The Imperium of Aurelian

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In the 38th century, humanity has expanded across the vast reaches of the galaxy. However, political divisions and disunity have fractured the human civilizations into numerous scattered countries.

Amidst this backdrop, a man named James unexpectedly finds himself transmigrated into the body of a rebel leader, armed with an OP system.

Follow him as he try unite the humankind into one empire. With him as the emperor of course.
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The ship vibrates intensely as it comes under attack from enemy vessels. It has been four days since the rebel group known as The Aurelius had their secret headquarters raided by the Pharahans on Nimbor VI.

As a result, a portion of their fleet has been separated in the chaos, and their leader, Aurelian, is injured and in a coma. Currently, the remaining fleet is being commanded by Titus Norin, the second-in-command to Aurelian.

"Damage report."

Titus calmly stands atop the command deck of the flagship, The Nova.

"The shields are at 45 percent, sir."

answers one of the bridge crew.

"What about the hyperdrive?"

"We still can't use them, sir. The Nova is still in range of the well."

The reason The Nova cannot enter hyperspace is that their pursuer is The Infamous Serpent Nebula, a Leviathan-class dreadnought. With a length of 2 kilometers, width of 823 meters, and height of 350 meters, this dreadnought is the pride of the Kingdom of Pharahan.

However, size is not what makes this ship famous. This particular ship, The Serpent Nebula, is notorious for possessing gravity well technology, which generates artificial gravity around the ship, rendering any ship near it unable to enter hyperspace and capturing or destroying many rebel vessels in the past.

Their remaining fleet managed to escape as they were outside the range of the gravity well thanks to The Nova's covering fire and protection, using itself as bait and curently heading towards another hiding place in the Kalamar Nebula.

Unfortunately, The Nova is now trapped.

As the intense barrage of enemy fire continues and The Nova tries its best to avoid any critical attacks, Titus knows that their only chance of survival is to find a way to break free from the clutches of the gravity well.

Fortunately, Titus knows the exact location of the gravity well generator based on their past engagements, even though it came at the cost of many lost ships.

"Initiate evasive maneuvers!"

Titus commands, his voice cutting through the chaos. The Nova's engines roar to life as the ship veers and weaves through the onslaught of enemy fire, narrowly avoiding direct hits.

Titus turns to his crew, his eyes filled with determination.

"We need to disable that gravity well generator. Without it, they won't be able to maintain their hold on us."

"We can target the power conduits leading to the gravity well generator, sir"

suggests one of the crew members, pointing at the ship's schematic displayed on the holographic interface.

Titus nods approvingly.

"If we can disrupt the power supply to the gravity well generator, it might weaken its effect on us."

The crew quickly analyzes the ship's defenses and identifies the best approach to reach the upper center where the gravity well generator is situated.

"Launch the fighters. Whatever happens, target their upper center; that is where the generator is located."

Titus orders, knowing that the pilots have a small chance of survival, but they have to do it.

With the crew's plan in motion, the hangar bay doors of The Nova slide open, revealing a squadron of sleek, agile body of the Omega Starfighter one of the best starfighter in the kingdom ready for action. The pilots, aware of the dangers that await them, buckle up and prepare for their perilous mission.

"Remember, our objective is to disable that gravity well generator,"

Titus reminds the pilots over the intercom.

"We have to give The Nova a chance to escape. We will give covering fire as much as we can. For the rebellion!"

"For the rebellion!!"

The pilot roared simultaneously.

The fighters launch into space, their engines roaring as they maneuver through the chaotic battlefield. Enemy ship unleashing a barrage of turbolaser. The rebel pilots skillfully dodge and weave, relying on their training and instincts to stay alive.

Titus watches intently from the command deck.

"Fire all weapon on the target."



The dark space illuminated by the many laser targeting each other. Titus's heart pounding with anticipation. He knows that the success of their mission hinges on the bravery and skill of these pilots. The fate The Nova rests on their shoulders.

As the fighters approach the massive Serpent Nebula, the gravity well generator becomes visible, surrounded by a web of energy conduits. It pulsates with power, exerting its grip on The Nova, preventing it from escaping.

The rebel pilots coordinate their attack, targeting the vulnerable power conduits. They unleash a barrage of concentrated fire, their lasers tearing through the enemy defenses thanks in part from the help of The Nova. The enemy fighters scramble to intercept, but the rebels hold their ground, providing cover for their comrades. Many has fallen but the rest keep going.

Explosions rock the battlefield as the power conduits are hit, causing sparks to fly and smoke to billow out. The gravity well generator flickers for a moment, its grip on The Nova momentarily weakened.

Titus seizes the opportunity.

"All remaining fighter, return to the ship!"

"Full power to the engines! Now's our chance to break free!"

The Nova's engines roar to life, propelling the ship forward with a burst of speed. It strains against the remnants of the gravity well, inching closer and closer to freedom. The crew members on the command deck hold their breath, their eyes locked on the display showing the distance between The Nova and the gravity well.

"All five remaining fighter are on deck Sir"

A crewman reporting. His eyes never leaving his command monitor.

"Prepare for hyperspace jump."
Titus commanded.

"Plot a course to Sanctum Primaria. We cannot afford to delay any longer."

The crew swiftly carried out their orders, inputting the coordinates for the Sanctum Primaria into the ship's navigation system.

"Engage the hyperdrive on my mark,"

Titus announced, his voice steady.

The crew members braced themselves, their hands poised over the controls. With a deep breath, Titus counted down.

"Three... Two... One... Mark!"

At his command, the ship's hyperdrive ignited, propelling The Nova into the swirling light blue expanses of hyperspace. The stars outside transformed into streaks of light as the ship accelerated, hurtling through the dimensions.

Inside the command deck, the tension began to ease as they left the immediate danger behind. The crew exchanged glances, silently acknowledging the success of their escape.

Titus looked out at the vastness of hyperspace, his mind focused on their destination. The Sanctum Primaria, their last hidden base, awaited them—a sanctuary where they could regroup, strategize, and heal their wounds.

"We've made it."

Titus said, a mixture of relief and determination in his voice.

"Hold steady, everyone. We'll soon arrive at the Sanctum Primaria."

The crew members nodded, their spirits lifted by the prospect of reaching their secure base. They knew the rebellion was far from over, but for now, they could find solace in the safety of the Sanctum Primaria.

As The Nova soared through the ethereal realm of hyperspace, the rebels carried with them the hope that they would emerge stronger and ready to fight another day. And pray for their leader's health.


"This is not my room."

were the first words James uttered after waking up from his slumber. The room he found himself in was remarkably vast and opulent, with furniture that appeared futuristic to someone from the 21st century, like James.

With a heavy head, he arose from his queen size bed and proceeded to walk towards a large mirror situated on the opposite side of the room.

"This is not my body!"

The person standing before him was remarkably well build, handsome and rugged, a stark contrast to James' original thin and unkempt appearance. Panic began to consume him.

"Is this an experiment? A prank? No. It feels too real to be a prank."

James pondered, his mind racing with thoughts. He thoroughly examined his body, desperately searching for any clues that could potentially explain his current predicament. Nothing! All he could tell from this is that the former James would be jealous of this body's pack.


A familiar sound resonated in his ears.

"My laptop!"

James exclaimed in recognition.

Right on top of a large desk, his laptop sat open—a relic from his previous world. A mix of relief and trepidation fills his heart as he approach it. To his surprise, a message addressed to him illuminates the screen.

"Hi James, I know youre confuse and wondering what happen to you.

First of all, the original name of this body is Aurelian, and unfortunately, he has passed away.

As for you, you fell asleep while watching a movie, and I transferred your soul across the omniverse into this body.

Why ? Because entertainment of course.

But I know you won't mind. After all, this is like a dream come true for you, right? You've always wanted to experience an isekai adventure. You're a true geek at heart.

But don't worry, I didn't just bring you here without something right ?
So relax. I have something special in store for you.

So, embrace this second life of yours and make the most of it.

Best regards,

P.S. In just three seconds after reading this message, you will start to receive the memories and experiences of your new body.

And so, the pain.

That's exactly what happened to James's head three seconds later. The memories of Aurelian rushed into his brain, causing him to grit his teeth in agony.

After a full minute, the pain subsided, and Aurelian found himself lying in the cold floor, staring at the ceiling.

""R.O.B! Of course, it's R.O.B who brought me here."

After R.O.B's explanation and all the isekai and SI fanfiction that he had read on the internet, Aurelian slowly accepted his fate.

Beside, R.O.B is correct in its assessment. James is an orphan who lives alone in his apartment. After both of his parents passed away when he was 18 years old, James has been living on his own being the only child, and an adult.

He spends his days on the internet watching movies, anime, reading comics, novels, and consuming various forms of entertainment, only going to his job to sustain himself and his hobbies. He has always wanted to be isekai-ed, to become a swordsman or something. So, he welcomes this opportunity with joy.

Knock! Knock!

A knocking sound came from the door of his room.


Aurelian responded, straightening himself before meeting with his subordinate. After absorbing the memories, there were many things that needed to be addressed.
The door opened, and a middle-aged man entered the room. He was tall and had broad shoulders, sandy short hair and clean shaven, appearing to be in his forties, wearing a lab coat and glasses. He is carrying some sort of white, shining brifecase.

'Alexander Galenos.'

The memory kicked in, and Aurelian instantly knew who this guy was. Dr. Alexander Galenos, the head doctor of the entire rebel group.


To say that Galenos was shocked would be an understatement. It had only been two days since they arrived at The Sanctum, and barely a week since the Imperator fell into a coma. Yet here he stood in front of Galenos, looking vigorous and full of life.

"How... how is this possible? You were gravely injured, we feared the worst."

"I can't explain it fully, Galenos. I just woke up from my coma feels refreshed as if it never happen."

"This is incredible."

Galenos approached Aurelian, guiding him to sit on the bed. He opened the 'briefcase' and took out a round object, about the size of his palm, strapped to his own palm. He began moving it up and down from Aurelian's head to his feet. The is a distinc beeping sound.

"Amazing. Your internal injuries is gone, the rib fracture healed and the internal bleeding is stoped. All just gone. This is a miracle."

Aurelian simply sat there, letting the doctor work while engaging in small talk. He gleaned new information from the doctor during their conversation.

The reason he was in the room rather than a hospital bed was due to the overcrowding at the hospital. Courtesy to the Pharahan Raid so Galenos proposed relocating Aurelian to his own room, where he could receive more comprehensive care.

"Am i truly OK? I need to discuss our situation with Titus."

After a couple of minutes, Aurelian decided to halt the doctor's examination, not wanting to arouse any further suspicion. His secret must remain.

"Yeah, it is. You are as healthy as you can be."

He stood up and tidy up his tool. his awed expession still clearly evident on his face.

With that, Aurelian made his way toward the exit.


The Sanctum Primaria is a vast base, the largest one the rebellion has. It is located in a secret world within the Kalamar Nebula.

Their main building is situated within a hollowed-out mountain, once an abandoned mine where enslaved workers toiled under the rule of the pharahans hundreds of years ago.

The former leader of The Aurelius, Aurelian's father, also named Aurelian, constructed this base 20 years ago.

Aurelian observed the bustling activity within the base as he walked through its corridors. It was a sight to behold. The structure comprised of sturdy stone walls mix with steel, standing tall and imposing, showcasing the craftsmanship of the builders. The ceilings soared high above, creating a sense of spaciousness and openness.

The base buzzed with a flurry of activity as people moved with purpose, diligently attending to their daily tasks.

Amidst the ceaseless motion, some individuals paused in their tracks, their eyes widening with shock, while others let out sighs of relief when they saw Aurelian.
It was evident that news of their Imperator's awakening had spread.

As Aurelian made his way through the base, some people halted their activities momentarily to render him a salute, their gestures filled with respect and admiration.

The base, once a place of quiet anticipation, now thrived with an electric energy, as if every member of the rebellion felt a surge of inspiration knowing that their Imperator had finally awoken.

Aurelian made his way to the underground bunker, the place where all the high-ranking members of The Aurelius were located.

When he arrived, two guards in front of a heavy reinforced door opened it for him to enter.

The room served as a command center, bustling with activity. Numerous crew members occupied the space, diligently carrying out their tasks. The room featured a large monitor that dominated one wall, displaying crucial information and real-time updates.

There is a second floor where the high-ranking members of The Aurelius gathered.

The moment he entered, cheers erupted and applause filled the air as the people welcomed their leader.

The room was alive with excitement and joy, and the sound of clapping hands reverberated throughout the space. It was a heartfelt reception, a testament to the admiration and respect they held for their Imperator.

Aurelian couldn't help but feel a surge of pride and gratitude in that moment. He acknowledged the warm reception with a nod and a smile.

'They are my people now. This is where I belong. I will make this galaxy a slightly better place.'

'While building my own empire and dynasty on the way of course.'

Aurelian mused his ultimate goal, a chuckle escaping his lips as he raised his hand to acknowledge his people.


Titus greeted Aurelian joyfully as he arrived on the second floor. He was greatly relieved upon hearing the news from Dr. Galenos that Aurelian had regained consciousness.

His anxious feelings faded away. Because during Aurelian's coma, Titus was the one leading the Aurelius. And boy what a task.

"Titus, I heard what you did while I was in a coma. Good job!"

Aurelian said, shaking his hand with a wide grin on his face.

"Ah, don't mention it. It's my duty as the second-in-command."

Titus replied, smiling in return, his gray beard reflecting a sense of relief.

"Welcome back, Imperator."

Said a female high ranking member with a small smile on her face.

She had a slender yet strong posture, carrying herself with a sense of authority and discipline. Her light blonde hair was neatly styled in a ponytail, emphasizing her professionalism. Despite her composed demeanor, there was a warmth and kindness in her eyes that hinted at her softer side.

"Its good to be back, Fleet Admiral Stella."

Stella Astra was her name, the fleet Admiral of the Aurelius fleet command. She has been in that position since the time of Aurelian's father. A true believer.

He then warmly welcomed by all members of the high command.

They exchanged greetings and engaged in brief conversations, expressing their relief and joy at his return.

Aurelian reciprocated their enthusiasm, shaking hands and sharing smiles with each individual. The atmosphere in the room was filled with a sense of camaraderie.

After the initial exchange, Aurelian took his place in the central chair, a symbol of his leadership. The high-ranking officers gathered around a large table, ready to discuss the pressing matters at hand.

"Stella, what's the status of our fleet? Half of our forces were scattered during the attack on Nimbor VI. Have they made it safely back to The Sanctum?"

Stella's eyes brightened with a mix of relief and pride.

"Imperator, I'm pleased to inform you that all of our fleet has arrived safely. Despite the chaos and the Pharahans relentless assault, our brave pilots and crews managed to regroup and make it back. They showed incredible resilience and determination."

Aurelian couldn't help but feel a surge of relief. Their fleet was their backbone, and knowing that they were intact make him happy.

A smile slowly formed on his face as he nodded at Stella.

"That's fantastic news, Stella. Well done to you and our courageous fleet. Their safe return is a testament to their skills and loyalty."

"Thank you, Imperator."

Turning his attention to Quintus Draco, the director of intelligence, Aurelian's expression grew serious.

Quintus in his 50s, with a bald head that glistened under the light. Despite his small stature, one should never underestimate him, for his presence exuded a sense of power and intelligence.

There was an air of mystery surrounding him, partly owing to his position as the Director of Intelligence. Quintus unwavering loyalty to Aurelian's father was legendary, and he had been one of the early members of the Aurelius group, alongside Titus.

"Quintus, I need to know the situation with our Nimbor VI base. What happened?"

Quintus's countenance became grave as he explained,

"Imperator, I regret to inform you that the base was utterly decimated by Pharahans. The attack was swift and fierce, leaving nothing but ruins in its wake. Our intelligence suggests it was a targeted strike aimed at weakening our infrastructure."

Aurelian's face hardened, and a flicker of sadness flashed in his eyes. The loss of their base meant a significant setback, both strategically and symbolically.

Nimbor VI was The Aurelius birth place. His father build this organization on that planet.

However, he quickly composed himself.

"Thank you, Quintus. From now on. Leave Nimbor VI alone for the time being."

"Yes, sir."

Concerned about the field operators who had been deployed across the kingdom, Aurelian turned to Alexios Niketas, the General of the field army.

Alexios, a giant of a man standing at a towering height of 2 meters, commanded attention wherever he went.

Despite his imposing physique, there was a gentle and kind aura that surrounded him, an unusual attribute for someone in his station.
His short grey hair was neatly groomed, and his clean-shaven face highlighted his strong jawline.

Alexios presence evoked a sense of strength and reliability, making him a respected figure among the troops he led.

"Alex, what about our field operators? Are they safe? What's their status?"

Alexios's expression mirrored Aurelian's seriousness.

"Sir, to ensure their safety and maintain operational security, I've ordered our field operators to go dark. They've ceased all communications and activities until further notice. It's a precautionary measure to prevent any compromises and keep them out of harm's way."

Quintus chimed in, affirming Alexios's statement.

"Indeed, Imperator. Our secret operators have also been given the same orders. Their safety and the protection of our vital intelligence assets are paramount."

Aurelian nodded, absorbing the information and realizing the gravity of the situation. The challenges ahead seemed daunting, but his determination remained unwavering. It was his decision to take on the original Aurelian's responsibility in the first place.

He took a deep breath, knowing that tough decisions and strategic planning were required to navigate these troubled waters.

After hours of meeting, Aurelian gave his orders. His voice projected strength and resolve.

"My friends, we face difficult times, but remember why we fight. Our cause is just, and our people rely on us. We must regroup, rebuild, and adapt. Let unity be our guiding principle as we forge a path forward."

"Our first priority is to strengthen the defenses of The Sanctum. We must ensure that our base remains impregnable, capable of withstanding any assault. Alexios, Stella, I trust you two to oversee this task and make the necessary arrangements."

Alexios and Stella, nodded in acknowledgment.

"Simultaneously, we must begin the process of rebuilding and reorganizing our forces. Our enemies may have dealt us a blow, but we will rise stronger than ever. Valen, I want you to coordinate with our engineers and strategists to rebuild our base swiftly and efficiently. Reassess our structure, identify areas for improvement, and implement necessary changes."

Valen, The Director of The Sanctum Primaria nodded, his expression showing understanding of the gravity of the situation.

"Now, regarding our field operators and secret agents, I want them to resume their operations as soon as the situation here is secure. They have a critical role to play in gathering information, striking at strategic targets, and ensuring our survival. But until then, they must remain in the shadows, awaiting further instructions. Quintus, I trust you to relay this message and coordinate their actions."

Quintus nodded confidently.

"And finally, remember that we are not machines. Rest and self-care are crucial in times like these. Take the time you need to recharge, both physically and mentally. This fight will require all our strength, and we must be at our best. So, get some rest, my friends."

As Aurelian finished speaking, a reassuring smile formed on his face. It was a subtle expression, conveying his confidence and trust in his comrades. The room filled with a renewed sense of determination.

They knew that Aurelian's orders were not just commands but a reflection of his unwavering commitment to their cause.

With a nod, Aurelian dismissed the meeting, and the officers left, ready to carry out their respective duties. The journey ahead was challenging, but Aurelian determined to to win.

He would build his empire in this galaxy.

But first, hadn't R.O.B mentioned that he had something special to give him? Aurelian wondered what it could be.

One thing was for sure: it had to be related to his laptop.
Aurelian rushed to his room and promptly opened his laptop, a simple ASUS VivoBook. To his surprise, the screen emitted nothing but a blank white light, devoid of any battery notifications or a visible mouse cursor. Strangely, he found himself unable to shut down the laptop or perform any conventional actions. Yet, when he mustered the courage to type a message, the words appeared on the screen as if by magic.

With a sense of curiosity, Aurelian typed:


To his astonishment, the screen responded:

'Hello, user.'

So, aurelian begin typing on the keyboard

Aurelian: 'Who are you?'

'I am the System, designed specifically for you. The System was given to you by R.O.B for your convenient.'

Aurelian: 'Interesting.'

The sound of typing resonated within Aurelian's room.

'Indeed, I am. This laptop is more than just a device. It is unbreakable and has an infinite battery life. Even if it were thrown into a supernova, it would remain intact and functional.'

Aurelian: 'That's impressive. So, it's unique to me, right? No one else can use it?'

'Absolutely. This laptop is bound to you as the user, Aurelian. It will only respond to your commands and inquiries. Others will not be able to access or utilize its functions.'

Aurelian: 'That's good to know. I wouldn't want anyone else meddling with my laptop.'

Aurelian takes a moment to think and then asks another question.

Aurelian: 'What if someone tries to steal the laptop?'

'The laptop is exclusively yours. Even if it were to somehow end up in another reality or be taken from you, you have the ability to summon it back to your hand. It will always return to its rightful owner.'

'That's a relief. I cant imagine if i lose such a valuable and powerful tool. Thank you for the information, System.'

'You're welcome, user. I am here to assist you in any way I can. Feel free to ask any further questions or give commands as needed.'

Aurelian couldn't help but feel a mix of awe and gratitude towards the mysterious being known as R.O.B.

The laptop's capabilities seemed almost too good to be true, and the fact that it was exclusively his made him feel a sense of responsibility and privilege.

Aurelian: 'So, what powers do you possess, System?'

System: 'I have the ability to summon anything, be it knowledge, technology, or anything else from another reality, whether it is fictional or not.'

Aurelian: 'Anything ?'

System: 'Anything'

Aurelian's mind was spinning with the endless possibilities that the system presented.

The ability to acquire knowledge and items from other realities, whether from fiction or not, was simply mind-boggling.

The thought of summoning iconic objects and vehicles from beloved universes filled him with a mix of shock, bewilderment, and pure excitement.

Aurelian: 'There is a cost right ?'

System: 'Yes, user. There is a cost'

Of course. He know that this broken ability will have a cost. He expected it even.

Aurelian: 'so what is the cost ?'

System: 'Followers'

Followers ?

Aurelian: 'Explained'

'Certainly, user. The cost is measured in followers. The more people who see you as their leader and follow your guidance, the greater the point value you accumulate. These points can be spent to acquire the items and knowledge from other realities.'

'That's a broad term. Could you be more specific? How would the system determine who counts as a follower?'

'A follower is someone who perceives you as their leader, someone who looks up to you and trusts in your guidance. Whether it's your loyal comrades in the Aurelius group or oppressed people from other realms who see you as a potential leader, their belief and support count toward your follower count.'

His typing is full of joy after he read the answer.

'So, it's not limited to a strict definition of citizenship or allegiance. It's about the influence I have and the impact I can make on others. This is incredible! I can build my own empire, not just in the traditional sense, but by gaining the trust and loyalty of those who yearn for a worthy leader.'

System: 'basically'

The realization fills Aurelian with a sense of giddiness and anticipation. He can't help but envision the vast possibilities that lie before him.

A vast realm where citizens looked up to him as their worthy leader, even if there were no formal citizenship processes in place. He saw a future where oppressed people found hope and refuge in his guidance, where he could bring about positive change and unity.

Aurelian's excitement grew, and a broad smile spread across his face. This system was not only a tool for personal growth but also a means to build a better future for those who believed in him.

The responsibility of leadership weighed upon him, but he was ready to embrace it.

He wanted to create a realm where their dreams and aspirations could flourish under him.

Aurelian's mind buzzed with ideas, strategies.

He knew that the path ahead wouldn't be easy, but with the system by his side and the support of his followers and citizens, he felt invigorated and ready to conquer the galaxy.

This was his chance to make a lasting impact, to reshape the course of history, and he wasn't going to let it slip away.

But there was also a sense of caution within him. He knew that such power could attract attention and potential threats. He needed to be careful with how he used the laptop and who he revealed its existence to.

Aurelian: 'One last question. Does my point decrease if i buy something ? If it does, then how i replenish it?'

System: 'Your points will decrease after you make a purchase. However, they will be replenished every thirty days.'

Aurelian: 'So, if I have 100 points and I buy something, leaving me with 30 points, my point balance will be replenished back to 100 in thirty days?'

System: 'it will be instantly replenished on the thirtieth day.'

i see. it ls not a bad mechanism.

'System, I am grateful for your presence and the incredible capabilities of this laptop. I will bring prosperity to this galaxy and make it mine'

'Your determination is commendable, user. I am here to assist you every step of the way.'

Aurelian smiled, feeling a renewed sense of purpose and excitement for the journey ahead.

'Ok. Lets try it'

Aurelian: 'System, open the menu.'

The display changed as soon as Aurelian finished typing.

The system menu appeared, featuring a simple blue background with only three options and a visible counting mechanism, indicating his points and followers count. There is a tiny box in the upper right corner for conversation with the system. Oh there is a cursor. So he can use the touchpad.

°Storage (infinite)

Folowers. : 112.5 billion
Points. : 225 billion

'holly shit!'

Aurelian exclaimed. That is a lot of followers and points.

Aurelian: 'System, how exactly do I convert my followers to points?'

System: 'One follower equals two points.'

Aurelian: 'At what age does a follower count?'

System: 'It is based on the age of consent in each realm within this galaxy.'

Aurelian: 'In the Kingdom of Pharahan, the age of consent is 18. So, anyone who is 18 years old in this kingdom and thinks I'm worthy will be counted?'

System: 'Yes, that's correct.'

Aurelian: 'And in the Dondorra Confederation, the age of consent is 16. So, if there is a 16-year-old follower from Dondorra, it will also count?'

System: 'Yes.'

Aurelian couldn't help but open his mouth in awe. It was no surprise that his point count was so large.

After taking a moment to relax, Aurelian moved the cursor and clicked on the summoning option. In the summon options, there was a world option, so he clicked on it.

- Summon
- World
- Choose your world

Aurelian typed 'Star Wars' in the column below the options, and more options appeared.

- Knowledge
- Technology
- ??? (need upgrade)
- ??? (need upgrade)

He chose technology, and the list was so extensive that there was a search box available. Feeling curious, he typed 'Death Star' into the search box.

- DS-1: 499 trillion points
- DS-2: 999 trillion points

Aurelian couldn't help but chuckle. The prices were incredibly expensive and predictable. He decided to delete 'Death Star' and typed 'F-11D blaster' instead.

- F-11D blaster rifle: 300 points per unit

Surprisingly cheap.

The F-11D blaster is a versatile and powerfull weapon from star wars galaxy. It served as the standard issue weapon of First Order stormtroopers.

The F-11D blaster rifle is a fully automatic weapon with rapid-fire capabilities, making it lethal against individual targets and groups of enemies. Its medium to long range ensures safe engagement from a distance, providing a tactical advantage. Additionally, it features a built-in stun setting for versatile combat options. This blaster is an excellent choice for his army.

Aurelian clicked on the blaster's name, and a pop-up appeared with the option to confirm the summoning. He chose "yes."

'The item has been transferred to your storage.' the system confirmed.

Summoning the blaster with a though, Aurelian held out his hand and a brilliant white light flashed before the blaster materialized in his grasp. He carefully examined the weapon, admiring its design. However, a stray thought crossed his mind.

"Can it be reverse-engineered using the resources of this world?"
Liked and watched!

I can't seem to read chapter 03?
edit: Star wars blasters get.
Thank you for chapter 03!
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I think you can get the technology for reproduction under the Knowledge tab also might want to look into Halo SPARTAN Augmentation for better special Forces.

The room where they were meeting was unusually quiet. Almost all the high ranking members of The Aurelius were seated around a round table. Among them, only five individuals were present: Titus, Stella, Quintus, Alexios, and Andreas Kazinsky, the Director of the Research and Engineering Division.

A tall and pale man, a reflection of the cold climate of his homeworld of Russka, giving him an ethereal appearance.

A couple of days after their initial meeting with the Imperator, boys and gals of the Research and Engineering Division had been immersed in their work, diligently carrying out a secret project assigned by the Imperator. The nature of the project had kept them discreet and tight-lipped.

However, they were summoned by the Imperator to a secret meeting to discuss about the project.

This room was designed with utmost security in mind. It served as a confidential meeting space, distinct from the more public space like the Command Center on the bunker.

Accessible through a heavy reinforced door, it offered an extra layer of protection. The walls were constructed with more reinforced materials, providing enhanced security and privacy.

Anti-spy devices were discreetly embedded within the walls, ensuring that sensitive conversations remained confidential and protected from unauthorized surveillance.

"So, Andre, what is this about?"

asked Stella, leaning closer from her chair in his direction.

"What do you mean?"

Andre replied, clicking his finger on the table, visibly confused.

"The secret project, what can you say about it?"

chimed in Alexios, sitting on the right side of Stella.

"It's still a secret project until the Imperator says otherwise. But what I can say if one of you asks is that it is related to our weapon development." Andre clarified.


Stella raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the mention of weapon development.

"Yes, for now that's all I can say."

Andre replied, his tone calm.

"The Imperator will provide a comprehensive explanation when he joins us. So, please relax."

He offered a reassuring smile to everyone in the room, leaning back in his large cushioned chair.

The anticipation and curiosity lingered in the air, but they understood.


A couple minutes later, the Imperator entered the room, and all of them rose to their feet in a show of respect.

They could see that he carried something that looked like a datapad in his hand, but its size a little too big for a datapad

"Everyone, please be seated."

the Imperator commanded, his voice carrying authority and warmth as he greeted them. He took his place in the grand chair, its size and grandeur befitting his elevated status within the organization.

One by one, they resumed their seats, their eyes fixed on the Imperator, awaiting his words with anticipation.

"First of all, i wanna say thank you, for your hard work this couple of days. If we keep this good work, we shall soon resume our offensive operations."

Aurelian gave them a heartfelt gratitude that instilling a sense of pride in their hearts.

"So. About the project."

He stopped to give a sense of mystery. He then extended his hand across the table and whispered, "Summon." In an instant, a blinding white light flashed, and a sleek blaster materialized on the table before them.

The room fell into a stunned silence, each member of the meeting awestruck by the sudden appearance of the weapon. Aside form Andreas, having witnessed this extraordinary power before when Aurelian had first revealed it to him and his team of elite scientist and engineer.

Aurelian smiled at their expressions. 'I can't get enough of it' he thought.

After receiving the answer to his question about the possibility of reverse engineering the technology summoned from the system, Aurelian made the decision to bring the F-11d blaster to Andreas and a couple member of the Science and Engineering Division for further analysis.

The answer from the system is that ---Only his followers possess the ability to reverse engineer any item summoned from the system.

They will not be given the necessary knowledge to do it from the system, of course. They will have to use their own skill and expertise to try and WILL eventualy succed.

His enemies however, and/or people that doesnt believe in him or in other word, non-follower, even if they were to successfully steal a summoned item and gather a larger group of individuals to analyze it, they would never, ever, gain the ability to understand the intricate details necessary for replication.

Hell, they cant even use it, the item would not even work for them.

If in the event of a follower who grow distant and eventually doesnt want to be his follower anymore, knowledge related to the summoned items is erased from their memory.

This is an extra precaution coming from the system to ensure that only Aurelian and his people are the only one who can effectively utilize a summoned item.

It guarantees that former followers, who may have once possessed knowledge of the summoned items, are unable to share, exploit, or be exploited for that knowledge outside of Aurelian's influence.

So, satisfied with the answer, he decides to reveal the blaster to Andreas.

After a couple of days, Andreas's team informs him that they can reverse engineerer it. However, they emphasize that it will still take some time, which is understandable.

It is yesterday that Aurelian also decides to reveal the existence of the laptop and the system to people that he trusted implicitly. That is why only five high-ranking members were summoned to this meeting.

Not because he doesnt trust the rest; rather, Aurelian wanted to revealed it gradually and slowly for caution and minimize unnecessary risks.

When he feel it is safe to revealed it to the rest of the high ranking member, he will do so.

Only time will tell whether he will choose to disclose this information to the rest of his followers or not.

"What is it called, Imperator ?"

Alexios's question woke him from his stupor.

"This is called the F-11d blaster rifle."

Aurelian announced proudly.

"It is a remarkable piece of weapon that I have acquired."

All eyes turned back to the Imperator after admiring the blaster. Their initial surprise giving way to curiosity and anticipation.

Quintus, unable to contain his astonishment, spoke up with a mix of shock and admiration in his voice.

"How did you come to obtain such a weapon, Imperator?"

Aurelian's gaze shifted towards his laptop, a small nod to Quintus accompanying his response.

"Through the power of this device. I called it Laptop."

Pointing towards the laptop resting on the table, he began to explained the capabilities of the device. Its follower system, its summoning system, the rule, all of it. Questions arose from the team members, prompting Aurelian to provide clear and concise answers, ensuring everyone understood the intricacies of the system.

He even testing it by summon another blaster for proof, and let them test the laptop, check if they are able to use it or not.

which of course they NOT.

As his explanation unfolded, a wide range of emotions blossomed within the room. Excitement filled the air, mingling with curiosity, wonder, and even a hint of little skepticism.

"How do you get this laptop exacly, Imperator?"

A genuine question coming from Titus. genuine curiosity and a hint of wariness are clear on his face.

Aurelian took a moment to consider Titus' question. Titus is a close friend. Him and his father are brothers in all but name, so he regard Titus as his uncle.

He trusted Titus with all his heart, but he also a little bit wary.

what would he think if he know that Aurelian is not 'Aurelian' anymore ?

So he decide not to tell anyone about R.O.B or his true identity. Maybe in the future. But not now.

"I really dont know Titus, this device is laying atop my desk when i woke up from my coma."

Aurelian replied, keeping his response vague yet truthful. Which is true. From certaint point of view.

Stella interjected, unknowingly providing some support to Aurelian's explanation.

"The timing of this remarkable device and your recovery, Imperator, can't be a mere coincidence."

"It could be a gift from your father, Imperator—a sign of his deification. That he is One with the Gods."

Added Quintus, his voice brimming with renewed zeal and reverence for Aurelian's father, as was characteristic of him.

Which is good. The more people perceived the laptop as a divine blessing, the better. It also gives Aurelian more legitimacy.

Being regarded as a ruler with divine blessing is a very good starting point. This perception of a divine blessing bestowed upon Aurelian through his father not only strengthens his legitimacy, but also lays a solid foundation for his future rule and the subsequent succession of his empire.

As a semi-divine ruler, Aurelian embodies the essence of his father's 'divine' authority, ensuring the continuity of their ancestral lineage and bestowing a sense of divine ordination upon his reign.

Also, as a sacred figure, it grants Aurelian a significant level of influence and makes it easier for him to attract and retain followers.

'Thanks Quintus, you gave me a good idea for my propaganda plans'

While Quintus' explanation seemed to satisfy everyone, and eliviatte Titus worry, he know it still would not satisfy Titus but he couldn't provide any more than that. With a nod, he signaled the beginning of a new round of questions and answers.

The moment all their question has been satisfy by Aurelian, some members couldn't contain their enthusiasm, their faces brightening with anticipation, at the edge of their seat. while others maintained a more reserved demeanor, contemplating the implications of this new power.

Stella's eyes widened with excitement. Broke her character for a moment.

"Amazing. Imagine what you could do with this, Imperator. you could summon a mighty fleet to crush the Pharahans."

Though she immediately switch to her composed demeanor, her mind still racing with the possibilities that this magical device could offer.

Leaning forward and resting his chin on his palm, Quintus also eager to delve into the depths of this sacred device.

"Not only that, we could also replicate it. Imperator could summon one powerfull ship and summoned the knowledge of said ship allowing us to replicate its capabilities."

'Another suprisingly good idea coming from Quintus'

Aurelian musing with a little chuckle on his seat.

Alexios, equally intrigued, couldn't contain his enthusiasm.

"Oh, the possibilities of our troops carrying such powerful weapons!"

Andreas remained calm. The prospect of testing and analyzing the summoned tech fill his heart.

On the other hand, Titus wore a more cautious expression, his brows furrowing with concern as he contemplated the potential cost and risks associated with such powerful technology. Divine or not.

"Are you certain, Aurelian, that this System is telling the truth? What if there is a hidden curse or penalty it fails to disclose?"

The room fell into a sudden silence. Titus had raised a valid concern, one that had slipped their minds in the excitement of the moment. They hadn't considered the possibility of hidden costs or consequences.

Aurelian took a moment to ponder Titus's question. There was a slight chance that the system hadn't provided him with the full explanation.

The question mark he had seen in the summoning menu is a proof of that. He asked the system of course but there is no answer.

However, he chose to place his trust in R.O.B's assurance that the system existed for his convenience.

"Your caution is commendable, Titus. But you can rest assured, I have a strong sense that this device is a blessing bestowed upon me. For now, trust in my instincts."

Titus nodded in understanding. As a close friend and brother-in-arms of Aurelian's late father, their bond ran deep, forged through battles and shared hardships. The last words uttered by Aurelian's father to Titus were a heartfelt plea to look after his son.

With these memories still fresh in his mind, even thought it happen five years ago, Titus couldn't help but question the true nature of this device.

While intrigued by its capabilities, he remained vigilant, wary of any hidden costs or ulterior motives.

Maybe the near-death experience Aurelian had recently endured still weighed heavily on his thoughts, fueling a sense of paranoia.

He believed that only time would reveal the true nature of this device—whether it was a genuine gift or harbored a more insidious purpose.

So despite his concerns, Titus understood the importance of supporting Aurelian and ensuring the safety of their cause. He resolved to tread cautiously, observing the effects of the device and keeping a watchful eye on any potential consequences it might bring.

As the second-in-command, the Magister Generalis, Titus understood his duty to be vigilant and protect Aurelian from any potential threats, no matter how small they may seem.

He genuinely hoped that Quintus was right, that this device truly came from the divine Aurelian Primus.

The idea of a sacred gift brought a sense of comfort and reassurance, but Titus couldn't shake off his sense of caution.

"Anymore questions?"

Aurelian asked, scanning the room. As he sensed that there is no further question, he continued.

"Alright then. Here's what we'll do. Each one of you, compile a list of the tech you deem essential, so that I can summon them for you."

The room fell into a focused silence as everyone absorbed the task at hand. Aurelian turned his attention to Andreas.

"Andreas, I want you to establish a specialized research group to conduct further analysis of the newly summoned technologies. Expand the team if necessary."

"Yes, sir."

Andreas nodded, fully understanding his assignment.

"Stella, I will provide you with brand new starfighters model. Ensure that your people are given an alibi and do not reveal the true source. Create a plausible story about where it is coming from. Similarly, Alexios, make the necessary preparations to receive a substantial quantity of F-11 blasters."


Stella and Alexios replied in unison, affirming their readiness to fulfill their respective responsibilities.

Aurelian then turned to Quintus.

"For you, Quintus, prioritize the needs of our field and covert operatives. Create a list of tech that would enhance the intelligence division to help them."

"I will provide the list as soon as possible, Imperator." Quintus assured him.

Finally, Aurelian locked eyes with his Magister, Titus, conveying his trust and reliance on him.

"Titus, I entrust you with overseeing the security and integrity of these operations. Maintain a vigilant eye. If other high-ranking members start asking questions, please provide satisfactory answers without revealing our secret. But dont worry, it will not be remained secret for long. At least from the high-ranking inner circle."

Titus nodded solemnly, fully aware of the weight and importance of his role. He understood the delicate nature of the situation and the potential difficulties that might arise if other high-ranking members were to inquire about the origin of the new tech.

But that is his order, and he will fulfill it.

"And one last thing."

Aurelian asserted with determination.

"This meeting and the existence of my laptop remain a secret. Only the six of us are aware of its presence. We must maintain utmost discretion and keep it that way until I instruct otherwise. Is that understood?"

"Understood, Imperator!"

They all replied in unison, reaffirming their commitment.

Aurelian nodded in gratitude, knowing that their loyalty and dedication were crucial in achieving his ultimate goal.
With this, he is one step further from achieving his goal.

But first, he must win this so called 'Aurelius Rebellion' againts the Pharahan Kingdom that have been on-going for more than 40 years.

Yeah, there is that.
Interesting Premise

Will be watching closely

If your SI can, I would really like to see the King's face when the rebellion breaks out the Commander von neumann tech and drown the entire Kingdom in superdreadnoughts.
a star trek industrial replicator would help his people a lot and as well as the construction mites from eureka TV show would be a massive boon to constructing his bases and ships. thanks for the chapters and for writing
Kingdom of Pharahan
Central Province
Core Sector

21 September 3748 AD
03 months after the great raid of Nimbor VI


Tula is the Capital world of the Kingdom of Pharahan rule by the Nebtawi Dynasty. As a capital world it exlude the aura of grandeur.

The planet is home to three sprawling megatropolises, each showcasing the height of the architectural marvels.

These megatropolises are interconnected by a network of intercontinental maglev trains that crisscross the planet, allowing for seamless travel between different areas for its population of 34 billion people.

As the most populated planet in the kingdom, Tula pulsates with life, its skies filled with skycars, and its streets bustling with activity.

Amongst the bustling cityscape, one building stands out as the epitome of grandeur.

The main palace of the royal house.

This magnificent structure takes the form of a pyramid, reminiscent of the ancient Egyptian pyramids but adorned with intricate and detailed architectural elements that showcase the wealth and power of the ruling dynasty. The walls of the palace are adorned with elaborate carvings, and decorative motifs, with many details structure that suround the wall.

The palace serves as the centerpiece of Tula, symbolizing the authority and opulence of the Nebtawi Dynasty.

It is a place where the king resides, surrounded by luxury and decadence, overseeing the affairs of the kingdom.


Currently, a tense meeting is underway in one of the meeting chambers inside the grand palace.

King Sobek II, filled with fury, unleashes his anger upon the people gathered in the room from his elevated chair. All eyes remain fixed on the floor, avoiding direct eye contact with the enraged monarch.

Many members of the King's council were present, including Dulan, the king's advisor; Salmek, Admiral of the 01rd royal fleet; Tipu, General of the 01st royal army; and Zimri, a representative from the royal intelligence branch.

They sat facing each other, with five chairs on the left and five on the right, and the king's chair positioned at the center on the other end.

The room was also filled with their numerous aides. Standing behind the chairs.

"What do you mean you couldn't find them!!?"

"Three months they have been looking yet there is not a single clue of where the rebel hide out is!!?"

The king roars, his voice reverberating across the chamber.

The question is directed at Admiral Salmek, a stout and unimposing figure with oily hair, whose appearance belies his position of authority within the royal fleet.

One cannot help but question how such a man attained the rank of Admiral.

"I offer my sincere apologies, great king."

Salmek stammers, nervously clutching a handkerchief and using it to wipe the beads of sweat from his forehead.

"Our fleet intelligence has exerted their utmost efforts to track down the rebels."

"Utmost efforts, you say?"

King Sobek retorts, his voice dripping with disdain.

"If that were truly the case, the rebels would have been obliterated long ago."

The king's dissatisfaction with Salmek's response is palpable, his frustration evident in his piercing gaze and the sharpness of his words.

King Sobek leaned forward in his chair, his piercing gaze fixed on Zimri, a representative from the royal inteligence branch.

A young man, exuded a sense of confidence and arrogance, knowing the importance of his role.

"Zimri, report! What have your agents uncovered about the whereabouts of those treacherous rebels?"

"Your Majesty, our intelligence suggests that the rebels have managed to evade our tracking efforts. There is no solid evidence of their current location or their next move."

Sobek frowned, his impatience evident.

"No signs? No clues? How is that possible? Are our agents incompetent?"

Zimri took a deep breath, maintaining his composure before continuing.

"It seems, Your Majesty, that the rebels have been engaging in small-scale skirmishes with our royal forces across multiple worlds. These engagements are strategically designed to remain beneath your attention, but simultaneously signify their presence."

Zimri waited for a brief pause giving time for the King to absorb the information before calmly adding the crucial information.

"There is something more, Your Majesty. Our agents have reported sightings of a new weapon in rebel hands. It is an unknown blaster model, more powerful than our own AN-2 lasrifle."

Sobek's eyes widened with a mix of disbelief and concern. So is everyone else. The room fell into a hushed silence as the weight of the revelation settled upon them.

A new blaster model, more powerful than their own AN-2 lasrifle?

The question echoed in their minds, stirring a sense of unease and urgency.

The AN-2 lasrifle had been a recent development, manufactured only a year ago. Only the RT-lasrifle from the Aldebaran Confederacy that could rival their own.

To think that the rebels possessed something that surpassed their own technology was a troubling realization.

"A new weapon? How did they acquire such technology? And why do you think it superior ?"

He cleared his throat before answering.

"Your Majesty, the rebel blaster exhibits several distinct advantages over our AN-2 lasrifle."

Everyone have their full attention for Zimri's report.

"Firstly, it boasts a sleeker design, which enhances maneuverability and ease of use. Secondly, it possesses greater firepower and range, allowing the rebels to engage our forces from a distance with increased effectiveness. Lastly, the rebel blaster is notably lighter in weight compared to more bulkier and heavier AN-2, which provides them with an advantage in terms of mobility and agility."

Zimri concluded.

"While we are still gathering more intelligence on this new weapon, Your Majesty, it is evident that the rebels now possess a significant technological advantage. We must proceed with caution and adapt our strategies accordingly to mitigate this threat."

He then remember something, and chastise himself for almost forget.

"Furthermore, Your Majesty, there is an intriguing aspect to this rebel blaster. When one of our soldier get his hands on this blaster, it becomes inoperable. It appears to have a built-in mechanism or something that prevents unauthorized use."

"We have promptly handed it over to the Royal Armory for further analysis. Our experts are currently examining the weapon to understand the nature of this mechanism and determine if there are any vulnerabilities that can be exploited."

Zimri emphasized.

"Rest assured, Your Majesty, we are actively working to unravel the mysteries surrounding this new weapon. Our goal is to devise countermeasures and develop strategies that will neutralize its threat and restore our technological advantage."

The king listened intently, his expression reflecting a mix of concern.

He knew that swift action and decisive measures were necessary to address this unexpected development in the rebels' arsenal.

"Very well, Zimri. I trust in your abilities. Ensure that every resource is allocated to this investigation. We cannot allow these rebels to gain any advantage over our forces."

Zimri bowed respectfully before leaning back on his comfy chair.

"I also have something to report, your majesty. It is also related to the new tech that the rebel have."

The king and everyone focused their attention to Tipu, the General of the 01st royal army.

Tipu, cleared his throat and begin his report.

"A couple days ago, our hyperspace beacon on the planet Tannas has been raided by the rebel. It is a relatively small raid, but the concerning part is that this rebel have some sort of hover bike with a powerful blaster canon.These bikes are incredibly agile and fast, allowing the rebels to strike swiftly and unexpectedly."

"What?! How is it possible that our forces are being outmatched by a group riding hover bikes? This is unacceptable! Incompetence, I tell you!"

Tipu quickly explained try to calm down the once again raging King.

"Your Majesty, please allow me to explain. It was not a large-scale raid. The rebels arrived swiftly on their hover bikes, launched an attack using their hover bike blaster canon, and vanished just as quickly. The speed and agility of their bikes caught our soldiers off guard. We conclude that this is like some kind of test drive of their new found tech."

"But still, to be caught of guard by a mere group of rebels on hover bikes? This is a disgrace! How did they acquire such advanced weaponry? We need answers!"

Dulan, the king's advisor, adorned in a robe embellished with opulent accessories that showcased his wealth, interjected into the ongoing discussion. His voice dripped with arrogance as he addressed Tipu's assessment.

"Indeed, Your Majesty. The sudden appearance of these new weapons raises questions about their origin. But let us not forget, they are still rebels. No matter what new technology they possess, they cannot match the might of our industrial capabilities."

Dulan's arrogant and condescending demeanor became evident as he dismissed the rebels' advancements, believing that their new weapons were insignificant in comparison to the kingdom's power. He relished the opportunity to showcase the superiority of their forces and put the rebels in their rightful place.

He will teach them how to treat your better.

The other council members exchanged glances, some with a hint of annoyance at Dulan's dismissive attitude.

They understood the gravity of the situation and the need to address the rebels' growing capabilities, regardless of their status.

But they know if they argue, Dulan will just dismiss them. So they just choose to ignore him.

So Zimri tried to give some sense to the King.

"Even still Majesty, we must intensify our efforts to gather intelligence and uncover the source of this threat. It is imperative that we address this issue swiftly and decisively."

The other agreed with Zimri's opinion. The King nodded to him.

"Agreed. I want all available resources allocated to this investigation. We cannot allow anymore challenge to our authority. Find out where they obtained these weapons and neutralize this threat immediately!"

"I assure you, Your Majesty, we will leave no stone unturned in our pursuit of the truth. We will bring an end to this rebellion and ensure the safety and security of our kingdom."

Answer Zimri, puffing his chest.

The discussion continued, as they delved into strategies to bring an end to the rebellion that had persisted for over 40 years.

This was not the first time the kingdom had faced rebellion, but none had endured for such a prolonged period in its long history.

"It is because Aurelian Primus was once one of our own Admirals that this rebellion has persisted."

Salmek cautiously voiced his opinion, careful not to offend the king.

The mention of Primus, who had formerly served as an admiral in the royal fleet, was a delicate matter.

"I concur."

Zimri added, his expression serious.

"Primus is intimately familiar with the inner workings of our fleet, and he has used that knowledge to his advantage."

"He is nothing but a disgrace."

the king sneered, his distaste for Primus evident.

"If he had not been so easily swayed by the Dorunan incident, he could have become a grand admiral for the entire royal fleet."

The expressions on the council members' faces varied. The mention of Primus's name had stirred up strong emotions within the room, highlighting the complex nature of their relationship with the former admiral.

The Dorunan incident, also known as the Dorunan Massacre by the rebellion, was a dark event in which the people of the agricultural world of Doruna rose up in protest against their oppressive governor.

The governor had subjected the populace to unpaid labor, cruelty, and other heinous acts, pushing them to their breaking point.

Frustrated and desperate for change, the people took to the streets to voice their grievances.

In his fear, the governor sought assistance from King Ihotep at the time, who dispatched troops under the command of Aurelian Primus, then an esteemed admiral.

However, when faced with the governor's demand to bombard the protesting masses, Aurelian Primus made a fateful decision. He refused to carry out the orders.

This act of defiance against his superiors led to Aurelian's arrest for insubordination.

Meanwhile, the governor, now issuing direct orders to the troops, commanded them to mercilessly massacre the protesting people.

It was in that moment that Aurelian Primus, witnessing the atrocities committed by those he once served, made a life-altering decision—to rebel.

The Dorunan massacre served as a breaking point in Primus's life.

As an admiral, he had often been confronted with the government's wrongdoing and witnessed the atrocities committed against innocent people.

However, he chose to remain silent, attempting to mitigate the damage and maintain a sense of justice within the flawed system. And then the Dorunan massacre happen.

"The inhabitants of Doruna deserve what they got. They should not be allowed to defy the authority of their governor. They are mere ordinary people, and their duty is to serve their leader."

Dulan continued, echoing the king's sentiments with a condescending tone. Many in the room nodded in agreement. But many not so sure, so they keep their mouth shut.

"Its been five years since he has been killed, it is his son who is now leading their rebel group."

"Aurelian was just a child hardly a threat."

Dulan added dismissively of Tipu's comment.

Tipu pondered deeply, searching for strategies to counter Aurelian.

Neither he nor Dulan considered Aurelian a significant threat. Although he has proved to be as good as his father in the last five years, he still not a threat to their eyes.

However, the recent emergence of the new weapon had stirred some concern within Tipu, prompting him to explore potential countermeasures.

"Your Majesty."

Dulan interjects, his voice laced with a subtle tone of sycophancy.

"perhaps we should consider alternative methods to quell this rebellion. Diplomatic negotiations, perhaps?"

King Sobek's eyes narrow as he turns his gaze towards Dulan, his patience wearing thin.


he scoffs, his voice dripping with disgust.

"These rebels killed my father, defied my rule, tarnishing our glorious Kingdom, and you want to negotiate ? they deserve nothing but swift and decisive annihilation!"

Ten years ago, Aurelian Primus ambushed the previous king, Ihotep, when he visited one of his pleasure planets.

The king's entourage was caught off guard, unable to stop the rebel onslaught on the king's ship, leading to its destruction.

Seeking vengeance, King Sobek sent an assassin to kill Primus, which was successfully accomplished five years ago.

Dulan, realizing the gravity of his suggestion, quickly attempts to save himself from the king's wrath.

"Of course not, Great King,"

he stammers, his voice trembling.

"What I mean is that we could send an invitation to the rebel leader, Aurelian. He is young and inexperienced, and they have been on the run since we attacked their main base on Nimbor VI."

"I have confidence that Aurelian will at least entertain the idea of listening,"

Dulan continues, his voice laced with conviction.

"We will bring him to a location of our choosing and ambush him. By eliminating him, the rebellion will crumble. After all, he is not his father."

As Dulan explains his plan with misplaced pride, the room fills with a mixture of disbelief and bewilderment.

The gathered individuals beside Tipu, recognize the inherent flaws in Dulan's strategy.

'What a stupid idea'

some whisper under their breath, their faces contorted with skepticism. They know all too well that Aurelian is just as dangerous as his father, if not more so. In previous encounters, Aurelian had consistently outmaneuvered and outwitted the royal army.

However, their previous reports and warnings to the royal court had fallen on deaf ears, resulting in a dangerous underestimation of their adversary.

Regrettably, the King found merit in Dulan's proposal.

"That's an excellent plan, Dulan. Proceed with it."

the King declared.

Dulan's slimy smile widened as he nodded in agreement, pleased to have received the King's approval.

'We are doomed. The king and his advisor is a moron'

Some of the aides of the council member silently thought.
nice chapter thx for writing it
well i think some advisors are looking to switch side's as is tradition when the grass is looking greener at the other side in noble court look out for nr 1 your self
Thank you for the chappy!

Looking forward to seeing how that trap works out for them, wonder how Aurelian will respond to it.
Nice update

I hope Aurelion will introduce more modern weapons and tactics like using relativistic weapons and drones for ground combat operations.

Also the blasters from Star Wars all use tibana gas which should not exist in this universe right? So noway for the Kingdom to reverse engineer it.
Kalamar Nebula
Unknown asteroid belt
Ignis Volantis Task Force

11 October 3748 AD


Many activities were taking place aboard the formidable Dreadnought Solis Aeternus. The new flagship of Ignis Volantis Task Force.

Commander Valeria Gibson stood on the bridge. She is in her mid-thirties, possessed a round face with beautiful yet stern features, accentuated by her brown skin with the same colored hair. Her light brown eyes fixed on the mesmerizing spectacle unfolding outside the ship.

The display in the vast expanse of space was a test flight of a new starfighter. Aerodynamic Fuselage and elegant design with an X-style wing on it.

The High command called it a 'T70 X-wing'

'A fitting name'

Valeria thought.

As the X-wing flew by in close proximity to the bridge, she frown.

"Ignis leader. Please be gentle. That is a brand new fighter, dont give it a scratch yet."

Valeria warn the fighter pilot. though with a slight smile on her face. understood the feeling of the pilot.

"Im sorry Commander, but this X-wing is a piece of work. I cant get enough of how agile this thing is. It is so different than our omega starfighter."

The pilot's response came through the comlink, a sweet and melodious voice echoing on the bridge.

Three months ago, the Sanctum Primaria underwent significant changes as it witnessed the arrival of numerous new ships, fighters, and new unfamiliar tech.

The official story circulated was that these new ships and tech originated from a secret project undertaken by the former Imperator, with support from sympathetic individuals within the kingdom. which had been in development for several years. Until the recent raid that the Imperator decides to bring his new trump card.

They eagerly accepted the explanation at face value. beside, many things happen in the past 40 years since this rebellion began. If they say its a secret project from the former Imperator, people tend to believe it. Valeria included, until the Fleet Admiral Stella, gather the senior member of the Aurelius Grand Fleet and explained.

They all so amazed by the notion that their leader had been blessed by the gods with such a powerful device.

So, in this past few months, The Aurelius main focused is to train and familiarizing the crew with their new ships.

This task proves challenging due to the diverse operational styles of each vessel. However, with the support and guidance of the high command, the transition process is progressing smoothly.

The crew members are gradually adapting to the unique features and capabilities of their new ships, working towards seamless integration within the existing grand fleet.

While there are still hurdles to overcome, overall progress is encouraging, and the Imperator remains dedicated to ensuring that the crew becomes proficient in maximizing the potential of their new assets.

Her new 'dreadnought' Solis Aeternus,
is called 'MC80 Star Cruiser'.

It is a massive and versatile capital ship. With its impressive arsenal of turbolasers, ion cannons, and missile launchers, possesses formidable offensive capabilities to engage both starfighters and larger enemy vessels.

Its deflector shield systems provide strong defensive protection, while the ship's hangar bays support the deployment of starfighters and support craft.

It can serves as a command ship, coordinating fleet operations and functioning as a mobile headquarters. Equipped with powerful engines.

The hyperdrive is superior to their own Class-1 Hyperdrive, making hyperspace travel much faster, easier and efficient.

'Whith that fucking dimension keeps eating the ship's energy and all'

Valeria mused.

It is simply a perfect ship for their position and she think the Imperator know it to.

The traning time for them to operate this ship is still ongoing because of unfamiliarity with its numerous systems. However, with the comprehensive "knowledge" bestowed upon them by the Imperator, Valeria had no doubt that it would only be a matter of time before they mastered every aspect of this formidable craft.

'It is trully a blessing from the divine primus'

Valeria whispered, offering a small prayer to her former Imperator. With a sense of reverence, she refocused on the conversation at hand.

"I understand. But let's not get too carried away. Tomorrow's test will be maneuvering through the asteroid field to assess its capabilities. You can go all out then."

Valeria cautioned.

"Aye, aye, Commander."

Ignis leader responded over the comms, her voice filled with anticipation.

The line went silent as the her X-wing soared away from the ship, leaving Valeria to contemplate the immense power and potential that lay ahead, all thanks to the divine gift bestowed upon them.


Unknown asteroid belt
Ignis Volantis Task Force

The next day



Juno Vespera shouted excitedly inside the cockpit.

"This fighter is amazing!"

She exclaimed, dodging asteroid grains like snakes, weaving through the corridors of asteroids.

"How does it feel, Ignis Leader?"

Commander Valeria's voice could be heard through the comlink on Juno's helmet.

"It's even more amazing than yesterday, Commander."

Juno replied, unable to contain her excitement as she skillfully maneuvered the ship, evading the asteroids.

"I thought I knew the limits of its maneuverability, but this fighter keeps surprising me."

Juno continued, her eyes focused and sharp, her sweaty face beaming with a smile.

"That's to be expected. The X-wing has a smaller and lighter design compared to the Omega fighter."

Commander Valeria explained, understanding Juno's feelings.

"Combined with solar ionization reactor technology, it makes your engine faster, stronger, and more enduring."

Commander Valeria continued explaining as Juno pushed the X-wing to its absolute limit, skillfully navigating through the asteroid field.

After a couple of round going through the asteroid fiield, the next test begin.

"Now that you've familiarized yourself with the X-wing's maneuverability, let's put its weapons to the test."

Commander Valeria instructed.

"Copy that, Commander. Ready to engage the weapons."

Juno responded eagerly, her hands gripping the control sticks.

"The X-wing is equipped with four laser cannons and a proton torpedo launcher. The laser cannons are your primary weapons, providing you with precise and rapid-fire capabilities."

Commander Valeria explained.

Juno targeted a cluster of asteroid debris and unleashed a barrage of laser fire. The cannons emitted brilliant bursts of energy, tearing through the debris with precision. The impact of the laser fire caused the smaller fragments to disintegrate into dust.

"The laser cannons are highly effective against smaller targets and provide excellent coverage in dogfights."

Commander Valeria commented.

"Now, let's try the proton torpedoes. They are heavy-hitting missiles with powerful warheads that can take out larger, more heavily armored targets."

she continued.

Juno armed the proton torpedoes and locked onto a larger chunk of asteroid. She fired a single torpedo, and it streaked through space, leaving a trail of energy in its wake. The torpedo impacted the asteroid, creating a small explosion that shattered the rock into pieces.

"The proton torpedoes are slower but pack a devastating punch. They're ideal for taking out capital ships or hardened targets,"

Commander Valeria explained.

Juno maneuvered the X-wing through the debris field, alternating between laser fire and proton torpedoes, obliterating the asteroids with precision and skill.

"Excellent job, Juno! Your accuracy and control with the X-wing's weapons are impressive. With your piloting skills and the firepower of the X-wing, you'll be a formidable force to our enemy."

Commander Valeria commended. Couldnt contain the proud feeling on her heart.

Juno's exhilaration grew as she felt the power of the X-wing's weapons and witnessed their destructive capabilities.

"Okay, let's do one more test before we conclude this session."

Valeria commented, impressed by the X-wing's performance in the hands of skilled pilot like Juno.

Juno's excitement surged as she eagerly awaited the next challenge. She could feel the adrenaline coursing through her veins, fueled by the thrill of piloting such a remarkable starfighter.

Valeria continued,

"I want you to demonstrate the X-wing's exceptional speed and agility. Locked the S-foils, engage the afterburners and perform a series of evasive maneuvers."

"Copy that, Commander. Locking S-foils."

The split wings of the fighter swiftly closed

"Initiating afterburners."

Juno continued, her voice turned serious.

With a swift flick of her finger, Juno engaged the afterburners, and the X-wing surged forward, leaving a streak of energy in its wake. The starfighter effortlessly weaved through the asteroid field, dodging obstacles with precision and grace.

Valeria watched in awe as Juno showcased the X-wing's agility, executing barrel rolls, sharp turns, and quick dives. The starfighter responded seamlessly to Juno's every command, showcasing its exceptional maneuverability.

"Outstanding! Keep pushing its limits!"

Valeria exclaimed, her voice tinged with admiration.

Juno continued to push the X-wing to its maximum potential, her skillful piloting and the starfighter's capabilities working in perfect harmony. It was a breathtaking display of skill and technology, as the X-wing danced through the asteroid field, leaving trails of energy and evading obstacles with ease.

As the test concluded, Juno's exhilaration lingered, knowing that she had mastered the art of flying the X-wing. She felt a deep sense of pride and confidence, ready to take on any challenge that lay ahead.

Valeria, too, wore a proud smile, realizing that Juno's proficiency with the X-wing would be a valuable asset to their cause. With a skilled pilot and a formidable starfighter like the X-wing, they will being down the Kingdom to its knee.


Commander Valeria walked into the hangar bay, observing the crew as they tended to their duties, searching for Juno.

Juno emerged from the cockpit, her curvaceous yet athletic body snugly encased in a red pilot suit. She removed her similiarly red helmet, revealing her long, tousled blonde hair. Her piercing blue eyes and confident smirk adorned her face, emanating a blend of free spirited and charm.


Juno saluted, and Valeria returned the gesture.


Valeria acknowledged, standing beside Juno as they watched the maintenance personnel diligently working on Juno's newly arrived X-wing.

"So, what is your overall opinion on this fighter, Major?"

the Commander inquired, curious to hear Juno's assessment.

"It's amazing, Commander. I've never piloted a fighter quite like this before. It's incredibly agile and surprisingly easy to learn,"

Juno replied with a smirk, her eyes fixed on the starfighters as if it were her newfound love.

"I understand what you mean."

Valeria nodded in agreement.

"Although it may be smaller and have fewer weapon systems compared to the Omega, it compensates with its speed, maneuverability, and firepower. It boasts powerful shielding. The damn thing even has a hyperdrive. No other starfighter in this galaxy has that."

Juno nodded to Valeria, her blue eyes still fixated on the X-wing before bringing her gaze back to the Commander.

"But i still don't understand one thing Commander, what is that empty socket at the back of the cockpit? The computer said it's a droid socket, but I don't even know what a droid is."

Juno asked a genuine question because the Commander herself didn't know either.

"Me too, Major. The Imperator's data core that contained the 'Knowledge' of the T70-X-wing also said the same thing."

The Commander was as confused and curious about what this so-called 'droid' was. They were familiar with androids or similar concepts but not droids.

"I will make sure to report to Fleet Admiral Stella so she can ask directly to the Imperator. Just in case there are still hidden abilities that we've missed."

She gave her final comment, and Juno nodded in agreement. They both continued with the small talk, until Commander leave the hangar bay to attend to other matters.

Meanwhile, Juno made her way to her quarters to wash off the sweat and grime after test piloting the X-wing.

Little did they know that the Imperator, definitely and undoubtedly, doesn't forget to summon the astromech to complement the X-wing.

The pilot will be lonely without a loveable astromech droid, afer all.

Of course he is not forget.
nice chapter thx for writing it
fun seeing him buying the ship and fighters
do hope he will starting up production to replace broken stuff
Kingdom of Pharahan
Kepheru Province, Northern Sector
Planet Tannas

18 November 3748 AD


Callin Tobs couldn't shake the nervous feeling as he stared out at the expansive grass field from his guard post. He wore a thick jacket, to counter the cold night atmosphere. His nervous feeling somehow make his body a little warmer. But it wasn't fear that made him nervous; it was the anticipation of carrying out their upcoming attack operation.

A few weeks prior, their Century Commander, Vicarius Devan Bradlix, had announced that General Alexios had ordered the start of an attack operation on the hyperspace beacon of Planet Tannas.

The Vicarius explained that planet Tannas had been chosen due to its relatively isolated location, far away from more civilized worlds.

After a couple of months of training with the new weapons, the Imperator decided to assess their progress by conducting a test operation.

General Alexios proposed Tannas as the target. While it was not a major operation, it was not a small one either. It involved seven centuries of the field army, including their own, and the Ignis Volantis Task Force as their counterpart in space fleet operations.

Planet Tannas has been under the jurisdiction of Callin's century, which belongs to the 23rd century of Legio II Nikis' base of operations, for a couple of years now. Their assigned task is not extensive; they are responsible for guarding and monitoring the supply line of the Aurelian fleet.

The former Imperator has placed their own hyperbeacon on the planet. It is placed on the other side of the planet, far away from the prying eyes of royal army who garrison here to protect their own hyperbeacon. As a result, it is also their duty to guarding it.

The function of the hyperspace beacon is as its name suggests.

The hyperbeacon emits a distinct signal that fluctuates within the hyperspace. When a ship intends to travel to another planet, it must establish a connection to the signal emitted by the specific planet's beacon in order to navigate to that particular destination. Without this connection, it would be akin to flying blind.

But if Callin's information is correct, soon they will no longer need such a thing as a hyperbeacon due to the new hyperdrive technology that comes with the new ships. If that is true, the Aurelius, and therefore the rebellion, would have a significant advantage. Callin could feel the victorious atmosphere in the air.

So that is the main goal of this operation: to attack the planet with the fleet of Ignis Volantis Task Force, conduct a planetary invasion, capture and destroy the Kingdom of Pharahan's hyperbeacon, and thus make this planet their own.

The Pharahans may try to retaliate, but there is a small chance of that happening because this planet holds no strategic value for them. However, if they do retaliate, it will take them a long time to find their way back to this planet. By that time, this planet will have become a staging ground for their final operation to tackle down the kingdom itself.

A sound of footsteps woke up Callin from his deep thought.

"You could get in trouble if you daydream during your watch duty."

The new arrival revealed himself. A young man wearing the same standard military jacket as Callin. He looked to be the same age as Callin, with his black hair moving with the night wind.


Callin called him, giving a welcoming smile to his friend.

"Welcome to my humble abode."

he said, pointing inside his guard post in a joking manner, inviting Deron in.

"Thank you for your hospitality,"

Deron replied, joking back as he entered and sat in front of Callin.

"What are you doing here? Your guard duty is ove."

Callin asked, handing Deron a mug of hot coffee.

"I just can't sleep."

Deron shrugged, then drank his hot coffee while leaning against the wall of the guard post.

"Because of tomorrow's operation?"

asked Callin, already knowing the answer. Deron nodded in confirmation.

"I know the feeling."

Callin continued.

"I also can't help but feel nervous."

"Yeah, tomorrow will be the first time we will be using our new weapons and tactics. After months of training with them, I just don't want to make a mistake, you know."

Deron expressed his honest opinion. He took another sip of his coffee, trying to calm down his emotion.

"Hey, don't worry. We've trained day and night, every single day, using those things. At this point, we're all already familiar with them,"

Callin reassured him.

"Besides, you're fantastic with the speeder bike. Our small test run on the enemy garrison a while ago was successful because you and the boys did your job well, even if it's just riding a faster and more agile bike."

Callin continued, remembering the event that took place 2 months ago.

Deron chuckled.

"Yeah, it was glorious. Some garrison soldiers didn't even know they had been raided."

"That's because they've never been raided before. They're stationed in the middle of nowhere, so being attacked by enemies, even on a small scale, really caught them off guard. Those royal army soldiers are a bunch of lazy fuckers. They can't even shoot straight."

Callin expressed his disdain for the royal army.

The garrisoned soldiers on this planet and the 23rd Century never had contact, even though they were on the same planet.

As mentioned before, the century's mission was to guard the hyperbeacon. There was no need for skirmishes with them. Though the century knew about the garrison, while the garrison was unaware of their presence.

But, after a couple of units of 74-Z speeder bikes were provided by high command, the Vicarius couldn't wait to test their power.

So they conducted a small raid on the royal garrison. Which also acting as their first contact.

The speeder bikes were fast and agile but had a relatively thin frame.

The "knowledge" indicated that these speeders focused more on speed than survivability, which made them perfect for reconnaissance and hit-and-run tactics.

"And tomorrow, more new weapons will be unleashed on them. They'll never know what hit them."

Deron said, feeling a bit better after his conversation with Callin.

The two friends continued their conversation until midnight, eagerly awaiting tomorrow's arrival.


In orbit of Tannas

The next day


In the orbit of planet Tannas, a small fleet of the royal fleet looms. Among them are five Crescent-class battlecruiser, the main combat ship of the Kingdom of Pharahan.

These crescent moon-shaped vessels, with their tip serving as the rear section, showcase a centrally located hangar for fighter craft and are adorned with numerous small round raised structures along their exteriors. The bridge is strategically positioned at the center, overseeing the operations of the ship.

Each Crescent-class battlecruiser measures 850 meters in length, following the curve of its crescent moon shape. They have a width of 100 meters and a height of 50 meters. The color scheme of these vessels predominantly features shades of grey and white.

Given the remote and less strategically significant nature of planet Tannas, a defensive force consisting of five Crescent-class destroyers was deemed suitable.

While smaller in scale compared to the larger fleets that would typically guard more important planets, such as those comprising dozens of ships, these five destroyers provide sufficient defensive capabilities to maintain control over Tannas and protect the hyperbeacon.

It was supposed to be another uneventful day for the crew, until a blue-colored gravitational fluctuation caught their attention, indicating the imminent arrival of a ship emerging from hyperspace.

And indeed, eight ships from the Ignis Volantis Task Force materialized right before the Royal Fleet, marking the beginning of the attack operation.

On one of the crescent ships called the Breaker, the bridge crew was in a state of panic.

The sudden appearance of an unknown fleet caught them completely off guard.

One crewman hurriedly reported to Captain Nusa, who rushed into the bridge.

"Captain! eight unknown vessels just emerged from hyperspace!!"

The crewman informed, his voice filled with nervousness.

"I can see that. What do we know about the enemy vessels?"

Nusa asked, his own anxiety evident as he surveyed the unfamiliar vessels outside his bridge.

The majority of the enemy ships displayed an arrowhead design, varying in size.

However, what truly unsettled him was the sheer scale of these ships, including one particularly large vessel with an elegant curve and a distinct bulbous shape, standing apart from the rest of the enemy fleet.

"We don't have any information on them, sir, but these ships bear some kind of eagle symbol on their hull."

The crewman explained, his voice tinged with fear. He spoke in a hushed tone, aware of Captain Nusa's tendency to punish displays of cowardice.

"Who the hell are these people?"

Nusa exclaimed incredulously. Numerous questions raced through his bald, glistening head.

Is another nation has attacked them ?
If so who ?
Who in this galaxy that have that kind of power to produce such a mighty fleet.

Has another nation launched an attack against them? If so, who could it be? Which faction in this galaxy possesses the power to assemble such a formidable fleet? Is it the Aldebaran Confederacy, seeking to expand its borders?

Or perhaps the Celestial Dominion, attempting to impose its "superior way of life"?

These questions reverberated in his mind.


Meanwhile, on the bridge of the Solis Aeternus, Commander Valeria ordered.

"What is the status of the fleet?"

She asked one of her crewmen.

"All vessel reporting in, Commander. No complications."

The crewman reported from his station.

The ships that the Ignis Volantis task force used is not all of their overall ship.

The ships that they use are 1 MC80 Star Cruiser, 2 Venators, 2 Arquitens, and 3 Consulars. Againts 5 of the Crescent battlecruiser. Which enough for them to test the new ships power.

The Venators also carying the troops and walkers for ground invasion consist of 10 centuries lead by The Optio, Abelus Calvus.

Uniquely, all of their upper hull have an imperial eagle style mark on them.

She gave a nod and asked another question.

"And what about our hyperdrive?"

Valeria inquired, eager to know if their configuration was functioning properly.

"Our hyperdrive engine is operating at 95% power, Commander. It's incredible."

the crewman replied, his tone filled with amazement.

In order to travel faster than light, a ship must utilize a hyperdrive to enter the hyperspace, a separate dimension from the real world. Hyperspace is considered a "lower dimension" compared to the "real dimension" where everyone exists.

However, there is a drawback to hyperspace travel: the hyperspace gradually depletes the ship's power upon entry and continues to do so until the ship exits.

Therefore, the longer the travel distance, the more the ship's energy is consumed by the hyperspace. If the ship runs out of energy, it will be forcibly ejected from hyperspace.

To mitigate this, many vessels need to periodically exit hyperspace to recharge their hyperdrive, a process that typically takes no more than 2 hours.

During a typical journey lasting less than a month, the hyperspace will deplete approximately 20% of the ship's power. This means that even a one-minute journey will experience the same power drain as a month-long travel. If the travel duration exceeds a month, the energy drain from the hyperspace becomes gradually increased.

With the introduction of the new ships and some modifications to the new hyperdrive system, the Science and Engineering division has successfully reduced the power drain in hyperspace travel to just 5%.

This significant improvement has granted them an additional advantage for their fleet.

"Good, the calibration has been a success."

Valeria replied, a satisfied smile on her face. With that report out of the way, she redirected her focus towards the impending battle that was about to commence.

"Connect me to the enemy vessels."

Valeria ordered. The crewman swiftly followed her command, manipulating his station to establish the communication link.

"Connected, Commander."

the crewman confirmed.

Valeria cleared her throat and addressed the enemy vessels with authority, her voice projecting through the comms system.

"Attention to the Royal Fleet vessels, my name is Commander Valeria Gibson of the Ignis Volantis Task Force, serving under the Vis Imperatoris Legion of the Aurelius Grand Fleet. I must inform you that you are currently outnumbered. Surrender the planet and your vessels, and prepare to be boarded. Any other course of action will result in your destruction."

She spoke with conviction, hoping deep down that they would refuse to surrender. An easy victory would be anticlimactic, and she knew they were prepared to fight.

"My name is Captain Nusa Khanu of the Royal Fleet's 45th Division."

A male voice from the enemy fleet responded.

"You are nothing but rebel scum,"

he retorted defiantly.

"We will not surrender anything to you. If you want it, come and get it."

Valeria nodded, accepting the expected response.

"So be it."

she replied firmly.

The crewman terminated the communication and reconnected with the entire fleet, relaying the impending order to attack. Valeria wasted no time.

"All fleet, maintain the attack formation and engage the enemy fleet. Now!"

she commanded, her voice carrying authority and determination.

The flagship, Solis Aeternus, positioned itself at the rear of the formation. The two Venator-class ships took the lead, with the Arquitens and Consular cruisers flanking them, creating a protective perimeter.

Valeria continued, addressing the leader of the Ignis squadron.

"Ignis leader, prepare the fighters and await my order."

Major Juno's voice came through the communication link, responding crisply,

"Aye aye, Commander."





Nusa's voice pierced through the chaotic atmosphere inside the bridge as the ship continued to be bombarded by the relentless onslaught of the enemy.

The crew scrambled to provide updates amidst the deafening noise and violent shaking of the vessel.

"Our shields are down to 70%, sir!"

A crewman shouted over the cacophony, his voice filled with panic and urgency.

"The rebel vessel is equipped with a highly powerful energy weapon, surpassing our laser beamcaster capabilities!"

The crewman's words hit Nusa like a blow, fueling his frustration and amplifying the gravity of the situation.

"The Chain and the Holder are overwhelmed by the enemy's smaller vessels!"

The crew continued relaying information about the status of the other ships in their fleet, their voices strained and filled with concern.

Nusa's mind raced, trying to come up with a strategy to counter the enemy's overwhelming firepower.

"Close the distance and target the smallest enemy vessel!"

His voice resonated with a mix of desperation and resolve, the gravity of the situation weighing heavily upon him.

The breaker unleashed a barrage of laser beamcaster fire towards the smallest enemy vessel.

However, to their dismay, the rebel ship boasted a powerful deflecting shield, rendering their attacks almost ineffective.

"The rebels are utilizing an incredibly resilient deflecting shield, sir! Our weapons are barely making a dent in its capacity!"

The crewman's incredulous response only added to Nusa's mounting frustration. He gritted his teeth and barked back:

"Then keep firing! Their shield cannot hold forever!"

The breaker relentlessly poured its firepower onto the enemy vessel, each concentrated beam of energy attempting to breach the formidable shield.

Meanwhile, the agile rebel ship deftly evaded the incoming fire with its remarkable maneuverability, frustrating the crew on the bridge.


Another explosion rocked the breaker, sending alarms blaring throughout the bridge, intensifying the already tense atmosphere.

"Silence those alarms!"

Nusa commanded, his voice cutting through the chaos and issued a new order.

"Launch all fighters! Target the largest arrowhead shape vessel and keep their fire away from us!"


As the battle raged on between the Ignis Volantis Task Force and the Royal Fleet, the space transformed into a chaotic symphony of laser fire, painting the void with vivid bursts of energy.

Meanwhile on the bridge of the Solis Aeternus there is no desperate atmosphere like in the breaker, but tense atmosphere still palpable.

It was their first engagement with the enemy using the new ships, and the crew couldn't help but feel a mixture of nerves and anticipation.

"Status on our forces."

Commander Valeria asked which the crew swiftly responded, relaying the information they had gathered.

"Our ships are performing exceptionally well, Commander. Our turbolasers outclass their beamcasters, and our deflector shields are superior."

A crew member reported calmly, with a hint of pride in his voice.

"One of the Consular-class ships sustained mid shield damage due to concentrated enemy fire, but overall, our forces maintain the advantage."

A smile tugged at Valeria's lips as she listened to the encouraging report. All crew on the bridge have the same feeling.

But its soon interrupted by another report from the crew.

"The enemy has launched their fighters, commander. Its going to the venators. Definitely trying do draw out their fire."

Valeria's grin widened. She swiftly gave the order to open a channel to the hangar bay.

"Major, it's time to show the enemy what our fighters are capable of. Are the pilots prepared?"

Valeria inquired, her voice filled with anticipation.

Juno, leader of the X-wing squadrons answer.

"All fighters are ready, Commander."

Valeria's eyes sparkled with as she issued the final command.

"Launch the fighters!"

The hangar bay doors opened, and one by one, the sleek T70 X-wings soared out of the Solis Aeternus, their engines humming with power. The squadrons of X-wings formed up and swiftly maneuvered towards the enemy fighters, ready to engage.