The House of Rebirth (ME/Destiny SI/OC)

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So, here's something else that wouldn't leave me alone. Figured I should post it up. Only my...
Arc 1: The Beginning


[Eating My Muse]
Somewhere in the Sol System
So, here's something else that wouldn't leave me alone. Figured I should post it up. Only my second story on SV.

Minor warning, this has a varied update schedule. Maybe in the neighborhood of one week to three weeks at a time. Just letting you all know.

Other warnings:
- I'm taking liberties with Destiny lore seeing as the Bungie team left the Grimoire fairly light...
- Languages used are translated through either Google Translate or some other programs. Correct me if you believe I'm mistaken on sentence structure or word choice.
- This is considered AU (alternate Universe) in regards to major/minor details that I elaborate/don't elaborate on. Point something out if you think its something strange.
- I'm not a scientist, a physicist, etc. If I have the science wrong and you can cite a source (or bullshit it REALLY well), I'll take your explanation instead.
- I'm not a professional writer, though I have a large vocabulary if I care to utilize it and may use strange words at times that Look English but might not be. I'll elaborate if asked.
- Mistakes and such are expected without any BETA help. If you got time and an interest, I'd love the help for this and The Light is Not Gone.

Please Enjoy.

EDIT: A whole section was lost in transit and has been added back in.

Ever seen a light go out? Yeah? Now imagine it happening in slow motion. That's what dying is like.
You're aware…alive in one moment.
Then everything is fading. Everything is going dark; going cold. The sun stops being as bright. The sounds echo so softly that you strain to hear them.
And as you're fighting to stay awake, sleep…death claims you.

And then you wake up.

I wish I hadn't.

The House of Rebirth - (Mass Effect/Destiny SI/OC)

Arc 1: The Beginning

The first thing I was aware of was this hunger. Not hunger in the usual sense of 'Need-Some-Snacks'. It was more of a…something inside me is missing. A hunger that didn't quite gnaw at my mind; it poked and prodded to make itself known, a mere hindrance that was always at the back of my mind. It's something important; more important than anything else that I need…that I need it so bad, right now.

I awoke with a strangled gasp, coming from a mouth that felt wrong. I looked through eyes that I knew were not mine and felt through hands that were too many. I wasn't myself anymore.

Clambering to my feet, I stood with unfamiliar posture and stumbled against a crumbling wall. Sand slides from my body, leaving me dusty and covered with grit. Bracing, I stared at the hand propping myself up. A three digit hand encased in shoddy steel-like armor the color of bone held me up. Looking down, I gazed upon this body that felt wrong, yet right?

Add a little battle damage and you got me

I recognized my form. I am...a Fallen? I remember things. Not full blown memories, but flashes of things.

I am Fallen, a remnant of a once proud race - a race abandoned by the Light.
A Captain of the House of Devils.
My name is Krull, Blood of Krill - my sire, long dead; killed by an undying servant of the Wandering Moon.
I hold the Blood of seven Barons, an Archon and a Kell long past.

Yet I am also...Older-Than-Time. A...human from a distant world, verdant green and deep seas. This human had another name, a name given at birth that I could not remember. Fragments of my, no his memories are all that is left.

I am Krull and I am alive.

I am stranded on this desert world, without my Vandal entourage nor my Dreg underlings. I am alone, yet I have confidence. Not all is lost. My armor functions, though some pieces are compromised; the power system holds steady and Ether stores remain near-full. I shouldn't need for at least a day. My wire rifle is held in three arms, at the ready and ammunition at half capacity. A mere fifteen shots remain.

Traversing this near-inhospitable plain is peaceful. There is little life other than sparse vegetation and flyers out in the distance. One such flyer hung from belt, a gaping hole in one of its six wings. Covered in strange spines and thin scales, it looked edible. Only time and careful tasting would tell. Up a slight incline, I entered a small cave. Only thirteen paces deep, its size made it ideal for my purposes. Staggering from a sudden rush of thoughts invading my mind, I slump against the cave wall.
"LET ME OUT!! I'M STILL HERE! Listen to me, our name isn't Krull, its-..."

My thoughts are foggy, but I manage to suppress the human's cries within. I am Krull and this is my body, human. You are a feeble existence, a mere whisper of life unfit to remain in this world. Begone.

He falls silent once more and I pull small satchel from my lower back. Inside are the few pieces of technology I personally carried with me at all times. The dregs were all incompetent and greedy vermin and the vandals too eager to keep these safe. Out I pull a human invention; a heat producer powered by the sun. The ray catcher is slightly damaged and the connecting cord's wiring exposed at certain areas, but it was serviceable. I set it up carefully, exposing the ray catcher to the harsh gaze of the planet's star. In mere moments, the heating element glowed a burning orange and significant warmth radiated from it.

I began cleaning the flyer of its hide and spines, placing slices of flesh upon the mesh to cook. The sun left its zenith and finally the meat was ready. Removing a portion of my breather mask, I took a single breath and waited.

A light upon my wrist flashes bright blue and I breath openly. My armor indicated nothing truly harmful was present in the air, so I moved on to my main test. If the flyer was edible enough, my ether stores would last me all that much longer. Without a Servitor to provide ether, I would slowly waste away.

The hunger would win. But I wouldn't let that happen.
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Arc 1: The Beast
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No matter! I shall present the next chapter!

P.S. InvisiText is a thing.

Arc 1: The Beast

The flyer was edible.

It was not tasty, nor filling, but I could sustain myself on enough of the creatures to conserve my ether. Night had fallen and the silence became deafening. I had resumed my journey in what I assumed was the planet's 'western' direction, not having any particular destination in mind. Much of the knowledge I had indicated that civilization had always been 'west'. And according to the greater and greater amounts of rubble and crumbling ruins I traveled through and past, that knowledge my prove true.

The land was covered in rocky crags, sand swept plains and hundreds, if not thousands of time-worn ruins as far as the eye could see. This planet was once home to a great civilization, but some cataclysm must have occurred to have struck it down.

Idly, I wondered if this was one of the countless planets that the Wandering Moon had visited and abandoned in its journey, just as it did with my ancestral home.
"I know this place! This is freaking Tuchanka, you fucktard! Get off the sand, there are fucking Maws under you!!"

Nothing in particular happened for the next several day-night cycles. I hunted. I walked. I took careful sips from the ether through the feeding tube of my envirohelm. The landscape had become much sandier; the dunes have grown to be larger that a Ketch is tall. I could hide a thousand walkers in these dunes and none would be the wiser...

It was not until the tenth day that I spotted it. A gleaming tower that touched the clouds off in the distance.
"The Tower from ME2. You need to stay away from that. The mother of all fucking Maws hides at the base of that."

I closed the distance slowly. The ruins were more clumped together here and the sand very unstable. I took to climbing onto the rubble at the faint insistence of the human still lingering within the recesses of my mind. I knew not what a 'Maw' was, but it would fall like all others had before the might of the Fallen.

I sat atop a crumbled statue of what were possibly the former inhabitants of this planet. A humpbacked creature with only two stumpy arms and a great crest upon their brows. I am unsure of their true height, but if what the long faded murals on the ancient walls suggests are true, they are fairly large and were once great warriors.
"Krogan were warriors alright, they were some of the baddest muthas you'd ever come across. A healing factor, secondary and tertiary organs, exceptionally fertile and they grew fast. I'm pretty sure they would have kicked your asses before they got nerfed by the geckos."

I growled at the human's ramblings and shook my head. I needed to reach that tower. It might have some form of communications systems that I could salvage to contact my people. And then we could claim this planet, salvaging all that remained of these 'krogan' for our purposes, Sepiks willing.

Taking one last rink from the ether sup, I began my trek to the tower's base.

At least that had been the plan, until the ground started shaking.
"Thresher Maw! Move our ass back onto the rocks, you idiot!"

I stood my ground, wire rifle ready to slay this beast once it appeared. And lo, did it appear in an eruption of sand and dirt. A massive worm with two scything arms and a tentacled mouth, roaring to the sky. I am ashamed to admit I heeded the human's pitiful whimperings.

I ran as fast as my legs could carry me back into the ruins.
"Run you idiot, run!! I'm too young to die a second time!!"
I, Krull, sulked in the shadows of the ruin. The beast was there in the sands, waiting and the tower that could hold the key to taking this world was just beyond it. I needed a plan and weapons powerful enough to slay the creature. My honor demanded it.
"Your 'Honor demanded it'? Dude, just jump on the damn rocks and don't touch the sand if you really need to get into the tower. Just like that movie, Tremors, really. Or we could go along that road waaaaay over there and reach a camp of krogans who may or may not kill us on sight. Wow, our options suck. Maw on one hand, camp of krogans on the other...

Ignoring the human's ramblings, I drew my cloak around me and fell into a light sleep. I would need my rest for the upcoming hunt.
"Aw, come on! I gave you a reasonable solution that wouldn't result in our untimely deaths...again! And you still wanna take that Maw on? Fucking Fallen!"

The rays of another dawn awoke me. I shook off the sand that had gathered upon me and began searching for more of those flyers. I hungered and my ether was not limitless.
"The Ether. What's that all about anyways? The Grimoire Cards were never really clear on that. Is it an essential nutrient or something?"

I snorted at the human's ignorance. Ether is Life. After the Light abandoned my ancestors and the Darkness fell upon us, we were left cursed by the Light's absence. The Light which we had grown dependent on had disappeared and my people began starving, unable to live on...nor reproduce. Thus, our greatest minds gathered and together created our saviors.

The Servitors.

These god machines took raw matter and created a substitute for the Light we hungered for; various materials were tried and metals and ores were found to be the easiest to use. This was called Ether and it was our salvation. Ether granted my people life once again, sustaining us in place of the Light and allowed us to grow once more. No more people dying from a hunger we could not quench and no more pups born without life.

Ether granted us Life...and a chance for revenge.

I am Krull and I remember our Vengeance.
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Thanks. Its been bothering me ever since I finished the third chapter of TLiNG. This is pretty big AU focused on individual and cultural interactions.

Reapers are a footnote in history.
i know very little about destiny beyond the world is ending and the night is dark and full of terrors blah blah blah.
watched anyway
Hmm, dont really see the point of the invisitext at all. Your MC can apparently hear what's said so its not like it's a subtle, hidden thing. Also with the length of those words, it just makes the story look weirdly formatted and forces your readers to highlight the page just to read something you want them to see anyways.

Just italicize it to show its a thought.
Hmm, dont really see the point of the invisitext at all. Your MC can apparently hear what's said so its not like it's a subtle, hidden thing. Also with the length of those words, it just makes the story look weirdly formatted and forces your readers to highlight the page just to read something you want them to see anyways.

Just italicize it to show its a thought.
I cannot agree strongly enough. You've caught my interest with the first chapter, but the invisi text in the second nearly made me throw my phone down in disgust.
Not to mention filled me with a burning hatred of you the author Older-than-time for using such an obnoxious gimmick in your writing.

Please think of your readers using phones to read your story, an ancient iphone in my own case, and just use normal font changes as suggested above.
At most maybe try changing the text color, though that can be annoying to some as well.

Just don't use invisi text, it's the refuge of hack writers who should die in a fire.

Don't take the hateful rant too seriously, you just hit a pet peeve of mine. I'm really looking forward to seeing where you take this story.
I stopped using invis text in my stories for the same reason and now use dark grey. It's hardish to spot but easy enough to read. so it should solve the above mentioned problems. Mostly it's a phone/tablet thing. Sure invistext seems fine for PC readers, and it is. But phones/tablets can't easily highlight to see it.
You're right, just noticed that. Editing tonight!

Sleep, who needs it anyways?
Okay, set up the formerly invisible text as dark grey. Hopefully much better now.

Other news:
- Turns out I once again lost a buttload of text from the last chapter. Gonna have to find out where that section went.

A fork in the path has occurred! I can either:
-- Slowly introduce more Fallen into the story as lost members that Krull shall gather before leaving the planet via a repaired Ketch
-- Have him stumble upon a small group of Fallen and take command.
- The Fallen characters have pretty much been written, but I'm open to suggestions.
I cannot agree strongly enough. You've caught my interest with the first chapter, but the invisi text in the second nearly made me throw my phone down in disgust.
Not to mention filled me with a burning hatred of you the author Older-than-time for using such an obnoxious gimmick in your writing.

Please think of your readers using phones to read your story, an ancient iphone in my own case, and just use normal font changes as suggested above.
At most maybe try changing the text color, though that can be annoying to some as well.

Just don't use invisi text, it's the refuge of hack writers who should die in a fire.

Your advice has been heeded.

I'm okay with the burning hate rant. It has an actual reason behind it. I'm cool with that. Text color has been changed to be slightly less frustrating, but still hidden enough.
Your advice has been heeded.

I'm okay with the burning hate rant. It has an actual reason behind it. I'm cool with that. Text color has been changed to be slightly less frustrating, but still hidden enough.
You are awesome.

And now I have something to pass the time with at work while I go back and re-read the chapters to see what I missed. :)
Love the concept so far looking forward to more.

I don't see any reason to not just make the text italic/whatever, dark grey still needs to be highlighted on certain forum background settings and gets annoying pretty fast.
Hmm, I'll look it over. Probably will just italicize, but the SI-me can only be heard by Krull... Lets use a less invisible color! Again!
Okay, updated chapters.

Here's a guide:
- Yellow = SI Speaking
- Italicized = OC Thinking
- Red = [REDACTED]
- Blue = AI Speech
Arc 1: The Tower
Here's another chapter, this one BETA'd by Kerashana

Arc 1: The Tower

"Okay, you and me? We got a communication problem. I try and give you good advice and you ignore said advice, nearly getting us killed. I don't know about you, but I'd like to stay alive. So let's make a deal; I only talk to give you advice and warnings. You heed my advice and warnings, keeping us alive; agreed?"

I growled and redoubled my efforts in treating the wounds gained from hunting the sand worm.

"They're called Thresher Maws, Krull."

Another bandage covers the last gash in my flesh and a cautionary drink of ether left me ready for another attempt. Standing upon the sands and roaring my challenge at the worm had been somewhat foolish in hindsight, but it was an honorable endeavor. The beast was powerful; its hide could shrug off my wire rifle and my blade could not pierce it. No matter, if the strength of my arms could not fell it, the power of my mind would prevail.

"Krull, you're really dramatic when you monologue. Just letting you know. But seriously, let's just bypass the Maw, get to the Tower and if any of your House is nearby, make this a pack hunt!"

My musings came to a halt at the human's latest comment. A plan such as that would gain me significant standing in the eyes of my Kell; possibly enough to earn me the right to title of Baron… Hiding my disgust at following the human's advice, I began my trek on the rocks and rubble towards the Tower.

"See! That wasn't so hard, was it?" Silence, human! "Yeesh, so touchy!" I ignored his ramblings once more. The trek across the ruins was simplistic yet…oddly relaxing. Vegetation had made the ancient grounds their home, granting the architecture an ancient savage beauty; the artificial grotto held first trees and water sources I'd seen since my arrival. Immediately, I strode towards the large pool of water. Though I primarily subsisted on ether and meat, water and vegetation made mildly adequate supplements to extend the periods of time in which I could go without consuming more ether.

"So...Krull, what are you gonna do if you can't contact your House? I mean, this is Tuchanka, which is in a completely different dimension than you're familiar with. There's no Traveler, no Hive, no Vex, no Cabal...I'm pretty sure there's no Fallen either. Makes me wonder how you got here, actually…"

I stiffened at the human's words. It had to be a lie; the human had to be lying. If my House had ceased to exist, then I would be the architect of its rebirth. If all my enemies had fallen, then their kingdoms would be my House's to take.

But if the Wandering Moon, the 'Traveler', no longer existed...then the centuries my people suffered in our hunt for vengeance…

...they would be meaningless. I shook my head and cast out the insidious doubt the human dared plant in my mind. Resuming my trek, I took careful sips of ether.

The Tower loomed in front of me. It was even taller than I expected and I could see no obvious way inside. Hesitantly, I asked the
human where the entrance was, though once again silence was my answer.

Very well then, I did not need him.

Stepping forward, I felt the wall for any access panels or hidden switches like many times before. Nothing… Looking up and down the length of the base, I spotted an indent in the wall. I approached the oddity and placed my hand upon it. A small section rotates and an access panel made of light flickered into appearance before me. I had never seen technology like this. It was intriguing, yet a waste of power. Attempting to touch the projection, I found that I couldn't interact with it.

So close, yet this...this machine stood in my way. I slammed my fists into the wall repeatedly, frustrated at this final obstruction. Several more strikes later, I slumped against the wall.

"...yo, I found something interesting. You done having your temper tantrum?"

I growled at the human's flippant tone but was too tired to argue. 'What do you want, human?' He was silent...and then there was a tingling sensation. As if I had touched an exposed wire that was powered by Arc Light.

An explosive flash blinded me.

I'll be sticking to an average of 700-1200 words to keep this manageable. I bit off way more than I could handle on, so lesson learned.

If anyone really cares about the stories I had there, just look for Older than Time over there. Or you could follow the link on my sig. Either way, enjoy the story!
What? What did he find?! Why must you tease me with a cliffhanger?!

Anyway, will you meet Krogans? Will the Krell find his way home? Will your SI gain his own body? Which race will try to invade ME?
Thanks. A minor information update: Next chapter is in the works and should be ready by this Friday...