[X] Plan: Ground Pounders! (Make a diff 1 ACU [nanofabrication] check to take out the first Zealot group by fabricating a platoon of rapid Mech Marines to engage the enemy infantry. This grants you +1 spark, which you'll use to take out the second Zealot group as they land to try and support. Then make gain 1, 2 and 3 heat to do a diff 2+1, 2+2 and 2+3 fabrication check to build three platoons of tier 1 anti-air Archer tanks to shoot down the first scout! Vent 6 heat to create a "Just as Planned" spark for the Refugees in case they do anything.
[X] Plan: Working Off Some Tension (Make a diff 2 Guns [vehicular weapon] to start blasting with your ACU's antimatter cannon. Blast the three scouts for 0, 1 and 2 heat. Then vent 3 heat to use your Marksman power twice to blast the Zealots, generating two sparks of "Shock and Awe" which will induce panic in any Protoss units until they're removed!
[X] Plan: Airstrikes! (Make a Diff 2 ACU Pilot [Nanofabrication] check to take down the first scout by manufacturing a wing of fighters. Then gain 1 and 2 heat to defeat the other two using your Social [Leadership] skill versus diff 2+1, then diff 2+2. Gain 2 heat to make a diff 1+3 nanofab check to make bombers and blow up the first wave of zealots when they hit the ground. Vent 4 heat to use TAKE COVER, MEN and have your bombers lay down napalm between the last zealot squad and the refugees, creating a "Take Cover" spark for the Refugees.