The Last Line (Hellsing)

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The Clementine Files Exposed.

Once upon a time dear readers I remember the promise of one...


A Pikachu for everything - Shadow Pikachu,2015
The Clementine Files Exposed.

Once upon a time dear readers I remember the promise of one Senator Burr. One where he promised that that he would make sure he would make humanity great again. And over the last three years, he'd made good on those promise.

But it seem that with the promise of a better United States there comes with it the threat of enemies.

Some Thirty Three hours ago as of this writing one Joseph Clementine died attempting to get some documents to the FBI. He made headlines for being shot a foot away from the FBI headquarters, and the files he was carrying was stolen in the mad chaos that followed.

Eight hours ago a backup server started owned by Clementine began releasing the files to every media group worth naming. Two hours ago we of The Inquisitor have went through all the files and in the name of patriotism we're releasing this information out into the wilds.

And this information is terrifying. The clementine documents details secret negotiations between Nazi officers for sanctuary in exchange for some information primarily regarding something called 'Alucard' and inside information for bringing down the Third Reich. Which would not have been so terrifying if it wasn't for the fact that our former government didn't ignore these monsters for so long that they decided to raise an army, infiltrate our goverment and wage a shadow war our very own soil.

The documents so far released indicate members of our congress and military being in league and conspiring to fund this 'Milenium' group in order to continue the attrocities of...
Source: By John Greenback

The oval office was many things. It was a command center, a seat of power, and the locus of the very leadership of the United states.

For you the room was a court, you as the defendant, every one else the jury and the president your judge reading out something from his papers.

President Burr stops his recitation at the first page before laying down the newspaper on his desk.

"Mr ______" he began, "Do you know why you're here?"

[] Give me a name for a guy.

"No Mr President."

"I'm not one for ceremonies" The President says as he offers you a lemon drop. You gingerly take a piece wandering as the man continues. "Call me Burr."

"Yes .... Burr??"

The President chuckled and you felt your cheeks burn.

"Good enough I suppose," the smile drops and he goes serious "On to the matter at hand. Currently the United States is suffering from High Treason and many of our top level decision makers are under investigation for betraying our country to the Nazi's. However under any normal circcumstance your admittedly unofficial experience __"

[x]In aiding General Watson organise the logistics of the army a few years ago
[x]As a diplomatic aide
[x]As a Liason between the many bright minds of the scientific fields

"would not have been relevant in a case of treason in my men. However this is not a normal situation as the threat is still at large and at best we are unprepared to defend against it."

....That did not make any sense...

"I see you're skeptical and it makes sense. We have a professionally trained army, espionage agency and much more waiting in the wings" President Burr pressed a button and the screen behind him turned on. And then the screams started.

You dropped onto the floor , your throat burning from the acids in it and someone handed you a bag.

"This is a 'vampire'." President Burr looked green. He must already have gone through the video more than once you assumed considering he isn't vomiting himself. "And more importantly it's some thing that the army was tasked to contain and handle. They failed and now I have an army who I can't trust because their infiltrated by something that's indistinguishable from a human and have so thoroughly proliferated my administration that I am sure will bring the end of the american Government if left unchecked."

"Thankfully my predecessors have been paranoid enough to work on a second option should the army proved insufficent to handle this threat. And I'll be honest you are not our first, second or even twentieth choices of who we want to head this organisation dedicated to countering any supernatural threat. However all other candidates are suspect bar a handfull and you are the best of that lot."

You would have protested about being that good but your stomach reminded you that you had a big lunch.

"These files" Burr hands you an open one for emphasis, "details everything we know of most supernatural threat."

By now you thank god that the stomach had a limit to how much you can vomit out. Because if this is right, you're reading everything from incestual cannibalism to ritualistic murder and with graphic details of how and why it works.

Dear god.

"The army has been infiltrated. Our enemies are at large. We need a someone to stop them and anyone else that we have are too much of a suspect to fit the bill. We need you son."

You nod your head before you stood up. You're covered in puke, smell bad and are being handed a responsibility because everyone better than you must have been ... you didn't want to think about it.

"What do you need me to do sir."

President Burr smiled.

"Welcome, director to project SOLIS"
SOLIS Mission Statement

To protect America from all threats beyond the abilities of mortal men by any means necessary

Events of Interest

  1. President Burr has used martial law to secretly diver some parts of the budget to more accurately monitor supernatural activity. Reports handed by him to us has determined that the prior survalieance network used by the army and it's various subdivision is incomplete and should be replaced.


Categories Income
Raw Resources 41 25 0
Man Hours 5    
Research 1    
Soldiers 0 75 80
Engineers (provide Manhours)   5 5
Scientist (Provides Research)   10 1
Income refers to new renewable resources per turn. Maximum storage is the max you can keep in storage and stored is how much you actually have in storage. In each turn you can use either resources in Stored or Income though only unused items will be stored at the end of the turn.

Research Tree
Research done = (Base+Money)*(1.01)^Money
1 Scientist = 1 base research.


Work Done = Manhours*Building Bonus.
1 Engineer = 1 Man hour

Buildings built
  1. Infirmary.
  2. Barracks
  3. Hanger and Garage

Heroes and Villians


Sgt Mia Dovetail: Will maximize success of tactical operations (<100 people) if both intel is accurate and resources are available. Additional bonus granted if Intel and Resources more than meets the bare minimum requirements. NOTE : Maximise means that the success rate is as high as is possible rather than 100%. Bonus is also capped at Highest possible Human Limit.


1. 80 Standard troops. Armed with the M4, standard body armour, and anything else that they can carry for the mission.

Purchase list said:

Standard Vehicle Bay (20)= Allows the construction, upgrade and maintenance of standard land based vehicles
Standard Airship Bay (20)= Allows the construction, upgrade and maintenance of standard land based Airships
Prototype Construction factory(100)= Allows for the construction of virtually anything at the cost of a weaker bonus.

*Uses Engineering
Equipment and special products

None right now as you have neither the facilities or the research to

*Uses Engineering

1 standard soldier= 1$ to hire, 0.1$ upkeep cost
1 Engineer = 1$ to hire, 0.1$ upkeep cost
1 Scientist = 1$ to hire, 0.1$ upkeep cost
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Game mechanics aka the Meat of the game.

Get gud as fast as possible because bad things will not stop for you. The prime difference from early to late game being whether you can or can't notice a problem in time to do something about it.
Come back later

If posting is open then here are my votes, if not then im sory for jumping the gun.
[X]Julius Belmont
we always need a Belmont in any story involving a Dracula it adds irony
[x]In aiding General Watson organise the logistics of the army a few years ago
If posting is open then here are my votes, if not then im sory for jumping the gun.
[X]Julius Belmont
we always need a Belmont in any story involving a Dracula it adds irony
[x]In aiding General Watson organise the logistics of the army a few years ago
It's no problem. I'm going to take a while for making part two of the prologue.
[X]Joseph Joestar
we always need a Joestar in any story involving a Vampire, it adds irony.
[x]In aiding General Watson organise the logistics of the army a few years ago
[X]Joseph Joestar
[x]In aiding General Watson organise the logistics of the army a few years ago
[X]Julius Belmont
[x]In aiding General Watson organise the logistics of the army a few years ago
[X]Joseph Joestar
[x]In aiding General Watson organise the logistics of the army a few years ago
[X]Julius Belmont
[x]In aiding General Watson organise the logistics of the army a few years ago
[X]Joseph Joestar
[x]In aiding General Watson organise the logistics of the army a few years ago

Can't wait to see how Big Al and co react to Hamon.
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[X] Julius Belmont
[X] In aiding General Watson organise the logistics of the army a few years ago
[X]Joseph Joestar
[X]In aiding General Watson organise the logistics of the army a few years ago

Never watched the show, but I like the name.
[X] Julius Belmont
[X] In aiding General Watson organise the logistics of the army a few years ago
[X]John Hackett
[x]As a Liason between the many bright minds of the scientific fields

Somehow I don't think that the QM is going to let you have some thing as bullshit as hamon
Voting's Closed, Belmont and Combat Hero Get!

Also Working on the mechanics.
Evillevi threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Detection Total: 1
1 1
Evillevi threw 7 100-faced dice. Reason: Events Total: 371
52 52 45 45 42 42 48 48 32 32 54 54 98 98
********Sgt Mia Dovetail********
The CH-53k King Stallion is a massive thing. A single 35 meter helicopter could bring 55 men along with their equipment on a mission to hunt down 'vampires'. It was among other things also possible to land two of the big lugs in the middle of a big enough parking lot of a small town in the middle of the night.

Sgt Boslow had no idea who pulled the strings to her promotion or her deployment nor did she put much faith into the insanity found in the Clementine conspiracy, but in this moment she regretted that decision. This precise moment as her boots sloshed as she step off the helicopter, where her nose was bombarded with the smell of decay and her eyes through her night vision goggles could only see everything in sheens of blood.

"Secure the perimeter. Rowls I need that drone up asap, everyone else -" She barked orders as quickly as she could. They came here to do a job. But as her team filed off to prepare each and everyone of them knew it was personal. Now all she needed was to know how many survivors were left alive.

There was something invigorating about being free. Free as a bird to fly unbound from something as petty as gravity. Free as an eagle to snack on unsuspecting rabbits and free from the tyrany of men a fraction of as lucky as him.

He smiled.

"What a lucky lucky girl you are." He said to the nineteen or so year old girl infront of him. Lucky for her by challenging him to a game and staying alive. Lucky enough to be alive inspite of her cuts and bruises and blood and being nailed to the fucking wall like her impudent god. So happily fucking lucky that he didn't break her will yet.

She gurgled , barely alive but still she had hope no matter what he did. He could see it in her eyes.... and that's okay. She'll break. He didn't need to worry about that. He wasn't useless. He was a god among men. Not useless not useless not useless.
He took a breath.

"I could hear them you know". The eyes tell everything and she looked at him and he felt warm from the disbelief that emanate from those orbs. "hear them before the foolish bitch came down and tell everyone to 'secure the perimeter'. So how about a game, How many people do I need to kill before they run away and leave you alone. "

The fear gave way to something that infuriated him as the girl shook her head. They won't run away?


He smiled and looked down at his shredded hand as it started repairing itself the shattered table soon becoming the only sign that he lost control.

"Well then, it seems the hunt has begun."
There was one doctrine of warfare that she held close to her chest. And simply put it was the doctrine of preparedness. What little intel she had told her that the strength speed and senses of any vampire were orders of magnitudes over any human. She didnt' believe it then but she came prepared.

Drones with more sensors than she knew off found him in 30 seconds if for no other reason than the one sole heat signature of this forsaken town.

Claymores trapping the open area she's operating out of. Minimal risk of blind spots and infiltration. More Claymores in the sewers in case he tried to use it. Snipers on every single roof and most of all she had something special.

"The drones have eyes on our target Mam. Your orders?"

She once again noted the position of

And a vampire was introduced to four GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast or in short four MOAB. Mother of all Bombs.

It turns out that in the face of a superior foe, adequate fire power was a solution.

Obtained Hero Unit.

Sgt Mia Dovetail: Will maximize success of tactical operations (<100 people) if both intel is accurate and resources are available. Additional bonus granted if Intel and Resources more than meets the bare minimum requirements. NOTE : Maximise means that the success rate is high as is possible rather than 100%. Bonus is also capped at Highest possible Human Limit. She also doesn't directly negate penalties

PS: Yes the other choices will give you an equally broken Hero. Yes Alucard and Alexander are more broken by orders of magnitude as is Major Dickhead who exceed the human limit.

"This is it sir, the middle of nowhere."

You looked out of the window and quite silently agreed with your driver. Bar the construction crew, their equipment, the buildings they were contructing and the people who are using the buildings, there was literally nothing but grassland as far as the eye can see.

And a single person walking up to you her uniform immaculate. You suppress a grin. You thanked your driver for the ride.

"Well well well if it isn't Mia Dovetail." You said with aplomb as you get out of the car. "Fancy seeing you here in the middle of Kansas."

"Good afternoon to you too sir and it's Sergeant Dovetail, Director Belmont."

"Oh? A woman like you, a sergeant ? If that's the case I think I'll just call you M-"

"I can and have fill out a sexual harrassment complaint in under a minute."

"As you were Sergeant Dovetail."

The two of you could see each other grin and you revelled in the moment. But as all things your guilt heralded a quick end to it.

"It's good to see you Mia" you quietly confessed. "Red Rover shouldn't have happened so soon and before we were ready."

Mia rolled her eyes.

"Whether you did or did not recommend me as the leader of a platoon designated to hunt a monster is quite frankly non of your fault... sir. Even if all of us died Red Rover was still a necessity of what we are doing."

"Still-" you insist

"Sir, I respectfully disagree. And I am requesting permission to begin the tour of our base, sir."

You sigh
"Carry on then. "

"Thank you sir. "

You followed as Mia dutifully led you through every single part of the base, even the ones that weren't done yet.

She mentioned of her men and how she'll need more. She mentions of the time it'll take to respond to anything and how so many people had died. She admits to needing more capable people especially those in charge of intel and procurement. And at the end she confesses of the infirmary and how the only survivor of Red Rover was nursed there. A tiny little slip of a girl.

"You'll receive a report on it, but it's a miracle that she survived, sir." Mia whispers from outside the infirmary, a convenient one way glass allowing you to peek inside the room as the doctors work on keeping someone so small that you couldn't see here throught eh bandages and equipment. "She was beaten, tortured, muted, and nailed to the wall but thank what gods may be, she is still alive."

"I've gotten the report... but it seems insane. A whole town in a few hours. And done fast enough that he still had time to do what he did to her"

"Perhaps sir. Still there's something odd about all of this."


"It's not noted in the report since it's only something intel has picked up recently, but Josephine here was tortuted for hours on end."

You could feel the bile in your mouth "That's terrible."

"It is sir. But what struck me as odd was that the Vampire, one Mr Greydock, had virtually no experience with medicine in any capacity. He was a desk monkey at a dead end job for his entire life sir."

"And what does it mean?"

"I'm not positive, but there's a possibility that the forces behind these vampires are capable of more than just turning humans to beasts."

A soldier interrupts your conversation.

"Director Belmont, Proffesor Akagi and Doctor Shen wishes to speak to you."

Mia gave shook her head. The conversation can wait.

You nodded and said

"Lead the way soldier."

Later that day you went to sleep. The head of Research and intel and the Head of Procurement and Engineering were old. Intelligent,experienced but old and tired. They were great but they were far from the best. Still they were incredibly skilled and there would be no maluses to operations requiring their expertise.

Professor Akagi had informed you that he would be in charge of research and don't you dare replace him until you get someone better than him faced him off in a nerdy all or nothing contest. On a better note he mentioned that while he can do enough research to give you 1 point per turn, pumping more money will speed it up. And for every 1 $ that you spend his research becomes 1.01 times more efficient besides the normal +1 bonus to research.

Doctor Shen on the other hand was pragmatic to a fault. He came in and told you everything he can and can't do. Anything built on site must be done through people pumping the man hours needed to build anything. He'll help with buying anything from outside parties but it's slow and painful. Additionally with the appropriate facilities he can both drastically reduce the cost, improve the efficiency of the man hours used and improve the end result. Unfortunately it is an expensive investment.

Additionally you receive reports that the newly codenamed Juno Detection System has started development. Currently it detects nothing of note.

In other news, Military bases are starting to experience numerous kidnappings in personal. Sgt Dovetail advises that Solis's own defenses were inadequate, though attacks would be unlikely due to your location and secrecy.

Voting starts now. Remember and be warned that voting is done in plans because of the budget which is very fucking important in this game.

[X] Plan (insert witty name)
[X] Research Action
-[X] Write in of no more than 70 words
[X] Tactical/Combat/Espionage actions
-[X] Write in of no more than 70 words
[X] Engineering action
-[X] Write in of no more than 70 words
[X] Intel/Diplomacy action
-[X] Write in of no more than 70 words