The Knight & Writer: A fairytale gone quite wrong

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Trigger Warning: Expect the worst just incase
Once upon a time in a distant and magical land, there was a beautiful princess in a tower, guarded by a fearsome dragon, oh how horrible.... BUT, luckily there is a courageous hero here to save the da-

Silence fool
This is mine
The pages
The pen

The princess, the tower she is trapped in, the oh so "Fearsome" dragon guarding her, and the world around it is all MINE

Oh dear....

Something snatched your narrative control while you weren't looking! (It took the cooler magic pen, you're stuck with the bargain bin one)
This is disastrous! Nothing in the land of stories is functioning anymore, well, more like not following your orders
You were at least able to keep some control over the Knight

Whatever did this is keeping your Knight away from the Princess, work together, fix the story, save the princess, and hopefully you'll get a happy ending
Once Upon A Time....
In a distant and magical land, where the smell of fresh cedar drifted through the air, fairies giggled playfully in empty flower fields, and a beautiful maiden fair sat at a window with the wind flowing through her hair

She had been trapped for so long in this tower, torn away from her home by the fearsome dragon, who wished to keep her radiance all to itself from now till the end of time, laughing smugly and billowing smoke at all the pathetic peoples of the land as they tried to save her futilly
Oh was there anyone who could stop this madness!?

Luckily, there was, a metaphorically god sent white knight atop a shining steed, sword and shield at the ready, and fire nor cold nor sickness nor armies of untold magnitudes nor curses nor anything other than death own cold grip could impede this warrior's goal of saving that poor girl from her tower
As the knight had finally arrived at the tower atop their steed, the battle began as the dragon burst forth from the earth before the tower, hell would dare not compare to the flames that spewed forth from its maw of sharp yellow teeth

With a yell and a charge the knight rode into battle, odds beyond unfair, but that would not hinder them
Cause they were a hero
And a hero saves the princes-


You felt the Mystic Pen get snatched from your talons, and another shoved right through the skin of your palm all faster than you could react, you fall to the ground silently screeching, since you lacked a true mouth, you writhed there on the floor of your room, your obsidian ichor staining the rug
After breathing through your beak holes and calming down, you tear a sleeve off one of the spare sets of clothes in your closet and wrap up the wound, you adjust your comically small spectacles and got back to work

It seems our hero the knight has barely escaped whatever happened while you were looking away, they're injured, scared, and confused, but like always they're filled with an absolute determination to save the princess
But this is all you know, you're blind to the rest of the stories going on, only around the Knight can you view their world, whatever hurt you took your best pen, your connection to the story, and is now messing things up, and from all the chaos in the distance near where the tower is located, you guess the usurper is scaring off anyone else getting near her
Welp, you don't have much to work with, but it's something

From the drawer you fetch one of your spare pens, green with a golden bird motif, most things you owned had a bird motif, and wrote down your greetings
"Hello little knight"
They jumped up, they and their horse were quite startled "Who is there!?" They unsheathed their blade, worn and stained with ink from their failed battle against the Usurper
"A friend, I cannot directly interact with you, you'll most likely never see my face, but I'm an invaluable ally that can do things most others cannot, and I wanna help you save the Princess and the world"
The Knight looked to their steed for advice, it did a classic horse shrug, it was as confused as them, the Knight finally made their decision "Okay I guess? But if you're some kind of mystical knave trying to sabotage my mission I will punish you accordingly" They pulled out a whetstone and sharpened their blade, a bit easy to convince them that you were there to help, but to be fair, it is a common pattern for fairytale characters to be gullible

"Sounds fair, now let's get this started"

(Let me write down some informationals real quick)
The Knight & Writer
The Knight
- Knight in full plate armour
- Great sword fighting skills
- Incredibly brave
- Gullible
- Member of the Bonnet Brigade
- Fancy white armour
- Wields a sword and shield that can resist great heat
- Carrots for the steed

The Writer
- Spooky Idea: Ghosts, fear, phantoms, hauntings, the screams, white sheets
- Wild Ideas: Nature, animals, plants, the savagery of nature, the hunt
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World Notes
My personal reminders

A Distant Land
- A magical land of wonder and whimsy
- Medieval era technology
- Centre of the Usurper's schemes
The Tower
- Prison of the princess
- Eye of the storm, lair of the Usurper
- Abandon all hope, all ye who enter
- The Dragon's lair is a cave in a hill under the tower, the cave is full of charred bones

The Chaotic Forest
- The trees act like tendrils, and thrash around wildly
- Animals used to live here but no longer cause it's really damn dangerous

The Old Fields
- Large fields with abandoned barns sparsely dotting them
- If you sit on the ground here silently, at some point you'll be thinking of simpler times working the fields, playing with the kids, and kissing your wife, even if you've never worked a field, had kids, or ever married a woman
- Main base of the Bonnet Brigade
The Princess
- A beautiful damsel in great distress
- You must get the story right and save her
- Somehow can maintain looks despite being locked up
- Inhumanly strong
- Very flammable

The Dragon
- A big scary jerk
- Can fly and breathe fire
- Kidnaps princesses for some reason
- Owns a tower
- Has the parasite controlling their brain

The Usurper
- I still haven't figured out this stupid pen yet, I need inspiration to guide most of my story-warping, but I can still KICK YOUR ASS!

The Steed
- Shiny horse
- Loyal to the Knight forevermore

The Spectre
- Floating figure in a white sheet covered with stitches
- Is incredibly scary underneath their robe
- Can create chains
- Used to like eating screams
- Was fully incorporeal unless you used its own chains against it
- Had their neck snapped by the knight with their own chains

- A mind so crimson and grand that it's gloy makes the rest of the man's body seem like an indistinct dark silhouette
- One of the only details you can notice are his red eyes with speck-sized black pupils
- One of the only details you can notice is his button up shirt
- One of the only details you can notice is his red front pocket
- Speaks as if always nervous
- Friends with Blue-Bonnet
- Lives in the Old Fields
- Second in command of the Bonnet Brigade

- A little girl in a Blue-Bonnet
- Personality of a gremlin hidden by an adorable face
- Teeth are sharper than blades
- Great whistler
- Always quite confident
- Lives in the Old Fields
- Leader of the Bonnet Brigade

- The princess' pet puppy
- Adorable and kindhearted
- Afraid of dragons

The Parasite
- A insectoid parasite that plugs itself into the brains of others to control them
- Works for the
- Likes sugary sap
- Currently lodged into the Dragon's cranium
Bonnet Brigade
- Led by Blue-Bonnet and co-led by Red-Thoughts
- Comprised mainly of creeped-out forest critters with a fear of white sheets and chains and ghosts, but they also admire The Knight
- Like beating up oppressive power-structures and their representatives
Mundane Plants
- Like flowers and trees

Mundane Animals
- Like cats and dogs

- Homo sapiens
- Most likely ape descendant
- Somehow both intelligent and incredibly ignorant

Whatever The Writer Is
- You're something else entirely
Mundane Rocks
- Like ores and pebbles
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On A Hill
In the distance the Knight saw a dirt road splitting into 2 paths, one path led to a town that was quite quiet, not a single peep from the townsfolk or any other sapient soul in those cobbled streets, the other to a forest that was quite loud, roaring chirps howls and screeches shaking the leaves
The Knight looked up "So what's the plan strange voice?"
"Call me the Writer"
"Okay.. are you some kind of mystic scholar recording all that you see for some kind of grand historical tome?" They asked while riding their steed down the hill and to the fork in the path

Our heroes have arrived at the path, choose both their actions

- [] Knight: Go to the town

- [] Knight: Go to the forest

- [] Writer: Explain exactly what you are

- [] Writer: Check your study for anything that may prove useful

- [] Write-in
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Null votes
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[X] Plan: Crossover
-[X] Knight: Go to the town
-[X] Writer: Call in a favor from your good friend Deus Vermini to have it drop a golden tear on your replacement pen.
[X] Plan: start of a journey.
- [X] Knight: Go to the forest.
- [X] Writer: Check your study for anything that may prove useful.

Scheduled vote count started by Donald Darf on Nov 14, 2023 at 7:17 AM, finished with 7 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X] Plan: start of a journey.
    - [X] Knight: Go to the forest.
    - [X] Writer: Check your study for anything that may prove useful.
    [X] Plan: Crossover
    -[X] Knight: Go to the town
    -[X] Writer: Call in a favor from your good friend Deus Vermini to have it drop a golden tear on your replacement pen.
Into The Woods
The Knight decided to go into the forest, and soon they came across quite a strange scene, a collection of animals all tied to the trees in chains, screaming their lungs out "Oh my good heavens!"
And in the centre of this all, enjoying the sound of their fear, was a floating figure wearing a white sheet covered in stitches

It turned around to face the Knight "Oh, greetings traveler, my name is the Spectre, wait for but a moment I am a slight bit peckish"

The Spectre hovered towards a pink bunny tied to a branch, faced away from the Knight, and lifted up its sheet, the bunny was the only one who saw what was underneath, their fur turned white and they fell unconscious from fear of what they saw
The Spectre moaned like it just had a taste of a delicious home cooked meal, lowered the sheet over their face again, and faced the Knight "Ooooohhhh~ that was good, now-"
Rattling chains lowered down from beneath its white robe, hanging right above the ground
"-do we have to do this the easy way, or the hard way?"

Meanwhile In The Real World​

You, the Writer realized this was one of your scrapped antagonists for a horror story, they were a bit too much of a basic bad guy to be interesting so you just left them in a note and kinda forgot to revise them, seems the Usurper is let him out, probably to spite you, or they slipped out of their note in the commotion
The thing is you cannot do much to the story right now except talk and see around the Knight's general area

Well, most of the time, the Mystic Pen allowed you to fill any thought you had with enough power to manipulate the story, basically making you near omnipotent to the denizens of your books, but the Basic-Bitch Pen requires thoughts to have a bit more oomph behind them
You must be truly inspired by something to affect the story

So you frantically started searching your room, going through the bookshelves of historical literature, folklore, political dramas, studies on biology, botany, and notes upon notes of ideas
You searched through the drawers, nothing but your more worn out magic pens and pencils, they were only ever used for basic notes about plot stuff, the big stuff was reserved for the Mystic Pen
Under your Slumber-Nook, nothing but dust and a couple pennies that rolled under there, you see a spider under there, snatch it, and shove the squirming thing through your beak hole, a scrumptious little pest

Then you hear a loud BOOM! Seems like the airstrikes are happening again, your room shakes, critters skitter away for their lives, and you stick your head out the old window, far away from your cabin on a hill, figures flew in v formation above, raining hell down upon a distant already ruined city, you're safe since you were of no tactical importance, too far away and insignificant to the war effort to even bother hurting

You receded back into your abode and closed the window, and EUREKA, inspiration struck! Maybe this could help

Inspiration & Ideas

Inspiration! It can generate ideas which your character The Writer, can use to manipulate the story in certain ways, a inspiration of Chaos will create an idea of Chaos which will cause something Chaotic to happen in the story if applied, being inspired by the Ocean will make a seawater or fish based Idea, apply Ideas to aid the Knight, but be careful, altering the story with an Idea that does not make sense in the situation could potentially create a plot hole, for example, a machine-based idea applied in a forest
And who knows what will pop out of a plot hole!

How do you gain these? Experiencing things of course, events in the story and the real world can potentially give the Writer Inspiration, but don't try to cheat the system by having the Writer check out the same thing more than once for an infinite Idea supply, something that might inspire you once could not the second time, you gotta wait for those experiences to become fresh again, just look for new experiences instead, it's easier

Notes Gained
- Chaotic Idea: Loud noises, messes, chaos, disorder

The Spectre
- Floating figure in a white sheet covered with stitches
- Is incredibly scary underneath their robe
- Can create chains
- Likes to eat screams

The Forest
- Forest filled with animals, that's all

Create a plan with an action for each character

- [] Knight: Hop off the loyal Steed and tell them to distract the Spectre while Knight goes and to free the animals

- [] Knight: Negotiate with the Spectre for the release of the animals

- [] Knight: Just fight the Spectre alongside the loyal Steed

- [] Writer: Apply Chaotic Idea to Knight's Sword

- [] Writer: Apply Chaotic Idea to the Forest

- [] Writer: Apply Chaotic Idea to the Spectre's chains

- [] Write-in
Chaotic idea seems like a bad idea on the chain or Sword. Forest is the most sensible.

spectre won't be convinced, will devour the Steed like it did the rabbit, so fighting, a ghost seems the most sensible, but it's a Spectre.
[X] Plan: Time To Fight A Ghost I Guess.
- [X] Knight: Just fight the Spectre alongside the loyal Steed.
- [X] Writer: Apply Chaotic Idea to the Forest.
[X] Plan: Off The Chain
-[X] Knight: Just fight the Spectre alongside the loyal Steed
-[X] Writer: Apply Chaotic Idea to the Spectre's chains

Scheduled vote count started by Donald Darf on Nov 15, 2023 at 12:03 AM, finished with 5 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Time To Fight A Ghost I Guess.
    - [X] Knight: Just fight the Spectre alongside the loyal Steed.
    - [X] Writer: Apply Chaotic Idea to the Forest.
    [X] Plan: Off The Chain
    - [X] Knight: Just fight the Spectre alongside the loyal Steed.
    -[X] Writer: Apply Chaotic Idea to the Spectre's chains
A kerfuffle With A Ghost
The Knight rode forth, the galloping of their Steed drowned out by the various screaming woodland critters chained to the trees
You, the Writer, held your pen aloft and...

Notes Lost
× - Chaotic Idea

Rolled a 64 - 5 = 59

The forest shakes and warps beyond recognition, the animals are now just all screaming in confusion as the trees start twisting and turning, the trees are more alive, moving, the woods are writhing like the tendrils of an unearthly beast, some becoming greener and some becoming grayer, the changes in the width of the trees allowed the animals to slip out of their bindings and scamper off, much to the dismay of the Spectre

"NOOOO! My lunch, dinner, and dessert!" the scream-connoisseur faced the Knight "I don't how you did that, but I'm gonna make you do quadruple the amount of screaming they collectively did" the chains extend out from under the robe and lash at the dashing Knight and loyal Steed

Spectre rolled a 22 + 10 + 30 - 5 = 57
Knight & Steed rolled a 94 + 10 + 10 + 9 - 25 = 88

Steed jumped and dodged a multitude of wild squirming trees, as the chains closed in on them the Knight raised their blade and cut through them, but as they got closer the both of them saw that when the branches tried to wack Spectre they simply went through the ghost, so they decided on circling the spirit, attempting to analyze their opponent for a better clue as to get them
Then the Knight noticed something, a scratch on the cloth
They and Steed gained a couple scratches of their own from some branches and chains since sometimes the Spectre would raise their veil for a moment in an attempt to spook the Knight and Steed unconscious, forcing them to close their eyes occasionally, adding onto their problems, but they only had to resist a couple moments more, as one branch actually managed to smack Spectre aside, leaving a bleeding wound on their arm bleeding a dark oily substance

This substance did not stain the tree, but it stained the chains
Both sides knew that the tides have turned drastically from this information, the chains could be used against their source, the Spectre attempted to pull back their chains but the Knight leapt off their equine companion, grabbing onto the chain, allowing themself to pulled along
The Spectre tried to shake the armoured saviour off but the Knight simply just let go of the chain and used the momentum to keep running forward

Moments left, the Knight is getting closer, jumping through a thrashing canopy, over a rage-filled root, and closer to their target, the consumer of screams tries to pull back their chains faster and quickly reveals their face to stop this fight, laughing
"FOOL! You cannot stop me now! Can't dodge well if you can't see my moves!"
The Knight's eyes closed shut, they would be vulnerable to a mental attack if opened, but vulnerable to physical attack if things kept going like this, though there was a problem with the scary face technique
You could only frighten anyone in a single direction at a time

Spectre felt a tug from below from one of their chains, then a horrible pain as that chain was pulled straight out from their underside by the mouth of the Steed who snuck behind the phantom foe, leaving the tip of it covered in their GHOST OIL, the Spectre let out an unearthly shriek and did some strange form of hovering fall over while moaning in pain, making them let go of their robe and it falling back over their head
Knight opened their eyes and gave the Loyal Steed a proud thumbs up, their horse giddily dropped the chain that was between their teeth into the palm of the Knight's hand, our hero grabbed the chain, wrapped it around Spectre's neck so as to keep them from lifting their sheet, the Steed kept an eye on Spectre's lower half for chains, both hoping this would work

With a quick tug the Knight pulled as hard on the Spectre's neck with their own chains as possible, faster than it could beg, and snapped its neck wit a sickening crunch
"Yay you won!" You said, clapping a bit, you could've made this fight faster if you remembered the stupid weakness but who cares they won anyway
The Knight was about to loudly ask why the forest was acting crazy, but instead decided to pick up the unconscious white bunny from before, hop onto their Steed and just get outta there

The Knight sat there with the many traumatized animals outside the forest, a deer offered the warrior a cup of tea to calm their nerves and our hero gladly accepted, the Loyal Steed was busy exaggerating how cool the Knight was in the fight to the younger animals, trying to recruit more worthy squires
A couple of the critters came over and thanked them, some verbally, some gave them simple hugs, a baby squirrel gave our Knight an acorn
The world went topsy-turvy overnight for everybody, the Knight noticed this on many fuzzy faces, the kids and the Steed were partially ignorant to this, but a vague feeling like something was fundamentally wrong with the world filled everything, whatever was going on was BIG

And now that forest was attacked by the Spectre and started attacking everything in it all in one day, the strange voice in the air, it was all quite overwhelming, but it was not the time to sit idle and wonder, to save the Princess the Knight must march ever onwards

You the Writer simply watched on from your chair at your desk, seeing squirrels cook mushroom soup, the Knight contemplating their next move, and the Loyal Steed being smug about having the best master ever
But those guys aside, you gained inspiration from the Spectre, they themselves weren't particularly interesting, but the thought of ghosts got you a neat little idea, could probably build something more than the sum of its parts out of that jerk, make them useful for a good cause, also the forest and animals brought up a neat little bundle of concepts

Notes Gained
- Spooky Idea: Ghosts, fear, phantoms, hauntings, the screams, white sheets
- Wild Ideas: Nature, animals, plants, the savagery of nature, the hunt

X The Forest

The Chaotic Forest

- The trees act like tendrils, and thrash around wildly
- Animals used to live here but no longer cause it's really damn dangerous

The Spectre
X - Likes to eat screams
- Used to like eating screams
- Was fully incorporeal unless you used its own chains against it
- Had their neck snapped by the knight with their own chains

The Creeped-Out Critters
- Bunch of bipedal forest animals traumatized by the Spectre
- Think of the Knight as their saviour
- Will forever fear the rattle of chains and the billowing of white sheets

Make a plan with an action for each character, it's a break so you can make the chosen action long

- [] Knight: Discuss with the animals about the current situation going on in the world, a full grasp on the chaos should be useful, or at least a clearer picture

- [] Knight: Try to get info out of the Writer, also try to help gather mushrooms for the soup, more info on the voice and delicious food are important

- [] Knight: Help tell the animals the exaggerated story alongside your Loyal Steed, possibly could help recruit some to your cause, the more the merrier

- [] Writer: Have a nap, you're sleepy

- [] Writer: Apply Spooky Idea to Loyal Steed, for funsies

- [] Writer: Explain the full situation to the Knight, they deserve to know

- [] Write-in
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[x] A Knight of Revelry
-[X] Knight: Help tell the animals the exaggerated story alongside your Loyal Steed, possibly could help recruit some to your cause, the more the merrier
-[X] Writer: Have a nap, you're sleepy
[x] A Knight of Revelry
-[X] Knight: Help tell the animals the exaggerated story alongside your Loyal Steed, possibly could help recruit some to your cause, the more the merrier
-[X] Writer: Have a nap, you're sleepy

Seems like a good idea.

Scheduled vote count started by Donald Darf on Nov 16, 2023 at 12:18 PM, finished with 2 posts and 2 votes.

  • [x] A Knight of Revelry
    -[X] Knight: Help tell the animals the exaggerated story alongside your Loyal Steed, possibly could help recruit some to your cause, the more the merrier
    -[X] Writer: Have a nap, you're sleepy
Quick question, should we be concerned about the fact that there's a war going on in the writers home universe?. Just curious.