Its unfair. A cosmic injustice. She had found you, rescued you, brought you into her home. She had really cared about you. She was YOURS.
And all that got snatched away the moment that he showed up.
You knew this would happen. You knew it as soon as she laid her eyes - the eyes that had formerly regarded you with such naked love and desire - on his swarthy brown skin. When her fingers instinctively clenched themselves around that awful CUCKSTAFF she always carries around. You had tried to lead her away, but the newcomer's forbidden, degenerate allure had overwhelmed her, and now you're stuck on a crumbling old spaceship heading god knows where.
It wouldn't be so bad if it was just you and her. Unfortunately, HE's here as well. Waiting. He knows your woman will be his sooner or later. Its wrong. You're metal body is painted as bright a white as hers. You need to do something about this before you get cucked, and another nail is hammered into the coffin of the white race.
[] Try to score points with Rey.
[] Try to push Finn out an airlock.
[] Try to get rid of Rey's cuckstaff; its dark influence must be what corrupted her.
Getting rid of Finn is the only way. This is the perfect moment, she's distracted piloting the ship while his useless black ass is sitting in the back whining about everything. You can tell that she could do better piloting without the distraction; she won't think it untoward if you lure him away.
Beeping and whistling frantically up at him, you go speeding past his feet toward the back of the ship. He asks Rey what he should do, and she tells him to go see what's up with the droid. Her voice sounds stressed; she's probably just barely able to contain her lust. You need to act fast.
He follows you to the ship's empty, rust-infested cargo bay, and you come to a stop near the airlock. Now, how to blow him out into space without putting yourself at risk? You're pretty sure you can control the airlock doors remotely if you can get at the wiring, but you'll need to get him inside of it before you do that.
How should you go about this?
[] Use your sparkplug and lighter to subdue him. (specify tactics)
[] Enter the airlock yourself and devise a trick to keep him there for a minute. (specify trick)
[] Try to outrun him and lock him in the cargo bay behind you, then depressurize the whole thing. (will work best with some kind of distraction. Specify distraction)
[X] Try to outrun him and lock him in the cargo bay behind you, then depressurize the whole thing. (will work best with some kind of distraction. Specify distraction)
-[X] Put something in the cargo bay and attract his attention to it. While he is busy examining it and thinking what could it be and how the hell it got here in the first place, sneak out/outrun him to the exit and lock the bay.
--[X] If you can't think of anything to put there, put one of your spare parts. It would be a noble sacrifice! have spare parts, right?
[X] Try to outrun him and lock him in the cargo bay behind you, then depressurize the whole thing. (will work best with some kind of distraction. Specify distraction)
-[X] Put something in the cargo bay and attract his attention to it. While he is busy examining it and thinking what could it be and how the hell it got here in the first place, sneak out/outrun him to the exit and lock the bay.
--[X] If you can't think of anything to put there, put one of your spare parts. It would be a noble sacrifice! have spare parts, right?