The Kal'Darian Problem


GWS Recipient
Around Dover Street

The Kal'Darian Problem​

When even a type-II civ has problems.

The Tessellation, orbiting around Kal'Dari. Taken from the IMCS Haranasharr, from Clan Ilmari.

It has been three hundred years since the end of the Eugenics Scuffle, and the Tessellation is finally complete. Bankrolled by Clan Ilsoma at the end of the Kal'Dari's first intra-stellar conflict, it has promised to solve the energy budget for all Kal'Dari for millennia to come, and has invited all Clan representatives to a summit at the Kontorr Habitat to discuss the allocation of the Tesselation's budget.

Unsurprisingly, putting diplomats from over 6,000+ independent nation-states tends to cause problems.

On the third day of the summit, something leaks on the local weave. Irrefutable proof of fer'shai possession has been pinned on innumerable Clans, and the whole summit devolves into accusations, blusters, and promises of war. An investigation was launched, aiming to uncover the truth behind the matter... and comes to a startling conclusion.

The proof was ironclad. Metaphorical paper trails are found despite attempts to hide the evidence, and it all paints a damning picture.

All production and research into the fer'shai had been banned following the end of the Eugenics Scuffle. In fact, it was the main reason for the outbreak of the Eugenics Scuffle in the first place. To think that multiple clans had continued on with research and production in blatant violation of the Kal'Darian Accords…

There was only one way this could end. Allies were called upon, sworn to their oaths or outright blackmailed into compliance. Battle lines were drawn, and voidcraft began their burns towards enemy clans, seeking to seize the opportunity for an immediate alpha strike.

By the fourth day of the summit, the entire summit had been called off, as the clans declared war, and the Kal'Dari as a whole descended into another intra-stellar civil war.


Welcome to the Kal'Darian problem, where you play as a Kal'Darian clan in the midst of a system-wide civil war. Conquer your foes, make alliances, and eventually set your sights upon the grand prize: The Tesselation itself.

Kind of a 4X system where you all play as nation-states in a Kardashev Type-2 civ. Your main goal is to get that good-good Dyson Swarm under your clan's control, and to usher in your dominance in the millennia to come before the... eugh, peace treaty arrives.

This particular system is still unfinished, so I'd like some help in hashing out mechanics and join me in banging heads against a thesaurus. Google doc for this project is here, and if you're interested in helping me with this, then send me a PM.