see more Heretic God servants. When Iriya had taken her for evening flight, all of a sudden she instructed Alice not to come out of her room. And because of that, she grew suspicious when a gigantic surge of magical energy literally exploded nearby from somewhere inside the airplane. When she was still dizzy from feeling the magical energy, a second wave hit her.

Immediately, she became aware of two more Heretic God presence inside the airplane. It seemed that Iriya summoned two more Heretic Gods. After that Lancer came by and strictly warned her not to leave the room and not to leave the airplane. The Air Force One landed somewhere unknown, but Alice could see it was a sandy desert. Iriya and her servants all get off from it and headed to the wasteland.

Alice could sense that another surge of magical energy happened. After that, something that disturbed the mana around the area happened, but she could not sense anything further than that. It seemed that the area where Iriya and her servants was working was masked by a barrier. After waiting close to two hours, finally Iriya and her servants were back. Rider quickly control the airplane to leave the area.

Lancer then went to Alice's room and told her that she was summoned. Which led to the current situation.

Alice didn't know if what Iriya had said about her servants taking the day off was true or not. By the look of Iriya's terrified expression, it was likely that she was lying. Iriya looked like a chastised child in front of her parents. Come to think of it, speaking of parents...

"Uh... Which one of you is her older brother?" Alice directed the question to the servants in the room.

All eyes turned to Eimiah, except the tanned man's eyes, of course.

"Hmm.." Eimiah said. "Yes, well you could say that I am. What of it?"

Alice scrutinized Eimiah more closely. It was certain that he was inhuman. He was weaker than most Heretic Gods that she had encountered before, but there was no doubt that his body was unnatural. A material body formed from mana, his existence was actually closer to spirits. Then, his legend...


Alice's mind were filled with images of countless swords. Swords of many shapes, many color, many lands, many styles, all of them flashed in her mind rapidly.

'His body is made out of swords'

In her mind was a man. The same man, Eimiah, now dressed in red and black. His back was pierced by many swords. He was hunched from the injuries, his shoulders stooped low. He was standing on a hill on a wasteland filled with innumerable swords, watching the eternal sunset.

"...Unknown to Death..." Alice involuntary said. "Hggggh..." She gasped for breath. The vision had taxed her body and her breath involuntary halted when she received it.

Eimiah narrowed his eyes. He now regarded her as potential threat. It seemed that he didn't like anyone who could see his nature. 'With that kind of history, of course he will!'

Alice didn't see all of it, but what she had seen was enough. The man in front of her was not human. She stared at him with fear. 'He is made of swords, he can replicate swords, but he is Sword. Unfeeling, uncaring, forged in fire. Made for a purpose, wielded for the sake of others. Striving for an ideal, killing for that ideal. Kill, kill, kill. The greatest happiness for the greatest number. Sacrificing minority for the majority. Kill, kill, kill. Forever killing in eternity, guarding humanity from itself.

A guardian. A killer. A monster.'

What kind of god was he? Alice had never heard of a god that fit that description.

"Archer, stop scaring Alice!" Iriya scolded. "She was asking me about my guardian and I told her that my older brother took care of me."

"Yeah well..." Eimiah lifted his hand to his chin. "Maybe I should formally adopt you. What with all the things happening. It would close the legal loophole if anyone tried to do something."

"Adoption?" Iriya pondered. And then she got excited. "I will be onii-chan's daughter! Oh oh! I will also be Saber's daughter!" She punched her right fist to her left palm, shouting "Oh! That would make me Saber's legitimate heir! I will be the Princess of Britain!"

"Saber's daughter?" I involuntary asked.

"Yes! Saber is Archer's wife! They have all the legal papers and stuff! That means if Archer adopt me, Saber will be my mother." Iriya bounced up and down, speaking rapidly. "I will be a royalty! With my last name as 'von Britannia'!"

'Huh? Huh? Princess? Britain? What? That's impossible! Except if Astoria is of Britain's royal family...' Alice thought furiously.

Alice spontaneously stared at Astoria who was now smiling wryly. She had pink cheek and fidgeting a little while taking an embarassed glance at Eimiah. It looked like a shy maiden at marriage arrangement meeting, not a wife. Meanwhile, Eimiah, or Archer as the other called him, had a resigned look facing Iriya's proclamation.

Was Astoria a goddess related to Britain? Or was she a legendary princess recorded in the myth? Her spirit vision activated and...

An image of a golden sword. Caliburn. She had seen Iriya showed the same sword.

An image of blue-gold scabbard. One she had seen before when Iriya healed her.

An image of another sword. Excalibur.

'King Arthur. The Once and Future King of Britain. The King of Knights. No-no-no. It can't be. King Arthur is female?' Alice's mind entered overdrive.

"N-no. Impossible. K-king A-arthur w-was sealed. Eight y-years ago. I saw it with my own eyes. He is male. W-who are you?" Alice said in broken speech.

The female Arthur looked at her in surprise. She turned to Iriya. "Your new friend is more dangerous than what I thought. It will be troublesome if she spreads around our identity. We should dispose of her immediately."

'I guessed it's true? She is King Arthur? But I will be killed. What should I do? How can I escape?'

There was no hope for escape. They were aboard an airplane flying in high altitude. The other side had five or six Heretic Gods that could catch her with ease. It was futile to try.

"Eeeeh?" Iriya whined. "I don't want to kill Alice, she is a good follower, I mean, a good friend. Just threaten her with mortal peril and leave her be!"

'Why did I follow Iriya again? I totally forgot.' Alice thought to herself.

"Ah well..." The female King Arthur silently considering. She reached a decision and nodded to herself. "You may live if you prove yourself useful."

Alice decided to take the chance. "W-what can I do for you?" Oh by the gods, she sounded like a criminal pleading mercy from a king. Which was actually a fairly accurate description of the situation, minus the criminal part.

King Arthur nodded in satisfaction. "Yes, I am in need of someone who knows about this era and this world. You just need to answer my questions." King Arthur took out a pen and a notebook. "Tell me, according to you, what is the most famous and most valuable cultural artifact that the world have?"


A Certain Message Board

}Topic: Anyone know this guy?

Regional Boards } North America

Jasonx_1995 (Original Poster)

Posted on October 24, 2016:

Check out this twitter / iriya_campione

This guy showed off a picture with John Pluto Smith signature few days ago. I thought it was a fake before, but yesterday this guy took a selfie with the hero himself. He is the guy in golden armor cosplay.

Anyone know his name? And how did he contact John Pluto? I don't think he ever give autograph before


Replied on October 24, 2016:

The photo is too real to be fake. Of course, anyone can dress up as him and take a selfie.

Can someone ask him how he managed to do that? I also want to get autograph and a picture together with the hero of Los Angeles.


Replied on October 24, 2016:

I am more interested in his cosplay armor. That look badass cool


Replied on October 24, 2016:

I think I know that. My boyfriend has a poster of an anime that shows a bunch of guys in golden armor. I think it contains a word Saint.

Saint Knight or something?


Replied on October 24, 2016:

So he is an anime otaku? Well from his height I think he is still a kid. Elementary or Middle Schooler. The costume is very well made


Replied on October 24, 2016:

I assume the anime you refer to is Saint Seiya Chang_Cho? Because it is not. The golden armor doesn't match the twelve Gold Saint.

I don't recognize the armor. I don't think it is from any japanese anime.


Replied on October 24, 2016:

Oh my god oh my god oh my god!

JPS is really giving signatures? I must queue in line!


Replied on October 24, 2016:

I don't get what the deal is. This Smith guy is just a vigilante in cape costume.

His mask is not even that cool. I bet he is ugly inside


Replied on October 24, 2016:

Geez Longbottom_N not everyone is a creepy otaku like you. No need to be high and mighty just because you know some cartoon shows.


Replied on October 24, 2016:

I think this is a kid who is having fun. He is role playing in internet to be some villain overlord. Just look at his tweet. His earliest tweet is declaring Japan as his turf and a threat to kill.

Maybe he is just a lonely rich kid who have been watching cartoon too much


Replied on October 25, 2016:

I messaged the guy in twitter and ask how he did it. Apparently she (yes it's a girl) tracked JPS down and directly ask his autograph.

Unbelievable, I know, but that's what she said. Also, she said that they hit it off and JPS now view her as his little sister. Well, I took it with a grain of salt and all.

Maybe she's delusional. Maybe she's a he.


Replied on October 25, 2016:

Chang_Cho you seem to forget your boyfriend watch the same show. Why am I creepy and he is not?


Replied on October 25, 2016

I am confused on why nobody question her choice of nickname. What kind of nickname is iriya_campione ? What is campione anyway?


Replied on October 25, 2016

Said the guy with a ridiculous nickname. You identify yourself with a sadistic teacher looking like an overgrown bat. And your nick violate copyright on so many levels


Replied on October 25, 2016:

Campione is italian for champion. You can always google it.

I guess she won a competition or something


Replied on October 25, 2016

Oh maybe she won a drawing contest or something. Iriya sounds like Eastern European name.


Replied on October 25, 2016

Still lame nickname. It was like winning a stupid game is the world for her.

And hey, my nick is cool. Better than yours, fake rider.


Lay off the kid guys. Look, she is just a kid, she can choose whatever nickname she want. If she thinks being a champion is a big deal, then it is. All kids think like that.

Tell me you don't think that a simple competition is life and death when you are young.


25th October 2016, midnight. On board Air Force One.

After milking Alice of all necessary information, Saber sent her back to her cabin and told her to rest. She also told the dozing Illya to retire for the night.

Saber then led the rest of the Servants, minus Berserker who always guard Illya, to the pilot cockpit. She wanted to include Rider in the discussion, and in this way Rider could participate while piloting the plane.

Saber sat on the copilot seat while admiring the cockpit. She must admit that it was really a nice plane. Considering that they hadn't got a permanent base and were always traveling...

On that note, the other Servants were either standing on the aisle or sitting behind pilot seat or perching on the ceiling.

"Is there a way to keep the plane?" Surprisingly it was Archer who said that. When Saber shot him a questioning look, he shrugged and said, "I mean, look at the kitchen! It was state of the art kitchen, complete with every utensils that a professional chef needed. To fit them all inside a cramped space with such efficiency. ..."

Saber tuned him out when Archer continued listing the virtue of the plane's kitchen. Well, Saber was not opposed to keeping the airplane. Not really. She generally opposed to stealing, but the deed had been done. It's not like they could just return it to its original owner.

And Saber also liked this vehicle. It was really fit for a king.

Now what they had to do was to shift the blame to someone else. Because Illya had started a fight with Alexandre, there was no other choice but to follow through.

Saber contemplated all the information she had got from Alice, from the Campiones files, and their own action so far. She began to build a strategy based on that. After that, she told the plan to the other Servants.

"Hahaha." Lancer laughed. "We are going to do that? Count me in. Hahahaha."

"Is it okay?" Archer asked, his expression was in disbelief. "It was a very dirty way of battle. Aren't you the believer of chivalry? " If Archer who was a specialist in playing dirty was appaled, then Saber's plan must be something.

"Chivalry is something for a fight between knights." Saber said, her eyes looking at the distant scenery. "In a one on one duel, I will act according to the code of honor. But this is not a duel."

After transported to this new world, Saber had read a lot of books. Particularly the war strategy and history, from the ancient Chinese to the modern warfare. She had admitted that her previous concept of war was limited. In war, all methods were fair. She grudgingly admitted that Kiritsugu Emiya's method was more effective to win a war.

But she would use a different argument for this case. "There's a difference between an honor duel and a thieves extermination. If you want to eliminate a bandit group, you don't bring an equal number of soldier and send them challenge. You surround them with greater numbers and do a surprise attack."

That's right. This was not a war. It was an execution. You didn't need to give a death row criminal a fair chance to fight against his executioner.

Saber explained that and continued, "Alexandre is a thief. No matter how powerful or how high his status is, a thief is a thief. A bandit needs to be put down by a king."

Let's forget that Illya stole some things. She was a king, and by definition she was entitled to take anything she wanted. Yup, that's how things work in her era.

Alexandre was also a king? Nonsense! "Alexandre was also a pretender. He claimed to be King of Britain? I will punish him for that transgression. "

"Well, there is that." Lancer said. "But how about the matters I told you?" He referred to the speculation that some of the Servants that were summoned in this world were Divine Spirits or Gods. Maybe a degraded version because they had to fit with Servant's Container, but still god all the same.

"It doesn't matter." Saber said. "Gods or not, if we meet them, we kill them."

"Assuming there is an ongoing Holy Grail War, the native Servants would assume that we are also participants. If we don't attack them first, they will."

"Even if there's no Holy Grail War, these rogue Servants always bring disaster to the people. Thus it is our duty to exterminate them."

"Shouldn't we tell Illya about the plan?" Archer asked, wondering why Saber purposefully hide the plan from Illya.

"No." Saber resolutely said. "She was too childish and she may compromise the plan if she knew too much. She still needs to know the day to day operations, but not the big picture. We still have to rely on her Noble Phantasms after all."

"Ah yes, I can see her bragging and leaking our plan." Lancer said. "But what about..." Lancer asked about a particular part of the plan.

Saber smiled and looked at the newest addition of Servants. The newest Servants said, "Yes, I can do that part. I must admit that this exceed my expectations. I will be gladly helping you, because it seems fun."

"Uhh, sorry to interrupt." Rider suddenly said. "But we almost ran out of fuel. What should we do?"


24th October 2016, 15.24 Local Time, Los Feliz, Samatha University

"So... I received this today." Professor Joe West said. "It's titled 'Report on Iriya, the newest Campione'. I waited for you so that we can read together about your new sister." He always teased Annie about her 'new sister'.

"Don't call her my little sister!" Annie shouted. She snatched the paper envelop and tore it, taking out its content. After that she put the files on the table so that Professor West could also read it.

"Hmm, a mystery? A genius in magic... maybe that's how she always slips in here without any warning... She is older than she looks? Well we never saw her real appearance." Annie carefully read the report.

"What is this Magical Girl?" Professor West said.

"I don't know. Oh, there is a separate attachment. Maybe it will be explained there." Annie said. They continued reading.

"So the people she brought before were really Heretic Gods. She only brought three. Was it because the other two were busy with something else, or she thought it was enough?" Annie thought out loud.

"This is the first time I doubt Witenagemot report about a Campione." Professor West said. "The powers listed here were too much. If I haven't met Iriya herself, I would think that all of these are baseless rumors."

Annie didn't reply and proceeded to read the second part of the report. What was written here was even more unbelievable. "A Campione from three thousand years ago?!"

"It is still within the realm of possibility, considering Campiones are ridiculous by nature. No offense." Professor West said. "But maybe we should read the interview transcript to be clear."

They proceeded to read the attachment. Annie got frustrated because the early answers were vague and not giving anything away. And then... "Wha? What is this magic? A transfer of soul? Keeping only a head of human alive?" Those were very dark magic.

"Well, I am more concerned about Angra Mainyu." Professor West said. "She literally said that she can kill all mankind if she wants."

And then they read about Magical Girls.

"Lies! Lies! She must be lying! She take us for the fool and purposefully tell us false information!" Annie shouted angrily.

"But Princess Alice said..." Professor West began to say, but he was cut off by Annie.

"Alice is deceived." Annie said. "Iriya must have an Authority to fake a lie, and having fun with Alice."

Eventually she calmed down and they continued reading.

"Wait, this part here." Professor West suddenly pointed at a sentence. "This part... isn't she implying that everyone can summon a Heretic God and making the god as servant. But suddenly she revised her statement, that only she can do it."

"Wait a minute!" Annie thought of the implication. "That means the ability to summon a Heretic God and making it a servant is not Authority, but a mundane magic that can be performed by anyone?"

"Yes, maybe that's how she summoned five Heretic Gods." Professor West replied. "Maybe it was an ancient magic from three thousand years ago? I can understand her making it a secret. It is a very dangerous ability."

They continued reading while discussing the information. Iriya's answers were frustatingly vague, creating confusion and refused to be logical. Annie and Professor West had many different opinions about the true meaning of the answers.

"Do you think she is serious about conquering the world?" Professor West asked Annie.

"Hmm. I can totally see she do that just for fun. Remember that one time she appeared in front of me when I was patrolling in the night? She followed me for a while before getting bored."

"I guess you are lucky she thinks you're cool." Professor West smiled teasingly. "But I think there will be trouble." He pointed to the part where Iriya said something awful about several Campiones.

Professor West hadn't finished. "And there is a possibility that she will try to conquer the world. If that happens, what will you do?" Northern America was John Pluto Smith's de facto territory. If Iriya wanted to conquer the world, she would come sooner or later to claim it.

Annie thought about the problem for a while. She considered what she knew about Iriya from her meeting and the interview. And then, she reached a conclusion.

"If that happen, I will surrender."

Of course Professor West was surprised by this answer. "Surrender? You will just surrender without fighting?"

Annie gave a knowing smile. "Yes. I will quickly surrender and ally myself to Iriya. I bet she would accept me, since I am her so-called older sister."

Professor West was gaping at her.

"Let me explain." Annie said, after Professor West didn't say anything for a while. "I can't win against Iriya. I knew it even before reading this document. This document just hammer that fact. So, why fighting if the result is sure defeat?

Instead, I must aim for a solution without any battle. Don't get me wrong, I don't intend to just let Iriya have a way with America. On the contrary, surrendering is the best option for us.

I wonder if you noticed. Iriya is a childish person seeking fun. An opposition is the best thing that will happen in her opinion. By quickly surrendering ourselves, she will get bored immediately and leave for the next target.

Also, she hated the work of administering the territory. She only takes joy in conquering. She will leave the ruling of the land to another person. Now, if I surrender, I can make myself the subordinate. A vassal king or something like that. That will be no different than what we have now, only that I will be under her in name.

Considering that I am the older sister, and from her character it is unlikely that she will interfere in governing a territory, I think that I will be able to rule peacefully without obeying any order. And as benefit, I can ask her help if something emergency happen."

Annie explained her reasoning to Professor West. He had no counter argument for her idea, so he could only nodded. Hopefully things will be as easy as Annie said.

He checked the envelop to see if there was anything else and a brochure came out. He read it and said to Annie, "Hey, do you want to join Iriya International Fanclub?"


Illya POV

25th October 2016. 02.06 Local Time. On board Air Force One.

I was sleeping in the president suite when Saber woke me up. What a bother, I still wanted to sleep. I was a growing girl, I need my beauty sleep. What would you do if I didn't grow, would you take responsibility?

Especially my chest area, they hadn't grown since... wait a minute. Would I grow out of my childish body? With my body constitution already changed, maybe I would grow? And considering my genetics... well mama had big breasts if I remember. Hurray for the future!

Ahem, let's put that aside for now. So, apparently Saber needed me for something. Humph! Now you knew that you couldn't do anything without me. I followed her outside where the others were waiting.

Wait a minute. Why were we on the ground? When did we land? And where was this? As far as the eye could see, which was not much because it was still dark, it was in the middle of nowhere.

Saber explained to me that the plane almost ran out of fuel, so they did an emergency landing on the nearest flat ground they could find. "Now we should travel using the Vimana." Saber said. "And put this plane in the Gate of Babylon."

"Why can't we just buy the fuel?" I asked. "I'm sure an airport will have that Aftur-oil or something."

Archer replied to me, "You forget that this is a stolen plane. We can't just land on any airport, the cops will immediately try to capture us." Whoaaa, Archer-onii-chan was very confident. Notice how he used the word 'try'. Eh, we couldn't re-fuel the plane? What good was a plane without fuel?

"I'm sure we can buy it from somewhere later." Archer said. "Without dragging a stolen airplane around, of course."

I took out Vimana and put the Air Force One inside Gate of Babylon. As usual, I let Rider sit on the throne as the pilot. The other Servants and Alice also board the Vimana.

Alice was stealing glances to Rider direction. Oh, this was the first time she saw anyone other than me controlling the Vimana. She must be curious about Rider. Like, where did she learn how to pilot an airplane? Mages in this world didn't know anything about Servants, they didn't know that some Servants had Riding skill. I bet she would be surprised if I told her Rider could ride any kind of vehicle.

I stood beside Rider at the right side of the throne. Saber stood at the left side of the throne. Lancer stood at the front center. Berserker was in spirit form behind me. Archer stood at middle-right, right in front of me. Alice awkwardly stood at the center, looking around uneasily.

And the newest Servant was in spirit form, standing at Alice's left. Saber's instruction was to keep the new Servant as a secret, even from Alice. Saber had a plan about it.

No one other than us should know that we had added another Servant.

We were all ready to go. Rider asked, "Where do we go?"

"Set course to France." Saber said. "We will visit Paris and book a room there. After that, we will have a little task." She said with a strange tone in her voice. It was as if she had some anticipation. Don't tell me... Did Saber have some kind of grudge to France? Very possible, right? They, Britain and France were some kind of enemies right? At least in her era...

The Vimana smoothly flew in the air to our destination.

But Saber decided that she wanted to ask more questions to Alice, and the duration of the trip was perfect time. And they were bizarre questions. "Do Alexandre have a wife? Or girlfriend? What is the history of his relationship with opposite sex?"

Alice answered that as far as she knew, after becoming Campione, Alexandre didn't form any romantic relationship with any women. He had quite a bad luck with women, the ones he met either incompatible with him or become his enemy.

I sensed something in Alice's voice. She hid something. A feeling of affection, but not too much. At one point in the past, Alice had feelings for Alexandre. But somehow, that feelings faded, and now they were just friendly acquaintances.

Saber seemed satisfied with Alice's answer. In fact, she looked positively happy. Whoa, did she aim to pursue romantic relationship with Alexandre? Impossible, she hadn't even met him. I thought there was a picture but could a single picture have that effect? Love at the first sight?

No no no, Saber must have a plan. Maybe she wanted to use the Honey Trap strategy? Seduce him first, and then strike? That's why she was happy because the opponent was an amateur?

"Saber, you're mistaken!" I immediately warned her. "Remember Circe? That may be a fake relationship, but Alexandre toyed with Circe and became her boyfriend for a while. He is an experienced man!"

Saber listened to me and thought. She turned to Alice, "Have you heard about this? About Circe?" Saber asked Alice.

"No... I have not." Alice answered, her voice was a little shaken. There was a mix of surprise... and sadness... and betrayal? Women sure was a complex being. If you didn't pursue him anymore, why did you feel jealous when another woman showed up and took him?

Eh me? I was still just a girl. No puberty yet. I wish it will come soon.

Saber's smile became wider after hearing Alice's reply. "Good. As long as no other people know about Circe."

What was she planning?!

"Ah, Illya," Saber turned her attention to me. "Where did you last seen? The last person other than Alice you met recently?"

"Los Angeles, I was meeting John Pluto Smith." I replied.

"Hmm. Alright. After Paris, you need to take a brief trip there." Saber said. When I asked why, she explained that it was to create alibi.

"Alibi?" What was that? I thought I read about it somewhere... a story about a highschool student who got shrunk and became a kid?

"Put it simply, we need someone to witness you doing something in Los Angeles. While all the things happen around the world, you are staying in Los Angeles peacefully. Noone can suspect you." Saber said.

"The one who knew about Vimana and how fast it can go, other than you and the Servants, are only History Compilation Committee and Miss Alice here. I am sure they will not tell anyone." Saber explained while pointly looking at Alice direction. I saw Alice visibly shuddered and nodded.

"After showing your faces for a while, we can go and execute our plan. We have a lot of things to do, places to be." Saber ferally smiled. I admit seeing her like this made me a little afraid. I was glad I am not her enemy.

"Okay!" I replied. Hmm, I need to be seen doing something? How about that photoshoot? I would drag Big Sister Annie to a photo studio and took a photo together! And the Servants too! Yay!


23rd October 2016, London.

Duke Goddouin stared at the object on his hand.

He was inside a building that served as Witenagemot Headquarters in London. In the room, several other prominent leaders were also present.

"This is the item that Miss Alice entrusted to me. She told me to deliver it here, and make sure that it is guarded safely.", Miss Ericson said, bowing to him.

The item in question was a simple but elegant one handed sword. The sword did not look pretty, but it exuded Glory. Its design was simple, yet its craftmanship was perfect. Despite its humble appearance, it displayed Majesty. It was Illustriousnessin form, the concept of Splendor taken shape into being.

It was Dragon Slayer Sword, Gram.

A legendary sword spoken in myth. Aside from the hypothetical figures present in the mythology, noone had ever seen the real thing before. There was no historical record or anecdot to crosscheck the validity of the claim. The only thing that verified its authenticity was Alice Louise's own words.

And yet, everyone present believed. This was the genuine thing. There was no way a fake could radiated such power. This sword was better than most of the stronger magic swords that he knew. Alice could claim that this sword was Excalibur, or Durandal, or Ascalon, or anything, and not a soul would object.

"Miss Alice said.." Miss Ericson said after she fixed her glasses position. "That the Seventh Campione Iriya gave it to her as personal gift. Miss Alice felt that she could not possibly keep it, so she handed it over to Witenagemot. She said that the organization should use it as a symbol, or a trophy. That's what she said."

Duke Goddouin thought about it. Yes, it's true that using it as organization symbol could boost its prestige. After all, the number of organizations that could boast having a legendary artifact could be counted by two hands. Or maybe one hand.

There was no need to hesitate. He looked at his colleagues faces. They all silently nodded.

"Then we shall use this sword as our new symbol." He declared.



Anyway, I have a lot of chapters in store, but I need it to be released in one go because they need to be checked for story consistency and checked for grammar.

Maybe I need another beta reader for checking my future release? If you're interested, pm me.
I'm kind of wondering if Arturia would really justify taking the air plane like that. She seemed reasonably much about justice and such... and returning the plane wasn't really impossible either after all, they could have just left it somewhere that the USA could reclaim it from.

I'd have thought the bigger issue would have been on whether she could convince Illya to give up on it or not.
I'm kind of wondering if Arturia would really justify taking the air plane like that. She seemed reasonably much about justice and such... and returning the plane wasn't really impossible either after all, they could have just left it somewhere that the USA could reclaim it from.

I'd have thought the bigger issue would have been on whether she could convince Illya to give up on it or not.

That's a valid question.
And I also realized that and try to have some way for Saber to justify keeping the plane.

If you had this question, it means the reason I provided is not convincing enough.

Do you have suggestion?

Or a reason why they cant return the plane? Hmm maybe Illya painted the whole plane pink?
That's a valid question.
And I also realized that and try to have some way for Saber to justify keeping the plane.

If you had this question, it means the reason I provided is not convincing enough.

Do you have suggestion?

Or a reason why they cant return the plane? Hmm maybe Illya painted the whole plane pink?
If it was already blamed on the Thief, it might break her plan for him? Though that still might leave you with the problem of never being able to use it again?
Interlude: The Taming
Disclaimer: Was Illya never had a route in the Visual Novel , or manga, or Anime until now? If yes, then I don't own any of the characters in the Fate series

Did Taketsuki Jou give red herring related to Argonauts in Campione novel? If yes, then I don't own Campione characters or world setting

Beta: SunnydoG

Interlude: The Taming

She raised her face and concentrated on her senses. Something was audible.

A summoning incantation echoed throughout the Throne of Heroes.

The Throne of Heroes.

It was a metaphysical location, "somewhere" in the Root. The Akasha, or the Root of all things, was the origin of all things, and where all things end.

Cut off from the time axis, the Akashic Record plucked out the souls of extraordinary individuals, and placed them on the Throne of Heroes. True to its name, the individuals whose souls gathered there were heroes, or those who had carved their names in history. The ones who performed extraordinary feats recorded in legend.

It was the place for Heroic Spirits.

There were also irregulars, such as Anti-heroes who had committed infamous atrocities, or Counter Guardians who made a contract with the World. But these irregulars were not the norm. Majority of the residents were the so called Heroic Spirits.

Residents. What a farce. It was more like a prison, and they were the prisoners.

It was named "The Throne", but it certainly did not look like one. Instead, it could be described as a pocket dimension or a mini-world where individual heroes waited. He or she could not interact with other Heroic Spirits, and spent eternity alone in that world.

The only solace for the Heroic Spirit was to read "books" describing the experience of its copies when they were summoned somewhere for some reason or another. Sometimes the Heroic Spirit was summoned to defend the World from extraterrestrial threats. Sometimes it was summoned to participate in the Holy Grail War. Etcetera. On a very rare occasion, the original Heroic Spirit itself was summoned with its full power to complete a grand task.

But such a thing was very rare. Usually, only a copy with limited capabilities was sent. After the copy has finished its task, it will return to the Throne of Heroes and dissolve into a third hand account describing the experience, something similar to a diary. The original heroic spirit would read those "diaries" and learn about what its copies had done.

Other forms of entertainment would be to read up about the deeds of other heroic spirits. Not the summoned heroic spirits, but what their original had done during their lifetime. It was how they could recognize each other when they met in the Holy Grail War.

Each heroic spirit had different mini-worlds where they waited. For example, for a certain Counter Guardian, the world he resided in was exactly the same as his reality marble. A barren land filled with countless swords.

A certain cynical Counter Guardian may tell you that his waiting room was the worst of the worst, but even Heroic Spirits didn't get much better. Even a beautiful world was nothing more than a prison.

But it was not his world that the summon had reached. It was another place in the Throne of Heroes. This one was a palace made from stone. A beautiful palace with elaborate carvings and decorations.

At the heart of the palace was a throne room. The spacious room was lavishly decorated. In the middle of the room, a towering glittering black throne stood, a jagged construction with stairs in front ot it. And on the throne, a beautiful woman reclined, looking bored. She had an otherworldly beauty, with a regal face and a sharp chin. Her black hair was long and lustrous. She wore a black robe decorated with black feathers, with some gold and red highlights. Her most distinguishing trait was that She had pointy ears.

She was Semiramis, the Wise Queen of Assyria. And she was extremely bored.

To be stuck in one place alone for eternity was not fun. No food, no drinks, no companions, and no entertainment. Not even a party or a musical performance.

If she knew what fate awaited the souls who had performed legendary deeds, she might have chosen to be a normal woman. Not that she had a choice back then. Actually, she would not have done anything different even if she knew, that's just her nature.

The only respite from her utter boredom were the accounts of her summoning. And even those were sparse, as she was not a popular Heroic Spirit to summon. For guarding the World, the Heroic Spirits with bigger firepower were favored over her.

Semiramis had also been summoned as a Servant for the Holy Grail Wars a few times. Those accounts of her copy's experience were more interesting. She liked one particular version where she was summoned to an alternate universe, where a Great Holy Grail War happened.

In that war, her Master was apparently a dreamer. He was undoubtedly an interesting individual, pursuing a beautiful dream. His name came to her mind. Shirou Kotomine.

Yes, it was an interesting account. She would answer the summon again if it meant she could experience another one like that. Even if it was not, that was better than spending another eternity without anything to do.

As if answering her wish, she heard a summoning incantation resonating strongly with her. Whoever was performing the ritual had used a catalyst with a strong connection to Semiramis.

It was the standard incantation for summoning a Servant in Holy Grail War. Or at least, that's how it should have been. Semiramis frowned, hearing different words in the latter part of the incantation.

"For the essence, silver and steel.

For the foundation, gems and the archduke of contracts.

For the ancestor, my predecessor, Justeaze.

Close the cardinal gates, be bound to the circle,

and follow the three columns of the Sephirot to descend from the Crown to the Kingship.

Fill and lock, fill and lock, fill and lock, fill and lock, fill and lock.

Repeat five times.

But those moments should cease to be once passed.


I hereby propose,

Your fealty shall be mine
, and my treasures shall be your sword.

If you heed the Grail's call and obey my will and reason, then answer me.

I hereby swear... that I am the source of all the good in the world.

That I had vanquished all the evil in the world.

You, wielder of Mystery, submit your magecraft for my goal.

Yet, there is no Holy Grail to win, no miracle to realize your wish.

Instead, countless enemies and difficult battles wait.

If you still wish to answer

One of seven heavenly beings bearing the three great words of power,

come forth from the cycle that shackles you...

Guardian of the Scales! "

The summoning incantation had been altered to summon a specific class, Caster.

But for the Fuyuki Holy Grail War, only two classes could be summoned with a modified incantation. Assassin and Berserker. This incantation seemed more like a last-ditch effort, and the rest was also different from the normal one.

A torrent of information filled her mind. They were about the Holy Grail War, the prize, the location, the battle royale mechanism, etc. All was the same as the usual. It meant that the one summoning her was part of the Fuyuki Holy Grail War.

However, another additional information came. The Holy Grail War has ended with one Master as a victor. The Holy Grail had lost its function to grant wish. Another unrelated Holy Grail War happened, and many Servants had appeared. The Master who had won the Holy Grail War was trapped in crossfire, and he wanted to summon a Servant for self-protection.

Semiramis was intrigued. What kind of circumstances did they have in this particular war? The previous one had a Holy Grail War between fourteen Servants. Maybe this particular iteration had something more chaotic? If that unusual incantation was true, then there must be something else at play here.

The Holy Grail still waited for her decision. Well then, there was no need to think anymore.

She answered the summon and agreed to the contract. And then she willed herself to go.

She would make the world witness The Wise Queen of Assyria once more.

Unexpectedly, it seemed that the grail put her in the Assassin class. This would disappoint her new Master, but Semiramis didn't worry too much. She had the Double Summon skill that granted her skills from the Caster and Assassin classes.


Semiramis POV

The summoning was a success. I sensed myself materializing in this world without any problem.

I opened my eyes. The view was obscured by thick smoke, as it usually was after a summoning ritual. The smoke would clear up in a moment, giving me a view of my summoner.

But I didn't get to see my new Master.

Immediately after I opened my eyes, my instincts warned me that I was being attacked. My ears heard the sound of projectiles rending through the air.

Not a second later, my body was pierced by countless sharp things. I didn't get to see what stabbed me because of the thick smoke.

Were those arrows? What kind of person was my new Master? Why was I attacked the moment I was summoned? Was it the enemy?

I had not even accomplished anything yet.

With that last thought in my mind, I died.


Semiramis POV

And I was alive again. I was summoned again, with the same contract and condition as the last one.

Wait. I didn't remember returning to the Throne of Heroes. Usually the copy of the Heroic Spirit returned after they died, dissolving into memories that could be accessed by the original. But I still remember being summoned and died, as if it happened just a moment ago.

No, the dissolved memories didn't work like that. It was not as clear as this. Whatever happened, I had not returned to the Throne.

While I was thinking, the smoke from the summoning ritual cleared up. I could see my new Master five meters in front of me.

We were in a desert, standing in an open plain with nothing around except sand dunes, rocks, and cacti. The sky was dark with glittering stars and a rising half moon. The dim light shone on my Master.

I took a quick glance at her. She was a little girl with long white hair. Her eyes were ruby red and she wore purple blouse and white skirt.


She had a huge reserve of prana, so huge that I had not seen something anything like it before. Besides that, I also sensed a small aura of divinity.

She wore a tiara, earrings, armlets, necklace, bracelets, belt, anklets, and rings that all radiated Power. No way, were those Noble Phantasms?

Diverting my attention from the little girl, I glanced at the other figures.

Three on her right side, and two on her left side. They were without a doubt, Servants. And quite powerful ones.

What's going on here?

However, I could wait. Now I needed to greet my new Master with my usual greetings.

"Not for naught am I known as the world's oldest poisoner... Are you truly certain that you can wield Queen Semiramis?"

Based on the answer, I would judge the Master, whether she was worthy of my service or not. If she was not worthy, I, the Assyrian Queen, would kill her and find another Master.

Of course, the five Servants there would throw a wrench to my plans, but there's always a solution for everything.

"I am certain," the little girl answered. Huh, she looked confident. Maybe there's steel in this one. "After all, even the oldest poisoner is weaker than the oldest king." She continued.

'Huh? What?'

I warily looked at the Servants. Maybe she referred to one of her Servants, who had been a king once. A Master having more than one Servant was not normal, but it had happened before.

Still, having two Servants was very different than having FIVE. And that's not counting myself, I was now aware of the prana supply that connected me to the little girl. What kind of magus could supply six Servants at the same time?

"Girl, are you trying to make your other Servants subdue me by force?" I didn't like it. If she really did do it, then I would betray her without hesitation. Someone who only relied on their Servant was not worthy.

"No, that is not my intention." The little girl stepped forward. "All of you, step back. I will do this myself. And yes, you too, Berserker."

The Servants obediently jumped back thirty meters. I examined their faces. Only the black giant showed some worry, the others looked relaxed and calm. Was he Berserker?

The others didn't reveal their weapons, so I couldn't guess their class. Still, with me as Assassin, and Berserker there, it was not difficult to deduce their class. My Master originally wanted to summon Caster. So the other four must be Saber, Lancer, Archer, and Rider.

Hey, suddenly this situation looked really bad.

I felt fear. Suddenly the little girl looked dangerous. Her carefree smile before me looked like a predator eyeing its prey.

"So, what will you do, Semiramis? Poison me?" she said in a challenging tone. The little magus stepped forward, shortening our distance. It was as if she dared me to do it.

I felt a small amount of doubt, afraid that it was a trap. But another part of me wanted to answer that challenge. I wanted to see what my Master could do.

I raised my right hand and aimed my palm to the little girl. "Yes, Master. Let's see how you fare against this." I shot my magic coated with poison to her.

My attack slid off her.

I couldn't believe my eyes and shot again. But the attack didn't hit, it was bounced off by an invisible layer around her body.

'I see. High ranking Magic Resistance. '

I changed my tactics. I used magic to create poison mist that mixed with the air. This method should bypass her Magic Resistance. From the corner of my eyes, I saw the Servants escaping the mist.

But my Master didn't move from her spot. She breathed normally, and there was no sign that she had been poisoned. "Well, well, well. This is an interesting ability. Too bad I know all about you, your methods, your skills, everything was like an open book."

A small shiver crept up my spine. What was she talking about? Even if the Master could see the Servant's Parameter, skills, and Noble Phantasm, there was no way she could be familiar enough with my skill in such a short time frame.

But without my poison and my magic, I couldn't harm her.

"I know all about you. I also know that you won't serve a Master unless you find them worthy or interesting." My Master said with a smirk. "How about this. I will best you in one on one combat, and show you that you can't do anything to hurt me. After that, you will kneel and swear your loyalty to me."

I scoffed at her. "Impossible! A human can't win against a Servant." Even if my heart silently admitted that I have nothing that could hurt her now. "How do you know so much about me anyway?"

"Oh that?" The little magus grinned widely. "I killed you the first time and then I installed you. You have very interesting skills."


The memory about me dying was real? But how? And what did she do to me while I was dead? And also...

"You killed me?" I asked with a hint of incredulity. Whoever heard about a Master killing her own Servant right after she summoned it?

The little girl was still grinning. "Yup! And so I know you are Assassin, not Caster like I wanted, but still you have the Double Summon skill so it's okay. You have poison skills, so I equipped these." The girl showed off her various accessories. "They are anti-magic and anti-poison items. Oh and also this." She opened her mouth and showed its inside.

There was a small green stone inside her mouth. "Poison purifier. I am invulnerable against poison."

I stared at my new Master, slack jawed. Every one of them was a priceless treasure, and she owned a dozen? "How... how did you get those..." I involuntary asked.

"Like I told you, the oldest king is superior to the oldest poisoner. Wait, if you are the oldest poisoner, how did Gilgamesh have anti poison items inside his vault? Are they trinkets that were never used?" She raised her index finger to her temple, thinking about trivial things.

"You have Gilgamesh as your Servant?" I asked and examined the faraway Servants. None of them looked like the fabled Hero King. Maybe he was not like what I imagined?

The little girl placed her hands on her hip. "Wrong answer." She said, and then golden ripples appeared in the space above her head. Several portals appeared, each showing the sharp end of weapons promising death and destruction. The little girl proudly declared, "I own his treasure vault."

Ah. So this was how I died last time.

My distance from her was only three meters. The weapons were practically at point blank range, and there was no hope for me to dodge them. Still, I wouldn't give up yet.

"I admit that I am at a disadvantage, but I am an Assassin and Caster. Give me time to prepare and I can have a chance to defeat you." I defiantly said to her.

She could refuse me and kill me on the spot, but I know she wouldn't. What she wanted was my loyalty. To do that, she needed to prove her worth. I was betting on that.

True, her capabilities and her owning Gilgamesh's treasure vault already passed my criteria of worthiness. Still, my pride won't let me submit before I employed all my skills if I had to be subdued by force. I need time to prepare my strongest Noble Phantasm... time and materials…..

The white-haired girl folded her arms. "You wanted to gather sand and stones from your homeland to construct The Hanging Garden of Babylon?"

She knew about that?

"Well, we are already at the right location. This here is your land." She pointed at the desert around us. No wonder I felt rejuvenated from a while ago. "But I suggest you forget about using it against me."

"Oh? Why is that?" I asked her, trying to keep my voice steady.

"Just look at the name. There is 'Babylon' in the name." She raised her right hand and gestured with it. "And everyone knows that Gilgamesh was the king of Babylon. Semiramis only repaired the Hanging Gardens when it became ruined."

A gigantic portal opened in the sky above. From it, a humongous flying fortress appeared.

"Behold, The Original Hanging Garden of Babylon." The white-haired magus said.

I knew that I was not the original creator. I was not even the one who repaired the Hanging Garden. It was someone else after my time, but the work was attributed to me and became a big misconception in history. With every common person believing that it was created by me, it was added to my legend after my death and became my Noble Phantasm.

But as my Noble Phantasm, I knew its design, its capabilities, its appearance, and how it was built. My version of the flying fortress was built from stone, decorated with vines from plants. It was run by magic.

This one though, was metallic. It was in silver color, and it floated by unknown means. There were cannons jutting out from its walls. The plants were growing in an orderly manner, inside designated places. It was more apt to compare it with a futuristic spaceship.

'Ah, so this is the original appearance of the Hanging Garden. Before it fell to the earth and was ruined by the river of time.'

My version always gave the impression of a ruined building, flying fortress missing parts here and there. By seeing the original, I could see what was missing and lost. I could see that my version was an incomplete reconstruction.

There was no doubt that this original version was more powerful than my own version.

"Master." I faced my Master, looking her in the eye. "I haven't heard your name."

"Illyasviel von Einzbern. My close friends and family call me Illya."

"Then, Lady Illyasviel. This is what I propose..."

I challenged her to a contest of skill. She was not allowed to use her vault to launch swords or the Original Hanging Garden. Instead, we will do a round of melee combat.

I am not a match for another Servant in close combat, but against another normal human? A Queen needed to be able to defend herself.

"Close quarter combat?" Illyasviel asked in wonder. "Did you forget that I know all about you? Your fighting skill is just above normal humans. You think you can defeat me with that?"

I used my magic to solidify poison into a short sword. "We won't know until we try." I said while brandishing my short sword.

A typical human magus shouldn't be skilled in close quarter combat. Even if she has already proven herself stronger than me, there's no way I was going to go down without a fight. I was stubborn like that.

Illyasviel looked amused. "Then if I win that way, you will submit?" The weapons were returned back to her treasure vault.

"Yes." I replied and took a stance.

"Hohoho, it seems my training is more useful than I thought." Illyasviel said while drawing a sword from her vault. "I will show you my skill!" She took a stance with her western-styled sword

Wait, that golden light... it can't be. That sword... Excalibur?

My thought was interrupted by a downward slash. Dangerous! Illyasviel attacked with extreme speed, way faster than an average human.

I dodged and parried her with my own sword. But the force of her attack pushed me back.

Her skill was crude. She was an amateur who knew how to swing a sword, but she couldn't capitalize an enemy's opening or make a feint. A master swordsman should be able to defeat her easily.

If she didn't swing with superhuman speed and superhuman strength.

I managed to defend myself using my superior skill, but I couldn't counterattack. Seriously, how did she do it? Did she use her prana to boost her agility and power?

I jumped back to gain distance and changed my tactic. My short sword changed into a spear. A spear had advantage over a sword.

But Illyasviel also changed her weapon after seeing what I had done. She threw back Excalibur to her vault and took a two meter long naginata. It had a red colored shaft and its blade was curved just like a katana. She twirled it around expertly and took a ready stance. Another Noble Phantasm?

"It still regarded me as an unskilled woman, even after all my practice? What a rude weapon." Illya suddenly said. She had unsatisfied expression, but it quickly changed to a determined one.

We didn't waste any more time and clashed once more.

However, Illyasviel didn't rely on brute force this time. She slashed and thrusted the naginata expertly, blocking my attacks and countering with her own. It was as if she had more skill with pole weapons than swords.

"Bwahahahaha. This is fun! Fun!" Illyasviel shouted gleefully while attacking me relentlessly. She started to use her unnatural strength to force me back. "Are you trying to be a Lancer class? I have trained with a genuine Lancer in a spar!"

Seeing that my tactic was not effective, I jumped back again and formed throwing daggers from my poison. Obviously, all my weapons could poison someone if they got cut with them. I threw the daggers to her but she swatted them aside with her naginata.

"Oh, so we are now playing with projectiles?" Illyasviel stored her naginata and took a pair of chinese dao swords. They were twin black and white swords, with the yin-yang symbol on their blade. She threw them at me and took another pair from her vault.

I dodged the rotating swords, and blocked another pair that she threw. Illyasviel came at me with another pair of identical swords and shouted "Crane Wing Three Realm!"

I parried her attack and dodged flying swords coming from behind. And then I witnessed Illyasviel evading and defending herself from the same swords that she had thrown before.

"Is that supposed to do something?" I asked in puzzlement. Those flying swords were dangerous, if they had come from different angles, I would be stabbed from various directions. But those swords didn't came back from a good direction, so I could easily evade them. They backfired to Illyasviel instead.

Some distance away, two Servants were laughing. I sneakily peeked and saw two male Servants laughing while holding their stomachs.

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" Illyasviel shouted with a red face. She roughly stored away all the swords in her vault. "You have embarrassed your Master! You will be punished, Assassin! "

No, I mean, it was not my fault that you failed to do whatever you wanted to do.

Illyasviel now took another weapon from the vault. Eh? She took two Excaliburs? How could there be two legendary Noble Phantasms?

Illyasviel held both Excaliburs in her right and left hand. Dual wielding? She raised both swords and declared, "You will regret challenging me after this." Both swords were filled with prana. What did she want to do with it?

Thick prana was swirling around her body. Pinkish mist were swirling and gathering to her swords.

And then she swung down her right hand, and a crescent prana blade was launched at me.

'Whoa! '

I dodged to the side, but Illyasviel's left hand swung downward, launching another long range attack at me.


I managed to evade again, but Illyasviel's right hand was already poised for another slash.





And so I was bombarded endlessly. I lost track of the time, trying to stay alive amidst the rain of prana blades. After a long, long time, finally she stopped.

I collapsed to the ground, exhausted. My prana was low and I had run out of stamina. My body had several light wounds.

I heard footsteps approaching. It was my little Master's, no doubt about it. My face was on the ground so I couldn't see.

"Get up. You can't get up? It can't be helped then, here I will assist you." She said. A clinking sound was heard, and something wrapped around my body.

I was hoisted up and my body was lifted to a standing position. I looked down and saw chains wrapping my body, suspending me in the air. The chains were very strong, and it made me weak. I was sure that I couldn't escape this chain even with all of my power.

"So. Are you ready to submit now?" Illyasviel said from in front of me.

I looked back at her. Besides little stains on her clothes, she didn't look worse than before. What a strong girl.

"Yes." I replied. "I swear my loyalty to you, Master. On my name and pride, so mote it be." Oh well, I had given my promise. Besides, there was no shame in serving someone like her.

"Good, now we can discuss our situation and the world we are in." Illyasviel said and called her other Servants.

Illyasviel healed my wounds with magic and gave me a potion to restore my energy. And then she introduced me to the other Servants. King Arthur, who was surprisingly a woman; Cu Chulainn, Medusa, Herakles, and... her big brother? I never heard of a legend about Heroic Spirit Emiya.

And then they described this world that I had been summoned to. A world where rogue Servants might show up randomly and terrorize the populace. Any of them could challenge us for a fight out of nowhere. And people with superpowers that ruled like a king.

And my Master was involved in this.

This might prove interesting after all.



1. Schedule

I actually scheduled this chapter for later, because even if it is chronologically happened before previous chapter, I wanted to conceal the identity of the Servant until she did her thing. Around 2-3 chapters later.

This chapter was finished and edited by my beta reader months ago.

But then I got busy in real life, and FGO English came out so it ate my time. The next chapters were coming out slowly. And then Fate Apocrypha anime started airing. By this time, every loyal Fate fans should have seen her and see what she can do. There is no reason to delay this chapter any longer.

Besides, the anime gave more details and more visuals about the throne room and the Hanging Garden than the novel. So I don't need to sweat myself trying to describe it, and it even give more materials about Semiramis. I revised some parts after watching ep7 and 8.

2. Semiramis Parameter

: Semiramis

Class: Assassin ( / Caster)

Master: Illyasviel von Einzbern

Alignment: Lawful Evil

Sex: Female
Height: 167cm
Weight: 51 kg
Armament: Poison


Class skills:

Presence Concealment: C+

Territory Creation : EX

Item Construction: C

Personal skills:

Familiar (Doves) D

Double Summon B

Grants the Class Skills of both the Assassin and Caster classes.
An exceedingly rare trait, possessed only by a select few Servants.

Divinity C

Noble Phantasms:

Hanging Gardens of Babylon

Sikera Ušum

3. Noble Phantasm

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon: Aerial Garden of Vanity

Type: Fortress / Anti-World

Rank: EX

Range: 10~100
Max Targets: 1000

It is the garden of Semiramis and her strongest and largest-scaled Noble Phantasm that she proudly owns, a giant floating fortress which the Red Faction uses for their main base in the Great Holy Grail War. Rather than an Anti-World Noble Phantasm, it would be more accurate to call it a giant Bounded Field. It is an enormous fortress capable of housing thousands of soldiers, assembled with systematically ordered floating masses, covered in floors of marble, stone balconies, many pillars, and every kind of plant life entangled and intertwined over the construct in a manner described as a "unification of unsightly disorder and luxurious beauty."

Semiramis didn't actually create the Hanging Gardens. However, this "falsehood" that was included into Semiramis' legend at some point over time eventually became true.
However, since it brings something false into the real world, it has to use real materials for its construction. If this were the true Hanging Gardens, it would be able to activate—to manifest just by releasing its true name like a normal Noble Phantasm, though.

It is "vanity" itself, so the conditions for its activation are strict. In a process of construction that takes at least three days, soil, stone, minerals, wood, plants, and water of a fixed amount must be gathered from the land in which she once lived, ruins in the vicinity of Baghdad, Iraq, and only with their preparation can the activation proceed.
It basically requires enough money to buy a small country in order to obtain all the necessary materials. Rather, the more money used in its construction, the more its Mystery deepens and the Garden is strengthened, "so, if it's for the sake of obtaining the Holy Grail, you should have the resolve to become bankrupt, my Master"—is Semiramis-sama's way of putting it.
In a normal Holy Grail War, this Noble Phantasm wouldn't be used in the first place. Though there's also the material cost, the real problem is the three-days-three-nights ritual for it. This is a necessary ritual in order to hammer in the nails of "truth" into this falsehood, this three-days-three-nights duration has no special allegorical significance to it; Semiramis' chant simply requires seventy-two hours to complete. The bigger the Gardens are made, the more nails are needed to be driven into it all over.
Therefore, in a normal Holy Grail War, as long as Semiramis doesn't secure an excellently concealed location beforehand, the Hanging Gardens are useless as a Noble Phantasm. And most of all, Semiramis won't willingly try to make the Hanging Gardens unless her Master is interesting enough.

Beautiful Head Taker, the naginata of Gozen Tomoe

Type: Anti-unit/Support

Rank: C

Range: 1-2

Max no of Targets: 1

A naginata that can only be wielded by women, should a man try to use this Noble Phantasm then his luck will immediately fall by one full rank. When wielded by an untrained woman this weapon will endow her with all the skill Gozen Tomoe possessed in its use for as long as that woman is in physical contact with the weapon. When used by Tomoe herself this Noble Phantasm would grant a bonus to her luck whenever she faces a sword user. This is due to her legend of having defeated numerous Katana using samurai with this weapon.

Though lacking in the more overt powers this Noble Phantasm is potentially quite useful. Due to its status as a legendary weapon it is largely impervious to most forms of magecraft and can clash with higher ranked Noble Phantasms without breaking. Should Tomoe's Master be a woman a usable tactic will be for her to confer this weapon upon her Master while she uses her other Noble Phantasms. Her master will then be at a great advantage against other Masters as well as being able to defend themselves from other Servants for at least a short period of time.

(Credit to Marcus Galen Sands, I had permission to use one of his original Noble Phantasm.)


It is believed to have the power of a universal antidote against any poison. Illya swallowed one before confronting Semiramis.


It is a mythical stone or gem that was thought to be found in the head of a toad. It was supposed to be an antidote to poison. Illya kept one in her mouth during this chapter
Ch 17. Personal Branding
Disclaimer: I only own the plot

This chapter has not been revised by beta reader


Ch 17. Personal Branding for New Godslayer


Excerpt from the Italian mage Alberto Ricardo's Book, Demon King, 19th Century**

To those who accomplished this formidable feat, I grant them the title of Campione – Godslayer – .

Among all virtuous readers, some will probably believe that I over-exaggerate with that title and frown, maybe others will think that I am making undue fuss over it.

However, I want to emphasize it, once again.

A Campione – Godslayer – is the supreme ruler.

Since he can kill a celestial being, he can therefore call on the sacrosanct, divine powers held by the gods.

A Campione – Godslayer – is a lord.

Since the power to kill a deity is in his hands, he therefore have the power to dominate the mortals on Earth.

A Campione – Godslayer – is a devil.

Since of entire humanity living on earth, none have the power to oppose him!


The Exploits of Illyasviel von Einzbern, The Lady Thief.

25th October 2016. 04.34 Local Time. Paris, France.

Illya POV

We arrived at Paris.

I wished I could tell more, but I was sleepy and I couldn't bother to check out the city in my state. And it was very early in the morning, the sun was not up yet, so there's nothing interesting to see. I was just going through the motion and let my Servants took the lead.

Saber booked a hotel but we immediately departed for another place. What hotel and what was its name? I didn't know. It looked nice enough with fancy lobby and everything. The sofa was comfortable.

We left Alice behind in the hotel though. I silently grumbled. Alice could sleep while I must follow Saber walking through the city in the dead of night, so unfair!

As soon as we left the hotel, my smartphone lost the wifi signal. Even though I had just enjoyed internet connection given by the hotel!

The offline map and GPS navigation didn't need internet connection so we could use it to travel with Vimana to anywhere in the world. Actually, Vimana came in with built-in navigation system and maps. It could calculate its position by observing celestial objects. However, its maps were outdated by at least three thousand years, the cities it indicated had mostly disappeared now.

But I digress. The internet was useful for other things. Lots of things. But for internet connection, we must buy the local internet provider or rely on public hotspots. Modern hotels usually provided wi-fi for their guests.

I wanted to connect to the internet! I wanted to update my twitter! I wanted to see if the webcomic I followed has been updated! I wanted to download this and that!

"Archer, let's buy internet connection..."

But my Servant refused. "It will be a waste. We will not be here for long."

I suppressed my dissatisfaction quietly and followed Saber who led the procession. She was looking at a small map for tourists, obtained from the hotel we just left. She was walking confidently despite the fact that it was the first time for her to be here.

My footsteps made noises tip-tap tip-tap on the stone pavement. Why were we here anyway? Why did my Servants kept me from knowing?

I followed along while trying to enjoy the town scenery, occasionally yawning every few minutes. Paris had a charm, of old buildings and modern things blended into one. Maybe. It was harder to see with poor lightings and sleepy eyes.

We walked in steady pace, acting as normal tourist. But I really doubt that other tourists took a walk at the crack of dawn. The streets were dark, only lit by occasional lighting, and not many people were on the street.

And yet my Servants didn't falter. They could see clearly as if they had night vision. Of course. If they couldn't do that, how could they even hope to fight in Holy Grail War which was conducted in the middle of the night?

In fact, I began to suspect that Saber chose darker paths intentionally.


I blinked my eyes. I looked around to the streets and the buildings around us. It's dark. We had walked to an area with poor lighting. There was no doubt about it.

However, I could see without any problem. I hadn't reinforced my eyes. This was unnatural.

I could see the picture on the street signs we had just passed. Even though it's dark!

"What's wrong? Illya?" Rider asked from behind me. She had seen that I looked troubled.

"Nothing. Just adjusting my eyes to the dark." I replied. Well, this was the first time I realized that I had a night vision. Thinking back, I think I already had it for a long time. I could see Berserker fighting with Heretic God Nezha in the dark. Another mystery about the changes in my body.

But I had a more pressing question for now.

"Saber, there's a taxi there! Why don't we take one?" It seemed that our destination was quite far.

Saber stopped walking. She turned to me and said, "Of course not. What are we going to say to the driver? 'Hello, Please take us to Louvre museum. I don't care if it's still closed, because we are going to steal something from there?' We will be very conspicuous and the driver will remember us."

Huh? Louvre museum? Was that our destination? And she wanted to steal something?

"Then let's use Vimana and go from the sky!" I suggested.

"No way." Saber replied. "There is a chance of being seen when getting on and off the Vimana. You can't hide everything even in stealth mode, especially when the passengers need to get on or get off, right?"

Uuuuu. I couldn't argue with that.

So, we followed Saber's plan. We walked all the way to the destination, The Louvre museum or whatever it was. When we were near enough, Saber told the other Servants to change into astral form. And then Saber and I used Hades Cap of Invisibility (Sash version). In this way, we sneaked into the museum.

Saber told me that our purpose here was to steal one thing. The one mentioned before by Alice.

Our target was a famous painting called Mona Lisa. It was supposedly the most valuable painting in the world.

The museum was empty of people. There were a handful of security personnel here and there, but they did not see us. Saber took a visitor guide pamphlet with the building map on it. We quickly headed to the target site.

The museum had minimal lighting since it was not opening hours, but that didn't slow us down, thanks to our superior eyes. The empty and dark stone corridor gave eerie impression, and the shadows of the sculpture also helped strengthen that feeling. If I was alone, I would be scared, probably.

On the way, I saw many wonderful piece of art. Unfortunately, Saber prohibited me from taking them. "No Illyasviel, you can't take everything with you." She said exasperatedly. "Remember, we want to blame Alexandre. He can't possibly steal everything and get away with it. He is not like you, he has limitation in how many things he can bring."

I reluctantly agreed with her reasoning.

"Ah, Saber. Call me Illya. If you will become my mother, you can't call me with my full name." I said to her.

"Why not? It's your name." Saber asked, puzzled. She slowed down a little to admire a certain statue. That statue of a woman with no arms was placed in conspicuous location, as if it was the main attraction.

"You should call me Illya. Calling my full name feels distant." Just like how grandfather called me. "My papa and mama called me Illya, so you should call me that too, Arthuria!"

Saber had a surprised face, but then she smiled. "Very well, Illya."

And finally we arrived at a big room where Mona Lisa was kept, along with other paintings. The room was big, I estimated that it was at least as big as the lobby of my castle. It had many paintings decorating its four walls.

Mona Lisa was a small-ish painting depicting a woman with long black hair. I said it was small, because some of the other paintings in the room were much, much bigger. But only Mona Lisa had a bulletproof casing protecting it. Obviously it was treated differently than the others.

"Are we at the right place? Not mistaken?" I said after assessing the painting. "Why is an ugly woman painting like this become famous?"

"Hm. There is no mistake." Saber said, pointing at the exhibit tag. "And this woman must be a queen or a princess, or someone important. It will explain why her painting is famous, even if she is not that pretty."

But that pose was quite cool. I imagined myself portrayed in a painting, with the exact same pose. Hey, that's not bad, not bad at all! Maybe there was a valid reason this painting had a high price.

"Save the discussion for later, we have time limit." Archer said, still in astral form. He was right. We must take it and get out before the museum open. "Let's start working. Or rather, let Illya do her thing," he said.

Right. I was the one who will do the stealing. Of course, I was the one with the magical artifact and experience. The Servants couldn't do anything. Oh they could, if we decided to break the glass casing and took it by force, but that's not what we wanted.

Somehow, the whole stealing process felt more nerve wracking than before. It's because I have new audiences now. Three new pair of eyes judging all my action.

My brain was jolted awake, my sleepiness had gone. I had a clear mind now. But I still felt sore legs from walking too much. It won't hinder me from doing my job so I ignored it. It will be healed soon, another wonder of my new body.

Anyway, let me tell you, being a thief was not easy. Especially in my case, where I had to avoid giving away my identity. Even aided by my magic items, I had to be careful. For example...

"Saber! Stop! Get away from the wall!" I shouted to Saber who almost touch a painting in admiration. "All of you Servants too! Just stay in astral form and don't materialize!"

Saber seemed dissatisfied. I explained to her, "Modern technologies can identify someone from their fingerprint, so don't touch anything. Or, use your gloves." It was metal gloves, or better known as gauntlets, but it worked all the same.

See? All that reading was not wasted. I learned all about this from comic books. Who said that comics were not useful?

Saber tilted her head. "Fingerprints?"

Archer then explained to her and the other Servants about fingerprints and how police could track down criminal with it. I heard "Ooooh" and "Aaaaah" as they admired his explanation. The Holy Grail provided minimum knowledge about modern world and languages to summoned Servants, but it left out detailed things like this.

I left them alone and concentrate on my work. Getting the painting out and planting false evidence. First, I wore rubber gloves to prevent leaving my fingerprints behind. And then tying my hair and wearing a hairnet, to prevent leaving any hair behind. I heard that they could do things with DNA identification nowadays.

Of course, hair or any body parts were standard requirements for tracking magic. I must prevent leaving behind anything that could be used to track me down.

After I did it myself and become a thief, I now understand why the fiction for phantom thief genre was not really popular. Or why people didn't try to it in real life or aspire to be phantom thief. It was a niche genre for limited audience.

First, it was morally questionable. Stealing is inherently wrong, and people had some resistance to like that sort of thing. The main character who steal things was hard to be liked. That's why many phantom thief character in fiction steal from bad guys. It was blurring the concept of good and evil, making the thief as the good guy. Eh, me? I was the King. I was just collecting my treasures. I am not a thief, not at all.0

Second, it was hard. It was more difficult than being a detective. A detective only need to look for clues and evidence left on the crime scene, and make a deduction. He could recreate the scenario and scheme used by the criminal by the power of deduction, by relying on the evidence. He could even identify the criminal.

In contrast, a phantom thief worked from scratch. He must make the plan to steal the item, bypassing all the security, and tried to do it perfectly without leaving any evidence behind. He need to be more creative, because there was nothing to deduce from! He was working with a lot of pressure! And no matter how good the plan was, nothing was perfect. He would inevitably leave evidences behind. Imagine how frustrating it was when the plan that you had made with painstaking effort, was deduced in short time when the detective examined the evidences.

In conclusion, it was easier to be detective than to be phantom thief, and people liked to self insert as detective more. That's why Sherlock Holmes was more popular than Lupin.

"Illya? Are you finished?" Saber asked.

Ah. It seemed that my mind wandered off somewhere. I checked again, making sure I left no evidence behind. I put the ugly painting inside Gate of Babylon and put a fake letter of responsibility inside the bulletproof glass case.

"Yes, Saber. I am finished." I replied. I really need to think on another way to call her. She would soon be my adopted mother. That would make her my third mother, by the way. [Mama] was for Irisviel, [Honored Mother] was for Pandora. What would be good for Saber? [Mom]?

"Wait, I forget something." I took out cleaning liquid and sprayed it to the bulletproof glass, and then I wiped it clean with cleaning cloths. And then I used hand vacuum cleaner (battery powered, small, only $40) to sweep the area. All physical evidence, destroyed!

Finally, I focused my prana. I visualized the end result of my magic, and then I chanted, "löschen!" (erase!). All magical evidence, destroyed!

I secretly checked my Servants reaction about my flawless work. Good, it seemed like they admired my skill. I was glad I did not make any mistake here.

Hey guys, could you compliment me? Hey why were all of you silent? Heeey?

"Alright, let's get out of here." Saber turned away without saying anything else, and the other Servants followed her.

Oi, weren't all of you forgetting something? I quickly followed them out of the room. Maybe they will praise me when we got back to the hotel?

We quickly left the museum without anyone knowing. After this I want to sleep more. And then I want to go shopping. They said that this was the city of fashion, so there must be many fashion stores and boutiques.

But first, we need to acquire a car. I didn't want to walk long distance again. And shopping with a car was more stylish!

"Archer." I asked my Servant who was still in astral form. "Who do you think have the best car in this city?"

I later got a car, but some circumstances prevented me from using it in France. But that was another story.


L'État de Grace

25th October 2016. 07.14 Local Time. Paris, France.

Grace Bellanger was the president of French Republic. She was currently standing in front of a mirror inside her bathroom, holding a pink toothbrush in one hand and her favorite brand of toothpaste in the other hand.

Her usual morning routine was one of the time where she could relax. Away from the stress and workload of her office, and far from the world of politics that she hated. Here, she was away from all that, for a brief moment.

The toothpaste was her favorite ever since she was still a little child, it had strawberry flavor. She had never changed it even when she grew to adulthood. The fact that the company who produced it didn't close down in economic downturns were a small blessing, god knows how many of them happened in the last thirty years.

She almost began brushing her teeth when she heard someone called her. "Madam, there is an urgent matter." Her adjutant's voice was heard from behind the bathroom door.

Grace scowled at him, even when the man couldn't see him. This man always disturbed her mood. He always called her as if she was old lady, even if she was still relatively young, not reaching fifty yet. No wonder he was still single at that age. "What is it?" She tried to kept her voice level.

"We got a report that Mona Lisa was stolen."

Grace forgot about her strawberry flavored toothpaste and opened the bathroom door. "What did you say?"

Her adjutant explained to her in more detail. This morning, as the museum security guard patrolled one last time before the opening hours, they found that Mona Lisa was missing from its usual place. There was no sign of forced entry, or anything really. Only a paper note claiming responsibility.

President Grace swiftly fired off instructions to her subordinates. This was a national disaster, considering how famous the painting was. She told her chauffeur to prepare her car, she needed to head out immediately,

But then her chauffeur returned with lost expression. "Mam... the... the limousine... it... it's gone..." The chauffeur held out his shivering hand and showed her a paper note. "And on its place I found this..."

Grace took out the paper and read it, noting how the name at the end was the same name as the culprit who stole at military bases several days ago.

Alexander Gascoigne.



25th October 2016. 14.19 Local Time. Los Angeles, USA. Annie Charlton's Mansion

Annie POV

I donned my costume and told John Pluto Smith to prepare himself. Iriya had messaged me, saying that she would come to my house. I had stopped caring about small details like how did she find where my house was.

John Pluto Smith grudgingly respected the fact that Iriya always appeared in dramatic manner. For the one who specialized in dramatics such as him, Iriya's behavior was seen as a challenge. He couldn't afford to get shown up by an upstart.

I chided John for his misplaced priority. It was not important to be competitive in dramatic flairs. Moreover, Iriya was not an upstart, she was an ancient Campione who woke up in modern world.

John disagreed. Iriya was just a child, no matter when she was born. She couldn't be active as Campione for a long time. Contrary to John who had been active for ten years, surely.

I stopped my debate with John, there will be another time for it. For now, I have finished changing, and then I let John took over.

Some psychologist would tell you that having two minds in one body was not normal. Actually there was an official term for it, Multiple Personality Disorder if I remember correctly. But I disagree. This was normal. As normal as having power to kill gods.

John took over when we wore this costume and did our jobs in supernatural world. While he acted, I moved to the back of our mind and watched everything. Sometimes I offered advice on how to handle the situation, but he mostly ignored my suggestions and did his own things. I had no control of his action.

That's why whatever happen during that time was not my responsibility. It was all his, John Pluto Smith's fault. After all, there were a lot of differences in behavior philosophy and moral value between us.

What's that? I was not normal in the head? I should go get some treatment? That sounded like things my butler and friend told me sometimes. Of course, they're wrong. I didn't need any of that. Right, John?

See, John agreed with me.

I watched as John strode to the courtyard, fully expecting Iriya to come there. His reasoning was, 'if she wanted to do dramatic entrance, she would come from above. She would certainly use the large open courtyard when she saw it.' Our feet touched the grass growing on the courtyard and our body felt the heat of the afternoon sun.

He was correct, because after a while Iriya arrived on her strange vehicle.

Looking closely, I noticed that it must be some kind of magical vehicle, because from what I saw, I couldn't imagine how it could fly normally. The vehicle landed softly on the ground, it didn't make any sound doing it.

"Welcome to my humble abode, Princess Iriya." John said while bowing elegantly. He acted as if it was totally normal when a guest arrived from the sky. Also, John, what's with the princess title?

Iriya hopped off from the flying vehicle, followed by her Heretic Gods guardians and... Princess Alice of the Witenagemot?

"I have come, Older Brother!" Iriya greeted John. She motioned her right hand and the strange vehicle disappear into a rippling golden portal.

It was previously arranged that Iriya would call her Older Brother when she was in costume. John actually liked the idea, he said that if Annie was called 'Older Sister' then he should be called Older Brother.

I was grateful for the arrangement because now it kept my secret from Princess Alice. But seriously, John was actually amused with the fact that Iriya called him Older Brother. Did he have little sister fetish?

Anyway, Iriya was not hiding her appearance in this occasion. She was a little girl with silver long hair, red eyes, and skin as white as snow. She was wearing a frilly purple dress, purple hair ribbon, and matching purple shoes. If I had to be honest, she was actually a very lovely girl. Why did she hide her appearance before... oh!

Don't tell me... "A lovely dress, it suits you well. Perhaps, it is new?" John Pluto Smith asked Iriya. She intentionally displayed it to boast about her new clothes?

Iriya proudly flaunted off her clothes more, answering, "Yes, I just buy this dress. And a lot more other clothes! Pretty, right?"

John had become an expert in reading little girl's mind.

Iriya was wearing short sleeve dress, so it was inevitable that we saw it. Or, it could be said that the other party had no intention to hide it. On her left arm, there were red tattoos in bizarre pattern, going up from the back of her hand to the center of forearm. We pretended that we didn't see it.

It looked like tribal tattoo. A culture from ancient civilization? We should research it later.

Iriya then began to introduce her retinue. We observed them carefully. Other than Princess Alice, the others were not human. They were Heretic Gods. At least that's what we sensed. There were slight differences but we must be correct. There were no other entities with this level of mana density and power other than Heretic Gods.

Our nose picked up various scents. The scents were mixed up, so we couldn't differentiate which scent belong to who. There were scents of Dragon, fishy aroma of Snakes like Divine Ancestor, rusty iron, smokes and burnt coal, forest leaves, and... sandalwood incense? We couldn't identify other scents because they were too muddled.

I watched on from the backseat of our mind when Iriya introduced her servants. Hmm, the newcomers looked regal and strong. John was wary of them. They were wearing modern clothes, not the battle armor seen in the Iriya Ranger video.

Iriya introduced her first follower. Astoria was a short girl with her short blonde hair tied up to her back. She had a masculine aura on her person, and it was strengthened by her outfit, a black suit and black trouser. She even wore black looked like Iriya's bodyguard from head to toe.

"I heard that our Iriya has caused you trouble before. Thank you for taking care of my niece." Astoria greeted me with a slight bow. Her manner was very formal, her expression stoic, and her voice stern. She was a hard woman, but her mannerism was refined, so she must be from upper class of society.

"Niece?" John asked her, trying to get more information.

"Yes, Iriya was my late sister's daughter." Astoria answered, her eyes looked at John unblinking. "I took her from her father's family because it was not safe there."

Eh? But wait... how would this information fit in with the one in the interview? Was she trying to mislead me? "And what is the relationship between Iriya and the others? Are they family too?" John tried asking.

"Ah, this Eimiah here is my husband. That make him Iriya's uncle." Astoria indicated a tall man wearing white shirt and black suit. He had well trained body, and his gait showed his experience in fighting. He was young, but his hair had turned completely white. He was looking around, gazing here and there with sharp eyes. When his name was called, he just gave a simple bow as greeting.

"Yay! Big Brother is my uncle!" Iriya cheered, and then Astoria struck her head with her fist. "Ouch!" Iriya yelped, but Astoria warned her, "Don't interrupt my conversation with our host. Be silent like a good girl."

I couldn't guess their relationship at all from their interaction. Who was in control? Was Iriya really controlling these Heretic Gods? And also, was he the older brother mentioned in the interview? Why had he become the uncle?

Without caring about my confusion, Astoria continued her introduction. It seemed that she had taken over the introduction from Iriya. "This is Matilda. She is my private assistant, and our chauffeur sometimes."

"Pffft. Chauffeur. Class: Chauffeur, fufufu." Iriya was chuckling while muttering an inside joke, and Astoria gave her another strike at the back of her head. Iriya was silent after that, pouting while rubbing her head.

Matilda was a beautiful woman with long magenta colored hair. She wore glasses that made her looked smarter. Her clothes was simple white shirt and black trouser.

Well... Astoria was beautiful and Eimiah was handsome, but this Matilda had a different type of beauty. A lovely, charming, breathtaking kind of gorgeousness that exceeded the most beautiful woman on earth, her fair countenance had allure to it that shamed all other pretty women out there, her body seductiveness was radiant, elegant, exquisite - wait a minute, what am I thinking?

Dangerous! A Heretic Goddess almost ensnared us with only her aura. She must be some kind of goddess famous for her beauty. It was good that John had a mask, it hid the drool. Let's forget about the question of whether John and I shared the same sexual preference, we didn't need that issue right now.

"And this was..." Astoria continued to introduced the last man, but she paused. "What was your name again?" Astoria asked the man in question. He wore grey t-shirt, black leather jacket, and blue jeans. He was a man with a handsome face, with that wild impression that sometimes you saw in ruffians and delinquents. The man put his hands inside his pockets, behaving in carefree manner. He yawned and turned to Astoria.

"My name? Aaahhh... it was supposed to be Lan-something. Lan-cheer? Lein-queer?" The man answered.

"Well, for now, just call him Stan." Astoria gave up and chose something totally different. Hey, if you wanted to make fake names, at least remember it! And you couldn't just change it arbitrarily like that!

"He is my husband's close friend from a while back, and now he is accompanying us because he is worried about our safety." Astoria explained smoothly as if she didn't just forget the guy's name a moment before.

"What an admirable thing, to escort a friend's family. You must be very close friend!" John said in fake platitude.

"We are close enough that I stabbed him in the heart."

"Close enough I smell his stinky dog breath."

"What did you say you rusty bootlegger!"

"You can't hear me? Your hearing must be rank Z."

And then Eimiah and Stan started muttering some insult to each other, but it was loud enough for everyone to hear, and then they started fighting among themselves. They had taken stance face to face to each other, ready to fight it out, but then Astoria said, "Stop it you guys. You are friends, best friends. Or should I remind you? I heard that experiencing death together bring men closer. Want to try it?"

Did she... just threatened to kill both of them?

The two men considered it, and then they relaxed their stance, cancelling the fight. But seriously, how were they best friends? All of the things you said were lies, right, Astoria?

"Don't mind my husband and his friend, they are just joking around." Astoria said with a slight smile. "And this one is my niece's friend, Alice." She motioned for Princess Alice to come forward. "Maybe you two have met before? What a small world."

Princess Alice came and greeted us with a curtsy. Well... now I was troubled. "Aah, you see, I was under impression that only Iriya and her servants will be coming. I didn't expect that..."

"That another person from magical community is coming?" Astoria guessed what I wanted to say. "And you are troubled because she might discover your identity, what's with this place being your home. Right?"

I nodded, confirming what she had said. On the side, Iriya had a surprised look and began to panic. She didn't think that bringing Princess Alice here could create a problem.

"Don't worry. I told Matilda to circle around so that Alice couldn't get a sense of direction. And I kept asking her questions to distract her." Astoria said, with normal tone as if discussing the weather. "She only knows that this place is somewhere near Los Angeles, but that's something everybody knows."

This time, it was Princess Alice's turn to be surprised. Apparently, what Astoria said was true, and Princess Alice had just found out the real reason Astoria kept questioning her.

"We can always use blindfold when leaving the house, and if all other methods fail, we can just erase her memory." Astoria added. "Her magical resistance? Aaah, such an insignificant thing, it's only rank G at the maximum, no need to be concerned." Astoria said that in light tone, as if discussing a minor thing like how to cook breakfast

By the time Astoria finished, Princess Alice was shaking in fear.

Rank G? There's a measurement scale for magical resistance?

"But I am surprised." John tried to gather more information. "This is the first time I met Heretic Gods with family."

Everything became silent. The temperature of the open air courtyard dropped several degrees, and everyone was looking at John Pluto Smith. The Heretic Gods stared at us with wariness, Princess Alice with disbelief, and Iriya with panic.

Only Astoria maintained her calm. "Oh, is that so?" She spoke normally, without care about the atmosphere. "But gods and goddesses in the myth have family. They have parents, siblings, sons, daughters, and spouse. Apollo and Artemis are siblings, aren't they?"

John and I was taken aback. It was true, but those things had never mattered for Heretic Gods. Relationships didn't matter, because Heretic Gods usually descended alone, and rarely they ever met another Heretic Gods from the same mythology.

It was unlikely that these Heretic Gods in front of us were from the same mythology and united once more. Our instinct told us, these Heretic Gods descended alone, and met each other, and then they got into this relationships they had now. And that meant... Heretic Gods meeting with one another in modern times and falling in love, and then getting married?

And also, these Heretic Gods were too accustomed to modern life. Contrary to other Heretic Gods who wore their traditional garb, these Heretic Gods wore modern clothes. Not only that, they were brand name, expensive apparel. Look, that Heretic God, Stan? He wore stylish wristwatch. Eimiah had the latest smartphone that he sometimes checked. Matilda wore a belt with gun holster, with a handgun ready.

Was that gun legal anyway? Did these Heretic Gods followed the gun control law?

As if she was reading my mind, Astoria spoke, "There is no rule that Heretic Gods can not build a family or marrying each other, right?" She said with teasing smile.

Well, there was none. But then, how much information we glimpsed were true, and how much were lies? And how did Iriya connected to all of that?

"And also..." Astoria continued with mischievous smirk. "I never said that we are Heretic Gods."

What? "But Iriya said..."

"Iriya, am I a Heretic God?" Astoria suddenly turned to ask Iriya.

"Eh? Eeeh? Ummm. Well... I - I am not sure?" Iriya answered.

"Not sure. Yes. Maybe I am Heretic God. Maybe I am not. Which one is it?" Astoria spoke in mock confusion. The real confused person were me and Princess Alice!

"It is not wise to trust anything that a child said." Astoria said with smugness, and in response Iriya was pouting. It would be endearing scene in another situation, but we couldn't find the heart for it now, our mind was too busy thinking about the contradicting information.

Hm? Where was the black giant? The one suspected to be Hercules? That's what was written in the commentary subtitle in the video.

I watched as John squinted his eyes and spotted him. He was in ghost-like state, hovering near Iriya. He was invisible to the normal naked eyes.

I gently nudged John. He acknowledged my warning. There was a dissonance. Someone else was here. Invisible to normal eyes or even supernatural eyes. John had been secretly casting several detection magic, but this person always eluded him.

Princess Alice was talking with us after she regained her composure, and she explained that she had been escorting Iriya on a sightseeing tour. I could see that she had a lot of stress built up. And she secretly twitched her smile or flinched when she thought noone was looking. Her eyes sneakily swam around, trying to see something.

I see. So Princess Alice was also aware about the hidden presence, but she couldn't detect it.

John and I believed in our intuition and casually glanced at a random direction. It was an empty spot without anyone standing there. We purposefully stare at the empty spot for several seconds, and then we normally talked to Iriya again.

"Is something the matter, Older Brother?" Iriya nervously asked. However, her action betrayed her. She looked at the empty spot with unnatural stiffness and said with a monotone voice, "Is there something on that area? I really don't see anything. Ahaha. Ahahaha."

John offered Iriya and her retinue rooms to stay the night. Our mansion was big enough to let them stay. "I will told my butler to prepare for eight persons."

"Excuse me, but you are mistaken." Said Astoria. "With Alice here, our numbers are just six."

John didn't say anything but stare at Astoria for several seconds. And then... "Fufufu, six, you say? Very well, six persons have come. But this John Pluto Smith will prepare eight rooms! You can do whatever you want with the extra rooms."

Astoria was speechless after hearing the declaration. Time to turn the tables, girl!

Astoria politely refused our offer, citing a need to be elsewhere later.

Suddenly, our instinct warned us, and John took out our magic gun from our waist. He aimed it at the right side, which seemingly had nothing on it.

Everyone was tense and nobody moved, observing the situation.

After several moments, the presence of danger vanished, and John holstered our gun back.

"That was an interesting weapon..." The tanned white haired guy, Eimiah, said. He kept staring at our weapon. "A divine construct... made by gods? No... something else... fairies? Fairies can make a gun?"

Interesting. Maybe he was a god related to armaments? Or maybe not, just a god with good instinct.

"Yes, if you bring the design and pay the right price." John said to him. Eimiah seemed to want to ask more, but he was cut off by Iriya.

"Well, ahaha. Older Brother John is weird, pointing a gun at nothing. Ahahaha. W-weird, what's that for?" Iriya said in forced monologue.

However, Astoria had narrowed her eyes. She spoke to us, "You have no need to be afraid. I am sure that you are safe. All of us, Iriya's family, will make sure of it."

The speech might be an indirect way to tell the invisible presence to do nothing. I already knew that Heretic Gods could turn invisible, but to turn invisible twice? I really doubt someone other than Campiones or a very skilled spiritual mage on the level of Princess Alice could detect the hint of the mysterious last Heretic God. Even I could not be sure about its whereabout, only that it existed in close proximity.

There was still the issue of Iriya bringing along an invisible guest, but John and I shelved the issue for now. Iriya explained the purpose of her visit. She wanted to introduce herself to the magical community in Los Angeles. And she wanted to do it in flashy way.

"... and so I am thinking of doing photoshoot with you! How about it?"



Thankfully John rejected the idea. "Actually, I have something else in mind." He said. "It is more flashy and attention grabbing than photos."

'Wait, John! Is that really a good idea?'

"What? Something better than photoshoot? " Iriya asked.

Astoria looked relieved to hear that there was another option. "I would like to hear that."

John nodded. "Yeah. I heard you are expert in magic. There is something you might be able to do."


Femme Fatale

25th October 2016. 14.36 Local Time. Los Angeles, USA. Annie Charlton's Mansion

Assassin POV

Assassin observed the one called as John Pluto Smith from a distance.

Lancer told her that John Pluto Smith's real identity was a woman named Annie Charlton. But she didn't detect any hint of femininity from John, none at all. It was like John was truly a man inside that costume.

Speaking of that costume, what was that headgear? Instead of two eyes just like normal human, the helmet had six eyes. Which ones did John used? Did he had six eyes in transformation or something like that as part of his power? The details of the abilities owned by the superpower holders were not entirely clear for her.

John had led Illyasviel and her retinue outside. He wanted to take them somewhere. It looked like they would take a car, John had called his butler to prepare it. He even mentioned that the car was untraceable and it was the one he used for his work when in secret identity.

Assassin followed them carefully, maintaining a cautious distance.

Assassin had heard about the unique circumstances of this world from the other Servants, and she had also witnessed her Master's unusual power. But this was the first time she had met another human who bore the title Campione.

Campione. A human possessing Noble Phantasm. It was speculated that they plunder Noble Phantasm from the Servants they defeated.

Assassin didn't really believe it at first, but now she did. She tried to approached John Pluto Smith in secret earlier, wanting to pull a little prank, but John immediately pinpointed her location and aimed her weapon at her.

John Pluto Smith couldn't see Assassin, but her keen instinct precisely warned her of incoming threat. Even with the skill Presence Concealment, John Pluto could still detect her. What a dangerous fellow.

And there were five more dangerous people like that? Her Master was right in her decision to strike them first. Any possibility of hostile threat should be eliminated in haste.

The car had arrived. Her little Master was complaining, disappointed by something after seeing it. "It's normal sedan car. You don't have something like a batmobile?" said her Master to John Pluto Smith.

Assassin was still learning about her new Master. One thing she had learned was that her Master was... eccentric.

"There is no need for that kind of car which only attract attention. Err, what should we do. There is not enough space for all of you." Said John Pluto, pointing the problem to Illyasviel. The car could only take five person, but Illyasviel's group numbered more than that.

"You don't need to worry about that." Saber said. With her signal, Archer and Lancer astralized. "They will ride on the roof of the car. And Alice doesn't need to go, she should stay, otherwise she might discover the location of your house by seeing the surrounding."

John Pluto Smith would drive the car, and Rider would sit beside her. Saber and Illyasviel would sit in the backseat. Archer, Lancer, and Berserker was in astral form and sit on the roof.

Assassin didn't hesitate to go inside the car, picking a seat beside Saber. She was a woman, so there was no need to be outside with the men. Everyone inside were women, so it's logical that she was supposed to go inside as well, right?

Saber was moving sideways, giving space for her. It looked weird if anyone saw the seating position, because there was an empty space next to Saber. There was no complaint from John though, maybe she already knew about Assassin?

In any case, they went outside the mansion with the car. The ride was peaceful, other than Illyasviel talking about plans to discover a silver-haired maid and building underground base to store giant robots.


Illyasviel and A Certain Children's Book

25th October 2016. 15.27 Local Time. Los Angeles, USA. The Zoo Parking Ground.

Robin Shena fixed her collar and hair, checking her reflection on the rear view mirror. After she was satisfied, she got out of her car, standing on the hot, dry asphalt.

Other people with the same style of clothes as her also got out from the car. All of them wear black and white suit, similar to the agents in a certain alien movie. In total, there were five persons who got out from the car.

Robin was a little unusual, her hair was tied in unique twintail. The tied up hair was wrapped in ribbons.

She gazed at the building in front of her. An entrance to a small zoo, there was nothing unnatural about it in appearance.

Obviously, it wasn't true. Robin was an agent of SSI, a government agency that dealt with supernatural. She was here for otherworldly matter. But this time it was something rare even for her. She and her colleagues were called by John Pluto Smith, for 'urgent matter'.

She discreetly glanced at one of her colleague, Jack Milburn. That guy was the one who received the message. For whatever reason, the Los Angeles Guardian Hero always tried to get closer to him. A mystery. Well, if Robin didn't knew better, she would assume that the hero was actually trying to seduce Jack. But of course, that wasn't true. They're both men, and JPS wouldn't flirt with SSI agent.

It was just her imagination running wild. Maybe she should stop reading her sister's secret collection about same-sex relationship.

"So, why do you think we are here?" Jack said, oblivious to Robin's musing.

"I wonder, does John do this often? Calling SSI for meeting?" One of her colleague said. Michael Lee. He was the new recruit, Robin remembered. That's why he was not familiar yet with how JPS operated.

Robin softly touch her gun holster, her usual habit when she was nervous. She answered, "No, he usually only send messages, or telling us where to go. Sometimes he will tell us about where he will be, but at the time we arrived usually he already took care of everything. Mostly, we are cleaning up for him."

Cleaning up, as in, dealing with the aftermath of a huge battle. Or transporting prisoners. Or hypnotising accidental witnesses. The grunt work for low level agents, or well, relatively low compared to the masked hero.

Robin sighed internally, cursing her luck in life. Being born near Los Angeles and getting official placement here was not really that bad, if not for the existence of a Godslayer in the city. She got more workload compared to the agents assigned to another area.

"Well, do you think it's about that case...?" Another one of his colleague, Julian Colegui, spoke to noone in particular. Julian was a senior, so he knew about that case.

"Possibly. What other reason for us to come here." Jack said. The zoo was not really that popular, and it's not weekend. The only reason Robin could think of was that case from several years ago. When Heretic Goddess Artemis descended and spread disaster. In the end, she was slain by John Pluto, but before that she had caused a big disaster. And not even the mighty John Pluto Smith could help the aftermath.

Several people were changed into animal. They were not involved with supernatural, just the average, civilian people. The Heretic Goddess whimsically changed those people into animal without robbing their consciousness. And even after Artemis killed, they did not reverted back.

Nobody could cure them. None knew how. Not even John Pluto. So until today, the victims were still trapped in animal body.

They were cared and looked for, while people tried to find the cure. Honestly, it was a polite fiction. Robin herself had lost hope and thought of them as lost cause. But maybe, John had finally found a solution?

After all, this zoo was the place where the victims of that incident were kept. The official public reason was that some animals were quarantined until they become healthy again. The truth was, the restricted area was dedicated for caring these humans turned animals.

Robin tuned out Jack who was briefly explaining about the incident and the victims to the newbies. She glanced at the car. Maybe they could wait inside? Waiting under hot sunlight was uncomfortable. Robin dismissed the thought. She didn't want to appear impolite in front of one of the King, even if he was a nice guy.

They didn't need to wait long. A black sedan that Robin recognized had arrived. It was the car that JPS used sometimes. Robin stood ready while waiting for the guardian hero to come out.

And then, John Pluto Smith exited the driver seat. As usual, he wore his black themed costume and insect-like mask. "Well, we have arrived." He said to someone inside the car. There was someone else inside? JPS had never let anyone else enter his car, not as long as Robin remembered.

She observed it with curiosity. There was no doubt that someone inside was special enough that JPS let him ride his car. "Alright everyone, helmet on, armor on!" A young girl's voice was heard.

From the backseat, a short figure wearing golden armor exited the car. Her head was covered by golden helmet, hiding her eyes and hair. She assumed that it was a woman from her voice. On her back was red cape. Robin recognized that appearance.

It's hard not to. She just watched a certain video last week, starring a person with the same exact appearance, and read the report about her last night.

A godslayer, a Campione, the Seventh Devil King, Iriya!

And then the rest of the passengers exited the car. Robin mentally checked them, one by one. The Silver Knight. The Red Knight. The Blue Knight. All of them wore helmet that hide their face.

And the last one, exiting the front seat was a woman in normal clothing. She wore glasses and had long magenta hair. She stepped out of the car and nonchalantly looked around.

"RIDER! I told you to wear battle suit! What will you do if our identity exposed!" The girl in golden armor yelled.

"No... I mean... well, I think there is no difference for me." The woman replied calmly. "Besides, I have no armor or mask."

"You have that eyemask! That blindfold only use is to hide your face!"

"It's not useless! It's a splendid Noble Phantasm! Let me tell you that it -"

The woman wanted to argue, but Silver Knight got between the two quarreling parties, and said in stern voice. "Enough! Rider was right, she had nothing to disguise herself."

"But Saber, -"

"Silence." The Silver Knight cut off Iriya's complaint with just a word. Iriya flinched and stopped speaking.

"We will think of disguising her for daily lives later. A change in hair color and hairstyle can work. But for now, there is no problem with her appearance. Let's go, we need to finish our business here." Silver Knight said.

The report said that Iriya controlled the Heretic Gods Guardian. But from what Robin saw, it was not the case. Silver Knight was the one leading the group, the body language of the other Heretic Gods confirmed it.

The Silver Knight turned to face Robin and the other SSI personnel, walking towards them. Behind Silver Knight, John Pluto Smith and Iriya was following him, and the rest of Heretic God Guardians were bringing up the rear.

And then the Silver Knight stopped at few meters in front of Robin.

Robin was frozen still, her heart beating fast, and as she clenched her fists in nervousness, she realized that she was sweating a lot. The reason was, the magical aura that she felt from the group in front of her was very big, very powerful, and this was the first time she had ever felt a group of individuals holding that much power.

Having interacted with John Pluto Smith for several years, Robin had been desensitized enough to not feel too intimidated by the mask-wearing hero. But she knew that other Kings were different from Los Angeles' Hero. They were Devil Kings, bringer of chaos, and if she made a mistake here, her head could fall, literally.

Robin realized that she had been holding her breath. From somewhere behind her, Robin heard Julian choked something unintelligible.

"I see two trembling magi, and three wary but confused magi. Are they here to welcome us?" The Silver Knight spoke, his voice was rather high-tone for a man.

"Well, you said you want an audience to witness your feat, so I called them." John Pluto Smith answered, gesturing in dramatic fashion. "They are magical government agency that oversee this nation. The Sorcerous Sacrilege Investigation, or in brief, SSI."

Iriya, who was wearing golden armor and helmet, tilted her head, seemingly thinking about something. And then she pointed her finger at Robin et al. "I know you!" She shouted in recognition. "You're the MIB! Men in Black! Tasked to protect the Earth from Alien activities! I have watched three movies about you! You can't fool me!" She turned to John Pluto Smith, protesting angrily, "Why are you calling them? I am not Alien!"

"Tch, another one with misunderstanding. We should tell the boss that our uniform should change, this already happens like thousand times already." Celty Starlusen muttered in low voice, but enough for Robin to hear. She was the last of Robin's colleague, and the only other woman in the team. She had shoulder-length brown hair and blue eyes.

"Who are they?" Jack Milburn whispered to Robin. John Pluto Smith was placating Iriya, while Silver Knight was still staring at the SSI personnel.

Robin was taken aback by Jack's question. That's right, it seemed that not everybody knew about Iriya Rangers video.

This needed an explanation. SSI was an organization affiliated with the government and law enforcement. A lot of its members were people who was traditionally involved with supernatural. This was natural as the case they investigated often need magical expertise.

The organization's history could be traced back to the colonial era, where migrant magical families banded together to police their town. Without powerful mage association around, the mages who migrated to the new continent must fend for themselves against evil magicians. After some time, the cooperation between mage families was formalized, and a paramilitary mage organization was formed.

The organization grew from just covering a single city, to several cities, to a whole state, and finally a whole nation. It expanded itself by merger with another similar organization or absorbing the minor policing cooperation in other area. It had established itself as the protector of law and order in the magical world in the USA.

The organization was eventually absorbed into the government when it wanted a stronger control in the supernatural world. Before, there was only cooperation between the SSI and the mundane law enforcement institution.

It was not a smooth process, and there were a lot of bickering and lobbying going on at that time. Still, nowadays SSI was recognized as part of the government, even if it was not recorded anywhere in official documents, and its existence was known only to people with security clearance above certain level.

The organization leaders still maintained that they were independent Mage Association, and that government connection was just a convenient cover. The government didn't agree. The members were confused. And Robin didn't want to get involved in the debate.

Robin was even registered as public servant, and paid by taxpayer money. Her job was 'special consultant' in United States Department of Justice. She even listed that as her job in her official tax declaration. It's not like she could say that she was agent for magic association, so it was actually a good thing. By the way, the exact designation of which agency she officially employed was vague, and she suspected that no one knew.

The decision to place SSI in federal government was a recent one, it was said that back then the federal government and the states government didn't know where to put SSI in their hierarchy. Did the Governor have authority to order SSI, or not? Stuff like that.

Actually, that question hadn't been answered even to this day.

SSI recruited people with magical power to act as guardian of public order. The recruits belonged to ancient families of spellcaster, magical mercenaries, occult researchers and so on. Obviously, these people knew about Heretic Gods and Campiones. They also had other information network in supernatural world other than SSI. Sometimes, magician from allied Mage Association was lent as temporary members. For hundred of years, things happened this way.

In the other hand, there were also some people who were recruited without any magical background. This phenomenon happened after the end of World War II, following the need for expansion, in response to the increase of magical crime. They might be representatives from the government, or someone skilled in detective work, or a first generation who awakened magical talent. This second group was rather uninformed about the nature of Heretic Gods and Campiones, or about the events happening in another part of the world. This second group's loyalty leaned to the government side rather than the organization's leadership.

Someone voiced speculation that the government's push for more new recruits from the mundane background was a ploy to get better control of the SSI.

Robin Shena and Julian Colegui were from the first group. Jack Milburn, Michael Lee, and Celty Starlusen were from the second group. In popular terms, Robin was a pureblood and Jack was a muggleborn. That term from children book, precisely mirroring the phenomenon that divided the SSI. Of course, there was no discrimination or any unsavory practice, just some differences in skill, knowledge, and information network. And there was no one with a real 'pure' blood, magician had no problem in marrying non-magician and have children.

Someone said that terms as a joke few years back, labeling the SSI agents with two different background as pureblood and muggleborn. The terms stick. Despite the order from higher-ups not to use it and the utter disgust expressed by some.

"They are important and powerful figures from abroad. " I replied to Jack, trying to be as succinct as possible without lying.

"In short, they are not MIB but more like, Ministry of Magic?" Iriya asked John Pluto Smith.

"Yes! Something like that!" John Pluto Smith nodded at the reference to children's fantasy book.

Iriya was still pouting. "But the Americans are sure rude. They don't show respect to me as they should. Back in Japan, that granny prostrated herself on the floor the first time we met." She stared at the SSI agents meaningfully.

Robin realized that she had been too complacent, having John Pluto Smith as King for many years made her forget about the lesson drilled into her on how to pay respect to Campione. She immediately dropped to her knees. Behind her, Julian did the same thing.

"We apologize for our lack of manners, Your Majesty. We are here to serve and obey." The words came to Robin's mouth naturally, years of training remembered.

But three others SSI agents were shocked still, confused by the sudden action of their colleagues. Of course, they were 'muggleborns'.

Robin urgently hissed to them. "Do as I do. Don't ask. Just kneel."

"Why should we do that? Who are these people?" Celty loudly asked. The other two didn't say anything but they didn't do what Robin instruct them to do.

Iriya folded her arms and raised her eyebrow, glaring at Celty. That glare promised retribution.

Robin hastily said, "Please have mercy on them. They have not received education on the proper etiquette to meet Kings. They.. – they are muggleborns!"

The taboo terms involuntary came out because she was panicking. But Robin didn't know how to explain the situation in short time other than summarizing it in that one word.

"Oi, I told you I hate that word!" Michael Lee said. He had shaky voice. That must be because he had also felt the magical aura and charisma that these strangers had, but he was too stubborn to admit it.

But Iriya seemed to understand just from hearing that one word. "Oooh! You even have muggleborns here! I see, I see." She nodded to herself. "Well, then I just need to make them understand why they should respect me in simple way, right? My Servants, release your aura!"

Immediately, Iriya and her Heretic Gods Guardian released their aura.

Impossible! They were suppressing their aura before? And this was their aura in full power? Robin could only measure it by relying on her own magical reserve.

There was no comparison. There was no measurement. It was like trying to measure vast ocean with a cup. Or to weigh a big mountain with kitchen scale.

Robin had felt John Pluto Smith's full power aura before, in her long experience. It was huge and overwhelming, but she could still get a grasp on the power level he had. She estimated that it was around a hundred times the magic power Robin had.

But this…. In her hazy mind Robin realized that this was a Campione and four Heretic Gods blaring their aura simultaneously. No wonder the power she felt was off scale. But.. - didn't Iriya had one more Heretic God? Heretic Hercules?

This much power and she was still holding back?

Robin sneaked a peek on the others reaction. John Pluto Smith was still standing, but he had taken two steps back from Iriya, observing her warily. Julian bowed his head deep to the ground like an ostrich in terror. Michael, Jack, and Celty was gaping, trembling in the knees, and frozen on the spot.

Iriya then said in cold voice. "Now, kneel."

The three muggleborn agents dropped off to their knees reflexively.


The Miracle Worker

Inside The Zoo.

"So, these animals are human, but transformed by evil goddess?" Illya peered at some of the animals from behind the fence. There were goats, sheeps, dogs, and various other animals inside.

This was one of the cage where the victims of the incident were safeguarded. John Pluto Smith had just finished explaining about it.

After Illya got her deserved respect from these Magician in Black agents, she entered the zoo. There was no need to pay for the entrance ticket. Shame, Illya wanted to experience buying ticket normally. She now had money, you see!

These agents proved themselves somewhat capable, allowing Iriya and her Servants who were dressed in armor and helmets to enter without trouble. Illya thought that there were people who recognized John Pluto Smith and some who took photos, but she didn't think it was a problem. Let them have pictures!

If only Rider wore a costume as well. Forget it, she would just making her wear something later.

This was the first time she visited a zoo, so she was very excited. Unfortunately, she had something to do, so she couldn't really enjoy the zoo. Illya and the others just walked past the cages and attraction in rapid pace.

It was a good thing that these agents now respect Illya. All of that act was done according to Saber's instruction. Well, she said that as a leader, Illya needed to be feared and loved. That act before was to make these people fear her. This time, Illya would work to make them love her. Saber said that this doctrine was quoted from a book, by someone called Mocca Felix.

After they passed some sections, they arrived at the special quarantined area. And then John explained about the victims of Artemis magic.

"Hmm. Yes, I can see traces of magic enveloping them. Also traces of divinity." Illya had seen something similar before. It was very similar with Circe's magic to camouflaged herself. Now, wasn't there a tale where Circe changed lost sailors into animals? Those Greek Goddesses were not creative at all!

Wait a minute! Goddess? But a real Divine Spirit couldn't become a Servant!

She asked Saber about it (in telepathy), and Saber reassured her that it must be a heroine that became famous and identified as goddess. A normal human that was deified later. Illya believed it. After all, that's what happened with Angra Mainyu, right?

Though, to get divine power after becoming a Heroic Spirit, what a lucky heroine!

"You are right in asking for my help, I have seen this before and I have experience in breaking this type of magic." Illya said to the present audience, which consisted of the Servants, John Pluto Smith, SSI agents, and the SSI staffs stationed in the zoo to monitor the victims.

Many of the SSI people were surprised and delighted when Illya said she could reverse the magic. They had hopeful expression, wishing that she could really do it. Even some of the faux-animals raised their heads, showing expectation.

"Huh? Where did you see it?" Saber asked.

"Remember that crazy witch on an island? That was Circe, and she had similar magic." Illya answered, and the audience became even more excited. Almost everyone knew the famous tale of Circe and her transformation magic. Maybe this time, the victims could really be transformed back to normal.

Illya materialized Rule Breaker and held it in reverse grip on her right hand. "It's easy, her magic unraveled after I stabbed her with this several times."

Contrary to her expectation, there was no applause to her big revelation this time. Illya expected that she would get stronger reaction after she revealed a Noble Phantasm, but all she got were confused faces.

"Excuse me, Your Majesty. But Heretic Artemis was slain by King John Pluto, as he had explained before." A female agent with twintail hairstyle said. Hmm? Illya looked at the unique hairstyle, a little distracted, before answering her.

"Uh-huh. So?" What's wrong with these people. They were repeating the obvious. Illya had caught the explanation the first time, why stating it again?

"But even then, the victims didn't revert back." The female agent said it carefully, slowly, trying to explain it to a child but not wanting to earn her wrath.

Illya was irritated. "So? What's your point?" Why couldn't they understand that Illya was amazing already, but persisted in repeating trivia?

The female agent visibly swallowed, and continued. "That is… stabbing Heretic Artemis was out. We are hoping that you have another solution…"

Ah, so they had this silly misunderstanding. "Oh so that's what you mean. Of course I wouldn't stab Artemis. I will stab those animals!" Illya said and pointed at the animals inside the cage with Rule Breaker.

The animals reacted to Illya's proclamation by backing away and putting as much distance as they could between them and the ominous-looking dagger. The SSI agents too, tensed and nervously looked at Illya with sharp gaze.

"W-why do you want to stab them?" The female agent asked, her hand reaching the gun holster at her side.

Illya was puzzled by the wary reactions around her. She intended to do something good, so why did people look at her as if she was evil magus creating soulless zombies? She hastily explained, "Because I want to end their suffering." And Rule Breaker will break the enchantment.

The female agent suddenly pulled out her gun and aimed it at Illya. Other agents also moved, standing in front of the cage, blocking Illya from them. They had also pulled out their weapons, from gladius, magic whip, enchanted crossbow, baton, and foldable scythe. That last one was the coolest among them.

"I can't let you do that to them! Even if you are a King!" The female agent shouted, her hands trembling.

Illya was shocked by the sudden change in atmosphere, she was frozen still. But her Servants reacted fast and they moved to positioned themselves in front of her, blocking any attack to her. Even Berserker had materialized and showed his displeasure to the agents, by almost breaking their eardrums with his roar.

"Wait, wait! Everyone calm down!" Only John Pluto Smith's plea that prevented the conflict to begin. Well, if it happened, it would be a very one sided conflict. That was clear to everyone present.

"Let's calm down. I think there's a misunderstanding here." John Pluto Smith said, standing between two groups. "Iriya. Our aim is to transform back the victims into human form, is that correct?"

"Yes." Illya rolled her eyes and folded her arms, pouting. Why did these people always repeating the obvious?

"And you want to stab the victims, because…? Will it help achieve our goal?" John Pluto Smith continued.

"Uh-huh." Illya nodded.

John scratched the back of his head. "We need more explanation. Is that related to the dagger you're holding? What is it? What is its function?" John Pluto Smith asked, his eyes on the Rule Breaker.

Illya became more impatient, why should she be questioned like this? She was not in the wrong! "This is a dagger used for magic ritual, sometimes to do sacrifice ceremony." Yep, she won't tell its true capabilities.

Saber would get mad if she did it. She said that Illya must guard her secrets better. See, she just did that! Eh? Why did Saber looked at her with frustration? All the Servants looked at her with various expression of amusement, confusion, or resignation.

The SSI agents became tensed again. Even John Pluto Smith looked at her speechless.

"Illya." Saber said to her. "The right thing to do in this case is to tell them the truth." Saber said to her, and then she turned to John Pluto Smith and the SSI agents. "The dagger had an ability to neutralize magic."

"Really?" John Pluto Smith asked with incredulous tone.

Illya was crestfallen after Saber declared her action a mistake, so she decided that she needed to cover her previous mistake by telling more information here. "It's true! I stabbed Circe to break her concealment magic! Well, the divine Servant's magic is strong, so it took around thirty stabs. I need to stab in many different part of the body too! Sometimes the stab missed the magic, so I need to stab multiple times in the same area to get a hit!"

But Illya's explanation didn't make John Pluto Smith and SSI agents calm down. It's the opposite, they became even more tense. Meanwhile, Saber groaned in irritation.

"Illya, why didn't you use Structural Grasping to determine where to stab?" Archer asked.

"Huh? You can do that?"

"Someone with high skill in Structural Grasping certainly can. Maybe it will need only one stab." Archer rubbed his chin, thinking about the problem.

"No, you didn't feel it, Archer. That Caster's magic was thick! And it must be severed in many locations, its knots, so to speak." Illya shook her head.

Archer looked at the now trembling animals, evaluating the magic. "Maybe. But I am sure I can identify the location of the knots better than you. Did you just randomly stabbing and hope it will hit the right spot?"

Illya pouted and turned her head away. That was what exactly happened. "Fine. You do it."

Archer softly chanted, "Trace on." He traced a copy of Rule Breaker based on the original on Illya's hand. "Alright. I will do it."

"No!" The twintailed female agent's voice echoed in the area. "Special dagger or not, you are not stabbing them!"

Illya didn't understand. What's her problem? Illya and her Servants had come to offer help, but she refused them?

"They're right, you know." Rider spoke. "The only evidence about the dagger special ability is our word. What if we lied? And also, even if it's true, the dagger still need to stab the victims. Possibly, for several times. That can kill the victims, because… well, they are…. Mortals."

Unlike Servants who didn't really get hurt when stabbed by Rule Breaker, a normal human could be hurt. Not to mention as animal, the stab wound became more fatal, considering the smaller mass.

Illya was disappointed, her mood worsen. "This is a waste of time then. Come on, let's go home. They refused our help." She turned around and stomped to the exit.

"Wait! Illya!" Archer caught her arm. He whispered, "Can you find something from your vault? Find something that can work from long distance."

Illya wanted to refuse. She wanted to say that they should leave these ungrateful, rude plebeians. But Archer's serious eyes stopped her from saying it.

Archer asked again in serious voice. "Please Illya. I want to help them."

'Damn older brother with hero complex!'

Saber also came and whispered, "Remember the plan. Any good deed here will be for our benefit later."

Illya nodded. The purpose of this visit was to create alibi. It need to be witnessed by many people. As a bonus, if she could do a high profile benevolent action, it would help creating her public image. As Mocca Felix said, to be both feared and loved.

Yes, people would laud her as hero, and loved her, if she succeed. She should be magnanimous and forgive these people rudeness!

"Yeah! We are heroes! We help people in need!" Illya suddenly said with nose high in the air and hands on her hips.

The rest of the audience were confused, but they didn't know what to do, so they stood still.

Illya queried Gate of Babylon, requesting for something suited to their needs. And then she dismissed Rule Breaker and took out two items from Gate of Babylon and handed out one of them, a golden long staff with circle crescent pattern at the end, to Archer. "Here. I will use this one and you will use that one. I am sure you have seen it before. You can read how to use it by Grasping."

Illya strode forward, approaching the cage, but she was still blocked by the SSI agents, who were still unsure about letting the little girl doing anything to the victims.

Illya didn't care. This distance had no meaning for her. These small fries couldn't block her from whatever she wanted to do. She stopped and raised the item she held, a leather-bound book, in front of her. She opened it and chanted loudly.

"Casseur de Logistille! Neutralize all magic in front of me!"

Illya poured her prana to the Noble Phantasm on her hand. This thick book was an anti-magecraft Noble Phantasm. By unknown means, it was taken out from Gate of Babylon and later a witch named Logistilla got it. She then gave it to one of Charlemagne's Paladin, Astolfo the handsome jouster. This legend made it one of Astolfo's Noble Phantasm. But of course, since it was originally came from Gilgamesh's Treasury, the Gate of Babylon also had it.

Beside her, Archer had used the Noble Phantasm that she gave him. Proto Pain Breaker. It reversed all wounds or curses that were caused by magecraft. One of the treasure inside Gate of Babylon, it became a model for a staff that later handed down in Colchis royal family, The Pain Breaker. Later, it was inherited by Medea, and became her primary mystic code.

Both of them could be used in long range. Illya and Archer aimed at the victims in the cage, their magic went past the SSI agents.

"Haaaaaaaaaaaaa!" Illya poured more and more prana. She also supplied the prana to Archer. Still, there was no visible change happening to the faux-animals.

"Keep trying. Haaaaaa." Archer said to Illya, his expression strained.

They kept shooting the Noble Phantasm, and after a while, something happened. The animals spontaneously changed into human form, one by one.

Illya and Archer maintained it until the last one changed back to human. After that, Illya let out a tired sigh. As expected of divinity-infused magic, even two Noble Phantasm needed some time to break it. And the consumption of prana was huge.

The room exploded in happy cheer. The SSI caretakers were letting the victims out for further diagnosis. The victims were crying and hugging each other. The SSI agents that were hostile to Illya before now openly smiling.

Saber put her hand on Illya's shoulder and said, "Good job." Illya looked back at Saber who was smiling. Illya smiled back, saying "Un! I did it!"

"Oh damn." One voice sounded different than the rest. The twintailed SSI agent was looking at something on her hand. Illya curiously looked at her. The agent, noticing Illya's stare, inform her of the trouble. "My magic weapon and items are busted." She showed her gun.

Hearing her words, the other SSI agents also checked their things. They found out that all of their enchanted weapons, magical artifacts, amulets, all of them were broken, their magic lost. Well, that was what happened if you stood in the line of fire of magic-breaking Noble Phantasm for few minutes.

Illya noticed John Pluto Smith secretly relieved, patting her gun. She didn't block Illya and just stood on the side. If she was blocking Illya like those agents, would her fairy-crafted gun broke? Hmmm….

The twintailed female agent was still lost. "W-what should I do?"

In this situation, Illya knew precisely what to do.

"There are other victims right? Let's go cure them. Everyone will be saved today. Let's go, Saber, Archer, everyone." Illya confidently walked to the exit, leaving all the problem not related to her behind her.
