Vote tally - The Humanity War: A Mecha Girl Quest

Adhoc vote count started by Kkutlord on Oct 4, 2018 at 6:32 PM, finished with 66 posts and 18 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
The Humanity War: A Mecha Girl Quest
Post #1
Post #66


  • [X] Plan Sky Knight
    -[X] Noble Family - Serving the crown directly is a great honor bestowed upon your family, and you are the envy of the peerage. You can maneuver the high class circles with ease and are a diplomatic expert. (100 CP cost)
    -[X] Standard - A balanced mix of power, speed, and armor intended for more general purpose use and tactical flexibility.
    -[X] Knight Saber (100) - You gain the effect of Advanced Melee. However in addition you gain the ability to deflect bullets with the blade, able to move it at blinding speeds. Add 30 to your Evasion Stat.
    -[x] Knight Shield (100) - A large shield, it serves as a great defense against normal weaponry. It is easy to maneuver and doesn't interfere with your ability to attack.
    -[X] Air Force (200) - Flight ceiling fifteen hundred meters, max speed two hundred kph, up to six hours of flight operation. You are basically a human sized fighter plane.
    [X] Plan Albion Recon Four
    -[X] Water Compatible (50) - Most mecha girls are too dense to float, but you can swim like normal.
    -[X] Animal Companion (50) - A bit more than a pet, your EC resonates with this animal on some level, letting you give it complex instructions that it easily understands. Due to the resonance it is highly loyal to you.
    -[X] Kemonomimi (100) - You are one of the mech girls who developed animalistic traits after your conversion. More specifically you grew animal ears on the top of your head, as well as gained a sharper sense of smell, hearing, and night vision. You have a much easier time detecting stealthy or otherwise hidden enemies and detecting threats at a greater distance.
    -[X] Twin Sister (200) - Perhaps not literally, though most often it is, a Twin in this case is somebody whose EC resonates perfectly with your own, resulting in a dramatic increase in performance from both girls. Expect to be always deployed with your Twin except under the most dire circumstances. Their starting stats are the same as yours and they have the same perks.
    -[X] Knight Saber (100) - You gain the effect of Advanced Melee. However in addition you gain the ability to deflect bullets with the blade, able to move it at blinding speeds. Add 30 to your Evasion Stat.
    [X] Average Home - You came from a typical home with a loving family. While dealing with the upper class and nobles is a bit intimidating you ay least have a basic understanding of what you are doing.
    [X] Light - A frame with less weight by cutting down on armor and weaponry, focusing on speed and maneuverability. Excellent for scouts and harriers.
    [x] Plan Old Steel
    -[x] War refugee - After your homeland lost, your family fled to Albion. Now you're burning with desire for revenge and reclamation of your home. You're total outsider and might have troubles communicating properly. (+100 CP)
    -[x] Heavy - Focusing on armor and firepower at the expense of speed and maneuverability these frames are intended for more frontal assaults and large scale combat.
    -[x] Flight Capable (100) - Sure you have a flight ceiling of only one hundred meters and you can't go much faster than your overland speed, but it is up to two hours of flight time, letting you avaoid difficult terrain and gain some air superiority over ground bound foes.
    -[x] Heat Resistance (50) - High temperatures don't bother you as much. In addition it takes a lot more work to overheat your engines or weapons.
    -[x] Advanced Melee (100) - Oh, that's better. A larger weapon such as a sword, spear, battle ax, scythe, or what have you is just the most obvious upgrade. Your new hydraulic system really adds a punch to your attack, letting it sheer metal.
    -[x] Self Repair Module (50) - You can heal yourself from injury at an accelerated rate, recovering about a days worth of rest in six hours. While it won't do much on a battlefield besides keep you from bleeding out it can cut down recovery time from serious injury by days or even weeks.
    -[x] Coat of Arms (300) - You gain an EP coating over your armor, massively boosting your defenses. Your armor takes on a brilliant scarlet color, which will ruin any stealth attempts. Not that you need to worry as much about that with this big a boost to your defense.
    [X] Plan: Hit and Run
    -[X] Orphan - You grew up without any sort of parents or a lot of normal social interaction. Now finding yourself as part of the upper class is a big shock and you have difficulty interacting with the upper class. You also find it hard to get their respect, with whispers going on in the background about your lack of class. (+100 CP disadvantage)
    -[X] Light - A frame with less weight by cutting down on armor and weaponry, focusing on speed and maneuverability. Excellent for scouts and harriers.
    -[X] Natural Born (300) - Ooh, oh wow. You are rare. And you have high expectations placed on you. People expect you to be an ace in no time. Select a second age, that is when you enlisted. Modify the Starting Stats and Growth Rate up by ++.
    -[X] Air Force (200) - Flight ceiling fifteen hundred meters, max speed two hundred kph, up to six hours of flight operation. You are basically a human sized fighter plane.
    -[X] Knight Saber (100) - You gain the effect of Advanced Melee. However in addition you gain the ability to deflect bullets with the blade, able to move it at blinding speeds. Add 30 to your Evasion Stat.
    [X] Plan Where Do You Need Us
    -[X] Orphan - You grew up without any sort of parents or a lot of normal social interaction. Now finding yourself as part of the upper class is a big shock and you have difficulty interacting with the upper class. You also find it hard to get their respect, with whispers going on in the background about your lack of class. (+100 CP disadvantage)
    -[x] Heavy - Focusing on armor and firepower at the expense of speed and maneuverability these frames are intended for more frontal assaults and large scale combat.
    -[x] Flight Capable (100) - Sure you have a flight ceiling of only one hundred meters and you can't go much faster than your overland speed, but it is up to two hours of flight time, letting you avaoid difficult terrain and gain some air superiority over ground bound foes.
    -[X] Cold Resistance (50) - You aren't as bothered by cold and snow, and your parts and fluids are much more resistant to freezing and causing issues that way.
    -[x] Heat Resistance (50) - High temperatures don't bother you as much. In addition it takes a lot more work to overheat your engines or weapons.
    -[x] Self Repair Module (50) - You can heal yourself from injury at an accelerated rate, recovering about a days worth of rest in six hours. While it won't do much on a battlefield besides keep you from bleeding out it can cut down recovery time from serious injury by days or even weeks.
    -[X] Fuel Efficient (50) - While the typical mech girl will have five WacBonald's Big Wacs, a bucket of fries, and a two liter bottle of soda for lunch, and maybe an extra Bug Wac or two as snacks before dinner, you get the energy you need from eating the normal amount of food for a girl your age. It doesn't let you run longer or use an special abilities more than normal, but refueling is a lot easier and cheaper. Provisions thanks you from the bottom of their hearts.
    -[X] Twin Sister (200) - Perhaps not literally, though most often it is, a Twin in this case is somebody whose EC resonates perfectly with your own, resulting in a dramatic increase in performance from both girls. Expect to be always deployed with your Twin except under the most dire circumstances. Their starting stats are the same as yours and they have the same perks.
    -[X] Knight Saber (100) - You gain the effect of Advanced Melee. However in addition you gain the ability to deflect bullets with the blade, able to move it at blinding speeds. Add 30 to your Evasion Stat.
    [X] Plan: Stand Behind Me!
    -[X] Orphan - You grew up without any sort of parents or a lot of normal social interaction. Now finding yourself as part of the upper class is a big shock and you have difficulty interacting with the upper class. You also find it hard to get their respect, with whispers going on in the background about your lack of class. (+100 CP disadvantage)
    -[x] Heavy - Focusing on armor and firepower at the expense of speed and maneuverability these frames are intended for more frontal assaults and large scale combat.
    -[x] Heat Resistance (50) - High temperatures don't bother you as much. In addition it takes a lot more work to overheat your engines or weapons.
    -[X] Pandora's Box (300) - Gain Forward Shield and both bonuaes from Shield Master.
    -[X] Healing Hands (100) - You can use Energy Particle emmiters in your hands to repair yourself or others as though benefiting from a Self Repair Module. If your target has one, the effects stack to double their already impressive recovery rate.
    [X] Fuel Efficient (50) - While the typical mech girl will have five WacBonald's Big Wacs, a bucket of fries, and a two liter bottle of soda for lunch, and maybe an extra Bug Wac or two as snacks before dinner, you get the energy you need from eating the normal amount of food for a girl your age. It doesn't let you run longer or use an special abilities more than normal, but refueling is a lot easier and cheaper. Provisions thanks you from the bottom of their hearts.
    [X] Knight Saber (100) - You gain the effect of Advanced Melee. However in addition you gain the ability to deflect bullets with the blade, able to move it at blinding speeds. Add 30 to your Evasion Stat.