The lands of Lordaeron are in shock. Months ago, in STRATHOLME, Prince ARTHAS MENETHIL butchered and slaughtered the people of the city and fled with a large contingent of Lordaeron's most veteran soldiers, supposedly leaving these shores for the cursed continent of NORTHREND.
The Prince returned, and the news of his return drove an even deeper dagger into the faltering heart of Lordaeron. KING TERENAS IS DEAD- slain by his own son. This betrayal has caused the lands and people to falter. Gilneas has completely locked itself away, and Thoradin's Wall restricts the pathways of refugees southward. Southshore's ports are beginning to be over encumbered by the hungry and fearful, and wild Orcs and Alteraci separatists continue to stagger the countryside.
Above all, the TRAITOR PRINCE has once more disappeared away with his small contingent of dark loyalists. In his regicidal wake, the Undead ravage the land wherever they can. Lordaeron is boxed in. Its destiny now rests in the hands of petty barons, warlords, captains and men of the faith or arcane to lead that which is now becoming the remnants of a once great Kingdom either to salvation, survival- or a fate even WORSE THAN DEATH.
The lands of Lordaeron are in shock. Months ago, in STRATHOLME, Prince ARTHAS MENETHIL butchered and slaughtered the people of the city and fled with a large contingent of Lordaeron's most veteran soldiers, supposedly leaving these shores for the cursed continent of NORTHREND.
The Prince returned, and the news of his return drove an even deeper dagger into the faltering heart of Lordaeron. KING TERENAS IS DEAD- slain by his own son. This betrayal has caused the lands and people to falter. Gilneas has completely locked itself away, and Thoradin's Wall restricts the pathways of refugees southward. Southshore's ports are beginning to be over encumbered by the hungry and fearful, and wild Orcs and Alteraci separatists continue to stagger the countryside.
Above all, the TRAITOR PRINCE has once more disappeared away with his small contingent of dark loyalists. In his regicidal wake, the Undead ravage the land wherever they can. Lordaeron is boxed in. Its destiny now rests in the hands of petty barons, warlords, captains and men of the faith or arcane to lead that which is now becoming the remnants of a once great Kingdom either to salvation, survival- or a fate even WORSE THAN DEATH.
In THE LAST DAYS OF THE ALLIANCE, players take control of their self-made characters to become either bloodthirsty warlords using the chaos of the Scourging for their own benefit, or self-righteous heroes, seeking to find a way to create a safe haven, or perhaps lead their people out of the chaos that grips the land. Either way, the LAST DAYS OF THE ALLIANCE is a semi-system GSRP, meaning that there is a very soft system in works to control the balance of the game, while allowing players to roleplay to their heart's content, considering I prefer the narrative to the 'win or lose' mindset.
Players can range from Humans barons and captains of the army, to Paladins of the Silver Hand, up to even lowly Dwarven thanes or mercenaries, perhaps even Quel'dorei rangers stuck in the lands of Lordaeron. Considering this, not everyone will be allowed to be a noble of a land, and not everyone a powerful paladin or sorcerer- each of these ARCHETYPES having slots within the story. They are as goes:
NOBLE - 2/3 Slots ~ The lords and ladies of the land. While held under suspicion due to the rumors of Baron Rivendare's involvement in the events around Andorhal and Stratholme, nobility, even in such a chaotic state, holds ultimate power in regional matters. For now.
SOLDIER - 3/5 Slots ~ Captains, lieutenants and generals of the forces of Lordaeron. Once leaders and commanders of an army that fought and won against the Orcs, now a shadow of itself- stymied by peace and gutted by the Traitor Prince and the Scourge's actions.
OUTSIDER - 3/3 Slots ~ Dwarves from the south and Elves from the north, or perhaps simply knights and mercenaries from the other kingdoms. Nonetheless, now, they are stuck within the lands of Lordaeron- either for better or worse.
PALADIN - 3/3 Slots ~ The Order of the Silver Hand is falling. Scattered, the greatest of their knights protect the now sacred ashes of the dead King. The mission of the others, both initiate and knight? To hold back the Scourge, and save the people- at whatever the cost.
SORCERER - 2/2 Slots ~ An agent of the Kirin Tor far away from Dalarna, or perhaps someone investigating the powers of the Plague and how to stop it- or perhaps control it. Nonetheless, you and your small posse of either adventurers, mercenaries or other mages must now survive, or prosper.
COMMONER/PRIEST - 6/6 Slots ~ The nobles have abandoned you. The grain is tainted. The soldiers are useless, and the Light does not answer your prayers. You must now step up and lead your fellow man, either as an idealistic peasant or man of the cloth speaking the word of the Light to bring your people to salvation and sanctuary.
Character creation is simple. Below you will find a character sheet. As a noble archetype, you can choose a certain part of the land of Lordaeron to rule, while as a Soldier you can choose a place for you and your contingent of soldiers to be stationed at in the following days of Terenas' murder, and so on and so on. Take note, your characters and their stories will begin as secondary to the main ones of the story, but due to the BUTTERFLY EFFECT that will take place from your various actions, even the 'Canon' of these forthcoming days of strife might change.
Portrait: (Optional) Name: Race and Age: Archetype: Location: Biography:
The General playing area of the Game.
(taken from Epsilon-RP phase "Mereldar", created by Serida)
Further on, you will find the soft-stats that will be applied to your characters after being accepted into the game. While the game is mostly narrative based, one cannot expect to win a battle with only 10 soldiers against a horde of undead, so some management of supplies, people and other resources will be important in this game.
FORCES: - A structured accounting of the manner and count of forces under your leadership. -
Notes: FOOD: - One cannot trust the grain anymore, not after the stories. Food will be the crux of either your fall or persistence. -
Notes: PEOPLE: - Those that are not able to or cannot fight,deemed suitable for labor, artistry and other needed work. -
Notes: HOPE: - Instead of stability, the land now depends on hope. Instead of politics, it looks to power and heroics to decide its fate. -
Inspired by the Prophet Karen, blessed be his Hallowed Name now lost to Eternity, I am also going to be keeping track of the overarching overworld story of Lordaeron. While getting food, keeping up hope and recruiting LIVING people will be easy at first, as each PHASE (as seen below) shifts into another, certain eventss, either Canon or created due to the BUTTERFLY EFFECT, will inhibit all of these things.
Phase 1 : DENIAL
The King is dead. The lands of Lordaeorn, now heirless and headless, dip into an uncertain time. Banditry and undeath terrorize the countryside, with most large centers of population, like the Capital City and Stratholme, sacked and burnt. The Kingdom is in disarray and cordoned off by the others in various ways. For now, there is still faltering hope.
Phase 2: ANGER
1. Respect SV Forum rules.
2. Respect each other.
3. Respect my time as a GM- send in orders on time.
4. Respect the premise of the game- understand the Lore and understand that your characters may die quickly, gruesomely and there isn't supposed to be a true 'winner'.
5. Private, in-character discussions between players must be held in a way for me to be able to see them, i.e. Discord, SV PMs, etc.
6. Membership in the Discord is not obligatory, but heavily suggested to be notified of the game being updated and also to communicate with your fellow players.
These are claims mostly situated in the Eastweald. It is highly suggested for the next few applicants to apply further west to populate that region with some interesting ideas. Also, all ARCHETYPE SLOTS except Nobles and Sorcerers are now increased by +1.
Swordsmen: 50
Spearmen: 100
Archers: 20
Mounted Scouts: 10
Notes: A veteran force of soldiers hailing all the way from the Second War. They are extremely distrustful of working with nobles and have taken a liking to the religiosity of Mother Gunnhildr.
Notes: Due to military experience, rationing is almost natural to Troyes's company, meaning that food is decreasing at a much slower pace. Although the thought of sharing isn't popular.
Notes: Most menial labor is taken care of by either the Baron's or Mother'slaborers at the moment.
Notes: The men had lost faith in the King long ago, but even the man's death has gotten to them. As such, with the Undead encroaching, they look to the Light, and find in it purpose.
Swordsmen: 100
Spearmen: 100
Archers: 50
Knights: 15
Notes: A loyal retinue of men-at-arms and knights in service to your House. However, many are young and green, having not served in the Lordaeornian army or any war, aside from small incursions of wandering Gnolls or Amani.
Notes: While there was a scare of the food due to an Andorhal shipping crate having been found, the supposedly contaminated grain has been done away with for now. The rest of the stores are packed and ready.
Farmers: 260
Artisans: 50
Servants: 12
Refugees: 120
Notes: Most refugees still giving lip service to the Baron are those that came from various countryside hamlets long before Gunnhildr appeared. Nonetheless, the rest of the people under Roley have served his family and lived in the Crossing their entire lives, holding utmost loyalty to him.
Notes: The people are in shock at the death of their king and know too well the chaos that will come. The coming of what seems to be religious zealots and bandits does not take weight off their hearts, with the stress in the Crossing rising.
Swordsmen: 3
Notes: Your flock had been, so far, protected by three deserting soldiers from Capital City called Thomas, Martin and Robar. While diligent, they cannot protect everyone, hence the appearance of Troyes was paramount.
Notes: The food situation is getting tense. With Rowley yet to open his stores due to it being the season of Summer and no direct danger at play, the refugees under your wing are clamoring for more. Much more, considering that many have children to feed.
Farmers: 52
Artisans: 2
Refugees: 568
Notes: They basked in your glory and your serenity and soon bent their knees to you as if you were their queen.
Notes: The death of the King was a small dent in the faith of your flock, however due to the situation with the food and the growing stress within Corrin's Crossing, that might change.
Spearmen: 50
Swordsmen: 25
Knights: 4
Militia: 112
Notes: The core of the forces of Havenshire are made up of surviving soldiers, men-at-arms and knights of the families that were overthrown during Vellcinda's rise. Understanding the coldblooded nature of their masters, they quickly sided with Barton, helping her arm her militia of servants and workers turned militia- which themselves are poorly equipped and trained. For now.
Notes: Havenshire is an isolated, coastal land, and due to this, Andorhal's grain shipments didn't reach as far as Vellcinda's home. The food stocks are full and ripe with even grapes and various fruits that are home grown, much like the grain of their fields.
Farmers: 300
Artisans: 15
Servants: 8
Notes: Being a primarily rural region, Havenshire is a farmer's community, meaning that most know how to till the land and harvest what they can, rather than work on barricades or with metals.
Notes: While she is the leader at the moment, the maid that took over Havenshire is not all powerful. Many are questioning her ability to lead anything beyond an impromptu revolt, especially during a time like this.
Swordsmen: 60
Knights: 5
Notes: A supplementary force of a lordling, Victor does not command a large force but rather a force paid for with the highest coin that his father could afford, becoming loyal to Victor, whilst being commanded by five knights loyal to his House.
Notes: Mostly food for Victor's own entourage, Victor also now depends on the foodstuffs given to him by the people and lords of Hearthglen, Bishop Isillien of the Silver Hand, who stands as a regent for the still-young Taelan Fordring.
Servants: 20
Notes: A loyal score of servants, both young and old, who have served your family for generations.
Notes: With the Kingdom looking grimmer and grimmer, the sanctuary of Hearthglen is a welcome reprieve for you, your sisters and retinue.
Next up are OUTSIDERS AND SORCERERS, so 5 more people will be getting in TOMORROW. This is the last call for SORCERERS AND OUTSIDERS.
Notes: Veterans of the Second War, this expeditionary force is one to conquer. Though its mission has changed, with many of the Stromic men in service knowing full well the troubles ahead- and their duty. They will die before they flee or surrender.
Notes: Alterac is a wintery, isolated place. Those that know the land well enough to live off of it are oftentimes the Brigade's enemies. As such, you depend on a steady stream of supply runs back and forth to Thoraidn's Wall and your own stock of rations- which is running low.
"Alteraci Scum": 433
Refugees (Lordaeron): 121
Notes: Tensions are very, very high in occupied Strahnbrad. Having entered at an inopportune time, the Brigade is seen as a pest by the locals. Though they put up no fight to your occupation, it is quite evident that they despise you, your men and the refugees you have taken in under your wing from Andorhal.
Notes: You are Stromgarde's finest. Its steel fist within these wretched backwaters. Be they orcs, undead or Alteraci scum, you will not let them live to tell the tale if they threaten Stromgarde. This purpose is known and understood amongst all of your men. Maybe a bit too zealously.
Farstriders: 120
Elite Rangers: 20
Spellbreakers: 15
Dragonhawk Riders: 28
Mages: 3
Notes: Most in the Lodge exist as a temporary force- especially the Farstriders, many of which still count as trainees, never having seen war. However, with your call for aid from the High King, you have been sent more instructors, veterans, magistrate apprentices and flying raiders- a suitable force to control the Lodge and its surroundings. For now.
Notes: The Thalassian folk do not feast and gorge upon their food as much or as quickly as their Human neighbors, though due to the recent influx of refugees being forced to stay at the Lodge instead of being allowed further north into the High Home, much of the rations from the Lodge's stockpile have had to been given out to them.
Servants: 24
Trainees: 10
Refugees: 110
Notes: Humans are attempting to flood the borderlands of the High Home. Though the High King has decreed that they are not allowed into the kingdom, it is also a known fact that Highblade has been put in charge of protecting them.
Notes: Most refugees have flooded from Stratholme, telling outlandish tales of the Human prince's brutality and the Undead flooding over the countryside. While most of the young Farstriders scoff at such things, a few of their elders glare out at the southern horizon with narrowed, worried eyes.
Shaman: 1
Bounty Hunters: 3
Gryphon Rider: 1
Riflemen: 10
Notes: A small company of companions working together for their leader- either as old friends or simply fellow mercenaries.
Notes: You've got enough rations for the quick trip. In and out of the Academy and back to Dalaran. Easy as bloody pie.
Apprentice: 1
Notes: An annoying cousin of yours has been slapped onto you to learn from your arts. You just hope you can send him back to Dun Morogh in one piece and not get killed by his mother if anything happens to the milk-sipper.
Notes: The bloody king's dead? Well, he wasn't my king. Leave me be, I've got bloody work to do.
Mages: 12
Notes: Close friends, faculty colleagues and other such followers of Arellas who are skilled enough in the arts of the Arcane to be trustworthy on the field.
Notes: Tanathil Academy was recently hit with a large scare- a boy was found turned into an Undead after having eaten breakfast early. His breakfast? Porridge. Burning everything grain-related and all things Eastweald-produced, the Academy's small yet substantial number of apprentices, professors and servants are now bereft of most of their food- including you and your followers.
Servants: 12
Apprentices/Students: 33
Notes: Scholars of evocation and students of Tanathil, these are your secondary followers- those that religiously read your theses and go to your lectures- now huddling in your office and lecture room in fear of the outside world.
Notes: The recent Porridge Incident and the death of the King has caused a stir in the students. Many are worried for their families and wish to go home- with the Dean not allowing so. A cordon has been made- for anyone to not exit. However, somehow, very loud dwarves got in.
Spearmen: 12
Acolytes: 3
Swordsman: 1
Notes: A gifted 'retinue' mixed in with acolytes of your dark ways led by Coleman Farthing, a cynical bastard who does not like your way of magic and sees it as against the Light, but nonetheless cannot lie that it can be useful in such trying times.
Notes: Your eating is dependent on the Agamand family's will. The more you work for their interests, the better you and your men eat. That is the deal.
Servants: 2
Apprentices: 12
Notes: Two maids and both family members of the Mills and also chosen-few farmhands and men-at-arms with arcane efficiency given to you by Gregor Agamand- one of them his youngest son, Devlin.
Notes: The King may be dead, but Agamand stands. Nonetheless, no dead on the horizon. That's a good start.
I am accepting Characters 'till the 23d of October, so next week, Monday, ending around 5PM GMT and then announcing the final roster for the game start at around 8PM GMT.
For those that don't get in: you may reapply whenever I post in here saying you can, though it's suggested to follow along the story because things might influence if your character 'fits in' or not.
So, to reiterate:
Some changes. Noble slots are downgraded by -1 and that one has been added to the Commoner slots. For all those wishing to join the game or reapply if their character dies in a later turn, they will be able to fill in only open slots seen in the OOC. These slots will also change as the game goes onward. As we all know- death is the great equalizer.
Swordsmen: 510
Spearmen: 390
Archers: 300
Rangers of Lordaeron: 72
Knights: 23
Notes: A motley crew of royal guard survivors, elite rangers, city watchmen and other off-duty servicemen forced back into their posts, the army of General Buzan is a diverse group of various regiments cobbled together to hold down the fort.
Notes: The food riots began almost instantly after the news of the King's death spread like wildfire. Food stores were ravaged, stockpiles raided and most of the food is hoarded by various merchants and Barons of the city who hoard their valuables and await exit from the city.
Artisans: 122
Farmers: 43
Servants: 10
Citydwellers: 18023
Notes: Rallying to his flag, Buzan expected more soldiers- not refugees. Rather, the denizens of the city that saw his banner and the civility of his soldiers to flock to his side of the city. While most are transient, many whisper amongst themselves that Buzan should take the fight to the city Barons, and finally feed the people under him.
Notes: The king is dead. There are undead in the city walls. People have begun feasting on each other. They are afraid of both the city, and the outside. Of what could await their crumbling dream. Your men and the people under you share these ideas.
War-Clerics: 3
Paladin-Acolytes: 2
Swordsmen: 20
Spearmen: 12
Knights: 5
Militia: 20
Notes: A small motley force that found the large-maced Paladin of the Silver hand and his small attache force and joined him in ridding Gaewyn's sector of the city of filth and crime and the undead. More flock to his banner every day, mostly armed citizenry.
Notes: The food riots began almost instantly after the news of the King's death spread like wildfire. Food stores were ravaged, stockpiles raided and most of the food is hoarded by various merchants and Barons of the city who hoard their valuables and await exit from the city.
Artisans: 12
Servants: 2
Citydwellers: 2302
Notes: Survivors of a nearby sacking done by the Traitor Prince, they cling to the paladin's banner out of faith and hope alone, too scared to go anywhere else that is not under his guide.
Notes: The king is dead. There are undead in the city walls. People have begun feasting on each other. They are afraid of both the city, and the outside. Of what could await their crumbling dream. Your men and the people under you share these ideas. But the light still gives you all hope. Daily sermons increase the spirit of those under you.
Swordsmen: 150
Spearmen: 100
Archers: 100
Mounted Scouts: 50
Knights: 3
Hedge Knights: 12
War-Clerics: 2
Notes: A force built up of other knights who joined with the Dame and disparate soldiers along the way who followed them, alongside a force gifted to her by the current Paladin in charge of Andorhal, Gavinrad the Dire, Alvina commands the northern part of Andorhal- the retreat toward Hearthglen.
Notes: You and your men have been given sufficient rations and time for foraging to stave off any hunger. However, the refugees campaign in northern Andorhal have been a huge defect to your food supply, as they must be fed and coddled to avert disaster.
Squire: 1
Servants: 3
Refugees: 952
Farmers: 22
Artisans: 3
Notes: Not all stayed in Andorhal. Many Fled, those that did not continue to service the coming forces of the paladins gathering there to strike at the Undead in the countryside. Alongside the Dame came her squire and three servants, and following her and the trial of other soldiers and paladins to Andorhal, were thousands of refugees.
Notes: Things are bleak, but there is talk of Lord Uther gathering the Silver Hand here. If indeed true, then the Undead might be smited away, and Lordaeron saved.
Swordsmen: 22
Archers: 26
Militia: 440
Notes: A motley force of villagers and common folk from across outer Andorhal who have gathered to Marcsen's banner. While Gavinrad the Dire has taken control of Andorhal, it is still evident that Maklur has the same say in strategy as any other knight on the privy council of the city's military occupants.
Notes: The food situation is certainly dire. With the grain untrustworthy, most food comes from supply runs from hearthglen, and is distributed amongst the forces and the refugees. Though not all of it trickles down to Marcsen's banner.
Farmers: 122
Artisans: 20
Refugees: 677
Notes: Mostly men and women who sought sanctuary with one of the few men who acted while Andorhal burned, many see Marcsen as a loose cannon, and a temporary leader for their flock. Though that may change.
Notes: Marcsen has created a legend around himself in a short time, with most under his command and protection re-telling the story of his first appearance amidst the chaos. Indeed, despite the times of darkness around them, he gave them hope.
Swordsmen: 20
Spearmen: 5
Militia: 330
Outlaws: 94
Hedge Knights: 3
Mountain Rangers: 12
Notes: For Alterac, this force is not well trained or well equipped, but certainly large in congregation, unlike the roving bands of the banner of Perenolde that maraud across the countryside. Some of which, in fact, have joined Guntar's side, disillusioned with their orders and inspired by his faith.
Notes: Untouched by the grain tragedy further north, the people and forces under Guntar enjoy the wealth of the Uplands around them, bereft of poaching laws or borders between now dead or exiled nobility.
Farmers: 310
Artisans: 20
Refugees (from Lordaeron): 22
Notes: A large congregation of flocking believers who both believe in the gospel of the Light as well as a free Alterac, many of whom having run toward Guntar due to his unalignment with the Syndicate and the coming column of the Stromgarde invaders.
Notes: It cannot be lied that the death of one of the men that destroyed their homeland has brought joy to many within Guntar's flock. Though the times are not so enjoyable. An early chill wind is coming this autumn, and with it, it will bring the Syndicate, Stromics, Orcs… Or worse.
Archers: 44
Knights: 2
War-Clerics: 5
Notes: A small smattering of a company of archers that Roland picked up along the way south alongside the small retinue he had with him. Little did Roland know that he would not have to worry about manpower- considering the massive red banners hanging off of Strahnbrad's rooftops.
Notes: Not much of the rations at the start of Roland's journey are left. In fact, his men are now forced to divide up and equalize the portions.
Refugees: 102
Notes: A small group of refugees from a burnt down hamlet Roland saved from an Undead incursion on his way here. Theta are loyal to him for his help, though now worry for their health as they enter foreign lands.
Notes: Many look up to Sir Roland and his prowess, for he has not but once,but twice saved the people under him. He seems to embody his family name not only in spirit, but also planning ahead. Perhaps, many hope, they will slide through Alterac and to safer lands.
Swordsmen: 50
Archers: 22
Knights: 32
Paladins: 4
War-Clerics: 12
Paladin-Acolytes: 10
Notes: All that remains of the forces of the Silver Hand in this burning city. This is the garrison of the Bastion. The only holy place left in Stratholme. Unburnt. Untainted. Still standing- now and always. Among the paladin knights is the young Renault Mograine, son of one of your brothers, Alexandros, as well as his mentor, Saidan Dathrohan.
Notes: Luckily, for the past few months while under siege from marauding bandits and the incessant undead, your food stores have held.
Citydwellers: 200
Servants: 23
Notes: Those that serve as nuns and monks in the Bastion, tending to the refugees-within-their-own-city- the last survivors of Stratholme. As far as you know, at least.
Notes: This is the eye of the storm. You're in Hell, Siegmund. It is time to act, before it is too late.
Pirates: 20
Bounty Hunters: 8
Riflemen: 12
Kul Tiran Veterans: 10
Goblin Brawlers: 8
Goblin Demolitionists: 2
Rogue Magi: 2
Notes: A true adventuring party. While a decade ago and a half your men would be at each other's throats, the allure of gold and glory has brought them all together and under your captaincy.
Notes: Stacked up and ready to go for at least a six month journey for you and your crew.
Notes: …
Notes: You've landed at a pier that is unmanned, have gone through two ghost-towns already and you hear howling that is certainly not normal every night, but it's going great so far.
Veteran Militia: 20
Retired Rangers: 2
Notes: Vandermar Village is a retirement home for many veterans of the Second War, though most are unable to fight due to old injuries. Those that have have taken up arms as best as they can.
Notes: Andorhal grain has been quickly burned through the Father's providence. Indeed, when fed to a rabbit, it turned dead and rabid quickly. Now, the people depend on their own stocks.
Artisans: 14
Farmers: 182
Notes: Vandermar Village's citizenry, those that follow the Father's word and go to his sermons. A loyal lot, through and through.
Notes: Indeed, the king is dead, but we must not lose Hope. The Light has spoken to you, and you know the way forward. You must… You must cut through the trees to the west. There are caves. They will lead you to PROVIDENCE.