THE KETHERIC-HIVE AFFAIR (Balder's Gate 3 in Space! Quest)

NAME: Karlach Cliffgate
RACE: Tiefling
XP: 0 | LEVEL: 2

16 (+3)​
16 (+3)​
13 (+1)​
8 (-1)​
10 (+0)​
12 (+1)​
Save: +5​
Save: +5​
Save: +3​
Save: +1​
Save: +2​
Save: +3​

Darkvision: Can see 100 feet in darkness without colors. Born this way, ma called it 20/Evil vision.
Light Sleeper: Only needs four hours of sleep for a long rest. Learned this in CapFor - nap when you got it.
Energy Resistance [Fire]: Take 1/2 damage from fire. This is why we got the cheap apartments, near the radiators.
Speed Malus: -1 meter of movement per round. Gorby Jr. is a pain in the ass.
Hider: Can hide when even only lightly obscure. Learned to duck pretty fast in the military.
Action Surge (1/rest): Can take an extra action, refreshes on a short rest.
Reckless attack: Can gain advantage on Str based attacks while giving enemies advantage to hit you.
Rage (2/day): can go into a rage for 1 minute, gaining advantage on str checks and saves, +2 to str damage, reistance to B, P and S damage. Can't cast spells while raging.
Fighting Styles: Defensive (+1 to AC while wearing armor), Ranged (+2 to hit with ranged weapons), Blind Fighting (gain blindsight to 10 ft)
Second Wind (1/rest): Can use a bonus action to get 1d10+Level HP.
Natural Explorer: Ensure that the group has enough vac-suits and full tanks unless enemies take specific actions to negate it. When trapped with limited resources, double what the GM says you have. Create 3 shifts as a crew, rather than 2. Can patch suit as a free action. once per session, you can declare one thing to be true about a space station, habitat or spaceship - if the GM refuses, you're given a Luck Point.
Favored Enemy (Fascists): Get advantage on Wisdom (Survival) to track them and Intelligence rolls to know about their tactics.
Broad Proficiency: Martial Weapons, Heavy Weapons
Single Proficiency: Vac-Suits, Light, Medium, Heavy
Tool Proficiency: Repair, Shuttles, Armored Fighting Vehicle
Fighter's Luck: Get x3 LP per level.
Skills [8]: Skilled in Athletics, Acrobatics, Stealth, Perception, Persuasion, Performance, Intimidation, Insight
Expertise [2]: Expertise in Athletics and Stealth (double proff bonus.)​


Armored Vac Suit (AC 19, 7 Bulletproof)
Bulletproof: AC applies to gunfire. If an enemy rolls 8-17, remove 1 bulletproof.)​
M-Gloves: Can create two mage hands as a free action, controlled by focused

Collapsable Knife: +5 to hit, 1d12+3 damage
Concealable: Advantage to hiding, -1 intimidation
Sharp: Deals 3 damage on a miss.​

MP-5: The Solar System's sexiest SMG
Effective Range: 0-25 Meters | 25-50 Meters
Damage: 1d4+3| Caliber: Medium | Recoil: 4 | ROF: 8 | Magazine: 30+1 | Intimidation: +3
Special: Tacti-Cool (comes with a built in, infinite use wand of Ray of Frost, which can be fired from the weapon whenever you want.)
Underslung DC8-ROFW: 60 foot range, 1d8 frost damage, reduces enemy movement speed by 10 feet on a hit.​

Arachne 9mm
Effective Range: 0-50 Meters
Damage: 1d4+3 | Caliber: Medium | Recoil: 7 | ROF: 3 | Magazine: 15+1 | Intimidation: +2
Special: Frangible - you can buy Small Caliber rounds for this to reduce the recoil to 4.​

23 magazines fully stocked of 9mm rounds

Standard patch kit
Effect: It can patch any hole of about palm size or smaller. Unfortunately, since they're designed to be 'slap and forget' patches, they can't really patch bigger holes effectively. Fortunately, you can apply them as a free action.

Computer Tool Kit
Effect: The computer tool kit is the collection of various lengths of wire, soldering gun, screwdriver (magnetized) and other nibbly little bits you need to do repair work on a computer, physically speaking. This won't do anything to debug it, unless you're being really literal about debugging here.

Effect: A plastic set of restraints. Good for dissidents, bounties and, until the Supreme Court's decision re Staton V Solarium Primary School, unruly children.


Q-Card: +0
Specie: 1 Gold

Current Hab Legality: Not in Hab
Intimidation: Not in Hab
Total Criminality: Not in hab

STARSHIP - USAF-SGF Short Sword (Drizzit Class)
Acceleration Max: 3Gs | Handling: +4
Sensors: 5 Locks, 2 Jams

Thrusters (10): 25 [10 Armor]
Externalities (9-4): 85 [0 Armor]​
Weapons: 72​
2 Fore, 2 Starboard, 2 Port, 2 Aft, 2 Dorsal, 2 Ventral S&R Draconic Limited Twin Linked 40mm PDCs
1 Dorsal Multipurpose 32cm Launch Tube​
EW/COM: 5​
D98 Panopticon Installation​
Cargo: 6 Tons​
Life Support (3): 39 [10 Armor]​
Radiators: 10
Water Recycling & Air Filtering: 15
Cabins: 10 (6 Bunk Rooms, 3 Cabins, 1 Officer's Cabin)
Sickbay: 5
Mess Hall: 5​
Command, Control & Communication (2): 5 [10 Armor]
Engines (1): 90 [10 Armor]
S&R Draconic Limited PDCs
Range: 0 | Damage: 1 Damage
ROF: 4d10 | Special: +5 to hit Torpedoes

32cm Launch Tube
Range: N/A | Damage: Per torpedo
ROF: 3 per round | Capacity: 17 Torpedoes

MD-82b Armor Piercing Chemical Torpedoes (12)
Special Note: These use high density hydrogen fuel bricks and have an extremely short duration
Acceleration: 20G | Handling: +4
Structure: 3​
Thrusters: -
Externalities (9-4): 1 [Armor 1]​
Weapon: 1​
High Yield Armor Piercing Warhead: 30 damage​
Life Support: -
Command, Control & Communication: -
Engine: 1​

T2-9 Tactical Nuclear Interplanetary Ballistic Missiles (5) [INOPERABLE]
Special Note: These use Zevar drives and have infinite range.
Acceleration: 10G | Handling: +4
Structure: 3​
Thrusters: -
Externalities (9-4): 2​
Weapon: 2​
Tactical Nuclear Warhead: 300 Damage (5km radius)​
Life Support: -
Command, Control & Communication: -
Engine: 1​
Description: A 300 ton warship, the Short Sword comes armed with 12 point defense cannons capable of covering every angle of attack and a 3 tube dorsal mounted torpedo bay, with 20 torpedoes, currently stocked with 15 MD82b antiarmor torpedoes that burn high density hydrogen fuel (making them high speed, short range), and 5 IPBMs with 30 kiloton tactical nuclear warheads. These have Zevar drives. They do not have "range" limitations.
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[X] Plan Jazz hands
-[X] Tool-Hand: One hand is an Mag-Glove. The other hand is a tool (chainsaw, drill bit, welding torch.)
--[X] (Write in what tool) M-Hand: Standard gloves with attached, cut down wand of mage-hand allowing you to create and manipulate a pair of mage hands. Limited gripping strength, but they have range, dexterity and can reach around corners.

Note: If you take magic stuff, then I'll give Karlach some spellcasting, as a joke.

How could I resist.. M Hand and RCS have some interesting potential for maneuvering around.

i *love* this.
[X] Armored Vac Suit: Provides AC18, no mod with 8 bulletproof (AC functions against firearms 8 times)
[X] D.E.W.S System: Decanter of Endless Water System (System) runs a trickle of water through electrolysis powered by body movement. Infinite oxygen and water.
[X] Military Helmet: has night vision goggles, hardened radio, and advantage to resisting flashbangs. -5 to passive perception (tunnel vision) while NVGs are down, but they can be lifted and lowered as a free action.
[X] Juice Rig: Can hold up to six healing potions and has a simple biometric feedback system that triggers when the dosimeter goes off, when your blood pressure spikes or dips too low, and if it detects kinetic motion that indicates serious damage. (If you take 10+ damage, any amount of lethal radiation, or a critical wound, it automatically doses you with a healing potion.) Currently contains 2 potions.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonCobolt on Feb 15, 2024 at 9:30 PM, finished with 7 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Plan Jazz hands
    -[X] Tool-Hand: One hand is an Mag-Glove. The other hand is a tool (chainsaw, drill bit, welding torch.)
    --[X] (Write in what tool) M-Hand: Standard gloves with attached, cut down wand of mage-hand allowing you to create and manipulate a pair of mage hands. Limited gripping strength, but they have range, dexterity and can reach around corners.
    [X] Armored Vac Suit: Provides AC18, no mod with 8 bulletproof (AC functions against firearms 8 times)
    [X] Grapnel Line: It's a grappling hook launcher
    [X] D.E.W.S System: Decanter of Endless Water System (System) runs a trickle of water through electrolysis powered by body movement. Infinite oxygen and water.
    [X] Military Helmet: has night vision goggles, hardened radio, and advantage to resisting flashbangs. -5 to passive perception (tunnel vision) while NVGs are down, but they can be lifted and lowered as a free action.
    [X] Juice Rig: Can hold up to six healing potions and has a simple biometric feedback system that triggers when the dosimeter goes off, when your blood pressure spikes or dips too low, and if it detects kinetic motion that indicates serious damage. (If you take 10+ damage, any amount of lethal radiation, or a critical wound, it automatically doses you with a healing potion.) Currently contains 2 potions.
    [x] Military Helmet
    [x] Grapnel Line

So, I'm going to blame the fact I've been seriously sleep deprived for the past two years, but, uh, the tool vote is just getting normal Mage Hand gloves, like, you're just...that's just a mage hand glove, it's identical mechanically and narratively.

You voted for "normal hand + tool" then had the tool be "mage hand", which means you have two normal hands, plus mage hand wand, which is the M-Hand choice! I just want to make sure you know that before you sign off on this vote.

If that's the case, then the winning vac suit is an armored vac-suit with mage hands!
Once a CapTrooper, always a CapTrooper (0.3)
You put the weird elf out of your mind for the moment and focused on the suits. They were a hodgepodge of stuff gotten on the gray and black markets - but even low down crooks didn't skimp when it came to vault suits. What was it that annoying NEWGOD follower had once said when he'd tried to recruit you. You screwed up your face, remembering the wobbly Kuo-Toa croaking at you.

Seal thy helmet first, lest they be the first to die!

Something like that. You picked the first vac-suit from the rack and scowled. it had a bright orange tag on the side - not fit for use. You put it aside, while Gorby hissed and burbled next to you. "This suit seems well enough," the weird elf said, nudging it with her toe. "Why cast it aside so easily?"

"It's got a fault tag on it," you said.

"Hurmph," the weird elf said. Laz'ael, right? She crossed her arms over her chest while you pushed through a few more suits and then - oh. Oh ho ho ho ho! Your eyes sparkled as you grinned and hefted the suit you had found out into the air, your arms straining slightly at the weight. "There we go!"

It was Force surplus. And not one of those 'flack only' jackets that the astros got to wear, this was a heavy duty combat rated kevlar and plated Capture Force trooper uniform. It was still painted United States blue and white. You started to tug it on, sliding the vest over as Gorby-J folded himself into a backpack. You slotted him into the filter compartment, grunting at his weight, then shifted and stood a bit taller as you tugged on the gloves, only to find that the fingers had been cut off by some total asshole. You scowled at the fingerless gloves, while Laz'ael walked around you with a scoff.

"Your arms, your legs, they are unarmored. I could cut them off like that." She flicked her hand.

"More worried about guns right now, Lazzy," you said.

"Lazzy!?" Laz'ael spluttered. "And...and why fear a gun? A weapon that fires but once a minute is barely a weapon at all."

You turned away from the gloves you were sniffing at to blink at her. Then you turned back to the gloves. "So, like...where the hell are you even from, Lazzy?" you asked, finding a M-glove. Ah! Sweet. You tried the connector and grinned as it clicked home. The gloves were red, but at least they socketed properly. You found the other M-Glove and snapped it into place. Your fingers still fit into the bulky, pressurized fingers - you flexed them and grunted at the familiar effort it took. But when you twisted your wrists like so, the back of the gloves glowed and shimmering mage hands appeared in the air. You grinned as you let them float left and right, then withdrew them with a focused tug of your mind. "Nice."

Laz'ael was watching this all with a faint expression of shock. She shook her head. "T-The astral plane!" She said, then corrected. "The immortal empire of Queen Vlakith and her glorious suzerains." She smirked slightly, while you wracked your brain.

"Never heard of it," you said.

"Of course you have not," Laz'ael said, smugly. "You are a primer. Simple as that."

You turned to her. "Is it somewhere in Vasha's Tears? One of those little asteroid kingdoms?"

"Little!?" She asked. "It spans the multiverse!"

A chunk of your high school magical theory courses came free like a brick being hit by a bullet and landed right on your head. You gaped at her in shock. "...wait, you mean the astral plane?"

She smirked. "What else would I be referring too?"

"The plane of existence between the prime material and the elemnetal planes?" you asked. "That astral plane? The one where thought makes reality and such? That kinda place?"

She looked disconcerted. "Y-Yes...are you a scholar?"

"Fuck no, I barely passed high school," you said, grinning warmly at her. "But fuck me, you're from another dimension! Holy shit. Holy shit." It was beginning to dawn on you how big of a deal this was. There were like half a dozen TV shows about traveling to other dimensions, but that was fictional. No one had entered or left the Solarium since the Fall - the Fall, uh...what was it that guy with the posh accent on Channel 9 said? In the documentary? wall of chaotic energies, released by the deaths of six billion people, creasing a barrier called the...Wall of Souls...

Laz'ael frowned as you started to explain. As best as you could.

"So, once, we lived on this planet called Laturr and, well, it was nice. But there was this crystal called, uh...arcanite, I think, and it was like a real powerful magic thingy. So, everyone was using it to do magic shit, and then it turns out it opened up a portal to some real nasty part of the Hells. Or was it the Abyss? One of those! Anyway, demons came out and wrecked everyone's shit, so we fled up into space. And now we live here. Latur's real fucked up, though. Like, I think it was a five, six degree C change? Acid rain everywhere, dead oceans, fuckin' nasty. Lots of demons too. We keep nuking them, but they keep coming back. Oh! Did you know a Tarassque woke up the day I was born, actually? Lasted three weeks, Mum got it on film with her telescope. That's why they actually named me Karlach, you-"

Laz'ael held up her hands. "Silence!" She narrowed her eyes, her ears flicking back. "I don't care about the petty history of your world. It doesn't matter. We need to get these things out of our heads." She pointed at her temple.

You nodded and opened your mouth...then hesitated...

You had been about to mention that your best bet was to get back to the United States. Cause in the third Laturr/Lalune Bigby point, there was the Hive Union - the surviving mind flayers who had launched their entire underground city into orbit using the powers of their minds. You were pretty sure this kind of implantation was illegal as hell and they'd definitely be able to wink them right out of your head before you got too squiddy. But...if Laz'ael was from the astral plane and another universe, what if she had weird ideas about mind flayers? To you, a mind flayer was just a guy who had to buy his prions from over the counter.

You'd had a friend once, back in high school, who had always whined about not getting to eat any of the mind flayer food. You hoped that no one had ever let him.

It was a real nasty way to go, prions.

Do you...
[ ] Tell Laz'ael about the Hive Union! It might be a relief.
[ ] ...maybe not!

[ ] Try and sneak out directly through the front of this base
[ ] Go around back and try to find side exits.
[X] Tell Laz'ael about the Hive Union! It might be a relief.
I feel like Big Muscle Mommy Karlach is the sort of person to be direct as possible
[X] Go around back and try to find side exits.
i want to look for seeeeecrets
[X] Tell Laz'ael about the Hive Union! It might be a relief.
[X] Go around back and try to find side exits.
[X] Tell Laz'ael about the Hive Union! It might be a relief.
[X] Go around back and try to find side exits.
[X] Tell Laz'ael about the Hive Union! It might be a relief.
So, she's not going to take this well, but hopefully we can at least (relatively) improve her reaction to a mind flayer just walking on the street from attempt hate crime to a relatively normal amount of racism, with hopes to improve it further later on.

[X] Go around back and try to find side exits.

We're just two people with only melee weapons, so the direct route is probably a bad idea.
[X] Tell Laz'ael about the Hive Union! It might be a relief.
[X] Go around back and try to find side exits.
[X] Tell Laz'ael about the Hive Union! It might be a relief.
[X] Go around back and try to find side exits.

What could possibly go wrong 🙃
[X] Tell Laz'ael about the Hive Union! It might be a relief.
[X] Go around back and try to find side exits.

I see no potential issues with this plan.
[X] Tell Laz'ael about the Hive Union! It might be a relief.
[X] Go around back and try to find side exits.

Let's gooooooo!
[X] Tell Laz'ael about the Hive Union! It might be a relief.
[X] Go around back and try to find side exits.

Let's gooooooooooo

I'm sure she'll take this well

Question, is this Karlach's heart also breaking and killing her? Or is it just a "you need daily health potions to not die"?
Adhoc vote count started by DragonCobolt on Mar 24, 2024 at 4:48 PM, finished with 13 posts and 11 votes.

Geeze, another tie...

Roll for stealth, d20!

I'm going to...finally make a character sheet. Lets see how my chargen system actually works lol
I guess I'll roll since it doesn't seem like anybody else will.

Edit: A total of 19, not to shabby.
Vanestus threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Stealth +7 Total: 12
4 4 8 8
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