The LIfe King. (Worm Villain SI)

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It's been a few days since I found myself in the body of one the most horrifying Villains in...
Chapter 1

Jaune Pendragon

King Of Servants
It's been a few days since I found myself in the body of one the most horrifying Villains in Worm.

I was sure I didn't do any self-insert yet I could find two other powers other than Nilbogs power within me.

Power Manipulation and Kaleidoscope.


I released a sigh as I laid on my throne and I removed the cloth crown that Nilbog wore.

Monstrosities lay over this City as far as I could see I could see what they saw and felt.

Every single one of Nilbog's creations.

I never actually read Worm so I didn't know what would happen, just read a few fanfics here and there.

I wanted my cozy Otaku life again.




I turned my gaze towards the walls built around Elisburg at the distance.

Seriously? How tall were they? They would probably easily be 2000 meters tall.

*Sniff* *Sniff*

Eww, what was that smell?


OH GOD, it's me?

Why the hell didn't I notice before? Seriously when was the last time Nilbog actually took a bath?

Mother of God I stunk.

I stood up and opened a Kaleidoscopic portal above me that connected to a river. Icy cold water fell from the portal as I literally felt muck peeling away from my skin and I closed the portal once I couldn't hold my breath.

As I opened my eyes I sat back on my throne again and closed my eyes and began to think.

When I accessed Nilbogs power which from now on shall be named as BIOSHARD I found something very interesting. Nilbogs creatures had a few years of life since their creation. Every few years he has to recreate his creations or they will die.

This was a limitation that the shard implements the moment he creates any kind of life form.

I gazed across this red wasteland covered with rivers of blood lands made of flesh and all the kinds of monstrosities.

I think I was going to be sick.

Yeah, no. At least a kilometer from me should be Monstrosity free. I didn't know how I kept breathing this air filled with the stench of Rotting meat.

Using Power manipulation I changed my BIOSHARD to be touch-based and deactivated the conflict protocols while making my Bioshard into a touch-based Power. Oh and remove the 3-year Limitation. I wanted to set the Limitation myself.

There, the new and improved touch-based BIOSHARD.

For my first project?

I reached down and touched the fleshy ground and WILLED it to change.

A circle grew out from where my hands touched. The fleshy ground turning into beautiful green grass and flowers and began to stretch outwards slowly changing all the dead flesh to plants, flowers, and grass any Living monstrosity were knocked unconscious as the transformation kept going.

and going.

and going.

and going.


After what seemed like forever I hid a limit. not because I couldn't affect those that far. but because it wasn't biological.

Stood up and looked at my work in satisfaction as I gazed upon the beautiful grassy plains if I ignored the abandoned houses everywhere that is.

I sat on my throne which was now made of a tree in the shape of a chair soft flower petals that made the cushion.

No eldritch throne...YAY.

Now then Right I have to deal with all the unconscious abominations.

Opening a portal an about 2000 meters in front of me I began to summon unconscious abomination after another they began to pile up.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ,20, 30 ,40, 50 ,60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600. 700. 800, 900, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 5451.

By the time I was done the piles up abomination had the height of about 745 meters tall and 596 meters at the base.

Holy HELL this was a BIG PILE!.

Hmm, What should I make?

Elves? Nah.

Dragons? Definitely going to do that.

Slimes... Yeah no.

Angels?. Yes, definitely an Idea.

Hmmm Oh, wait, ANGELS.

Yes, but something was missing from my power for me to create it. The Power to create a Soul.

I had to spend 3 charges to upgrade BIOSHARD in order to create this.


The Guard at the wall was quite nervous. Nilbog was acting up. All the monsters and blood had disappeared and reappeared at the Center of the city and the only reason the could see it so far away was how tall it was stacked on top of each other. The fleshy ground was turned in into dazzling green grass, plants, and flowers. Calls were made and reports were sent as the PRT tried to figure out what was going on.

Suddenly the tower of flesh began to glow in the distance and it kept glowing for some time.

When the light died down what they saw wasn't a super eldritch abomination like they expected. Rather it appeared to be a blue, gigantic, floating, crystalline octahedron.

Some of the younger folk let out a sigh of relief but the older ones didn't. They knew better.

They knew that even if it didn't look like an eldritch abomination it could be extremely dangerous.

They couldn't be any more right.

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I feel this will be an amazing journey.

I always felt that Power Manipulation and Kaleidoscope was the most powerful combo. With them you could look for people who chose Worm CYOA powers like Apprentice (my personal fav) and any of the world breaker powers.

What is your ANGLE threat level at?
I feel this will be an amazing journey.

I always felt that Power Manipulation and Kaleidoscope was the most powerful combo. With them you could look for people who chose Worm CYOA powers like Apprentice (my personal fav) and any of the world breaker powers.

What is your ANGLE threat level at?
Endbringer Level.

Here watch this.

Chapter 1.1
I flopped down on my throne breathing heavily. That took a lot out of me.


Even when I upgraded BIOSHARD with three more power manipulation charges It almost completely drained the shard dry. Its energy reserves were literally nearing empty and VERY slowly filling up from its connection to Zion. At this rate, it would take about a few centuries before it fills back.

I had about a month of continuous use before I drain it completely forcing the shard to shut down.

I just hope I haven't gotten Zion's attention, I wasn't ready for him.


The wait was that...


Yes, Father, I am here what do you wish of me, father?

Goodness. I thought I had failed.

You created me, father. There is no flaw in your work.

Right, please don't tell me that I have to deal with an angel worshiping me?

Well, I need to rest, can I trust you to be my guard?

Of course, Father. I shall let none harm you so long as I remain in this world.


I used the two remaining power manipulation charges to then create a striker power that fixed any non-tinker tech object in seconds, I needed to repair the houses in Elisburg tomorrow.

While having Ramiel guarding me was comforting I still wanted a house.

Once that was done I gave a yawn, creating a bed made of grass and moss with pillows of cotton. and a blanket of silk I climb into my BIO-fuuton and headed to the land of dreams.


"What's the situation?"

Leutnant Mike took another look with his binoculars. He was still unable to process what he was seeing.

"He-he is sleeping!"

"Can you repeat that?"

"Nilbog is asleep Sir."

A terrifying silence passed.

"I see."

The connection went silent for about a minute before the captain relayed the new orders.

"Chief Director Consta-Brown has ordered NOT to do anything. Just keep an eye out. Unless he or his minion attacks, everyone is to monitor Nilbog and his minion. Nilbog has remained within Elisburg for years and hopefully, he stays there for the rest of his goddamn miserable life! I know you are disappointed, we all are, hell I was hoping Alexandria herself would come and finish him off already, but orders are orders, besides. As long as he stays in there the world is safe from at least one monster right?"

"Right, Mike out"

"Captian Miles out."

As the connection cut, he let out a sigh of relief. The captain thought he wanted to go down there was he crazy?

Nope, nope, all the NOPE!

He'd rather sit here doing nothing for the rest of his shift, but unfortunately, he had a message to pass on to the other inmates of the wall.


Somewhere in Brockton Bay, the PRT director of the east-northeast division felt a chill race up her spine. She dismissed it as her imagination.
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How far do you wish to take this story? To the end of worm or cross over to other stories after this worm adventure?
Waking up in the morning the next day I asked Ramiel to begin drilling a large bore hole underneath.

I planned on building my own NERV base.

Because why not?

With my five charges restored, I could use Power Manipulation again.

I used the power I created yesterday to fix up one of the cozy looking houses. The plumbing was somehow still running, strange, but there wasn't any electricity.

Not that surprising since Elisburg was separated from the rest of the world.

Oh, and there was a car just outside. A white Land Rover?

Hmm. Let's see...A few hundred more houses remained in Elisburg, still in ruins.....

Yeah, I think I'll leave them be for now.

I wonder how far Ramiel has gone?


Huh, turns out he can dig pretty fast when he isn't searching for a way to unite with his 'father'. His whole body was literally the shape of a drill as he dug underground with the ridiculous speed it didn't even take an hour for him to leave a round hole in the ground with about a radius of a 100 meters and a depth of 3 Kilometers as I asked.

As Ramiel rose from the ground it's a task completed and I was left bewildered. I expected it to take much longer from what I saw in the movie...

It has been done, Father!

Uhh. well done? ..Thank you Ramiel.

The octahedron shaped angel somehow preened under the sun making its joy known at the praise.

The sunshine reflecting off its surface as it floated a few meters above me.

And a Rainbow formed above it.


Well, all that remained was actually building the nerve base.


YEAH... I think I got a little carried away. I better come back later when I have the capability to actually build it.

I turned back and headed back towards my recently repaired cozy home.

Come on Ramiel.

Yes, Father.

I needed to start small.


I looked at the building that was currently being built by a bulldozer. That seemed to be just lifting and dropping sand as a goddamn building somehow rose out of the ground.

Millimeter by millimeter it just rose out of the ground completely finished.

What was happening you ask?

I summoned a Construction Dozer using power manipulation and used Power manipulation to create a power that allowed me to give machines an order and it would carry out the order as long it was capable of doing it.

What was happening now though?







Calm down Austin.


Wait I'm not Austin.

Anyway, basically, I summoned a United States Construction Dozer and created a power that allowed me to give machines an order. UNless it is incapable of following the order or it had an AI controlling it, it would do so to the letter.

But raising a building from the ground by just lifting and pouring dirt didn't make any sense.

I sat down on the grass as I overlooked the construction. At least the construction didn't finish in under a minute like the actual Command and Conquer Zero hour game or else I don't know what I would do.

But that reminds me I wonder what's happening outside Elisburg?

I can't leave or else they would definitely attack me.

Hmmm. Oh Yes YES!

My eyes glimmered with mischief I a really crazy Idea came to mind.

I reached for the other charge within power manipulation and created a power.

A power that let me access the internet without an internet connection.

I could now access the web with my mind!

Let's see what was the Date?



I quickly did a check as I literally surfed through the internet with my mind...



Yes, father?

Can you take on this form?
I said telepathically sending him a mental Image of what I needed him and what my idea was.

Of course father!. The angel replied happily as it's entire body began to change its shape to match the purpose father desired.

I looked at Ramiel as his transformation was completed.

Come on son. We have a fight to get to.

A grin appeared on my face as I began to head towards Ramiel. This was going to be my first fight, and it was a good chance to show Ramiel off.


A few minutes later.

I was inside a blue Crystalline space ship flying through the Ionosphere at Mach 30.

No, It was just Ramiel in the shape of a space ship.

I wonder how the Guards at the walls were reacting?

I shook my head.

This wasn't the time to be thinking about that, Let's see how strong you are against a Real angel little simmie!


Hurtling through space at orbital speeds a beautiful angel descended towards the earth.

However, this was no angel. It was Conflict Engine Number 03.

Or The Winged one as she preferred.

Simurgh gave a smirk as it kept descending towards Canberra.

[Challenge Accepted]

So that was how a real angel looked like? Well, there wasn't any rule saying that the fake can't surpass the original, right?


Somewhere across the multiverse, Shirou sneezed, almost letting go of the boiling hotpot.
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Well, why not?
I'm kind of intrigued. We can haz more descriptive action though please?
Can you take on this form? I said telepathically sending him a mental Image of what I needed him and what my idea was.
What form? It is generally bad writing to leave the description out when doing this. The only time this is ok, is when the description appears in the very next scene that the object or character appears in. Which doesn't happen here.
The sky crackled, winds rivalling that of type three hurricanes struck Canberra and the sky lit up with multiple explosions.

The Heroes and Villians watched as Two Endbringers fought.

Most of them thought it was a New Enbringer only Alexandria knew the truth as she received the news just before the Simurgh descended.

One thing was obvious to everyone.

The Simurgh had been holding back against them.

She was holding back so much that it was not even funny.

They watched the Geometric blue Endbringer screamed geometrically as it fired beam after beam of pure destruction, and the Simurgh dodged each one with millimetres to spare as fast as she was, breaking the Sound barrier may times over, and attacked back with bursts of wind sharp as blades and debris that she tossed at the other Enbringer each one weighing several tons cracking the sound barrier.

Only for Ramiel to stop firing and a hexagonal forcefield to stop the debris in its tracks which turned them to dust.

Several of them nearly died from debris as well if not for the forcefields that appeared from the Geometrical blue Endbringer which protected them.

"My god." was all Legend could say.

Alexandria simply remained silent, not sure how to deal with this.

On one hand, this was a Creation of Nilbog.

On the other, it seemed to be extremely powerful. Enough to hold the Simurgh by itself which seemed like it was holding back all this time and was now going all out against an opponent it has deemed worthy.

They had tried to help the thing but a force field blocked any attempts to help it.

Though from how fast the two were fighting very few were capable of fighting in the level those two were.

Alexandria could see Nilbog on one of the buildings. He was observing the battle with a keen eye.

How though?

He should not be able to keep up with them. Yet he seemed to be able to keep track of them if she was reading him right.

He was concerned?

It seemed like he was a concerned parent, concerned for his child?

Oh, he considered that Psuedo Endbringer that he created his child?


Then why would he come out?

Why come to battle the Simurgh?

He could have stayed within the walls with his so-called child safely.

Unless he found something.

She flew towards him resolute in getting some answers from him.

"Nilbog" she called out as landed beside him.

"Yes?" he answered hesitantly as he continued to watch the battle not taking his eyes off it for a second, he was not even concerned about her, let alone scared of her?

He doesn't seem to like being called that. Doesn't seem like he considers it his name.

"What are you doing out of your Kingdom?"

"I suppose you could say this is a test."

That was a Lie. No, It was Half true?

"A test for what?"

"To create something powerful enough to stop the end of the world. To create something powerful enough to stop Scion." He answered without hesitating. "My entire life I have spent experimenting and creating different creatures. Figuring out what I could create with my power."

She froze at his answer as her thinker power went overdrive as she considered what he meant, so all this time they had an ally they didn't even know, and they were simply getting in his way? If they had not attacked him how powerful would this creature be now? Could it have taken the Simurgh with ease instead of barely keeping up with it? She could see it getting more and more sure of its attacks as it became more accurate, as it stopped or deflected debris away from the People below.

"Ramiel is the result of it. My little angel. He is just a baby now, barely a few days old, but he's managing to hold back the Simurgh if just barely, but he will grow more powerful as time passes, as he learns and grows." He looked at it fondly.

"Soon he will be powerful enough to face Scion directly."

She could see it. He was so sure of it.

How did he even know of it?

"How do you know of this?"

He blinked for once looking at her. "I read about it somewhere." He then turned back to the battle.

The strange thing was he believed everything he said.

"What are your intentions after this?"

"Well after this I'll return to my kingdom and continue my experiments. Perhaps I can create something better?" He tapped his chin. Perhaps a brother or a Sister for Ramiel?" He began thinking out loud. "After Scion is defeated though? I'd leave this world with Ramiel and whatever else I create." He said shrugging before he turned back to the battle that had just ended as the Simurgh had finally retreated, but not before damaging a huge chunk of the city.

It was perhaps the shortest Endbringer battle ever with near Zero Casualties.

She watched as the shape-shifting and bringer shifted into an octahedron with a loud clang before floating over to them.

"Father! "She could hear the Endbringer's soft voice. It sounded like a child as well. " I have defeated the enemy."

NIlbog nodded before smiling. "Good job, my little Angel, shall we go home then?"

"Yes, father." With that, the Octohedron turned in to a crystalline spaceship-like structure and lowered itself just beside the building allowing Nilbog to climb onto it.

He turned to her briefly. "By the way. you are welcome in my kingdom anytime you wish. Though bring friends next time instead of soldiers will you?" He then continued on and the Endbringer rose up again slowly before it turned towards Ellisburg as it began to accelerate out of Canberra.

She needed to talk with the others about this.


Doctor mother took in everything she had told in stride before turning to Contessa.

"Path to Controlling Nilbog. Path does not exist."

Everyone's eyes widened

"Path to making Nilbog an ally. Step one, do nothing. Nilbog is not hostile and is aware of the situation and is aware of Cauldron. He is not against us and will not make any moves against us unless we make a move against him. First. He is only concerned about living a comfortable life and defeating Scion."

The tension around the room drained out at that.

"Well, that is good news. What do you have for me Number man?"

And the meeting continued.
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You know, this seems kind of appropriate considering the situation...

As usual your writing does not disappoint.