You step off the silver train and onto the bare concrete platform of national salvation network node 108 and walk up to the security checkpoint to present your ID. Maybe now you'll get to find out exactly what this is all about. The platform looks much line any other, clean, light coloured concrete, functional and without decoration with 108 stencilled in white on one wall, and a security exit at the other end. You approach that, steeling yourself to go through.
"Academician Oshiro Chiyo."
The guard takes your ID, pulls it through a reader, checks his screen, checks again. More annoying delay. He must have been told to expect you. Just how many platinum blond eighteen year old Academicians does he encounter? Hirokuni has only recently come to understand the ancient facilities that allowed it to improve upon human biology.
The station exit is full security theatre. Beyond the three guards is a bank of detection equipment crewed by another pair behind bullet proof glass. Visible through the security door's clear synthetic are more guards, khaki body armour and rifles in their hands. You went through a similar check to get into the station at the other end, and then again to onto the platform. Then you had a card check and authentication code to actually get the train to move.
Security checks like this one are a fact of life for employees at the highest levels of Hirokuni's government science institute, but this seems like it's going too far. What exactly is the threat here?
Since the defeat of Eastern Imperial Republic and its allies in space, Hirokuni is the Rinkyuu's last remaining superpower, with control of the entire Eastern supercontinent. Indeed, with the occupation of the orbital cradles, can claim to be the most significant power left in the whole Orihime system. Only the Outsiders, highly technology, and of unknown politics could be a possible threat, and you do not think they could pass for locals.
The countries of the Western hemisphere, poor and friendly and consumed by their own politics look to Hirokuni for trade, for integration into the S3 network and their own cybernetic socialist revolution. The idea of conflict with them is laughable.
"Please remove your shoes and step into the scanner, place your hand on the palm plate. Oh, and your jacket too."
It was cold today, so you wore your black and white aviation jacket. You probably would have worn it anyway.
You step through the scanner, reclaim your property, and are buzzed in through the security door, awkwardly kicking on your shoes as you go through. The guard team step to the sides of the corridor and let you through the middle, down a short hallway to another door.
Beyond is a massive chamber, lit by panels of spotlight. The place is a vast crater, rows of tunnel entrances, each surrounded by unusual ruins of white and black stone. Cherry pickers, elevators and earth moving equipment is arranged up and down the sides.
It is not these which draw the eye however, that lies at the bottom of the hole. For a moment you think your eyes are playing some trick on you, that the pit cannot be so deep, and that it is simply an unusually shaped suit of ancient armour, spiked wings extending from behind it. Then the scale becomes clear.
At the bottom of the pit lies a humanoid figure, a full twenty meters tall. Lights play across it, reflecting across the gleaming brightness of perfect silver, or sucked into areas of equally perfect black.
"According to raidocarbon dating of material found in the ruins,they predate landfall by at least ten thousand years."
Up Close, the humanoid, (you don't want to jump to "giant robot", even if it is one) is almost human in its proportioned, built like an armoured man. One arm is partly disassembled, panels open along its length to reveal thick strands of gleaming blue, and other, stranger components. Its head is black, but with a curious symbol, which reminds you of the rising sun of Hirokuni, but blue, embossed there. Great nozzles open at various points on its anatomy, gaping black into unknown depths.
White coated academicians in hard hats move around the thing, electronic slates in hand, and various scanning equipment trundles across the armour on the gantries beneath your feet. You're standing over it now, on one of the catwalks, looking down at its chest. With you is General Himura, the commander of this, who seems very happy about all this.
To be wholly honest, you are equally happy.
"I agree, yet all the techniques we have say it's the truth. A site that was old when the transitors left earth. Seemingly evidence of some ancient human, or at least humanoid civilization."
"How did you even find this place?"
"An extension of the national salvation network, workers broke through into this vault. We're still checking the rest of the workings, but this seems to be the most advanced item.
"So what do we know so far?"
"Not a great deal. We have a lot of surface scans, which don't show very much. There's a door to some kind of internal space in the back, you can get at it through a trench. It seems that it was deliberately lain down in this position. Otherwise, we don't know much. That's why you're here Academician. To lead the efforts to find out."
"Budget and support?"
"Well then. I'd better make a start."
What should you start by investigating?
[ ] The head
[ ] The cockpit door at the back
[ ] The damaged arm
[ ] The ports across its body